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Qualitative assessment of the waters of the coastal aquifer Ghis-Nekor

(Central Rif, Northern Morocco) in view of agricultural use

Article  in  Journal of Water and Land Development · March 2022

DOI: 10.24425/jwld.2022.140395


1 189

7 authors, including:

Said Benyoussef M. Arabi

Université Moulay Ismail Université Mohammed Premier


Hossain El Ouarghi Mohammad Ghalit

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University Université Mohammed Premier


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valorization of Phosphogypsum View project

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e-ISSN 2083-4535

Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB)


DOI: 10.24425/jwld.2022.140395
2022, No. 52 (I–III): 245–250

Qualitative assessment of the waters

of the coastal aquifer Ghis-Nekor (Central Rif, Northern Morocco)
in view of agricultural use

Said Benyoussef1), 2) , Mourad Arabi3) , Hossain El Ouarghi2) , Mohammad Ghalit4) ,

Yassine El Yousfi2) , Maryam Azirar1) , Ali Ait Boughrous1)
1) University of Moulay Ismaïl, Faculty of Science and Technology Errachidia, Department of Biology, Research team: Biology,
Environment and Health, Meknes, Morocco
2) Abdelmalek Essaadi University, National School of Applied Sciences, Laboratory of Applied Sciences, Al Hoceima, Morocco
3) Mohamed First University, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology, Laboratory of the Agricultural Production Improvement,
Biotechnology, and Environment, P.B. 717, Oujda, Morocco
4) Mohammed Premier University, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Mineral and Analytical Solid Chemistry,
Oujda, Morocco

RECEIVED 07.02.2021 REVIEWED 21.04.2021 ACCEPTED 09.07.2021

Abstract: The rainfall irregularity in the Al-Hoceima area places the Ghis-Nekor coastal aquifer as a primary resource
for water supply. However, it is of paramount priority to adopt management and optimization plans that can mitigate
the effects of the irrational use of the resource and the deterioration of its quality in the region of our study. In order to
study the alteration aspects of this aquifer, 26 wells were sampled and their suitability for irrigation was assessed. The
sodium adsorption rate (SAR) values indicate that most groundwater samples fall into the risk classes of high salinity
and low sodium (C3-S1) and high salinity and medium sodium (C3-S2). The results also show a medium to high
alkalinity risk due to the high concentration of HCO3–. The excess of salts is largely due to the intensive exploitation of
groundwater and to the phenomenon of salt-water intrusion into the coastal karst aquifer. As a result, the quality of
groundwater is not adapted to sustainable agricultural production and soil balance, which requires controlled
monitoring to ensure its rational use with a view to the sustainable development of the region.

Keywords: aquifer, Ghis-Nekor, groundwater, irrigation, quality, salinity

INTRODUCTION dams: Mohamed Ben Abdelkrim Al Khattabi (MBAK) fed by the

Nekor Watershed and the new Aghzar Ghis Dam (under
Water resources in the Central Rif are insufficient for agricultural construction), which is established in the Ghis Watershed, thus,
activities at the area level. It is therefore essential to use it contains a very large network of wells [CHAFOUQ et al. 2018]. We
underground resources to meet the needs. Indeed, such intensive
note that despite the presence of the MBAK dam, the problem of
irrigation use of groundwater in coastal areas degrades its quality
dam silting prevents the exploitation of its water sources [ARREBEI
and quantity, which can lead to a negative water balance, resulting
in salt-water intrusion [PRASANTH et al. 2012]. The qualitative et al. 2019]. As a result, the use of groundwater is necessary in
aspect of groundwater is a more important axis for the approval many situations. In addition, the climatic context is generally of
of its consumption, use for irrigation and industrial purposes the semi-arid Mediterranean type, with an alternation of two
[NAGARAJU et al. 2014]. For surface water source, this area has two seasons (dry and wet) [HCP 2017].

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
246 Qualitative assessment of the waters of the coastal aquifer Ghis-Nekor (Central Rif, Northern Morocco)...

In this context of fragility, the objective of this study is to (K+) concentrations were determined by flame spectropho-
assess the spatial extent of groundwater quality and to examine its tometer, while nitrogen ions (NO3–, NO2–, and NH4+) and
suitability for the different specific agricultural uses in the region. sulphates (SO4–) were measured using the ultraviolet spectro-
photometer (UV 12000). The Geographic Information System
(GIS) was used to perform a spatial projection of various
MATERIALS AND METHODS parameters analysed, using the inverse-distance-weighted inter-
polation (IDW) technique. To identify all potential Pearson
STUDY AREA correlation relationships for all results obtained, a statistical
analysis was performed using the software (IBM SPSS Statistics
The Ghis-Nekor plain (North of Morocco) is bordered in the version 25).
North by the Mediterranean Sea, in the West by the commune of The study was complemented by the assessment of the
Ajdir and the Douars of Ait Youssef or Ali and the MBAK dam in suitability of groundwater quality for irrigation, thus, indices such
the South, and in the East by the commune of Trougout (Fig. 1). as residual sodium carbonate index (RSC, in meq∙dm–3) and the
The plain is an intra-mountainous valley occupied by sodium adsorption ratio (SAR, in meq∙dm–3) were calculated
a heterogeneous alluvial filling made up of sands, gravel and through the following equations:
conglomerates of the Plio-Quaternary and the Actual [MOURIER
1982]. It is also characterized by a semi-arid climate with Naþ
alternating two dry and wet seasons [CHAFOUQ et al. 2018]. In this SAR ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð1Þ
ðCa2þ þ Mg2þ Þ=2
area, due to the lack of surface water, the majority of water needs
for irrigation are met by the use of groundwater.
ðNaþ þ Kþ Þ 100
Nað%Þ ¼ ð2Þ
METHODS ðCa2þ þ Mg2þ þ Naþ þ Kþ Þ

Samples were collected in 2019 from 26 wells distributed in �

abundance thanks to agricultural activity in the study area. RSC ¼ ðCO3 2 þ HCO3 Þ Ca2þ þMg2þ ð3Þ
Hydrogen potential (pH), electrical conductivity (EC) and
total dissolved solids (TDS) were measured in situ using a portable
multi-meter (HANNA, HI 991300). The concentrations of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
major chemical elements were determined in the laboratory
according to the methods recommended by Jean Rodier [RODIER HYDROCHEMISTRY
2009]. Chlorides (Cl–), bicarbonates (HCO3–), total hardness
(TH) and calcium ions (Ca2+) were analysed using titrimetric Results of assessed indicators and physicochemical parameters
methods. Magnesium (Mg2+) concentrations were calculated (pH, EC, TDS, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+; K+, Cl–, SO42–, HCO3–, CO32–,
from TH and calcium levels. The sodium (Na+) and potassium SAR, RSC, and Na), are presented in Table 1.

Fig. 1. Geographical situation of the sampled groundwater; source: own elaboration

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Said Benyoussef, Mourad Arabi, Hossain El Ouarghi, Mohammad Ghalit, Yassine El Yousfi, Maryam Azirar, Ali Ait Boughrous 247

Table 1. Physicochemical composition and irrigation quality parameters of the groundwater samples from the Ghis-Nekor plain

EC TDS Ca2– Mg2– Na– K– Cl– SO42– HCO3– CO32– SAR RSC
Sample pH Na(%)
(µS∙cm–1) (mg∙dm–3) meq∙dm–3
w1 6.65 2170 1085 12.80 11.45 17.14 0.20 710 15.46 6.30 0 4.92 –17.96 41.69
w2 7.02 1762 882 12.40 12.20 14.75 0.31 426 15.14 7.50 0 4.20 –17.10 37.97
w3 7.17 4142 1806 16.40 16.59 24.38 0.15 1029.5 25.65 7.50 0 6.00 –25.49 42.64
w4 7.12 3640 2095 13.20 13.03 19.68 0.12 674.5 19.68 6.60 0 5.43 –19.64 43.01
w5 7.79 2039 1021 10.40 10.66 17.16 0.05 532.5 14.79 5.90 0 5.29 –15.17 44.96
w6 6.88 5440 2718 14.00 12.64 21.79 0.15 887.5 14.67 10.40 0 5.97 –16.24 45.16
w7 7.04 2347 1162 10.80 9.87 19.18 0.15 639.0 9.86 9.10 0 5.97 –11.58 48.32
w8 7.16 6472 2043 18.00 19.35 25.95 0.16 1065.0 32.74 7.30 0 6.00 –30.06 41.13
w9 7.56 5594 2803 17.20 15.01 20.34 0.20 852.0 23.10 5.10 0 5.07 –27.11 38.93
w10 7.28 3568 1784 12.40 9.48 14.11 0.14 461.5 12.88 5.60 0 4.27 –16.28 39.45
w11 7.34 2586 1359 9.20 8.29 10.74 0.16 355.0 9.48 5.40 0 3.63 –12.10 38.39
w12 7.57 1632 815 11.20 9.08 12.44 0.18 390.5 10.90 6.70 0 3.91 –13.59 38.35
w13 7.23 3508 1756 11.60 10.66 16.03 0.12 781.0 13.09 6.50 0 4.80 –15.77 42.04
w14 7.80 4389 2200 4.80 7.11 21.81 1.00 852.0 7.98 4.00 0 8.94 –7.91 65.70
w15 7.17 1498 749 12.30 6.71 11.24 0.09 461.5 8.79 3.66 0 3.65 –15.36 37.34
w16 7.40 3212 1610 1.92 10.27 13.05 0.13 532.5 9.19 5.70 0 5.29 –6.49 51.95
w17 7.45 3684 1055 12.40 14.22 15.55 0.22 532.5 13.63 5.90 0 4.26 –20.72 37.20
w18 7.35 3299 1230 11.60 9.48 13.46 0.08 532.5 10.88 5.00 0 4.15 –16.08 39.12
w19 7.18 3467 1734 12.80 9.87 13.75 0.08 568.0 11.28 5.10 0 4.08 –17.58 37.88
w20 6.74 6254 3129 18.00 18.96 22.27 0.17 923.0 24.10 8.90 0 5.18 –28.06 37.78
w21 6.97 5739 2871 16.40 17.77 20.44 0.12 958.5 20.34 6.90 0 4.95 –27.28 37.57
w22 7.11 2983 1490 16.80 16.59 20.64 0.12 958.5 21.45 7.00 0 5.05 –26.39 38.33
w23 8.78 4335 2167 7.60 8.69 18.23 0.16 781.0 12.21 2.30 30 6.39 –13.99 53.02
w24 7.26 6746 3372 8.40 12.24 26.23 0.47 1278.0 10.95 0.90 0 8.16 –19.74 56.40
w25 7.15 2477 1236 17.60 14.61 16.70 0.10 710.0 18.86 5.40 0 4.16 –26.82 34.28
w26 6.96 6264 3134 12.00 12.24 32.38 0.22 1349.0 11.40 10.30 0 9.30 –13.95 57.35
Min 6.65 1498 749 1.92 6.71 10.74 0.05 355.00 7.98 0.90 0 3.63 –30.06 34.28
Max 8.78 6746 3372 18.00 19.35 32.38 1.00 1349.00 32.74 10.40 30.00 9.30 –6.49 65.70
Avg 7.27 3817 1819 12.39 12.20 18.44 0.19 740.04 15.33 6.19 1.15 5.35 –18.40 43.31
SD 0.41 1613.96 785.31 3.97 3.54 5.19 0.18 266.17 6.18 2.16 5.88 1.50 6.39 7.70

Explanations: EC = electrical conductivity, TDS = total dissolved solids, SAR = sodium adsorption ratio, RSC = residual sodium carbonate index,
avg = average, SD = standard deviation.
Source: own study.

The pH values range from 6.65 to 8.78, with an average salinity of the prospected groundwater can probably be the result
value of 7.27. This shows that the groundwater in the study area is of several factors such as the lithology, climate [BEKKOUCH,
primarily alkaline. EC values range from 1498 to 6746 µS∙cm–1. ZANAGUI 2018], the phenomenon of marine intrusion [CHAFOUQ
Unsuitable values for irrigation (i.e. EC values higher than 3000 et al. 2018; SAAIDIA et al. 2017] due to the proximity of the study
µS∙cm–1; see Tab. 2) were measured at 65.38% of the sites studied area to the coastline, as well as the anthropic activities [BARAKAT
where crop yield is significantly affected [WILCOX 1955]. et al. 2020]. As for chlorides in groundwater, it can have various
Water uptake by the plants decreases due to increased origins, such as rock alteration and leaching from sedimentary
mineralization and negatively affects production [AHAMED et al. soils, salt water intrusion, domestic and industrial waste
2013]. Chloride (Cl–) concentrations ranged from 355 to 1349 discharges, etc. [KARANTH 1987]. Thus, the excessive concentra-
mg∙dm–3 (Tab. 1) with an average of 740.04 mg∙dm–3. tion in chlorides indicates a groundwater contamination
According to the classification of VAN DER AA [2003] (Tab. 2), [LOIZIDOU, KAPETANIOS 1993]. However, TDS values range from
the majority of samples are of high salinity. Indeed, the high 372 to 749 mg∙dm–3.

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
248 Qualitative assessment of the waters of the coastal aquifer Ghis-Nekor (Central Rif, Northern Morocco)...

Table 2. Classification of groundwater based on Cl–, TDS, EC, 1992; SINGH et al. 2009]. According to the Wilcox classification
Na %, SAR, RSC in the study area [WILCOX 1955], the percentage of Na in the water from the wells
studied indicates that the water table is “good to permissible” for
Water Total Percen- irrigation, with the exception of a sample w14 (Tab. 1, 2).
Parameters Range
class samples tage Thereby, the Wilcox diagram (Fig. 2) showing the percentage of
<5 fresh – – water soluble sodium as a function of the EC reveals that most
groundwater samples are into the category of “doubtful and not
– –3 5–30 – – suitable for irrigation” due to the very high mineralization and
Cl (mg∙dm ) saline
[VAN DER AA conductivity [BOUJGHAD et al. 2019], with the exception of a few
30–150 saline – –
2003] samples in the “good to acceptable” category.
150–300 more saline – –
300–1000 very saline 26 100
useful for
TDS (mg∙dm–3) <3000 23 88.46
1966] unfit for
>3000 3 11.53
<250 excellent – –
250–750 good – –
EC (µS∙cm–1)
750–2000 permissible 3 11.53
[WILCOX 1955]
2000–3000 doubtful 6 23.07
>3000 unsuitable 17 65.38
<20 excellent – –
20–40 good 13 50
40–60 permissible 12 46.15
[WILCOX 1955]
60–80 doubtful 1 3.84
>80 unsuitable – –
<10 excellent 26 100 Fig. 2. Suitability of the groundwater studied for irrigation in the
–3 10–18 good – – Wilcox diagram; source: own study
SAR (meq∙dm )
[RICHARDS 1954] 18–26 doubtful – –
• Sodium adsorption report (SAR)
>26 unsuitable – – Excess sodium in water can reduce the permeability and
<1.25 good 26 100 ability of the soil to form stable aggregates, resulting in loss of soil
RSC (meq∙dm–3) structure [PRASANTH et al. 2012]. According to RICHARDS [1954],
1.25–2.50 doubtful – –
[RICHARDS 1954] the classification of groundwater in the Ghis-Nekor plain coastal
>2.50 unsuitable – – aquifer indicates that 100% of the samples are in the “excellent at
Explanations: TDS = total dissolved solids, EC = electrical conductivity, irrigation” category (Tab. 2), while the Richards diagram in which
SAR = sodium adsorption ratio, RSC = residual sodium carbonate index. the EC is taken as a salinity risk and the SAR as an alkalinity risk
Source: own study. shows that, the water samples belong to categories C3-S1, C3-S2,
C4-S2 and C4-S3 (Fig. 3). This explains that the samples are
Leaching of salts from the soil and infiltration of domestic medium or strongly alkaline with high salinity.
wastewater into wells have been shown to be responsible for the
high concentration of soluble salts in groundwater [PRASANTH et al.
2012]. Based on the DAVIS and DE WIEST [1966] TDS ground-
water classification (Tab. 2), 88.46% of groundwater samples are
within the maximum allowable limits for irrigation (TDS < 3000
mg∙dm–3) and 11.53% are unsuitable for irrigation (TDS > 3000
mg∙dm–3). As a result, these salt concentrations in the sampled
well waters highlight a possible impact of domestic wastewater on
groundwater salinization in the Ghis-Nekor region.


• Percentage of sodium (Na%)

The percentage of Na is a very important factor used in the
classification of water for irrigation. Sodium reacts with soil, and
its excess can affect soil structure, resulting in reduced Fig. 3. Ghis-Nekor plain groundwater quality classification for
permeability and aeration, which decreases crop yield [RAJU irrigation, based on the Richards method; source: own study

© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Said Benyoussef, Mourad Arabi, Hossain El Ouarghi, Mohammad Ghalit, Yassine El Yousfi, Maryam Azirar, Ali Ait Boughrous 249

• Residual sodium carbonate (RSC) ARREBEI N., SABIR M., NAIMI M., CHIKHAOUI M., RACLOT D. 2019.
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© 2022. The Authors. Published by Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) and Institute of Technology and Life Sciences – National Research Institute (ITP – PIB).
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

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