2nd Quarter Week 1 Physical Education 10

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GRADE 10 School Grade Level GRADE 10

DAILY LESSON Teacher Learning Area MAPEH (PE)

LOG Teaching Time Quarter SECOND

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards
 The learner demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote societal fitness
B. Performance Standards
 The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society
 The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives

PE10PF-Ia-h-39 PE10PF-Ia-h-40 PE10PF-IIc-h-45 PE10PF-IIc-h-45

The learner assesses physical activity, exercise and The learner determines risk factors The learner engages in moderate to The learner engages in moderate
eating habits related to lifestyle diseases (obesity, vigorous physical activities for at least 60 to vigorous physical activities for
NATIONAL HEROES DAY diabetes, heart disease) minutes a day in and out of school at least 60 minutes a day in and
out of school

Fundamental Movements for
Building vStrength Through Muscle Experience The Wonder of
Pre-assessment Fitness: Locomotor and Non-
Exercise Yoga Exercise
References References References References References
1. TG pages: 1. TG pages: 1. TG pages: 1. TG pages: 1. TG pages:
2. LM pages: 2. LM pages: PE and Health pp. 53-55 2. LM pages: 2. LM pages: PE and Health pp. 27-34 2. LM pages: pp. 87 - 90
3. Textbook 3. Textbook pages/Additional materials 3. Textbook pages/Additional materials 3. Textbook pages/Additional materials 3. Textbook pages/Additional
pages/Additional materials Phoenix Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health Phoenix Music, Arts, Physicwal Phoenix Music, Arts, Physical Education materials
– The New Grade 10 Education and Health – The New Grade and Health – The New Grade 10 Phoenix Music, Arts, Physical
10 Flexible Learning Activity (FLA) Module Education and Health – The New
Flexible Learning Activity (FLA) Module Grade 10 and FLA Module
A. Elicit (___ minutes) A. Elicit ( 5 minutes) A. Elicit (___ minutes) A. Elicit (___ minutes) A. Elicit (___ minutes)
There are statements regarding healthy This activity will prepare your body This activity will prepare your body This activity will prepare your
lifestyle. Students will tick (/) the items if they for physical activity. Choose partner for physical activity. Choose partner body for physical activity.
are doing those activities, vice versa if not. and do light jogging around the gym and do light jogging around the gym Choose partner and do light
and stretch for several minutes and stretch for several minutes jogging around the gym and
stretch for several minutes
B. Engage (___ minutes) B. Engage ( 10 minutes) B. Engage (___ minutes) B. Engage (___ minutes) B. Engage (___ minutes)
Students will group into (3) three, all they have LET’S STRETCH AND BE FLEXIBLE! THE NOVICE CHALLENGE WATCH YOGA!
to do is to create an additional list from the Wear exercise clothing and perform Perform stretching exercise before Students will watch a yoga
previous checklist. They will present it to the stretching exercise. Perform all the performing the series of strength exercise and then they will
class afterwards. recommended flexibility exercises training exercises imitate it through a student
present in the book leader.
C. Explore (___ minutes) C. Explore ( 5 minutes) C. Explore (___ minutes) C. Explore (___ minutes) C. Explore (___ minutes)
FITNESS CROSSWORD PUZZLE The students will identify if the Students will unlock the lesson based The teacher will ask the
Students will answer questions regarding fitness movement made by the teacher is from the movement they did in the benefits of Yoga before
on the crossword puzzle board present on the moving or not moving from the novice challenge introducing it as today’s
board original place topic.
D. Explain /Elaborate (___ D. Explain /Elaborate ( 15 minutes) D. Explain /Elaborate (___ minutes) D. Explain /Elaborate (___ minutes) D. Explain /Elaborate (___
minutes) The teacher will retain the three groups. All Students will get their partner and Students will discuss about the minutes)
they have to do is to discuss the factors execute some loco motor and non- different benefits of muscle Students will discuss the
affecting lifestyle and how to have a healthy loco motor movements that is suited exercises. The teacher will different patterns in
lifestyle from daily routine. Teacher will and available for gymnasium supplement the work of students undergoing Yoga and the
supplement the presentation activities. after their tasks different concept about it.
E. Extend (___ minutes) E. Extend ( 15 minutes) E. Extend (___ minutes) E. Extend (___ minutes) E. Extend (___ minutes)
Students will answer an activity on the book. Movement Creation Reflection Paper Yoga Video Analysis
Page 56-57. They will exchange with their (See instructions on module) (See instructions on module) (See instructions on module)
seatmates to assess themselves
F. Evaluate (___ minutes) F. Evaluate ( 10 minutes) F. Evaluate (___ minutes) F. Evaluate (___ minutes) F. Evaluate (___ minutes)
YANI’S EXPERIENCE The result of the previous activity The result of the previous activity The result of the previous
Form circles with eight to ten members each. will be the basis of teacher’s will be the basis of teacher’s activity will be the basis of
They will create a reflection paper assessment. assessment. teacher’s assessment.


A. No. of learners who A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation: A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the A. No. of learners who earned
earned 80% in the _____ evaluation: _____ evaluation: _____ 80% in the evaluation: _____
evaluation: _____
B. No. of learners who B. No. of learners who require additional activities for B. No. of learners who require additional B. No. of learners who require additional B. No. of learners who require
require additional activities remediation who scored below 80%: _____ activities for remediation who scored activities for remediation who scored additional activities for
for remediation who scored below 80%: _____ below 80%: _____ remediation who scored below
below 80%: _____ 80%: _____

Checked/Observed: Checked/Observed: Checked/Observed: Checked/Observed: Checked/Observed:

Prepared: Checked: Reviewed: Noted:

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