JSS2 Exam Ist Term

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b. 10000
1. Computer accepts ---------- as input c. 1,000,000
a. Data d. 100
b. Information 8. A digital computer accepts input data
c. Memory and converts it to binary or base 2.
d. Light pen TRUE/FALSE
2. Human ware refers to ------------ 9. Octal are used for number in --------
a. People a. Base 16
b. Companies b. Base 8
c. Infrastructures c. Base 2
d. Robots d. Base 10
3. Windows has ---------- user interface 10. Decimal numbers are represented by
a. Graphics --------
b. Great a. 0-8
c. Green b. 0-10
d. Geological c. 0-9
4. Programs written to handle specific d. 0-1
tasks are called ---------- software 11. The first mechanical calculator was
a. Database the -----
b. Application a. Jacquard’s loom
c. Firmware b. Herman Hollerith Tabulating
d. Device drivers Machine
5. Programs written for maintenance c. Blaise Pascal
tasks are called --------------- d. Analytical engine
a. Utility 12. Digital computer history can be
b. Database divided into
c. Firmware a. History
d. Software b. Generation
6. The temporary part of computer c. Story
memory is called d. Event
a. RAM 13. First generation computer included
b. ROM the
d. Hard disk b. PSP
7. One megabyte of storage is c. Micro
approximately ------------- byte d. Laptop
a. 1000
14. First generation of computers were 21. Computer categories include micro,
big and used mini and -----------
a. Vacuum tubes a. Mainframe
b. Integrated circuits b. Hybrid
c. Micro chip c. Digital
d. Artificial intelligence d. Macro
15. Second generation of computers 22. Micro computers are also called
were big and used -------- computers
a. Vacuum tubes a. Smaller
b. Integrated circuits b. Customized
c. Transistors c. Personal
d. Artificial intelligence d. For you only
16. Third generation of computers used 23. Software that can be used by
a. Vacuum tubes everyone is called --------------
b. Integrated circuits software
c. Micro chip a. Open
d. Artificial intelligence b. Free
17. Fourth generation of computers used c. Copy
a. Vacuum tubes d. Left
b. Integrated circuits 24. Versions of windows program
c. Micro chip/ very large scale include-------
integrated circuit a. Windows word
d. Artificial intelligence b. Windows excel
18. Fifth generation of computers used c. Windows corel draw
a. Vacuum tubes d. Windows vista
b. Integrated circuits 25. MAN stands for
c. Micro chip a. Metropolitan area network
d. Artificial intelligence b. Memory area network
19. Two types of computers are analog c. Main area network
and d. Motherboard area network
a. Digital 26. A network can be connected through
b. Microphone a telephone line via a ------
c. Calculator a. Modem
d. Notebook b. Cable
20. Computer can also be classified c. Wireless
under general purpose and --------- d. Optical mouse
purpose 27. LAN stands for
a. Personal a. Local area network
b. Private b. Level area network
c. Special c. Local arena network
d. Only d. Limited area network
28. Which of the following is not a type d. Compatible disk
of computer 35. All the physical components of the
a. Analog computer that can be seeing and
b. Digital touched are called ---
c. Minimum a. Softcopy
d. Hybrid b. Computer software
29. Which of the computers is c. Computer hardware
considered as the smallest d. All of the above
a. Micro 36. CPU can be divided into the
b. Mini following except
c. Mainframe a. Main memory
d. Super b. Control unit
30. Which of the computers is c. Arithmetic logic unit
considered as the largest d. The display unit
a. Micro 37. Which of the following is not an
b. Mini input device
c. Mainframe a. Scanner
d. Super b. Keyboard
31. Computers can be classified c. Monitor
according to all the following except d. Joystick
a. By size 38. All the following are output devices
b. By purpose except
c. By type a. Speaker
d. By group b. Monitor
32. A computer designed to solve variety c. Projector
of problems is called d. Scanner
a. Personal computer 39. Which of the following is not a type
b. Palmtop computer of operating system
c. General purpose computer a. Single user
d. Laptop computer b. Multi user
33. All of the following are storage c. Networking
devices except d. Software operating
a. Hard disk 40. ----------- is a set of programs that
b. Floppy disk enables the computer to work
c. Flash drive effectively
d. Software a. Keyboard
34. Which of the following is the full b. Mouse
meaning of CD c. Software
a. Complicated disk d. All of the above
b. Compact disk 41. The people that are making use of
c. Correctable disk computer are called
a. Computer guru d. Computer operators
b. Computer units 48. ---------------- brings out a hardcopy
c. Human ware of data on a4 paper
d. All of the above a. Scanner
42. All the following are computer b. Keyboard
professionals except c. Joystick
a. System analysts d. Printer
b. Programmers 49. -------------- is the code or instruction
c. Computer educators written by a programmer for a
d. Typist computer to work
43. Which of the following is not a a. Software
recognized computer professional b. Hardware
body c. People ware
a. ITAN d. Human ware
b. NCS 50. The three major components of
c. CPRCN computer include
d. MON a. Software
44. All of the following are types of b. Minimum ware
operating systems except c. Cash ware
a. Single user operating system d. Registers
b. Embedded operating system
c. Network operating system
d. Machine operating system THEORY - ANSWER 4 QUESTIONS
45. Which of the following is not a ONLY
function of an operating system
a. It starts the computer system 1. Explain in one Why a computer is
b. It loads all programs called a system
c. It performs supervisory functions 1b. what is a computer
d. It can print a calendar 1c. List three major components of a
46. Binary system is otherwise called computer system
base ----- 2. Distinguish between a system
a. 2 software and an application software
b. 3 2b. list 5 examples of application
c. 4 softwares
d. 5 2c. list 5 examples of operating
47. The people that have undergone one systems
form of training or the other on the 3. List two types of computer memory
computer are called ---- 3b. list 4 input devices
a. Computer professionals 3c. list 4 output devices
b. Computer gurus 3d. List 3 storage devices you know
c. Computer users
4. What is the full meaning of NCS,
4b. Define the term human ware
4c. list 5 examples of computer end
5. a. State four functions of operating
5b. what is an operating system
5c. define a utility software with 2
5d. What does BIOS stand for
6. a. Convert the following binary numbers
to base 10: (a) 111 (b) 101 (c) 1100110
(d) 110 (e) 1111

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