Observation-Sheet-1 JIM

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Macabebe, Pampanga


Resource Teacher: Darryl Cedrick Narciso School: Pampanga Colleges
Teacher’s Signature_____________ Grade and Subject Area: Grade-11 Gen Math Date_______

Principles of Learning What did the Resource teacher do which applies/ contradicts
the learning principle?
Application of the Principle Non-application/
Contradiction of the Principle
1. Effective learning He delivered the intended
begins with the setting topic with precision/accuracy,
of clear and high he got the students attention
expectations and by providing some question
learning outcomes that can make the student
participate on him, Some of
the question was answer
correct and those wrong
answer’s was corrected by Sir
Narciso on helping them to
put the right answer on the
white board.

2. Learning is an active The majority of the students

process raise their hands to respond
to Mr. Narciso's question, and
both the teacher and the
students are engaged when it
comes to participating in the
class. It shows that the
engagement of the teacher
and students is quality.

3. Learning is the The students are thinking

discovery of personal about their answers to the
meaning and question Mr. Darryl posted on
relevance of ideas the board in order to present
their response to the
question, and they can
probably participate in the

4. Learning is a Since it was an individual

cooperative and a activity and there was no
collaborative process. group activity class during the
Learning is enhanced class period, collaboration
in an atmosphere of and cooperative learning
cooperation and weren't applied, and this may
collaboration. have resulted in a certain
outcome of individual


1. Which principle of learning was/were most applied?

- Well based on my observation that we conducted, Our Resource teacher indicate this
principle, were the students include some reaction the given lesson of the teacher, they
participate on it and also they provide some process that may lead them into
improvement and this also can conduct an engagement to the relationship of the
Learners and Teacher.

2. What principle of learning was least applied? Why was/were the principles not very
much applied? Give instances where this/these principles could have been applied.

- Out of all the learning principles, "Learning is the discovery of personal meaning and
relevance of ideas" was the one that was least commonly used. In this scenario, the
teacher spent the most of the time discussing and elaborating on the topics that he
provided to the learners.

3. How did the application of these learning principles affect learning?

- Applications are widely understood to be any teaching strategy that involves students in
the learning process. In summary, it involves that a student’s engage in meaningful
learning activities and reflect on their actions.

4. How did the non-application of these learning principles affect learning?

- If the student can understand and cannot apply those things, this can make a negative
outcome to them, this may result of lack of interest on learning and this can also
indicate a negative outcome to them on the way of losing interest on learning.

5. Do you agree with these principles of learning? Or have you discovered that they are not
always correct?

- Yes, I agree Because base on my observation a teacher provide all the things that may
include participation on it, The student cooperate on it by answering the question that
the teacher provided, indicating some explanation on it, they also have the thing that
can make them special, by indicating a Brain storming with all the students so that the
participation would be present inside the lesson, and lastly the teacher also indicate
some method that include the participation with student that may push into connection
to one another.


Consider these guides

My reflections and It’s been a great experience on our first day, we encounter a lot of
lessons learned on my things on it, we also tackle the struggles of the teachers on preparing
observations of my on their things especially on their lessons. Being a teacher is not hard
Resource Teacher’s unless you are prepared on doing your lesson, stuffs and etc. If ill be
application/non on his position on the class that we encounter, I will do my best
application of these everyday to provide the lesson and also to catch their attention on
principles the lesson.

Among those practices The experience on observing on how the process of being a teacher
that I observed, which was good, I prefer to adopt his stuff on how he produce connection to
practices will I adopt his/her students, like putting a relationship to them as a family and
and which ones will I not just a student, this can be a good points on getting their attention
improve on? What but of course indicating connection must have a limitation to increase
lessons did I learn? the respect on being Teacher and students.

Practices worth Practice on making your lesson much more enjoyable, we know that
adopting student prefer to have an exciting moment whenever they enter the
class every day, this can help you not only the attention but also the
good outcome on them. We also need to avoid the moment on taking
some increase of closeness on the teacher and student relationship.
Practices to avoid and This would be applied and can help me to improve to my future
to improve on students.

When i already enter the classroom, I already put some effort on

Lesson learned conducting some good things that I prefer to apply to my future
students, this can improve and make me more reliable on things by
providing this stuff, and Additional from the first period that we
experience, we encounter a teacher that tackle a student by not
providing his stuff, As a teacher we only follow the rules and
regulation on the school we cannot provide those stuff because we
are not reliable by providing some books on them even do we
understand the students that they can’t afford it, the only thing that
we can do is to understand them and be more patient to them so that
we can include a interaction regarding on it.


You may wish to insert the principles of learning in your own words or illustrate each with
Principles of Learning in My Own Words

Learning is referring on the process of providing an information to student and teacher, this
also include by conducting an interaction to the both parties, we can also have Learning by
gathering of information on Internet, Books, and other information thing that indicate learning
outcome. Providing some relationship to your student can also be reason on including learning,
all of us can do some Brainstorming and Critical Thinking to provide learning, because Critical
Thinking is the process of thinking beyond thinking. We can say that learning is the process of
showing some knowledge to our students by providing some lessons that can produce a better
outcome to them by increasing their Learning and also knowledge. We must provide a proper
learning to our students so that they can applied it to they future lives, like by applying it to
their everyday lives, this also show a better outcome to the community. As an additional we
must help our student to become motivated to their life by indicating some good learning that
may lead them into their better selves. Learning also is a factor that may lead as to a better
future, Because without learning we are nothing, just think about it if you don’t have a learning,
how can you establish some better things without of it, that’s why we don’t to stop on learning
because this is very important to us.

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