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Roll Number:

Thapar University, Patiala

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
MCA (Second Year): Semester-II Course Code: PCA513
Course Name: Computer Graphics
March 04, 2020 Wednesday, 10.30 - 12.30 Hrs
Time: 2 Hours, M. Marks: 25 Name of Faculty: Sushma Jain

Note: Attempt all questions and its part in serial order.

Q.1 a) Define persistence and resolution.

b) Differentiate Raster scan and Random scan displays. (2.5)
c) Write the purpose of presentation graphics. (1.5)
Q.2 a) Consider the line segment with end point coordinates (5,5) and (14, 12). (3)

Determine the raster locations along line segment using Bresenhams

b) List the applications of computer graphics in engineering. (2)
Q.3 a) Illustrate that two successive 2D scaling are multiplicative with the help of
an example.
b) Find the transformed coordinates of a line segment AB with vertices (2)

A(10,25), B(20,40) after performing 45° anti-clockwise rotation while

keeping point A at the same place.
Q.4 a) Give homogeneous transformation matrices for 3D rotation and 3D (3)
reflection in homogeneous coordinate system.
b) Differentiate between flood fill and boundary fill algorithm (2)
Q.5 a) List at least four Raster and Random file formats. (2)
b) Consider a raster system with the resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and the
colour palette calls for 65,536 colours. Find out the minimum amount of
video RAM that the computer must have to support this raster system.

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