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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Angeles City
Senior High School Department
Sameera, Brgy. Sapalibutad, Angeles City


Lesson: Creative Representation of Literary Text

Background Information

▪ The word itself, sometimes spelled with a hyphen as multi-media, has been
used since 1962, from multi-, or "many," rooted in the Latin multus, "many or
much;" and media, the plural form of medium, or "system of
▪ It is a system of conveying information or entertainment that includes many
different forms of communication. It might include video, audio clips, and
still photographs.
▪ Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through
audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media (i.e., text,
graphics drawings, images).
▪ The field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of text,
graphics, drawings, still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and
any other media where every type of information can be represented,
stored, transmitted, and processed digitally.
▪ Multimedia can serve to shape the social context in which literary works
can be explored/experienced with others.
▪ This technology can be used as a springboard and around which roles and
discourse can be shaped. In other words, multimedia can play the role of
catalyst thereby stimulating interaction and an ambiance conducive to
collaboration and sharing experiences.

Multimedia Application
▪ It is an application which uses a collection of multiple media sources (text,
graphics, images, sound/audio, animation and/or video.)

The Most Common Multimedia Format that can be used to creatively interpret
various genres of literary text:

1 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

GRLLIS S.Y. 2022-2023
- In 1994, when blogs began, a blog was more of a personal diary that
people shared online. In this online journal, you could talk about your
daily life or share about things that you were doing. Then, people saw
an opportunity to communicate information in a new way online. Thus
began the beautiful world of blogging.
- A blog (a shortened version of “weblog”) is an online journal or
informational website displaying information in reverse chronological
order, with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform
where a writer or a group of writers share their views on an individual
- A website containing informational articles about a person’s own
opinions, interests, and experiences.
- The main purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience.
History of Blogging:
1994: First blog created by Justin Hall on
Hall created the first blog at, which contained “essentially a review of
HTML examples he came across from various online links,” according to HubSpot.
The term “blog” had not been coined; Hall referred to it as his personal

1997: The term “weblog” was coined by Jorn Barger

Other people followed in Hall’s example and shared their personal lives online.
Jorn Barger coined the term “weblog” to describe these sites; the term reflected
the process of “logging the web” as he browsed, according to Webdesigner

1998: Open Diary was launched

Open Diary introduced a community approach to blogging that allowed
members to comment on others’ work.

1999: Peter Morholz shortened “weblog” to “blog”

Morholz later headed up design at Groupon and OpenTable.

1999: Blogger was created by Evan Williams and Meg Hourihan

The blogging platform Blogger launched, opening up opportunities for people to
publish online. LiveJournal and Xanga followed in 1999 (Xanga originally began
as a social network but added blogging features in 2000).


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- Blogs are used to publish - A blog or a vlog is a very - Blogs are primarily used
content in written form, effective diary or journal for publishing videos.
and it includes graphics used by individuals, - Vlogs are mainly hosted
like gifs, pictures, etc., brands, and companies. on video platforms, such
along with texts. - Both blogging and as Vimeo, Facebook,
- Blogs are mostly hosted on vlogging are concerned Dailymotion, Joomla, etc.
websites, such as Blogger, with generating - The concept of vlogging
WordPress, Drupal, the maximum amount of started to be around the
Joomla, Tumblr, Weebly, traffic for a website (web internet in the year 2000,
Wix, etc. user who visit a but it only became
- Blogging began roughly in websites) or, promoting a famous in 2004 once
1990 when the internet business or a person. people were more
became more accessible - Both are very powerful inclined towards content
to the general public, but tools used by various in the video form.
it got popular around 2003 corporations in the field of - Hosting a vlog can be
and took a hike. marketing, but these are either inexpensive or free,
- Maintaining a blog is very also personal spaces for but the cost of buying a
cheap since we only have people who want to good camera, tripod, or
to pay the fees for web publish their thoughts in microphone, etc., might
hosting. But if you are not front of the entire world. be high.
buying a domain, then - We can easily stream an
you can host your blog for online event via a vlog
free as well. and help the creator gain
- An online event cannot be popularity among new
streamed via a blog. audiences much quicker.
- A blog receives a - A vlog receives a
comparatively lesser comparatively a greater
number of new and old number of visitors since it
visitors. has a much better reach.
- Content writing is required - One can create a great
for composing a readable vlog by using some good
and catchy blog. Apart phrases, interactive lines,
from this, the publisher picking relevant images,
must try inserting clever using the right facial
images that are expressions, and
appealing enough for a modulating the voice
reader so that they don’t according to the type of
click back. content to be published.

Examples of Blogs:

- A mind map is a graphical way to represent ideas and concepts. It is a
visual thinking tool that helps structuring information, helping you to

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better analyze, comprehend, synthesize, recall, and generate new
- It is an easy way to brainstorm thoughts organically without worrying
about order and structure.
- It is a diagram for representing tasks, words, concepts, or items linked to
and arranged around a central concept or subject using a non-linear
graphical layout that allows the user to build an intuitive framework
around a central concept.
- A Mind Map can turn a long list of monotonous information into a
colorful, memorable, and highly organized diagram that works in line
with your brain's natural way of doing things.
- It is a highly effective way of getting information in and out of your brain
- it is a creative and logical means of note-taking and note-making that
literally 'maps out' your ideas.
- All Mind Maps have some things in common. They have a natural
organizational structure that radiates from the center and use lines,
symbols, words, color, and images according to simple, brain-friendly


- It is a traditional Filipino poem. A particular example of this poem is a
tanaga (traditional tagalog form of poetry) that consists of 4 lines with
seven syllables, each with same rhyme at the end of each line. (DepEd
2013, 8)
- Textula is a poetry genre mastered by Frank Rivera.
- Entire poems are written and read on mobile phones.
- Text tula or Textula employs communication technology in the sharing
of tanaga.

- A slideshow, slide show, or slide presentation is pictures or pages of
information (slides), often displayed on a large screen using a
video projector. The first slide shows were done with pictures on pieces
of glass, to be later replaced by photographic film slides in the 1940s.
- As the technology improved, overhead projectors began being used to
project a picture on a screen. or today's presentations and showing
slides, a slide in a slide show is essentially a single screen of information,
able to display text, charts, and images.

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GRLLIS S.Y. 2022-2023
- A slide can also feature various transitions, which are added effects to
enhance the slide and provide different viewing styles. Transitions can
include words fading in or out of view, words sliding into view from the
left, right, top, or bottom of the slide, and others.
- Slide-based presentations are a popular choice for business meetings
due to the ease of creating each slide and the attention they can grab
from viewers when done correctly.
- Simple to complex designs can be created with Microsoft PowerPoint,
and the presentations can be built with as many slides as
necessary. Google Docs also offers a presentation application, allowing
multiple people to work on the presentation in a collaborative effort.
Other applications are also available for creating slides and
presentations, including applications from Adobe and IBM. After
completion, slide shows are usually shown on a projector or TV. Slide
shows can even be copied onto a DVD and played in a standard DVD
player instead of through a computer.

- A visual stylized arrangement of words or tags within a textual content
such as websites, articles, speeches, and databases.
- A tag cloud, also known as a word cloud, wordle, or weighted list, is a
visual representation of the most popular words (or tags) found in free-
form text.
- Tag clouds are a way of organizing content which helps users see what
the most common topics are. In a tag cloud typically the tags with the
largest font size are the ones which are used with the most
items. Smaller tags are associated with fewer items. Clicking on one of
the tags in the cloud will take you to all the content labelled with that
tag, meaning it is a quick way to see a lot of information on a topic.
- They are called clouds because the tags are often presented together
in a way that gives the group a shape similar to a cloud.

Online Tag Cloud Generators:

- It is an electronic device used to record, copy, playback, broadcast,
and display moving visual media (Lexico, 2020)

5 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

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- A video presentation is a popular format of multimedia content with a
duration of several seconds or minutes that shows the benefits of a
product, service, or any idea with the help of interesting graphic images,
concise text, and appropriate narration.

Why make a video presentation?

- Persuasive. Video presentations are better able to persuade their target
audience through audio-visual design, storytelling, bringing emotions,
ideas, and sounds into the mix.
- Better for information retention. Invisia reports that viewers retain 95% of
a message in video form, as compared to 10% when reading it in text.
Thus, educators often use video presentations within the framework of
the digital storytelling concept or when pre-installing new educational
- Accessible anytime, anywhere. People love to spend time on their
phones and tablets, and they prefer to browse videos on them.
Emarketer found that 75% of all videos are played on cell phones and
- Time efficient. Video presentations are meant to enable the maker to
break down the data into smaller, easily processable chunks. This allows
viewers to explore larger amounts of information quicker and easier.

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