WO Lecture 6

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The solution of a damped harmonic motion is therefore written as:

a0 
     
 2  2 t         (7)
 2  2 t
y 1  e  1  e 
2 
 2 2   2 2  

Three important cases now arise: (1) 2   2 (2)  2   2 (3)  2   2

 2  2  2  2  2  2

Over damped motion:  2   2 which indicates that damping is large.

2 2 is clearly a real quantity with a positive value, less than .

Thus, each of the two terms on the right side of equation (7) has an
exponential term with a negative power and hence each decreases
exponentially with time. In this case, the particle does not vibrate.
The displacement, after attaining its maximum value falls off
asymptotically to zero in the figure.

There is thus no oscillation and the motion is, therefore, called

overdamped or aperiodic or dead beat. Examples are dead beat
galvanometer or a pendulum oscillating in a viscous fluid like oil.

Critically damped motion:  2  2 which indicates that damping is large.

 2   2  0 so that, each of the two terms on the right hand side

of equation (7) becomes infinite and the solution
breaks down.

Let us, however, consider that  2 is not quite equal to  2, but very

nearly so, so that  2   2  h , a very small quantity but not zero.

Then, we have from eq(3)     h t     h t
y  A1e  A2 e
 y  e  t  A1e ht  A2e  ht 

 t  h 2 2
t h 3 3
t h 2 2
t h 3 3
t 
 y  e  A1 (1  ht    ...)  A2 (1  ht    ...) 
 2! 3! 2! 3!

Neglecting terms containing second and higher powers of h, we get

y  e  t  A1 (1  ht )  A2 (1  ht )

 y  e  t ( A1  A2 )  ht ( A1  A2 )    (8)

Putting: A1  A2  M and ( A1  A2 )h  N
We have,  y  et (M  Nt )
Recalling that y  ymax  a0 and  0 at t =0, we have
M  ymax  a0 and N =a0

 y  e t (a0   a0t )

 y  a0et (1  t )    (9)

Second term a0  te  t decays less rapidly than the first term a0 e  t .

The displacement of the oscillator first increases but as t increases

the exponential factor et becomes more important and the
displacement decreases rapidly reaching the value zero for a finite
value of t. The oscillator just ceases to oscillate and its motion just
becomes aperiodic or non-oscillatory. This is called the case of
critical damping.

This principle finds application in many pointer-type instruments like

galvanometers where the pointer moves at once to and stays at, the
correct position, without any annoying oscillations. It may be seem
that although the motion is non-oscillatory both in case of critical
damping and overdamping the time taken to reach near the
equilibrium position from a given displacement becomes greater and
greater with the increase of damping.
Under damped motion: 2  2
The quantity 2 2 is clearly imaginary, say equal to ig, where

g   2   2 is a real quantity.
    ig t    ig t
Then, we have from eq(3) y  A1e  A2e
 y  e t  A1eigt  A2e igt 
 y  e  t  A1 (cos gt  i sin gt )  A2 (cos gt  i sin gt )
 y  e  t ( A1  A2 ) cos gt  i ( A1  A2 ) sin gt
Putting: A1  A2  A and i( A1  A2 )  B

 y  e  t  A cos gt  B sin gt    (10)

Equation (10) is the equation of a damped harmonic oscillator with
amplitude a0e t and frequency  w2   2 / 2
It is so called because the sine term in the equation suggests the
oscillatory character of the motion and the exponential term, the
gradual damping out of the oscillation in Fig.

The amplitude of the oscillation does not remain constant at a0,

which represents the amplitude in the absence of any damping but
decays exponentially with time to zero, in accordance with the term
 t
et . The term e is called the damping factor.

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