Perdev 1

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Upper Cahilsot, Calumpang, General Santos City

Personal Development
S.Y. 2020-2021
Grade Eleven

Name: __________________________________________________________ Date Submitted: ___________

Week 1 Title of the Lesson:
Knowing Oneself

What I Need to Know?

Learning Objectives:

 Demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during middle and late adolescence.

 Share my unique characteristics, habits and experiences through symbols and shapes.
 Appreciate and value myself.

What I Know?

A. The Twenty Statement Survey

Instructions: Complete the 20-Statement Test. You are requested to refrain from thinking too much
about your answers. What is best is just to write down the first statements that come to your mind
to complete the sentence that begins with “I am.”

1. I am____________________________ 11. I am____________________________

2. I am____________________________ 12. I am____________________________

3. I am____________________________ 13. I am____________________________

4. I am____________________________ 14. I am____________________________

5. I am____________________________ 15. I am____________________________

6. I am____________________________ 16. I am____________________________

7. I am____________________________ 17. I am____________________________

8. I am____________________________ 18. I am____________________________

9. I am____________________________ 19. I am____________________________

10.I am____________________________ 20. I am____________________________

Answer the questions below.

1. How was your experience of answering the twenty questions?
2. Was it easy or difficult to come up with answers to each of the questions?


3. Were your answers spontaneous or more deliberate – that is, did you tend to really thin first
before writing your answer?


4. How do you feel about the kind of answers you placed in the mini survey?


What’s In?

Reflect Upon: What are your personal thought about the Covid19 Pandemic? How does the situation
change your way of living?


What’s New?

Activity 1: Draw inside the box symbols that best illustrates your thoughts and feelings. Then
answer the questions that follow.

Guide Questions:

1. How did you feel about the activity?

2. What symbols, figures, or drawings that best illustrate who you are? Why?

3. What do you think have influenced such traits or characters?


What Is It?

Discussion of Activity 1

The activity aims to gather some of your thoughts and feelings about who you are and how
you perceive yourself. This also aims to give you opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings
about yourself with your peers. In this activity, the concept of self-actualization will be introduced.

Self-actualization refers to achievement of your full potential through creativity,

independence, and an understanding of the real world. More so, these components require you to
pause and analyze what you think, feel and do. Thus, you were also encouraged to use your journal
and reflect on some questions about who you are. Introspection, or your ability to reflect on your
own thoughts, feelings and actions, is essential in understanding and improving yourself. Aside
from your self-assessment, you have to listen and accept positively the feedback you get from
others, as well as their opinions about you.

 Defining the Concept of Self

Self is the union of elements, namely: body, thoughts, feelings, or emotions and sensations that
constitute the individuality and identity of a person.

Body – constitutes the physical attributes, your health, and your posture and poise

Thoughts – the way you think, and how you perceive things around you affect how you feel about
them and bring about sensations

Emotions and sensations – brought by the experiences that prompt you to act and behave the way
you do

Remember, the union of these three make up your character or personality.

 Identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses

Being aware of what you look, think, feel, and act helps you to know more about yourself. You
gather more information about yourself when you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Strengths - You are more empowered to do developmental tasks.

a. The capacity to establish mature relationships with others and emotional

b. The ability to demonstrate responsible behaviours.
c. You are equipped with skills essential in making wise decisions in life.
d. Be able to analyze complex situations logically and sensibly.
e. You can be more confident in doing your tasks and become more competent in achieving
your goals.
Weaknesses - it gives you the opportunity to know your limitations and boundaries. You can
identify situations where you have to say no.

Becoming more aware of your weaknesses is not the end goal of self-development; it is the starting

a. Find ways to enhance your capabilities.

b. Develop knowledge and skills through better study habits.
c. Develop positive attitudes in dealing with life’s challenges.

 Self-concept and Self-esteem

• It is our cognition to ourselves, what we think and know about our identity, personality, and
• It requires a lot of self-evaluation and reflection to be able to say that your self-concept is high.
• The way you feel about yourself, or how you rate yourself is called self-esteem. Self-esteem is to do
with accepting yourself, feeling confident, and liking yourself.
• It is our attitude towards ourselves.
• Everyone’s feelings about themselves can change from day to day, and are affected
by many different situations and events.
• Nobody feels good about themselves all the time.
• People sometimes respond differently to the same event — how we feel about
ourselves is partly affected by the expectations we have of ourselves.

What’s More?

Enrichment Activities: A. My Strengths

Below are some personal strengths that are divided up into the five broad ‘selfcontexts’ that are
often used by young people. They may or may not be appropriate for you.

1. Encircle any of the strengths that may be appropriate for you.

2. Then add some of your own strengths in each area.

Social Interests/sports
I am a caring friend I play a sport
I listen when others have a problem I work well in a team
I get along with others I have a hobby/interest
I have friends I can rely on I like to be creative
I do fun things with others I enjoy listening to music
Family School
I help around the house I try to do my best
I try to get along with my family I have a subject I enjoy
I help look after a pet I contribute in class
I enjoy learning new things
I am involved in school activities
Personal Characteristics
I am not afraid to ask for help
I listen to other people’s opinions
I try to think about others’ feelings
I have a sense of humour
I try to finish things that I start

Key message!
Remind yourself, ‘I am an OK person.
I do have strengths’. It’s true!
B. Self-esteem — My Self Star Rating
Over the next week, use the Self Star Rating to take regular ratings of your self-esteem. Pay
attention to how your star ratings change. In particular, write down the things that help you to
feel good over the next week.

On a scale of 0 to 10 rate your self-esteem or how you feel about yourself today.

Feel very Feel OK Feel very

unhappy with happy with
with myself myself and
and totally confident
lacking about things

Self-Star Ratings What helped me feel good








Question: Do your emotions change from time to time? Why do you say so?


What I Have Learned?

The Importance of Valuing One’s Self

1. What are your strengths? Weaknesses? How are you going to affirm your strengths? How are you
going value or appreciate yourself despite of your weaknesses?


2. Of the five self-esteem contexts — social, school, family, personal characteristics and
interests/sports — which are the most important to you and why?
3. Write down two or three things that you believe are most important for building self-esteem.


What I Can Do?

Application: Self-analysis. Read the situation below.

1. Your friends start calling you names, sending you nasty text messages and forcing you to
give them things. You don’t feel good when these things happen. What should you do?

2. Your older sister or brother keeps hitting and kicking you when nobody is looking and tells
you that if you tell anyone she / he will just hurt you more. What should you do?

3. Your classmates are calling you names (ugly, fat, etc.). You already talked about this to your
adviser and they are reprimanded. However, they still continued what they are doing. What
will you do so that your self-esteem will not be affected?


Post Assessment

Read and answer the questions below. (5 points each)

1. What is the importance of understanding oneself?





2. In what ways can you become more aware of yourself?





3. How does self-awareness help boost your self-confidence?





4. Who are you?





Additional Activities

Additional Activites:

Journal Writing No. 1. Write a journal entry about how you have come to know yourself better and
how you expect this to help you become a better person.

Focus Question: How can knowing oneself make someone a better person?

Journal Writing No. 1























Prepared by:

Jowena S. Migue
Subject Teacher

Personal Development by Myreen P. Cleofe
Personal Development by Aida Maria H. Perez

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