Airbnb Course Guidebook

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Airbnb Arbitrage Course

By Airbnb Empire
Module 1: Course
Introduction &
I. How To Get The Most Out of This Course

II. Effective Goals Structure

III. Take Inventory

IV. Things You Will Need

How To Get The Most Out of This Course

I. Top Three Action Steps C. Numbers keep things simple and they
make it real and believable.
A. Decide what you want your life to look

B. Make the commitment to never settle for

an average life.

C. Take a lot of notes and apply what you


II. Set A Definite & Measurable Goal

A. Define what success looks like for you.

B. Do you want to make $1,000? $10,000

per month? $100K?

C. Automated business, owner operator

model, massive growth, etc.

D. 1979 Harvard School of Business study

showed that just writing your goal can
lead to success.

III. Simplify Your Goal

A. How many properties do you need to hit

your goal?

B. What type of properties will align with

your strategy? Luxury, apartments, sin-
gle family homes, etc.

Effective Goal Structure

I. Goal Timelines

A. Set Immediate Goals

B. Short Term Goals

C. Long Term Goals.

D. Design your ideal life.

II. Goal Framing

A. Frame goal in positive give your brain a

target. Framing in the negative doesn’t
provide something to aim at.

III. Goal Suitability

A. Be pragmatic (not optimistic or pessimis-


B. Delusional belief in yourself but prag-

matic strategy based on facts.

Take Inventory of Current Assets And Liabilities

I. Assets & Liabilities

A. You’re not starting from nothing.

B. Take inventory of where you currently

stand financially.

C. Assets aren’t just financial. You have

skills, expertise, work experience, etc.

II. Leverage Your Network

A. Take inventory of your current network.

B. People you may know:

1. Photographer, Real Estate Agent,

Property Manager, Attorney, Account-
ant, Designer, Handy Man, Web De-
signer, etc.

Things You Will Need

I. Essential Items For Getting Started

A. Tools for taking notes

B. Phone

C. Computer and reliable internet

D. Bank account

E. SSN or TIN (SSN for businesses)

F. Start up capital

1. $2,000 - $3,000 is ideal to get


Module 2: Starting
Your Business
I. Setting Up Your Airbnb Account

II. Why Form A Business (legal entity)

III. Choosing Your Business Type

IV. Business Standards and Practices

Setting Up Your Airbnb Account

I. Setting Up Your Account

A. Create profile on the Airbnb app.

1. Learn about hosting.

2. Click “Get Started”.

a) Follow the steps

II. Insurance

A. Host protection insurance

1. $1,000,000 protection

2. Free for every booking and all that

happens during stay

3. Covers property damage

4. lawsuits, injury, etc

5. NOT covered:

a) Damage from pollution or mold

b) Loss of earnings

c) And injury that wasn’t done acci-


Why Form A Business (legal entity)

I. Benefits of Legal Entities

A. Liability protection (lawsuit, injury, etc.)

B. Favorable taxation (business expenses,

distributions, etc.)

C. More opportunities (corporate accounts,

business financing, business products,

D. Much easier to sell (all assets are under

one business)

Choosing Your Busines Type

I. Sole Proprietorship IV. *Limited Liability Company (LLC)*

A. Operating as an individual with a Doing A. Offers most favorable taxation (pass

Business As (DBA). through) along with simplicity.

B. Doesn’t provide liability protection. B. Provides liability protection.

C. Pass through taxation. C. Allows you to sell the business.

D. Much easier to originate and keep in

good standing.
II. Corporation

A. Better for IPO, Selling, Large Complex

Companies, International Companies,

B. Complex bylaws and operating proce-


C. Double taxation at corporate level.

III. S-Corp

A. Versatile tax status (but requires much

more complexity).

B. Better for larger companies.

C. Great for numerous shareholders.

Business Standards and Practices

I. Forming Your Business

A. Use Legal Zoom for cheap origination III. Setting Up Business Bank Account
and use an attorney for a more hands off
A. Tax ID Number (TIN)
B. Business address
1. Mailing Address
C. Operating Agreement or Article of Incor-
2. Phone number
3. Email address
D. Small deposit
4. Registered agent Services

5. Consulting Services and legal advice

IV. Book Keeping

A. Hire It Out (100-200 per month)

II. Keep Business In Business Good Stand-
B. Software:
a) Quickbooks Self Employed
A. Avoid Piercing Corporate Veil
(1) Invoicing
B. Protection against audit or liability issue
(2) Payroll
C. This proves that your business is NOT
just a hobby. (3) Income
D. Fund your business (doesn’t need to be (4) Expenses
a lot)
(5) Mileage
E. Keep business and personal assets
separate (bank accounts, credit cards, (6) Charts & Data
vehicles, etc.)
(7) Receipts (Important for IRS)
F. Stay up to date on any licensing

G. Have a separate business address (ups

suite address)

Module 3: Market
I. Market Research: Airbnb App

II. Market Research: Evolve Vacation Rentals

III. Market Research: AirDNA

Market Research: Airbnb App

I. *Take advantage of the free data you can L. Collect profitable zip codes, neighbor-
find on the Airbnb app and website.* hoods, etc. (for later when finding a prop-

II. Airbnb App:

III. Explore what the top listings are doing
A. Open the app
A. Most successful property types
B. Search the city that you are interested in
researching. B. What are the price ranges

C. Select Filters: (Start general and become C. Do they use instant book
D. Are there minimum night stays
D. Select Entire Place
E. Most popular amenities
E. Select number of bedrooms (target what
F. Other services
you plan on investing in)
G. Be observant and take notes because
F. Choose Property Type (house, apart-
you will want to emulate this later when
ment, etc.)
you list your property.
G. Choose Pricing ($100+ per night)

H. Choose Superhost (optional)

IV. Test For Occupancy
I. Explore the map and explore clusters of
A. Look at several properties and their fu-
ture availability for 1 to 2 months out.
J. Find the most profitable areas to narrow
B. Look for 75%+ occupancy
down your search
C. Occupancy + Daily Rate - Expenses =
K. Learn your sub market (attractions, res-
taurants, parks, nightclubs, bars, event
venues, etc) D. E.g. 21 days X 125 - $1,250 = $1,375
net profit.

E. Does the math work in your desired mar-

F. Are other people profitable. ( use Zillow

mortgage app)

V. Test For Demand

A. Number of reviews

B. Number of views

C. Number of wishlists

Market Research: Evolve Vacation Rentals

I. *Go through the same process that you did

with the Airbnb website.*

II. *The more concrete data you have indicat-

ing where the most profitable areas in your
city are the better you will be when choos-
ing your property.*

III. Narrow your search

A. Price range

B. Home type

C. Number of bedrooms, guests, beds, etc.

D. Find your sub market and compare it

with your research from Airbnb

IV. Test for demand and occupancy

A. Future availability

B. Number of views, reviews, etc.

V. Explore what others are doing

A. Price ranges

B. Most successful property types

C. Amenities

Market Research: AirDNA (Your Secret Weapon)

I. Investment Explorer Software

A. Allows you to find the most profitable

markets for short term rental businesses.

B. The software will walk you through the

steps of selecting a market, choosing
the most profitable zip code, neighbor-
hood, etc.

C. You can get real world statistics such as

daily rates, occupancy rates, revenue
generated, etc.

D. Use the data to find what is working best

in your market. (single family homes,
homes with pools, apartments, studios,

E. Filter the top properties in your sub mar-

ket by revenue generated. Then click the
link to examine the listing on the Airbnb
app. Emulate what all the top listings are

F. It will be a lot of up front research but it

will pay you in the end for conducting
this level of due diligence. Most people
just buy a house they think is nice and
then try to rent it and wonder why they
don’t get the best results.

Module 4: Finding
I. Finding Properties: Zillow

II. Selling The Business Model To Owners

III. Additional Platforms

Finding Properties: Zillow

I. Analyze the data from your market research H. Explore pictures (is it nice, deferred
and list out the top trends in your market maintenance, etc.)
that are working the best.

A. Location
IV. Pro Tips
B. Proximity (stores, restaurants, etc.)
A. Price (does the price + estimated ex-
C. Type of property penses pencil out.)

D. Price range B. Days on the market. (could be more moti-

vated to rent)
E. Amenities
C. Parking (people appreciate being able
II. Create a free Zillow account to begin find-
to park)
ing potential properties in your market
D. Look for lawn care and other services
covered by owner.
III. Search Zillow for rentals
E. Landlords vs Property management.
A. Use data from market research One is not better than the other. Some
property managers require corporate
B. Select “For Rent” lease which is done through a LLC.

C. Number of bedrooms 1. Pick up multiple units in an apart-

ment complex. (easier to manage)
D. Property type (apartments, houses, con-
dos, etc.)

E. House size (may be a factor) V. Contacting Property Owners

F. Search keyword “furnished” A. Use messaging system on the Zillow

1. This will save a lot of money when
you start to scale up. B. The goal is to get a showing in person.

G. Explore amenities (washer/dryer in unit, C. Request a tour

pool, hot tub, etc)

D. “Hey, I’m interested in your property at
XYZ street, when is a good time to come
by and see it?”

E. Schedule your tours on the same day in

nearby areas so you can knock out sev-
eral of them quickly

F. Don’t try to sell them on the deal before

you see the place

1. It may be a bad property

2. They will be more open to the busi-

ness model when meeting in person.

Selling The Business Model

I. Once you’ve seen the property and you D. They get an additional layer of insurance
think it would be a good fit then you can fo- through Airbnb and any additional insur-
cus on getting the deal. ance you purchase.

E. You can help them expand buy renting

out their next purchase.
II. Sales Tips
F. Profit sharing (optional)
A. A percentage of people are just going to
say “no” for no reason. Don’t worry be- G. Pay a little more (optional)
cause they say no to everything. Just
move on.

B. It’s a numbers game. Take your ego out

of the equation and don’t take things per-
sonally. Someone will see the value and
say yes.

C. Focus on how you can serve them. Don’t

just think about yourself but think about
how you’re helping the owner. You will be
one of the best tenants they’ve had be-
cause if the business works you will rent
for years.

III. Benefits of Renting To You

A. It’s in your best interest to keep the prop-

erty in top shape year round. (many ten-
ants trash the place)

B. Long term rental income for the owner.

C. They’re renting to a professional not just


Additional Platforms

I. Top Resources

A. HotPads


C. Trulia




Module 5: Running
A Successful
I. Decreasing Upfront Costs

II. Financial Management

III. Scaling Your Business

IV. Continuing Education

V. Additional Software
Decreasing Upfront Costs

I. Furniture 2. Pixlr

A. Best to find furnished homes, apart- 3. PhotoScape

ments, etc.
4. Mac (internal apps)
B. Furniture outlets (huge discounts, bulk
5. Plenty of tutorials to learn advanced
photo editing techniques to make
C. Craigslist your listing stand out.

1. Free section (first)

2. Garage sales and estate sales

D. Friends and family

1. May have things they don’t want any-

more that you can use.

II. Interior Design

A. Use the Airbnb app. (what are the top

hosts doing?)

B. Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube. (ideas)

III. Photos

A. Best to hire a professional (but more ex-


B. When starting use free image editing



Financial Management

I. *Don’t just start blowing your money on stu- quick but if you squander it you will slow
pid things. Be intelligent about it. That can your growth)
be the difference between scaling your busi-
ness and not. Learn how to manage cash-
flow effectively.*

II. Income Allocation

A. Think of income allocation as just an-

other business expense. Neglecting to
do it will lead to problems in the future.
You need to become a business profes-

B. Capital Reserves (upgrades, fixing

equipment, additional amenities, poten-
tial issues, etc.)

C. Taxes

1. Federal, state and local.

2. Work backwards from your antici-

pated revenue potential. (15-30% is
a good estimate)

III. Reinvest and Scale Up

A. Make your primary focus the growth of

your business.

B. Reinvest the profits. (e.g. $5-10K per

month profit will allow you to scale pretty

Scaling Your Business

I. *Build you business with the idea of scaling

in mind.*

II. *Create a strong foundation that a much

larger business can operate on in the

III. Infrastructure

A. Setting up your legal entity (LLC, S-

Corp, etc)

B. Business bank accounts

C. Line of Credit (payroll, unexpected op-

portunities, unexpected problems, etc.)

IV. Work on your business NOT in it

A. Be an owner not an operator (hire out

services when you’re ready)

B. Do what you’re good at and hire out the


1. View your business is an asset sepa-

rate from you.

C. Build strategic partnerships with other

business owners, investors, industry pro-

Continuing Education

“Formal education will make you a living; self

education will make you a fortune” - Jim Rohn.

I. Never Stop Educating Yourself

A. Become an expert in your field.

B. Stay updated on best practices.

C. Stay informed about your local market

1. Urban development, city planning,

new projects, infrastructure changes,

2. Local business websites and re-


D. Continue to learn from other people in

the Airbnb industry.

E. Read books on real estate investing,

business, sales, etc.

F. Learn new skills such as marketing, ne-

gotiation, interior design, etc.

Additional Software

I. Beyond Pricing Software:

A. Dynamic pricing which adjusts each day

to maximize your profit based on differ-
ent metrics.

B. Can increase profit 40%+

C. The price of your listing will change

based on demand that day.

D. Day of the week, seasonality and special

events (e.g. super bowl, festivals, etc.)


Module 6: Getting
I. Listing Your Property

II. Optimizing Guest Experience

III. Online Marketing & SEO

Listing Your Property

I. Titles & Subtitles

A. Pick something unique (designer, luxury,

ocean front, etc.)

B. Check for grammar issues

C. Don’t be too niche

II. Optimize Photos

A. Professionally produced images (hire out

if necessary)

B. Show people what they care about the

most (highlight your properties unique

C. Provide photos of the surrounding area.

(attractions, skyline, ocean view, etc.)

III. Listing Description

A. Get examples of good descriptions from

the top properties in your market.

B. Don’t make it exhaustive but cover all the

main features that people tend to like.

C. Check for grammar issues.

Optimize Guest Experience

I. *Make their experience effortless and pro- IV. Interior Design

vide great customer service.*
A. Plants

B. Pictures
II. Have enough essential items
C. Aesthetics
A. Toiletries
D. Put in some effort and emulate others.
B. Soap

C. Silverware
V. House Manual
D. Plates
A. “What to do if” instructions
E. Towels
B. Your contact information
F. Cleaning supplies
C. Wifi password
G. Cleanliness
D. Gate codes
1. Make sure your place is not dirty.
E. Local restaurants
2. Clean beds, showers and floors.
F. Emergency services

G. Maintenance
III. Essential Equipment & Amenities
H. Concierge
A. Wifi
I. Other services
B. TV’s

C. Couches, chairs, etc.

D. Tables, eating area

Online Marketing & SEO

I. *Airbnb and Google both have algorithms V. Become Superhost (boosts rankings)
that determine how much visibility your list
A. Lifetime rating of 4.8
has when searched.*
B. 50% review rate

C. 90% response rate

II. Filters (don’t get filtered out)
D. Don’t cancel peoples reservations
A. Max out number of guests. (pullout bed
in living room) E. Don’t need to apply
B. Max out the amenities

C. Have Instant Book turned on (verified ac- VI. Reviews

A. Higher reviews increase your ranking.
D. Avoid single night bookings (charge pre-
mium to make it less desirable. E.g. 3 B. Generate more reviews by messaging
week potential booking unavailable) your guest after their stay.

C. Send a follow up massage. (“we hope

you enjoyed your stay”)
III. Response Rate

A. Less than 1 hour

VII. Keywords
B. 90% response ratio
A. Certain keywords such as (ocean view,
pool, hot tub, etc) will cause your listing
to show up if searched.
IV. Maximize your clicks, views and wishlist
saves. B. Don’t over do it! (may cause problems)
A. The more people who interact with your
listing the higher your listing will be in
the rankings.

B. Incentivize your guests to share by pro-

viding a discount code for future guests.

Module 7: Building
Your Team
I. Business Owner VS Operator

II. Building Your Team

Business Owner VS Operator

I. Operator Downside

A. Only so much time in a day.

B. Can only be in one place at a time.

C. Much harder to scale up.

D. Can’t sell in the future

II. Business Owner Advantages

A. Your business is an asset that should run

with or without you. (more on this in auto-

B. You don’t need to be good at everything.

C. Your main job is managing the managers

of your portfolio while growing the busi-

D. Passive income creates more wealth and

more time.

E. *Become a business professional and

start with the idea of scaling your busi-
ness in mind.*

Building Your Team

I. Attorney IV. Cleaning Service

A. Corporate law and/or real estate. A. DIY at first if you must.

B. Draft important documents (lease agree- B. Professional service (more equipment,

ments, profit sharing, etc.) accountability and manpower)

C. Examine documents before you sign C. Individual service (cheaper, flexible and
them. hit or miss on quality)

D. Consulting on legal entities and corpo- D. Craigslist and local Google search.
rate regulations.

V. Interior Designer/Decorator
II. Book Keeper
A. At first you can DIY.
A. Book keeping services ($100-200/
B. Add to team when you have 3+ proper-
B. More important when you have multiple
C. This will go a long way in creating a fan-
tastic guest experience. (also helps with
C. Use book keeping software (Quickbooks pictures)
Self Employed)

VI. Property Manager/Co-Host

III. Accountant
A. For apartment and condominium units.
A. Consulting on tax strategies.
B. For landlords who are hands off. (don’t
B. Wealth management provide lawn care, etc.)

C. Handles any matters with the IRS. C. Services, fixing equipment, upgrades,

VII. Real Estate Agents/Leasing Agents

A. Experts in your market. (find best areas,

neighborhoods, etc.)

B. Help find landlords who want to lease

out their properties to you.

C. Have connections to various industry pro-

fessionals. (maybe all of the above)

Module 8:
Automating Your
I. Why Automate Your Business?

II. The Check In Process

III. Automation Best Practices

IV. Co-Hosting
Why Automate Your Business?

I. Automation Benefits

A. Passive Income

B. Not trading your time for money

C. Business runs with or without you.

D. Focus on growing the business.

1. You don’t want to create another job

for yourself.

2. You want an asset that you can own

or sell one day.

E. More free time to focus on what is impor-

tant to you in life.

F. Less headaches focusing on petty tasks.

The Check In Process

I. The Check In Process

A. You want your check in process to be


B. Finding the house, getting into the prop-

erty, accessing the internet, where to
find stuff, etc.

C. What’s obvious to you might not be to

someone else.

II. Lighting

A. Have good lighting for people arriving at


B. If you have a lock box or hidden key

make sure they can find it easily. (make
sure password is accurate)

C. Provide pictures of how to find the house

if hidden.

III. Detailed Instructions

A. Provide detailed check in rules on your

listing reservation page

B. Answer any possible question to limit the

odds of them having to call you.

Automation Best Practices

I. Have A Lockbox or Autolock III. Cleaning Services

A. Lockbox is cheaper A. Give access to your properties.

1. Downside is people could lose or B. Sync your Airbnb schedule with Google
take the keys. calendars and then share this with your
maid service. (when to come and clean)
2. Require physical keys
1. Controlled access specifically to
B. Autolocks
cleaners. (can revoke anytime)
1. Brands (August Smart Locks, Nest,
2. Only you have control off the con-
tents (they are read only)
2. Give temporary codes. (revoked af-
ter stay)

3. Change the door code remotely.

4. Lock and unlock the door remotely.

5. User identification.

II. House Manual

A. Everything a guest could possible need

during their stay.

B. Contact info, passwords, direction, emer-

gency contacts, services, local restau-
rants, etc.


I. Co-Hosting E. When ready upgrade them to primary

host. Allow them to have more responsi-
A. Help listing owners take care of their
bility and make their own mistakes. This
properties and manage their guests.
will allow them to run the business inde-
B. Agree on how you will split the profits. pendent of you.

F. Increase profit split for more responsibil-

II. Secondary Permissions:

A. At first give co-host secondary permis-

sions IV. Standard Operating Procedures

B. They can read everything and help man- A. Give your co-host access to property
age the property. (like an Airbnb prop- manager, cleaning services, mainte-
erty manager) nance personnel, emergency contacts,
C. Can’t send or request money.
B. Gives them a process to follow instead
D. Can’t make a payout. of call you every time something goes

C. *Main benefit is that you have control

III. Upgrade To Primary Host
without all of the work.*
A. When you trust them and have a suc-
cessful history.

B. Their profile will come up on your listing.

C. They have ability to edit/update the list-

ing. (except payment information)

D. Make sure you stay available on the ad-

min side so you can respond to mes-
sages and resolutions.

Module 9: Airbnb
Best Practices
I. Additional Hacks

II. Things To NOT Do

Additional Hacks

I. Creating Professional Photos IV. Get Additional Insurance (optional)

A. Use Fiverr or Upwork for outsourcing A. You may want an additional layer of pro-
cheap photo editing services. tection on top of your Airbnb Host Protec-
B. Rent high definition camera equipment.
B. Can be expensive which is why it’s op-
C. Learn basic lighting techniques.
tional. (shop around)
D. *Have a great host profile.* (picture, veri-
fication, description, etc.)
V. Reduce Likeliness of Single Night Stays

A. Increase your additional fees for single

II. Responding To Customers
night stays.
A. Respond quickly (algorithm)
B. Doesn’t block people trying to stay for
B. You don’t need a solution. (acknowledge longer periods.
their needs)

C. Leave positive public responses for eve-

VI. Pay Attention To Local Trends
ryone to see.
A. Up your nightly rates when big events
are happening in your market.
III. Welcome Guests
B. Sports games, concerts, conferences,
A. When you get a new reservation send contract workers, etc.
your guests a welcome on internal mes-
VII. Mine For Reviews
B. Makes the process more human. (builds
trust and likability) A. Send a follow up message after a guest
has checked out.
C. If they are new then help them get com-
fortable with the process. B. Subtly ask for the review and the high rat-
ing. (make it personal)

C. “We hope you enjoyed your stay and we 2. Bicycles, kayaks, etc.
appreciate you taking care of our home”.
B. Leave tea, coffee and snacks for your
guests to use.

VIII. Turn On Instant Book C. Have a fast internet service (AT&T is

A. *Don’t get filtered out*

B. Accept only verified guests to lower any

problems. XII. Wireless Video Cameras

C. Less time wasted going back and forth. A. Installing outdoor cameras can prevent
crime and help guests feel more safe
during their stay.
IX. Increase Number of Guests
B. Mobile access, cloud storage, night vi-
A. Get one or multiple pullout beds/ sion, motion detection, etc.
C. Best Outdoor Cameras:
B. Helps from getting filtered out of poten-
1. Arlo Pro 2
tial listings.
2. Nest Cam Outdoor Security Camera

3. zModo Wireless Security Camera

X. Amazon Prime Now

A. 2 hour express delivery of essential


B. Order last minute items such as soap or

a new coffee machine.

C. Can provide to Co-Host for additional

automation. (controlled access)

XI. Guest Experience

A. Use quality furniture and amenities.

1. E.g. Refillable soap and shampoo

holders, umbrella holders, coat rack,

Things To NOT Do

I. Ignoring Resolutions D. Soap

A. Resolutions that go past 72 hours will

automatically result in the other party’s
V. Having A Dirty Space
A. People will quickly leave bad reviews if
B. If you have a Co-Host you must still re-
your space is unclean.
spond to each resolution so stay avail-
able on the admin side. B. Make sure your maids do a good job.
(and show up)

C. Even dust can bother some people.

II. Photos Don’t Match The Place

A. One of the quickest ways to get bad re-

views. VI. Don’t Do Cash Transactions
B. Be as transparent as possible and focus A. Conduct all transaction through the
on serving your guest. Airbnb App.

B. All additional service should go through

the app.
III. Not Respect Guest Privacy
C. You will not be protected if your don't go
A. Don’t bother the guest once they have
through the Airbnb app.

B. Don’t enter the space once the guest

has arrived. VII. Canceling Reservations

A. Will ruin your chances of being a Super

IV. Not Providing Essential Amenities
B. Will seriously disrupt people’s travel
A. Silverware
B. Toiletries
C. Could get your account deactivated.
C. Towels

VIII. Bad Customer Service

A. Be available for your guest. (have your

team available)

B. Some people will be rude. Don’t let it

bother you just move on.

Module 10:
Documents &
I. Market Research Resources

II. Business & Legal Resources

III. Book Keeping Software

IV. Running A Successful Business

V. Building Your Team

VI. Automation
Resources & Software

I. Market Research C.

A. Local business news D.

B. Local real estate news E.

C. Local city planner and urban develop- F.

ment department
IV. Book Keeping

II. Finding Properties

V. Running A Successful Business
C. e

D. C.

E. D.

F. E.

III. Business Resources


VI. Building Your Team








VII. Interior Design & Decorating




VIII. Photo Editing Software






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