Reading Day 15 - Cam 17 Test 4
Reading Day 15 - Cam 17 Test 4
Reading Day 15 - Cam 17 Test 4
There are few places in the world where relations between agriculture and conservation
are more strained. Madagascar’s forests are being converted to agricultural land at a
rate of one percent every year. Much of this destruction is fuelled by the cultivation of
the country’s main staple crop: rice. And a key reason for this destruction is that insect
pests are destroying vast quantities of what is grown by local subsistence farmers,
leading them to clear forest to create new paddy fields. The result is devastating habitat
and biodiversity loss on the island, but not all species are suffering. In fact, some of the
island’s insectivorous bats are currently thriving and this has important implications for
farmers and conservationists alike.
Bats comprise roughly one-fifth of all mammal species in Madagascar and thirty-six
recorded bat species are native to the island, making it one of the most important
regions for conservation of this animal group anywhere in the world.
The study, now published in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, set
out to investigate the feeding activity of insectivorous bats in the farmland bordering the
Ranomafana National Park in the southeast of the country.
Rocha and his team used state-of-the-art ultrasonic recorders to record over a thousand
bat ‘feeling buzzes’ (echolocation sequences used by bats to target their prey) at 54
sites, in order to identify the favourite feeding spots of the bats. The next used DNA
barcoding techniques to analyse droppings collected from bats at the different sites.
The recordings revealed that bat activity over rice fields was much higher than it was in
continuous forest – seven times higher over rice fields which were on flat ground, and
sixteen times higher over fields on the sides of hills – leaving no doubt that the animals
are preferentially foraging in these man-made ecosystems. The researchers suggest
that the bats favour these fields because lack of water and nutrient run-off make these
crops more susceptible to insect pest infestations. DNA analysis showed that all six
species of bat had fed on economically important insect pests. While the findings
indicated that rice farming benefits most from the bats, the scientists also found
indications that the bats were consuming pests of other crops, including the black twig
borer (which infests coffee plants), the sugarcane cicada, the macadamia nut-borer, and
the sober tabby (a pest of citrus fruits).
‘The effectiveness of bats as pest controllers has already been proven in the USA and
Catalonia,’ said co-author James Kemp, from the University of Lisbon. ‘But our study is
the first to show this happening in Madagascar, where the stakes for both farmers and
conservationists are so high.’
Local people may have a further reason to be grateful to their bats. While the animal is
often associated with spreading disease, Rocha and his team found evidence that
Malagasy bats feed not just on crop pests but also on mosquitoes – carriers of malaria,
Rift Valley fever virus and elephantiasis – as well as blackflies, which spread river
Rocha points out that the relationship is complicated. When food is scarce, bats
become a crucial source of protein for local people. Even the children will hunt them.
And as well as roosting in trees, the bats sometimes roost in buildings, but are not
welcomed there because they make them unclean. At the same time, however, they are
associated with sacred caves and the ancestors, so they can be viewed as beings
between worlds, which makes them very significant in the culture of the people. And
one potential problem is that while these bats are benefiting from farming, at the same
time deforestation is reducing the places where they can roost, which could have long-
term effects on their numbers. Rocha says, ‘With the right help, we hope that farmers
can promote this mutually beneficial relationship by installing bat houses.’
Rocha and his colleagues believe that maximising bat populations can help to boost
crop yields and promote sustainable livelihoods. The team is now calling for further
research to quantify this contribution. ‘I’m very optimistic,’ says Rocha. ‘If we give nature
a hand, we can speed up the process of regeneration.’
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
1 Many Madagascan forests are being destroyed by attacks from insects. FALSE
3 Ricardo Rocha has carried out studies of bats in different parts of the world. Not
4 Habitat modification has resulted in indigenous bats in Madagascar becoming
useful to farmers. true
5 The Malagasy mouse-eared bat is more common than other indigenous bat species
in Madagascar. Not given
6 Bats may feed on paddy swarming caterpillars and grass webworms. TRUE
Questions 7-13
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26 which are based on Reading
Passage 2 below.
Over the last decade, a huge database about the lives of southwest German villagers
between 1600 and 1900 has been compiled by a team led by Professor Sheilagh
Ogilvie at Cambridge University’s Faculty of Economics. It includes court records, guild
ledgers, parish registers, village censuses, tax lists and – the most recent addition –
9,000 handwritten inventories listing over a million personal possessions belonging to
ordinary women and men across three centuries. Ogilvie, who discovered the
inventories in the archives of two German communities 30 years ago, believes they may
hold the answer to a conundrum that has long puzzled economists: the lack of evidence
for a causal link between education and a country’s economic growth.
In the handwritten inventories that Ogilvie is analysing are the belongings of women and
men at marriage, remarriage and death. From badger skins to Bibles, sewing machines
to scarlet bodices – the villagers’ entire worldly goods are included. Inventories of
agricultural equipment and craft tools reveal economic activities; ownership of books
and education-related objects like pens and slates suggests how people learned. In
addition, the tax lists included in the database record the value of farms, workshops,
assets and debts; signatures and people’s estimates of their age indicate literacy and
numeracy levels; and court records reveal obstacles (such as the activities of the
guilds*) that stifled industry.
Previous studies usually had just one way of linking education with economic growth –
the presence of schools and printing presses, perhaps, or school enrolment, or the
ability to sign names. According to Ogilvie, the database provides multiple indicators for
the same individuals, making it possible to analyse links between literacy, numeracy,
wealth, and industriousness, for individual women and men over the long term.
Ogilvie and her team have been building the vast database of material possessions on
top of their full demographic reconstruction of the people who lived in these two German
communities. ‘We can follow the same people – and their descendants – across 300
years of educational and economic change,’ she says. Individual lives have unfolded
before their eyes. Stories like that of the 24-year-olds Ana Regina and Magdalena
Riethmüllerin, who were chastised in 1707 for reading books in church instead of
listening to the sermon. ‘This tells us they were continuing to develop their reading skills
at least a decade after leaving school,’ explains Ogilvie. The database also reveals the
case of Juliana Schweickherdt, a 50-year-old spinster living in the small Black Forest
community of Wildberg, who was reprimanded in 1752 by the local weavers’ guild for
‘weaving cloth and combing wool, counter to the guide ordinance’. When Juliana
continued taking jobs reserved for male guild members, she was summoned before the
guild court and told to pay a fine equivalent to one third of a servant’s annual wage. It
was a small act of defiance by today’s standards, but it reflects a time when laws in
Germany and elsewhere regulated people’s access to labour markets. The dominance
of guilds not only prevented people from using their skills, but also held back even the
simplest industrial innovation.
The data-gathering phase of the project has been completed and now, according to
Ogilvie, it is time ‘to ask the big questions’. One way to look at whether education
causes economic growth is to ‘hold wealth constant’. This involves following the lives of
different people with the same level of wealth over a period of time. If wealth is constant,
it is possible to discover whether education was, for example, linked to the cultivation of
new crops, or to the adoption of industrial innovations like sewing machines. The team
will also ask what aspect of education helped people engage more with productive and
innovative activities. Was it, for instance, literacy, numeracy, book ownership, years of
schooling? Was there a threshold level – a tipping point – that needed to be reached to
affect economic performance?
Ogilvie hopes to start finding answers to these questions over the next few years. One
thing is already clear, she says: the relationship between education and economic
growth is far from straightforward. ‘German-speaking central Europe is an excellent
laboratory for testing theories of economic growth,’ she explains. Between 1600 and
1900, literacy rates and book ownership were high and yet the region remained poor. It
was also the case that local guilds and merchant associations were extremely powerful
and legislated against anything that undermined their monopolies. In villages throughout
the region, guilds blocked labour migration and resisted changes that might reduce their
‘Early findings suggest that the potential benefits of education for the economy can be
held back by other barriers, and this has implications for today,’ says Ogilvie. ‘Huge
amounts are spent improving education in developing countries, but this spending can
fail to deliver economic growth if restrictions block people – especially women and the
poor – from using their education in economically productive ways. If economic
institutions are poorly set up, for instance, education can’t lead to growth.’
Questions 14-18
Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A-F.
17 a reference to a region being particularly suited to research into the link between
education and economic growth F
Questions 19-22
The database that Ogilvie and her team has compiled sheds light on the lives of a range
of individuals, as well as those of their 19 ……descidants……………, over a 300-year
period. For example, Ana Regina and Magdalena Riethmüllerin were reprimanded for
reading while they should have been paying attention to a 20 ……sermon…………… .
There was also Juliana Schweickherdt, who came to the notice of the weavers’ guild in
the year 1752 for breaking guild rules. As a punishment, she was later given a 21 ……
fine…………… . Cases like this illustrate how the guilds could prevent 22 ……
innovaton…………… and stop skilled people from working
Questions 23 and 24
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of the following statements does the writer make about literacy rates in
Section B?
A Very little research has been done into the link between high literacy rates
and improved earnings.
B Literacy rates in Germany between 1600 and 1900 were very good.
C There is strong evidence that high literacy rates in the modern world result in
economic growth.
Questions 25 and 26
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of the following statements does the writer make in Section F about guilds
in German-speaking Central Europe between 1600 and 1900?
C They kept better records than guilds in other parts of the world.
D They opposed practices that threatened their control over a trade.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40 which are based on Reading
Passage 3 below.
Next month, a chess player named Timur Gareyev will take on nearly 50 opponents at
once. But that is not the hard part. While his challengers will play the games as normal,
Gareyev himself will be blindfolded. Even by world record standards, it sets a high bar
for human performance. The 28-year-old already stands out in the rarefied world of
blindfold chess. He has a fondness for bright clothes and unusual hairstyles, and he
gets his kicks from the adventure sport of BASE jumping. He has already proved
himself a strong chess player, too. In a 10-hour chess marathon in 2013, Gareyev
played 33 games in his head simultaneously. He won 29 and lost none. The skill has
become his brand: he calls himself the Blindfold King.
But Gareyev’s prowess has drawn interest from beyond the chess-playing community.
In the hope of understanding how he and others like him can perform such mental feats,
researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA) called him in for tests.
They now have their first results. ‘The ability to play a game of chess with your eyes
closed is not a far reach for most accomplished player,’ said Jesse Rissman, who runs
a memory lab at UCLA. ‘But the thing that’s so remarkable about Timur and a few other
individuals is the number of games they can keep active at once. To me it is simply
Gareyev learned to play chess in his native Uzbekistan when he was six years old.
Tutored by his grandfather, he entered his first tournament aged eight and soon
became obsessed with competitions. At 16, he was crowned Asia’s youngest ever
chess grandmaster. He moved to the US soon after, and as a student helped his
university win its first national chess championship. In 2013, Gareyev was ranked the
third best chess player in the US.
To the uninitiated, blindfold chess seems to call for superhuman skill. But displays of the
feat go back centuries. The first recorded game in Europe was played in 13th-century
Florence. In 1947, the Argentinian grandmaster Miguel Najdorf played 45 simultaneous
games in his mind, winning 39 in the 24-hour session.
Accomplished players can develop the skill of playing blind even without realising it. The
nature of the game is to run through possible moves in the mind to see how they play
out. From this, regular players develop a memory for the patterns the pieces make, the
defences and attacks. ‘You recreate it in your mind,’ said Gareyev. ‘A lot of players are
capable of doing what I’m doing.’ The real mental challenge comes from playing
multiple games at once in the head. Not only must the positions of each piece on every
board be memorised, they must be recalled faithfully when needed, updated with each
player’s moves, and then reliably stored again, so the brain can move on to the next
board. First moves can be tough to remember because they are fairly uninteresting. But
the ends of games are taxing too, as exhaustion sets in. When Gareyev is tired, his
recall can get patchy. He sometimes makes moves based on only a fragmented
memory of the pieces’ positions.
The scientists first had Gareyev perform some standard memory tests. These assessed
his ability to hold numbers, pictures and words in mind. One classic test measures how
many numbers a person can repeat, both forwards and backwards, soon after hearing
them. Most people manage about seven. ‘He was not exceptional on any of these
standard tests,’ said Rissman. ‘We didn’t find anything other than playing chess that he
seems to be supremely gifted at.’ But next came the brain scans. With Gareyev lying
down in the machine, Rissman looked at how well connected the various regions of the
chess player’s brain were. Though the results are tentative and as yet unpublished, the
scans found much greater than average communication between parts of Gareyev’s
brain that make up what is called the frontoparietal control network. Of 63 people
scanned alongside the chess player, only one or two scored more highly on the
measure. ‘You use this network in almost any complex task. It helps you to allocate
attention, keep rules in mind, and work out whether you should be responding or not,’
said Rissman.
It was not the only hint of something special in Gareyev’s brain. The scans also suggest
that Gareyev’s visual network is more highly connected to other brain parts than usual.
Initial results suggest that the areas of his brain that process visual images – such as
chess boards – may have stronger links to other brain regions, and so be more powerful
than normal. While the analyses are not finalised yet, they may hold the first clues to
Gareyev’s extraordinary ability.
For the world record attempt, Gareyev hopes to play 47 blindfold games at once in
about 16 hours. He will need to win 80% to claim the title. ‘I don’t worry too much about
the winning percentage, that’s never been an issue for me,’ he said. ‘The most
important part of blindfold chess for me is that I have found the one thing that I can fully
dedicate myself to. I miss having an obsession.’
Questions 27-32
Questions 33-36
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
35 UCLA is the first university to carry out research into blindfold chess players. Not
36 Good chess players are likely to be able to play blindfold chess. true
Questions 37-40