Reliability of Interconnect Structures
Reliability of Interconnect Structures
Reliability of Interconnect Structures
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9/13/2002 1
Reliability of Interconnect Structures
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA
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4.6 Ratcheting-induced Crack Growth
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On 23 January 1959, Robert Noyce wrote in his lab notebook: “… it would be desirable
interconnections between devices as part of the manufacturing process, and thus reduce size,
weight, etc. as well as cost per active device.” With these words, the co-inventor (with Jack
Kilby) of the integrated circuit, and the co-founder (with Gordon Moore) of Intel Corporation a
decade later, spelled out the Monolithic Idea that would shape the microelectronic revolution
(Reid, 1984). To function, transistors, capacitors, and resistors must connect among themselves
and to the external world. Rather than first making these components individually and then
connecting them with wires, the microelectronic technology fabricates the interconnect structure,
as well as all the components, into a single solid piece, the chip.
Ever since, the technology has advanced by miniaturization, squeezing more and more
transistors on every single chip. By necessity the interconnect structure has complex
architectures, diverse materials, and small feature sizes. Figure 1 shows a transmission electron
conductor lines embedded in a dielectric matrix, fabricated on the silicon surface that contains
the active devices. The conductor lines are on several levels, and linked by vias. The lines have
rectangular cross-sections and, on a given level, have a constant thickness but variable widths. A
silicon nitride film caps the interconnect structure, serving as a barrier of the environmental
molecules. Lithographically defined feature sizes, such as line width and via size, are as small as
Traditional interconnect structures use aluminum as the conductor, and silica as the
dielectric. Tungsten vias link the lines between the levels, and titanium nitride thin layers lie
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between the aluminum lines and the dielectric. To make faster devices, the conductor must have
higher conductivity, and the dielectric must have lower dielectric constant. Copper has been
used as the conductor lines in more recent interconnect structures (Rosenberg et al., 2000). The
conductor lines at different levels are linked with copper vias. Liners such as tantalum lie
between the conductor and the dielectric to prevent copper diffusion into the dielectric and to
promote adhesion. Low dielectric constant materials of current use include an organic material
known as SiLK (Martin et al., 2000), and a carbon doped oxide. The former is ductile, and the
latter is brittle. Both are compliant compared to silicon dioxide. To further reduce the dielectric
constant, other materials, including porous materials, will be used in future interconnects
The Monolithic Idea solves one problem, but creates another. Making reliable
interconnect structures has been a persistent challenge. Stress results from material deposition,
stress; for example, deposition of refractory metals such as tungsten usually generates stress the
or barriers, have dissimilar thermal expansion coefficients. On cooling from the fabrication
temperature, the structures acquire stresses. To fit into the small space, each conductor line must
have a small cross-sectional area. The intense electric current motivates metal atoms to diffuse
in the line, generating tension where atoms deplete, and compression where atoms accumulate.
The study of interconnect reliability has a long history. Electromigration has been a
persistent concern ever since integrated circuits were mass-produced (Blech and Meieran, 1967).
As atoms diffuse, voids grow and sever metal lines. Stress-induced voiding was observed in
1980s, when the technology brought the line width comparable to the line thickness (Curry et al.,
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1984). Such an aluminum line, of approximately square cross-section, encapsulated in silica,
develops triaxial stresses of magnitude much above the yield strength of aluminum (Jones and
Basehore, 1987). Voids grow to relax the stresses, facilitated by atomic diffusion (Sauter and
Nix, 1992; Korhonen et al. 1993). Around the same time, thin film fracture mechanics was
advanced (Evans et al., 1988; Hutchinson and Suo, 1991; Thouless, 1991), providing tools to
quantify toughness of thin films (Ma et al., 1998; Cook and Liniger, 1999), and adhesion
between thin films (Dauskardt et al., 1998; Volinsky et al., 2002). The tools have been
incorporated into industrial practice in material selection, process control, and failure analysis.
More recently, a new failure mechanism has been identified, in which cracks grow in
brittle films under cyclic temperatures, aided by ratcheting deformation in a metal underlayer
(Huang et al., 2000). Stress-induced voiding has been observed in blanket copper films (Shaw et
al. 2001, Sekiguchi et al., 2001), and in copper vias in the copper/silica interconnect structure
(Hommel et al., 2001; Ogawa et al., 2002). Low dielectric constant materials have low stiffness;
their effects on interconnect reliability are the focus of current studies (Lee et al., 2002; Ambrico
voiding, and electromigration. Such perversities are not only nuisances—problems to be tested
away by trial-and-error, but also opportunities for fundamental study of the mechanical behavior
of diverse materials, in integrated structures, at an unprecedented small size scale. The study of
electromigration has led to the discovery that adding a few percent of copper into aluminum
interconnects slows aluminum diffusion rate by nearly two orders of magnitude. The atomistic
origin of this behavior is still not fully understood today. The observation of stress-induced
voiding, perhaps more than any other single event, has motivated academic researchers to join
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their industrial colleagues to study atomistic processes of stress generation and relaxation in thin
films. The introduction of copper and low dielectric constant materials has given a new urgency
to study cracking and debonding in small structures. The fundamental study will impact other
major technologies, such as MEMS, integrated photonics, and thermal barrier coatings, where
small structure mechanical behavior is important. Vinci and Baker (2002) have edited a multi-
The present method to design reliable small structures, if there is one, rests on continuum
mechanics, manifest in handbook solutions, commercial finite element codes, and related
measurement protocols. Their inadequacy is increasingly evident when the structures become
small, because (among other issues) plastic flows become discrete, and failure phenomena
become nucleation, rather than growth, controlled. In the rapidly changing economics of tools for
the small, the division of labor has yet been settled: what to understand, what to compute, and
what to measure. The tension between the relentless trend of miniaturization and the disquieting
lack of a method to design for reliability will inspire innovations for years to come.
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Figure 2 illustrates cracks in a brittle thin film bonded on a silicon substrate. The film is
under a state of biaxial tensile stress. Starting from a flaw in the film, a crack runs across the film
thickness and often arrests at the interface, leaving the interface and the substrate intact. The
crack, however, elongates laterally in the film, uninhibited until it meets a film edge or another
crack. The lateral crack length can be many times the film thickness. Such a crack is known as a
channel crack. Because the film may have many pre-existing flaws, under a large stress, many
channel cracks can form. A cracked film looks like a field of drying mud.
A brittle material fractures by breaking atomic bonds along the front of a crack. The
atomistic bond-breaking process remains unchanged when this brittle material is integrated in a
structure, surrounded by other materials, so long as the feature size is large compared to
individual atoms. It is, however, the close proximity of the dissimilar materials that gives rise to
the diverse fracture behaviors observed in the interconnect structure. The integration of
dissimilar materials introduces stresses. During fracture, even when the crack is confined in the
The pragmatic approach to fracture in the interconnect structure pays little attention to the
atomistic bond-breaking process itself, but instead focuses on deformation in the surrounding
materials. The division of labor is brilliantly made within the framework of linear elastic
fracture mechanics:
(a) The fracture toughness is a property specific to the given brittle material, unaffected
(b) The crack driving force depends on the surrounding materials, and is related to their
deformation by calculation.
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We begin with an outline of the linear elastic fracture mechanics, and its use in the
interconnect structure. Energy consideration is taken up next. We then describe a channel crack
in a thin film bonded to an elastic substrate. This simple structure leads to a method to measure
the fracture toughness. To illustrate the effects of deformation, we examine a channel crack in a
brittle film on an inelastic underlayer. The crack velocity is set by creep in the underlayer, as
in a body subject to a distribution of load that opens the crack. Model the body by a linear
elastic solid, the crack faces by two matching surfaces, and the crack front by a curve. Within the
theory of linear elasticity, a boundary value problem determines the stress field in the body. Of
course, the stress field depends on the boundary conditions: the size and the shape of the crack
and the body, as well as the magnitude and the distribution of the load. By modeling the crack
front as a mathematical curve, the linear elasticity theory does not account for the atomistic
bond-breaking process.
One feature of the stress field, common to all such elasticity boundary value problems,
plays a special role in the fracture mechanics. Let (r,θ ) be the polar coordinates, centered at a
particular point along the crack front, in the plane normal to the crack front. The (x1 ,x 2 )
coordinates are in the same plane. The linear elasticity theory shows that the stress field in the
σ ij (r, θ ) = Σij (θ ) . (1)
2π r
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The dependence on r is square-root singular. The stress field scales with K, known as the stress
σ 22 (r,0 ) = . (3)
2π r
For a crack in three dimensions, the stress intensity factor K may vary along the front of the
The r- and θ -dependence of the singular stress field are independent of the boundary
conditions. The boundary conditions, however, do determine the magnitude of the stress
intensity factor K. For example, a crack of length 2a, in an infinite elastic sheet, subject to a
tensile stress σ remote from the crack, has the stress intensity factor K = σ π a . Solutions of
the stress intensity factors for many crack configurations are collected in handbooks (e.g., Tada,
et al., 1985). Commercial finite element codes are routinely used to calculate K for complex
crack configurations. Dimensional considerations dictate that the stress intensity factor should
K = κσ L , (4)
The number κ is determined by solving the boundary value problem. It depends on the ratio of
the crack length to L, as well as other ratios that characterize the integrated structure. Examples
As mentioned above, the theory of elasticity predicts that the stress field is square-root
singular. Of course we do not believe that the stress is infinite at the crack front. The physical
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significance of the singular stress field is understood as follows (Fig. 4). Imagine the plane
normal to the crack front. The stress field (1) is valid in an annulus, with the inner radius larger
than the zone in which the bond-breaking process invalidates the linear elasticity theory, and the
outer radius smaller than the size of the body and the crack. We call this annulus the K-annulus.
Neither the bond-breaking processes inside the inner circle, nor the boundary conditions outside
the outer circle affect the r- and θ - dependence of the stress field in the K-annulus: the stress
field (1) is valid in this annulus. For a brittle solid, the bond-breaking processes invalidate the
linear elasticity theory within a zone about 1 nm. A representative feature size in interconnect
structures is 100 nm. These lengths roughly set the size of the K-annulus.
So far the model does not account for the atomistic bond-breaking process. Imagine two
samples of the same solid, each containing a crack under an opening load. The two samples may
have different sizes and shapes. The loads on the two samples may also be different. Regardless
of such differences, because the stress field in the K-annulus depends on the boundary conditions
through the stress intensity factor, the bond-breaking processes in the two samples must be
identical if K is the same for the two samples. That is, K is the only messenger between the
The central idea of the linear elastic fracture mechanics has been so summarized: the same
K, the same crack-tip process. Within the fracture mechanics, the simplest way to account for
the bond-breaking process is to stipulate that the crack extends when the stress intensity factor K
in a body containing a crack reaches a critical value, Kc , known as the fracture toughness.
Once the stress intensity factor is calculated for a given crack configuration, in the from of
κσ L = Kc . (5)
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For a given material, the fracture toughness is determined experimentally. Start with a specimen
of the material, introduce a crack into the sample, load the sample until the crack extends, and
record the critical load. Independently solve the elasticity boundary value problem, and obtain
the stress intensity factor in the form (4). The experimentally measured critical load then gives
the fracture toughness. The fracture toughness is a material property, which is independent of
the sample geometry and load. The stress intensity factor is a loading parameter, which does
Liu et al. (2000) have discussed the use of fracture mechanics to formulate design rules for
the interconnect structure. For example, assume that the representative stress is set by the thermal
mismatch between two materials. The length L can be set to be a feature size, such as film
thickness or via diameter. To compute κ , one needs to place a crack in the structure, and know
its location, orientation, and size. Such information is never available for a complex structure. A
pragmatic approach is to place cracks in the structure hypothetically. For the interconnect
structure, the fabrication process controls the structure to the feature size, so that the crack size
should not exceed the feature size. Ideally one wishes to find the worst crack that gives the
largest stress intensity factor. In practice, one does calculations for a few representative cracks.
Because such an approach is time consuming, broad conclusions drawn from idealized structures
To make the above discussion concrete, consider the following example (Lu et al., 1991).
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For simplicity, we assume that the cylinder and the matrix are both elastic, having similar
σ = E ∆α ∆T / (1 − ν ), (6)
where ∆ α is the difference in the coefficients of thermal expansion of the two materials, and ∆T
the temperature change. This stress, as shown by the elasticity solution, corresponds to the
magnitude of the longitudinal stress or twice that of the transverse stress in the cylinder. When
the cylinder is under compression, the matrix is under a tensile hoop stress, which decays far
away from the interface. We place a crack in the matrix, and ask if this crack will grow. It is
sensible to place the crack near the interface and in the radial direction, where the stress is tensile
and has a large magnitude. The choice of the crack length requires some thought. When the
crack length approaches zero, the stress intensity factor vanishes. When the crack length
approaches infinity, the stress intensity factor also vanishes, because of the decaying stress field.
Figure 5 sketches the trend of the stress intensity factor as a function of the crack length. This
elasticity boundary value problem has been solved analytically, giving the stress intensity factor:
π a
1/ 2 −3 / 2
8 R R
K a
= . (7)
σ R
If we can estimate the largest flaw size possible due to a certain fabrication process, we can set
the crack size to this flaw size, and then calculate the stress intensity factor. If we know nothing
about the flaw, we may proceed as follows. The stress intensity factor (7) attains a maximum,
Kmax = 0.24σ R , at a / R = 0.5 . No matrix flaw can grow provided this maximum stress
E∆ α∆T
0.24 R < Kc . (8)
1 −ν
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This condition invokes well defined quantities, and does not rely on any knowledge of the flaw.
Everything else being equal, a cylinder with a smaller radius is less likely to cause matrix
cracking. Assuming σ = 1GPa and Kc = 1MPa m , condition (8) gives the critical radius
Rc = 17 µm .
Additional insight is gained by analyzing elastic energy change associated with crack
extension. Once again consider the crack, area A, in an elastic body, subject to a distribution of
load that opens the crack. Let F represent the magnitude of the load, and ∆ the displacement,
such that when ∆ changes by d∆ , the load does work Fd∆ to the body. Let U be the elastic
energy stored in the body. When the displacement varies, but the crack area remains fixed, the
work done by the load equals the change in the elastic energy of the body, namely, dU = Fd∆
when dA = 0 . The elastic energy U is represented by the area under the load-displacement curve
(Figure 6a).
Imagine two copies of the body, identical in all respect except for a small difference in the
crack areas. The copy with the larger crack is more compliant and, at the same displacement,
stores lower elastic energy (Figure 6b). Regard the elastic energy stored in the body as a function
of the displacement and the crack area, U(∆ , A). Define energy release rate, G, as the reduction
of the elastic energy associated with the crack increasing per unit area, when the external load
∂U (∆, A)
G=− . (9)
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The partial derivative signifies that the displacement ∆ is held fixed when the crack area A
varies. For a given crack configuration, one can solve the elasticity boundary value problem,
compute the elastic energy stored in the body, U(∆ , A), and then obtain the energy release rate G.
The above definition is still sloppy. In general, the energy release rate varies along the
crack front. Denote the curved coordinate along the crack front by s, and the energy release
rate is a function G(s ). Imagine a body subject to a fixed displacement ∆ . The elastic energy
stored in the body is a function of the crack shape, as well as the crack area. Let the crack
advance by a small length δa, which can vary along the crack front. Associated with the change
in the crack, the elastic energy stored in the body varies by δU . Define the energy release rate
such that
δU = − ∫ G(s)δads . (10)
The integral extends along the entire crack front. In what follows, we will mostly overlook this
detail, and assume that the energy release rate is uniform along the crack front.
When both the displacement and the crack area vary, the elastic energy varies according to
The elastic energy is a function of the displacement and the crack area, U(∆ , A). The load F and
the energy release rate G are the differential coefficients. Just as F is the force conjugate to the
displacement ∆ , the energy release rate G is the force conjugate to the crack area A. Such a
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Now the potential energy is a function of the load and the crack area, Π(F , A). The
displacement ∆ and the energy release rate G are the differential coefficients. Equation (12)
∂Π (F, A)
G=− . (13)
The partial derivative signifies that the load F is held fixed when the crack area A varies. When
∂U (F, A)
G=+ . (14)
The partial derivative signifies that the load F is held fixed when the crack area A varies. The
sign difference in Equations (9) and (14) reflects a simple physical fact. When the crack area is
larger, the body is more compliant, so that the body stores less elastic energy at a fixed
It has been shown that the energy release rate relates to the stress intensity factor as
G= , (15)
where E = E under the plane stress condition, and E = E / (1 − ν 2 ) under the plane strain
conditions. Here E is Young’s modulus, and ν Poisson’s ratio. Fracture mechanics has been
formulated either in terms of the stress intensity factor, or the energy release rate. The two
formulations are equivalent. Both contribute to the understanding of the fracture mechanics.
The simplest fracture condition is that the crack advances when the energy release rate attains a
critical value, Γ , known as the fracture energy. Obviously, the fracture energy relates to the
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2.4 Channel Cracks in a Thin Film Bonded to a Substrate
In an interconnect structure, often a crack runs in one material, but the neighboring material
remains intact and exerts a constraint on the crack. Figure 7 illustrates two structures for
tensile stress σ remote from the crack. Assume that the displacement at the load point is fixed,
so that the load does no work when the crack extends. When the crack is introduced, the stress
near the crack faces is partially relieved. The volume in which the stress relaxes scales as a 2 h ,
so that relative to the uncracked, stressed sheet, the elastic energy in the cracked sheet changes
Figure 7b illustrates a thin elastic film bonded to an elastic substrate. When the crack
length a is much larger than the film thickness h, the stress field in the crack wake becomes
invariant as the crack extends. The volume in which the stress relaxes scales as ah 2 , so that the
introduction of the crack changes the elastic energy by ∆ U ~ −ah2 σ 2 / E f . The energy release
rate is
σ 2h
G=Z . (16)
The dimensionless number Z depends on the elastic constants of the film and the substrate. The
number must be determined by solving the boundary value problem. When the thin film and the
substrate have similar elastic constants, Z = 2.0. Beuth (1992) calculated the Z values for a thin
film on an infinite substrate with dissimilar elastic constants. When the substrate is stiffer than
the film, Z is between 1 and 2. When the substrate is much more compliant than the film, Z can
be very large.
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For the channel crack, the energy release rate scales with the film thickness, and is
independent of the crack length when the crack length exceeds several times the film thickness
(Amrico and Begley, 2002). Take Z = 2, σ = 109 Pa , E f = 1011 Pa , and Γ = 10J/m 2 . Equating
the energy release rate G in (16) to the fracture energy Γ , we find a critical film thickness
hc = 0.5µm . Channel cracks can propagate in films thicker than hc , but not in films thinner than
hc .
Ye et al. (1992) have shown that the channel crack energy release rate increases if the crack
can dip into the substrate, or the film and substrate can debond. Ambrico et al. (2002) have
studied channel cracks multilayers with lateral patterning, with particular reference to
interconnects consisting of copper and low k dielectrics. Using the extended finite element
method (XFEM), Huang, et al. (2003) have studied the effects of substrate thickness and channel
For a brittle solid, toughness is independent of the sample size, so that one may expect to
extrapolate toughness measured using bulk samples to thin films. However, thin films used in
the interconnect structure are processed under very different conditions from bulk materials, or
measure thin film toughness. Such a technique is attractive if it gives reliable results, and is
compatible with the interconnect fabrication process. Ma et al. (1998) have developed such a
technique, on the basis of channel cracks in a thin film bonded to a silicon substrate. The test
procedure consists of two steps (Fig. 8): (a) generating pre-cracks, and (b) propagating the
cracks using controlled stress. A convenient way of generating pre-cracks is by scratching the
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surface using a sharp object. A gentle scratch usually generates multiple cracks on the two sides
of the scratch. Care must be taken to generate cracks just in the film, but not in the substrate.
Use a bending fixture to load the sample, and a digital camera to record the crack growth events.
After a crack propagates some distance away from the scratch, the crack grows at a steady
By recording crack growth at slightly different bending loads, one can measure the crack
velocity as a function of the stress. The steady velocity is very sensitive to the applied stress.
Consequently, the critical stress is accurately measured by controlling the velocity within a
certain range that is convenient for the experiment. The critical stress then determines the
fracture energy according to the mechanics result (16). The technique has been used to measure
the fracture energy of silica ( Γ = 16.5J/m 2 ) and silicon-nitride ( Γ = 8.7J/m 2 ) (Ma et al., 1998),
After deposition, the film has a residual stress, σ R . The residual stress can be measured by
the wafer curvature method (Nix, 1989). When the structure is bent by a moment M (per unit
6E f M
σ = σR + , (17)
Es Hs2
where Hs is the thickness of the substrate, and E f and Es are the plane strain modulus of the
film and the substrate. The bending moment also causes a tensile stress in the substrate,
σ s = 6M / Hs2 . To measure the toughness of the film, one has to propagate the channel crack in
the film without fracturing the substrate. This, in turn, requires that the substrate should have
very small flaw size, and that the scratch should not produce flaws in the substrate. When
properly cut, the silicon substrate can sustain tensile stresses well over 1 GPa. Inspecting (16)
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and (17), one concludes that the technique is inapplicable when the film has a very large fracture
energy, large residual compressive stress, small thickness, or low modulus. In the experiment of
Ma et al. (1998), a thin metal layer is deposited on the silicon substrate, and the brittle film is
deposited on the metal. The metal layer serves as a barrier preventing the crack from entering
the substrate. The metal layer, upon yielding, also increases the energy release rate for a given
One may also greatly amplify the energy release rate for a given stress by using the
structure in Fig.9. The cavity underneath the brittle film may be made by MEMS fabrication
method. When the crack grows, the stress in the film is relaxed, and the energy release rate,
G= , (18)
now scales with the length of the cavity, rather than the film thickness.
When a brittle film is bonded to a plastically deformable substrate, the constraint of the
substrate on the crack in the film is partially lost. In the limiting case, when the yield strength of
the substrate is much below the stress in the film, the film is equivalent to a freestanding sheet.
Consequently, the plastic deformation in the substrate encourages the channel cracks in the film.
This effect has been studied by Hu and Evans (1989) by using a shear lag model, by Beuth and
Klingbeil (1996) for a brittle film on a semi-infinite elastic-plastic substrate, and by Ambrico and
Begley (2002) for a brittle film on a ductile underlayer. In this section, using a shear lag model,
we (Suo and He, 2002) examine the structure depicted in Fig. 10, consisting of an overlayer, an
underlayer, and a substrate. The crack cuts across the overlayer, with the crack root arresting at
the interface between the overlayer and the underlayer. The overlayer is taken to be elastic, and
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the substrate is rigid. The property of the underlayer will be varied to study its effect on the
channel crack.
The overlayer may consist of multiple brittle films. The stress in the overlayer is a function
of the position through the thickness, σ (z ). Define the membrane force in the overlayer by
N = ∫ σ (z )dz . (19)
The integral extends over the thickness of the overlayer. Similarly define the membrane stiffness
B = ∫ E (z )dz , (20)
We now consider the wake of the crack in the overlayer on a ductile underlayer. When the
overlayer is uncracked, subject to a membrane force N∞ , uniform in the plane of the layer, the
displacement field in the overlayer is set to be zero. Relative to this reference state, the overlayer
deforms when a crack is introduced. Let u(x ) be the displacement field averaged across the
thickness of the overlayer. On the interface, the overlayer and the underlayer interact with each
other through the shear stress field τ (x ). We model the underlayer as a time-independent elastic
plastic material, with a nonlinear relation between the shear stress τ and the displacement u.
When a crack cut across the thickness of the overlayer at x = 0, the membrane force in the
overlayer, N (x ) , varies with the position, having the boundary conditions N (0) = 0 and
N (x ) = N ∞ + B . (21)
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=τ. (22)
Inserting (21) into (22), we obtain the ordinary differential equation for u(x ):
d 2u
B = τ (u). (23)
dx 2
= ∫ τ (u)du .
N∞2 0
2B 0
In reaching the above equation, we have used the following boundary conditions: u = u0 and
τ (u) is known, (24) provides the relation between the crack opening displacement u0 and the
For a multi-material overlayer, the energy release rate depends on the position, G(z ). The
f = ∫ Gdz (25)
gives the elastic energy change associated with the crack advancing per unit length in the
overlayer. The quantity f has the unit of force, and is the driving force for the channel crack.
The channel driving force is given by the complementary energy integral (Beuth and
Klingbeil, 1996):
f = 2 ∫ u0 dN∞ .
Once the u0 − N∞ relation is obtained from (24), the driving force for the channel crack is
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We next list solutions for idealized material law, τ (u) . We assume that the underlayer has
the uniform property, and the shear stress is constant across the thickness of the underlayer.
Consequently, the shear strain γ is also constant across the thickness of the underlayer. The
shear strain relates to the overlayer displacement as γ ( x ) = u(x ) / H , where H is the thickness of
the underlayer.
Elastic underlayer. The underlayer is linear elastic with shear modulus µ , so that
u0 = N∞ . (27)
Integrating (26) gives the driving force for the crack in the overlayer:
f = N∞2 . (28)
This result reproduces that obtained by Xia and Hutchinson (2000). As expected, the crack
driving force is quadratic in the membrane force. At a given membrane force, the crack driving
force is large when the underlayer is thick and compliant. This result is applicable to, for
industry implementing low dielectric constant materials, with accompanying low stiffness, the
Rigid, perfect plastic underlayer. Neglect elasticity of the film, and assume that the
u0 − N∞ relation:
N ∞2
u0 = . (29)
2Bτ Y
Inserting into (26) gives driving force for the crack in the overlayer:
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f = . (30)
3B τ Y
This reproduces the result of Hu and Evans (1989). The crack driving force is cubic in the
membrane force, inversely proportional to the underlayer yield strength, and independent of the
underlayer thickness.
Elastic, perfectly plastic underlayer. The film now has the shear modulus µ, the yield
strength τ Y , and the yield strain γ Y = τ Y / µ . When u0 < γ Y H , the film is elastic, and (27)
provides the u0 − N∞ relation. When u0 > γ Y H , a segment of the film near the crack deforms
plastically, and the film fare from the crack is still elastic. Using (27), we write the yield
= 1. (31)
τ Yγ Y HB
1 1 N∞
= +
γ Y H 2 2 τ Yγ Y HB
. (32)
This is the u0 − N∞ relation when N∞ / τ Y γ Y HB > 1 ; for smaller N∞ , the film is elastic, and the
u0 − N∞ relation is given by (27). Inserting the whole u0 − N∞ relation into (26), we find the
N∞ N∞
1 − τ γ HB + 3 τ γ HB .
−3 −2
f = ∞ (33)
3B τ Y
N∞ / τ Y γ Y HB »1 , the two terms in the bracket is negligible, and (33) recovers the result for the
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Power-law plastic underlayer. Now we assume that the film deforms according to the
power law:
τ u
τ Y Hγ Y
= , (34)
where τ Y is an arbitrarily selected reference stress, and γ Y and n are parameters used to fit
experiment data. Following the same procedure as before, we obtain the u0 − N∞ relation
(n + 1) N∞2 n +1
γ Y H 2τ Y γ Y HB
= , (35)
2γ Y H (n + 1)n + 2 N∞n + 3 n +1
n + 3 2BHτ Yγ Y
f = . (36)
This equation recovers the linear elastic case Eq. (28) when n = 1, and the rigid perfect plastic
the normalized membrane force, N∞ / τ Y γ Y HB . As expected, for the same membrane force, the
more deformable the underlayer, the larger the channel driving force.
As mentioned above, the crack extends in the thin film at some finite velocity. The
magnitude of the velocity is sensitive to the stress, but in general is much below the speed of the
elastic waves in the solids. Consequently, the observed crack velocity should not be an inertia
effect. If the brittle solid does not creep, the time dependence originates from either the bond-
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Slow crack growth has been extensively studied in bulk brittle materials, where the bond-
breaking process is assisted by environmental molecules, such as water molecules (Lawn, 1993).
The time dependence results from the transport of the environmental molecules to the crack
front, and the reaction at the crack front. The crack velocity can be measured experimentally as
a function of the energy release rate. Ma et al. (1998) and Cook and Liniger (1999) have
provided data for several thin films. The measured V-G curve is sometimes fit to a variety of
mechanisms, is
V = V0 sinh β − 1 ,
I owe Dr. Jun He, of Intel Corporation, for the following idea. The V-G curve is specific to
the brittle material and the environment, but is independent of the surrounding materials, if they
do not prevent the environmental molecules from reaching the crack front. The V-G curve for a
given material can be measured using a simple structure, such as a film on a silicon substrate.
When the brittle material is in a more complex structure, the same V-G still applies. Because the
crack velocity is readily measurable, the measured crack velocity, together with the known V-G
curve, determines the energy release rate. The method is accurate because the crack velocity
sensitively depends on the energy release rate. As we have seen in Figure 11, the energy release
rate is affected by the deformation behavior of the surrounding materials. Direct measurements
The crack velocity is also affected if the surrounding materials creep. As an example,
consider the structure illustrated in Fig. 10 again, now assume that the underlayer is viscous
(Liang et al. 2002a). Initially, the film is in a uniform biaxial tensile stress state σ . When the
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underlayer creeps, the stress field in the film relaxes in the crack wake, but intensifies around the
crack tip. When the crack tip moves slowly, the crack wake has a long time to relax, and the
stress intensity around the crack tip increases. When the crack tip moves rapidly, the crack wake
has a short time to relax, and the stress intensity around the crack tip decreases. Consequently,
Hhσ 2
V = 0.6 . (38)
As expected, the larger the steady velocity, the smaller the energy release rate. If the film is
susceptible to subcritical crack growth, one can separately determine the V-G curve of the
material, e.g., using the film on an elastic substrate. Once the crack velocity V is measured for
the film on the viscous underlayer, one can read the energy release rate G form the V-G curve.
The measured V and G, together with Equation (38), provide a means to determine the viscosity
of the underlayer.
The interconnect structure consists of many dissimilar materials. Debonding has been a
primary concern. Figure 12 is a micrograph of a thin film debonding from a substrate. Within
the linear elastic fracture mechanics, we model the debond process as a crack extending on the
interface between two elastic materials. Impurities, of minute amount by volume fraction, may
accumulate on the interface to a large coverage, significantly changing the interfacial fracture
added to the interface. Measurements of the interfacial fracture energy provides tools for process
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It is instructive to compare a crack running on a bimaterial interface to a crack running in
such a path that the crack tip is always under the tensile condition. Consequently, the crack tip
often follows a curved path, and the fracture property of a given material is prescribed by a
single quantity, the mode I fracture toughness. By contrast, the crack confined on a bimaterial
interface often propagates under the combined tensile and shear conditions. The fracture energy
This section will begin with a discussion of a stationary, planar crack in a homogenous,
isotropic material, subject to the mixed mode conditions. The crack grows to seek a mode I path.
We then outline the interfacial fracture mechanics, the methods to measure the fracture energy as
a function of the mode angle, and the applications to interconnect structures. We finally examine
First examine a stationary, planar crack in a homogenous, isotropic material. The body is
subject to a distribution of load that can both open and shear the crack. Let (r,θ ) be the polar
coordinates centered at a given point on the crack front (Fig. 13). We will consider the situation
that the shear load is in the plane (r,θ ). The stress field near the crack front has the form
σ ij (r, θ ) = Σij (θ ) + II Σ ij (θ ).
2π r 2πr
The θ -dependent functions, Σ ijI (θ ) and Σ ijII (θ ), can be found in Lawn (1993). Mode I field is
symmetric with the crack plane, with Σ 22I ( 0) = 1 and Σ 12I (0) = 0. Mode II field is antisymmetric
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with the crack plane, with Σ 22II ( 0) = 0 and Σ 12II (0) = 1. In particular, the stresses on the plane
σ 22 (r,0 ) = , σ 12 (r,0 ) = . (40)
2π r 2πr
The stress intensity factors, KI and KII , scale the amplitudes of opening and shearing loads,
respectively. We will be interested in situations that the crack front is under tension, rather than
compression, namely, KI ≥ 0 .
Once a crack configuration is prescribed, the stress intensity factors KI and KII are
determined by solving the elasticity boundary value problem. For example, for a crack of length
2a in an infinite sheet, subject to remote tensile stress σ and shear stress τ , the two stress
intensity factors are KI = σ πa and KII = τ π a . Solutions for many crack configurations have
been collected in handbooks (e.g., Tada et al., 1985). Finite element methods have been used
routinely to determine the stress intensity factors under the mixed mode conditions (Li et al.,
Again the stress field (39) is valid in an annulus, with the inner radius larger than the
zone of the bond-breaking process, and the outer radius smaller than a length representative of
the external boundary conditions. The mixed mode conditions are characterized by two loading
parameters, KI and KII . The two “messengers” transmit the boundary conditions to the crack tip
process. The relative amount of mode II to mode I is specified by the mode angle ψ , defined by
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The energy release rate G is still defined as the elastic energy reduction as the crack
extends unit area, while the load does no additional work. The energy release rate relates to the
1 2
K I + K II ).
Instead of using KI and KII to represent the external loads, we use G to represent the amplitude
Under the mixed mode conditions, upon growing, the planar crack often kinks at an angle
from its original plane. The kink angle depends on the relative amount of mode II to mode I
load. Erdogan and Sih (1963) showed that the experimentally measured kink angles in a
plexiglass are well predicted by the criterion that the crack kinks to the plane with the maximum
hoop stress. For the stationary crack, the hoop stress near the crack tip is
θ θ θ
cos3 − II 3cos 2 sin .
σ θθ (r,θ ) = (43)
2πr 2 2πr 2 2
θ *
tan = −
2 tanψ
. (44)
2 1+ 1+ 8tan2 ψ
When KII > 0 , ψ > 0 and the crack kinks down (i.e., θ * < 0 ). The converse is true when
KII < 0 . When the plane crack is pure mode I, this criterion predicts that the crack extends
straight ahead. When the plane crack is pure mode II, this criterion predicts that the crack kinks
at an angle θ * = 70.5°.
The moving crack tip seeks a trajectory that is locally mode I; any nonzero KII will cause
the crack to deflect. To illustrate this point, consider two examples. It is well known that a crack
in a double-cantilever beam is unstable: the crack tends to curve one way or the other (Fig. 14).
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By symmetry, the crack on the mid-plane of the sample is pure mode I. This mode I path,
however, is unstable. A crack, lying slightly off the mid-plane, has a mode II component that
As a second example, Figure 15 illustrates a thin film spalling from an adherent substrate
(Thoulsss et al., 1987). The film is well bonded to the substrate, and is under a residual tensile
stress. It is sometimes observed that a crack starts from the edge of the film, dives into the
substrate, and then grows parallel to the interface. In the crack wake, the residual stress in the
film is partially relieved, and the film and a thin layer of the substrate material underneath form a
composite plate, bending up. This observation is peculiar in that, were the crack to run on the
film-substrate interface, the residual stress in the film would be fully relieved in the crack wake.
Such a global energy consideration has no physical basis: it is the local process of bond breaking
that selects the crack path. The experimental observation has been interpreted that the crack tip
moves along a mode I trajectory. To see how this works, consider a special case that the thin
film and the substrate have similar elastic modulus. Let h be the film thickness, and d be the
depth of the crack parallel to the interface. When the crack is long compared to d, the effect of
the residual stress on the crack is well described by the equivalent axial force and bending
P = σh, M = σh(d − h). (45)
KI =
−1/ 2
cosω + 2 3 Md
−3/ 2
sin ω ), (46a)
(Pd −1/ 2 sinω − 2 3Md −3 / 2 cos ω ), (46b)
9/13/2002 31
with ω ≈ 52°. Suppose that the crack selects the depth d * by the condition that KII = 0 , and we
obtain that d * = 3.8h . One can further confirm that the mode I path is stable in that, if a parallel
crack at a depth d different from d * , then KII is nonzero and is in the direction that tends to
Curved crack paths can be simulated using numerical methods. For a given crack
configuration, one solves the elasticity boundary value problem, and computes the stress
intensity factors KI and KII . One then advances the crack by a small length in the direction, say,
set by the criterion of maximum hoop stress (Equation 44). The path so selected should be
essentially a mode I path. For a single crack tip, the precise length for each increment is
unimportant, so long as it is much smaller than the representative size of the sample. To
simulate simultaneous growth of multiple cracks, however, one has to know how much to
advance each crack. An ingredient of time-dependence has to be introduced into the model. For
example, if the solid is susceptible to subcritical cracking (Section 2.7), the V-G relation
provides the needed information. Once the energy release rate is calculated for every crack tip in
a given configuration, one advances each crack according to the kinetic law for a small time step.
Similarly, one can simulate the growth of a crack in three dimensions with a curved front by
advancing each point on the crack front according to the kinetic law and its local energy release
rate. Because the crack extends under the mode I conditions, the V-G curve can be obtained
The regular finite element method meshes the geometry of the crack and uses a fine mesh
near the crack tip. When the crack grows, remeshing is required. To circumvent these
difficulties, an extended finite element method (XFEM) has been advanced (Moes et al., 1999).
For the nodes around the crack tip, one adds enriching functions derived from the singular crack-
9/13/2002 32
tip stress field. For nodes on the crack faces, one adds the Heaviside function to represent the
displacement jump. Consequently, the mesh can be coarse near the crack tip, and the elements
need not to conform to the crack geometry. As the cracks grow, one updates the nodes to be
Now consider a crack on the interface between two elastic materials. Williams (1959)
discovered that the singular stress field at the interface crack tip is not square root singular. The
stresses on the interface a distance r ahead of the crack tip take the form
Kr iε
σ 22 + iσ 12 = . (47)
1 (3 − 4ν1 )/ µ1 + 1/ µ2
2π (3 − 4ν 2 ) / µ2 + 1/ µ1
ε= ln , (48)
where ν is Poisson’s ratio, µ the shear modulus, and the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the two
K = [stress][length]
1/ 2 −iε
. (49)
The amplitude of the stress intensity factor has the familiar dimension, K = [stress ][length] .
1 /2
1 1 1 K2
2 E1 E2 cosh2 (πε )
G= + . (50)
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For a given crack configuration, the stress intensity factor K is determined by solving the
elasticity boundary value problem. Finite element method and other numerical methods have
been developed to determine the stress intensity factor (Matos et al., 1990). Hutchinson and Suo
exp(i ψ ),
K = Kl (51)
where l is an arbitrary length. To see the consequence of this definition, combine (47) and (51),
K i[ψ + ε ln (r / l)]
σ 22 + iσ 12 = e . (52)
distance r in the K-annulus, and the mode angle ψ characterizes the relative portion of shear to
tension. When ε ≠ 0, the ratio σ 12 / σ 22 varies with the distance r, and equals tan ψ at r = l . The
variation is not rapid, because ε is small and because a logarithm is a slowly varying function.
Thus, tan ψ approximates the ratio σ 12 / σ 22 so long as r is not far from l. For a brittle interface,
a natural choice is l = 1 nm, representative of the bond breaking zone size. With this choice, the
mode angle ψ represents the relative portion of shear to tension at the size scale of bond-
breaking zone.
contrast, interface crack faces may come into contact even the remote load has a tensile
component. When the contact zone is large, one has to take into account of the forces on the
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crack faces in solving the boundary value problem. In many situations, however, the contact
zone is small compared to the overall dimension. Consequently, the K-annulus exists, with the
inner radius enclosing the contact zone, as well as the bond-breaking process zone. Rice (1988)
Williams’s elastic solution shows that the displacement jump at a distance r behind the
crack tip is
1 1
δ2 + iδ1 = +
Kr iε 2r
E1 E2 2(1+ 2iε )cosh(πε ) π
. (54)
where δ = (δ12 + δ 22 )
1 /2
is the magnitude of the displacement jump. If the crack is required to be
open within l < r < 100l , the mode angle must be restricted within
The number 100 is arbitrary, but the condition in (57) is insensitive to this number. When ε = 0,
the above condition simply says that the contact does not occur when the crack is under tension,
As an example, consider a crack, length 2a, on the interface between two semi-infinite
materials, subject to remote tensile stress σ and shear stress τ . Write σ + iτ = Te iω , so that T is
the magnitude, and ω the direction, of the remote load. This elasticity boundary value problem
has been solved analytically, giving the stress intensity factor (Rice, 1988)
− iε
K = (1 + 2iε ) π a (2a ) Teiω . (58)
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The energy release rate is obtained by inserting (58) into (50). A comparison of (51) and (58)
When ε = 0, the mode angle ψ equals the angle ω of the remote load. The two angles are
Under remote tension, ω = 0, one finds that ψ = 34° , indicating a significant shear component
near the crack tip, at the size scale of bond breaking zone.
As a second example, consider the debond of a thin film from a substrate. A film,
thickness h, is under a tensile inplane stress σ and initially bonded to the substrate. The film
may debond from the root of a channel crack, or from the edge of the film. When the debond
length exceeds several times the film thickness, the debonding process attains a steady-state, in
which the energy release rate is independent of the debond length. Under the plane strain
G= . (60)
2E f
The debond crack is under the mixed mode conditions. The mode angle must be determined by
solving the elasticity boundary value problem. When the film and the substrate have similar
elastic constants, the stress intensity factors are given by (46), setting P = σh and M = 0. The
mode angle is ψ ≈ 52° . Next examine the effect of the modulus mismatch on the mode angle.
K = K h−iε e iω . (61)
The magnitude K relates to the energy release rate (60) through the general relation (50). The
angle ω depends on elastic mismatch between the film and the substrate, ranging between 40° to
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60° if the mismatch is not excessive, as tabulated in Suo and Hutchinson (1990). A comparison
For representative values, ε = −0.05, l = 1 nm, and h = 1 µm, the additional angle is
ε ln(l / h) = 20° .
When a debond crack extends on a bimaterial interface, mixed mode conditions usually
prevail. The fracture energy is a function of the mode angle, Γ (ψ ) . The crack extends when the
energy release rate reaches the fracture energy: G = Γ(ψ ). Due to elastic mismatch in the two
materials, one should specify the length l in defining the mode angle ψ . The curve Γ (ψ ) has
been measured for a few interfaces (e.g., Cao and Evans, 1989; Wang and Suo, 1990; Liechti and
Chai, 1991). Figure 17 sketches the trend of the Γ (ψ ) curve. The fracture energy tends to
increase as mode angle approaches ± π / 2 . The energy cost for debond varies with the relative
proportion of opening and shearing modes, because, e.g., a large amount shear may promote
more inelastic deformation in the constituent materials, or promote near-tip sliding against
roughness if the interface is not perfectly flat. The curve Γ (ψ ) need not be symmetric with
respect to ψ = 0 , because the two materials on either side of the interface are dissimilar,
Many test configurations for measuring interfacial fracture energy exist. See reviews by
Hutchinson and Suo (1991), Evans and Hutchinson (1995), and Volinsky et al. (2002). For
example, the process of a tensile film debonding from a substrate is a means to determine the
interfacial fracture energy. To ensure that the crack is in the steady-state, one should introduce an
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initial debond crack of length several times the film thickness (Yu et al., 2001). The energy
release rate (60) depends on both the film stress and the film thickness. One may change the
film stress by varying the temperature, or by applying a mechanical load such as pulling the
substrate. One may change the film thickness during deposition. The combination of the stress
and the thickness that cause the debond crack to grow gives the fracture energy according to
(60). It is often more convenient to deposit a layer of different material to increase the energy
release rate. For example, Cr has been used as an overlayer for its high residual stress (Bagchi et
al., 1994). Thick epoxy overlayers have also been used (Shaffer et al., 1996). When an
overlayer is used, one should obtain a different energy release rate expression, and introduce an
initial debond crack of length several times of the combined thickness of the film and the
A class of test methods has been particularly versatile for thin film structures (Figure 18).
Suppose one needs to measure the interfacial fracture energy of a thin film of material 1, and a
substrate of material 2. One can sandwich the thin film between two substrates of material 1.
One may use a layer of adhesive, such as epoxy, to glue the bare substrate to the one covered
with the film. The substrates are much thicker then the film and the adhesive, so that the whole
specimen is easy to load. The interfacial fracture energy can be measured if the crack runs on
the desired interface. There are several advantages of methods of this kind. First, the methods
are applicable for thin films of any thickness, and can even measure the interfacial energy
between two thin films, when they are both sandwiched. Second, because the film is still bonded
to one substrate in the crack wake, the residual stress in the film is unrelieved, and therefore does
not contribute to the energy release rate. Third, the experimental data are relatively easy to
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Let us return to Figure 18. Because the substrates are much thicker than the films, the
stress field in the substrate, far away from the films, is unaffected by the presence of the films,
and is the same as that around a crack in a homogeneous body, given in the form (39). The load
on the substrate can be represented by the two stress intensity factors KI and KII for a crack in a
homogenous body. Near the crack tip, the stress field is that of an interfacial crack (47),
characterized by the complex stress intensity factor K. The energy release rate is related to both
1 1 1 K2
( II )
2 E1 E2 cosh2 (πε )
G= K 2
+ K 2
= + . (63)
E1 I
The energy release rate can be calculated from the homogeneous specimen, neglecting the thin
The mode angle, however, has to be determined by solving the boundary value problem
that includes the thin films. Let ψ ∞ be the mode angle of the remote load, namely,
tan ψ ∞ = KII / KI . The local mode angle ψ is defined by (51) using an arbitrary length l. The
ψ = ψ ∞ + ω + ε ln (l / h), (64)
where h is the thickness of one of the films, and ω is an angle that depends on elastic properties
of the films and the substrates, as well as the ratios between various films. Suo and Hutchinson
(1989) solved the case of a single film between two substrates, and found that ω is less than 10°
provided the elastic mismatch is not too large. It is rather cumbersome to keep track of the local
mode angle, especially when several films are sandwiched, and when some of them deform
plastically. A common practice has been to specify the mode angle for the sandwich specimens
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As an example, Figure 19 illustrates a four-point bend specimen. The method was
introduced by Charalambides et al. (1989) and Cao and Evans (1989) to determine interfacial
fracture energy, and developed by Dauskardt et al. (1998) for thin film structures relevant for
interconnects. The experimental procedure is as follows. Use two silicon wafers to sandwich
films of interest. Notch the top wafer to within a few microns of the sandwiched films with a
diamond wafering blade. Place the sample in a four-point bend fixture. Record load as a
certain load, a crack initiates from the notch root, approaches the interface, and then bifurcates
into two cracks to propagate on the interface. When the interface cracks are long compared to
the substrate thickness, the load-displacement curve exhibits a plateau—that is, the crack reaches
a steady state, in which the energy release rate is independent of the crack length.
At the steady state, both the energy release rate and the mode angle are obtained
analytically. As shown in Figure 20, the four-point bend configuration is the superposition of
two other configurations, one being pure mode I, and the other being pure mode II. The energy
release rates for the two configurations can be obtained from elementary considerations.
Consequently, the energy release rate for the four-point bend specimen is
21 M 2
G= , (65)
4 E H3
where M is the moment per substrate unit width, H the thickness of each substrate, and E the
plane strain modulus of the substrates. The mode angle for the four-point bend specimen is
Once the plateau load is measured experimentally, (65) is used to calculate the fracture energy Γ
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Also commonly used is the double-cantilever beam specimen (Oh et al., 1987; Kook and
Dauskardt, 2002). The energy release rate for the double-cantilever beam specimen of a
(Pa )2 H
H E a
G = 12 3 1 + 0.677 , (67)
where a is the crack length, H the thickness of each beam, P the force per beam width, and E
the plane strain elastic modulus. The specimen is under the mode I condition, ψ ∞ = 0° . As
discussed before, a crack in a homogenous double-cantilever beam specimen tends to curve away
from the mid-plane (Fig. 14). By contrast, when films are sandwiched between the two beams,
creating a weak interface, the crack will propagate along the interface. In the experiment of Oh et
al. (1987), 750 nm copper films were evaporated onto two glass substrates (of size 75 by 25 by 2
chromium was evaporated onto one substrate prior to depositing the copper film. The chromium
layer promoted adhesion. The copper films from the two substrates were then pressure diffusion
bonded. To load the sample, aluminum arms were attached by epoxy to the ends of the
specimen. The thin specimen led to high enough specimen compliance that the crack was easily
arrested, permitting multiple testing of one specimen. The experimentally measured load to cause
the crack to propagate rapidly gave the interfacial fracture energy according to (68). The crack
on the glass-copper interface displayed subcritical growth rates spanning from ~10 −8 to 10 −3 m/s,
in the range of the energy release rates from ~0.5 to 2.0 J/m 2 .
The measurements of interfacial fracture energy provide a tool for process control (Dr. Q.
Ma, of Intel Corporation, private communication). Many factors during the interconnect
fabrication process can affect adhesion. Because debonding usually occurs after a interconnect
structure is fabricated, when stresses arise from, e.g., thermal expansion mismatch. After a
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debond is identified, one has to modify the processing conditions, fabricate the interconnect
structure again, and examine if the new structure has the debond. The iteration is time
consuming. Alternatively, without fabricating the whole interconnect structure, one can measure
the interfacial fracture energy for the interface at question under various fabrication conditions,
and then select the condition that gives an adequate interfacial fracture energy.
The measurements of interfacial fracture energy also provide a tool to select materials to
promote adhesion. When copper was introduced into the interconnect structure in late 1990s,
new barrier layers are required to prevent copper diffusion into dielectrics, and to provide
adhesion of copper to the dielectrics. The sandwiched four-point bend specimens were used to
measure the interfacial fracture energy of the thin film structures with Ta and TaN as barrier
layers (Lane et al., 2000), and thereby to study the effects of interfacial chemistry, copper layer
thickness, and dielectric type on adhesion. More recently, numerous materials of low dielectric
constant have been developed to compete to be a replacement for silica in the interconnect
structure. To compare these materials, a commonly accepted method is desired to measure the
interfacial fracture energy. Rim et al., (2002) have evaluated adhesion of a carbon-doped oxide
Interfacial cracks are often susceptible to subcritical growth under static or cyclic load.
Environment strongly affects the growth rate. While the implications of subcritical debond
growth for long term reliability of the interconnect structure have yet been fully understood, the
fracture specimens discussed above have been used to study subcritical debond growth (Kook
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The above discussions are confined in the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). A
main requirement of the LEFM is that the inelastic zone around the crack tip must be much
smaller than the feature size, in our case, the film thickness. The inelastic deformation within the
small zone is accounted for by the fracture energy. In computing the energy release rate, the
structure is taken to be elastic. When the inelastic zone is large compared to the film thickness,
however, we must consider the inelastic deformation more explicitly. The following examples
As a first example, consider two films, one brittle and the other ductile, sandwiched
between two silicon wafers (Fig. 21). The crack extends on the interface between one wafer and
the brittle film by a bond breaking process. So long as the brittle film thickness is large
compared to the atomic spacing, the bond breaking process is unaffected by the presence of the
ductile film. Consequently, the fracture energy Γ is well defined for the interface between the
wafer and the brittle film. As the crack extends, a material particle in the ductile layer plastically
deforms, and then elastically unloads. This hysteresis can be accounted for by the continuum
theory of plasticity. In the silicon wafers, far away from the films, the stress state is the same as
that for a crack in a homogeneous elastic material, with the energy release rate G representing
the amplitude of the external load. An elastic-plastic boundary value problem relates the
external load G to the bond breaking energy Γ and the plastic deformation properties (Suo et al.
1993; Lane et al. 2000). The hysteresis costs energy. The energy release rate to maintain steady
state crack growth, Gss , exceeds the interfacial fracture energy Γ . The ratio Gss / Γ depends on
the thicknesses of the two films, and on the yield strength of the ductile layer. When the ductile
layer is absent, Gss / Γ = 1, so that Γ can be determined experimentally by the external load. By
gradually increasing the ductile layer thickness, the effect of plastic deformation on Gss can be
9/13/2002 43
both measured and calculated. One may study deformation properties of the ductile layer this
A second example involves a crack on a metal-ceramic interface (Figure 22). The metal
deforms plastically, which may be described by the continuum plasticity theory (Hutchinson and
Evans, 2000), or by dislocation dynamics (Needleman and Van der Giessen, 2001). Two classes
of failure modes are envisioned. The crack may extend by decohesion (Fig. 22a). The bond
longer a structureless point, but spreads out into a cohesive zone. The deformation hysteresis in
the metal costs energy, as discussed above. Alternatively, the crack may extend by linking voids
(Fig. 22b). As the load increases and the crack tip blunts, the peak stress remains constant (a few
times the yield strength), but the strain keeps increasing (Shih et al., 1991). Voids open ahead of
the crack tip, and link together to extend the crack. The behavior is similar to ductile fracture of
bulk metals.
As a third example, consider a thin metal film sandwiched between two elastic substrates
(Figure 23). A debond crack preexists on one of the interfaces. The substrates are loaded to
open the crack. Let h be the film thickness, and rp be the plastic zone size upon crack
propagation. When h»rp , the substrates place no additional constraint on fracture, and the
behavior is the same as described in Fig. 22. When h < rp , however, the substrates constrain the
plastic flow in the film. As the load increases and the crack tip blunts, the level of the peak stress
in the metal increases, and the location of the peak stress is several times the film thickness
ahead of the crack tip (Varias et al., 1991). The high stress activates flaws ahead of the crack tip
into new debond areas, which link back to the main crack (Reimanis et al., 1991). When the film
thickness is very small, the dislocations emitted from the crack tip pile up at the substrate-film
9/13/2002 44
interfaces (Figure 24). As the load increases and the crack tip blunts, more dislocations pile up
and the stress at the crack tip can increase up to the theoretical strength (Hsia et al., 1994; Mao
and Evans, 1997). Even FCC metals can fracture by cleavage this way.
Temperature cycling has long been used as a test to qualify devices (Suhir, 2002). After
being cycled between two temperatures, say –55°C to 125°C for 1000 times, a device is tested
for its functions, and then sectioned and examined in microscopes for failure modes (e.g.,
distortion and cracking). If a failure mode is found, one makes a new device by modifying either
processing parameters, or geometries, or materials. The new device is temperature cycled again,
followed by the microscopy examination. The iterations do not guarantee quick convergence, as
the modifications made to avert one failure mode may cause another. These make-and-break
iterations are extremely time consuming, and are a bottleneck for innovation. Consequently, it is
Figure 25a and b are a photo of a flip-chip package and a schematic of its cross section. An
organic substrate is bonded to a silicon die on the face that contains transistors. The solder
bumps connect the interconnects on the die to the printed circuits on the substrate. Layers of
polymers (epoxy underfill and polyimide) lie between the substrate and the die. Figure 25c
illustrates part of the interconnect structure, with an aluminum film on silica. The feature size in
the interconnect structure is much smaller than the overall package. Before the die is bonded to
the substrate, a silicon nitride (SiN) film is deposited over the interconnect structure, covering
both the metal and the dielectric, serving as a barrier to environmental molecules.
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Observed failure modes in such a package caused by temperature cycling include
• SiN film cracking (Huang et al., 2000, 2002; Edwards et al., 1987; Alpern et al., 1994; Gee
• metal film crawling (Huang et al., 2001; Alpern et al., 1994; Isagawa et al., 1980; Thomas,
The last two failure modes in the above list occur in the interconnect structure, and
provide the focus of the following discussion. Figure 26 shows the micrographs taken after
temperature cycles. Figure 26a is a plan view of the die surface near a corner of a test structure.
The structure has many aluminum pads. Cracks develop in the SiN film over some of the
aluminum pads. Figure 26b shows a patterned aluminum pad on silica, with a SiN film covering
both aluminum and silica. Cracks form in SiN over aluminum, but not in SiN over silica. Figure
26c shows a cross section of a crack in the SiN passivation film. Notice that the crack opens
substantially. Figure 26d is a cross section of two aluminum pads, which shift and break the SiN
• The aluminum pads crawl toward the die center. The displacement reduces for pads
• Cracking occurs after temperature cycles, and becomes more extensive as the number of
cycles increases.
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• Cracking occurs in the SiN film over the metal films, but not in the SiN film over silica.
• Cracking is more likely when the metal films are wide and the SiN film is thin.
Because the organic substrate has a larger thermal expansion coefficient than the silicon
die, upon cooling from the curing temperature, a shear stress develops on the silicon die. The
shear stress concentrates at the die corners, and decreases away from the corners. As illustrated
in Fig. 27, the entire range of cyclic temperature is below the epoxy curing temperature, so that
the shear stress at the die corners point toward the die center during cycling. It is not surprising
that failures occur at the die corners, and that aluminum pads crawl toward the die center.
Two questions, however, are inexplicable from these simple considerations. Why should
crawling and cracking occur at all? The shear stress on the die is transmitted through the
polymers, and is limited by the yield strength of the polymers, say 100 MPa. The yield strength
of the metal film exceeds 100 MPa (Nix, 1989). The fracture strength of the SiN thin film is on
the order 1 GPa (Ma et al., 1998). Why should cracks occur after many temperature cycles?
Unlike ductile materials, SiN does not have an intrinsic fatigue mechanism.
Huang et al. (2000) have recently discovered a mechanism that answers these questions.
As mentioned before, the silicon die and the packaging substrate have different thermal
expansion coefficients, inducing shear stresses, τ 0 , at the die corners upon curing (Fig. 28).
When the temperature cycles in a range below the curing temperature, the direction of the shear
stress τ 0 is biased toward the die center. For simplicity, τ 0 is taken to be constant, set by the
yield strength of the polymer, independent of position and temperature. The shear stress τ 0 is
partly sustained by a membrane stress σ in the passivation film, and partly transmitted to the
9/13/2002 47
metal film underneath as a shear stress in the metal, τ m . The metal film also has a large thermal
expansion mismatch with silicon and silica beneath, so that the metal film plastically yields in
every temperature cycle. Because the temperature change by itself causes the metal to yield,
even a very small shear stress in the metal, τ m , will cause the metal to deform in shear
plastically. The in-plane plastic strain in the metal film is constrained by the elastic substrate.
Consequently, the amount of plastic shear strain per cycle in the metal is small, as will become
evident later when we look at the model closely. The increment of the shear strain is in the same
direction as the shear stress on the passivation film τ 0 , pointing toward the center of the die.
Incrementally, the shear stress in the metal film τ m relaxes, and the membrane stress σ in the
overlaying silicon nitride film builds up. It is this evolving stress state that cracks the SiN film
Figure 29 illustrates the evolution of the stress field as the temperature cycles. In the first
temperature cycle, the shear stress τ 0 from the organic substrate is transmitted into the metal
film underneath the SiN film, so that the stress in the SiN film is low, comparable to τ 0 (Fig.
29a). As the temperature cycles, the shear stress in the metal pad decreases, and the stress in SiN
accumulates. After many cycles, a steady state is reached, in which the metal no longer has any
shear stress (Fig. 29b). The shear stress τ 0 from the organic substrate is now all sustained by the
membrane stress in the SiN film. Figure 29c shows the free body diagram of the SiN film.
Denote σ A as the magnitude of the membrane stress in SiN at the two ends, tensile on the left
and compressive on the right. As discussed above, the film has the traction τ 0 on the top face
from the organic substrate, but no traction on the bottom face from the metal pad. Force balance
requires that
9/13/2002 48
τ0 L
σA = , (68)
where t is the thickness of the SiN film, and L the length of the aluminum pad. Although the
shear stress τ 0 is small, the length ratio L / t is typically very large. Consequently, the stress in
the SiN film can build to a high level to cause cracking. The magnitude of the stress in the SiN
film increases with the shear stress at the die corner and the width of the aluminum pad, but is
inversely proportional to the SiN film thickness. These are consistent with the experimental
observations. In the steady state, the membrane stress in SiN varies linearly with the position,
given by
σ (x ) = −2σ A x / L , (69)
Finite element calculation of a plane strain model has confirmed the main features of the
model (Huang et al. 2000). As the temperature cycles, the shear stress in the metal reduces, and
the membrane stress in the SiN film increases. In the steady state, the shear stress in the metal
vanishes, the inplane stress in the metal cycles with the temperature, and the membrane stress in
The deformation in the same direction, guided by a bias and facilitated by a cyclic load
(temperature change in this case), is known as ratcheting deformation (Bree, 1967; Jansson and
Leckie, 1992; Suresh, 1998). In addition to the example discussed here, several other examples
of ratcheting deformation in thin film structures have been discovered recently (He et al., 2000;
To avert SiN cracking, an industrial practice is to change the shape and the size of the
metal pad. For example, slots are made in the metal pads, so that the SiN film is in contact with
the silica in the slots (Fig.30). To aid design, we would like to do calculations over thousands of
9/13/2002 49
temperature cycles, for three-dimensional structures, and for many geometrical designs.
However, because of the nonlinear material behavior, each temperature rise or drop has to be
divided into many small steps in the finite element calculation. A crude division would lead to
numerical ratcheting, i.e., the apparent ratcheting deformation due to accumulated numerical
errors for structures that should not suffer ratcheting at all. Consequently, direct finite element
In the steady state, the shear stress in the metal pad vanishes, and the SiN film is in a state
of plane stress elastic deformation. At the edges of the metal pad, the displacement of the SiN
film is constrained by the silica, and is set to be zero. The shear stress from the organic substrate
is distributed over the face of the SiN film, acting like a body force. Such a linear elastic plane
stress problem can be solved rapidly by the finite element method for any pad geometry. As an
illustration, Figure 31a shows the normalized maximum principal stress distribution at the steady
state by applying the uniform shear stress τ 0 in the direction of -45° from the x-axis. The
membrane stresses in the passivation film scale with τ 0 L / h p , where L is the width of the metal
film. The maximum principal tensile stress is very high near the left edge and the left upper
corner, where cracking always happens. Figure 31b shows a slotted structure, where the
The steady-state is a robust concept: it does not depend on the detailed mechanical
property of the metal, and the stress field is easy to calculate. The steady-state is applicable even
if the metal creeps, or the passivation film and the metal debond. Once the stress field in the
steady state is calculated, one can ascertain if the SiN film is safe from cracking. If SiN can
sustain the stress in the steady state, then the design is immortal: it can sustain any number of
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This steady-state approach leaves two issues unresolved: the condition under which the
metal film undergoes ratcheting deformation, and the number of cycles needed to approach the
steady-state. We study these issues in the following sections. To gain insight, we examine
First consider a blanket metal film bonded to a substrate. The film has thermal expansion
nonhardening solid, assuming that the yield strength Y is independent of temperature, and is the
same under tension and compression. Subject to a temperature change, the film is under biaxial
stress σ . The substrate, being much thicker than the film, has negligible stress, so that only its
thermal expansion coefficient α s enters the consideration. The film and the substrate are well
When the temperature changes by dT , the film and the substrate acquire thermal strains
whether the film is elastic or plastic. If the film is elastic, σ < Y , the mismatch in the thermal
strains is compensated by the change in the elastic strain in the film. The latter gives rise to the
E m (α m − α s )
dσ = − dT . (70)
1− ν m
If the film yields, however, the stress in the film is fixed at the yield strength, either in tension
σ = +Y or in compression σ = −Y , so that the elastic strain in the film no longer changes with
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the temperature. Consequently, the mismatch in the thermal strains is compensated by the plastic
dε p = − (α m − α s )dT . (71)
Figure 32 plots the change in the film stress σ and the plastic strain ε p when the
temperature cycles between TL and TH . Let us start at the preset high temperature TH , with the
(1) As the temperature drops, the film is elastic, and the film stress changes toward
tension according to Eq. (70). The plastic strain does not change.
(2) At some temperature TA , the film yields in tension, and the film stress is fixed at the
according to (71).
(3) On reaching the preset low temperature TL , the temperature starts to rise. The film is
elastic, and the film stress changes toward compression. The plastic strain does not
(4) At some temperature TB , the film yields in compression, and the film stress is fixed
at the yield strength, σ = −Y . The plastic strain decreases as the temperature rises.
(5) On reaching TH , the temperature starts to drop again. The film is elastic, and the
film stress changes toward tension. The plastic strain does not change. Afterwards,
the stress and strain state of the film cycles with the temperature.
Inspecting Fig. 32, we distinguish three behaviors. Imagine that TL is fixed, and TH is
allowed to change. If TL > TA , the film will be elastic during temperature cycling. If TH < TB ,
the film will undergo plastic deformation in the first cycle, but will be elastic in all subsequent
cycles. This behavior is referred to as shakedown. The film reaches the shakedown condition if
9/13/2002 52
Em (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
<2. (72)
(1− ν m )Y
If the inequality sign in (72) is reversed, the film will undergo cyclic plastic deformation. During
the fabrication of the interconnect structure, the metal film inevitably yields as the temperature
drops from the processing temperature. Consequently, plastic yield during the first cycle should
not be of any concern, and the elastic and shakedown behaviors are practically indistinguishable.
However, as we will see below, the difference between shakedown and cyclic plasticity has a
significant consequence. The demarcation (72) between the two regimes, shakedown and cyclic
In the above, the plastic strain cycles because the film has to match the net inplane strain
to the substrate. By contrast, the shear strain in the film is not constrained by the substrate, so
that it may accumulate under certain conditions. Huang et al. (2001) have calculated the strain
rate due to ratcheting. Figure 33a illustrates a blanket metal film bonded on a semi-infinite
elastic substrate. A shear stress τ m acts on the surface of the metal film. For the time being, this
shear stress is taken to be spatially uniform, and remains constant as the temperature cycles. The
stress field in the structure is very simple. The semi-infinite substrate is subject to the same shear
stress τ m , but no other stress components. Let the coordinates in the plane of the film be x1 and
x2, the coordinate normal to the plane be x3, and the coordinate x1 coincide with the direction of
the shear stress τ m . As shown in Fig. 33b, the film is in a uniform stress state of a combination
σ 11 = σ 22 = σ m , σ 13 = τ m , σ 23 = σ 12 = 0 . (73)
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The biaxial stress σ m changes with the temperature. Obviously the uniform stress states in the
To model plastic deformation in the metal film, we adopt the J2 flow theory (Hill, 1950).
σ m 2 + 3τ m 2 = Y 2 . (75)
The yield condition is an ellipse on the ( σ m , τ m ) plane (Fig. 33c). The metal film is elastic when
the stress state is inside the ellipse, and yields when the stress state is on the ellipse. The stress
state outside the ellipse is unreachable. When the film yields, for a given τ m , the biaxial stress
σ m = ± Y 2 − 3τ m 2 . (76)
These two states, tensile and compressive, are indicated in Fig. 33c.
Figure 34 shows a coordinate plane spanned by the normalized shear stress, τ m / Y , and
E (α f − α s )(TH − TL )
the normalized temperature range, . The plane is divided into three
(1 − ν )Y
τm 1
regimes: plastic collapse, shakedown, and crawling. If ≥ , the film plastically deforms
Y 3
under the shear stress alone without the aid of the temperature change, and is in the plastic
τm 1
collapse regime. If < and the temperature range is small enough, the film may plastically
Y 3
deform during the first temperature cycle, but cycles elastically afterward. The film is in the
shakedown regime. This shakedown condition is represented in Fig. 34 by a shaded region below
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a quarter of an ellipse:
= 2 1 − 3 m .
E(α f − α s )(TH − TL ) 2
(1 − ν )Y Y
The J2 flow theory dictates that the plastic strain increment tensor be in the same direction
as the deviatoric stress tensor, namely, dε ij = sijp dλ , where dλ is a scalar. Consequently, from
dε p dγ p
= , (78)
σ m / 3 2τ m
where γ = 2ε 13
p p
is the plastic shear strain in the film. Equation (78) is the key to the
understanding of metal film crawling. Its geometric interpretation is well known: the increment
of the plastic strain tensor points in the direction normal to the yield surface (Fig. 33c). During
plastic deformation, dε p has the same sign as the biaxial stress σ m , and dγ p has the same sign
as the shear stress τ m . When film yields in compression (σ m < 0) , the plastic in-plane strain
decreases, dε p < 0 . When film yields in tension (σ m > 0) , the plastic in-plane strain increases,
dε p > 0 . Because the film is bonded to the substrate, for a given temperature increment, dε p is
When the film yields, the plastic in-plane strain changes according to Eqn. (71). A
substitution into (78) gives the increment of the plastic shear strain:
6τ m
dγ p
=− (α m − α s )dT . (79)
When the film plastically deforms in tension, σ m = + Y 2 − 3τ m and dT < 0 . When the film
9/13/2002 55
plastically deforms in compression, σ m = − Y 2 − 3τ m and dT > 0 . In either case, the plastic
In Figure 34, above the shakedown regime, if τ m = 0 , the temperature change causes
cyclic in-plane strain but no shear strain. However, this cyclic state is unstable. Any shear stress
τ m , however small, will cause the film to crawl. In the crawling regime, the in-plane strain cycles
plastically, but the shear strain increases by a fixed amount each cycle, given by
E (α − α )(T − T )
m m − 2 .
12(1 − ν m )τ m
(1 − ν m ) Y 2 − 3τ m
∆γ p
= s H L
Em 2
Figure 35 plots the ratcheting strain per cycle, ∆γ p , as a function of the shear stress, τ m .
We make an analogy between the strain per temperature cycle (i.e. the ratcheting rate) and the
strain per unit time (i.e. the strain rate). Figure 35 is thus analogous to the relation between strain
rate and stress in viscous flow. In general, we write the ratcheting rate law as ∂γ p / ∂N = f (τ m ) .
The shear stress should be bounded as τ m / Y < 1 / 3 ; otherwise the film has unlimited plastic
shear strain even without the temperature change. As τ m / Y → 1 / 3 , the ratcheting rate
becomes large for any given temperature ranges. Depending on the temperature range, we
E m (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
When > 2 , the temperature change by itself can cause the metal
(1 − ν m )Y
film to deform plastically in every cycle. When the shear stress is zero, the metal film undergoes
cyclic in-plane plastic deformation, and has no shear strain. When the shear stress is small, the
9/13/2002 56
∂γ p τ m
= . (81)
∂N η R
We call ηR the ratcheting-viscosity. A comparison between Eqs. (80) and (81) gives
E (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
12(1 − ν m )
− 2 .
(1 − ν m )Y
The linear ratcheting is analogous to the Newtonian viscous flow. The ratcheting-viscosity has
the dimension of elastic modulus, and increases when the temperature range decreases. We will
mainly use the linear ratcheting approximation (82) in the subsequent development.
E m (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
When < 2 , the metal film yields only when the shear stress exceeds
(1 − ν m )Y
a critical value, namely, when the quantity in the bracket in Eq. (80) is positive. As seen in Fig.
E m (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
When = 2 , for small shear stress, equation (80) gives rise to a
(1 − ν m )Y
Huang et al. (2002) have developed a one-dimensional model of ratcheting of the thin
film structures. As shown in Fig. 36, a metal film is in a thick elastic substrate, and the
passivation thin film is on the metal film and the substrate. A constant shear stress, τ 0 , due to the
packaging substrate, is applied on the passivation film. The metal film is of thickness H and
length L. The passivation film is of thickness h. Cycle the structure between TH and TL . The
shear stress in the metal film is τ m , and the normal stress in the passivation film is σ . Now both
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τ m and σ are allowed to vary with the number of cycles, N, and the position, x. We expect τ m
to vary slowly with N and x, so that we will use the ratcheting rate law obtained in the last
First look at the elastic passivation film. As shown in the inset in Fig. 36, the passivation
film is subjected to a membrane stress σ ( N , x) , a constant shear stress τ 0 on the top surface, and
a variable shear stress τ m ( N , x) on the bottom surface. The force balance of the differential
∂σ τ m − τ 0
= . (83)
∂x h
Let u (N, x) be the displacement of the passivation film in the x-direction. Elasticity of the
σ = Ep , (84)
Next look at the ratcheting metal film. The shear strain relates to the displacement as
u E m (α m − α s )(TH − TL )
γp = . We assume that the temperature range is large, > 2.
H (1 − ν m )Y
Consequently, we adopt the shear stress and plastic shear strain increment relation (13) as
τm = ηR . (85)
Substituting Eq. (84) and (85) into Eq. (83) gives the governing equation
∂u ∂ 2u Hτ 0
= DR 2 + . (86)
∂N ∂x ηR
9/13/2002 58
DR = E p hH / ηR . (87)
We assume no separation between the metal film and the substrate, so that the
displacement of the metal film at the two edges is the same as the displacement of the substrate.
As the substrate is semi-infinite and elastic, its displacement is negligible compared to the
accumulated displacement in the passivation film. Consequently, the boundary conditions for the
Because the temperature range is large enough to cause the metal to yield in every cycle,
so long as there exists a shear stress τ m in the metal, the metal will ratchet. After many
temperature cycles, the structure will reach the steady state, in which the shear stress in the metal
film vanishes, τ m = 0 , but the cycling temperature still causes the metal film to yield cyclically.
The steady state can be obtained by setting ∂u / ∂N = 0 and satisfying the boundary conditions
(88). In the steady state, τ 0 is fully sustained by the membrane stress in the passivation film,
Analogous to any diffusion problem, the characteristic number of cycles to reach the
L2 Em (α m − α f )(TH − TL )
NC =
hH 12E p (1 − ν m )
− 2 .
(1− ν m )Y
The number N C can be large mainly because the ratio L2 / (hH ) is large. If one replaces the
metal film with a plastically deformable polymer, the ratio of elastic modulus of the polymer and
9/13/2002 59
the passivation is small, which would significantly reduce N C . Note that N C is independent of
In the above, the metal film is taken to be a non-hardening material in this model. This
corresponds to a safe engineering design, as the hardening metal film can reduce the ratcheting
effects (Huang et al., 2001). The model can also be easily extended to consider the non-linearity
of the ratcheting-viscosity by using the finite difference method. The stress concentration at the
edges needs to be better treated, as the maximum tensile stress in the passivation film is at the
corner. Fracture conditions also need to be considered more carefully. Several useful rules for
design are evident. First, one should aim to avoid metal film ratcheting altogether. Under cyclic
temperature, the metal film cycles elastically if temperature range is small and the yield strength
of the metal is large, according to (77). Second, if one cannot avoid ratcheting, one may aim to
design the metal film geometry such that the passivation film can sustain the steady state, in
which the stress distribution in the passivation film can be calculated by solving a linear elastic
plane stress problem. Third, if the characteristic umber N C is much larger than the number of
cycles required by the qualification test, one may design according to the transient stress state,
solving the stress field as a function of the number of cycles. The present model allows one to
Consider the structure illustrated in Fig. 10 again. In the present context, a brittle film
lies on a metal underlayer, which in turn lies on a rigid substrate. Cycle the structure between
temperatures TL and TH. Within the temperature and time of the experiment, the metal does not
creep, but can have time-independent plastic deformation. For simplicity, assume that the tensile
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stress in the uncracked blanket film, σ , is constant as the temperature changes. This happens in
practice when the elastic film and the substrate have a similar coefficient of thermal expansion,
and σ is due to the deposition process or an applied load. As temperature cycles, the metal layer
undergoes ratcheting plastic deformation. The stress field in the film relaxes in the crack wake,
and intensifies around the crack tip. By the ratcheting-creep analogy, we rewrite the scaling law
for the crack velocity (38) as the scaling law for crack growth per cycle (Liang et al., 2002a):
da Hhσ 2
= 0.6 , (90)
dN ηRΓ
where ηR is given by (82), and Γ is the fracture energy of the brittle film.
analysis of its main features: saturated void volume, resistance change, stress generation, void
initiation, void growth, and stress relaxation. We then give an analytical model of non-
observation of SIV in blanket copper films is discussed. We finally consider the effects of low k
dielectrics and barriers. Okabayashi (1993) and Sullivan (1996) have provided two reviews on
SIV. This section will focus on physical descriptions of the phenomenon, leaving the design
Early aluminum lines had the width much larger than the thickness. They behaved like
blanket films. When narrow aluminum lines were introduced, voids were observed on wafers
held in ovens, or even on wafers left on shelves at room temperature (Curry, et al., 1984; Yue, et
9/13/2002 61
al., 1985; Turner and Wendel, 1985). The voids may be crack-like or rounded, grow with time,
A basic understanding soon followed (Jones and Basehore, 1987; Hinode et al., 1990;
Greenebaum et al., 1991; Korhonen, et al. 1991; Sauter and Nix, 1992). Aluminum has a larger
cooling, a narrow aluminum line is in a tensile, triaxial stress state. The magnitude of the stress
in aluminum readily exceeds the yield strength of aluminum. Indeed, even a liquid with zero
yield strength, so encapsulated, would be under hydrostatic tension. Over a long time, a small
piece of a crystal is like a liquid in that they both creep under shear. An encapsulated metal line
diffuse from one place to another. However, this equilibrium state is metastable. A flaw may act
like a void nucleus. If the stress near the flaw is low or vanishes, the nonuniform stress field
motivates aluminum atoms to diffuse away from the flaw, simultaneously growing the void and
relaxing the tensile stress (Figure 38). The metal line approaches a stable equilibrium state
An accelerated testing method has also been developed, known as the high temperature
storage (HTS) test. The aluminum line is stress-free at a temperature T0 , which is close to the
silica deposition temperature. Samples are kept in an oven at some temperature T below T0 . The
thermal expansion mismatch volume scales with the temperature drop, T0 − T . It is this
mismatch volume that feeds to the void. The atomic diffusivity depends on the temperature as
D = D0 exp (−Q / kT ), where k is Boltzmann’s constant, Q the activation energy, and D0 the
frequency factor. As the temperature drops, the mismatch volume increases, but the diffusivity
decreases (Figure 39). Consequently, voids grow fastest at a particular temperature Tmax . During
9/13/2002 62
the storage test, the electrical resistance of a line is measured as a function of time. The line fails
if its resistance increases by, say 20%. The time to fail half of the lines, i.e., the median-time-to-
kT ,
MTF = N exp (91)
(T0 − T )
where C and N are fitting parameters, along with T0 and Q. This relation captures the above
physical considerations. The failure time approaches infinity when the test is carried either at the
stress-free temperature T0 , or at the absolute zero. To obtain the fitting parameters, the storage
tests are carried out at several temperatures, possibly around Tmax to shorten the testing time.
Equation (91) is then extrapolated to predict the failure time at, say, room temperature.
SIV is mitigated in aluminum interconnects in several ways. First, adding a few percent
of copper into aluminum reduces the diffusion rate by nearly two orders of magnitude (Ames et
al., 1970). Second, materials of negligible diffusion rates, such as W and TiN, are used as shunts
(Figure 38), so that a void in the aluminum line does not open the circuit, but just increases the
electrical resistance somewhat (Howard et al., 1978). Third, a short aluminum line cannot grow
a large void, because the volume of material to be relaxed is small (Filippi et al., 1995). These
The interest in SIV has resurged recently since copper lines entered the interconnect
structure. Voids have been observed in electron beam evaporated copper lines, and found to be
sensitive to the texture (Keller et al., 1997). On-chip copper lines are electroplated, and have
small initial grains. If the lines are not properly annealed before encapsulation, later annealing
will cause grain growth, densify copper, and induce voids (Hommel et al., 2001; Ogawa et al.,
2002). In aluminum interconnects, voids grow in the lines, but not in the tungsten vias. By
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contrast, in copper interconnects, vias themselves are made of copper, and are susceptible to
voiding (Fig. 40). Furthermore, compared to aluminum, copper has large yield strength and a
high degree of elastic anisotropy. Stress concentration arises at the junction of the copper grain
boundary and SiN top layer; voids have been observed even in blanket copper films (Shaw,
Despite efforts in for nearly two decades, there is no single model that accounts for all
aspects of SIV. Complicated factors (e.g., grain structures, flaws, interfaces, and atomic
transport mechanisms) play roles. Detailed information of such factors is incompletely known,
and will probably never be precisely controlled in fabrication. At this point, it seems desirable to
consider the physics of the phenomenon semi-quantitatively. In this spirit, the following sub-
storage test temperature T. The total number of atoms in the line is constant at all time. Because
atomic transport does not change the volume of the metal, the thermal misfit strain is
accommodated by a combination of void space and elastic deformation. When the stress in the
line completely relaxes, the thermal expansion misfit is fully accommodated by the void space.
9/13/2002 64
where V is the volume of the metal line, and ∆ α is the effective thermal expansion mismatch
strain. If a metal line were embedded in silicon, ∆ α = α m − α Si , where α m and α Si are the
thermal expansion coefficient of the metal and silicon. ( α m = 24 ×10 −6 K −1 for aluminum and
the structure. For the silica-based interconnect structure, because the metals have much larger
thermal expansion coefficients than the surrounding materials (silica, silicon, silicon nitride, and
tantalum), the thermal expansion mismatch is insensitive to which exact value is used for these
stress-free temperature is 400°C, and a representative storage test temperature is 200°C. Taking
these vales, one finds that Vsv / V = 1.2% for aluminum, and Vsv / V = 0.78% for copper. For a
line of size 1 by 1 by 10 µm, the saturated void, if it is a single spherical one, has radius 306 nm
for aluminum, and 265 nm for copper. The interconnect structure with low k dielectrics will be
Many voids may nucleate along the metal line, each growing to relax stress in its vicinity.
Once the stress completely relaxes, the sum of the volumes of all the voids remains constant as
the line is held at the constant temperature. Equation (92) gives this sum. The actual void
volume can be larger or smaller than the SVV. When a line is cooled to a low temperature for a
short time, the tensile stress partially relaxes, so that the total void volume is smaller than the
SVV. If the line is then brought to a high temperature, for some time the metal is under
compression, and the void volume is larger than the SVV. In case of a copper line, we assume
that the electroplated copper has been annealed to allow densification prior to encapsulation, so
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Resistance Increase
A line fails when the voids significantly increase the resistance of the line. The resistance
change does not uniquely relate to the void volume. Small, isolated voids do not cause as much
resistance increase as a single large void that depletes a segment of the metal line. Even when
only one void is left near a via, the resistance change depends on geometry. Figure 41 compares
two identical voids, the only difference being the size of the tungsten studs relative to the void.
Evidently, the resistance increases in Fig. 41a is smaller than that in Fig. 41b.
When the void length exceeds several times the line width, the resistance increase can be
estimated from the void length. Let ρ be the resistivity of the interconnect, L its length, and A
its corss sectional area. The resistance of a void-free interconnect is R = ρ L / A , ignoring the
conductance due to the aluminide shunt layers. Let ρ1 and A1 be the resistivity and the cross-
sectional area of the aluminide layers. When a void of length L1 appears in the line, current
flows in the aluminide layers, and the resistance increases by ∆ R = ρ1 L1 / A1 , where the
∆R ρ1 L1 / A1
= . (93)
R ρL / A
Everything else being equal, the thicker the shunt layers, the smaller the resistance change.
The stress field in the metal line is complicated in general, with tensor components and
nonuniformity along the line. To grow a large void, atoms must diffuse in the line over a length
much larger than the line width. On such a time scale, creep should have relaxed each point in
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the line to a hydrostatic state (Korhonen et al., 1991). That is, over a sufficient long time scale,
at an elevated temperature, a crystal behaves like a liquid. The hydrostatic stress in the metal
line prior to voiding can be calculated as follows. Figure 42 illustrates separately the metal line
and the dielectric. In the metal line, the stress state has components of an equal magnitude σ in
all directions. The stress causes the metal to expand with the volumetric elastic strain σ / Bm ,
where Bm is the bulk modulus of the metal. When the metal is modeled as an isotropic material,
the bulk modulus relates to Young’s modulus Em and Poisson’s ratio ν m as Bm = Em / 3(1− 2ν m ).
For a metal of cubic crystalline symmetry, the bulk modulus relates to its crystalline elastic
constants as Bm = (C11 + 2C12 ) / 3 . For aluminum, C11 = 108GPa, C12 = 62GPa, C44 = 28GPa ,
giving Bm = 77GPa . For Copper, C11 = 168GPa, C12 = 121GPa, C44 = 75GPa , giving
Bm = 136GPa .
Regard the encapsulation as an elastic solid with a hole subject to a normal traction of
magnitude σ . The dielectric is in a state of plane strain deformation. The traction causes the
cross-sectional area of the hole to reduce by ∫ un ds , where un is the normal component of the
elastic displacement at the hole surface. Let A be the cross-sectional area of the hole. Linearity
1 σ
un ds = − . (94)
A µ eff
This equation defines an effective modulus µeff . This effective modulus depends on the shape of
the hole, as well as the elastic constants of the dielectric, the barrier, and the silicon substrate.
The effective modulus can be readily calculated using the finite element method (Section 5.6). If
the cross section is a long rectangle, rather than a square, the system is more compliant, leading
to a small µeff . In the idealized case, when the hole has a circular cross section, and the
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dielectric is infinite, the stress field in the dielectric is known analytically, and we find that the
effective modulus is µeff = E d / 2(1+ ν d ), coincident with the shear modulus of the dielectric.
Let θ be the volumetric strain caused, e.g., by the mismatch in thermal expansion
the difference in the volume change of the interconnect line and that of the dielectric hole.
Combining the two contributions, one relates the hydrostatic stress in the metal, σ , to the
volumetric mismatch strain between the metal and the encapsulation, θ , namely,
σ = Bθ , (95)
1 1 1
= + . (96)
B Bm µeff
If the cross section is a long rectangle, the effective modus is small, leading to a low hydrostatic
stress. In the limiting case when the interconnect is a blanket film, the hydrostatic stress
vanishes in this liquid-like model. For an interconnect of a squre cross section, taking
µeff = 30GPa for silica, the effective modulus is B = 22GPa for aluminum/silica structure, and
B = 24GPa for copper/silica structure. The mismatch strain is mainly accommodated by the
elastic deformation of the dielectric, so that the effective moduli of the two structures are similar,
despite the nearly factor 2 difference in the bulk moduli of aluminum and copper. The effective
modulus reduces if the cross section is a long rectangle. Assume that the volumetric strain is
entirely due to the thermal expansion mismatch between the metal and the dielectric,
θ = 3∆α (T0 − T ). For the temperature drop T0 − T = 200K , the hydrostatic stress is
σ = 260MPa in aluminum line, and σ = 187MPa in copper line. Some authors have treated the
dielectric as a rigid material, and taken the bulk modulus of the metal, Bm , as the effective
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modulus. This would significantly overestimate the effective modulus ( Bm / B = 3.5 for
Void Initiation
Next consider a void-like flaw in a metal subject to a hydrostatic stress. The void can
change its size by relocating atoms from the void surface into the metal far away from the void.
In doing so, the void increases its surface area, and the remote stress does work. The former
increases the free energy, but the latter decreases it. Will the void shrink or enlarge? For the
time being, we assume that the void volume changes slightly, so that the number of atoms
transported into the line is so small that the stress σ does not change. Take the solid without the
void but under the same applied stress as the ground state, at which the system has zero free
energy. The current state has a void of radius a. Let γ be the surface energy per unit area. In
creating the void, a surface of area 4π a2 is exposed, raising the free energy of the system by
γ 4π a2 . At the same time, atoms occupying the volume 4πa3 / 3 relocate, allowing the remote
stress to do work σ 4πa / 3 . Thus, the free energy of the system, relative to that of solid with no
void, is
4 3
F(a) = 4π a γ − π a σ .
Figure 43 sketches the free energy as a function of the void radius. When a = 0, F = 0, which is
the ground state. When the void is small, the surface energy dominates, and the void shrinks to
reduce the free energy. When the void is large, the stress dominates, and the void enlarges to
reduce the free energy. The two behaviors are separated at a critical void radius a * , at which the
free energy maximizes. The critical void radius is given by a* = 2γ / σ . Taking representative
9/13/2002 69
values, γ = 1J/m 2 and σ = 200MPa , we find that the critical radius is a* = 10nm . If the pre-
existing flaw size a is known, the flaw can grow if the stress exceeds the value
σ void = 2γ / a . (98)
Because the volumetric strain due to thermal expansion mismatch is on the order of 10-2,
for a void to grow to a size to sever the line, a long length of the metal has to be relaxed. The
long range diffusion samples averages of various quantities, and is a much more robust process
than void initiation. Korhonen et al. (1993) formulated a model to study atomic diffusion in an
encapsulated metal line. To study mass transport over a length exceeding several times the line
width, one can assume that the stress state is hydrostatic, varying along the line and with time.
Let the x axis coincide with the line. The stress in the line is a function of position and time,
σ (x,t ). The nonuniformity of the stress motivates atoms to diffuse to the region of large tension.
When an atom is removed from a stress-free solid, and then added to another solid under
hydrostatic tension σ , the free energy reduces by Ωσ , where Ω is the volume per atom in the
metal. Consequently, the driving force to relocate atoms in the metal line is
f =Ω . (99)
Let J be the atomic flux, i.e., the number of atoms crossing per unit area per unit time. Write
Einstein’s relation as
J= . (100)
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The diffusivity D is taken to be the average along the aluminum line. The flux divergence gives
rise to the volumetric strain per unit time, ∂θ / ∂t = Ω∂J / ∂x . Recall that the mismatch
volumetric strain relates to the stress by σ = Bθ . Consequently, the stress rate is proportional to
∂σ ∂J
= BΩ . (101)
∂t ∂x
∂σ DBΩ ∂ 2 σ
= . (102)
∂t kT ∂x 2
This partial differential equation, together with suitable initial and boundary conditions, governs
the evolving pressure distribution, σ (x,t ). Solutions of practical interest can be found in
With reference to Figure 38, assume that the flaw is already large enough so that the
stress near the flaw is zero. Equation (102) is identical to the usual diffusion equation, with the
diffusivity-like quantity DBΩ / kT . The solution to this initial-boundary value problem is well
known. The time for a void to relax a segment of interconnect of length l scales as
l 2 kT
tl ~ , (103)
The void fails a line by increasing the resistance of the line to a designated value. Assume that
void of length L1 corresponds to the failure. To grow a void of length L1 , the segment of the
metal line need be relaxed is about l = L1 / 3(α m − α d )(T0 − T ). Inserting into (103), we obtain
the lifetime
t life ∝
B[(α m − α d )(T0 − T )]
kT . (104)
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This expression looks similar to (91). As noted before, the effective modulus B depends on the
cross section shape, and the dielectric type. Other things being the same, a structure with a
The presence of the yield strength causes a nonhydrostatic stress state in the metal line,
and also increases the magnitude of all stress components. According to (98), a higher stress can
activate a smaller flaw to grow into a void. The stresses in encapsulated elastic plastic metal
lines have been studied by using finite element methods (Jones and Basehore, 1987; Greenebaum
To gain insight into this phenomenon, we give an analytical solution for an idealized
model, in which a long metal line of cylindrical cross section, radius a, is encapsulated in an
infinite dielectric (Figure 44). The dielectric is elastic, with Young’s modulus Ed , Poisson’s ratio
v d , and thermal expansion coefficient α d . The corresponding properties for the metal are Em ,
v m , and α m . Now consider the metal and the dielectric separately as a cylinder and an infinite
solid with a cylindrical hole. The metal is under a uniform, triaxial stress field, with a
transverse stress σ T also acts on the hole surface in the dielectric. The dielectric is taken to be
infinite, and the longitudinal stress in the dielectric is zero. Inside the dielectric, the stress field
decays away from the hole. According to the Lame solution, the radial stress σ r and the hoop
stress σ θ in an infinite elastic solid subject to a stress on a hole surface are given by
σ r (r ) = σ T (a / r) , σ θ (r) = −σ T (a / r ) ,
2 2
9/13/2002 72
where r is the radial distance. Consequently, the stress field in the composite is determined once
Next look at the strains. When the temperature changes by ∆T , the stresses change by
∆ σ T and ∆ σ L . The change in the longitudinal strain in the dielectric is caused by thermal
∆ ε L = α d ∆T .
On the hole surface, the radial and the hoop stresses in the dielectric are σ r = σ T and σ θ = −σ T .
The change in the hoop strain is the sum of that caused by thermal expansion and that caused by
the stresses:
1 + νd
∆ εθ = α d ∆T − ∆σ T .
When we look at the strains in the metal, the analysis will depend on whether the metal
has yielded. First assume that the metal is elastic. The changes in the strains in the metal are
1 2ν
∆ ε L = α m ∆T + ∆ σ L − m ∆σ T ,
Em Em
νm (1 − ν m )
∆ εθm = α m ∆T − ∆σL + ∆σ T , (109)
Em Em
Because the metal and the dielectric are well bonded, so that the strains across the interface are
compatible: ∆ ε dL = ∆ ε mL and ∆ εθd = ∆ εθm . Solving two coupled linear algebraic equations, we
obtain that
∆σT = −
(1 + ν m )(α m − αd )∆T , (110)
(1+ ν m )(1 − 2ν m ) + (1 + ν d )
Em Ed
When the metal and the dielectric have similar elastic constants, the stresses become
9/13/2002 73
∆σT = − (α − α d )∆T , (112)
2(1 − ν ) m
∆σ L = − (α − α d )∆T . (113)
1− ν m
So far we have assumed that the metal is elastic. For representative values, Em = 1011 Pa ,
α m − α d = 20 × 10 −6 K −1 , and ∆T = 500K , the stress is about 1 GPa, which exceeds typical yield
strength of metals. We next allow the metal to yield plastically. Recall that the metal is under a
does not affect plastic deformation of a metal. Imagine that we superimpose a hydrostatic state
(−σ T ,−σ T ,−σ T ) to the metal, so that the metal is under a uniaxial stress state (σ L − σ T ,0,0 ).
We assume that metal is nonhardening, and the yield strength Y is independent of the
temperature. One can readily modify the model to allow the yield strength to vary the
temperature and strain, or even include the effect of creep. The metal and the dielectric are
perfectly bonded. Consequently, the metal yield when the difference in the longitudinal and the
σ L − σT = Y . (114)
After yielding, when the temperature changes, the two stresses can still change, provided
they change by the same amount, ∆ σ L = ∆σ T . Let the plastic strain in the longitudinal direction
be ε p . Because plastic deformation conserves volume, the plastic strains in either of the two
transverse directions must be − ε p / 2 . When the temperature changes by ∆T , after yielding, the
1− 2ν m
∆ ε L = α m ∆T + ∆ε + ∆σ T ,
m p
9/13/2002 74
1 p 1 − 2ν m
∆ εθ = α m ∆T − ∆ ε + ∆σT .
2 Em
The metal and the dielectric are bonded, so that ∆ ε dL = ∆ ε mL and ∆ εθd = ∆ εθm . Solving for the
3(α m − α d )∆T
∆σT = − . (117)
3(1 − 2ν m ) 2(1+ ν d )
Em Ed
Note that this expression can be written as ∆ σ T = −3B(α m − α d )∆T , with the effective elastic
Figure 45 sketches the stress build up as the temperature drops from the stress-free
temperature T0 . When the temperature is above a certain level, Te , the metal is elastic, and the
stresses increases according to (110) and (111). The temperature Te is determined by inserting
the stresses (110) and (111) into the yield condition (114), giving
E d (1+ ν m )
σ T (Te ) = Y, (119)
E m (1 + ν d )
and the longitudinal stress is at a level Y above the transverse stress. As the temperature drops
below Te , the stresses continue to build up, now with a different slope given by (117).
Figure 46 sketches the longitudinal stress as a function of the temperature, assuming the
metal acquires a high stress, and the liquid-like metal acquires a low stress. The stress in the
elastic-plastic metal falls between the two limits. Because we assume that the yield strength Y is
9/13/2002 75
a constant, the two lines for the plastic and liquid-like metals are parallel. The longitudinal stress
Ed (1 + ν m )
σ L (T) = 3B(α m − α d )(T0 − T ) + 1+
Em (1+ ν d )
Y. (120)
The first term is the hydrostatic tension in a liquid-like metal. The second term is due to the
presence of the yield strength. A representative value of the yield strength at 200°C is 150MPa,
Shaw et al. (2001) and Sekiguchi et al. (2001) have observed voids in blanket copper
films. In the experiment of Shaw et al., sketched in Figure 47, the copper film was plated on
SiO2 dielectric, and capped with a silicon nitride layer. An annealing at 400°C closed all the
voids, and left the copper film under compression. The film was then rapidly cooled and held at
Recall that SIV has been widely reported for encapsulated narrow aluminum lines, but
not for blanket aluminum films. As illustrated in Fig. 48a, in a blanket metal film, creep can also
relieve the biaxial stress by dislocation motion and atomic diffusion. Consequently, voiding
(Fig. 48b) must be regarded as a stress-relieving process in competition with creep. For a void to
initiate from a small flaw, the stress must be high enough to compete with the surface energy.
The wafer curvature measurements have indicated that the stress in copper is typically higher
than in aluminum, due mainly to the larger yield strength in copper films (Baker et al. 2001,
Shen et al., 1998). Furthermore, the elastic stiffness for copper is more anisotropic than
aluminum. For a crystal of cubic symmetry, a single number characterizes the degree of elastic
9/13/2002 76
C12 + 2C44
ξ= . (121)
For an isotropic elastic solid, ξ = 1. Using the elastic constants listed in Section 5.2, one finds
that ξ = 1.1 for aluminum, and ξ = 1.6 for copper. Finite element calculation has shown that the
stress is high at the intersection of copper grain boundary and SiN cap layer (X.H. Liu, of IBM,
private communication).
For the void to grow in size, atoms must diffuse from the void surface and plate on
copper grain boundaries. The observation of voiding implies that creep is a less effective process
to relieve the stress. This may be understood by comparing Figure 48a and b. Assume that
dislocations motions are constrained in the small volume. To relieve the stress in the copper
film, both creep and voiding require atoms to diffuse on the copper grain boundaries. In
addition, creep requires that atoms diffuse on the copper/silica or copper/nitride interface, but
voiding requires that atoms diffuse on the void surface. If the interface diffusion is slower than
the surface diffusion, and if the grain boundary diffusion is not too much faster than the interface
diffusion, then voiding will be a more effective means to relieve stress than creep. After a long
enough time, allowing atoms to diffuse on the interfaces, voids should disappear, driven by the
surface energy, much like in powder sintering. Models of grain boundary diffusion in elastic
solids (Thouless et al., 1996; Gao et al., 1999) can be adapted to model this phenomenon.
As illustrated in Figure 37, voids in an interconnect can have different shapes. A slit-like
void significantly increases electric resistance with a small amount of mass transport, and
therefore may be responsible for earlier failure. Models of void shapes are briefly considered
here. Figure 49a illustrates a void of radius a in a crystal under remote stress σ . For simplicity,
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we will only consider the uniaxial stress state. Assume that atomic transport inside the solid is
much slower than on the void surface, so that the void can change shape as atoms relocate on its
surface, and the solid is elastic. The surface energy favors a rounded void, but the elastic energy
favors an elongated void. The stress at point A is higher than that at B, motivating atoms to
diffuse on the surface. Express the relative importance of the elastic and the surface energy
σ 2a
Λ= . (122)
Under no stress, the void has a rounded shape maintained by the surface energy. When the
crystal is under stress, two behaviors are expected. If the stress is small ( Λ small), the void
reaches an equilibrium shape close to an ellipse. If the stress is large ( Λ larger), the void can
never reach equilibrium; noses emerge and sharpen into crack tips. The critical value occurs at
Λ c ≈ 1 . Taking σ = 1GPa , a = 100nm , E = 70GPa , and γ = 1J/m 2 , we find from (122) that
To place this mechanism into perspective, recall other mass transport mechanisms by
which a void evolves. At elevated temperatures, surface tension and stress may relocate mass by
diffusion on a surface and a grain boundary, and by diffusion and creep in a crystal lattice. First
consider diffusion on surfaces and boundaries (Figure 49b). A void on a grain boundary normal
to an applied tensile stress grows as atoms diffuse from the pore surface into the grain boundary
(Chuang et al. 1979). When atoms diffuse faster on the grain boundary than on the void surface,
the void cannot maintain the shape of spherical caps, and will become slit-like. Inserting one
atom to the grain boundary, the tensile stress does work Ωσ . The elastic energy variation per
atom relocation scales with Ωσ 2 / Y . When atoms are mobile on the grain boundary, and the
grains can drift relative to each other to accommodate the space, the elastic energy variation is
9/13/2002 78
much smaller than the work done by the stress associated with the insertion of atoms,
Ωσ 2 / Y «Ωσ . The effect of elasticity of the grains is negligible: the models assume rigid
grains. However, when the grain boundary is absent, or atoms are immobile on the grain
boundary, the tensile stress cannot do work Ωσ , and the elastic energy variation may become
Next consider a single crystal under a uniaxial tension. A void in the crystal may change
shape for several reasons. Elastic distortion causes small changes; large changes require mass
transport. As illustrated in Fig. 49c, if the crystal creeps rapidly, the void elongates in the
longitudinal direction (e.g., Budiansky et al., 1982). By contrast, if atoms diffuse rapidly on the
void surface and the crystal is elastic, the void elongates in the transverse direction.
A Low k dielectric often has a small elastic modulus and a large thermal expansion
coefficient. For example, SiLK has Young’s modulus 2.45 GPa and thermal expansion
coefficient 66 × 10 −6 K -1 (Martin et al., 2000). Will the metal line be under compression on
cooling from the fabrication temperature? How small are the effective modulus B and the
magnitude of the stress? Does the thin barrier layer between the metal and the dielectric play
any role? Because different dielectrics will be used in coming years, it is important to have a
convenient method to answer the above questions quantitatively (Ma et al., 1995; Hau-Riege and
Thompson, 2000).
Figure 50 illustrates the cross section of several long metal lines embedded in a dielectric.
In calculation, one can set the thermal expansion coefficient of every material by its own value
minus α si . Because the Si substrate is bulky, the structure is under a state of plane strain
9/13/2002 79
deformation. The adjacent lines provide stiffness to each other. One can take a unit cell
containing a single metal line, and prescribe zero displacement on the cell walls. Similar to Fig.
47, remove the metal line from the structure, and leave behind a composite structure of silicon,
the dielectric, and the barrier layer. Apply a uniform normal traction σ on the hole surface, and
a temperature change ∆T . The structure is linear elastic, so that the change in the area of the
cross section is linear in the temperature change and the applied stress. Write
1 σ
un ds = 2α eff ∆T − . (123)
A µeff
The two coefficients α eff and µeff can be computed by solving the elasticity boundary value
problem. The effective modulus B is still given by (96). The effective thermal expansion
mismatch is
When the metal has no voids and is under a hydrostatic stress, the stress is given by
σ = 3B∆ α (T0 − T ). When the metal grows voids, and the stress in the metal is fully relieved, the
SVV is given by Vsv = 3∆α (T0 − T)V . When the dielectric and the barrier have thermal
expansion coefficient similar to silicon, α eff = 0 , and (124) recovers (92). When the dielectric
has a large thermal expansion coefficient, and the barrier is negligibly thin, α eff will dominate
The boundary value problem such as that in Fig. 50 is easily solved by using the finite
element method. To appreciate the trend, consider an idealized structure similar to that in Fig.
44. The metal line has a circular cross section of radius a, surrounded by a barrier of thickness
9/13/2002 80
analytically. The effective modulus µeff relates to the shear modulus of the dielectric and the
µeff = µ d + µb hb / a , (125)
µ da
µ b hb
(1 + ν d )(αd − α Si ) + (1 + ν b )(α b − α Si )
α eff = µd a . (126)
µ b hb
When (µ d / µb )(a / hb ) » 1, the dielectric prevails: µeff = µ d and α eff = (1 + ν d )(α d − α Si ). When
barrier prevails, the saturation void volume is comparable to that in copper/silica structure.
Taking µb = 60GPa and a / hb = 10 , we obtain that µeff = 6.0GPa . For copper interconnect, the
barrier provides the effective modulus B = 5.7GPa . Even with a dielectric of negligible
stiffness, the barrier itself can provide significant constraint. This fact has significant
In service, an interconnect line carries an intense electric current. The current motivates
metal atoms to diffuse in the direction of electron flow. The process, known as electromigration,
has been the most menacing and persistent threat to interconnect reliability. Before this threat
was recognized, electromigration had been one of the curious cross-field transport phenomena,
studied for its own sake (e.g., Huntington and Grone, 1961). For the last three decades, the
evolution of the electromigration research has been intertwined with that of the interconnect
9/13/2002 81
structure; see successive reviews coming out of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center (d’Heurle
and Rosenberg, 1973; d’Heurle and Ho, 1978; Ho and Kwok, 1989; Hu et al., 1995; Rosenberg
et al., 2000).
(Korhonen et al., 1993), mechanics has become an integral part of the electromigration research.
Stress both originates from, and affects, electromigration. There is no fundamental difference
between the stress induced by thermal expansion mismatch and that induced by electromigration.
Stress may open voids in the metal, and break the encapsulation (Chiras and Clarke, 2000). Low
k dielectrics also have low stiffness, which significantly influences electromigration (Lee, et al,
2001; Hau-Riege and Thompson, 2000). As miniaturization continues, the diffusion time will be
shorter. At least some of the interconnects will have to be designed to be immortal, on the basis
of a stable state, rather than a transient process (Suo, 1998; Andleigh et al., 1999).
lines. At this writing, the design of the interconnect structure is in a state of flux. Materials,
architectures, and processes will change. Models and experiments based on first principles are
particularly valuable in guiding future development. This section draws on the previous ones.
Sections 2 and 3 come in when we consider cracking and debonding caused by electromigration.
particularly relevant when we consider the effects of low k dielectrics. Even though Section 4,
which is on ratcheting, dose not come in directly, the conscientious reader will soon feel the
pains shared by the two widely used accelerated tests: thermal cycling and electromigration.
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6.1 Electromigration in Encapsulated Metal Line
vias link aluminum lines between different levels. The titanium aluminide layers shunt the
electric current where voids deplete a segment of aluminum. Figure 52 sketches the stress
distribution along the metal line, assuming no voids. As the test temperature, the thermal
expansion mismatch induces a triaxial tension in the aluminum line, as discussed in Section 5.
At time t = 0, subject the line to a direct electric current. Electrons enter the aluminum line from
one tungsten via (cathode), and leave from another (anode). The electron flow causes aluminum
atoms to diffuse toward the anode. The atomic transport builds up tension near the cathode, and
compression near the anode. The stress gradient promotes atoms to diffuse back to the cathode.
After some time, the interconnect reaches a steady state: the backflow balances the
electromigration, and net atomic transport stops. The interconnect will last provided aluminum
Next consider the case that the interconnect grows voids. Figure 53 summarizes the main
observations. Thermal expansion misfit causes a tensile stress in aluminum. Each void grows
and relaxes the stress in its vicinity (Figure 53a). After the line is subject to an electric current
(Figure 53b), the voids exhibit extraordinarily complex dynamics: they disappear, re-form, drift,
change shape, coalesce, and break up (Marieb et al., 1995). A particular behavior has captured
much attention. A void sometimes takes the shape of a slit, lying inside a single grain, severing
the metal line (Sanchez et al.,1992; Rose, 1992). Arzt et al. (1994) reported that a void is round
initially; it moves, grows, and then changes shape to become a slit. The void dynamics have
been simulated (e.g., Wang et al., 1996; Kraft et al., 1997; Zhang et al. 1999).
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Despite the commotion in the transient, the end state is simple (Filippi, et al., 1995;
2002). After a sufficiently long time, the metal line reaches a steady state (Figure 53c). Only a
single void remains near the cathode; voids in the middle of the line have now been filled or
swept into the cathode void. The total number of aluminum atoms is constant in the line. As the
void at the cathode grows, atoms diffuse into the rest of the line, inducing a linear distribution of
pressure (Fig. 54). The pressure gradient balances the electron wind. The metal line behaves
like a column of a liquid in the gravitational field. The electron wind playing the role of the
Imagine several identical lines, each carrying a different current. Figure 55 illustrates the
resistance change as a function of time. The resistance increases as the void enlarges. Two
long-term trends are expected: the resistance either saturates or runs away. Evidently, the larger
the current, the higher the saturation resistance. For a line carrying a large current, a large
pressure gradient is needed to stop mass diffusion. The high pressure in the metal near the
anode, in its turn, may cause cracking or debonding in the encapsulation materials (Chiras and
Clarke., 2000; Lee et al., 2002). Afterwards, the metal extrudes and the cathode void grows
further, so that the resistance increases indefinitely. Figure 56 and 57 show two examples of
Electron Wind
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When a direct electric current flows in a metal, the moving electrons impart momentum
to metal atoms. The electron wind force per atom, fe , is proportional to the electric current
fe = Z eρ j ,
where e is the electronic charge, and ρ the resistivity of the metal. Recall that ρj is the electric
field in the metal line, and eρ j has the dimension of force. The dimensionless number Z* is
known as the effective charge number. The sign convention makes Z* < 0 , because the electron
wind force is in the direction of the electron flow, opposite to that of the electric current density
The electron wind force is small. When an atom moves by an atomic distance b , the
work done by the force, fe b , is much below the average thermal energy kT. Taking
barrier for atomic motion in metals is on the order of 1 eV. Consequently, the electron wind
causes metal atoms to diffuse. The atomic flux is linearly proportional to the electron wind
Atomic Diffusion
Einstein’s equation relates the atomic flux J (i.e., the number of atoms crossing unit area
DZ * eρ j
J= , (128)
9/13/2002 85
where D = D0 exp (−Q / kT ) is the diffusion coefficient, Q is the activation energy, and Ω is the
volume per atom in the metal. The equation is analogous to Equation (100) for diffusion
In a metal line, atoms may diffuse along several paths: the bulk crystal, the grain
boundaries, the interface between the metal and the encapsulation, and the interface between the
metal and the native oxide. Figure 58a sketches the cross-section of a wide metal line, width w
and thickness h. The metal line has columnar grains of diameter d. The effective Z* D , which
enters (128) to give the total atomic flux, results from all three kinds of paths (Hu et al., 1999):
1 1 1
Z* D = ZB* DB + ZG* DGδ G 1 − + 2ZI* DI δ I + ,
d w w h
where the subscripts B, G, and I signify the bulk, the grain boundary, and the interface; δG and
δ I are the width of the grain boundary and the interface, respectively. The melting temperatures
of aluminum and copper are 933K and 1358 K, respectively. The temperatures at which
electromigration is of concern are below 500 K. For fine metal lines, bulk diffusion is
negligible. When a metal line is narrow, the grains form a bamboo structure, with all the grain
boundaries perpendicular to the flux direction (Fig. 58b). For such a bamboo line, the grain
boundaries do not contribute to the mass transport; the only remaining diffusion path is the
Median-Time-to-Failure (MTF)
The most widely used method to characterize electromigration is to measure the median
time-to-failure (MTF). Subject a batch of lines to a known current density and temperature. The
lines grow voids. When a void sever a line, the current stops and the line fails. Due to the
9/13/2002 86
statistical nature of void formation, failure times scatter even for a batch of carefully processed
lines. The MTF is taken as the time at which 50% of the lines have failed. In the interconnect
structure with shunt layers, voids never stop the current. A line is taken to have failed when the
on electromigration. For example, it has been shown that Al lines containing a few percent of
Cu last about 80 times longer than pure Al lines (Ames, et al., 1970), that intermetallic shunts
greatly increase electromigration resistance (Howard et al., 1978), that narrow Al lines of
bamboo grain structures last longer than polycrystalline wide Al films (Vaidya et al., 1980), and
To fail lines within a time suitable for laboratory measurements, one has to accelerate the
test by using temperatures and electric current densities higher than those used in service. The
MFT can be measured for several temperatures and current densities. The results are fit to an
MFT = Aj− n exp , (130)
where A, n and Q are fitting parameters. The exponent n typically ranges between 1 and 2. The
activation energy Q determined this way is consistent with those determined by other methods.
The use of MFT to project service lifetime raises at least two objections. First, the values
of the MFT are measured under accelerated conditions. Any conclusion drawn by extrapolation
to the service condition is suspect. Second, the interconnect structure has little redundancy. The
whole structure fails by the earliest failure of a small number of lines. Valid measurements of
the low-percentage-failure tail of the time-to-failure curve involve large numbers of samples
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Line Edge Drift
Another useful experiment involves line edge drift. In their original experiment, Blech
and Kinsbron (1975) deposited a gold film on a molybdenum film, which in turn was deposited
on an oxide-covered silicon wafer (Figure 59). The molybdenum served as the electrodes.
Because molybdenum has much higher resistance than gold, in the molybdenum/gold bilayer, the
electric current mainly flew in gold. Gold atoms diffused in the direction of the electron flow.
The edge of the gold film at the cathode drifted, and atoms piled up at anode edge. The edge of
the gold film drifted at a constant velocity at a given current and temperature.
The drift velocity v relates to the atomic flux as v = ΩJ . Using (128), one expresses the
drift velocity as
DZ * eρ j
v= . (131)
vT D Z* eρ Q
ln = ln 0
j k kT
− . (132)
points often fall on a straight line. The slope of the line determines the activation energy Q, and
Compared to the MTF measurements, the drift velocity measurements require the
observation of the edge displacement. In return, the drift velocity measurements provide the
values of D0 Z * . Furthermore, the drift velocity does not have the large statistical scatter
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associated with void formation. In principle, a single sample can be used to measure the drift
The drift experiment has been used to determine the dominant diffusion paths for
aluminum (Hu et al., 1993) and copper (Hu et al., 1999; Liniger et al., 2002). It has been used to
study alloying effects in copper lines (Lee, et al. 1995). The drift experiment led Blech (1976)
discovery has since become a guiding light in the interconnect structure design and
electromigration research. The remainder of the section describes this discovery and its
On measuring the drift velocity in an aluminum line, Blech (1976) found that the line
edge drifted only when the current density was above a threshold value. He tested lines between
30 and 150 µm long. The threshold current density was inversely proportional to the line length.
The product of the line length L and the threshold current density jc was a constant,
jc L = 1.26 × 10 A/m . The jc L product increased when the aluminum lines were encapsulated in
silicon nitride. Blech attributed the observations to the pressure buildup near the anode. The
pressure buildup in aluminum was evident as it sometimes cracked the overlying SiN. The
pressure also caused a long aluminum extrusion through a hole etched in the SiN near the anode.
Blech used aluminum lines 25 µm wide and 0.46 µm thick, with columnar grains. Such
wide films could develop biaxial stresses, but not triaxial stresses. Atoms left the cathode region,
where tension arose. Atoms arrived in the anode region, where compression built up. At a point
in the line, atoms diffuse along the grain boundaries to equalize the two inplane stress
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components. The inplane stresses could not be readily relaxed because diffusion on the
aluminum-oxide interfaces is negligible. The stress gradient drove atoms to diffuse from the
anode (in compression) to cathode (in tension). The direction was opposite to the electron wind.
When the stress gradient balanced the electron wind, net atomic diffusion stopped. Incidentally,
Blech and Kinsbron (1975) did not report any threshold current density for gold lines.
Presumably diffusion on gold surface was so fast that the gold film could not build up significant
Denote the equal biaxial stress by σ , which is a function of the position x along the line
and time t. An atom in the metal line is subject to both the electron wind and the stress gradient.
f = Z eρ j + Ω
. (133)
The evolution of the stress field σ (x,t ) will be discussed later. We now focus on the steady
state. After a sufficiently long time, the net atomic diffusion stops, and the net driving force
vanishes, f = 0 . From (133), the line reaches the steady state when the stress in the line has a
constant slope, so that the stress needed to balance the electron wind force is
Ω∆ σ = Z * eρ jL, (134)
where ∆ σ is the stress difference between the two ends of the line. For a very small current, the
steady stress ∆ σ is small. Wide aluminum lines have finite yield strength, which has been
determined by the wafer curvature measurements (Nix, 1989). The lines drift when the stresses at
The mechanical constraint effect on electromigration lifetime had been reported before
Blech’s work. For example, Ainslie et al. (1972) developed equation (134) to estimate the stress
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needed to stop electromigration. These authors used a value Z* = - 60 in their estimate, and
found an extremely large stress, which could not be sustained by the encapsulation. They
abandoned this interpretation, and instead tried to explain the mechanical effect in terms of the
effect of stress on diffusivity. The Blech experiment eliminated any diffusivity related
interpretation, because diffusion stopped when the current was below the threshold. Indeed, once
the threshold current is measured, together with the yield strength measured by the wafer
curvature method, Equation (134) determines the value of Z* , without being convoluted with the
We now return to Figure 52 for a quantitative discussion. On cooling from the stress-free
temperature T0 to a temperature T, the metal line and the encapsulation have a mismatch
volumetric strain 3∆α (T0 − T ). When the structure is held at T for a sufficiently long time, the
line will evolve into one of the two equilibrium states: either a uniform hydrostatic stress state
σ = 3∆α (T0 − T)B with no voids, or a stress-free state with a saturated void volume,
SVV = 3∆α (T0 − T )V . Here V is the volume of the metal line. Section 5.6 prescribes ways to
calculate the effective thermal expansion coefficient mismatch ∆ α and elastic modulus B . The
evolution is facilitated by atomic transport. At a finite time, the metal line is in a transient state.
The stress state is non-hydrostatic and nonuniform. Voids and unrelaxed metal coexist.
Of the two equilibrium states, the hydrostatic state is metastable, but the state with SVV
is stable. Consider the hydrostatic state first. In Figure 52, this hydrostatic stress field is labeled
as t = 0 . Section 5.2 prescribes a critical stress for void initiation, σ void = 2γ / a , where a is the
radius of the pre-existing flaw size, and γ the surface energy. The condition can be modified for
9/13/2002 91
flaws on interfaces, or junctions between the grain boundaries and the interfaces. It is assumed
that the annealing will close all voids provided the uniform hydrostatic stress is below the critical
and the critical stress is σ void = 4 × 10 8 Pa . This comparison seems to suggest that the compliant
The above void initiation condition is overly simplistic, and is risky. It assumes an
artificial scenario: the metal reaches the hydrostatic state first, and then the flaws start to
question themselves whether to enlarge or shrink. In reality, during annealing, the elastic
anisotropy between metal grains, as well as the elastic inhomogeneity between the metal and the
encapsulation, can momentarily cause very high stresses at various junctions. If atomic transport
is slow in relaxing the metal into the hydrostatic state, the high stresses may cause the flaws to
grow. The situation is worse than voiding in blanket films discussed in Section 5.4. A stress-
free, void-free blanket film is the stable equilibrium state. By contrast, in an encapsulated metal
line, the uniform hydrostatic state is only metastable; the voids, once initiated, will grow until the
entire line is stress-free. Experiments of Hau-Riege (2001) showed that voids formed in copper
With caution, we pursue this risky model further, asking whether a superimposed electric
current will initiate voiding. After the electric current is applied, the metal line evolves to a
steady-state, in which the stress is linearly distributed. The number of atoms is conserved in the
metal line. If no voids form, atoms lost in the cathode region relocate to the anode region. By
symmetry, the middle of the line nether loses or gains atoms, and remains to have the stress
σ (L / 2,t ) = 3∆α (T0 − T )B at all time. The steady stress state as t → ∞ in the line is
9/13/2002 92
Z *e ρj L
Ω 2
σ (x,∞ ) = 3∆α (T0 − T)B − x − . (136)
We assume that voids do not initiate if the steady stress at the cathode is below the
Z* eρ
3∆α (T0 − T )B + jL < σ void . (137)
Figure 60 sketches this condition on the plane spanned by the temperature T and the product jL.
On this plane, Equation (137) is the straight line. Below the straight line, the current density is
low and the temperature is high, voids will not form. Above the straight line, the void will form.
A conservative model assumes that the voids grow in the metal line (Fig. 53). Figure 54
sketches the stress evolution in such a metal line. Before the line carries the electric current,
voids may already grow in the line due to thermal stresses. This stress distribution is labeled as
t = 0 in Figure 54. After the line carries electric field for some time, all the voids along the line
disappear, and a single void is left in the cathode edge. The void relieves the stress at the
cathode, σ (0,t ) = 0; the capillary pressure is negligible. The stress at the anode becomes
compressive. When the stress gradient balances the electron wind, the stress is linearly
σ (x,∞ ) = − Z* eρ jx / Ω, (138)
This stress distribution is labeled as t = ∞ in Figure 54. The steady stress field is unaffected by
the temperature, to the extent that the temperature dependencies of the materials constants in
(138) are negligible. In contrast to the void-free steady state (136), the steady state with a
9/13/2002 93
cathode void is stable. No further change will occur in the line until the current density or the
temperature changes.
The void at the cathode end reaches the saturated volume. The thermal expansion
mismatch contributes 3∆α (T0 − T )V to the SVV. The steady stress field σ contributes
A ∫0 (σ / B)dx to the SVV, where A is the cross-sectional area of the metal line. Adding the two
Vsv Z *e ρ
= 3∆α (T0 − T) + jL. (139)
The SVV increases when the temperature decreases and the current density increases. The void
volume affects the resistance increase, as discussed in Section 5.2. Failure can be set to the
On the plane spanned by T and jL, Equation (139) looks the same as that shown on Fig.
60, but with the intercept replaced by T0 − (Vsv / V ) / (3∆α ). The slope of the line is proportional
to B. Everything else being equal, jc L increases with B. In Section 5.6, we estimated that when
the encapsulation changes form Ta/silica to Ta/SiLK, the effective modulus drops by about a
factor of 4. In a recent experiment, Lee et al. (2002) found that jc L = 3.7and1.2 × 105 A/m for
When the temperature drops, the thermal stress increases, and the critical current density
decreases. The slope of the straight line in Figure 60 is 6ΩB∆α / Z* eρ . An estimate gives the
value of this slope to be 2 × 103 Am −1 /K . That is, decreasing the temperature by 100 K, one
9/13/2002 94
often reported without qualification. I am unaware of any experimental support of this trend.
Incidentally, in Blech’s (1976) drift experiment, jc L increased as the temperature dropped from
500 to 200 K. He used wide aluminum lines. The high values of jc L at low temperatures should
In writing (139), we have ignored the volume change due to chemical reaction between
aluminum and titanium. Any volume expansion associated with such a reaction would reduce the
saturation void volume. Similarly, encapsulation materials lead to a small or even negative ∆ α
The copper interconnect structures in use today have very thin barrier layers. They are
ineffective as shunts: the resistance abruptly increases when a void at the cathode grows across
the via (Hau-Riege, 2001; Wang and Filippi, 2001). A more appropriate failure criterion should
be the void volume Vsv itself, rather than the volumetric strain Vsv / V , reaches a critical value.
Neglecting the thermal strain in (139), one finds that Vsv ∝ jL2 / B . Hau-Riege (2001) has
suggested that jL2 / B , instead of jL, be used as a figure of merit. The void-at-via problem can be
mitigated by methods to generate a void off the via, at a location uncritical to the interconnect
(Hu et al., 2001). Of course, it remains an option to provide a low-resistance shunt to the
interconnect structure.
No reliable method exists to compute Z* from first principles; the parameter is measured
experimentally. Progress has been made in recent years to compute diffusivity D form first
principles; however, interconnects have multiple diffusion paths, and computations involving
interfaces and grain boundaries are unreliable. Although one can compute ∆ α and B as
9/13/2002 95
described in Section 5.6, it is desirable to measure such important parameters experimentally,
especially when input material parameters needed for computation are unreliable. As discussed
above, the drift experiment with unpassivated lines gives the product Z* D . Additional
Void in encapsulated metal lines can be observed in situ using high voltage scanning
electron microscopy (Marieb et al. 1995). When the void at the cathode is large enough, its
growth can be observed as the displacement of line edge at the cathode, similar to the original
Blech-Kinsbron (1975) drift velocity experiment. Figure 61 plots the SVV as a function of the
experimentally at several current densities, the slope of the line in Figure 61 determines the ratio
Figure 62 sketches the void volume as a function of time. After the line attains the steady
state, one can stop the electric current. The stress gradient in the line will drive atoms to diffuse
back, and the void will shrink. The same line can be tested at various current densities and
temperatures. Similar to the stress relaxation described in Section 5.2, the process of
approaching steady state is governed by a diffusion equation. Both the electron wind and the
D * ∂σ
ΩkT ∂x
J= Z e ρj + Ω . (140)
The diffusivity is taken to be an average in the aluminum line. Inserting (140) into (101) leads to
the diffusion equation (102) for the stress field σ (x,t ). The solution to this classical initial-
boundary value problem takes the form of an infinite series, the slowest decaying term being
9/13/2002 96
L2 kT
τ= . (141)
π 2 DBΩ
Note that the time scale is independent of the current density. A large current density transports
mass at a high rate, but also needs to transport more mass to reach the steady state. An
with the Z* / B measured by the saturation volume, and Z* D by the edge drift of a line with
encapsulation of negligible stiffness, one can separate the three parameters Z* , D and B.
The number Z* can also be determined, on the basis of the steady stress distribution
(138), by measuring the stress in the metal line using synchrotron-based x-ray microdiffraction
(Wang et al., 1998), or by measuring the fringe stress field in silicon using Raman spectroscopy
In the steady-state with SVV, the compressive stress in the metal line at the anode is
σ A = −Z *e ρjL / Ω . (142)
Ω = 1.66 × 10 −29 m 3 , one finds that the steady-state compressive stress at the anode is σ A = -600
MPa. The large stress may cause cracking or debonding of the encapsulation. For example,
Filippi et al. (1995) tested 100 µm aluminum lines under various current densities, and reported
that aluminum did not extrude under 0. 56 × 1010 A / m 2 , but did under 1.0 × 1010 A / m 2 .
Section 2.2 has outlined the application of fracture mechanics to structures of small
feature size. The fabrication process controls the geometry all the way to the feature size, so that
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crack-like flaws must be smaller than the feature size. Use the linewidth, w, as a representative
σ A2 w
β < Γ, (143)
a material, and β a dimensionless parameter depending on ratios of various elastic moduli and
lengths that describe the anode. The values of β can be calculated by solving elasticity boundary
E = 70 GPa , and w = 0.5 µm, one finds from (2) that the encapsulation can sustain anode
pressure up to σ A = 1.5GPa .
In the above, thermal stresses in the passivation have been ignored. Upon cooling from
the processing temperature, a large compressive hoop stress arises in the oxide, resulting from
the thermal expansion misfits between the aluminum and the oxide, and between the silicon
substrate and the oxide. When an electric current is supplied, the volume of aluminum near the
anode increases, which first compensates its thermal contraction, and then goes beyond.
Consequently, in the stable state, the stress in the oxide is due to the pressure in the aluminum,
and the thermal misfit between the oxide and the silicon substrate. The latter is negligible.
Two other circumstances should be mentioned in this connection. Some dielectrics may
develop large intrinsic stresses at the deposition temperature. They are unrelated to the volume
change of aluminum, and persist under temperature change and current. A second circumstance
involves a line tested under a current up to the stable state, and then brought to a higher
temperature. Instantaneously the thermal expansion misfit between aluminum and oxide adds
9/13/2002 98
more tensile stress in the insulator. In such cases, the additional stresses must be included in the
no-extrusion condition.
model the Ta barrier as a cylindrical pressure vessel of radius a and thickness hb , and neglect the
dielectric. The hoop stress in the barrier σ θ relates to the internal pressure σ A as σ θ = σ A a/ hb
Assume that crack-like flaw size is on the order of the barrier thickness hb . The no-extrusion
σ A2 a 2
β < Γ. (144)
The above estimates are intended to illustrate a basic modeling approach. Because the
structural details at line ends are complicated, accurate calculation is difficult. A more reliable
method is to carry out experiments with known current density, and use the electromigration
generated stress to test the condition for extrusion (Chiras and Clarke, 2000).
level, the interconnect is immortal (Suo, 1998; Andleigh et al. 1999). The interconnect evolves
into a stable state to adapt to newly established temperature and current. The immortality gives a
simple perspective on reliability. One can focus on the stable state itself, rather than the transient
process to reach it. The perspective plays down the roles of the time scale, the rate processes,
and the microstructure of the metal. No longer need the microstructure be optimized for slow
mass transport or low void nucleation rate. No longer need the median-time-to-failure (MTF) be
measured, for the lifetime is infinite. No longer need a magic alloy be sought to slow down
9/13/2002 99
diffusion rate, for the diffusivity is irrelevant. In short, the reliability is warranted by energetics,
rather than kinetics. Having thermodynamics on our side, the design is much more robust.
The use of the stable state is limited in two ways: the metal may extrude at the anode, or
the saturation resistance may be prohibitively large. For a short line, the saturation void volume
is small compared to the via size, giving rise to a small resistance change. Consequently, the
stable state finds ready applications in short lines. The saturation void volume increases when
the effective modulus B is small (Equation 139). The interconnect structure with low k
dielectrics and thin barriers will no doubt require attention. The copper interconnect structures in
use now have very thin barrier layers. They are ineffective as shunts: the resistance abruptly
increases when a void at the cathode grows across the via. An immortal interconnect would
interface. The effective diffusivity will be larger (Equation 129), and the diffusion time shorter.
The day may arrive when some of the interconnects must be designed to be immortal.
Investigation into ways to limit the resistance increase and to prevent metal extrusion will
The work of my group in this area has been supported over the years by the National
Science Foundation, Office of Navel Research, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
New Jersey Science and Technology Commission, Institute for Materials Research and
Engineering, and Intel Corporation. Dr. Z.Y. Huang has kindly helped me prepare the figures.
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Figure 2 A plan view of a silicon nitride film of about 1 µm thick grown on a silicon
substrate. The tensile stress in the film causes channel cracks. The contrast
indicates that the film also partially debonds from the substrate. (Courtesy of Q.
Figure 3 A crack in a body subject to a distribution of load that opens the crack. Also
Figure 4 The singular stress field is valid in the K-annulus. Inside the inner circle, the
the outer circle, the boundary conditions invalidate the singular stress field.
tensile hoop stress in the matrix causes cracking. The stress intensity factor is
Figure 6 (a) When the crack is stationary in an elastic body, the load is linear in the
displacement. The area under the curve represents the elastic energy stored in the
body. (b) For the two copies of the elastic body, each containing a stationary
crack, the body with a larger crack area ( A2 ) has a larger compliance.
Figure 7 (a) A crack in a freestanding sheet. (b) a channel crack in a thin film bonded to a
9/13/2002 115
Figure 8 A micrograph of cracked film surface. Initial cracks are introduced by a scratch.
When a bending load is applied, the cracks propagate in the direction normal to
Figure 9 When the film is above a wide cavity, the crack driving force greatly increases.
rigid substrate.
Figure 11 The driving force for channel crack as a function of the membrane force. Several
Figure 12 Debond from an edge of the film, driven by residual tensile stress in the film.
When the debond front approaches the other edge of the film, the debond driving
force decreases, so that the debond arrests before it reaches the film edge.
Figure 13 A crack in a body subject to both the opening and shearing loads.
Figure 14 (a) The crack in a double-cantilever beam tends to curve away from the mid-
plane. (b) A crack slightly away from the mid-plane has a mode II component in
the direction that drives the crack further away from the mid-plane.
Figure 15 (a) Schematic of a thin film spalling from an adherent substrate, driven by the
tensile stress in the film. The crack runs along a path parallel to the interface. (b)
The effective axial force and bending moment caused by the residual stress.
Figure 16 Mud-crack pattern simulated by using the extended finite element method
Figure 17 A schematic of Γ (ψ ) .
9/13/2002 116
Figure 18 A thin layer of material 2 is sandwiched between two substrates of material 1,
using a glue layer. A crack is on one of the interface. Near the crack tip, the
stress field for the interfacial crack prevails. Far away from the crack, the stress
Figure 19 Four-point bend configuration. Thin films of interest are sandwiched between
Figure 20 The four-bend configuration is the superposition of two other configurations, one
being pure mode I, and the other being pure mode II.
Figure 21 A brittle film and a ductile film are sandwiched between two silicon wafers. The
crack runs on the interface between one silicon wafer and the brittle film. As the
crack tip passes by, a material particle in the ductile layer undergoes a history of
deformation: elastic (A), yielding (B), plastic straining (C), and elastic unloading
grows by a bond breaking process. (b) Crack tip blunts, and voids open ahead of
Figure 23 A thin metal film is sandwiched between two ceramic plates. The plastic
Figure 24 A very thin metal film is sandwiched between two ceramic plates. Dislocations
emitted from the crack tip pile up at the interface. As the applied load increases,
the stress at the blunted crack tip can be very high, leading to cleavage.
9/13/2002 117
Figure 25 (a) A photo of a flip-chip package. (b) A schematic of cross section of the
Figure 26 (a) The plan view of the surface of a die, near a die corner (Huang et al., 2000).
(b) Patterned aluminum pads. Cracks form in SiN over aluminum, but not in SiN
over silica (Huang et al., 2002). (c) A cross section shows a crack in SiN
(Courtesy of Dr. J.B. Han). (d) A cross section shows shifted aluminum pads
Figure 27 Temperature as a function of time. The cyclic temperature range is below the
Figure 28 At a corner of the die, the organic substrate applies a shear stress on the surface of
the die. The shear stress points to the die center. The thermal expansion misfit
between aluminum and silicon causes the aluminum pad to yield repeated during
temperature cycles. Directed by the biased shear stress, the aluminum pad shear
by a small amount each temperature cycle. After many cycles, the accumulated
Figure 29 The evolving stress state in the SiN film and the aluminum pad. (a) Before
temperature cycling, the shear stress due to the organic substrate is transmitted to
the aluminum pad, and the structure does not distort much. (b) After many
temperature cycles, the shear stress in aluminum vanishes, and the structure
distorts greatly. (c) The shear stress from the organic substrate is balanced by the
Figure 30 (a) An aluminum pad on silica surface. (b) and (c) The aluminum pads are
slotted. In each case, a SiN film covers both aluminum and silica.
9/13/2002 118
Figure 31 The normalized mximum priciple stress distribution, (σ max h p ) / (τ 0 L ) . The length
L is taken to be the width of the metal film. (a) a rectanglar aluminm pad; (b) a
Figure 32 Plastic strain and stress change with the temperature during a thermal cycle of
Figure 33 (a) A blanket aluminum film on a silicon substrate. (b) The stress state in the
aluminum film consists of biaxial inplane stresses and a shear stress. (c) the yield
Figure 34 Various regimes on the plane spanned by the normalized shear stress in metal and
Figure 36 Illustration of one-dimensional structure of passivation film on the metal film and
substrate. The insets show the different element and the stress state of the
passivation film, and the stress and flow in the metal film.
Figure 37 Voids grow in aluminum lines encapsulated in silica after some storage time.
Figure 38 An encapsulated aluminum line is under triaxial tension. The stress vanishes at a
flaw. The stress gradient motivates aluminum atoms to diffuse in the line,
Figure 39 As the temperature drops from the stress-free temperature T0 , the misfit strain
increases, but the atomic diffusivity decreases. For a given time duration, the
Figure 40 In the copper interconnect structure, vias are also made of copper, and are
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Figure 41 (a) Void length smaller than tungsten stud diameter. (b) Void length larger than
Figure 42 Separately consider the metal line as a cylinder and the dielectric as a solid with a
Figure 44 The metal is under a triaxial stress state, with the transverse stress different from
the longitudinal stress. The dielectric is subject to a radial stress at the surface.
Figure 46 Compare stress in three cases: elastic metal, liquid-like metal, and elastic-plastic
Figure 47 When a blanket copper film under tension is held at an elevated temperature,
voids grow on the copper/nitride interface to relax the stress in the copper film.
Also sketched is the stress in the copper film as the temperature cycles.
Figure 48 Two processes to relieve stress in copper film: (a) creep, and (b) voiding.
Figure 49 A void changes its shape (a) in an elastic solid, (b) on a grain boundary, (c) in a
viscous solid.
Figure 50 An interconnect structure on a silicon substrate, showing the metal lines, the
Figure 52 Schematic of the stress field σ (x,t ) in an encapsulated metal line, assuming no
9/13/2002 120
Figure 53 (a) Upon cooling from the processing temperature, voids form to partially relax
thermal stress. (b) Subject to a current, atoms diffuse toward the anode, and a
void grows at the cathode end. (c) The line reaches the stable state, with a single
void left at the cathode end, a linear pressure distribution in the rest of the line,
and no further mass diffusion.
Figure 54 Schematic of the stress field σ (x,t ) in an encapsulated metal line, assuming that
Figure 55 Resistance increases as a function of time. Under a small current, the resistance
Figure 56 The aluminum line in the middle carries an electrical current in the direction
perpendicular to the paper. The pressure in the aluminum line causes the silicon
Figure 57 Extrusion from an encapsulated aluminum line (Courtesy of S. Chiras and D.R.
Figure 58 (a) The cross section of a wide metal line. (b) A narrow line with a bamboo grain
Figure 62 The nornamized void volume as a function of time, first approaches the saturation
under a current, and then relaxes to the thermal misfit volume after the current is
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