Types of Research
Types of Research
Types of Research
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In this article, we discuss 19 types of research and we provide you with examples so you can
choose the methodology that works best for your goals.
Key takeaways:
Research begins by asking the right questions and choosing an appropriate method to
investigate the problem.
Research methods are classi몭ed based on di몭erent criteria, such as general category, nature
of the study, the purpose of the study and research design.
Di몭erent types of research studies are useful across industries and 몭elds, including:
Types of research
Fundamental and applied research are the two main research categories. Most research types
can be traced back to being fundamental or applied, depending on the study's goals.
Fundamental research
Fundamental, also known as basic or theoretical, research is designed to help researchers
better understand certain phenomena in the world. It looks at how things work but does not
seek to 몭nd how to make them work better. This research attempts to broaden your
understanding and expand scienti몭c theories and explanations.
Example: A company studies how di몭erent product placements a몭ect product sales. This study
provides information and is knowledge-based.
Related: 20 Types of Research Design You Can Use For Your Research
Applied research
Applied research is designed to identify solutions to speci몭c problems or 몭nd answers to
particular questions. It o몭ers knowledge that is applicable and implementable.
Scienti몭c: This research measures certain variables to predict behaviors, outcomes and
1. Action research
Action research refers to examining actions, assessing their e몭ectiveness in bringing about
the desired outcome and choosing a course of action based on those results. It is typically used
in educational settings for teachers and principals to perform a type of self-assessment and
course correction.
Example: A teacher collects data about their methods of teaching 몭fth-grade math. At the end
of the 몭rst school quarter, they discovered only 33% of students demonstrated pro몭ciency in
the concepts. As a result, the teacher implements new methods for the second quarter.
2. Causal research
Causal research, also called explanatory research, seeks to determine cause and e몭ect
relationships between variables. It identi몭es how much one variable may cause a change in the
other. Causal research is important for evaluating current processes and procedures and
determining if and how changes should take place.
Example: A business studies employee retention rates before and after instituting a work-from-
home policy after six months of employment to see if the approach increases employee
Read more: What Is Causal Research? (With Examples, Bene몭ts and Tips)
3. Classi몭cation research
Classi몭cation research seeks to identify and classify individual elements of a group into larger
groups or subgroups.
Example: Researchers study an animal species, placing them in de몭ned categories based on
shared characteristics, such as:
Body segmentation
Type of habitat
Reproductive methods
4. Comparative research
Comparative research identi몭es similarities and di몭erences between two individuals, subjects
or groups.
Example: A business owner reviews new hire training documentation and discovers that new
employees receive much of the same information at orientation and in their initial
departmental training. The owner incorporates materials into one session to allow more time
for department-speci몭c training.
5. Cross-sectional research
Cross-sectional, or synchronous, research studies a group or subgroup at one point in time.
Participants are generally chosen based on speci몭c shared characteristics, such as age, gender
or income, and researchers examine the similarities and di몭erences within and between
groups. The group is often used as a representation of a larger population.
Example: A company researches the sales techniques of its top 10% of salespeople and
compares them to those of its bottom 10%. This gives the company insights into the most
successful and least successful sales methods.
6. Deductive research
Deductive, or theory-testing, research is the opposite of inductive research and moves from the
broad to the speci몭c. Researchers choose a hypothesis and test its accuracy through
experimentation or observation.
7. Exploratory research
Exploratory research examines what is already known about a topic and what additional
information may be relevant. It rarely answers a speci몭c question but instead presents the
foundational knowledge of a subject as a precursor to further research. Often, exploratory
research is applied to lesser-known issues and phenomena.
Example: You may consider what is currently known about the success of yearlong maternity
and paternity leave programs. Your research includes gathering all relevant information and
compiling it in an accessible format that wasn't available previously. Your 몭ndings may reveal
gaps in knowledge, leading to additional studies in the future.
8. Field research
Field research occurs wherever the participants or subjects are or "on location." This type of
research requires onsite observation and data collection.
Example: A manufacturing plant hires an environmental engineering 몭rm to test the air quality
at the plant to ensure it complies with federal health and safety requirements. The researchers
travel to the plant to collect samples.
9. Fixed research
Fixed research involves procedures determined ahead of time, such as how often testing will
take place, where it will take place, the number of subjects and their types. The research
depends on precise conditions and compliance with predetermined protocols to reduce
variables. Experimentation is often 몭xed research.
Example: A researcher wants to test how di몭erent labels a몭ect consumers' ratings of a sports
drink. Participants are given the same drink with various labels at the same time and take a
survey about taste and overall impressions. The timing of providing each drink and the
subsequent surveys are critical to the study's validity.
Case studies: Case studies are in-depth analyses and observations about a speci몭c individual
or subject.
Grounded theory studies: Grounded theory studies are designed to develop theories based
on carefully collected and analyzed data.
Example: A physician uses a case study methodology to follow a patient through symptoms,
treatment and recovery.
Example: A researcher examines if and how employee satisfaction changes in the same
employees after one year, three years and 몭ve years with the same company.
Policy researchers often work within government agencies and conduct the following types of
Cost analysis
Cost-bene몭t analysis
Program evaluation
Needs analysis
Example: An agency may research how a policy for vaccine distribution will a몭ect residents in
rural areas. The outcome may change where the government sets up free shot clinics.
Focus groups
Participant comments
Example: A marketing organization presents a new commercial to a focus group before airing it
publicly to receive feedback. The company collects non-numerical data—the opinions of the
focus group participants—to make decisions.
Survey research
Descriptive research
Correlational research
Example: A car manufacturer compares the number of sales of red sedans compared to white
sedans. The research uses objective data—the sales 몭gures for red and white sedans—to draw
Clear objective: You need to know what information you're seeking. A good research
question will be precise, applicable and valuable. This indicates that you can fully address the
issue without bias or prejudgment.
Time availability: Make sure you have the time to study the issue, collect data and analyze
your 몭ndings.
Related: What Are the Steps of the Research Process? (Plus Tips)
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