TAP - Adaptation 2017

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Report-III & IV

Government of Pakistan
Ministry of Climate Change
Islamabad, Pakistan

Supported by:
Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas




Lead Expert:
Dr. Qamar uz Zaman Chaudhry

National TNA Coordinator:

Muhammed Irfan Tariq, Director General, Environment & Climate Change

Contributors and Supporting Team:

Expert Working Group on Adaptation, Ministry of Climate Change

This publication is an output of the Technology Needs Assessment project, funded by the
Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP) and the UNEP DTU Partnership (UDP) in collaboration with the Regional
Centre, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. The views expressed in this publication are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UNEP DTU Partnership,
UNEP or the Regional Centre, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. We regret any errors
or omissions that may have been unwittingly made. This publication may be reproduced in
whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-profit services without special
permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. No
use of this publication may be made for resale or any other commercial purpose whatsoever
without prior permission in writing from the UNEP DTU Partnership.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas


Pakistan’s high vulnerability to adverse impacts of climate change, in particular

extreme climatic events, means that the country is in dire need of innovative
adaptation technologies to lessen damage to life, property, natural eco-systems and
economy of the country.

I am confident that the Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) project initiated by the
Ministry of Climate Change in partnership with the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP), Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) and Technical
University of Denmark (DTU) will play an effective role in increasing resilience
against climate change vulnerabilities through transfer and diffusion of prioritized
technologies in agriculture and water sectors and removing barriers in their adoption.

I am pleased to note that the entire TNA process from prioritizing sectors and
technologies, setting preliminary targets for transfer and diffusion of technologies,
identifying barriers and suggesting an enabling framework for overcoming the
barriers and now Technology Action Plan (TAP)/ Project Ideas report in this final
phase-III of the TNA project was country-driven. Being highly consultative, it involved
a number of stakeholders and experts from the government, private sector and civil
society. I strongly believe that the implementation of adaptation technologies
prioritized in TNA process and elaborated in TAP Report-III will help the country in
building resilience to the impacts of climate change.

I would like to thank the members of the TNA National Team and my colleagues in
the Ministry and experts of the Adaptation Working Group for their invaluable
contributions to the preparation of this Report.

I also thankfully acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry,

Lead-Expert and other experts of Global Environment Facility (GEF), United Nations
Environment Program (UNEP), UNEP-DTU Partnership and the Asian Institute of
Technology, Thailand for their constant support and guidance for implementation of
the TNA project.

(Mushahid Ullah Khan)

Federal Minister, Ministry of Climate Change
Government of Pakistan


Climate change is one of the most daunting threats that humankind faces today. For
Pakistan, it is a colossal challenge to achieve its sustainable development goals
without compromising on its socio-economic development needs. Due to its
exposure to the recurrent episodes of drought, flooding, heatwaves, and glacial lake
outburst floods in the past few decades, the country is consistently ranked by
multiple climate change vulnerability indices as being one of the most vulnerable to
the impacts of climate change.
Building resilience and adaptation to climate change is becoming indispensible for
Pakistan. Fortunately, environmentally sound technologies are gaining a high priority
in sustainable development policy dialogue and implementing frameworks.
Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) is one of the critical steps towards identifying
and assessing climate change adaptation challenges for Pakistan in order to align its
adaptation needs and opportunities with goals and objectives of its sustainable
development. As a climate change adaptation tool this TNA would help the country
identify the needs for new equipment, techniques, practical knowledge and skills, that
are necessary to successfully pursue climate resilient development.
This report on ‘Technology Action Plan/ Project Ideas’ is a final output of the
Technology Needs Assessment project, funded by the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) and implemented by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and
the UNEP DTU Partnership in collaboration with Asian Institute of Technology
Thailand. This TNA process in Pakistan is being undertaken since June 2015, with
the Ministry of Climate Change in lead.
This report identifies and provides a list of action needed for adoption of prioritized
adaptation technologies in climate vulnerable water and agriculture sectors of
Pakistan. The report is the result of a fully country driven, participatory process.
Views and information in this report is the product of extensive discussions with
technology expert team and stakeholders.
I extend my appreciation to all stakeholders for their constant support and valuable
comments throughout the development of this report. I hope that this assessment will
go a long way in achieving the climate resilience of country’s water and agriculture
sectors from climate change vulnerabilities.

(Syed Abu Ahmad Akif)

Federal Secretary, Ministry of Climate Change
Government of Pakistan

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

ADP Annual Development Plan
EPD Environmental Protection Department
EWS Early warning system
FFC Federal Flood Commission
FSC&RD Federal Seed Certification and Registration Department
GCISC Global Change Impact Studies Centre
GoP Government of Pakistan
GEF Global Environment Facility
GW Groundwater
GWRF Ground Water Regulation Framework
GHG Greenhouse gases
HEIS High efficiency irrigation system
IBIS Indus Basin Irrigation System
LID Low impact development
MOCC Ministry of Climate Change
NDMA National Disaster Management Authority
PCRWR Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources
PDMA Provincial Disaster Management Authority
PIDA Punjab Irrigation and Drainage Authority
PHED Public Health Engineering Department
PMD Pakistan Meteorological Department
PSDP Public sector development program
RWH Rainwater harvesting
R&D Research and development
SCARP Salinity Control and Reclamation Program
TNA Technology needs assessment
TAP Technology action plan
UNEP United Nation Environment Programme
UNFCCC UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
WAPDA Water and Power Development Authority
WASA Water and Sanitation Authority
WB World Bank
Weights and measures
ha hectare
km square kilometre
m /yr cubic meters per year
MAF million acre foot
Mh million hectares

Foreword…………………………………… ……………………………………………..iii
Preface .................................................................................................................... iv
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................... v
Contents ................................................................................................................. vi
Executive Summary ................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Technology Action Plan for the Agriculture Sector of Pakistan........ 9
2.1 Actions at sector level ................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Sector overview ...................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Preliminary technology targets ............................................................. 10
2.1.3 Barriers at sector level and proposed measures to overcome barriers . 10
2.1.4 Action plan at sectoral level ..................................................................... 11
2.2 Action plan for high efficiency irrigation systems (drip and sprinkler) ........... 11
2. 2.1 About the technology............................................................................ 11
2.2.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion .......................................... 12
2.2.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology ................................................... 12
2.2.4 Proposed action plan for the high efficiency irrigation system ............... 14
2.3 Proposed action plan for drought tolerant crop varieties ............................. 17
2.3.1 About the technology ............................................................................ 17
2.3.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion ......................................... 18
2.3.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology ................................................... 18
2.3.4 Proposed action plan for drought tolerant crop varieties ........................ 20
2.4 Technology: Climate monitoring, forecasting and early warning system ...... 23
2.4.1 About the technology ............................................................................ 23
2.4.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion .......................................... 24
2.4.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology ................................................... 24
2.4.4 Proposed action plan for climate monitoring and forecasting: Early
warning system ................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 3: Technology Action Plan for the Water Sector of Pakistan ........... 29
3.1 Actions at sector level ................................................................................. 29
3.1.1 Sector overview .................................................................................... 29
3.1.2 Preliminary technology targets .............................................................. 30
3.1.3 Barriers at sector level and proposed measures to overcome barriers .. 30
3.1.4 Action Plan at sectoral level .................................................................. 31
3.2 Action plan for surface rainwater harvesting technology ............................. 32
3.2.1 About the Technology ........................................................................... 32
3.2.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion .......................................... 32
3.2.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology ................................................... 33
3.2.4 Proposed action plan for surface rainwater harvesting technology ....... 34
3.3 Action plan for groundwater recharge ......................................................... 37
3. 3.1 About the technology............................................................................ 37
3.3.2 Targets for technology transfer and diffusion ........................................ 37
3.3.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology ................................................... 38
3.3.4 Proposed action plan for the groundwater recharge system .................... 39

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

3.4 Action plan for urban stormwater management ........................................... 41

3. 4.1 About the Technology .......................................................................... 41
3.4.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion .......................................... 42
3.4.3 Barriers to the diffusion of the technology ............................................. 42
3.4.4 Proposed action plan for the urban stormwater management system ... 42
Report-IV ................................................................................................................ 46
Project ideas for the Agriculture & Water sectors of Pakistan .......................... 46
Project Idea-1: Building the resilience of agriculture sector against the impacts of
climate change through promotion of (drip and sprinkler) micro-irrigation systems
in Pakistan ........................................................................................................... 47
1.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 47
1.2 Background and rational .......................................................................... 47
1.3 Purpose and Objective ............................................................................ 48
1.4 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 48
1.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable development priorities.............. 48
1.6 Project benefits ........................................................................................ 49
1.7 Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................ 49
1.8 Project activities and timelines ................................................................. 49
1.9 Possible Challenges ................................................................................ 50
Project Idea-2: Development and diffusion of drought and heat tolerant crop seed
varieties in Pakistan ............................................................................................. 51
2.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 51
2.2 Background and rational .......................................................................... 51
2.3 Purpose and Objectives ........................................................................... 52
2.4 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 52
2.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable development priorities.............. 52
2.6 Project benefits ........................................................................................ 53
2.7 Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................ 53
2.8 Project activities and timeline ................................................................... 53
2.9 Possible challenges ................................................................................. 54
Project Idea 3: Strengthening climate monitoring, weather forecasting and early
warning system in Pakistan ................................................................................. 55
3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 55
3.2. Purpose and objectives ............................................................................. 55
3.3 Background and rational .......................................................................... 56
3.4 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 56
3.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable development priorities.............. 56
3.6 Project benefits ........................................................................................ 57
3.7 Monitoring and evaluation ....................................................................... 57
3.8 Project activities and timeline ................................................................... 58
3.9 Possible challenges ................................................................................. 58
Project Idea 4: Strengthening groundwater resource and its governance system in
Pakistan............................................................................................................... 59
4.1 Background and rational .......................................................................... 59
4.2 Purpose and objectives ........................................................................... 59
4.3 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 60
4.4 Project benefits ........................................................................................ 60
4.5 Project scope and possible implementation ............................................. 60
4.6 Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................ 60
4.7 Project activities and timeline ................................................................... 61

4.8 Possible challenges ................................................................................. 61
Project Idea-5: Improving and sustaining water security in climate vulnerable areas
of the country through rainwater harvesting from ground surfaces ....................... 62
5.1 Introduction and rational .......................................................................... 62
5.2 Purpose and objectives ........................................................................... 62
5.3 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 62
5.4 Project benefits ........................................................................................ 63
5.5 Project scope and possible implementation ............................................. 63
5.6 Project activities and timeline .................................................................. 63
5.7 Project challenges ................................................................................... 64
Project Idea-6: Climate Resilient Mountain Villages (CRMV) ............................... 65
6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 65
6.2 Purpose and objectives ........................................................................... 66
6.3 Relationship to the country’s sustainable development priorities.............. 66
6.4 Project deliverables ................................................................................. 67
6.5 Project scope and possible implementation ............................................. 67
6.6 Budget and resource requirements .......................................................... 68
6.7 Monitoring and evaluation ........................................................................ 69
6.8 Possible challenges ................................................................................. 69
List of References ................................................................................................. 70
Annex I. List of stakeholders involved in TAP process and their contacts ...... 73
Annex-II: List of policy makers briefed and sensitized during TAP / Project
Ideas development process on one to one basis. .............................................. 77

List of tables
Table 2.1: Common barriers to the diffusion of prioritized technologies in Pakistan’s
agriculture sector…………………………………………………… 10

Table 3.1: Common barriers and measures to the diffusion of prioritized technologies
in water sector 31

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Executive Summary
Technology Needs Assessments (TNAs) are a key component of the UNFCCC
supported technology transfer framework, which was originated in Marrakesh
Conference of the Parties (COP)-7 in 2001. The TNA is a set of country-driven
activities that support developing countries Parties to the UNFCCC to determine their
climate technology priorities in order to mitigate GHG emissions or adapt to the
adverse impacts of climate change.

Pakistan started its TNA process in 2015. After following extensive consultation
processes with the sectoral stakeholder working group and other experts, it identified
water and agriculture as its two most climate vulnerable sectors along with three
prioritized climate adaptation technologies for each sector. Three top priority
technologies for water sector included rainwater harvesting, stormwater management
and groundwater recharge; for agriculture sector, the prioritized technologies
identified were high efficiency irrigation system for rainfed and irrigated areas (drip
and sprinkler), drought tolerant crops varieties, and climate monitoring and
forecasting – early warning system. In the next step, technology barrier analyses
were performed to identify different types of key barriers to the diffusion and
replication of these prioritized technologies. Based on the findings, a framework for
creating technology-enabling environment was constructed and proposed.
Subsequently, ‘Technology Action Plan (TAP) and Project Ideas (PI)’- were
developed for each technology under the prioritized sectors.

This report presents different TAPs & PIs for water and agriculture sectors of
Pakistan. TAP and PI represent third and final phase of TNA cycle, and
systematically suggests practical actions necessary to mitigate or reduce technology
related barriers identified in the earlier phases of the TNA cycle. In addition, the
report proposes six project ideas based on each of the prioritized technologies which
may attract international donor financing for the implementation of any one, or all of
these project ideas.

A brief summary of TAPs, and PIs developed for agriculture and water sectors of
Pakistan are given below:

A. Technology action plans

I. Technology action plan for agriculture sector
Pakistan is predominantly an agrarian economy with 42 percent of the labour force
employed in the agriculture sector. The sector, however, is the most vulnerable to the
impacts of climate change. According to climate model projections for the sector, the
agricultural productivity will decline by 8 percent–10 percent by the year 2040.

The Chapter-2 on Agriculture Technology Action Plan, in this report, outlines a brief
description of the sector followed by a brief summary of the barriers and enabling
measures to the three prioritized agriculture sector technologies. The chapter also
identifies some preliminary targets to achieve the successful transfer and diffusion of
these technologies in the country. The proposed targets are:

i. Installation of drip/sprinkler irrigation system on around five million hectares of

agriculture farmlands by 2020;

ii. Development and promotion of new, yet high productivity drought tolerant
wheat and rice seeds varieties for the arid and semi-arid areas of the country
by 2025;

iii. Strengthen the institutional structure of water governance in the country, and
build capacity of key stakeholders, specifically farmers, through providing
training on water efficient irrigation technologies;

iv. Up-gradation of the existing agriculture R&D centers in each province;

v. Up-gradation and modernization of climate monitoring and forecasting system

in the country by 2020.

1. Water efficient irrigation technology: Drip and sprinkler irrigation systems

were identified as one of the prioritized technologies for agriculture sector with aims
to improve efficient water use by the farmers, and to increase the overall agricultural
productivity. Several barriers to the diffusion of technology in the country were
identified that included high technology cost, lack of technical expertise, small and
fragmented domestic market size along with weak regulatory and legislative

The action plan proposes following activities: Provision of sufficient financial

resources for subsidy on the initial investment cost of the technology to the farmers;
strengthening the institutional capacity in terms of human resources and technical
expertise; supporting market expansion & strengthening through enhanced public
private partnership building, quality control of technology product; Increasing
awareness among technology users on the usefulness of technology through
conducting workshops, exhibitions etc.

2. Drought tolerant crop varieties: Drought tolerant crop varieties provide an

efficient instrument against the limited or unpredicted water supply by ensuring good
crop productivity specifically in the dry areas of the country. In Pakistan, the
information on drought tolerant crop varieties is patchy, and not easily available that
is one of the key reasons for placing this technology very low on agriculture sector
development goals and priority agendas. The barriers to the diffusion of this
technology identified are: lack of awareness about the usefulness of these crops,
high cost of hybrid seeds in the market, low research investment in the development
of these improved seeds, and lack of institutional capacity of the relevant R&D public

The proposed action plan suggest following activities: Design and adopt effective
economic and financial tools and instruments to address domestic seed market
needs and demands; improve and strengthen local policy and regulatory
environment in the country in order to promote hybrid crop adoption; create and
promote information and awareness about the necessity of and advantages of the
improved seeds varieties especially in the context of climate change; and strengthen
the institutional capacity of the agriculture research organizations in the country
through ensuring dedicated funding and creating linkages with other local and
regional research organizations.

3 Climate monitoring, forecasting and early warning system: The early

warning systems play a significant role in disaster (or hazard) planning and
prevention. The system has four key operational components: (i) Observation,
detection, monitoring, analysis, forecasting and development of hazard warning
messages; (ii) Assessment of potential risks and integrating risk information into

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

warning messages; (iii) Dissemination of timely, reliable and understandable warning

messages to authorities and public at-risk; and finally (iv) Community-based
emergency planning, preparedness and training programmes focused on eliciting an
effective response to warnings to reduce potential impact on lives and livelihoods.

Some important barriers to the diffusion of this technology include: high cost of
construction and operation, limited human and technical resources and capacities,
limited research programs available at the national scale.
To overcome the above barriers, the following actions are proposed:

i. Improve human capacity of the relevant national institutions involved in early

waning issuance, emergency preparedness and response;
ii. Increase funding for strengthening technical and institutional capacities of the
R&D organizations dealing with multi-hazard monitoring, forecasting and
warning services;
iii. Improve early warning communication and dissemination system in the
iv. Enhance the level of cooperation and collaboration with other relevant local
and regional research organizations.

II. Technology action plan for water sector

The water sector in Pakistan intensively relies on the Indus River and its tributaries to
meet the needs and growing demands of the various water-dependent sectors such
as agriculture, energy, and industry along with various domestic purposes.
Agriculture is the biggest consumer, using almost 90 percent of the total available
water, but solely for the irrigation purposes.

Pakistan is among the world’s 36 most water-stressed countries. Its per capita
surface water availability is estimated to drop to about 860 m3/yr, with a projected
demand-supply gap of approximately 83 MAF by 2025. Climate change is also
expected to have long- term severe impacts on water and food securities. The impact
will very likely not be uniform in the country, but mainly defined by variations in
demographics, agricultural practices and the nature and sustainability of fresh water

In this report, the Chapter-3 on Water Sector Technology Action Plan outlines a brief
description of the sector followed by brief summary of the barriers and enabling
measures to the three prioritized water sector technologies diffusion. The preliminary
targets to achieve the successful transfer and diffusion of these technologies in the
country are as under:

i. Construction of 2000 community and public-run surface rainwater harvesting

reservoirs each with a capacity between 25, 000 m 3 to 50,000 m3 depending
on the water requirements, catchment area, slope, soil type, vegetative etc.
by 2025, particularly in dryland (rainfed) areas of the country;

ii. Modernization and up-gradation urban stormwater drainage infrastructures of

10 major towns by 2022;

iii. Introduction of low impact development (LID) infrastructure in 10 major

cities/towns as an approach for urban stormwater management by 2022;

iv. Construction of groundwater recharge systems to improve groundwater

1 Rainwater harvesting from ground surfaces: The TNA process identified

rainwater harvesting as the top prioritized climate adaptation technology for water
sector. The technology is already in use in arid and semi-arid areas of Pakistan
where seasonal rainfall is the major source of water and a permanent or ephemeral
surface water body (such as river or spring) is not present. Some important barriers
to the diffusion and replication of this technology in the country are identified which
include: high cost of construction and maintenance of water reservoirs built to store
rainwater, weak technical, institutional and organizational capacity issues.

To mitigate these barriers, the technology action plan proposes the following
activities: i) ensure sufficient supply of dedicated funding for the government
departments involved in different key aspects of the technology design and
management; ii) build and strengthen the institutional capacity of the line ministries
and government departments; iii) raise knowledge and awareness on the usefulness
of technology; iv) Implement suitable regulatory and legislative statutes.

2 Groundwater (aquifer) recharge: Groundwater artificial recharge is a

planned activity that aims to increase the natural replenishment or percolation of
surface water into ground aquifer, so that groundwater level stays stable relative to
its rate of abstraction by the people for different purposes. The technology is a high
priority in areas of Pakistan where groundwater is the only easily accessible and
highly reliable source of water for both irrigation and domestic purposes such as in
case of Balochistan province. The most common recharge techniques employed are
surface spreading of rainwater, watershed management, and recharge structures
such as check dams, delay action dams, and earthen pond and wells, while bore
hole technique is very recently utilized as a test project in one or two locations in the

Despite its usefulness, the technology faces certain challenges such as weak
governance system at local and national levels due to the absence of sector policy
and strategies, lack of reliable technical information, and highly politicized nature of
the ground and surface water management issues. The proposed action plan
focuses on the following tasks and activities: i) determine priority areas for recharge,
based on technical information and measurements; ii) Devise and implement a
comprehensive policy framework and strategy on ground water recharge that is
completely aligned with and support the surface water regulations; iii) build and
strengthen the institutional capacity of the organizations dealing with water
management and monitoring at the community, regional and national level.
3 Urban stormwater management
Managing stormwater or runoff is one of the biggest and most expensive challenges
that the urban cities around the world face. In Pakistan, combined sewer system
predominates that convey both wastewaters and stormwater runoff through a single
pipe system to a receiving outlet that is commonly a stream, lake or river, and mostly
without any treatment.

Stormwater management choices are tough because they are inextricably linked to
other public services; for example, a good storm drain is essential for basic sanitation
and decent transportation. Whereas a good drainage system needs proper solid

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

waste management, so ultimately it requires comprehensive land use planning and

management. In Pakistan, due to low priority placed on the technology, it fails to
capture strong support and visibility from the government agencies involved in
service delivery operations at the local scale.

The most significant barrier identified to the diffusion of technology is the high initial
and O&M cost of the system, funding and capacity issues of the local government
authorities who are primarily responsible for the design and management of the
system, and lack of supporting policies and regulations such as land-use policy,
zoning codes etc.

To improve stormwater management in urban areas, the proposed action plan

focuses on policy and regulatory support for land-use and urban planning, inclusion
of new innovative low impact development techniques and infrastructures that
support green growth development in the region, availability of dedicated funding,
design and implementation of community outreach and communication plans.

B. Project ideas for agriculture & water sectors

Project Idea-1: Building the resilience of agriculture sector against the impacts
of climate change through promotion of (drip and sprinkler) micro-irrigation
systems in Pakistan.
The main objectives of the proposed project are to: i) improve the access of farmers
to good quality, yet affordable high efficiency irrigation system ( HEIS); ii) build and
strengthen the domestic HEIS market through expanding market size and iii)
promote climate change adaptation in the context of food and water security. The
proposed project will be implemented during a period of seven years with a total
budget of US $ 7.8 million.
Project Idea-2: Development and diffusion of drought and heat tolerant crop
seed varieties in Pakistan.

The objectives of the proposed project are to (i) develop new drought tolerant crop
varieties especially for the rainfed areas (ii) improve availability and access to
improved drought tolerant crop cultivar seeds on mass scale for both large and small
scale farmers at the affordable price; (iii) build the capacities of the public and private
institutions involved in different stages of the technology life cycle .The proposed
project will be implemented during a period of 5-years with a total budget of US $ 5.9

Project Idea 3: Strengthening climate monitoring, weather forecasting and

early warning system in Pakistan.

The proposed project aims to build up the capacity of the Pakistan Meteorological
Department in the field of early warning systems. It is expected to serve the following
important objectives: (i) intensify coverage of the hydro-meteorological observational
systems (AWS, Radars) to enhance capacities to generate timely, reliable, and
geographically relevant early warnings and weather forecasting information to
respond to and manage climate impacts; (ii) support climate vulnerability and risk
assessments as part of the process to formulate and implement National Action Plan
on climate change. The proposed project is scheduled to be implemented during a
period of 5-years with a total budget of US $ 19.80 million.

Project Idea 4: Strengthening groundwater resource and its governance
system in Pakistan

The project aims to achieve the following objectives: (i) improve and strengthen the
governance system of groundwater in Pakistan; (ii) promote science-based policy
and decision-making process for resource manager and users.

The proposed project is scheduled to be implemented during a period of 5-years with

a total budget of US $ 11.80 million.
Project idea 5: Improving and sustaining water security in climate vulnerable
areas of the country through rainwater harvesting from ground surfaces
The project objective is to improve the year-round availability of water to rural
households and communities, specifically in drought-vulnerable areas of the country,
and improve their livelihood sources and consequently food security in the region.
The implementation period for the proposed project is 5-years with a total budget of
US $ 7.60 million.
Project Idea 6: Climate Resilient Mountain Villages (CRMV)
The main purpose of the project is to enhance climate resilience of small farmers,
particularly in the vulnerable mountain areas. The specific measurable objectives of
this project are: (i) enabling sustainable gender inclusive growth in agriculture
through climate smart cropping patterns and drought tolerant varieties of crops; (ii)
increasing agriculture productivity while saving water and promoting the use of
organic fertilizers and pesticides; (iii) addressing water scarcity and uncertainty for
irrigation and drinking using simple water conservation and high efficiency irrigation
systems; (iv) providing small farmers an easy access to climatic, weather and market
information through ICT; (iiv) preparing small farmers for disasters to reduce risk and
mitigate their impact on their agriculture and livelihoods.
The proposed project is scheduled to be implemented during a period of 5-years with
a total budget of US$ 3,75,000/-.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Chapter 1: Introduction
Climate change is quickly becoming a reality for the world with its increasingly huge
negative impacts on societies, people and assets. The countries around the globe
are facing huge socio-economic losses due to climate induced natural disasters such
as floods, cyclones, and droughts etc. To reduce the degree of exposure to the risk
and the subsequent vulnerability, the countries have to gradually move towards
climate proofing of their assets and economy through adapting low carbon pathways
and climate-resilient approaches and technologies that would provide a substantial
support to their goal of sustainable and climate resilient development.

Understanding the climate technology needs of a country is a good starting point for
effective action on climate change. The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) supports developing countries to identify and assess
their needs for climate sensitive technologies through ‘Technology needs
assessment (TNA)’ process, which is a critical element of the technology transfer
framework, originated in Marrakesh Conference of the Parties (COP) 7 in 2001. The
TNA process follows a three-phase approach:

i. Identification and prioritization of climate sensitive technologies for the climate

vulnerable sectors of the economy;

ii. Identification and analysis of different types of barriers to the diffusion and
replication of the prioritized technologies and, based on the findings,
construction of an enabling environment framework that would address these
barrier challenges by proposing some critical system reforms; and

iii. Preparation of technology action plan (TAP) and project ideas as the key
outcome of the TNA process. TAP builds upon the recommended enabling
environment framework for the uptake and diffusion of prioritized technologies
and therefore aims to facilitate identification of good technology transfer
projects with links to relevant financing sources.

Pakistan started its TNA process in 2015 under the guidance and leadership of the
Ministry of Climate Change. The process thus far has been highly adaptive and
country driven with an inclusive institutional support structure and mechanism that
ensures the direct and continued engagement and participation of the members of
the Sectoral Adaptation Expert Working Group, and other national technical experts.

During the first phase of the TNA process, with the help of key stakeholders,
Pakistan identified climate adaptation technology needs of the water and agriculture
sectors based on their contribution to the economy, relevance to development
priorities and their vulnerability to climate change. Three top priority adaptation
technologies were identified for both water and agriculture sectors. The rainwater
harvesting, stormwater management and ground water recharge were the three top
technologies for water sector While for the agriculture sector, the prioritized
technologies were high efficiency irrigation systems for rainfed and irrigated areas
(drip and sprinkler), drought tolerant crops varieties, and climate monitoring and
forecasting – early warning system.

The second phase of TNA focused on the identification and assessment of most
crucial barriers to the diffusion and transfer of these six adaptation technologies in
water and agriculture sectors of Pakistan. A brief description of these barriers and
the mitigation measures are also provided in the following chapters.

The Technology Action Plan (TAP) & Project Ideas constitute the final stage of the
TNA cycle which converts the specific technology strategies, identified during the
need assessment phases earlier in the cycle, into implementable actions on the
ground. TAP can further support integrating environmentally-friendly technologies
into national development plans, climate actions under the Paris agreement, as well
as adaptation technology inclusive programs and projects.

The process followed for the development ‘TAP and Project Ideas’ was similar to the
process following during development of first two phases of TNA process. It was also
country driven and participatory. Brief methodology followed in the third phase of
TNA process –TAP and Project Ideas- is explained as under:

 A small committee of MoCC identified the stakeholders for this final phase.
 Extensive literature review, brainstorming and meeting with experts to identify
potential feasible measures and actions.
 Screening and validation of important actions through extensive consultation
during Stakeholders/experts group workshop
 Selected policy makers briefing and sensitization of TNA process through
one-to one meeting.
 Preparation of ‘TAP/Project Ideas Report’ by a lead adaptation expert
followed by its extensive review by UNEP-DTU and AIT Thailand experts and
finally approved by MoCC.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Chapter 2: Technology Action Plan for the

Agriculture Sector of Pakistan
2.1 Actions at sector level
2.1.1 Sector overview
Agriculture sector in Pakistan accounts for 19.5 percent of the national GDP and
employs 42.3 percent of the total population (GoP, 2017). The sector is essentially
central to the growth and development of the national economy, but also one of the
most; vulnerable sectors in the country to the impacts of climate change due to its
susceptibility to changing weather and climate, and also because mostly rural
population is engaged in agriculture where poverty is higher than the urban

The future climate projections for Pakistan indicate that, by the end of this century,
both temperature and precipitation patterns are likely to change with winters getting
warmer and precipitation decreasing in most parts the country (Chaudhry, 2017).
This change in rainfall and temperature will have profound impact on the productivity
of the agriculture sector ultimately. It is estimated that by 2040, the agricultural
productivity will decline by 8 to 10 percent because of projected temperature
increase (Dehlavi et al., 2015). Apart from economic impacts on the farmers’ income,
it is predicted that indirectly various socioeconomic and agronomic factors will also
play role in enhancing the vulnerability of the sector. These factors include water
availability, pesticides, labour supply, the household characteristics, and their
experiences of the past extreme events (Gorst et al., 2015).

The agriculture sector stands as one of the biggest greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter in
the country in the past 3 three decades. According to the national GHG inventory of
Pakistan for the year 2011–2012, the agriculture sector emissions stood at 44.8
percent of country’s total emissions, which was second to the energy sector with
emission share standing at 45.9 percent (Mir and Ijaz, 2016). The preliminary
projections for the total GHG emissions of the country under the business as usual
scenario show a rise of the emission levels by 14 times by the year 2050, compared
to the base year GHG emissions of 2011 (Khan et al., 2011). This continued rise in
emissions levels in the future reinforces the need for adoption of environmentally
friendly technologies that will improve the resilience of the sector against the worst
impacts of climate change in the coming decades.

Pakistan acknowledges the introduction of technological innovations in the national

and sector development plans and programs. The National Climate Change Policy,
for example, recognizes the role of technology in improving the resilience of water
and agriculture sectors with emphases on high efficiency water technologies, drought
tolerant crops, and various risk management schemes including crop insurance for
the farmers. Likewise, the Policy suggests establishing a strong institutional support
system for accessing international climate finance and its use in strengthening the
local climate actions and programs (GoP, 2012).

During the early technology identification and assessment phase of TNA, the three
technologies identified and prioritized in agriculture sector were rainwater harvesting,
drought tolerant crops, and climate monitoring and forecasting-early warning system.
Many key barriers to the dissemination and replication of these technologies are
identified in the second phase of TNA and discussed briefly in the next section

2.1.2 Preliminary technology targets

To achieve the successful adaptation technology transfer and diffusion in the
country, it is important to identify and set some primary targets for the dissemination
of technologies specific to the needs and requirements of the agriculture sector.
Given below is a list of preliminary targets for the prioritised adaptation technologies
in agriculture sector:

1 Install drip/sprinkler irrigation system on around five million hectares of

agriculture farmlands in country’s arid and semi-arid areas by the year 2020;

2 Develop and promote new but high productivity drought tolerant crop varieties
for the arid and semi-arid areas of the country by 2025;

3 Strengthen the institutional structure of water governance in the country, and

build capacity of key stakeholders specifically farmers through providing
training on water efficient irrigation technologies and other relevant water
conservation and management techniques;

4 Up-grade and strengthen the existing agriculture R&D centres and research
culture in each province;

5 Modernize and expand the existing climate monitoring and forecasting

system in the country by 2020.

2.1.3 Barriers at sector level and proposed

measures to overcome barriers
Based on the individual technology barrier analysis techniques and tools utilized
during the technology barrier identification phase, an attempt was made to identify
the common barriers to the three prioritized technologies of the agriculture sector of
Pakistan. It is expected that the existence of commonality in the nature of these
technology barriers would allow policy and decision makers to find some common
measures to eliminate or reduce these barriers that would ultimately create an
enabling environment for the diffusion and mass replication of these technologies in
the agriculture sector.

Table 2.1: Common barriers to the diffusion of prioritized adaptation technologies in

the agriculture sector of Pakistan

Barrier category Barriers Measures to overcome


Economic & - High capital, operation and - Provide adequate financing in

financial maintenance costs the form of subsidy, soft loans
etc. to technology users

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Information & - Limited information and awareness - Launch Information and

awareness about the existence and usefulness of awareness campaigns on the
the technology usefulness of technologies
- Weak communication networks and through media as well as
linkages among technology through workshops
developer, supplier, dealers and users - Build effective and efficient
impeding an efficient market communication networks among
information exchange technology stakeholder groups

Institutional and Limited institutional capacity Invest in strengthening

organizational governance structures and
capacity capacity building of stakeholders

Limited R&D capacity Invest in trainings, exchange

programs, and joint-research
ventures with other regional and
international research

Market Small underdeveloped market, weak Encourage private-public

imperfection supply chain and distribution partnerships, provide loans,
mechanisms subsidies, build and expand
information networks to improve
market functioning

2.1.4 Action plan at sectoral level

Scaling-up agricultural research funding: Presently the allocated budget for
agricultural research in Pakistan is very low. Particularly in the face of climate change
challenges, country needs to scaled-up agricultural research funding in order to
make national agriculture climate resilient.

Efficient use-of water in agriculture: All efforts should be made to ensure efficient
use of water and reduction in irrigation water loses in the agriculture sector of

2.2 Action plan for high efficiency irrigation

systems (drip and sprinkler)
2. 2.1 About the technology
High efficiency irrigation systems (HEIS) such as drips and sprinklers are efficient
technologies highly suitable for the arid and semi-arid areas where water availability
is a prime issue. HEIS ensure constant application of a focused and specific amount
of water to crop root through a system of pipes, emitters, drippers and other
important components that transport water from water sources (wells, tanks or
reservoir) to the crops roots. HEIS cater for a wide range of plants and soil types.
Drip technology is used best for a wide range of orchards, vegetables, and cotton
crop while the sprinkler system is suited to most row, field, and crops that are grown
closely such as cereals, wheat, pulses, cotton, vegetables, and fruits. As these
pressurized irrigation systems have better uniformity & higher application efficiency

and higher crop yields can be obtained with these methods. The technology provides
many adaptation benefits such as efficient use of water supply, decreasing the
probability of onset of plant diseases such as fungus through liquid fertilization.
Moreover, the technology functions under a wide array of topographic and soil
conditions with an exception of heavy clay soil.

2.2.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion

The High Efficiency Irrigation System (HEIS) is a highly suitable technology for the
arid and semi-arid areas of Pakistan where a constant supply of water is a major
challenge due to the absence of a perennial source of surface water throughout the
year, and farmers are forced to conserve whatever little water they receive from
seasonal rains and flash floods. The adoption and replication of the technology is
emphasized in many sector policy documents; Water and Power Development
Authority (WAPDA), for instance, in its “Vision 2025” policy guideline document
targets 3.493 million acres (MA) of lands to be brought under drip and sprinkler
irrigation systems by the end of year 2015 (WAPDA, 2003). Similarly, the irrigation
department of Punjab government aims to install HEIS on 120,000 acres in the
province by 2021 (Government of Punjab, 2017).

TAP target: The target is to install drip/ sprinkler irrigation system on 5 million
hectares of land in the next 5 years.

2.2.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology

Based on the literature review, experts judgment, and meetings with the member of
the Adaptation Expert Working Group (List attached as Annex-I), many crucial
technology barriers were identified which are creating obstacles in country to the
quick adoption and replication of this technology. The ‘technology barrier analysis
and enabling framework’ (BAEF) report provides a complete list of these barriers
along with several possible measures that would help in eliminating or reducing the
technology barriers.

A key barrier identified is a presence of short-term, in-consistent, and conflicting

policy outlook resulting in legal and regulatory issues surrounding technology
adoption and replication, and consequently its market development and expansion.
Pakistan does not have formal “agriculture and water policies”, so there is no clear
directives on sector specific policy goals and priorities that subsequently put many
short- or medium-term development goals of the two sectors in close conflict to each
other rendering it a challenge to achieve long-term sustainability in the agriculture
sector. One such example is the low canal water pricing system (or abiyana) in the
provinces for the farmers; the canal water price fluctuates between 85 PKR per
cropped acre in Punjab to 250 PKR per acre for non-food crops in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (Iqbal and Iqbal, 2015) with the price recovery rate standing at 60
percent only as the national average. This low recovered amount is hardly sufficient
to bear the 24 percent of the annual overhaul and maintenance of the vast canal
irrigation system by the provincial governments and this eventually forces the
irrigation system in Pakistan to require an annual subsidy of around PKR 5.4 billion
(GoP, 2012). Another major conflicting policy decision is the provision of solar
operated water pumps to the farmers at a higher subsidy rate without serious
consideration to its impact on the already declining groundwater levels especially in
certain arid areas of the country such as Balochistan. Ultimately, these policies
influence farmers’ attitude and behaviour towards adopting water saving measures
and the innovative technologies at the farm level (OECD, 2012).

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Market failure and imperfection is identified as another key barrier to the diffusion of
HEIS in the country. The current domestic HEIS market is small, under-developed,
and non-competitive resulting in high technology cost and low efficiency. Due to this
small market size, there are only a few large technology suppliers in the market, but
mostly they are concentrated in some specific regions of the country and therefore it
becomes difficult for them to meet the growing demands of local markets located
outside their supply and distribution networks. Considering the supply chains, in
particular, it is fragmented and highly inefficient due to many factors, including low
scale of production and quality issues, capacity of technology suppliers and dealers,
efficiency and sophistication of business processes in the country, and poor access
to technical information. The result of this inefficient market performance is the high
cost of technology, which is generally unaffordable by small landholders.

Likewise, limited institutional capacity is identified as one of the key barrier to the
HEIS technology diffusion in Pakistan. The barrier includes many important factors
such as: lack of trained technical staff to design and install or supervise technology
installation in the field, low availability of credible information on the optimum
technology performance under various climatic situations, weak coordination among
technology handling organizations, and poor communication policies and
mechanisms among the involved government agencies and private actors.

Lastly, the existing social, cultural and behavioural practices, attitudes and faith
promote risk-aversion behaviour among farmers when it comes to water
conservation technologies such as HEIS. The farmers generally bear a false
perception of having low crop productivity and hence income, should they adopt the
technology. An underlying reason under this behaviour is lack of credible technology
performance information in different agro-ecological zones of the country. As such,
this barrier creates a false and unrealistic perception of risks associated with HEIS
adoption in the field and masks both the socio-economic and the environmental
benefits of technology to the farmers.

The following measures are proposed to address these barriers:

i. Develop long-term, nationally committed and consistent policy frameworks

that would create a conducive enabling environment for technology diffusion
and replication;

ii. Increase private investment in the market, offer various incentives such as
subsidy, low tariff rates etc., improve marketing and distribution networks
connected with local rural markets;

iii. Invest in R & D activities and programs, build and strengthen both the
horizontal and vertical linkages of key organizations in order to improve
coordination and communication mechanisms;

iv. Create a clear communication policy focused on highlighting the benefits of

technology to the farmers and to improve functioning of technology
dissemination networks at national, regional and local levels.

2.2.4 Proposed action plan for the high efficiency
irrigation system
In view of providing an enabling environment to encourage public and private actors
to adopt and promote micro-irrigation to improve efficient water use and overall
agricultural productivity, it is important to take the following actions:

i. Provision of financial incentives such as subsidy;

ii. Improve legislation and regulatory environment;

iii. Support institutional capacity building;

iv. Support market expansion and strengthening; and

v. Increase awareness and technical support.

Sector: Agriculture

Technology: High Efficiency Irrigation Systems

Action1: Introduce various economic and financial incentives for the technology users.

Justification for the action: To encourage behaviour and attitude change towards adopting
innovative water conservation and management practices and techniques.

S.No Activity Priority Implementing Time Cost & Indicators of

ranking Agency Scale Funding Success and
Sources Risk

Provision of financial High Provincial 0-10 - National and Success: Rate of

incentives in the form of Agriculture / years International technology
1.1 subsidy / soft loan to assist Irrigation climate adoption
farmers in the successful Departments funding/int’l Risk- Lack of
adoption of the HEIS donors funding &high
technology. dependence on
- US$ 3000 subsidies
per hectare

1.2 Investment in agricultural Medium Ministry of 0-5 - National and Success: Rate of
research and on-farm pilot National Food years International technology
projects for field Security & climate adoption capacity
demonstrations of the Research, funding/int’l Risk- Lack of
technology Provincial donors funding &
Agriculture insufficient
Departments. - US$ per institutional
demonstration capacity
project US$

Action 2: Design and implement formal agriculture and water policies with complete
ownership from the government and other stakeholders across various sectors and
governance levels

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Justification for the action: To strengthen policy support to the technology adoption and
diffusion in water and agriculture sectors of the country so that cross-sector integrated
resource management approaches are promoted and adopted in the long-term

Build consensus among High Ministry of 0-1 National Funding Success:

various catalytic National Food Years -Revised policy
organizations and actors to Security & US$ 200,000 and strategies
earn support on policy Research, enacted,
2.1 formulation and Ministry of
implementation Water and -Reduced
Power Import duties.
Review and upgrade various High Ministry of 0-2 National Funding access to spare
sector policies, strategies, or National Food Years parts/material
programs for conflicting Security & US$ 150,000 or equipment
development goals, priorities Research,
or actions that would Ministry of
undermine sustainable food Water and Risk: Lack of
production and water security Power, political will
in the near future. It includes, (WAPDA).
2.2 for example, land and water - Unavailability
rights, canal water pricing of funding
system, energy pricing

Review import policy to Medium Ministry of 0-2 National funding

2.3 reduce taxes on imported Finance years US$ 10,000
equipment and materials
used in various types of high
efficiency irrigation systems

Action 3: Build a strong, competitive and diversified domestic market for agriculture
technologies, in particularly HEIS, with inclusion of rural markets

Justification for the action: To improve affordability, acceptance, and adoption of innovative
water saving technologies (including HEIS) among farmers.

3.1 Increase public- private High Provincial 0-5 National / Success:

partnership (PPP) to Agriculture / years Foreign Funding - The amount of
increase investment in the Irrigation investment in
agricultural technology Departments, US$ 2 million the market
market Finance
Departments -Increase in
product sale
compared to
baseline sale

Provide lucrative financial Medium Provincial 0-5 National / - Quality control

3.2 incentives to technology Agriculture / years Foreign Funding standards
developers, suppliers, and Irrigation US$ 3.5 million established and
investors to build their Departments, enforced
capacity and ultimately the Finance
product supply chains Departments -Certification
facilities are set

Design, implement and High Provincial 0-5 National Funding Risk:
strictly maintain the quality of Agriculture years - Limited
technology products through Departments / US$ 0.5 million incentives for
the use of product standards, Irrigation private
codes, certification, and/or Departments investors to
annual licensing system etc. participate

- Limited
number of
3.3 manufacturers
and suppliers

Action 4: Build the capacity of catalytic actors and organizations through the exchange of
information, training programs, and investment in research and development activities

Justification for the action: To enhance the institutional capacity and to overcome the
shortage of professional in the area of technology development, management and

Strengthen institutional Medium Provincial 0-5 National / Success:

capacity of government Agriculture years Foreign - Increase in
agencies involved in Departments / number of
oversight and Irrigation
Funding trained
monitoring in terms of Departments technicians,
human resources and US$ 5 million and staff,
technical expertise. - Increased
Capacity building of research
4.1 agriculture extension facilities for
staff, drip and sprinkle agricultural
technology suppliers research.
and dealers to serve
farmers efficiently,
through well-designed
training programmes on
- Inadequate
drip and sprinkler
irrigation techniques.
- Low quality
Increase investment in Medium Ministry of 0-10 National / programs
public R&D institutions Finance, years Foreign
Ministry of
Food Security
and Research,
US$ 1.5 million

Action 5: Design and implement effective technology information and awareness programs
for the technology users

Justification for the action: To improve the social acceptance of the technology among
farmers and other technology beneficiary groups that would build the momentum for the
technology adoption and replication in the sector

5.1 Conduct technology Medium Provincial 0-5 Government and Success:

exhibitions, field Agriculture years private funds - Number of
demonstrations, and Departments trainings,
workshops on the US$ 200,000 workshops,
usefulness of the exhibitions, field
technology at the demonstrations,
national and local TV and radio
levels with special talks.
focus on the inclusion -Number of
of. rural districts and persons trained
farmers - Number of

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

5.2 Develop technology Low Provincial 0-3 Government and documents

use manuals, and fact Agriculture years private funds developed
sheets in local Departments
languages; US$ 150,000 Risk:
Demonstration of -Inadequate
technology on local funding
farms with free
distribution of -Lack of
technology related support from
documents policy and
Conduct electronic Low Provincial 0-3 Government and makers
media talks with focus Agriculture years private funds .
on successful case Departments,
studies from various Agriculture US$ 100,000
5.3 regions of the province Universities

2.3 Proposed action plan for drought tolerant

crop varieties
2.3.1 About the technology
Drought is one of the principal physical constraints on crop productivity in dryland
areas around the world, with its severe medium and long-term impacts on the income
and livelihood sources of households, in particular of poor ones, and trapping them in
the vicious cycle of socio-economic insecurity and poverty in due course. Scientists
predict that climate change will reduce the performance of staple crops worldwide
through increased level of heat and drought stress in the coming decades (Challinor
et al., 2014; Asseng et al., 2015).
Drought tolerant crop varieties, as a climate change adaptation technology, present
an efficient instrument against the limited water supply in dryland areas by ensuring
good crop productivity and diversification. This technology employs both
conventional crop breeding and genetic engineering tools and techniques to create
stress-tolerant crop varieties. Both techniques however take considerable time, cost,
and effort in developing a new crop variety with optimum performance under various
filed conditions before it is approved for the mass scale production and delivery to
the farmers.

Pakistan has developed many local hybrid varieties of important crops, including
wheat, rice and maize, and some fodder crops and vegetables. The local research
institutions have paid much attention to wheat due to its prime importance as a staple
food. However, the value of additional wheat, produced from various hybrid wheat
varieties in use by the farmers in Punjab province alone, is estimated at Rs. 43 billion
annually from 2000-2014 (Tabassum, 2016). In spite of this profit gain, the market
share for the hybrid seeds is still relatively small and limited. Many reasons are
identified such as, limited funding, small number of research institutions and of
trained staff, lack of crop performance monitoring and evaluation system at farm level
and weak marketing mechanisms among others. These challenges are feeding into
many misconceptions about the productivity performance of these plants among the
farming community, which ultimately is contributing towards making farmers more

risk aversion when it comes to the adoption of hybrid crop varieties at the bigger
scale. The information about drought and heat tolerant crop varieties, in particular, is
patchy and scattered that is a key reason for placing this technology very low on
agriculture sector development goals and priority agendas.

2.3.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion

Pakistan has 22 mha of cultivated lands, out of which around 84 percent is under
irrigation and the rest is rainfed (GoP, 2014). Due to relatively low rainfall
occurrences in the rainfed areas of the country in the past, they have been hit hard
by the recurring spells of droughts, making the local households and communities
highly vulnerable to the impacts of low rainfall and drought. The drought tolerant crop
varieties offer a more promising and sustainable solution to the declining water
resources in these areas and in turn the low crop productivity and increasing food
insecurity specifically for the poor households. To support the sustainable agriculture
practices in both rainfed and irrigated areas of Pakistan, the preliminary targets
proposed for the transfer and diffusion of these technologies focuses on wheat and
rice crops, which are main staple food in Pakistan, and also to encourage large scale
olive oil plantation in Baluchistan.

The research on the development of drought resistant crop seed varieties is an on-
going process in the country. Some such seed verities have already been developed,
while the research work and field trial on the others are in process. But it is important
that such developed seeds be used by farmers on large scale especially in arid and
in semi-arid areas of the country. At the same time farmers may be encouraged to
sow crops needing less water in these areas.

The preliminary target for the transfer and diffusion of drought resistant crop varieties
is to introduce the technology to 20 million farmers by the year 2020.

2.3.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology

The development of drought tolerant crop varieties requires support and engagement
of both public and private actors and organizations. As it is clear from the key stages
of the technology development life cycle that includes hybrid seed development, field
trials for the optimum performance testing under the full supervision of the scientists
and technicians, approval and registration of new varieties, mass scale production
and distribution to the farmers needs to pass through various market approaches.
The technology therefore qualifies both as a public and a market good but in
Pakistan, it is only the public research institutions playing the main role in technology
development and distribution stage.

Under the original Seed Act of 1976, the private institutions including plant breeders
and Seed Corporation were legally denied right to the direct participation in new crop
variety development, investment, and claiming of individual property rights. As such,
the policy offered no incentives to the private sector to invest in hybrid research
programs in the country. To amend this situation, two legislative pieces namely
“Seed (Amendment) Bill, 2015” and “the Plant Breeder’s Rights Bill, 2016” were
approved from both the legislative houses of Pakistan in 2016. The bills in their
current status allow private sector to participate in research and development of new
crop verities including genetically modified crops. The amendment also forces
farmers to buy seeds from a licensed seed company or its agency every time they
have to cultivate a new crop.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

The Seed Amendment Acts of 2015 and 2016 present a very difficult situation in
regard to the seed industry development and expansion in Pakistan and thus root
cause of many barriers and challenges to the diffusion of hybrid crop technology in
the country. The foremost challenge is setting the clear boundaries of the legal
authority and power among the federal and provincial governments. Constitutionally,
the provinces bear the supreme right over the federal government to any legislation
and amendments related to natural resources and its management including
agriculture, environment, energy and water among others. However, the Seed Acts
are approved by the Federal government with no participation and consent of the
provinces on these acts. Furthermore, the bills have raised strong opposition from
the farming communities and allied beneficiaries on possible seed market monopoly
by the giant international seed corporations.

The domestic seed market in the country is small with weak supply chains and
distribution mechanisms and networks. Market imperfection and failure is therefore
identified as another important barrier to the hybrid crop technology in the country.
The market is largely unregulated by the government, so hence are the high prices
for the tested, good quality seeds in the market. This is particularly a critical issue for
small farmers in the rainfed and other irrigated areas with limited access to water
resources who are already struck hard by poverty, their land quality is poor, and
access to water resources is hard for them and hence they have to spend a high
portion of their earnings on land preparation and crop cultivation. Resultantly, the
standard agronomic practices of the farmers in such areas determine their risk
aversion behaviour and social practices, which ultimately discourage the farmers to
prefer and adopt hybrid seed varieties.

Other related barriers include lack of information and awareness on the advantages
and benefits of the use of drought tolerant crops, low pool of technical knowledge on
various aspects of the technology development, marketing and distribution, limited
number of technicians, scientists, and other support staff in public research
institutions and seed quality testing laboratories operating at the provincial scales.
The research institutions face severe capacity issues due to lack of funding and
grants available for development, delivery and monitoring of R & D activities.

To create an enabling environment, following measures have been proposed:

i. Economic and financial measures: Provide financial incentives such as
subsidy, soft loans to the farmers; reduce taxes on research instruments,
equipment, and other necessary tools used in technology development and
innovation; grant dedicated funding to drought sensitive areas of the country.

ii. Market failure and imperfection/ policy, legal and regulatory measures:
Review existing laws and acts related to hybrid crop production and
distribution and revise the conflicting segments of the proposed amendment
bills with consensus to all key stakeholders; to build a strong, competitive
market, invest in building public private partnership; create, strengthen and
link the networks of technology producers with technology suppliers, investors
and users.

iii. Technical capacity/ information and awareness measures: Invest in R & D

activities of public institutions, design, deliver and monitor communication
strategies among various catalytic actors of the technology life cycle; and
offer training programs to build the capacity of technical staff.

2.3.4 Proposed action plan for drought tolerant
crop varieties
Based on the identified barriers and proposed measures, the following action plan is
proposed to stimulate the adoption and diffusion of drought tolerant crop varieties in


Technology: Drought tolerant crop varieties

Action 1: Design and adopt effective economic and financial tools and instruments to
address the seed market needs and demands

Justification for the action: To encourage farmers to adopt and practice this
technology while ensuring immediate, accessible, and need based finance for
agriculture sector

.. Activity Priori Implementing Time Cost & Funding Indicators of

ty Agency Scale Source success and Risk

1.1 Review the current High Ministry of National 0-2 Government and Success: Readily
subsidy and taxation Food Security & years Development available cost
plan for the agriculture Research / Ministry of funding partners estimation for the
sector specifically seed Finance technology.
industry and make a & Provincial Finance /
detailed cost estimation Agriculture US$ 0.15 Risk: Inadequate
for development, transfer Departments million funding
and diffusion of the
drought tolerant crop
varieties with inclusion of
subsidies and/or low
taxes instruments

1.2 Provide subsidy to the High Ministry of National 0-5 Government and Success: Readily
price of the input Food Security & years Development available subsidy
services e.g. seed, Research / Ministry of funding partners.
irrigation etc. for transfer Finance US $ 1.0 million Risk: Inadequate
and diffusion of the funding

1.3 Review and increase High Ministry of National 0-10 Government and Success: Readily
budgetary allocation for Food Security & years Development available seeds
agricultural research to Research / Ministry of funding partners. varieties
R&D centres for the Finance US $ 4.5 million
development of hybrid & Provincial Finance / Risk:
crop varieties Agriculture
Departments - Inadequate

-Human &
technical capacity

Action 2: Develop and strengthen the domestic seed market with special attention to
the hybrid crop seeds

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Justification for the action: Strong seed market would encourage participation of
private sector, and ensure easy access to low cost, but high quality seeds for the

2.1 Develop necessary High-to- Ministry of National Food 0-2 Government and Success: User-
legislation and Medium Security & Research / years Development friendly laws and
regulations to support & Provincial Agriculture funding partners. regulations.
and regulate seed Departments US$ 100,000
market Risk: Lack of
political and
support and

2.2 Encourage Medium Ministry of National Food 0-3 Government and Success:
participation of private Security & Research / years Development Increase in
sector in building and Ministry of Finance, funding partners investment
expansion of seed Provincial Agriculture amount by
market through Departments US$ 250,000 private sector
reducing cost of doing
business Risk: Lack of
political will and
changes in
economic and

Action 3: Improve and strengthen policy and regulatory environment in the country to promote
hybrid crop adoption and replication

Justification for the action: The action is intended to promote regulatory efficiency and
effectiveness, improve business environment, and encourage private sector participation

3.1 Review and update Medium Ministry of National Food 0-3 Government and Success:
seed laws and acts to Security & Research/ years Development Consumer
make them more Provincial Agriculture funding partners. friendly laws and
consumer friendly and Departments regulations.
protect the rights of
small farmers US $10,000 Risk: Lack of
political and

3.2 Strengthen the role of Medium Ministry of National Food 0-3 Government and Success:
seed certification Security & Research years Development Availability of
authority to monitor funding partners. quality seeds
and evaluate the
quality of seeds in Risk: Lack of
market trained staff,
US$ 500,000
Lack of or

Action 4: Create and promote information and awareness about the necessity and advantages
of the improved seeds varieties, in particular, drought tolerant crop varieties in water stressed
and dryland areas

Justification for the action: To increase the social acceptance of the technology among
farmers and other technology beneficiary groups that would ultimately build the momentum for
a rapid technology adoption and replication
4.1 Design and strengthen High Provincial 0-5 Government and Success: Increase in
extension education to Agriculture years Development demand of and share
boost farmer’s Departments funding partners. of hybrid seed market,
awareness of climate including Increase in area of
change and benefits of Extension Wings, land under hybrid
adaptation technologies Public Research US$ 100,000 crop cultivation,
Risk: Programmes
not designed to the
needs of farmers,
Weak policy support

4.2 Design and conduct High Provincial 0-5 Government and Success: Number of
field demonstration Agriculture years Development field-testing projects
projects under different Departments, funding partners. implemented during
agro-ecological zones Public Research five years.
in the country Institutions,
Private seed US$ 400,000 Risk: Limited funding
companies to do required pilots in
different agro-
ecological zones;

projects do not work
because of mismatch
between seed types
and agro-ecological

Action 5: Strengthen the institutional capacity of agriculture research organizations in terms of

building research infrastructure, human resources, and knowledge transfer Strengthening R&D
Institution’s human and technical resources

Justification for the Action: Strengthening of R&D institutional capacity is a key to

development and widespread diffusion of this technology in the country.

5.1 Hire additional technical High Ministry of National Food 0-5 Government and Success:
experts in relevant key Security & Research/ years Development Increase in
R&D institutions PARC/ Agriculture funding partners. number of new
Departments in hybrid crop
Universities varieties,
US$ 500,000
Risk: Lack of
retention of
experts for a
longer period,
lack of technical

5.2 Up-grade research High Ministry of National Food 0-3 Government and Success:
laboratories with latest Security & Research/ years Development Availability of
technologies PARC/ Agriculture funding partners. state of the art
Departments in labs.
US$ 800,000 performance
risks & lack of

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

5.3 Build technical capacity Mediu Ministry of National Food 0-10 Government and Success:
of local staff m Security & Research/ years Development Availability of
development through PARC/ Agriculture funding partners. required trained
specialized training and Departments in staff.
workshops Universities
US$ 400,000 Risk: Low
quality training
programs &
lack of funding.

5.4 Promote knowledge Mediu Ministry of National Food 0-5 Government and Success:
transfer through m Security & Research/ years Development Increase in
collaboration and expert Public research funding partners. collaborative
exchange programmes institutions initiatives and
with regional and programs
International research
institutions Risk: Non-
US$ 400,000 supportive
culture, Human
risks & lack of

5.5 Survey the current Low Ministry of National Food 0-3 Government and Success:
status of seed storage Security & Research/ years Development Sufficient
houses, and build new PARC/ Agriculture funding partners. storage
if necessary Departments in US$ 100,000 capacity.
Risk: Lack of
political and

2.4 Technology: Climate monitoring, forecasting

and early warning system
2.4.1 About the technology
Early warning systems (EWS) are an important extension of the climate monitoring
and forecasting technology that play a significant role in disaster (or hazard) planning
and prevention. The system is designed to relay relevant and timely information to
the concerned communities in a systematic way before a disaster strikes in order to
help them make informed decisions and take actions. The efficiency and
effectiveness of the system largely depends on the close coordination and
collaboration with many different agencies and institutions working at the various
levels of governance i.e. national, provincial and local. These include institutions that
support hazard detection, monitoring and forecasting to emergency planning and
hazard mitigation. The system also requires support from policy and regulatory
frameworks, planning, budgetary, and operational mechanisms.

According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), an effective EWS need

four operational components:
(i) Observation, detection, monitoring, analysis, forecasting and development of
hazard warning messages;

(ii) Assessing potential risks and integrating risk information into warning
(iii) Dissemination of timely, reliable and understandable warning messages to
authorities and public at-risk;
(iv) Community-based emergency planning, preparedness and training
programmes focused on eliciting an effective response to warnings to reduce
potential impact on lives and livelihoods.

2.4.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion

Pakistan is highly vulnerable to various types of natural hazards such as earthquake
and other climate change linked hazards such as flash floods, drought, and heat
waves. It aims to upgrade and expand various technical and institutional aspects of
the EWS in order to better prepare for any potential disaster events in the future.

The following are some of the key preliminary targets set for the transfer and
diffusion of climate monitoring-forecasting and early warning system to achieve
above objectives are as under:

i. Establishment of new meteorological observatories in 20 districts of the

ii. Installation of 200 Automatic Weather Stations Network including its
communication system;
iii. Installation of Wind Profilers at 5 main airports;
iv. Up-gradation and automation of 50 existing meteorological observatories;
v. Establishment of Flash Flood Warning System in five vulnerable locations in
the country;
vi. Establishment of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods warning stations in Gilgit
Baltistan and Upper Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa;
vii. Strengthening of the existing hazard information communication system
among PMD, NDMA, PDMAs, FFC, and media.

2.4.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology

EWS is a complex, and multi-tiered system that involves dedicated and strong
collaboration and cooperation among various public and private institutions that are
involved in disaster risk reduction. Setting up a fully functional EWS is therefore
expensive and time-consuming.

Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) is the lead national institution

responsible for climate monitoring and forecasting activities and initiatives. PMD
operates several different kinds of early warning systems, such as for floods,
drought, heat wave, and cyclonic storms of which the flood warning system is the
most mature and sophisticated one. This system specifically is an alert and
management information system that serves multipurpose ranging from flood alert, to
flood control and management. Despite the country’s long history of disasters, EWS
still needs major up-gradation.

There are many barriers to the expansion of this technology. A key barrier is the
availability of technical experts and physical resources such as research labs,
equipment etc., This weakness inevitably translates into limited research and
development in the area of weather and climate change science that in turn impedes

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

efforts in disaster risk reduction for various specific at-risk communities in the
country. Similarly, the institutions, both at national and sub-national scales, suffer
from low institutional capacity and inflexibility, which generally results in poor
communication and coordination among the government agencies, private sector
organizations, hazard prone communities and individuals.

To mitigate or reduce these barriers and create an enabling environment for the
diffusion of EWS technology in the country, the following measures are proposed:

i. Increase and ensure funding for the modernization, expansion, and up-
gradation of climate monitoring, forecasting, and early warning system in the

ii. Build and improve technical and human capacities of the concerned national
and local institutions working in the field of emergency preparation and

iii. Strengthen and expand the existing early warning communication and
dissemination mechanism with emphasis on clear, concise and ‘authoritative’
warning messages for the to-be-affected communities;

iv. Create close cooperation with other relevant international institutions for
sharing knowledge, data and other necessary information that would help to
strengthen the technology in the country.

2.4.4 Proposed action plan for climate monitoring

and forecasting: Early warning system


Technology: Climate monitoring and forecasting: Early warning system (EWS)

Action 1: Improve technical capacity, specifically of human resources, of concerned

national institutions involved in early waning issuance, emergency preparedness and
response management.

Justification for the action: Reliable early warning information and trained
knowledge based human resources would support informed decisions for emergency
planning, response and in managing disaster risks

Sr. Activity Priority Implementing Time Cost & Indicator of

No. Agency Scale Funding Success and
Source Risk

1.1 Conduct High PMD, GCISC, 0-4 ADP and Success:
continuous cycles NDMA, donors Availability of
of need-based PDMA years funding. qualified
trainings for professionals
professional staff of US$ 50,000
meteorological, Risk: Human
climate change and
DRM related
performance risks,
institutions. lack of funding,
poor training

1.2 Conduct quality High PMD, GCISC 0-3 ADP and Success:
risk assessments years donors Availability of
to generate new funding. reliable
and credible localised risk
location - US$ 38,000 information
based risk data
and information Risk: Lack of
funding, lack
of trained staff

1.3 Training and staff Medium PMD, GCISC, 0-4 ADP and Success:
development NDMA, PDMA, years donors Availability of
through specialized funding. well-trained
training workshops qualified
US$ 10,000 professionals

Risk: Low
quality training

1.4 Strengthen High PMD, GCISC 0-5 ADP and Success:

modelling years donors Availability of
approaches by funding. reliable local
working closely climate
with WMO and US$ 50,000 projections
other regional and
international Risk: Lack of
meteorological funding & Lack
networks to reduce of trained staff
uncertainty in
climate projections

Action 2: Increase and ensure dedicated funding for strengthening of organization

dealing with multi-hazard monitoring, forecasting and warning services.

Justification for the action: To ensure improved forecast & warning products for use
in efficient disaster risk reduction planning and management mechanisms.

2.1 Increase budgetary High PMD 0-5 years ADP and Success:
allocations for the donors Upgraded
EWS relevant functional EWS
departments to build
their capacity US$ 1.0 Low funding,

2.2 Establish new High PMD 0-4 years ADP and Success:
meteorological donors Expanded
observatories in funding. network of
hazard-prone districts observatories
US$ 0.5 Risk: Poor
million maintenance,
lack of funding

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

2.3 Installation of 200 new High PMD 0-4 years ADP and Success: Fully
Automatic Weather donors functional
Stations Network
including its
funding. technology
communication system.
US$ 6.0 Risk: : Limited
million maintenance,
lack of funding

2.4 Up-gradation/ High PMD 0-3 years ADP and Success: Fully
automation of 50 donors functional
existing observatories funding. technology

US$ 1.0 Risk: lack of

million funding

2.5 Establishment of Glacial High PMD 0-4 years ADP/GCF Success: Fully
Lake Outburst Floods funding. functional
warning stations in GB technology
and upper KP. US$ 3.5
million Risk: Technology/
performance risks

2.6 Establishment of Flash High PMD 0-5 years ADP and Success: Fully
Flood Forecasting & donors functional
Warning System at five funding. technology
vulnerable areas in first
phase. US$ 10.0 Risk: Technology/
million human
performance risk

2.7 Installation of weather Medium PMD 0-10 ADP and Success: Fully
surveillance radars at donors functional
strategic location in years funding. technology
the country for
monitoring and US$ 20.0 Risk: Technology
forewarning million / human
disastrous weather performance risks

Action 3: Improve early warning communication and dissemination system in the


Justification for the action: To secure more human lives through improving the
disaster response timings of to-be-affected communities and disaster management

3.1 Identify and engage Medium PMD, 0-5 ADP and Success: Fully
the existing active NDMA, years donors functional community
community groups NGOs funding. groups
to participate in
emergency US$ 35,000 Risk: Poor training
preparation drills quality, lack of

3.2 Dedicate funding Medium PMD, 0-5 ADP and Success: Fully
for resources and NGOs years donors trained volunteer
training of the funding. groups
volunteer groups
US$ 10,000 Risk: Inadequate

3.3 Engage media Mediu PMD, 0-2 ADP and Success: Fully
particularly m Media years donors involved media
social media funding. groups
networks and US$
platform to create 10,000 Risk: Inapt media
awareness on campaigns,

Action.4: Enhance and improve coordination and collaboration with other relevant
regional and international institutions.

Justification for the action: Close cooperation with relevant international institutions
for sharing knowledge, data and other necessary information would help to strengthen
the knowledge and technology base in the country

4.1 Promote transfer of Medium PMD, 0-5 ADP and Success: New
knowledge through GCISC, years donors collaborative
building research funding. international
Met. Dept.
collaborations in research
among experts at US$ 35,000 initiatives
regional and
international Risk: Lack of
meteorological funding , geo-
research political
institutions conditions

4..2 Collaborate and Medium PMD, 0-5 ADP and Success:

communicate with GCISC, years donors
local, national and FFC, NDMA funding. credible risk
regional initiatives information
to share data, US$ 25,000
Risk: Lack of
expertise and
information to
improve credibility
of new information

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Chapter 3: Technology Action Plan for the

Water Sector of Pakistan
3.1 Actions at sector level
3.1.1 Sector overview
The water sector in Pakistan relies intensively on the Indus River and its tributaries to
meet the growing needs and demands of various water-dependent sectors such as
agriculture, energy, and industry aside from the multitude of domestic purposes.
Agriculture is the biggest user of water, consuming nearly 90 percent of the total
available water, which is solely for various irrigation purposes. The contiguous Indus
Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) is the largest irrigation system in the world that
irrigates more than half of the total cultivable area of the country. The Indus is the
12th largest river in the world and its basin areas (both upper and lower) cover 65
percent of the territory of Pakistan and supports 25 million people both directly and
indirectly (Sheathe et al., 2017).

Pakistan is among the world’s 36 most water-stressed countries, with a projected

demand-supply gap of approximately 83 million acre-feet (MAF) by 2025 (IMF,
2015). The per capita surface water availability was 1,036 cubic meters per year
(m3/yr) in 2012 and is projected to drop to about 860 m3/yr by 2025 representing an
acute water shortage condition (WAPDA, 2014). Furthermore, climate change is
expected to impact both quality and consumption patterns of water which will have
long-term serious repercussions on human health, irrigation practices, and food

The recent climate projections for Pakistan indicate complex and mixed patterns of
precipitation and temperature change mainly due to diversity in topography and
climate of the country. For the Indus basin area, for example, increase in
precipitation is expected in the upper Indus basin areas, however a greater degree of
uncertainty is observed for the other parts of the Indus Basin areas. In terms of
extreme rainfall events, a decrease in the number of rainy days is projected over the
southern parts of the basin with an exception of the northern part, where extreme
rainfall events will be more frequent causing sudden flash floods (Sheathe et al.,

The climate model projections for temperature change in the upper Indus area show
increase between 10C to 2.20C by 2050, with a considerable certainty, compared to
the baseline period of 1998-2007. The Indus is dominated by temperature-driven
glacial melts but the projected trends in glacial melt indicate only a small decrease of
20 to 28 percent in the total glaciated area. It is important to note that due to its large
glaciated area, the absolute loss is likely considered to be the greatest in this basin

The impact of these projected changes on water availability will very likely not be
uniform in the country, but mainly defined by variations in demographics, agricultural
practices and the nature and sustainability of fresh water source (ibid). Furthermore,
any change in temperature will induce a shift in seasonality of water flows that has

major implications for regional food security, especially when timing of peak flows
and growing seasons do not coincide.

Policy and institutional review

The Water Vision 2025, as a water sector policy roadmap document, identified some
key sector priorities that included generation and expansion of hydroelectricity
network, prevention of water shortages and drought in the country through
construction of water storages such as medium and small dams (WAPDA, 2003).
Pakistan approved the National Drinking Water Policy in 2009 that aimed at providing
safe and clean drinking water to the entire population by 2025 (GoP, 2009). The
National Water Policy was drafted in 2016 that still awaits its final approval and
implementation (GoP, 2016). The Policy considers various challenges of water sector
to the changing climate and its ensuing impacts on water dependent sectors such as
agriculture, energy, and industry. The document identifies regional cooperation on
cross-basin water management as a major challenge for the sector.

During the first phase of TNA in the country, with consensus from CC Adaptation
Expert Working Group members and other important stakeholders, a set of six
adaptation water sector technologies were identified and finally three technologies
were prioritize. The prioritized technologies were surface run-off rainwater
harvesting, groundwater (aquifer) recharge and urban stormwater management.

3.1.2 Preliminary technology targets

To ensure successful and sustainable adoption and transfer of these three
technologies namely surface run-off rainwater harvesting, groundwater (aquifer)
recharge and urban stormwater management, this document identifies and lists a set
of preliminary targets below:

1. Construct 2000 community and public-run surface rainwater harvesting

reservoirs, each with a capacity between 25, 000 m 3 to 50,000 m3 depending
on the water requirements, catchment area, slope, soil type, vegetation type
etc. by 2025 particularly in dryland (rainfed) areas of the country;

2. Modernize and upgrade urban stormwater drainage infrastructures of 10

major towns by 2022;

3. Introduce and set standards for low impact development (LID) infrastructure
in 10 major cities/towns as an approach for urban stormwater management
by 2022;

4. Construct around 200 groundwater recharge systems using innovative but

cost-effective groundwater recharge techniques in Balochistan and other dry
areas to improve ground (aquifer) water situation.

3.1.3 Barriers at sector level and proposed

measures to overcome barriers

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

This section looks into the barriers common to the diffusion of water sector prioritized
technologies, and an attempt has been made to find some common measures that
would create an enabling environment for the sustainable diffusion and replication of
these technologies in the sector.
Table 3.1: Common barriers and measures to the diffusion of prioritized adaptation
technologies in water sector of Pakistan

Barrier category Barriers Measures to overcome


Economic & -High capital and maintenance costs -Provision of adequate and
financial dedicated funding
-Limited financial allocation
-Provision of subsidy or loans
-Inadequate donor funding
-Attract more donor funding

Policy, legal and -Lack of comprehensive cross- -Approve water sector policy with
regulatory sector policies for resource consensus and government
protection, development and ownership
management of water resources
-Devise and implement strong
legislative and regulatory
measures for surface and
groundwater protections

- Mainstream climate change

considerations into relevant
sector polices, plans and

Information & Limited information and awareness - Run information and

awareness on the existence and usefulness of awareness campaigns
the water sector prioritized particularly through social media
technologies -Strengthen and operationalize
the technology stakeholders

Institutional and -Limited institutional capacity Strengthen human skills through

organizational technical trainings
capacity -Limited human skills and training to
maintain technologies specially at
local level

3.1.4 Action Plan at sectoral level

At the sectoral level, two broad priority actions are proposed:
i. Increasing the water storage capacity in the country in order to ensure water
sustainability and the enhanced resilience of the local communities;

ii. Ensuring the sustainable use of underground water resources or aquifers so
that the high abstraction in the over-exploited areas of the country are
controlled, and recharged, and sustained for the benefits of economically
important sectors, communities and individuals.

3.2 Action plan for surface rainwater harvesting

3.2.1 About the Technology
Rainwater harvesting (RWH) from ground surfaces is basically a collection, diversion
and storing of rainwater to supplement other formal setup of water collection and
distribution system for a community for its later use during dry periods. Rainwater
collected from ground surface is typically used for non-potable purposes, including
irrigation, livestock and general domestic uses

In Pakistan, RWH is commonly practiced either by collecting rainfall from the ground
surfaces utilizing ‘micro-catchment’ to divert or slow runoff for storage purposes, or
harvesting floodwater flows from a river, stream, or other natural watercourses
through construction of earthen or other structures to dam the watercourse and form
a small reservoir. The technology is widely practiced in arid and semi-arid areas of
Pakistan where a permanent or ephemeral surface water body (such as river, or
spring) is not present, and seasonal rainfall is the only major source of water for
irrigation, livestock and various domestic purposes.

Pakistan has the world’s largest indigenous rainwater harvesting system commonly
called spate irrigation system. This system irrigates around 0.3 mha of cultivated
land in the country, while the potential area to bring under this system is estimated to
be around 6.935 mha (Ahmed and Steenbergen, 2010).

The technology offers many benefits during seasonal dry periods and droughts
especially in the face of climate change that is projected to increase the variability
and intensity of rainfall in the long run. Rainwater collection also helps to stabilize the
depleting groundwater level, while the storage infrastructure can reduce land erosion
and flood inflow to major rivers. It acts as a convenient source of stored water that
could enhance agricultural productivity, decrease travel time for rural women to
remote water resources, resulting in better health and time for social activities.

3.2.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion

The main target group for this technology is those communities in dryland areas of
the country with high risk of water shortages and face critical challenges in accessing
clean water for domestic purposes, livestock and irrigation use.

The preliminary proposed target for the transfer and diffusion of RWH technology is
to construct 2,000 community and public-run surface rainwater harvesting reservoirs
by 2015, each with a capacity between 25,000 m3 to 50,000 m 3 depending on the
water requirement of the community and other local physical conditions such as size
of catchment area, slope angle, soil and vegetation types etc.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

3.2.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology

Some key barriers to the adoption of the technology at local levels are various
economic and financial challenges which include insufficient resources such as low
program budget compared to high cost of feasibility study, and construction and
maintenance of reservoirs. There is also an additional cost of maintenance and
repair of water conveyance structures that are damaged during floods. Another
important barrier category is associated with weak technical, institutional and
organizational capacities of the national and local institutions involved in irrigation
and flood management. This includes both government departments and line
ministries, and farmers’ organizations and water user groups working with the
government organizations.

In case of indigenous spate irrigation systems, the local water and land ownership
rights are quite ambiguous due to weak, or sometimes non-existent, regulatory and
legislative statutes governing water management and distribution at the local levels.
The absence of or low understanding of water rights directly translates into an
inequitable distribution of water among farmers and other water beneficiary groups at
the community level creating some serious conflicts among the community members.
The concerned government departments and line ministries typically offer limited
external support to the community water managers who already suffer from severe
capacity issues.

To overcome these barriers, the following measures are proposed:

i. To offset high initial cost of construction of water channels, diversions and

water reservoirs, the government should ensure sufficient funding for the concerned
departments through dedicated budgetary allocations in provincial and district level
ADPs, and attracting some international donors funding;

ii. Design and implement various strong policy instruments to deal with various
regulatory and legislative issues concerning RWH technology. A key starting point
could be the review of and necessary amendments in water and land rights in order
to support swift and sustainable technology adoption;
iii. Start awareness campaign on the future negative impacts of climate change
on our water resources and how it would affect the productivity of key sectors of
agriculture, energy and industry, and the resilience of individuals and the society in
the long-term future;

iv. To improve ownership of the technology at the national and local levels, the
participation and engagement of local community should be held mandatory during
the key stages of decision-making processes by government officials;
v. Increase financial support to relevant R&D institutions in order to enhance
their technical capacity.
It is expected that the successful implementation of the proposed technology action
plan will help in its wider and swifter adoption and diffusion in the society, as well as
would ensure easy access to water and improve the overall resilience of the
households and communities in the face of climate change.

3.2.4 Proposed action plan for surface rainwater
harvesting technology


Technology: Rainwater harvesting (from ground surfaces)

Action 1: Ensure sufficient yet dedicated supply of funding for the government
departments involved in different key aspects of the technology

Justification for the action: This will help mitigate or reduce various economic and
financial barriers arising from high cost of project feasibility studies, construction and
maintenance of water reservoirs and/or its linked conveyance systems, and engagement
of local communities or water user groups

Sr. Activity Priority Implementing Time Cost & Indicator of

No Rank Agency Scale Funding Success and Risk
. Source

1.1 Allocate dedicated High Ministry of 0-10 US$ Success: 10-30

funding in the Planning & years percent funding
annual Development; 0.2-0.5. increase in the
development Provincial million for annual budget
budgets, on Finance each dam.
priority basis for Department, Risk: Lack of
the construction of and Agriculture ADP and funding,
2000 water and Irrigation donor
reservoirs Departments funding

1.2 Advocacy Low Ministry of 0-3 Success: Policy

campaign Planning & years ADP and support on
targeting policy Development; donor technology
makers and Provincial funding
legislators for Development, specially Risk: Poor
gaining support on Agriculture and ADB campaign targets
funding Irrigation
US$ 30.000

1.3 Strengthen High Ministry of 0-5 Success: Strong

administrative Planning & years ADP and administrative
mechanisms for Development & donor mechanisms
attracting from Ministry of funding
donor agencies Finance specially Risk: Change in
ADB policy or policy
US$ 50,000

1.4 Provide financial Medium Provincial 0-5 ADP and Success: Number
and technical Agriculture and years donor of farmers adopting
assistance on Irrigation funding technology on self-
priority bases to Departments specially help bases
farmers harvesting ADB
RW Risk: Lack of funding

Action 2: Build and strengthen the institutional capacity of the responsible

organizations to undertake pre-feasibility studies and site selection.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Justification for the action: Current relevant institutions are lacking in terms of
human resources and technical expertise

2.1 Enhance financial High Provincial 0-3 ADP and Success:

support to R&D Development, years donor Availability of
institutions for Agriculture and funding. well-trained
enhancing their Irrigation Departments qualified
capacity US$ professionals.
2 million
Risk: Human

2.2 Arrange High Provincial 0-5 ADP and Success:

prioritization of Development, years donor Availability of
regions in dire Agriculture and funding. well-
need of rainwater Irrigation Departments US$ 1.0 documented
harvesting million feasibility
reservoirs and studies.
identification of
potential sites. Risk: Human

2.3 Arrange trainings High Provincial 0-5 ADP and Success:

on need-based Development, years donor Availability of
manner and also Agriculture and funding. well-trained
skills of Irrigation Departments US$ qualified
researchers 200,000 professionals.
though training /
workshops and Risk: Low
foreign visits quality of

2.4 Adopt flexible Medi Ministry of Climate 1-3 ADP and Success:
Communication um Change, Provincial years donor Increased
strategy to Development, funding. coordination.
promote inter- Agriculture and US$
agency Irrigation Departments 100,000 Risk: No
coordination appreciable

2.5 Promote transfer High Ministry of Planning & 1-5 ADP and Success:
of knowledge Development; Years donor Increased
(specifically Provincial funding. research
indigenous one) Development, US$ collaboration.
through building Agriculture and 300,00
research Irrigation Departments 0 Risk: No
collaborations appreciable
among experts at risk identified
regional and
working on the
same issues

Action 3: Raising knowledge on operation and management practices of

rainwater harvesting systems through involvement of local communities

Justification for the action: This action will add towards the sustainability of the
systems because of enhanced information, training, or guidance

3.1 Awareness creating on High Provincial 2-4 ADP and Success:

good operation and Agriculture years donor Number of
management practices and and Irrigation funding. awareness
change in water use Departments US$ programs.
behaviour by organizing 400,000
campaigns to raise Risk: No
awareness on importance appreciable
of rainwater harvesting, risk identified
water saving and efficiency

3.2 Ensure participation of Medium Local 0-5 ADP and Success:

local communities in all governments years donor Communities
stages of decision making funding. active
process through US$ participation
committees to ensure 400,000
sustainability of Risk: Lack of
Technology political /

3.4 Encourage communities Mediu Local 0-3 ADP and Success:

to establish reservoir m governmen year donor Communities
operator organizations. ts s funding. active
US$ participation
Risk: Lack
political /

Action 4: Design appropriate legislation/regulation regarding rainwater

harvesting policy

Justification for the action: The lack of policy and regulations makes it
challenging to design efficient rain harvesting techniques

4.1 Develop and implement High Ministry of Water & 1-3 ADP Success:
technology support Power; Provincial yea and Development
policy and necessary Development, rs donor of technology
regulations Agriculture and funding supporting
Irrigation . regulations
Departments US$
250,000 Risk: Lack of
political and

4.2 Develop regulations on Medium Ministry of Water & 0-3 ADP and Success:
the role and Power; Provincial years donor Development
responsibilities of Development, funding. of technology
stakeholders in Agriculture and US$ supporting
management, utilization Irrigation Departments 150,000 regulations
and operation of rainwater
Risk: Lack of
political and

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

3.3 Action plan for groundwater recharge

3. 3.1 About the technology
Artificial groundwater (or aquifer) recharge is an activity that aims to increase the
natural replenishment or percolation of surface water into the ground aquifer, so that
groundwater level stays stable relative to its rate of abstraction by the people for
different purposes. The activity is typically confined to the areas with depleting
aquifers and the final selection of a recharge technique is therefore site specific and
needs extensive hydro-geological studies.

Apart from replenishing groundwater level, the technology offers some other
important cross-sector co-benefits, such as conservation or disposal of flood water,
control of saltwater intrusion in areas below sea level and with frequent exposure to
sea currents, storage of water to reduce pumping and piping cost and water quality
improvement (Asano, 1985). The technology has many major applications, such as,
in wastewater disposal and treatment, crop development, stream flow augmentation
and prevention of land subsidence, among others (Oaksford, 1985).

In Pakistan, agriculture sector is the biggest user of groundwater making up almost

90 percent of the total groundwater use, followed by household and domestic uses.
The situation is quite opposite in large urban centres, especially in the province of
Punjab, where about 90 percent of population relies on extracted groundwater for
their daily domestic needs. This high level use of groundwater for irrigation comes
with a high cost however, which is reported to be typically 30 times higher than the
cost of surface irrigation water in the Indus Basin irrigation system regions.
Nevertheless, it is the most preferred choice by the local farmers due to a very high
percentage of crop yields (50-100) as compared to those fully dependent on canal
water (Shah, 2007; World Bank, 2007).

The technology is of prime significance and value in areas of Pakistan where

groundwater is the only easily accessible and highly reliable source of water for both
irrigation and domestic purposes. The province of Balochistan, for example, faces a
sharp decline in groundwater table threatening both the survival of human lives in
certain hyper dry areas, and the sustainability of irrigated agriculture. To cope with
such situation, the province has employed different recharge techniques such as
surface spreading of rainwater, watershed management, and construction of
recharge structures such as check dams, delay action dams, earthen ponds and
wells. In 2007, IUCN Pakistan with the financial support from the Asian Development
Bank (ADB), installed boreholes and infiltration galleries for the first time in Pakistan
under a groundwater aquifer rejuvenation demonstration pilot project in Balochistan.
The technology installation aimed at increasing recharge flow of ‘karezes’ 1 and
water levels in open wells in the study area (ADB, 2007). The experience with full-
scale artificial recharge operations in the country is almost non-existent, and hence
poses a great challenge to fully estimate the cost effectiveness of such operations at
a large scale specifically under the looming uncertainty of climate change.

3.3.2 Targets for technology transfer and diffusion

Karez is an indigenous under-ground water conveyance system, which is present only in the province
of Balochistan. The system however is not functional anymore in the most parts of the province due to
the critically low water tables and the prevalent extreme dry conditions.

The main target group for this technology is those communities in dryland areas of
the country with high risk of water shortages and face critical challenges in accessing
clean water for domestic purposes, livestock and irrigation use.

i. Set-up groundwater monitoring network for those critically vulnerable areas

where groundwater is below a certain threshold value;

ii. Undertake detailed feasibility studies for the selection of suitable sites for
various groundwater recharge structures such as check-dams, delay action
dams and injection wells etc.;

iii. Construct demonstration and pilot groundwater recharge projects to improve

visibility of declining groundwater issue in the country, and gain support from
the concerned communities.

3.3.3 Barriers to the diffusion of technology

A major barrier to the diffusion of the technology is the absence of any
comprehensive, consistent, and collaborated management strategy that would
monitor and evaluate the sustainability of groundwater resource with full participation
and guidance from various key stakeholders present both at local and national levels.
The current groundwater governance system is amorphous in nature with no single
management body overseeing the management of the resource at the national level.
This lack of coordinated efforts have led to the preferences for some short-term
policy solutions in the past that have resulted in some conflicting policy choices and
resource management strategies. For example, electricity in Pakistan is one of the
most subsidized items for the farmers with tube-wells to support them expand their
agricultural cropping area, but on the other hand, this has led to extensive
abstraction of groundwater by the same farmers.
Another important barrier is the high cost of construction and management of
community based water reservoirs, such as check dams, and action relay dams. In
some cases in the past, their monitoring and management have been, completely (or
partially), left to the community water mangers leading to the rapid deterioration of
the physical structures and creating serious conflicts among different water user
groups over the ownership rights to water. Consequently, this situation very likely has
weaken the voluntary or advisory policy instruments that were offered to motivate
voluntary actions such as voluntary participation of groundwater user groups and
associations to manage the resource at the community scale. However, a challenge
identified in this respect was, the lack of proper technical knowledge among the
community members.
Finally, another important barrier identified is the reliability and adequacy of the
current data and information on groundwater quantity and quality. The data is sparse,
scattered, and with a degree of questionable authenticity. The hydrological
boundaries of groundwater aquifers in the country, in particularly in areas with a high
decline rate of the resource, are still not precisely defined that makes it extremely
complicated and challenging to specify and set both the technical and social
boundary of the resource in an area. Due to the importance of water as a key
livelihood and economic resource, the issue is highly political in nature that adds to
the challenge of managing authorities to plan for a long-term.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

To improve the groundwater recharge condition in the country and mitigate or reduce
these barriers, some key approaches are identified and proposed:

i. Introduce and implement market based water permitting and licensing

systems, with suitable subsidies or loans, to bring the high cost of
construction and maintenance of water reservoir systems down;

ii. Promote and regulate conjunctive use of available surface water (canal or
runoff water) with groundwater to manage water quality and cost for the
irrigation purposes;

iii. Adopt whole-aquifer approach for R&D activities; a good starting point could
be developing and maintaining a comprehensive database of information on
groundwater users, various types of uses, groundwater abstraction quantity,
aquifer conditions, water table depth and groundwater quality;

iv. Favour traditional local practices and indigenous knowledge in the

participatory decision-making processes at the local level;

v. Integrate strong conflict resolution mechanisms in groundwater governance

system in order to resolve regulatory and advisory policy issues at the
community level.

3.3.4 Proposed action plan for the groundwater

recharge system


Technology: Groundwater (aquifer) recharge system

Action 1: Determine priority critical areas for groundwater recharge using the available
technical information and measurements with constant up-gradation in case of new set of
available information

Justification for the action: Identifying the region-based critical areas will provide a focus
for the policy makers to design pertinent water management solutions

Sr. Activity Priority Implementing Time Cost & Indicator of

No. Agency Scale Funding Success and
Source Risk

1.1 Develop an open- High PCRWR, 0-5 ADP and Success:

source database of Provincial years donor Availability of
aquifer systems in irrigation & funding. open source,
over-exploited areas: Agriculture US$ reliable
some potential Departments 500,000 groundwater
information includes information.
groundwater regime,
quality, climatic Risk: Lack of
condition, funding and
physiographic and technical
drainage aspects expertise, lack of
political support.

1.2 Determine priority High PCRWR, 0-3 ADP and Success: Widely
recharge areas with Provincial years donor available reliable
critical blocks based on irrigation & funding. groundwater
the “quantified” artificial Agriculture US$ information.
recharge potential Departments 800,000
Risk: Lack of
funding and
technical expertise,
lack of political

1.3 Construct permanent High PCRWR, 0-5 ADP and Success:

ground water recharge Provincial years donor Increase in
system based on the irrigation & funding. groundwater
area specific recharge Agriculture US$ 1-3 level.
technique and design Departments million for
each site Risk: Lack of

Action 2: Devise a holistic policy framework on ground water recharge that is completely
aligned with, and supports the surface water regulations and strategies

Justification for the action: This will help to employ a conjunctive use of surface and
groundwater in the irrigation sector and will bring a multitude of stakeholders on one
platform for a collective action on water management

2.1 Coordinate, Medium PCRWR, Provincial 0-2years ADP and Success: Well
harmonize, irrigation & donor defined roles of
synergize roles and Agriculture funding. the departments
functions of some Departments US$
key government 100,000 Risk: Lack of
departments political and
involved in administrative
groundwater/surface support
water management

2.2 Approve plans for Medium PCRWR, Provincial 0-3 ADP and Success:
the recharge of irrigation & years donor Detailed
groundwater Agriculture funding. approved plans of
resources with an Departments US$ 70,000 groundwater
emphasis on a recharge.
balanced utilization
of surface and Risk: Lack of
groundwater. political

2.3 Place a special water Medium PCRWR, 0-5 ADP and Success: Well
conservation cell Provincial years donor functioning
with advisory role to irrigation & funding. special water
the government on Agriculture US$ conservation cell.
conflicting policies/ Departments 200,000
action plans on Risk: No
surface and appreciable risk
groundwater. identified

Action 3: Build and strengthen the institutional capacity of the organizations dealing with
water management and monitoring at the community, regional and national levels

Justification for the action: To ensure efficient integrated planning and management
among various agencies, departments and private sector in order to enhance resource use

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

3.1 Continuous need- Medium PCRWR, 0-5 ADP and Success:

based training Provincial years donor Availability of well
and education of irrigation & funding. trained
professional staff Agriculture US$ professionals
of the relevant Departments, 400,000
institutions. water user Risk: Low quality
associations, training programs

3.2 Connect water Low PCRWR, PMD, 0-3 ADP and Success: Strong
organizations with Provincial irrigation years donor institutional
weather/ climate & Agriculture funding. networking
monitoring Departments, water US$ 50,000
organizations user associations Risk: Lack of
such as PMD administrative

3.3 Promote transfer Medium PCRWR, PMD, 0-3 ADP and Success: Strong
of knowledge Provincial irrigation years donor institutional
through building & Agriculture funding. networking.
research Departments, water US$
collaborations user associations 100,000 Risk: No
among experts appreciable risk
in various identified

3.4 Action plan for urban stormwater

3. 4.1 About the Technology

Managing stormwater is one of the biggest and most expensive challenge that the
urban cities around the world face today. Regardless of high construction and
maintenance costs of the system, stormwater management is quickly becoming a
high development priority for local government authorities in regions where high
intensity rainfalls or cyclones frequently inundate the local properties and other
important infrastructures or unleash flash floods resulting in unexpected yet high
socio-economic damages.

In Pakistan, cities and towns typically utilise a combined sewer system that convey
both domestic and industrial wastewaters and stormwater runoff through a single
pipe system to a receiving outlet, that is commonly a stream, lake or river, and mostly
without any prior treatment for contaminations or pollutants. Due to this poor
management of the system, the waste drainage pipes are frequently choked,
resulting in overflows in the surrounding areas, and finally infiltrating groundwater
sources. This situation is of high concern in areas where groundwater is a drinking
water source and the infiltrated pollutants may cause various human health issues.

Stormwater management choices are tough, in that it is inextricably linked to other

public services. A good storm drain, for example, is essential for basic sanitation and
decent transportation, and so it needs proper solid waste management, in particular
in case of combined sewer systems. Ultimately, it may demand and require a
comprehensive and effective land use planning and management mechanism
functional at the individual city and town level.

Because of high costs of managing conventional stormwater systems, cities currently
around the world are looking for and experimenting with new innovative and low cost
techniques, such as Low Impact Development or LID practices. LIDs manage
stormwater by minimizing impervious cover and by using natural or man-made
systems to capture, filter, and recharge stormwater into the ground, replenishing
groundwater supplies for future use. Roads, parking lots, and other types of
impervious cover are the most important contributor to stormwater runoff (EPA,
2009). Some examples of LID practices are measures such as green roofs, rain
gardens, vegetated areas, pocket wetlands, curb extensions, permeable pavements,
reforestation, protection and enhancement of riparian buffers and floodplains (ibid).

3.4.2 Target for technology transfer and diffusion

Some preliminary targets identified for the diffusion of urban stormwater
management technology in the country are given below:

i. Modernize and upgrade urban stormwater drainage infrastructures of 10

major towns by 2022;
ii. Introduce and set standards for low impact development (LID) infrastructure
in 10 major cities/towns as a climate adaptation approach for urban
stormwater management by 2022.

3.4.3 Barriers to the diffusion of the technology

The most significant barrier identified for this technology is high initial and O&M cost
of the system needed for undertaking construction or repair of a citywide existing
stormwater drainage infrastructure. The water and sanitation related services
primarily falls under the jurisdiction and authority of local government authorities,
which typically face funding and capacity issues in order to design and implement
such high cost projects. Moreover, there is uncertainty over costs as well as cost-
effectiveness of system, specifically in case of LIDs. In the absence of concrete and
comprehensive land use and water policies at the local government scale, the
government officials generally find weak regulatory power to develop, or increase, or
enforce stormwater fees on the users that would generate local revenue for them to
go ahead with their local programs projects.

3.4.4 Proposed action plan for the urban

stormwater management system


Technology: Urban stormwater management

Action 1: Provide policy support through design and implementation of various

efficient policy instruments and strategies

Justification for the action: The policy will support integrated water resource
management, as well as green growth in the urban centres building towards the
resilience of communities in the future

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Sr. Activity Priorit Implementing Time Cost & Indicator

No. y Agency Scale Funding of
Source Success
and Risk

1.1 Prepare urban planning High Ministry of 0-3 years ADP Success:
policy with integrated Planning and funding. Urban policy
elements of support Development, US$ enacted.
from other sectors such concerned 50,000
as water, waste provincial Risk: Lack of
management, departments political
transportation, and support
and/or city
environmental quality

1.2 Identify focus areas and Medium Provincial and 0-2 years ADP Success:
specific actions through local government funding. Action plans
linking it with other departments US$ implemented
existing policies, 35,000
strategies such as green (per city) Risk: Lack of
growth policy, political
sustainable support, lack
development plan, or of funding,
local watershed
management plans

1.3 Develop and/or update Medium Provincial and 0-3 years ADP Success:
the urban zoning plans, local government funding. Updated
master plans of departments US$ urban plans
transportation, 50,000
watershed restoration Risk: lack of
plans (Per city) funding, lack
of technical

1.4 Establish and implement Medium Provincial and 0-3 years ADP Success:
comprehensive set of local government funding. LID tools
Low Impact departments US$ established
Development (LID) tools 50,000 Risk: Lack of
tailored to different land (per city) technical
use types experts, lack
of funding

1.5 Design and implement Medium Local government 0-5 years ADP Success:
pilot projects in various departments or funding. High visibility
cities with focus on city development US$ 0.5 of the LIDs
existing urban authorities million for Risk: Lack of
infrastructure facilities to each city technical
determine their expertise
significance to achieve
stormwater neutrality

Action 2: Ensure sufficient and dedicated funding for the technology through taking
integrated approach in its design and implementation

Justification for the action: Availability of funds will handle high cost of project that is
one of the key barriers to the implementation of storm water management projects in
urban centres around the country

2.1 Combine regular Local government 0-5 years ADP Success:

street improvements Low departments, city funding. Improved urban
retrofits with development US$ 3.0 infrastructure
development of authorities million for
enhanced city each city Risk: Lack of
stormwater political and
management administrative
infrastructure support and lack
of funding

2.2 Perform climate High Local government 0-10 ADP Success:
change risk & departments/ city years funding. Improved
vulnerability development US$ 0.1 climate resilient
assessments for the authorities million for urban
future urban each city infrastructure
development projects Risk: Lack of
funding and

2.3 Develop and practice Local government 0-2 years ADP Success:
robust planning Low departments/ city funding. Robust planning
procedures to ensure development US$ 0.3 procedures
green infrastructure authorities million for
priorities are included each city Risk: Lack of or
in on-going and future weak legislative
infrastructure plans and regulatory
and programs support

2.4 Identify public and Local government 0-2 years ADP Success:
private financing High departments/ city funding. Sources of
sources such as development US$ 10.000 funding
grants, loans, tax- authorities identified
sharing agreements,
bonds, community Risk: No
development tools appreciable risk
etc. to fund identified
management projects

2.5 Build partnerships Medium Provincial and 0-2 years ADP Success:
with local and local government funding/ Strong
regional organizations departments/ city US$ 0.1 partnership
to ensure support in development million network
innovative research authorities
and future Risk: Lack of
implementation of funding
green infrastructure

Action 3: Develop and implement a community outreach and communication plan with
continuous follow-up evaluation and adjustments to meet the needs of target audience

Justification for the action: To ensure efficient integrated planning and management
among various agencies, departments and private sector in order to enhance resource
use efficiency

3.1 Identify and engage Medium 0-3 ADP Success:

program support Local government years funding. support network
partners at national and departments, city US$ 0.1 built and
local levels development million operationalized.
authorities & NGOs
Risk: No
appreciable risk

3.2 Develop and distribute Medium 0-2 ADP Success:

guide books, brochures Local government years funding, Improved urban
etc. on the benefits of departments, city landscape.
green and LID development US$
infrastructure in the authorities, partner 10.000 Risk: Lack of
context of stormwater NGOs funding

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

3.3 Promote environmental Local government 0-3 ADP Success:

education, with special Low department, city years funding. Improved
focus on climate change, development US$ understanding of
for students, local town authorities, and 20,000 environmental
residents and business partner NGOs for each issues.
owners city
Risk: Lack of

3.4 Arrange landscape Low Local government 0-3 ADP Success:

designer challenge department, city years funding. Improved urban
where the designers are development US$ landscape.
paired up with home- authorities, and 10,000
owners to transform the partner NGOs Risk: Lack of
landscaping of a funding
block/street with the key
aim to improve
condition in the areas


Project ideas for the Agriculture &

Water sectors of Pakistan

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Project Idea-1: Building the resilience of agriculture

sector against the impacts of climate change
through promotion of (drip and sprinkler) micro-
irrigation systems in Pakistan
1.1 Introduction
Agriculture sector is one of the most vulnerable sectors of Pakistan to the impacts of
climate change. The downscaled climate models for the country project 3°C–6°C rise
in mean temperature, with a sharper rise noted after the year 2020, under different
GHG scenarios by the end of this century. The rainfall, however is highly variable
both in spatial and temporal domains, with some areas facing extreme precipitation
events while other suffering from drought (PMD, 2015). This change in climate has
serious bearing on the productivity of the agriculture sector. Research studies for
Pakistan show that by increase in temperature from 0.5°C–1°C the agricultural
productivity will decline by 8 percent - 10 percent by 2040. In case of major crops, 6
percent reduction in wheat and 15 percent–18 percent for fine-grain aromatic
basmati rice yields will occur in all agro-climatic zones of the country except in the
northern areas where temperature rise is projected to be the highest by the end of
the next century (Iqbal et al., 2009).
The total cropped area in Pakistan is 23.4 Mha, of which irrigated areas make up
18.63 Mha (24 percent of the total cropped area) and 3.8 Mha areas is Barani or
rainfed farming systems (GoP, 2014). Pakistan relies heavily on canal irrigation
system for its horizontal expansion in order to ensure food security for its fast
growing population but the water losses from the system is quite high. In case of
Punjab province only, for example, which holds 77 percent of total irrigated areas of
the country, water loses reaches up to 45 MAF out of 90 MAF of total available water
to crops (Government of Punjab, 2015). Likewise, a major part of the country is arid
to semi-arid with little available water. Water conservation and management
therefore emerges as the top most need of the country to help the farmers to adapt
to the negative impacts of climate change.

1.2 Background and rational

HEIS were introduced in Pakistan around early 80s and since then have been tested
and implemented in all provinces with a heavily subsidized support by all the
provincial governments. Despite their long history of use, HEIS are still not a go-to
technology by the farmers. The research on barriers to the technology’s transfer and
rapid replication in Pakistan has indicated many challenges, such as the
underdeveloped market with a fragmented supply chain, policy and institutional
capacity issues along with little awareness and information on the benefits of
technology, particularly in the context of climate change.
HEIS are in high demand in all parts of the four provinces of Punjab, Sindh, KP and
Balochistan that are either under irrigated canal systems or rainfed agriculture.

Climate change impacts on the country are real and it has already seeing some of its
negative consequences threatening water security of the country.
The implementation possibility is quite high as HEIS projects have been constantly
part of resource development and management projects and programs in all the four
provinces in the past few decades. In fact, the government of Punjab is running one
of the largest HEIS diffusion program in the country under Punjab Irrigated-
agriculture Productivity Improvement Project (PIPIP) since 2011 with financial
assistance from the World Bank. The project aims to install HEIS on 13,991 acres by
the end of the project in 2017. An important component of this project is the
identification of qualified HEIS companies, registering them with the Punjab
Agriculture Department, and using their services to design and install HEIS system
for farmers along with a provision of constant support services for the next two years
of the technology life (Government of Punjab, n.d.).

1.3 Purpose and Objective

This project aims to create an enabling environment in the country for the successful
diffusion and replication of the technology in order to improve the resilience of the
sector against impacts of climate change in the medium and long-term future.
The project carries the following objectives:
i. Improve access of farmers, particularly smallholders, to good quality and low
cost HEIS technology;
ii. Enhance awareness and information on climate change impacts on food and
water security and the role of HEIS to achieve these objectives;
iii. Build and increase efficiency, quality and diversity of HEIS market through
regulating market;
iv. Achieve the capacity building of key catalytic actors and institutions in the

1.4 Project deliverables

It is expected that the project will deliver the following outcomes:
i. HEIS is installed on 10,000 small landholders farmers, with special
consideration to rainfed and dryland areas;
ii. Under the capacity building activities, 5,000 farmers and 180 local
government/extension departments staffs are trained in the different aspects
and use of technology;
iii. The HEIS domestic market share is increased, at least by 5-10 percent, in the
overall agricultural products/technologies market.

1.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable

development priorities
Pakistan Vision 2025, as a focal policy guidance document, identifies energy, water
and food security as its fourth key policy area that would help the country to achieve
its sustainable development goals. The document emphases on increasing the water
storage capacity of the dams to 90 days, improving the efficiency of water usage in

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

agriculture by 20 percent, and reducing the size of food insecure population from 60
percent to 30 percent. This efficiency in water use in agriculture sector can be
achieved successfully through the use and expansion of HEIS technology in the
country. Similarly, some other key policy documents such as the National Climate
Change Policy (2012) and its Implementation Framework (2014) also acknowledge
the importance of HEIS in the context of climate change (GoP, 2012).

1.6 Project benefits

The project will improve food security, livelihood and resilience of vulnerable
communities using efficient water conservation technology to counter the effects of
climate change in Pakistan. The activities designed will also help in creating a stable,
functional and competitive HEIS market in the country that would have the capability
and capacity to expand the traditional HEIS market beyond their original boundary or
sector such as from agriculture to urban setup, natural and built green spaces, etc. It
is also expected that the market would develop robust supply chains to target
specific market segment with specific products while maintaining a high product
quality or brand reputation. Project will also benefit farmers, and other technology
users to learn about climate change adaptation and improve their resilience scale
while increasing the institutional capacity of the catalytic actors. In the long term, the
project would create more jobs, skilled labor forces, and a well-functioning dynamic
domestic HEIS market.

1.7 Monitoring and evaluation

Project would be supervised and its implementation closely monitored by the Project
Steering Committee jointly chaired by the TNA National Coordinator and
Representative of respective Federal / Provincial Ministries of Agriculture. Other
members would include representatives from relevant government institutions,
NGOs, development partners and project beneficiaries. Project manager would be
required to submit quarterly progress report to the steering committee. This would
provide an opportunity to keep a track on progress made in relation to project
objective set and to make necessary adjustment where necessary. A mid-term and
final project evaluation will also be undertaken to assess its effectiveness that will
form a basis for lesson learnt and its replication.

1.8 Project activities and timelines

Sr. Activity Time- Budget Relevant Agency
No. Frame
Expand capacity of relevant 2-3 years US$ 0.5 Ministry of National
1.0 stakeholders: million Food Security and
Identify the training needs of Research (MNFSR)
beneficiaries in the subject areas of and Provincial
water management, technology Agriculture
operation and maintenance, and Departments
climate information

Increase R & D and training

Improve coordination and
information sharing among

stakeholder organizations

2.0 Improve financial incentives: 0-5 years US$ 6.0 Ministry of Finance
Enhance availability of financial million and provincial
resources such as grants, Finance
subsides, loans or other forms of Departments
assistance to install and maintain
Improve investment risk insurance

3.0 Market strengthening and 0-2 years US$ 0.6 MNFSR and
expansion million Provincial
-Conduct market situation analysis Agriculture
-Design and implement HEIS Departments
product certification and quality
assurance procedures
-Design and implement a HEIS
product manufacturing training
-Support enforcement of product
monitoring and regulation policies,
laws and regulations.

4.0 Improve policy coordination to 1-3 years US$ Ministry of Climate

build resilience of the sector 70,000 Change, MNFSR,,
-Review and analyze respective Agriculture
national/sectoral policies to support Departments and
agriculture and related sectors (e.g. PMD
Integration of climate change
component into national budgeting
and planning processes
-Generate new climate information
and increase awareness on the
impacts of climate change on the

1.9 Possible Challenges

The key challenges in the implementation of this project could be:
i. In the absence of attractive financial incentives, the high cost of these
systems may result in limited adoption by the framers;
ii. Low cost of irrigation water leading to its unscrupulous use and little attraction
for investment in water saving technologies;
iii. Low interest in joining the training programs by local business owners may be
leading to weaker human capacity
iv. Resistance of local businesses to quality control certification programs may
lead to the supply of low quality HEIS in the market;
v. Operational risks including weak technical design of the project that could
later threaten project sustainability.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Project Idea-2: Development and diffusion of

drought and heat tolerant crop seed varieties in
2.1 Introduction
Climate change, particularly heat and drought stress, will continue to reduce the
performance of staple crops worldwide (Challinor et. al., 2014; Asseng et. al. 2015).
Economists project that by 2050 – in the absence of unprecedented, coordinated
measures to raise productivity, consumers will pay 50 percent more for cereals in
real terms, and climate change is also predicted to add another 60 million hungry
people to the world (Wiebe et. al., 2015). Wheat, which provides 20 percent of food
calories globally, must increase productivity by more than 60 percent in this
timeframe in order to match demand. This represents a major challenge to food
security globally, and particularly in Asia, where more than half of the developing
world’s wheat crop is planted. Scientists across different disciplines have argued that
the opportunity exists to improve the leverage of knowledge, expertise, and physical
infrastructure to achieve greater returns on investment from biotechnology and
breeding (Reynolds et al., 2016).
Plant response to physiological stresses such as drought is very complex
phenomenon, the research shows it could be enhanced through improving crop
selection efficiency through various conventional breeding and genetic tools
(Barnahas et al., 2008). Drought tolerant crop varieties are rather a less researched
area in Pakistan due to a relatively low priority placed on dryland agriculture. In the
past few decades, some prolonged occurrences of drought have been noted across
the country, which has seriously affected the crop production capacity even in the
irrigated agriculture zones of the country. It is therefore, important to consider
developing and disseminating drought tolerant crop varieties seeds that offer food
and livelihood security to the millions of small farm holders in Pakistan.

2.2 Background and rational

Hybrid crop varieties are a less-researched area in the country; little information is
available on hybrid crop varieties in general and drought tolerant crop varieties in
specific, including its market share and size. According to an estimate however, the
seed industry, as a whole, in the country was worth US$ 2.5 billion in 2013-2014
only. The seed requirement for various crops was calculated to be around1.67 million
tons, and farmers were short of 1.3 million tons of quality seeds (Hussain, 2011).
Nevertheless, the seed industry, in general, remains small in size, fragmented and
mostly unregulated in Pakistan. The use of certified seeds are only 20 percent
among the farming community, and most of the farmers either use uncertified seeds
with unknown quality or depends on their own indigenous seeds. The data and
information on the share of market occupied by the drought tolerant crop varieties in
the national seed industry is almost non-existent.
According to the future climate change projections for the region, with a change of
3°C–6°C rise in mean annual temperature under different GHG scenarios by the end
of this century expected, a wider region of the country could be impacted by drought

(PMD, 2015). This projection calls for a serious attention of policy and decisions
makers to hybrid drought crop varieties in order to ensure food & livelihood securities
of households and individuals in the future.

2.3 Purpose and Objectives

The project aims to meet the demand of, and improve access to good quality, yet
affordable drought tolerant crops seeds through strengthening the seed variety
development programmes in the public research institutes. The project also focuses
on the development of potential new drought tolerant varieties, its testing,
registration, and wide dissemination in the country. The project puts strong emphasis
on leveraging and capitalizing on current public-private partnership networks existing
among international and national research organizations and other stakeholders for
the implementation of program.
Some common objectives of the project are:
i. Develop new local drought tolerant crop varieties especially for the rainfed
ecologies to improve food security in the face of climate change;
ii. Improve availability of, and access to the improved drought tolerant crop
cultivar seeds by farmers, particularly in rainfed, and drought-threatened
areas of the country, at the affordable price;
iii. Create awareness on drought tolerant crop varieties among farmers, and
policy makers;

2.4 Project deliverables

After the implementation of the project, the following deliverables are expected:
i. 20 new certified seed varieties of important cereal crops and vegetables are
released and available to the farmers in the domestic market;
ii. Drought tolerant crop (cereal and vegetables) are cultivated on 50,000 ha of
land in the country;
iii. Independent seed act enforcement wings, with all requisite infrastructure, are
established and operational at provincial levels.

2.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable

development priorities
Pakistan Vision 2025, as a policy road map document, identifies energy, water and
food securities as one of the seven pillars of change and transformation in the socio-
economic condition of the country. The document identifies Pakistan’s challenge to
attain food security as it ranks 76th of the 107countries on the Global Food Security
Index. To tackle this situation, it proposes to improve water efficiency in agriculture
by 20 percent; reduce food insecure population from 60 percent to 30 percent. The
development of drought and heat tolerant crop varieties have also been strongly

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

recommended in the National Climate Change Policy (2012) and it’s Implementation

2.6 Project benefits

The following benefits are expected:
i. Contributing towards food, livelihood and nutrition security of farming
communities in the rainfed ecologies;
ii. Increasing the share of stress tolerant seed market in the country;
iii. Institutional and technical strengthening of research institutes and
organizations involved in various steps of stress tolerant seed production;
iv. Supporting the development and dissemination of new technologies, also
enabling spill over to other crops facing climate change related problems;

2.7 Monitoring and evaluation

Project would be supervised and its implementation closely monitored by a Project
Steering Committee chaired by TNA National Coordinator. Other members would
include representatives from relevant government institutions, NGOs, development
partners and project beneficiaries. Project manager would be required to submit
quarterly progress report to the steering committee. This would provide an
opportunity to keep a track on progress made in relation to project objective set and
to make necessary adjustment where necessary. A mid-term and final project
evaluation will also be undertaken to assess its effectiveness that will form a basis for
lesson learnt and its replication.

2.8 Project activities and timeline

Sr. Time Budget Relevant Implementing
No Activity Frame Agency

1 Capacity building of the staff of US$0.8 Ministry of National Food

existing plant breeding and genetic 0-4 years million Security and Research,
engineering institutes, concerned PARC, Provincial Agriculture
certification and registration Departments, Universities
departments, seed multiplication Agriculture Departments
agencies at the federal and
provincial levels
2 Dedicated funding grant for the 0-5 years US$2.5 Ministry of National Food
research institutes involved in the million Security and Research,
development of drought tolerant PARC, Provincial Agriculture
crops seed varieties Departments, Universities
Agriculture Departments
3 Establishment of strong partnership 0-4 years US$0.2 Provincial Agriculture
with public and private seed million Departments, NGOs, CBOs
companies, Community based and Agriculture Extension
organizations, NGOs and national Services
extension systems
4 Provision of incentive to large seed US$0.4 Provincial Agriculture
companies to accelerate the 0-3 years million Departments & seed
commercialization of drought companies
tolerant seeds

5 Provision of subsidies to ensure 0-3 years US$1.0 Provincial Agriculture
easy and cost-effective availability million Departments and Extension
of these seeds to farmers Services
6 Farmers’ awareness raising and 0-4 years US$0.1 Provincial Agriculture
sensitization programs about the million Departments and Extension
usefulness of these improved seeds Services
7 Strengthen federal and provincial 0-3 years US$0.4 Provincial Agriculture
seed councils to develop and million Departments and Extension
commercialize improved seeds at Services
affordable rates
8 Capacity building of private sector 0-5 years US$0.5 Provincial Agriculture
seed companies and public sector million Departments & seed
seed inspectors to improve overall companies
quality and seed marketing

Total cost = US $5.9 million

2.9 Possible challenges

The key challenges in the project may be:
i. The high cost of these new seeds and crops varieties may result in limited
adoption by framers in the absence of attractive financial incentives;

ii. Limited technical institutional or human capacity to develop new seeds

varieties may affect the achievement of project objectives;

iii. Capacity building of all the stakeholder groups may be a challenge for the
implementing agency or department, if it has severe capacity issues;

iv. Possible delays in the implementation of the pilot projects due to

administrative and technical capacity issues.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Project Idea 3: Strengthening climate monitoring,

weather forecasting and early warning system in
3.1 Introduction
Due to its unique physical and demographic conditions, Pakistan is highly vulnerable
to a wide spectrum of disasters like floods including flash floods and glacial lake
outburst floods (GLOFs), landslides, droughts, cyclones, and heatwaves. Based on
the quantified impacts of extreme weather events – both in terms of fatalities as well
as economic losses, the Global Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranks Pakistan among the
top ten most affected countries to the disasters in the world over the past two
decades (1995-2014) (Kreft, 2015). This high ranking on CRI comes as a warning to
the country that it is at a high risk to future catastrophes and therefore in need of a
strong and effective early warning system operating at the community levels.
In the recent years, Pakistan is seeing impacts of climate variability in the form of
some recurring hazards such as flooding. A strong contributing factor identified in this
regard is the onset of strong pre-monsoon rains, and when coupled with heavy
monsoon spell, it leads to both flash and normal flooding inundating urban areas,
damaging crucial infrastructures destroying vast agricultural lands along with loss of
human lives. In 2016, for example, pre-Monsoon rains resulted in 267 deaths
besides damages to 3,028 houses (NDMA, 2016). Other important contributing
factors identified are changes in the upstream land-use and a continuously
increasing concentration of population and assets in flood prone areas.
To deal with these hazards, it is exceedingly important to strengthen Early Warning
System (EWS) in the country, particularly at the community levels. This would involve
building and enhancing the capacities of the institutions involved in managing the
different aspects of EWS. A timely generated and disseminated warning information
is the basic element of this system that helps to enable the individuals, communities,
and organizations threatened by a hazard to prepare and to act appropriately to
reduce the possibility of harm or loss.

3.2. Purpose and objectives

The proposed project focuses on building the capacity of PMD, which is responsible
for the development and operation of EWS in Pakistan. The project aims to:
i. Strengthen the technical capacity of the organization through expanding its
network of regional flood forecasting and warning centres at the regional
ii. Improve the working mechanism of warning information and communication
iv. Build the institutional capacity though creating and strengthening the linkages
with partner organizations and key stakeholder groups.

It is expected that this scaling up of EWS will Improve the coverage of the hydro-
meteorological observational systems to generate timely, reliable, and geographically

relevant early warnings and weather forecasting information to respond to and
manage climate impacts. This will also support climate vulnerability and risk
assessments as part of the process to meet the objectives of the National Climate
Change Policy and help its mainstreaming in sector specific plans and strategies.

3.3 Background and rational

The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), at present, is the only organization
in the country that deals with the weather forecasting and early warning systems.
Currently, PMD operates a network of around 97 meteorological observatories but
still leaves out most part of Balochistan, hilly terrains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK),
Gilgit Baltistan (GB), and Azad Kashmir (AJK). The existing system is old, and with a
limited capacity to generate accurate and reliable weather data for the whole country
essential for effective forecasting and disaster risk management.
The organization has a specialized Flood Forecasting Division (FFD) – the only
specialized center in Pakistan but with no regional wings or centers. This situation
inevitably creates a huge vacuum in multi-hazard EWS in terms of updated
information generation and dissemination to the local communities. A good example
of this challenge is dealing with GLOFs or flash floods. According to an estimate,
there are 2,420 glacial lakes in the Indus Basin, of which 52 are identified as
potentially dangerous and could result in GLOF with serious damages to the human
lives and infrastructure.. The capacity and reach of EWS dealing with GLOF is
currently limited, weak and slow. Overall, there is a dire need to establish well
equipped and advanced regional flood forecasting centers at the provincial levels,
including Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta and Gilgit along with Automatic Weather
Stations Network (AWS) covering all the country

3.4 Project deliverables

i. Strengthened technical capacity of PMD through installation of 200 automatic
weather stations, wind profilers at 5 main airports, automation of 50 existing
observatories, and establishment of observatories in 20 new districts round
the country;

ii. Efficient communication system is established among PMD, NDMA, PDMAs,

FFC, and Media.

3.5 Relationship to the country’s sustainable

development priorities
To protect vulnerable communities, and help them build their resilience against
climate-related disasters, it is imperative for a country to design and implement a
strong disaster management system and strategy plans. Pakistan acknowledges the
power of disasters in weakening the local and national economies, and therefore
eroding the collective gains of the socio-economic growth of the society. Early
warning system, in the overarching context of disaster management, gets highlighted
in many policy frameworks and strategies.
The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) prepared a ‘multi-hazard early
warning system plan’ in 2012, with a 10-years implementation time period until the

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

year 2022. The plan mandates to review the plan after every five year. The initial
short to medium term projects emphasizes on the rehabilitation and new installation
and/or establishment of new equipment, facilities, and systems including community-
based risk management (NDMA, 2012).
This plan became the initial stimulus for the formulation of the first National Disaster
Risk Reduction Policy in 2013. The Policy aims to build the resilience of Pakistan
against both natural and man-made hazards with a sense of urgency. One of the
major policy objectives is to “create multi-hazard warning capacity while building
upon existing systems and emphasizing the information and warning needs of
vulnerable and end-users” (NDMA, 2013).
Similarly, The National Climate Change Policy (2012) also identifies and
acknowledges the strong linkages of climate change and disaster risk reduction for
the sake of climate resilient development. Therefore, disaster preparedness and
management appears as one of the focal climate policy area that the Policy urges
the government to consider in building the adaptive capacity of the communities in
the face of climate variability.

3.6 Project benefits

The project is expected to benefit the vulnerable communities in the targeted districts
of the country. The decentralization of the flood forecasting and warning system to
the provinces will promote the sense of ownership and authority among local
stakeholders, which is expected to motivate the provinces to invest in the
strengthening of EWS. Likewise, the relay of flood warnings in local languages will
help improve the understanding of the warning messages clearly and will lead to
more effective and better emergency responses by the local communities.

3.7 Monitoring and evaluation

The project would be supervised and its implementation closely monitored by a
project steering committee jointly chaired by TNA National Coordinator and DG PMD.
Other members would include representatives from relevant government institutions,
NGOs, development partners and project beneficiaries. Project manager would be
required to submit quarterly progress report to the steering committee. This would
provide an opportunity to keep a track on progress made in relation to project
objective set and to make necessary adjustment where necessary. A mid-term and
final project evaluation will also be undertaken to assess its effectiveness that will
form a basis for lesson learnt and its replication.

3.8 Project activities and timeline
Sr. Time Budget Relevant
No. Activity Frame Implementation
1 Strengthening human resources 2-5 years US$ 2.0 million PMD
and institutional structure of the
organization including its research
2 Establishment of meteorological 2-years US$3.0 million PMD
observatories in 20 districts of the
3 Installation of 200 Automatic 2-3 years US$ 0.80 million PMD
Weather Stations Network including
its communication system

4 Wind Profiler at 5 main airports 4-years US$ 1.0 million PMD

5 Up-gradation/ automation of 50 3-years US$ 2.50 million PMD

existing observatories.
6 Improve risk communication system 3 years US$ 1.00 million PMD
among PMD, NDMA, PDMAs, FFC,
and Media.
7 Establishment of Flash Flood 4-years US$ 5.0 million PMD/PDMAs
Forecasting & Warning System at
five most vulnerable areas of

Total Estimate Budget: US$ 18.30 million

3.9 Possible challenges

The key challenges expected in the project are:
i. Delay in the availability of required financial support for the purchase of
required technological equipment;
ii. Limited trained human resources and skills to run and maintain the advance
technological equipment and, other systems.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Project Idea 4: Strengthening groundwater

resource and its governance system in Pakistan
4.1 Background and rational
Groundwater is depleting fast in many areas of Pakistan, in particularly, dense urban
centres, and arid and semi-arid areas due to high abstraction rates that exceeds the
recharge levels. In Pakistan, about 10 percent of the total groundwater is used to
meet domestic and industrial requirements while the rest is utilized for the irrigation
purposes. Historically, due to the high priority placed on the canal irrigation system in
the country, the management of groundwater resource was largely ignored for over
the long period of time that has eventually led to serious governance challenges both
at the national and sub-national levels.
The groundwater governance and management initiatives in the country largely have
remained fragmented, and un-coordinated among the organizations responsible for
managing the resource. Many important governance challenges are identified such
as lack of a central oversight authority, coverage and reliability of data on water
quality and quantity, weak and non-robust regulatory frameworks, and a nascent
monitoring network. At the national scale, there have been some efforts to generate
new information necessary to take some sound policy actions. The Pakistan Council
of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR), for example, has mapped the entire
upper Indus basin during 10-years period from 2004-2014. The research results were
to be delivered in the form of a groundwater atlas to pass on the information to
farmers, policy makers, development agencies, and other user groups but the task
thus far remains incomplete.
The groundwater mapping efforts have not paid any attention to do a complete
groundwater profiling at the aquifer scale; or linking it up with climate change
projections in order to better assess the resource quantity in the future, that would
help in designing a robust communication and outreach program to transfer the
knowledge to water user groups and managers. This project idea, therefore, aims to
strengthen the groundwater resource governance in the country though policy and
institutional reforms, creation and dissemination of technical resource status
knowledge to a vast group of water users through participatory approaches.

4.2 Purpose and objectives

The project aims to improve the current critical groundwater situation in the country;
groundwater is depleting very fast in most parts of the country, in particular in those
areas which are outside IBIS network and prone to drought.
The project has the following important objectives:
i. To identify groundwater recharge areas where water table is critically low
under a certain threshold level;
ii. To establish a systematic groundwater monitoring system in order to
support its governance structures and mechanisms at national, sub-
national and local levels;

iii. To improve knowledge of innovative recharge technologies through
setting up 8 pilot demonstration projects in critical recharge areas.

4.3 Project deliverables

i. An open-access online database is set-up with accurate regional hydro-met
data with continuous upgrades upon the availability of new data;

ii. A groundwater atlas is available which shows the critical recharge areas

iii. An updated groundwater regulatory framework is developed and available for

both urban and rural areas of the country;

iv. Training curricula available on training and skill development of the staff
involved in integrated water resource management.

4.4 Project benefits

The project will contribute towards improving the institutional structure and
governance mechanisms of the groundwater resource managing organizations
present at the national and provincial levels. Particularly, the government staff with
responsibilities of water management and planning across all sectors will directly
benefit from training and generation of new data and information.

4.5 Project scope and possible implementation

Groundwater situation is more critical in Balochistan, Punjab and some urban areas
of Sindh. Therefore, the implementation possibility is quite high as the issue of
groundwater depletion in the recent years is gaining a lot of attention at the policy
scale, particularly in the context of climate change. Balochistan has recently
approved a water resource management project in two river basin areas with a
financial assistance from the World Bank, with a component of groundwater
monitoring and management. The government intends to expand the groundwater-
monitoring network to other 18 river basins ultimately. Similarly, the government of
Punjab with the help of the Irrigation Department has approved a 4-years
groundwater recharge project in Feb 2016 with an estimated cost of PKR 582 million.
It is expected that this project will support the on-going efforts in both provinces.

4.6 Monitoring and evaluation

Project would be supervised and its implementation closely monitored by a project
steering committee jointly chaired by TNA National Coordinator and Representative
of respective Provincial Irrigation Departments. Other members would include
representatives from relevant government institutions, NGOs, development partners
and project beneficiaries. Project manager would be required to submit quarterly
progress report to the steering committee. This would provide an opportunity to keep
a track on progress made in relation to project objective set and to make necessary
adjustment where necessary. A mid-term and final project evaluation will also be
undertaken to assess its effectiveness that will form a basis for lesson learnt and its

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

4.7 Project activities and timeline

Sr. Activity Time Budget Relevant
No Frame Implementation
1 Strengthening human resources 0-3 years US$ 1.0 million PCRWR, Provincial
and institutional capacity of the Agriculture & Irrigation
relevant institutions for under taking Departments
detailed groundwater monitoring
and management
2 Develop an open-source database 3-years US$1.0 million PCRWR, Provincial
of aquifer systems in over-exploited Agriculture & Irrigation
areas: some potential information Departments
includes groundwater regime,
quality, climatic condition,
physiographic and drainage aspects
3 Determine priority recharge areas 2-3 years US$ 0.8 million PCRWR, Provincial
with critical blocks based on the Agriculture & Irrigation
“quantified” artificial recharge Departments
4 Construct eight permanent ground 5-years US$ 9.0 million PCRWR, Provincial
water recharge system based on Agriculture & Irrigation
the area specific recharge Departments
technique and design

Total Estimate Budget: 11.80 million

4.8 Possible challenges

i. Designing suitable incentive structure and benefit sharing to foster community
participation and ownership of ground water resource in the long run;
ii. Limited technical institutional or human capacity to develop ground water
recharge facilities may affect the achievement of project objectives;
iii Lack of or delay in availability of required financial support for the design and
development of required technological solutions and construction of such

Project Idea-5: Improving and sustaining water
security in climate vulnerable areas of the
country through rainwater harvesting from
ground surfaces
5.1 Introduction and rational
Pakistan is a semi-arid country where most of the areas receive less than 200mm
annual rainfall, except for the high altitude northern mountains. Water therefore is a
precious commodity and the most crucial factor in determining the source of
livelihood for the people in dry arid and semi-arid areas (ASAL) of the country.
Pakistan has the world’s largest indigenous rainwater harvesting system commonly
called as the spate irrigation system. The system irrigates around 0.3 million hectare
(mha) of cultivated land in the country while the potential area to bring under this
system is estimated to be around 6.935 mha (Ahmed and Steenbergen, 2010). To
sustain and expand the system, there is a need to ensure water security through its
conservation and utilization of rainwater.
There are many barriers to the replication of technology such as high cost of
construction and maintenance, inadequate technical capacity, lack of policy and
regulatory support. The purpose of this project is to address some of the key barrier
elements and through implementation of various activities, create an enabling
environment to replicate this technology successfully in climate vulnerable areas of
the country.

5.2 Purpose and objectives

The main aim of the project is to improve the availability of water all year round for
households and other water beneficiary groups such as farmers, specifically in
drought-vulnerable areas of the country. The project will also contribute towards
promoting awareness on climate change and importance of water conservation for a
sustained livelihood in the future.

5.3 Project deliverables

Once implemented, it is expected that project will deliver the following items or
i. 500 rainwater harvesting reservoirs are built within the life of the project, each
with a capacity of 25,000 m3 to 50,000 m3 ;
ii. Increase in local crop production resulting in 30-40 percent increase in
income of farmers;
iii. A communication strategy is created and implemented for improved
collaboration of irrigation departments with other key stakeholder groups;

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

5.4 Project benefits

The technology offers many benefits during seasonal dry periods and droughts
especially in the face of climate change that is projected to increase the variability
and intensity of rainfall in the long run. Rainwater collection helps to stabilize the
depleting groundwater level while the storage infrastructure can reduce land erosion
and flood inflow to major rivers. It acts as a convenient source of stored water that
could enhance agricultural productivity, decrease travel time for rural women to
remote water resources that would result in better health and time for social
There is some other additional benefits such as socio-economic uplift of the local
communities due to increased employment opportunities, and diversification of
cropping pattern in the area. The collaborative linkage built with various other public
institutions will help community members and households to increase their
participation in decision-making processes during the life of project.

5.5 Project scope and possible implementation

The project scope is national but it target arid and semi-arid areas particularly those
affected by drought in the past few decades. The project has link with some other on-
going water conservation initiatives in the dryland areas so the concerned
departmental staffs already exhibits a fair level of skill and knowledge in water
reservoir construction and maintenance. In the past, the former efforts also had
focused on creating, and activating farmer organizations specifically with stress on
the participation of women in water conservation efforts. So, as a whole, it is
expected that the combined collaborative efforts of the various key stakeholders and
consumer groups may contribute towards sustainability and success of this project.

5.6 Project activities and timeline

Sr.No Activity Time Budget Responsible
. Frame Implementing Agency
1.0 Improve policy integration 0-2 US$ 0.4 PCRWR, Provincial
and coordination years million Agriculture and
Review and analysis of Irrigation
respective national/sectoral Departments; Ministry
policies to support water related of Finance; Ministry of
sectors and sub-sectors such as Planning,
agriculture, industry, household Development,
Ministry of Climate
Develop a collaborative Change; Pakistan
mechanism between provincial Meteorological
Irrigation department with Department, GCISC
related sections, local
government and farmer
2.0 Awareness creation and 0-3 US$ 0.2 PCRWR, Provincial
capacity building years million Agriculture and
Assess capacity needs of key Departments; Ministry
stakeholders such as of Finance; Ministry of

government departments, Planning,
technology suppliers and users. Development,
Arrange need-based trainings Ministry of Climate
on climate change education, Change; Pakistan
awareness and behaviour Meteorological
Department, GCISC

3.0 Feasibility Studies 0-3 US$ 1.0 PCRWR, Provincial

Prioritization of regions needing years million Irrigation and
rain harvesting reservoirs Agriculture
Feasibility studies to identify
feasible catchments and sites
for construction of reservoirs.
4.0 Reservoirs construction 2-5 US$ 6.0 Provincial Irrigation
Construction of 500 rainwater years million and Agriculture
harvesting channels and Departments
reservoirs each with a capacity
of around 25,000 m3 to 50,000

Total cost US$ 7.6 million

5.7 Project challenges

Potential challenges for achieving targets are lack of a national water policy, lack of
support on this technology or political intervention in decision-making, specifically in
the silting of the reservoirs. Another challenge could be the climate related factor
such as prolonged drought in the project areas, which will potentially impact the level
of rainwater available to the communities and households.

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Project Idea-6: Climate Resilient Mountain Villages (CRMV)

6.1 Introduction
In recent decades, climate change has resulted in a significant loss of ecosystem services in
terms of soil nutrients, water and biomass, ultimately leading to a decline in food productivity in
the Hindu-Kush Himalayan (HKH) region. Particularly in the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) of
Pakistan, climate change has directly and indirectly impacted the food security and livelihoods
of millions of people residing not only in the upstream but also the midstream and downstream
areas of the basin through influencing agricultural productivity and resulting in increased
outmigration to midstream and downstream areas. It has also led to increased pressure on
natural resources and production systems, and competition for food, accommodation and
income opportunities in the midstream and downstream areas. Agriculture, livestock,
vegetables, fruits and nuts are the main sources of food security and livelihoods of the mountain
communities in the UIB. In recent years, climate change has posed a situation of ‘too much - too
little water’, which has led to higher vulnerability of the local people. Since 2000–01, the
frequency and magnitude of floods in the UIB have increased due to increased incidence of
intense rainfalls in the Indus catchments and these are also occasionally increased by
Food and livelihoods of the mountain people mainly depend on agriculture and water. These
sectors are highly vulnerable sectors to climate change risks in the UIB, and need special
attention from researchers and policy makers. Therefore, there is need to adopt an integrated
approach to enhance the resilience of these two sectors to climate induced risks. In 2013,
ICIMOD experimented the idea of ‘Mountain Resilient Villages’ (MRVs) in the mountain areas of
Nepal to enhance the climate resilience of small farmers in four villages. There are two key
aspects to climate resilience in the RMV model: adapting to climate variability, and becoming
more climate friendly. RMV interventions for climate resilience focus on the areas of farming
systems, water, and energy.
Prioritized technologies of Water and Agriculture sectors in Technology Need Assessment
(TNA) of Pakistan are almost similar to those, which were introduced in the MRVs. The idea of
MRVs played a very important role in both adaptation and mitigation aspects of climate change
in selected pilot villages of Kavre district of Nepal. It resulted in sustainable growth in agriculture
through better soil and pest management and by improving cropping patterns to increase yields
while saving water, as well as mitigating the negative effects of chemical fertilizers and
pesticides. It addressed water scarcity and uncertainty for irrigation and drinking water using
simple water conservation and efficient irrigation methods. Recently, the government of Nepal
has taken up this idea, and has initiated the process of out-scaling this in almost all regions of
Nepal. In view of the similarity of hydrological and agro-ecological aspects of Nepal and
Pakistan, the implementation of MRVs in Pakistan can also improve the climate resilience in the
mountain areas, particularly in water and agriculture sectors. The package of activities in MRVs
will cover most of the prioritized technologies and practices in TNA for water and agriculture
sectors. For instance, MRVs can adopt (as a package) the tested technologies of

surface rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, high efficiency irrigation systems, drought
tolerant crops varieties, and climate monitoring and forecasting – early warning system.

6.2 Purpose and objectives

The main purpose of the MRVs is to enhance climate resilience of small farmers, particularly in
the vulnerable mountain areas. The specific measurable objectives of this project are presented
i. Enabling sustainable gender inclusive growth in agriculture through climate smart
cropping patterns and drought tolerant varieties of crops.
ii. Increasing agriculture productivity while saving water and promoting the use of organic
fertilizers and pesticides.
iii. Addressing water scarcity and uncertainty for irrigation and drinking using simple water
conservation and high efficiency irrigation systems.
iv. Providing small farmers an easy access to climatic, weather and market information
through ICT.
v. Preparing small farmers for disasters to reduce risk and mitigate their impact on their
agriculture and livelihoods.

6.3 Relationship to the country’s sustainable development

The RMV is an integrated approach to development in mountain areas that combines economic,
social, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development with climate change
adaptation, resilience, and preparedness for future risks. Being a solution to both adaptation
and mitigation risks, the success of RMVs will contribute to Pakistan’s Intended Nationally
Determined Contributions (Pak-INDCs) submitted in compliance to the decision (1/CO.20) taken
at the 20th Session of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC) held in Lima, Peru. RMVs will also contribute to achieve the
goals of Vision 2025 of Pakistan – a roadmap of economic growth, social inclusion and
sustainable development. It is also aligned with the country’s continued commitment to the issue
of climate change as reflected in the National Climate Change Policy as well as national policies
on agriculture, power, energy, energy efficiency, water and other sectors. RMVs are also key to
in achieving several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Pakistan. RMVs can directly
contribute to achievement of SDG 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger), 3 (good health and
wellbeing), 5, (gender equality), 6 (clean water and sanitation), and 13 (climate action). If
renewable energy sources are integrated with high efficiency irrigation systems, it will contribute
to achieve SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy).

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

6.4 Project deliverables

i. Capacity development plan, including training course (both on farm and off farms) on
climate resilience practices (MoV: training reports)
ii. At least 750 households adopting various climate resilience practices in pilot sites
iii. Mobile based information system functional and operational in selected pilots sites
(weather information, technical message, and market information)
iv. Bio-pesticides and bio-fertilizer package adopted, and in use. Private sector involved in
bio-fertilizer and bio-fertilizer businesses
v. Three automatic meteorological stations established, and met data streamlined with
national data system
vi Three action research based knowledge products published by the end of pilot sites.

6.5 Project scope and possible implementation

Based on the successful implementation in Nepal, the idea of RMV will be implemented as ‘pilot’
in the selected sites in the mountain areas of Pakistan. The pilot MRVs will be planned for 5
years to test and evaluate the impacts of introduced climate smart technologies and practices.
During the implementation process, following phases will be followed.
6.5.1 Identification of sites/villages and technology Interventions (1st half of 1st year)
In the first phase, sites/villages will be selected in the mountain areas. According to the
biophysical and agro-ecological conditions of the sites, a set of most appropriate climate smart
practices and technologies will be finalized. During this phase, the researchers will also decide
on the evaluation design of the RMVs. Most probably, experimental design of research and
evaluation will be selected.
6.5.2 Introductory phase (second half of 1st year)
During this phase, awareness and mobilization of the local people in the selected villages will be
done. Moreover, baseline information (socioeconomic, biophysical factors and farm data) of the
selected villages (mainly farmers) will be collected. Afterward, intervention technologies will be
introduced to the villages. It will allow the villagers to gain a practical understanding of the
technology. During this phase, researchers' involvement is very high as the villagers’
understanding of the technology is very limited.6.5.3
6.5.3 Participation phase (2nd year)
During this phase, management and operations of the introduced technologies will start, and the
involvement of the villagers (mainly farmers) in the establishment and management of the
technologies will increase to improve their understanding of the introduced technologies.
6.5.4 Monitoring phase (3rd& 4th year)
During this phase, the involvement of researchers in management and other farm operations
will be kept limited, and the farmer’s involvement will be greatly increased. Farmer will mainly

manage the resilient practices in their respective villages. The researchers will only provide
some resources and technical input on to villagers. Importantly, during this phase, the pilot farm
will start serving as a Learning Centre for the other farmers and villages in the area. Formal (i.e.
orientation events, exposure visits, demonstration workshops etc.) and informal visits of the
formers to the pilot villages will provide good exposure and better understanding to the visiting
farmers. It will ultimately lead to an out-scaling of the technology in the vicinity of the RMVs.
Frequent visits of government officials and experts will also be arranged to provide a visual
evidence of successful operations of the technologies.
6.5.5 Evaluation phase (1st half of 5th year)
The researchers will monitor the operations and management of the introduced technology, and
its influences on resilience of agricultural practices to climate change, production, income, food
security and livelihoods of the villagers. Finally, they will collect the end-line information of the
6.5.6 Out- and up-scaling phase (2nd half of 5th year)
During the previous phase, if researcher’s assessment (impact assessment report) reveal that
there are significant positive changes in the climate resilience of villages, their farm production,
income, food security and livelihoods, it will open the doors of large scale spreading of the
intervention technologies and the idea of RMVs in other hilly and mountain areas with similar
topographical, biophysical and hydrological characteristics. Visits of government officials and
experts during third phase together with positive assessment report will be so helpful up scaling
of the technology.

6.6 Budget and resource requirements

Based on the learning of successful implementation of RMVs in Nepal, total 4 pilot mountain
villages may be selected as intervention sites, and 4 villages may also be selected as control
sites for evaluation and impact assessment purposes. In total, provisionally USD 375,000/ will
be required for RMV project. In the below Table, provisional budget of main heads is presented
without details of activities.
Table: 6.1. Main heads of budget/ resource requirement of Climate Resilient Mountain Villages
(CRMV) project.
Main Heads Budget Period/note

Interventions in RMV
Cost of intervention technologies 50,000 5 years
5 years
Implementation and monitoring cost (by If local Department or Centre of the government
local NGO) implements and monitors the interventions, this cost
may also be used for additional technologies.
Coordination & Logistics
Other costs (Coordination, logistics, field
10,000 5 years
trips etc.)
Total cost per RMV for 5 years 75,000 -

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Total cost for 4 RMVs 300,000 -

Research and evaluation
(Rigorous impact evaluation: out of 4 RMVs, the first established village can be considered to compare
with selected 3 to 4 control villages.)
Baseline data collection from 1 RMV 5,000 1st year Cost of data collection from 4 control
villages is similar to that of 1 RMV
Endline data collection from 1 RMV 5,000 5th year.
because higher number of villages will
Baseline data collection from 4 control
5,000 1st year not result in increase in sample size.
Rather, statistically predetermined
Endline data collection from 4 control sample size will be distributed across 4
5,000 5th year
villages control villages.

Data analysis to compare RMVs with

5,000 5th year
control villages (impact assessment)
Total research & evaluation cost 25,000 -
Knowledge products & Aggregated amount. However the main spending from
50,000 th
Communication this head will be in the 5 year.

Total project cost (A+B+C) = USD 375,000

ICIMOD has offered to provide technical support to this initiative if some government or donor
funding is made available.

6.7 Monitoring and evaluation

RMV pilot will follow the experimental design of evaluation. Four treatment (intervention) and
four control villages will be selected. For these, eight villages, baseline and end-line data will be
collected to compare the variables of interest (keeping households as unit of analysis) by using
Difference-in-Difference method of impact evaluation for introduced technologies and practices.

6.8 Possible challenges

At the moment, no potential challenge is identified. Phases of activities are presented in the
section 5 with timeline.

Acknowledgments: The technical team of this TNA project want to put on record the
contributions of particularly two individuals Mr. Imran Khan Head of TNA Technical Support Unit
MoCC and Ms. Masooma Hassan, Climate Change Expert, for their deep professional
involvement without which the timely completion of this report may not have been easy.

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Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Annex I. List of stakeholders involved in

TAP process and their contacts

Sr. No Name Organization/ Contact Type of

1 Mr. Arshad Laghari Chairman, Parliament Standing One to one
Member National Assembly ( Committee on Water Resources
Recently joined as Minister of State-
Industries & Production
Mr. Junnaid Iqbal Chaudhry, Member, Parliament Standing One to one
2 Member National Assembly, Committee on Water Resources
(Recently joined as Minister of
State, Communication)
3 Mr. Afzal Hussain Tarar H- , Bird wood Road, Lahore One to One
Progressive Farmer & Former
Member National Assembly
4 Dr. Yusuf Zafar T.I. Pakistan Agricultural Research One to One
Chairman, PARC Council (PARC), G-5/1, Islamabad

5 Dr. Muhammad Ashraf, PCRWR, One to One

Chairman, Pakistan Council of H-8/1, Islamabad-Pakistan
Research in Water Resources Ph: +92-51-9101275;
6 Dr. Bashir Ahmad Climate Change, Alternate Energy One to One
Climate Change & Geo- and Water Resources
Informatics Programme Leader Institute(CAEWRI), NARC, Shehzad
Town, Park Road Islamabad,Tel+92-

7 Mr. Raiz Ahmed Khan Former Federal Secretary, Ministry of One to one
Water & Power
8 Dr. Muhammad Javed Tareen, DG Agriculture Research Institute, One to one
Research Balochistan, Quetta. 081-2470079
9 Mr. Waqar Hussain Phulpoto, Environmental Protection Agency, One to one
Director (Technical) Government of Sindh, EPA Complex,
Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi
10 Masoud Ahmed Baloch, DG Agriculture Extension Balochistan One to one
Agriculture Extension Balochistan 081-9211500,
11 Mr. Irfan Tariq Ministry of Climate Change, One to one &
Director General Islamabad round table
12 Mr. Seerat Asghar Jaura, Former Ministry of Food Security & Research One to one
Federal Secretary
13 Dr. Arshad M Khan Former Global Change Impact Study Centre Round table
Executive Director (GCISC), discussion
14 Dr. Muhammed Hanif Director, Pakistan Meteorological Round table
Department hanifwxc@hotmail.com discussion
15 Mr. Javed Ali Khan Former DG Environment Round table
dg.moenv@gmail.com discussion

16 Ms. Hina Lotia, General Manager LEAD Pakistan hlotia@lead.org.pk Round table

17 Dr. Arshad Ali, Land Resources Research institute Round table
Director, National Agriculture Research Centre discussion
(NARC), Islamabad
18 Dr. Moshin Iqbal Former Member Global Change Impact Study Centre Round table
Agriculture, (GCISC) drmoshiniqbal@gmail.com discussion

19 Mr. Munir Shaikh, Former Member Global Change Impact Study Centre Round table
Climate Science (GCISC) mmunirsheikh@yahoo.com discussion

20 Dr. Ashfaq Ahmed Chattha, Professor, Agriculture University, Round table

Faisalabad aachattha1@yahoo.com discussion

21 Dr. Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Climate Change Research Centre, Round table
Convener, Climate Change Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, discussion
Research Centre Faisalabad.
22 Mr. Abbas Ali Gill Climate Change Research Centre, Round table
Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, discussion
23 Mr. Ghazanfar Ali, Former Member Water Section, , Round table
Global Change Impact Study Centre discussion
(GCISC), ghazanfaar.ali@gmail.com
24 Dr. Shahina Tariq Chairman, Head of Department of Round table
Meteorology, COMSATS University, discussion
25 Dr. Akram Kahlown, Former Chairman Pakistan Council Round table
Research on Water Resources discussion & One
(PCRWR) kahlown@hotmail.com to one interview

26 Mr. Sajjad Yaldram, , Dy. Secretary, Ministry of Climate Round table

Change yaldramsajjad@yahoo.com discussion

27 Ms. Masooma Hasan Environmental Policy and Planning Round table

Professional discussion
28 Mr. Muhammad Akram Anjum, Chief Meteorologist, Pakistan Round table
Meteorological Department discussion
29 Dr. Mohammad Azeem Khan, Director General, National Agriculture Round table
Research Centre (NARC) discussion
30 Dr. Inayatullah Chaudhry Agriculture Department Round table
ci@drinayat.com discussion
31 Dr. Aurangzeb Khan Director General, Climate Change Round table
AJK Planning Department discussion
32 Shehzad Hasan Shigri, Director Environmental Protection Round table
Agency, Gilgit-Baltistan discussion
33 Dr. Qamar uz Zaman Chaudhry Climate Change Adaptation Expert & Round table
Lead Author Pakistan Nation Climate discussion
Change Policy.
34 Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad Sheikh Director General, PCRWR. ashfaq- Round table
sheikh@hotmail.com discussion
35 Dr. Abdul Majeed Project Lead, Pakistan Centre for Round table
Advance Studies in Energy, IUCN, discussion
Islamabad, abdul.majeed@iucn.org
36 M.Bashir Khan Chief Foreign Aid, Agriculture P&DD Round table

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

AJK directorajkepa@gmail.com discussion

37 Dr. Amjad Virk Former Project Director SLMP Round table

Ministry of Climate Change discussion
38 Dr. Jawad Ali Director, Climate Change Centre, Round table
University of Agriculture, Peshawar discussion
39 Mr. Asad Maken , Climate Change Unit, UNDP, Round table
Islamabad asad.maken@undp.org discussion

40 Mr. Mian Shaukat Shafi, Asian Development Bank( ADB), Round table
Islamabad mshafi@adb.org discussion

41 Dr. M. Zia-ur-Rahman Hashmi, Head, Water Resources & Glaciology Round table
Section, Global Change Impact Study discussion
Centre (GCISC),
42 Ms. Javeria Afzal, Advisor DRR & Climate Change, Round table
Oxfam Novib, Islamabad discussion
43 Mr. Muhammad Arif Goheer, Head, , Global Change Impact Study Centre Round table
Agriculture & Coordination Sections (GCISC), discussion
E-mail: arifgoheer@gmail.com
44 Dr. Arshad Ali, Director Land National Agriculture Research Centre One to one
Resources Research Institute (NARC). (arshadalinarc@gmail.com
45 Dr. Munir Ahmed, Director Climate Alternate Energy and Water Round table
Change Resources Institute, National discussion
Agriculture Research Centre (NARC),
46 Muhammad Zubair, Deputy Water and Soil Conservation Unit Round table
Director General Planning and Development discussion
Department, Government of Khyber
47 Dr. Mahmood-ul-Hassan, Senior Land Resources Research Institute, Round table
Scientific Officer, National Agriculture Research Centre discussion
(NARC), Islamabad
48 Mr. Khadim Hussain Supplier, Micro Drip (Pvt) Ltd F- One to one
178/3, Kehkashan, Block 5, Clifton, interview

49 Ms. Nazima Shaheen Action Aid Pakistan. House 42A, Round table
Orchard Scheme, Murree Road, discussion

50 Engr. Khurram Khaliq Khan Procurement Consultant, World Bank, Round table
Islamabad kkkhaliq@yahoo.com discussion

51 Mr. Nasir Iqbal Ansari Agribusiness Consultant, Fauji Round table

Foundation discussion

52 Mr. Tahawwar Ahmed Consultant NDMA Round table

tahawwar@hotmail.com discussion

53 Ms. Faiqa Aziz Ministry of Climate Round table



54 Mr.Tayyab Shehzad Consultant- Ministry of Climate Round table

Change tshahzad68@yahoo.com discussion

55 Mr. Amir Hussain, Director HASHOO FOUNDATION, St-2, H-8/1, Round table
Programs Islamabad, o51-2273621 discussion

56 Mr. Arif Rahman Sr. Manager, HASHOO FOUNDATION, St-2, H-8/1, Round table
Environment & Climate Change & Islamabad, 0303-8989526 discussion
DRR arifrahman@hashoofoundation.org

57 Mr. Hammad Raza, General LEAD Pakistan, F-7, Islamabad Round table
Manager hraza@lead.org.pk discussion

58 Mr. Ibad ur Rehman, General NEC Consultants (Pvt) Ltd. No.55, Round table
Manager Aslam Business Square, E-11/2, discussion
Islamabad. 051-2305590

59 Ms. Kanwal Waqar ICIMOD, Islamabad o324-8551524 Round table

K_waqar@icimod.org discussion

Pakistan: Climate Adaptation Technology Action Plans & Ideas

Annex-II: List of policy makers briefed

and sensitized during TAP / Project Ideas
development process on one to one basis.
S.N Name Organization/ Department Contact
Mr. Hashim Tareen Secretary, Planning & 2nd Floor, Block 6, Civil Secretariat,
1 Development, Government of Zarghoon Road, Quetta, Phone #
Balochistan 081- 9202425
2 Mr. Muhammad Saleem Secretary, Irrigation and Power Civil Secretariat, Zarghoon Road,
Awan Department, Government of Quetta
Balochistan Phone # 081- 9201074
3 Mr. Abdul Rehman Secretary, Agriculture and Room 19, Top floor, Block 2, Civil
Buzdar, cooperative Department, Secretariat, Zarghoon Road, Quetta
Government of Balochistan # 081- 920126
4 Mr. Ghulam M. Sabir Secretary,Forests and Wildlife 1st floor, Block 4, Civil Secretariat,
Department, Government of Zarghoon Road, Quetta # 081-
Balochistan 9202264
5 Mr. Naseer Kashani, Additional Secretary (Regulations Civil Secretariat, Zarghoon Road,
and Admin), Department of Quetta
Finance, Phone # 081-9201272
Government of Balochistan
6 Mr. Iqbal Muhammad Secretary, Environment Gate no. 8, Qaddafi Stadium,
Chuhan Department, Ferozepur Road, Lahore
Government of Punjab
7 Mr Iftikhar Ali Sahoo Secretary, Planning & Civil Secretariat,
Development, Government of Lower Mall, Lahore
8 Mr. Muhammad Secretary, Agriculture Civil Secretariat, Lower Mall, Lahore
Mehmood Department,
Government of Punjab
9 Mr. Muhammad Usman Special secretary, Finance Civil Secretariat, Lower Mall, Lahore
Chudhary, Department, Government of
10 Mr. Capt.(retd) Saif Secretary, Irrigation Department, Old Anarkali Road, Lahore
Anjum, Government of Punjab
11 Mr. Syed Hassan Naqvi, Additional Secretary, Finance Civil Secretariat, No 4-A, Court road,
Department, Government of Sindh Karachi
12 Mr. Syed Zaheer Haider Secretary, Sindh Irrigation, Tuglaq House Sharah-kamal-Ata -
Shah, Government of Sindh Turk Karachi
13 Dr. Rahim Samroo, Secretary, Industries and Room no 303, Second Floor, Tuglaq
, Commerce Department, House Sharah-kamal-Ata -Turk
Government of Sindh Karachi
14 Mr. Mir Ijaz Hussain, Secretary, Planning & Tuglaq House Sharah-kamal-Ata -
Development, Government of Turk Karachi
15 Mir. Ijaz Hussain Talpur, Secretary, Environment, Climate EPA Complex, Plot # FD-2/1, Sector-
Change & Coastal Development, 23, Churangi Korangi, Karachi
Government of Sindh

Ministry of Climate Change, Government of Pakistan


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