T Test For Independent Samples
T Test For Independent Samples
T Test For Independent Samples
sru npl e me ans wh en the two sam ple s are ind epe nde nt of
one a.ii. oth er.
2 · Th e no n-i nd epe nd ent or dep en den t t-te st wh ,ich is use d
for ma tch ed sam ple s (wh ere the two sam ple s ·a re not
ind epe nd ent of one ano the r as the y are ma tch ed) and for
pre -te st/ po st- tes t com par iso ns wh ere the pre -te st and
po st- tes t are tak en on the sam e gro up of sub jec ts.
The formu la .. th .
ior e indep enden t t-test is:
Wher e:
ss :l - I x:i :i - , I xa-1 :i
We can see that each sum of squa res is the sum of the
squa red scor es in the sam ple min us the sum of the scor es
quan tity squa red divid ed by the size of the sam ple (n).
We also need to kno w the deg rees of free dom for the
inde pen den t t-tes t whi ch is:
d/ -n1 +~ -2
2. Determine Degrees of Freedom (df). Use the associated
df from the test you 1?-ave chosen for your business
problem. The basic rule is that for each sample there will
be n- l degrees of freedom . For instance, in a test of two
means where there are 2 samples used, the df becomes
nl + n2 - 2 (which is the same as (nl - 1) + (n2 - I)).
3. Locate df in Table. The ·f irst column of the t-table lists
df. Locate the df from step 2, if that number of df is not in
the table - round DOWN to the next nearest number.
- 55 8 37 - 60 062 5
- 5 58 37 - 54 60 2.2 7
- 12 34 . 73
ss2 = I x2 2- t I x~ 2
ss2 - 40 98 2 - t 66 2 )~
- 40 98 2 - 43 82 44
- 40 98 2 - 39 84 0.3 6
- 11 41 .6 4
X 1 - 77 5 ::,: 70 .4 5
x2 _ 66 2 - 60 .1 s
t - 70 .4 5 - 60 .1 8
[1 23 4. 73 + 11 41 .6 4
11 + 11 -2
J[1 1J
- 70 .4 5 - 60 .1 8
✓[23726037 J [.182 J
- 10 .2 7
J (1 18 .82 ) (.1 82 )
- 10 .2 7
4. 65 0
- 2. 20 9
. IADL t t; .
Cri~ica-1Values of Student's ·I DistribuUota ·
s ,,,.,
13 :
14- -
19". -
20 :✓
Hypothesis (Ha):
('t'n two
There is no significant differenc e In th e job sa t lsfc1c::t io 11 bPlW
groups of workers.
= 20
Decision rule:
al value
If the computed or calculated value is greater than the critic
(cv), reject null hypothesis (Ho) .
Since the calculated value of 2.209 is grea ter than the t-cri tico/ valu e
2.086 at .05 level of sign ificance with 20 degrees of free dom the null
hypothesis is rejected, which means that there is significant differenc
in the job satisfaction between the night shift and day shift system.