Final Seminar - Report

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“JnanaSangama”, Belagavi – 590018

“IOT Device Penetration Testing”
Submitted in the partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering
degree in Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted By


Under the Guidance of

Mrs. Indu J
Associate Professor,
Dept. of Computer Science &Engg.
ATME College of Engineering,


ATME College of Engineering

13thKilometer, Mysuru-Kanakapura-Bengaluru Road,
“JnanaSangama”, Belagavi – 590018

ATME College of Engineering

13thKilometer, Mysuru-Kanakapura-Bengaluru Road, Mysuru-570028

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


This is to certify that the Seminar Work entitled “IOT Device Penetration Testing” is the
bonafide work carried out by Amruth J (4AD20CS401) in partial fulfillment for the award of
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering from Visvesvaraya
Technological University, Belagavi during the year 2022-2023.

Signature of the Guide Signature of the Coordinator Signature of the HoD

Mrs Indu J Mrs Kavyashree E D Dr Puttegowda D
Associate Professor Assistant Professor Professor & HoD
Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE Dept. of CSE

The successful completion of my work would be incomplete without the mention of the
names of the people who have made it possible. I am indebted to several individuals who have
helped me to complete the report.

I am thankful to Dr. L Basavaraj, Principal, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru,

for having supported us in our academic endeavors.

I am extremely thankful to Dr. Puttegowda D, Associate Professor and HOD,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, for his valuable support and his timely
inquiries into the progress of the work.

I express my earnest gratitude towards my seminar coordinator Mrs Kavyashree E D,

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, who helped me in
getting things done.

I am greatly indebted to my guide Mrs. Indu J, Asst. Professor, Department of

Computer Science and Engineering, for her consistent co-operation and support.

I am obliged to all teaching and non-teaching staff members of Department of

Computer Science and Engineering, Mysuru for the valuable information provided by them in
their respective fields. I am grateful for their co-operation during the period of our project.

Lastly, I thank almighty, parents and friends for their constant encouragement and
support, for helping me in completing the seminar successfully.

Amruth J (4AD20CS401)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is increasingly becoming incorporated into everyday life and we
could argue that this area of computing is changing our lives for the better. We now have technology
that is able to aid us in our everyday, sometimes hectic, lifestyle and make it easier for us to go about
our day. However, not many people may know that with this new technology comes its risks and
security issues. This project aimed to identify just some of the vulnerabilities that are apparent in loT
devices with the aim of better informing the public about the dangers of lot weaknesses. Results
revealed that issues identified in the loT device were able to be exploited using a series of tools and
were able to cause disruption and possible data breaches. Suggestions for increasing the security of
users' devices against these attacks are discussed when evaluating the project.

Sl. No. Title Pg. No.

1. Acknowledgment

2. Abstract

3. Introduction 1

Aim of the Project

Scope of the Project

Structure of the Project

4. Background 2

Internet of Things

IOT top 10

5. Approach 9

IOT Threat Modeling

6. Implementation And Result 19

Network Security

Lock out Device

Deauthentication Attack

7. Conclusion 36

8. References 37

Fig. No. Figure Name Pg. No.

1. Smart Home with Inter-Linked Devices 5

2. Penetration testing methodology 9

3. Home Network Design 10

4. Penetration Testing Network Design 11

5. Front, Back and Restore Button of Belkin WeMo Smart Plug 14

6. Internal Inspection of Device (Motherboard) 15

7. User Case Threat Model Diagram 18

8. WeMo Application Source Code Using Jadx 19

9. Docker MobSF Instance 20

10. MobSF App Score, File Information and App Information 20

11. Port Scan using Nmap 24

12. Monitor Mode Setup 25

13. Airodump-ng Wireless Network Scan 26

14. Channel Before Deauthentication Attack 26

15. Deauthentication Attack on WeMo Smart Plug 27

Channel After Deauthentication Attack Showing WPA

16. 28

17. Searching for EAPoL Packets using Wireshark 28

Graphical Representation of Ping Before SYN Flood Attack on

18. 35
Port 4545
Graphical Representation of Ping During SYN Flood Attack on
19. 35
Port 4545
Dept. of CSE, ATMECE, MYSURU Page 21

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