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Arciga, Christine V.

12 - STEM 5

Hazard Hazard
The first hazard in the area of the City of San While the second hazard found in CSFP is

Fernando Pampanga is flood strikes. Though it’s earthquakes since we are surrounded by
just a drizzle, some areas still experience swamp mountains that can possibly erupt at any
because the place is very low as well as the
moment. However, even if the City of San
houses too, which then causes water to enter
Fernando Pampanga is not along any
easily. Furthermore, Pampanga’s geographical
location is found around the Pampanga River
active fault, it may still be affected by the
Basin which is considered the second largest other active fault lines found near the
drainage basin in the area of Luzon and this is province.
the reason why CSFP is prone to typhoons and
monsoon rainfall.

Exposure Vulnerabilities
There are two vulnerabilities found in this area. The first
The exposure level in CSFP is predictably
one is Economic. As I’ve said earlier, the causes of
high since the population is copious.

floods in some areas are because of their low places
There are also a lot of infrastructures and houses. Even if they want to have a safer home for
and systems present in the area. their family, they can’t afford to build one. They have no
According to the 2020 census, the City option but to endure the destiny of adversity. The
second one is physical. Since the area of CSFP is prone
of San Fernando Pampanga has a
to floods, the polluted water causes polluted air. Air
population of 354,666 people. Since the
pollution increases the risk of respiratory infections in
quantity is a lot, we should expect that the individuals living around the community. Due to
the exposure is high as well considering this, the vulnerability level of CSFP is high since these
the individuals and structures present in factors increase the risk of turning the hazard into a
disaster. When this happened, it can cause risk to the
the hazard zone are numerous.
354,666 citizens of CSFP.
Arciga, Christine V.
12 - STEM 5

Coping Capacity Coping Capacity

The coping capacity of CSFP is the way of living With these coping capacities, I can

of the citizens of the place. They are aware and
say that the coping capacity level of
prepared for the possible natural hazards
impending in their location. We also have funds CSFP is high. They are not 100% ready,
that the officials used to repair the clogged but the thought of being aware and
canals and overflowing rivers to lessen the prepared for the potential risk
hazards and avoid possible disasters. The good
thing is we also have drainages to drain the
impending in their area is enormous.
water caused by heavy rains in certain areas. With this awareness, they can do
When it’s raining and there’s a typhoon something to mitigate the possible
approaching, they suspend the classes as early
effects of these hazards.
as possible to keep the protection between the
students and workers.
Disaster Risk Level Will disaster happen?
The disaster risk level of CSFP is low. Though we No, the disaster won’t happen if the coping capacity of
the area will remain high. We can’t avoid hazards but
are surrounded by mountains that can erupt at

we can avoid disasters. Considering all of these
any moment, the thought of being aware and
informations, from defining the hazards to determining
prepared of the citizens lessens the risk of
the coping capacities, I think the actions of the citizen
turning the hazard into a disaster. When there’s
are enough to mitigate the hazards and evade the
a typhoon, the citizens evacuate to the nearest disaster. Nowadays, a lot of roads, canals, and bridges
evacuation center as soon as possible to ensure in CSFP are under construction to improve the
their protection. They also carry their important condition of the area and lessen the hassle that these
belongings to avoid damage. Furthermore, the hazards continue to bring. These enhancements will
city hall is also making an effort to repair all the serve as a huge help in keeping the protection of the
hazards found in the area as soon as they can individuals living in CSFP. Sometimes, our destiny is in
to alleviate accidents and injuries. our hands. Maybe we can’t do something to stop it, but
we can always find a way to lighten our burdens.

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