EN FW ChatGPT Heralds Tech Revolution
EN FW ChatGPT Heralds Tech Revolution
EN FW ChatGPT Heralds Tech Revolution
12 Meinung 3
reat technological revolutions have changed our when it comes to ChatGPT and its peers. This is
society since the dawn of time: Letterpress printing due to one of the weaknesses of the transfor-
e.g. contributed in the 15th century significantly mer models which lies in the inability to distin-
to the Enlightenment and to various social upheavals. guish between fact and fiction, since since word
Similarly, the scope of the spread of the Internet in the sequences are generated only on the basis of pro-
20th century has been monumental and is still in full bability. The contribution of ChatGPT lies in
swing in the 21st century. its immense usefulness, and generative AI will
When the World Wide Web first went "online" in the continue to surprise us in this direction in the
early 1990s, it was difficult to even remotely assess the coming months.
impact of this technology: The basic of search engines fears for its future. It has already begun: Microsoft announced to
technology of the WWW had long been Let's take for example language integrate ChatGPT into its Internet search, while at
well-known, commercial applications generation: In contrast to conven- nearly the same time Google announced to revolutionize
were not in sight for the time being, the tional AI systems, which are usually Google search with its own bot. However, the
only people cavorting in cyberspace up only trained for a specific task, such demonstration of the latter went wrong in several ways,
to that point were technology nerds. It as playing chess, the language much to the detriment of Alphabet's share price. It will
was Internet pioneer Tim Berners-Lee models of the GPT family (Gene- be interesting to see what this will mean for
who, by launching a public demon- rative Pretrained Transformer) are the entire search engine business. After all, it is much
strator, particularly succeeded in generally designed to generate the less easy to weave an advertising link into a
arousing the creativity and curiosity of next word for a given text input. distilled answer than into a list of search results, and
numerous users. This resulted in bet- Repeating this process, the GPT an answer from the bot costs considerably more
ter software (e.g., Netscape browser), model can generate meaningful computing power than a query of the search index.
commercial applications that led to texts word by word for various topics The by far most lucrative business in the tech industry
enormous productivity increases (e.g., and tasks. is threatened with disruption. Users, on the other
Google search, Amazon online store), «The most lucrative GPT is therefore capable of being hand, will see improvements: Chatbots that
can enrich their knowledge databases via the
as well as the emergence of social
networks (e.g., Facebook) that signi-
business of the tech applied in a very general manner
compared to earlier AI systems, Internet and reference sources.
ficantly change our relationship life, industry is threatened which is a common denominator
self-image, and our values as a society. with human intelligence. The chat-
The complete pervasion of the way we by disruption.» bot thus provides a taste of the first AI-Hotspot Switzerland
live, work and do business is taking human-like AI. However, ChatGPT At the same time, current approaches are fundamentally
place at an enormous speed. Soon, three quarters still lacks many aspects of human intelligence, espe- limited and tend to lead away from an understanding of
of the world's population will be "online", and four cially since it is limited to statistical learning intelligence rather than contribute to it. They devour
of the five most valuable global companies owe algorithms that calculate which word is most likely vast amounts of data and computing power, hallucinate
their success primarily to the Internet and the to match a given text. results based on statistical recombinations, and render
mass networking of people, with all its advan- Nevertheless, the potential of such AI systems is the world based only on text modules without any
tages and disadvantages. immense: future applications aim at high-level office underlying comprehension. They have no
automation, the creation of personalized virtual specific circuits for planning and reasoning. An
assistants, fully automated text services, and the creation understanding of the world gained through physical
A utility revolution of fully tailored customer experiences that surpass the interaction, a desire to discover new things coupled
It is possible that we are witnessing a historic birth capabilities of an attentive customer advisor in many with other ingredients for resource-efficient learning is
moment comparable to that which precedes almost aspects. At this point already, ChatGPT is able to process necessary for a genuine technological revolution.
every technology revolution: the emergence of the first customer emails or create marketing plans. The next milestone will not consist of GPT-4, five or
general-purpose artificial intelligences, made possible Professional software developers are reporting even higher, but of a bot that teaches itself the human
by the various developments in the field of generative AI dramatic efficiency gains by a factor of five when mind through its own voyages of discovery in virtual
in recent years. The forerunners of these are systems working with the bot in a team. The Swiss educational worlds. In Switzerland particularly, researchers are
that generate images at the push of a button (e.g. "Stable landscape in particular is being put under pressure: working on systems that are able to learn with full
Diffusion", "DALL-E") and the currently rapidly ChatGPT creates essays, solves classroom assignments, autonomy, fathom the world and thus become reliable
spreading text generator "ChatGPT". and passes MBA exams. Crisis meetings and helpers. We would do well to play an active
Once again, it was the Americans who combined fundamental questions are making the rounds within role in shaping this next technological step at
already existing and comparatively unspectacular universities and corresponding departments while high the international forefront, since the stakes are high.
technology to bring together a novelty with a radically school and university students are asking themselves As a world champion in innovation and a global
simple user interface. Many investors now anticipate the which knowledge and skills will hold any importance in hotspot for the AI scene, Switzerland is predestined for
next shifts in the technology market. Microsoft, for the future. In the same way that critical thinking should this.
example, is said to have paid $10 billion for a minority be omnipresent when reading books or engaging in
stake in ChatGPT developer OpenAI. discussions in a classroom, it is demanded more than ever Pascal Kaufmann, Lab42; Co-Authors Prof. Thilo
Stadel-mann, ZHAW; Prof. Benjamin Grewe, ETH.