Epidemiology and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Elderly Populations
Epidemiology and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Elderly Populations
Epidemiology and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis in Elderly Populations
Worldwide, the average age of individuals with multi- (termed very-late-onset MS (VLOMS)). Therefore,
Jacobs Multiple Sclerosis ple sclerosis (MS) is increasing1. Advances in treating managing MS in elderly populations presents unique
Center for Treatment and vascular comorbidities, as well as the large armamentar- challenges related to age-related and disease-related
Research, Department of
Neurology, Jacobs School of
ium of effective disease-modifying therapies, have con- comorbidities as well as the disease itself.
Medicine and Biomedical tributed to an increased likelihood of achieving stable This Review summarizes the epidemiology of MS
Sciences, State University of disease and to the increased longevity of patients with as it pertains to ageing individuals and discusses the
New York (SUNY), Buffalo, MS. However, all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) unique challenges facing elderly patients with MS. These
performed to date to evaluate the safety and efficacy of challenges include the complexity of the relationship
Buffalo Neuroimaging disease-modifying therapies have specifically excluded between ageing and MS, the lack of clarity regarding the
Analysis Center, Department
of Neurology, Jacobs School
elderly patients with MS. In addition, few studies have safety and efficacy of disease-modifying therapies in
of Medicine and Biomedical evaluated the complex interaction of this chronic disease elderly individuals, controversy over when and whether
Sciences, State University of with the natural ageing process. discontinuation of treatment is appropriate and the
New York (SUNY), Buffalo, Some patients with MS present with a progressive importance of supporting wellness and cognition.
course from disease onset, termed primary progressive
Department of MS (PPMS), but ~80% of patients with MS present with Epidemiology of MS in elderly patients
Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Jacobs School of Medicine
a relapsing–remitting course. Relapsing–remitting MS Incidence and prevalence. MS is a chronic demyelinat-
and Biomedical Sciences, (RRMS) is characterized by acute episodes of neurolog- ing condition of the CNS associated with good survival;
State University of New York ical impairment followed by a return to baseline func- these patients’ life expectancy is only slightly below that
(SUNY), Buffalo, NY, USA. tion. Eventually, recovery from these episodes becomes of the general population5–8. Contemporary estimates
Center for Biomedical incomplete and neurological disability accumulates, suggest an average reduction in lifespan of 6–10 years
Imaging at the Clinical which marks the transition to secondary progressive MS for patients with MS8,9. Therefore, the number of elderly
Translational Science Institute,
State University of New York
(SPMS). Most individuals are diagnosed with MS at age individuals with MS is increasing in conjunction with
(SUNY), Buffalo, NY, USA. 20–50 years2, and within this subgroup, >30% remain in ageing of the general population. In 2004, an analysis
*e-mail: bw8@buffalo.edu the RRMS phase of the disease into old age3,4. However, a of data from a large MS registry in the United States
https://doi.org/10.1038/ few individuals are diagnosed with MS after age 50 years revealed that ~14% of patients with MS were ≥65 years
s41582-019-0183-3 (termed late-onset MS (LOMS)) or even after age 60 years of age10.
central to the development and progression of MS42. Inflammageing and immunosenescence. Ageing is
For example, autoreactive peripheral lymphocytes cross generally accompanied by immunosenescence54, a pro-
the degraded blood–brain barrier (BBB) into the CNS, found weakening of both the innate and adaptive com-
where they recognize myelin fragments and initiate an ponents of the immune system, which leads to ageing
immune response43. The resulting demyelination is the individuals having a reduced capacity for mounting an
most recognized hallmark of MS44. adequate immune response54. Along with natural age-
MS was originally thought to be primarily a dis- ing, patients with MS also experience an accumulation
ease of the adaptive immune system. Indeed, studies of iron within the CNS, resulting in oxidative stress55,56.
in the most appropriate animal model of MS, exper- As oligodendrocytes are damaged by the disease pro-
imental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, identified cess, iron is released and its extracellular accumula-
that cells of the adaptive immune system — primarily tion potentiates oxidative stress and results in further
T cells45 but also B cells46 — are major drivers of MS neurodegeneration55.
pathophysiology. The success of therapies directed Autophagy, the intrinsic mechanism that compen-
against T cell and B cell targets provides support for sates for the accumulation of non-functional organelles
this hypothesis47. However, subsequent investigations and toxic products, supports cellular health when it
have shown that the innate immune system might also is functioning appropriately57. If this mechanism is
be involved in MS, particularly at progressive stages of overwhelmed, waste products accumulate, leading to
the disease48. cellular senescence and ultimately apoptosis, which
destroys damaged cells58. Evidence suggests that auto-
Lesion characteristics on imaging. Inflammation and phagy becomes less proficient in ageing cells57 (Fig. 1). In
T cell infiltration are present in active MS lesions dur- general, neurodegeneration is associated with decreased
ing the acute and relapsing phases of the disease and autophagy. However, patients with active, relapsing MS
can contribute to neurodegeneration, including axon show increased autophagy in peripheral immune cells
and cell loss47,49. A study that examined inflamma- compared with cells from healthy controls59. The para-
tion and neurodegeneration in the brains of patients dox observed in progressive MS is the presence of neu-
with MS found that T cell infiltration and substantial rodegeneration despite evidence of increased autophagy
inflammation were seen most frequently in active MS in the brain tissue59 (Fig. 2).
lesions50, which are associated with acute and relaps- In young patients, the robust repair capacity of the
ing disease. However, increasing numbers of T cells brain compensates for changes in the early (inflamma-
were also found in lesions associated with progressive tory) stage of MS, but in ageing individuals a decreased
disease, such as slowly expanding lesions 50. On the repair capacity and the neurodegenerative processes
contrary, few T cells were seen in inactive and remy- associated with ageing both lead to a decrease in com-
elinated (shadow) lesions. Although brain tissue from pensatory reserve60. Therefore, over time, axonal degen-
ageing individuals with long disease durations demon- eration, iron deposition and oxidative stress accumulate,
strated profound neurodegeneration, inflammation in eventually overwhelming the brain’s natural reserves and
remyelinated lesions had declined to levels compara- leading to disease progression61.
ble to those in the brains of age-matched individuals Ageing is often accompanied by chronic low-grade
without MS50. inflammation, a phenomenon known as inflammage-
Lesion characteristics vary dynamically according to ing62, probably as a result of chronic exposure to infectious
the patient’s age, disease duration and disease pheno- agents such as cytomegalovirus and Epstein–Barr virus.
type51. At any given time, various types of MS lesions Senescent immune cells accumulate in ageing individuals
can coexist. Lesions are histopathologically character- and create a pro-inflammatory environment attributable
ized as active (highly inflammatory with a dense mac- to ongoing secretion of growth factors, pro-inflammatory
rophage population), slowly expanding (with a central cytokines and autoreactive antibodies, among other fac-
astrocytic scar and activated microglia on the lesion tors62–64. These senescent cells are no longer able to con-
edge), inactive (containing demyelinated axons with tribute to tissue repair; instead, they recruit inflammatory
an astrocytic scar and no ongoing inflammatory activ- cells that further contribute to tissue damage65 (Fig. 1).
ity) or remyelinated (shadow lesions, which have an This chronic inflammation is believed to be associated
inflammation level comparable to that in age-matched with the development of many age-related diseases62.
controls)52. Advanced patient age and prolonged disease Thymic involution (the shrinking in size of the thy-
duration are associated with a reduced chance of detect- mus that occurs in ageing individuals) could also help
ing active lesions and an increased chance of detecting to explain this diminished immune response. Thymic
smouldering plaques51. Smouldering plaques, which are involution results in a decline in the production of
often also termed chronically active or slowly expanding naive T cells, which leads to reduced T cell activity in
plaques, demonstrate lesion-specific rim activity asso- elderly individuals and an associated increase in the risk
ciated with iron-laden macrophages and amplification of infection66,67. Another potential explanation for the
of the oxidative injury owing to ferritin accumulation53. reduced immune function observed in elderly patients
As the presence of smouldering lesions is particularly with MS is the reduction in neurotrophic factors68,69.
associated with the onset of progressive disease and This decreased neurotrophic support corresponds to a
with the accelerated accumulation of physical disability, decreased capacity for remyelination and to an overall
they have the potential to become an important imaging reduction in brain plasticity, which further compound
biomarker of progressive MS52. the effects of ageing and MS69.
Mitochondrion Lysosome
Fig. 1 | Cellular processes involved in inflammageing and immunosenescence. Increased energy demands in ageing
immune cells lead to mitochondrial swelling and failure. The damaged mitochondria release large amounts of cytotoxic
reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage other organelles as well as the cell’s own DNA , leading to functional
alterations. The damaged organelles are initially engulfed by autophagosomes, which merge with lysosomes to form
autophagolysosomes that digest and recycle their contents, a process termed autophagy. However, if autophagy becomes
overwhelmed, the cell either undergoes apoptosis or becomes senescent. Senescent cells exit the cell cycle and no longer
respond to pro-apoptotic signals. Accordingly , these cells increase in size, do not proliferate and show increased
production of cytokines and other products, which can damage neighbouring cells. These features are termed the
senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). ER , endoplasmic reticulum.
The limited lesion-repair capacity of elderly patients disease-modifying therapies have proved effective for
with MS is partly related to a lack of remyelination, preventing relapse, many have not demonstrated a con-
which is a factor requiring consideration in the devel- vincing reduction in the accrual of disability in indi-
opment of new therapies56,70. In an autopsy series, the viduals with progressive disease42,73. As a result, many
brains of patients with progressive MS had a higher investigators have concluded that different mechanisms
lesion load and were also much less likely to have remy- underlie RRMS and progressive MS42.
elinated lesions than were those of patients with RRMS71.
The authors suggest that the remyelination deficit is due MRI findings in MS and ageing
to widespread axonal degradation, which leaves only few MRI-derived evidence of MS pathology is an important
axons available for remyelination71. This study also con- tool not only in establishing the diagnosis but also in
firmed a previous report that documented the presence predicting and detecting disease progression and in eval-
of substantial inflammation in the brains of patients with uating responses to therapy74. The increasing utilization
MS50, even those with progressive MS71. Together with the of MRI has greatly contributed to understanding the
knowledge that BBB permeability is decreased in changes in MS pathology associated with increasing age
patients with progressive MS72, these findings suggest and with progressive MS. Here, we introduce some MRI
that disease activity remains compartmentalized behind features of MS that are particularly affected by ageing:
the BBB in progressive MS, which might present an lesion accumulation and detection; global, regional and
additional challenge for treatment. nuclei-specific brain atrophy; spinal cord pathology;
Finally, the well-established observation that immu- and the identification of comorbidities.
nomodulatory and anti-inflammatory therapies are The aforementioned increase in iron concentration
most effective in the early stages of RRMS42,55 sug- at the rim of slowly expanding lesions provides the basis
gests that mechanisms involved in early disease stages for lesion visualization on gradient-based susceptibility-
might not be as relevant in progressive MS42. Although weighted imaging (SWI) and quantitative susceptibility
T cell
receptor This measure explained a substantial proportion of the
variance in predictions of disability, even after con-
Activated B cell Activated trolling for brain atrophy and new or enlarging lesion
T cell activity79. Therefore, atrophied lesion volume has poten-
tial as a tool for assessing the severity of progressive MS
Plasma cell in the ageing population79.
Dendritic spine Lastly, the presence of a high burden of cortical
lesions (which occurs more frequently in progressive
MS than in RRMS or CIS) has been associated with a
high degree of physical and (especially) cognitive dis-
ability80,81. The visualization and quantification of cor-
tical lesions using either double-inversion recovery or
gradient-based sequences are useful to determine the
MS lesion burden82. Use of high-field-strength MRI
mapping75,76. Although visualization of the paramagnetic scanners and novel sequences is likely to further con-
lesion rims can be readily performed by 7 T scanners, tribute to understanding the overall process of lesion
only in the past few years have these findings been repli- development83. Meningeal lymphoid follicle-like struc-
cated using clinically available 3 T scanners77. MS-related tures can be detected in 25–50% of patients with MS
processes occurring behind the restored BBB can also (reviewed elsewhere) 84, although their prevalence
be imaged using ultra-small superparamagnetic iron is strongly influenced by the proportion of ageing
oxide particles taken up by circulating macrophages that patients and individuals with progressive MS in the
migrate to sites of inflammation78. study population81. These structures are thought to har-
Another potential imaging biomarker is atrophied bour autoreactive B cells, which could exacerbate local
lesion volume, which refers to the volume of periven- inflammation and cause cortical demyelination. These
tricular lesions (which are gradually replaced by cerebro- structures can be imaged as leptomeningeal contrast
spinal fluid (CSF) or other local atrophic changes)79. In enhancement foci. Multiple reports have corroborated
one study, the atrophied lesion volume on T2-weighted the finding of an increased prevalence of leptomenin-
MRI was higher in patients with progressive MS than in geal contrast-enhancing structures in older patients with
those with RRMS or clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)79. progressive MS85,86.
Ageing patients with MS also have a substantial and those with PPMS. In addition, atrophy within the
increase in diffuse brain atrophy87. Over the past two cerebellar VI, crus I and VIIIa lobules contributes to spe-
decades, the rate of brain atrophy in patients with cific features of motor and cognitive impairment101,102.
MS has been repeatedly shown to predict short-term, Although standardization and technical advances in
medium-term and long-term disability progression88. MRI hardware and software have made analyses of brain
Several longitudinal studies have attempted to identify atrophy clinically feasible at the group level, these neu-
a cut-off value to define the threshold between ‘physio- rodegenerative outcomes are still not informative at an
logical’ and ‘pathological’ brain atrophy rates, which is individual patient level88.
proposed to be 0.4% per year89. However, brain volume A large subgroup of patients with suspected MS
in humans undergoes substantial variation throughout present with spinal demyelinating lesions and substan-
life90. The loss of brain volume is thought to be ~0.2% tial spinal cord atrophy, a pathology associated not only
per year from early adulthood to mid-life, after which with increased risk of conversion to clinically definite
it gradually rises to ~0.5% per year at 60 years of age90. MS but also with long-term disability progression103. In
Given that the loss of brain volume in healthy elderly contrast to their lack of cranial findings, patients with
individuals exceeds the supposedly pathological rate of PPMS might present with diffuse spinal cord changes,
0.5% per year, attempts to further refine these cut-off which are associated with demyelination and axonal
values are futile90. loss104,105. Spinal cord atrophy can be demonstrated by
In addition to the effect of overall brain atrophy either measuring the cross-sectional area at the level of
on the outcomes of patients with MS, accumulat- specific anatomical markers (such as specific cervical
ing evidence has pinpointed cortical atrophy as the vertebrae) or by measuring the cord volume between
main driver of physical and cognitive disability 91,92. two spinal levels. Patients with progressive MS have both
Compared with individuals who have CIS or RRMS, a higher cervical cord lesion load and a lower cervical
patients with SPMS demonstrate more atrophy in cross-sectional cord area than those of patients with
grey matter but not in white matter92. Furthermore, RRMS, and both of these measures are independent
in longitudinal studies, patients with SPMS have up to contributors to increased levels of disability103. Patients
10-fold more grey matter atrophy than patients with with progressive MS also demonstrate marked atrophy
RRMS and up to 14-fold more grey matter atrophy of the spinal grey matter, which is strongly associated
than healthy age-matched and sex-matched controls91. with worse ambulation106. A longitudinal MRI study
Two independent studies employing component-based demonstrated that spinal cord volume loss is largely
and event-based analysis have found anatomically dis- independent of the cranial T2 lesion load and brain
tinct patterns of cortical atrophy in patients with MS. atrophy measures107. In this study, spinal cord atrophy
These patterns occur in a nonrandom manner that is was the only MRI-derived metric associated with both
at least partially driven by disease duration93,94. As in physical disability level and disease progression107. In a
Alzheimer disease (AD), understanding the tempo- separate study, spinal cord atrophy was the only inde-
ral and spatial progression of grey matter atrophy in pendent MRI measure that could identify patients with
patients with MS could lead to improvements in clini- onset of progressive MS108.
cal trial design and the development of individualized In ageing patients with MS, the gradual development
treatment, tailored to age and disease duration, for of age-associated immunosenescence precludes the use of
patients with MS95. inflammation-based MRI outcome measures, which
Measures related to specific brain areas might be do not provide adequate or sufficient responsiveness to
more appropriate than total brain measures. Central intervention. New MRI measures that perform consist-
grey matter structures such as the thalamus are espe- ently across multiple MS phenotypes are greatly needed
cially vulnerable to MS pathology owing to their expo- and currently lacking. Use of global and regional meas-
sure to CSF-borne neurotoxic factors96,97 and their role as ures (such as grey matter atrophy, thalamic volume loss
major sites of connection between afferent and efferent and expansion of the lateral ventricles) or composite
axons97,98. The results of a large, multicentre MRI study measures derived from several differentially affected
have corroborated the clinical importance of this vul- brain regions could ultimately serve as neurodegenerative
nerability to neurodegeneration in deep grey matter MRI end points in MS clinical trials.
structures99. Regardless of the clinical phenotype of MS,
deep grey matter had the fastest longitudinal atrophy Comorbidities
rate, and the loss of deep grey matter volume was the Ageing in patients with MS, as in the general population,
only measure of grey matter atrophy significantly asso- is accompanied by the development and accumulation of
ciated with disability accrual (P < 0.001)99. Lower deep comorbidities, which increase these individuals’ risk
grey matter volumes at baseline were strongly associated of both disability and death109. Moreover, some of the
with shorter times to progression of Expanded Disability comorbidities associated with ageing, such as cognitive
Status Scale (EDSS) scores99. Furthermore, another study decline, are also potential sequelae of MS. Identifying
showed that the thalamic atrophy rate remains consist- whether these features are due to MS or to normal ageing
ent throughout the entire MS disease course, making it can be a challenge.
a convenient MRI-based primary end point100. The total Several studies have examined the incidence and
cerebellar volume and cerebellar cortex volume are other prevalence of comorbidities associated with MS10,32,33,110.
potential MRI-based neurodegenerative outcome meas- All patients with MS are at an increased risk of devel-
ures that can be used in both ageing patients with MS oping mobility limitations, but this risk is particularly
Neurological and psychiatric disorders. Some data risk of comorbidities, particularly as these patients age,
suggest that the prevalence of other neurological disor- and to ensure that their comorbidities are managed
ders, such as epilepsy, is also increased in patients with appropriately.
MS32. The concurrence of psychiatric disorders, includ-
ing depression, and MS is well established. In a meta- Safety and efficacy in elderly patients. Because clin-
analysis, the risk of depression in patients with MS was ical trials of existing disease-modifying therapies for
estimated to be up to 23-fold higher than in the general MS have systematically excluded ageing patients, our
population32. However, long disease durations might knowledge of the safety and efficacy of these treatments
mitigate the strength of this association; older age125 in elderly populations is insufficient. In subgroup ana
and longer time from disease onset126 have been asso- lyses, however, fingolimod was not more effective than
ciated with less-severe depression in patients with MS, placebo in reducing the annualized relapse rate in
although other studies have reported little to no change patients >40 years of age149. Furthermore, when natali-
in patients’ depressive symptoms over time127,128. zumab was assessed for efficacy in patients with SPMS,
Little is understood about the association between the trial failed to meet its primary end point of reducing
MS and AD. Cognitive impairment affects individuals a multicomponent disability measure comprising the
with both diseases, although the clinical presentation of EDSS, Timed 25-Foot Walk Test150 and the Nine-Hole
cognitive impairment differs129. In MS, cognitive process- Peg Test151, although natalizumab did demonstrate effi-
ing speed is very commonly impaired, whereas in AD, cacy in reducing disease progression as assessed by the
episodic memory is typically most strongly affected129. Nine-Hole Peg Test alone152.
One study conducted in individuals with LOMS
Disease-modifying therapy examined the association between IFNβ treatment and
In late March 2019, two additional disease-modifying disability progression in patients with RRMS153. The
therapies (cladribine and siponimod) were approved in results showed no evidence of a reduction in disability
the United States for the treatment of RRMS and active in this cohort of older (aged ≥50 years) patients with MS
SPMS130,131. It will be critical to see how the utilization of exposed to IFNβ compared with historical controls153.
these therapies affects ageing individuals with MS. Of The researchers acknowledged several potential reasons
the 15 previously FDA-approved therapies for RRMS, for this negative finding. As previously described, ageing
14 remain on the market. By contrast, FDA approval patients with MS seem to have an inflammatory milieu
had previously been obtained for only one disease- different from that in their younger counterparts that
modifying therapy for PPMS (ocrelizumab) and only might not respond to immunomodulatory agents in the
one for SPMS (mitoxantrone)132. Therefore, few options same manner. Elderly patients with MS also often have
for disease-modifying therapies were available in indi- comorbidities that can affect the efficacy of disease-
viduals with progressive MS, who represent the majority modifying treatments. Finally, most studies are either
of patients with MS >65 years of age. The majority of too short or are not appropriately timed154 to capture
approved therapies for RRMS have failed to demonstrate either disease progression or disability accrual in elderly
efficacy in clinical trials as a treatment for progressive individuals, for whom MS is often not very active153.
MS. An apparent decrease in the effectiveness of disease- Taken together, these studies provide substantial evi-
modifying therapy in patients with progressive MS sug- dence suggesting that the role of the adaptive immune
gests that different pathobiological mechanisms might system in MS changes as individuals age.
come into play in the progressive stages of the disease. Studies of both approved155 and emerging147 disease-
Notably, the clinical trials of disease-modifying ther- modifying therapies have demonstrated slowing of
apies for RRMS were not designed to assess efficacy in disability progression in patients with progressive MS.
ageing patients. In fact, the pivotal clinical trials of the However, the participants in these trials were still fairly
most widely used disease-modifying therapies specifi- young. In the ocrelizumab study in PPMS, the upper
cally excluded individuals aged >45 years (glatiramer age limit for eligibility was 55 years155, and for the
acetate133), aged >50 years (IFNβ1b134, natalizumab135 siponimod study in SPMS it was 60 years147. Cladribine
and alemtuzumab136,137) and aged >55 years (IFNβ1a138,139, is an oral medication that has now been approved by
dimethyl fumarate140,141, fingolimod142,143 and terifluno- the FDA131 for the treatment of RRMS, and has already
mide144,145). A currently recruiting phase III study of ocre- been approved in the European Union and several other
lizumab in patients with progressive MS (including some countries. In post hoc analyses of cladribine trial data
with SPMS) will have the highest upper age limit used presented at the 2018 annual meetings of the European
thus far in MS clinical trials — 65 years of age146 (Table 1). Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple
Notably, clinical trials of siponimod, an oral selective Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) and the European Academy of
modulator of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors 1 and 5 Neurology (EAN), the medication was similarly effective
(S1P1 and S1P5, respectively), demonstrated a significant in younger and older patients with RRMS — defined as
reduction in disability progression among patients with age above and below 45 years of age, respectively, in the
SPMS147. This therapy has now been approved by the CLARITY study152 and above and below 50 years of age,
FDA for the treatment of CIS, RRMS and active SPMS131. respectively, in the other study153.
In patients with MS, the presence of comorbidities is Real-world data are needed from longitudinal MS
associated with a decreased likelihood of using disease- registries or prospective cohort studies to identify the
modifying therapy148. Therefore, it is important for clini- effects of disease-modifying therapies in elderly patients
cians to counsel patients with MS about their increased with MS. RCTs also typically exclude elderly patients with
MS who have comorbidities, for whom careful consid- to be most efficacious in young individuals with MS166,167.
eration of treatment options is very important. The fact The results of a large cohort study in patients with all
that elderly patients with progressive MS have a very phenotypes of MS (although ~78% had progressive MS)
low probability of relapse156 and decreased immune showed that each additional year of age was associated
activity51 should also be kept in mind. Therefore, studies with a 3% increase in the risk of neurological progression
designed to examine the efficacy of disease-modifying after autologous HSCT168. However, most studies of this
therapies in elderly patients with progressive MS should intervention in patients with MS have been conducted in
evaluate non-traditional markers of disease progression individuals with median ages of ~25–40 years, and very
and activity157–159. few patients aged >50 years have been included167,168.
Given the increasing prevalence of elderly individuals
Treatment discontinuation. Controversy has flared over with MS and the lack of data on the safety and efficacy
whether ageing patients with MS can safely discontinue of current disease-modifying therapies in the elderly MS
disease-modifying therapies after a certain age or disease population, further studies specific to this subgroup are
duration160,161. Data from real-world observational stud- both necessary and warranted. We are hopeful that the
ies in support of either continuation or discontinuation results of a large ongoing RCT that will assess therapy
are lacking, and experts consequently disagree on treat- discontinuation in adults ≥55 years of age will provide
ment recommendations for ageing patients with stable guidance on this very important issue169.
MS. Relapse frequency decreases substantially with age,
with the result that relapses are very infrequent among Additional considerations in elderly patients
patients with MS aged ≥60 years156,162,163. Some experts Wellness. A growing emphasis is being placed on life-
argue that an age ≥60 years represents an appropriate style strategies as a complement to traditional therapy
point to consider discontinuation of disease-modifying in patients with MS. One of the most frequently targeted
therapies, especially those with unfavourable safety pro- lifestyle factors is smoking. In addition to potentially
files160. In an observational study of patients with MS aged increasing the risk of developing MS, the literature con-
≥60 years, ~30% chose to discontinue disease-modify- sistently shows that smoking is associated with increased
ing therapies, most often at the recommendation of their disability and worse prognosis in patients with MS170.
provider163. In this population, only one relapse was doc- Conversion to SPMS is significantly accelerated in
umented, although ~10% of patients who discontinued patients who continue to smoke after diagnosis of MS
disease-modifying therapy chose to reinitiate it during versus those who quit (by 4.7% for each year of continued
follow-up163. However, in another observational study, smoking; P < 0.001)171. Other studies have documented
which had the advantage of a propensity-matched com- an increased risk of attaining disability milestones (EDSS
parison group who chose to continue disease-modifying scores 4.0 and 6.0) among smokers compared with either
therapies, the time to confirmed disability progression non-smokers or former smokers172,173.
was significantly shorter in the patients who discon- Another highly studied lifestyle behaviour that
tinued disease-modifying therapies than in those who has been evaluated in patients with MS is exercise.
continued to take them164. Routine exercise does seem to improve fatigue in these
In the absence of information from clinical trials patients170, but evidence is inconsistent with respect to
about the efficacy of disease-modifying therapy in elderly whether exercise slows either disease progression or
patients with MS, investigators have attempted to use cognitive impairment174,175. Despite this inconsistency,
existing data to characterize the relationship between exercise is clearly important and recommended for
drug efficacy and age. One meta-analysis determined that patients with MS by the US National Center on Health,
the efficacy of disease-modifying therapy showed a strong Physical Activity and Disability, even if only for the
inverse association with increasing age165. This meta- beneficial effects of reducing obesity and preventing
analysis of 38 clinical trials, involving all FDA-approved obesity-related comorbidities as these patients age170.
disease-modifying therapies, showed that age accounted Similarly inconsistent results have been documented
for almost 60% of the variation in slowing disability pro- for dietary interventions in patients with MS. Many dif-
gression for IFNβ clinical trials and >40% of the variation ferent types of diets have been evaluated in this popula-
in slowing disability progression for all disease-modifying tion, including the Mediterranean diet, so-called Paleo
therapies. In a linear regression model weighted for trial diets, low-sodium and low-fat diets and the Swank diet.
duration and sample size, adjustment for baseline EDSS To date, no substantial, consistent evidence favours one
scores did not significantly improve the fit of the model, specific diet over another. However, following a plant-
which predicted that no disease-modifying therapies were based, anti-inflammatory diet is helpful for promoting
effective beyond the age of ~53 years. Moreover, high- overall health and might help to minimize comorbid
efficacy drugs were superior to low-efficacy drugs in terms conditions and potentially other symptoms associated
of slowing MS disability progression only in patients with MS170. RCTs of dietary interventions in patients with
<40 years of age. MS are ongoing, and their results are expected to pro-
Also requiring consideration is the fact that a large vide additional evidence regarding this modifiable
proportion of elderly patients with MS still have RRMS, lifestyle behaviour176–178.
which is highly amenable to treatment. However, even Social support for ageing patients with MS is also
interventions that are highly effective against RRMS as extremely important. Qualitative studies have identified
well as progressive MS interventions, such as autologous social support and social engagement to be critical to
haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), seem healthy ageing in patients with MS179,180. On the whole,
blind, active-comparator RCT • Time to 6-month sustained disability • 376 assigned to alemtuzumab
accumulation • 187 assigned to IFNβ1a
identical phase III double- • OPERA II: 835 patients with RRMS
blind, active-comparator RCTs • 600 mg ocrelizumab every 24 weeks versus
44 μg IFNβ1a three times weekly
ORATORIO: phase III, Percentage of patients with disability • 732 patients with PPMS 55 years 155
efficacy and safety study evidence of progression • All patients assigned to 600 mg ocrelizumab
• Proportion of participants without every 24 weeks
evidence of progression for ≥24 weeks
and no active disease
Numbers of patients refer to the intention to treat (randomized) population, except where noted. CIS, clinically isolated syndrome; EDSS, Expanded Disability
Status Scale; MIU, million international units; MS, multiple sclerosis; PPMS, primary progressive MS; RCT, randomized controlled trial; RRMS, relapsing–remitting
MS; SPMS, secondary progressive MS. aPer-protocol population. bCurrently enrolling patients. cIncludes both SPMS and PPMS.
lifestyle behaviours are an important complement to differ from their younger counterparts in that they have
therapy in this population and can have a strong effect more neurodegeneration and less-effective neuronal
on quality of life as patients with MS age. repair processes. The specific pathobiology underlying
the weakening of repair processes in ageing patients
Cognition. Cognitive decline is a particular concern with MS is not well understood, but the reduced effi-
in ageing patients with MS as it can be a consequence cacy of disease-modifying treatment in this population
of both the disease and the normal ageing process. clearly indicates that prevention of neurodegeneration
Cognitive impairment eventually develops in as many and the accumulation of disability are of critical impor-
as 65% of patients with MS181. Furthermore, cognitive tance. To that end, well-designed studies are needed to
decline can become apparent early in the disease pro- understand the functioning of these repair processes
cess, potentially even before conversion from CIS to specifically in ageing individuals and to evaluate the
RRMS181. Interestingly, the rate of cognitive decline in efficacy and safety of treatments with neuroprotective
patients with MS does not accelerate with ageing182,183; and repair-based mechanisms (including remyelination)
in fact, studies of cognitive decline in patients with MS in elderly patients with MS. For those with stable dis-
show that, after controlling for age, the frequency of ease on existing disease-modifying therapy regimens,
MS-associated cognitive impairment stays roughly the the timing and appropriateness of discontinuing this
same throughout life183. The trial investigators suggested therapy must also be specifically evaluated.
that rapid cognitive decline in ageing patients with MS Future studies are also needed to address the comor-
should prompt an evaluation for comorbid neurologi- bidities that affect elderly patients with MS. Studies that
cal disease183. Good evidence suggests that cognitive evaluated symptomatic therapies for improving cogni-
reserve moderates the rate of cognitive decline in MS, tion in elderly patients with MS have largely reported
as it does in AD184,185. Cognitive training has shown negative results. For example, donepezil (a centrally
success in improving cognitive functioning, including acting reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitor used
motor tasks186, working memory187 and quality of life188, to treat cognitive dysfunction in patients with AD)
in patients with MS and should be encouraged for ageing was not effective in patients with MS189. Similarly, the
individuals with cognitive impairment. N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor inhibitor memantine
(which modestly improves cognition in patients with
Conclusions AD) did not improve cognitive function in patients
The data consistently show that patients with MS are with MS and had a particularly concerning safety pro-
living longer. However, ageing in this population comes file in this population190,191. Separately from medications,
with a multitude of concerns relating to the complex an emphasis should also be placed on promoting well-
interactions of the disease process with normal age- ness and improving quality of life for patients with MS,
ing, comorbidities and therapy (disease-modifying including social support and cognitive training.
regimens and symptomatic treatments or therapies for
comorbidities). In addition, ageing patients with MS Published online 18 April 2019
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