FG 1732
FG 1732
FG 1732
g 2017- “Innovative Solutions in Flow Measurement and Control - Oil, Water and Gas”
Crandall et al., [1] conducted an Fei and Xue-ping [5] studied the flow
experimental study of trashrack vibration characteristics of the side inlet/outlet
on a half-scale model of a prototype rack including water head loss, flow velocity
design for the TVA Raccoon Mountain distribution and inflow vortexes by
pumped storage system. The natural numerical simulations. The „Volume Of
frequencies and loss factors of the first Fluid‟ (VOF) method is used for the
dozen natural modes of the rack were simulation of incompressible, viscous and
determined in air before placing the rack in transient flow with free surface. The finite
a water channel. A half-scale model of the volume method is employed to discretize
modified design was built and tested to the governing equations.
verify the absence of destructive
vibrations. The IS code IS 11388: 2012 [6] provides
the standards for the design of trashracks.
Many failures of trash-racks are dynamic It describes the different types of
in nature, and hence it is important to trashracks and its selection criteria. The
understand the dynamic characteristics of main sections in this code includes
trashrack structures in general and a „inclinations of racks‟, „velocity through
single rack in particular. Sadrnejad [2] racks‟, calculation of „losses at trashracks‟,
introduced an accurate added-mass „structural design of trashracks‟, „structural
approach which can be employed to details‟ and „construction and maintenance
estimate the intensity of vibration of of Trashracks‟. It also included the
submerged structure. available trashrack bar profiles and the
standard formulas required for the design
Tsikata et al., [3] provides a study of of the trashrack.
turbulent flow near the trashrack models.
In their study, the bar thickness, bar depth, Hribernik et al., [7] has done an
and center-to-center spacing were investigation into the different trashrack
maintained as constant. The flow designs and their impact on fluid flow
characteristics were measured by aligning losses. They have selected three different
the bars with the direction of approach rack bar profiles (one simple rectangular
flow at three different stream velocities. profile and two alternative aero-
The measurements were taken for four dynamically-shaped profiles) for the
different bar inclinations relative to the investigation which cause different flow
direction of approach flow keeping the losses. The flow simulation was done by
stream velocity constant. For each test 3D CFD simulations using an ANSYS CFX
condition, a high-resolution particle image 12 solver. Gross head loss was calculated
velocimetry (PIV) technique was used. for each trashrack profiles and trashrack
This study states that the relationship having minimum head loss was identified.
between head loss and bar inclination is The net profit were calculated and
nonlinear. identified that the profit from the
alternative trashrack design can be
Trashracks represent an obstruction to the expected only after a period of 10 years.
flow has to pass. The bars in the trashrack
reduces the cross sectional area and Huang et al., [8] describes the effect of
forces the flow to accelerate through the water in the dynamic response of large
gaps in the trashrack. This acceleration trashracks. These trashracks are prone to
causes larger velocity and sheer stress fatigue damage. To attenuate this
along the bars. Due to the viscous effects, problem, the trashracks are designed in
a thin layer called the boundary layer such a manner that the coincidence
forms next to the surface. This creates a between the excitation frequencies of
reverse flow region which is highly vortex shedding and the natural
turbulent and unsteady, with shedding frequencies of the trashrack are avoided.
vortices and eddies that dissipate energy The adopted methodology includes the
[4]. calculation of modal parameters and
numerical simulation using finite element
models, including the surrounding mass of
water. An experimental investigation is
also carried out by them for the validation
of simulation by measuring the response
using submergible accelerometers.
kg/m3 and viscosity 0.001003 kg/m-s. correction) when using the “pressure-
Standard k-Ɛ (2 equations) model was based” solver. Least square cell based
selected for analysing the turbulence at method is selected for the spatial
discretization of the model.
the entrance of trashrack, since it requires
less number of meshes compared with Important dimensions used for the
other models to represent the interspace modelling of a trashrack are:
between bars. The flow is “steady” and the Thickness of vertical bar, t – 0.012m
solver type is selected as “pressure- Width of vertical bar, d – 0.075m
based”. The “Gravity” (acceleration due to Clear spacing between vertical bar, b
– 0.04m
gravity) 9.81 m/s2 is provided in the z-
Clear spacing between horizontal bar,
direction in the general tab. The inlet h – 0.4m
boundary condition is taken as velocity Length of fluid body at upstream of
2m/s since the velocity range for the flow the trashrack – 2*d
through the trashrack varies from 0.75m/s Length of fluid body at downstream of
to 3m/s as per IS 11388:2012. The outlet the trashrack – 5*d
condition is provided as atmospheric 3.1 3D Modelling of a Rectangular
pressure since the water is falling freely. Bar Profile
Work flow diagram for the numerical
simulation is given in Fig. 2. The dimension of rectangular bar profile is
taken as 0.012m X 0.075m and the
dimension of the surrounding fluid is the
3D modelling of rectangular trashrack
0.052m X 0.6m. The dimension of
bar profile in ANSYS FLUENT software surrounding fluid is chosen for the sake of
simplicity of study of flow phenomena. For
getting the 3D fluid domain, the property
Simulation of 3D model with inlet velocity “Extrude” with the depth 0.412m is
2m/s applied. The geometry is shown in the Fig.
3.2 Analysis with Fluid Structure Case I:
Interaction (FSI)
Section along the centre of the
For incorporating Fluid Structure clear spacing between the two elements
Interaction (FSI) with 3D model, the (By considering periodicity, the
procedure for the preparation of geometry „wallbottom‟ and „walltop‟ will be act as a
has been modified as follows. A small centre line through the clear spacing).
rectangle of dimension 0.012m X 0.075m
was created. The property “extrude” in z- Case II:
direction is applied to a depth of 0.412m Section along the periphery of the
and the structural part is created. A large element
rectangle of dimension 0.052m X 0.6m
was drawn and extrude to 0.412m, and Representation of sections „Case I‟ and
the required fluid domain was generated. „Case II‟ are given the Fig. 5.
The property “Boolean” with “subtract”
operation is applied for keeping both the
parts are independent.
very high. Fig. 6 describes the variation of When the velocity passes through the
pressure with increasing the number of centre of the clear spacing, from the inlet,
members and the pressure on a single the velocity increases to maximum when
member applied with the property the area of flow decreases in between
„periodicity‟. structural member (due to periodicity) and
it starts decreasing towards the
Pressure v/s position graph for the analysis of downstream end (case I). If the velocity
periodicity variation through the section passing
along the periphery of the structural
single bar
element is analysed, it can be seen that
periodicity from the inlet, the velocity decreases at
Pressure (Pa)
0 3bars
-0.16 -0.06 0.03 0.13 0.23 0.34 without the tip of the element and becomes zero
-1000 5bars
along the periphery of the structural
member to some distance (boundary
single bar layer) and then gradually increases
periodicity towards the downstream end (Case II).
Position (m) Similar performance is observed in the
study conducted by Crowe et al., [4]. The
Figure 6 - Comparison of the effect of Figs 8(a) and (b) represents the velocity
periodicity based on the pressure value. contour and the velocity vector
respectively, obtained from the simulation
4.1 Pressure and Velocity Analysis of 3D model.
These results are compared with the along with the flow through the trashrack
results obtained from the empirical formula is analysed.
based on given shape factors (Table 1). It
is found that the results obtained from 6.0 CONCLUSION
empirical formula underestimate the actual
head loss obtained numerically. This may The head loss calculated from 3D model is
be due to the interaction of fluid with the lower than that from the model which
structure with sharp corners. These results considers the effect of FSI. FSI analysis
are depicted in Fig. 9. captures the unaccounted head loss
occurs in the simulation of 3D models. It
Table 1 - Comparison of head losses for is found that the calculated head loss
3D model, 3D model with FSI and using empirical formula is lower than that
Theoretical obtained from the numerical analysis (3D
model and 3D model with FSI). i.e., the
Head loss (m) for inlet empirical equation with the given „K‟ value
velocity 2m/s underestimates the head loss for
Bar 3D rectangular bar profile, though it is most
profile 3D model Theoreti commonly used in the trashracks.
types model with FSI cal
gular (K 107.25* 107.363* 99.084*
= 2.42) 10-3 10-3 10-3 hL - Head loss through trashrack;
t - Thickness of bars;
b - Clear spacing between bars;
v - Velocity of flow through trash rack,
Observed Head loss for three diffent analysis
of Rectangular bar profile computed gross area;
- Angle of bar inclination to horizontal;
K - Factor depending on bar shape in
accordance with Fig. 1; and
Head loss (m)
g - Acceleration due to gravity.
0.096 bar profile
[1] Crandall, S.H., Vigander, S. and
3D model 3D model with Theoretical March, P. A. 1975, “Destructive
Analysis type
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model with FSI and Theoretical method [2] Sadrnejad, S.A. 2002,
“Hydrodynamics induced vibration to
5.0 RESULTS trash-racks”, IJE Transactions B:
Applications, 15(4), 357-366.
Comparative study has been done on the
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FSI and Theoretical method). Numerical Trashrack Models”, Journal of
simulations were done on a 3D model Hydraulic Engineering, 135(8), 671-
applied with the property “periodicity”, to 684.
reduce the size of the geometry and thus
the software running time can be reduced, [4] Crowe, C., Elger, D., Williams, B. and
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[5] Fei, Y.E. and Xue-ping, G.A.O. 2010,
“Numerical simulations of the
hydraulic characteristics of side
inlet/outlets”, Journal of
Hydrodynamics, 23(1), 48-54.
Presenting author Biodata
Name : Jeethulakshmi G
Designation : Student
Thrissur - 680009
E-mail : jeethulakshmig@gmail.com
Mob : 9495020257
Significant Achievements: NA