7es Lp-3rd Quarter

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Department of Education

Division of Oriental Mindoro
Pag-asa, Bansud
Name of Teacher: LAYLANILYN S. FABREGAS Position Title: Secondary School Teacher III
Learning Area: Science Grade Level: 8
Time: 7:30-8:30
Date/s: Day: Monday

I. Objectives  identify the parts of the periodic table;

 enumerate each part of the periodic table;
 discuss each part of the periodic table;
 locate the parts of the periodic table.
A. Content Standards The periodic table of elements as an organizing tool to determine the chemical properties of
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competency: Trace the development of the periodic table from observations based on
similarities in properties of elements;
II. Contents:
III. Learning Resources A. Teacher’s Guide pages:
B. Learner’s Materials pages: Science Learner’s Module 8 P. 212-213
C. Other Learning Resources: Periodic Table and visual aids
IV. Procedures Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Elicit Can you still remember our lesson about those persons who This will be
have made contributions in the development of the periodic done by the
table? students orally.

Great! Now, let us have some recall from what you have learned
about those persons who have made contributions in the Activity sheet,
guide questions
development of the periodic table

I will group you into 3. Count off.

Today, we are going to do # THROWBACK. I will give each group

a scrambled word. You are going to arrange the word/s /persons
who have made contributions in the development of the
periodic table
Do you get me? This activity is good for only 5 minutes. The
fastest group to finish will have an extra 5 points.

B. Engage Are you familiar in Periodic Table of Elements? This will be

done by the
Now, let us guess what word is being formed. students orally.

( ) + dic
+ents + +
C. Explore Based on the activity presented, What do you think is our topic This will be
today? done by the
students orally.
Do you have any idea in the parts of periodic table of elements?

Parts of the Periodic Table of Elements

Periodic Table- is the arrangement of the elements according to its


The three parts of the periodic table.

1. Representative Elements – are elements from the
taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18
and it is also called main groups of periodic table.
2. Transition Elements – It is the elements in Group 3 to
Group 12.
3. Inner Transition Elements – The lanthanides and the
actinides are in the transition elements.
D. Explain Group Activity:
The teacher will prepare periodic table of the elements for
the students

Look at the periodic table of the elements. Tell/write the

elements belong to the following parts:
1. Representative Elements – are elements from
the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13
through 18 and it is also called main groups of
periodic table.
2. Transition Elements – It is the elements in Group
3 to Group 12.
3. Inner Transition Elements – The lanthanides and
the actinides are in the transition elements

(The teacher will provide activity sheets in order to write their


One of the member in the group will present their work in

front of the class.

(Students will find the elements belong to each parts)



4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point ERANED
Members Group Group Group Group
Partici- member member member member
pation coordinated coordinate coordinate coordinated
with other d with d with other with other
members other members members
very often members occasionall minimally
and somewhat y and and provided
provided often and provided very little
significant provided limited contributions
contribution moderate contribution to the group
s to the contributio s to the
group ns to the group
Correct- All the Oftentimes Some of Most of the
ness information the the information
is correct information information is not correct
and is correct is correct or accurate
accurate and and
accurate accurate

E. Elaborate Based from the pictures/periodic table provided, is the

arrangement of elements allow us to study systematically the
way properties vary with the elements position in the table.
Yes, is the arrangement of elements allows us to study
systematically the way properties vary with the element’s
position in the table. Similarities and differences among the
elements are easier to understand and remember.

Why do we use periodic table of the elements?

People/students can use periodic table because it helps to
predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an
element. Also, most living matter consist primarily of the so
called bulk elements such as oxygen, carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, and sulfur.
E. Evaluation Group Activity:
The teacher will prepare pictures for the students regarding Activity sheet,
periodic table of the elements. guide questions

Locate the parts of the periodic table.


Representative Elements
Inner Transition Elements
Transition Elements




4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points ERANED

Memb- Group Group Group Group

member member
ers member member
coordinat coordin-
Partici- coordinated ed with coordinat ated with
pation with other other ed with other
members members other members
somewhat minimally
very often members
often and and
and provided provided occasion provided
significant moderate ally and very little
contributions contri- provided contributi
butions to ons to
to the group limited
the group the group
to the
The output of the activity will be rated using the rubrics
FACTORY 2 Points
3 Points
Accur- All Some Least Not all
acy in elements elements elements elements
determ- are are are are located
ining/ located on located located on on their
locating their on their their respective
the respective respective respective parts of the
parts of parts of parts of parts of periodic
the the the the table
periodic periodic periodic periodic
table table table table

G. Extend Study, Activity (METAL…METAL: How reactive you are? Learner’s

(p.214) Modules
Answer the following questions below. (Science 8)
1. Which of these metal –Fe, Cu, Al, and Zn- reacts
with muriatic acid?
2. Which did not react with the muriatic acid?

V. Remarks: INDEX OF JADE: _________ GOLD: __________

VI. Reflection
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I used/discover I wish
to share with other teachers?
Instructional Decision: A. Continue the lesson/ activity
B. Re-teach the lesson JADE: Continue the lesson/ activity
l C. Introduce new lesson / activity
D. Proceed to the next lesson / activity

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher
Checked /Observed:
Head Teacher III
Directions: Identify the following:
_______________1. It is the arrangement of the elements according to its properties.
_______________2. Elements from the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18 and it is
also called main groups of periodic table.
_______________3. It is the elements in Group 3 to Group 12.
_______________4. The lanthanides and the actinides are in the transition elements.
_______________5. It helps to predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element.
Directions: Identify the following:
_______________1. It is the arrangement of the elements according to its properties.
_______________2. Elements from the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18 and it is
also called main groups of periodic table.
_______________3. It is the elements in Group 3 to Group 12.
_______________4. The lanthanides and the actinides are in the transition elements.
_______________5. It helps to predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element.
Directions: Identify the following:
_______________1. It is the arrangement of the elements according to its properties.
_______________2. Elements from the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18 and it is
also called main groups of periodic table.
_______________3. It is the elements in Group 3 to Group 12.
_______________4. The lanthanides and the actinides are in the transition elements.
_______________5. It helps to predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element.
Directions: Identify the following:
_______________1. It is the arrangement of the elements according to its properties.
_______________2. Elements from the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18 and it is
also called main groups of periodic table.
_______________3. It is the elements in Group 3 to Group 12.
_______________4. The lanthanides and the actinides are in the transition elements.
_______________5. It helps to predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element.
Directions: Identify the following:
_______________1. It is the arrangement of the elements according to its properties.
_______________2. Elements from the taller groups which are Groups 1, 2, 13 through 18 and it is
also called main groups of periodic table.
_______________3. It is the elements in Group 3 to Group 12.
_______________4. The lanthanides and the actinides are in the transition elements.
_______________5. It helps to predict the types of chemical reactions that are likely for an element

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