Ashhad's Step 2 CK UW Notes PDF
Ashhad's Step 2 CK UW Notes PDF
Ashhad's Step 2 CK UW Notes PDF
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Ashhad Siddiqui, MD
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PPSV23:induces T-cell-INDEPENDENT B-cell response.Less effective in young children & elderly
Aspirin & NSAIDs can cause allergic angioedema. It typically happens immediately after exposure & is
accompanied by itching & skin rash (urticaria)
Cyclosporine & Tacrolimus are both calcineurin-inhibitors. Side effects of both are nephrotoxicity,
hyperkalemia, hypertension, & tremor.
Gum hypertrophy & hirsutism seen w/ Cyclosporine toxicity.
Gum hypertrophy & hirsutism NOT seen w/ Tacrolimus toxicity.
3980 Medicine Allergy & Immunology
Azathioprine toxicity- diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatotoxicity
IgA deficiency: consider in pts w/ mild immunodeficiency consisting of recurrent sinopulmonary & GI
infections, & anaphylactic transfusion reaction. Dx confirmed by measurement of low serum IgA
concenrtaion w/ normal serum IgM & IgG levels
3993 Medicine Allergy & Immunology
Hyper-IgM syndrome: elevated IgM & depressed IgG & IgA. Susceptible to both Giardia & recurrent
sinopulmonary infection. Lymphoid hyperplasia is common
Hepatitis A:
4080 Medicine Allergy & Immunology most common vaccine preventable disease among tavelers
give hepatitis A vaccine to pts traveling to developing countries like egypt
Recurrent bacterial infections in an adult pt may indicate a humoral immunity defect. Quantitative
4301 Medicine Allergy & Immunology
measurement of *serum immunoglobulin levels* help to establish the diagnosis
Raising the cut-off point (e.g., The criteria 2 out of 4 positive responses to CAGE questions considered
Biostatistics &
2135 Medicine positive for alcoholism is changed so that 3 out of 4 positive responses labels pt as alcoholic) of a screening
test results in an *increase in specificity & decrease in sensitivity*
Lowering the test cutoff point -> Increase in # of false positives & true positives -> *Decrease positive
Biostatistics & predictive value*
2136 Medicine
[Refer to a diagram]
Lowering the cutoff value will increase sensitivity and decrease specificity
Biostatistics &
2138 Medicine
Increasing the cutoff value will decrease the sensitivity and increase the specificity
Biostatistics &
3076 Medicine False negatives will increase when the cut-off level of a diagnostic test is raised
Sample distortion bias is seen when the estimate of exposure & outcome association is biased because the
study sample is not representative of the target population w/ respect to the joint distribution of exposure &
Biostatistics & outcome
3646 Medicine
Information bias occurs due to the imperfect assessment of association between the exposure and outcome
as a result of errors in the measurement of exposure and outcome status
The critical distinction between case control & retrospective cohort studies is the order in which outcomes &
Biostatistics &
3650 Medicine risk factors are assessed. Case control studies determine the outcome first & then look for associated risk
factors; retrospective cohort studies first ascertain risk factor exposure & then determine the outcome
Relative risk > 1= postitive ass. between the risk factor and the outcome
Biostatistics &
3708 Medicine
Relative risk < 1= negative ass. between the risk factor and the outcome
Lead time bias example: prolongation of apparent survival in pts to whom a test is applied, w/o changing the
prognosis of the disease
Biostatistics &
3880 Medicine Lead time bias should always be considered while evaluating any screening test
USMLE tip: think of lead-time bias when you see "a new screening test" for poor prognosis diseases like
lung or pancreatic cancer
Biostatistics & PPV increases and NPV decreases w/ an increase in prevalence.
3886 Medicine
Epidemiology The greater the prevalence, the greater the PPV.
Observer bias occurs when investigator's decision is adversely affected by knowledge of the exposure status
Biostatistics &
3915 Medicine
Epidemiology Respondent bias is present when the outcome is obtained by the pt's response, and not by objective
diagnostic methods (e.g., migraine headache)
Cross-sectional study: exposure & outcome are measured simultaneously at a particular point of time
(remember: snapshot study)
Biostatistics &
3922 Medicine
Case-control study is designed by selecting pts w/ a particular disease (cases), & w/o that disease
(controls), & then determining their previous exposure status
Biostatistics & The main measure of association is the *exposure odds ratio*, in which the exposure of people w/ the
3931 Medicine
Epidemiology disease (cases) is compared to the exposure of those without the disease (controls)
Biostatistics & The p-value is the probability of observing a given (or more extreme) result due to chance alone, assuming
3934 Medicine
Epidemiology the null hypothesis is true. A result is generally considered statistically significant when p <0.05
Latency period:
Applied to both disease pathogenesis and exposure to risk modifiers.
Biostatistics &
3941 Medicine Exposure to risk factors and the initial steps in disease pathogenesis sometimes occur years before clinical
manifestations are evident.
Exposure to risk modifiers may need to be continuous over a certain period before influencing the outcome.
Effect modification example: Oral contraceptives significantly increased the risk of breast cancer in pts w/ a
Biostatistics &
3947 Medicine positive family hx of breast cancer but not in pts w/ a negative family hx of breast cancer. Positive family hx
acts as an effect modifier to increase the risk of breast cancer in pts taking oral contraceptives
Generalizability or external validity pertains to the applicability of study results to other populations (eg, the
results of a study in middle-aged women would not be expected to be applicable to elderly men). External
Biostatistics & validity answers the question, "How generalizable are the results of a study to other populations?"
3960 Medicine
Within the cohort(eg, middle aged women), the study could be valid. This property is called internal validity,
or validity
The null hypothesis is always the statement of no relationship between the exposure & the outcome
Biostatistics &
3961 Medicine
Epidemiology Alternate hypothesis opposes the null hypothesis. It states that there is a relationship between the exposure
& outcome
Median is the value that is located in the middle of a dataset
Biostatistics &
3982 Medicine
Mode is the most frequent value of a dataset
A normal distribution is symmetric & bell shaped.
Mean = Median = Mode
Biostatistics &
3992 Medicine
Epidemiology Positively skewed: mean greater than median greater than mode
Effect modification: when external variable positively or negatively impacts the effect of a risk factor on the
Biostatistics & disease of interest (eg, venous thrombosis increased w/ estrogen therapy & this effect is augmented by
4001 Medicine
Epidemiology smoking)
Post-hoc analysis: performing unplanned statistical tests on patterns that were identified after the fact in
data from a completed study
Biostatistics & An outlier is an extreme & unusual value observed in a dataset. *The mean is very sensitive to outliers &
4002 Medicine
Epidemiology easily shifts toward them*. The median & mode are more resistant to outliers
Increasing the sample size increases the power of a study & consequently narrows the confidence interval
Biostatistics & surrounding the point estimate
4019 Medicine
A wider confidence interval is due to a smaller sample size, which decreases the study's power
Chi-square test is used to compare proportions. 2 x 2 table may be used to compare the observed values
w/ the expected values
Two-sample z-test & two-sample t-test are used to compare two means, not proportions
Biostatistics &
4079 Medicine
ANOVA is used to compare means of three of more variables
Meta-analysis is an epidemiologic method of pooling the data from several studies to do an analysis having
a relativly big statistical power
Biostatistics &
4107 Medicine The tighter the confidence interval, the more precise the result
In a case-control study, if the outcome is uncommon in the population, *disease incidence(# of new cases)
Biostatistics &
4109 Medicine is low* & the *odds ratio is a close approximation of the relative risk*. This is called the rare disease
Biostatistics & Randomization is said to be successful when a similarity of baseline characteristics of the pts in the
4121 Medicine
Epidemiology treatment & placebo groups is seen
Attributable risk percent (ARP) or etiologic fraction is an imp measure of the impact of a risk factor being
Biostatistics &
4157 Medicine studied. ARP represents the excess risk in the exposed population that can be attributed to the risk factor. It
can be easily derived from the relative risk using the following formula: ARP=(RR-1)/RR
An increasing prevalence & stable incidence can be attributed to factors which prolong the duration of a
disease (e.g., improved quality of care-this scenario is typical for USMLE)
Biostatistics &
4172 Medicine
Epidemiology Incidence:measure of the appearance of new cases
Acute coronary syndrome:
sx- abdominal pain, nausea/vomiting are atypical presentations
Cardiac causes must be excluded (eg. w/ electrocardiogram) prior to pursuing other etiologies
Upper gi endoscopy: use in pts w/ evidence of acute gi blood loss or peptic ulcer disease
Duplex doppler ultrasound is useful in screening for renal artery stenosis in pts w/ severe htn
Loop diuretics cause hypokalemia & hypomagnesemia. These electrolyte abnormalities can cause
ventricular tachycardia, & also potentiate the side effects of digoxin. Ordering *serum electrolytes* & serum
2164 Medicine Cardiovascular System digoxin level is best next step.
Amiodarone used both for atrial & ventricular tachycardia(VT). Occasionally used in pts w/ polymorphic VT
due to myocardial ischemia or infarction
2659 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Atropine used in tx symptomatic sinus bradycardia or av nodal block
Sodium bicarbonate used for pts w/ TdP due to quinidine use,cardiac arrest due to metabolic
acidosis,hyperkalemia,tca overdose
Beta blocker overdose: Wheezing is a feature! Also get bradycardia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, delirium,
seizures, & cardiogenic shock.
Management- first give iv fluids and atropine. If hypotension doesn't improve, give iv *glucagon*!
2663 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Digoxin toxicity: Wheezing is NOT a feature. Also get life threatening arrhythmias, color vision alterations,
anorexia, nausea & vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, confusion, weakness.
Acute arterial occlusion (limb ischemia):
sx- pain, pallor, pulselessness, paresthesia, and paralysis
tx- immediate anticoagulation and referral for emergency vascular surgery
2666 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Carotid artery atherosclerosis:
screen with doppler examination of carotid arteries
1st line medical tx for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is either *B-blockers(slows heart,prolongs
diastole->more time for heart to fill,less outflow obstruction.Anti-anginal effect as well)* or a cardiac acting
2686 Medicine Cardiovascular System calcium channel blocker such as diltiazem since they promote diastolic relaxation.[Amlodipine is a
peripherally acting calcium channel blocker,so it doesn't have the diastole-prolonging effects of a drug such
as diltiazem.It acts primarily as an arterial vasodilator]
2687 Medicine Cardiovascular System Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is an *autosomal dominant* genetic disorder
Congestive heart failure due to alcoholic dilated cardiomyopathy: Look for CHF sx, along w/
thrombocytopenia, macrocytosis, & elevated transaminases(all of which suggest alcoholism).
Management-abstinence from alcohol may reverse this condition if employed earlier in the course of disease
2692 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Digitalis:for heart failure pts w/ systolic dysfunction & rapid ventricular rates due to a-fib or atrial flutter
Restrictive cardiomyopathy: can eventually result in CHF. May be caused by sarcoidosis, amyloidosis,
2699 Medicine Cardiovascular System hemochromatosis, endomyocardial fibrosis, or idiopathic. Diastolic dysfunction. Wall thickness normal or
symmetrically thickened. Signs of right sided heart failure predominate (JVD, bilateral ankle edema, tender
2700 Medicine Cardiovascular System ECG w/ an irregularly irregular rhythm & loss of 'P' waves describes atrial fibrillation. Atrial fibrillation causes
a lack of an "atrial kick", which could cause worsening flow thru the stenotic mitral valve & increased
congestion in the lungs, thus leading to the pt's acute onset of dyspnea
Mitral stenosis:can be due to rheumatic fever(rheumatic fever common in developing countries like
Cambodia). Causes left atrial dilation & risk of atrial fibrillation(palpitations/irregular heartbeats) & cardiac
2701 Medicine Cardiovascular System emboli(thrombus in left atrium cuz of untreated a-fib which can eventually embolize to cerebral circulation to
eventually cause stroke & eg, left sided weakness). The pressure is also transmitted to pulmonary
vasculature -> dyspnea, cough & hemoptysis
*Cardiac amyloidosis* should be suspected in pts w/ unexplained CHF(predominantly *diastolic
dysfunction*), echocardiogram findings of *increased ventricular wall thickness w/ normal left ventricular
cavity dimensions* (esp in the absence of HTN), & low voltage on electrocardiogram
2707 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Amyloidosis can present w/ waxy skin, macroglossia, hepatomegaly, & peripheral(carpal tunnel syndrome)
&/or autonomic neuropathy(orthostatic hypotension).Tissue biopsy(ab fat pad) confirms dx
The primary mitral valve abnormality in pts w/ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the presence of systolic
anterior motion of the mitral valve, leading to *anterior motion of mitral valve leaflets* toward the
2711 Medicine Cardiovascular System
interventricular septum. Contact between the mitral valve & the thickened septum during systole leads to left
ventricular outflow tract obstruction
Myxoma:benign "primary cardiac tumor".80% located in left atrium.Constitutional sx(fatigue,fever,weight
loss),systemic embolization(TIA,stroke,splenic infarcts,left sided weakness),& cardiovascular sx simulating
2713 Medicine Cardiovascular System mitral valve disease(dyspnea,orthopnea,cough,pulmonary edema,hemoptysis).Tx-surgical resection
[Don't confuse this w/ 'myxomatous valve degeneration' which is the pathologic cause of mvp,which causes
midsystolic click,& no systemic sx or mass on echocardiography]
2717 Medicine Cardiovascular System Abdominal ultrasound is the study of choice for diagnosis and followup of abdominal aortic aneurysms
Prinzmetal's angina/variant angina: Caused by temporary spasm of the coronary arteries, young women
2722 Medicine Cardiovascular System classically affected, *greatest risk factor is smoking*, absence of cardiovascular risk factors, ass. w/ other
vasospastic disorders like *Raynaud's phenomenon* & migraine headaches
Variant/Prinzmetal's angina tx: calcium channel blockers and/or nitrates to prevent coronary
2723 Medicine Cardiovascular System Variant/Prinzmetal's angina: typically occurs in young females. Greatest risk factor is smoking
Digoxin is also used as a rate control agent in pts w/ atrial fibrillation or flutter
2729 Medicine Cardiovascular System Interventricular free wall rupture & papillary muscle rupture occur 3-7 days after MI & present w new onset
systolic murmur
Extension of aortic dissection frequently involves the right coronary artery & results in acute inferior MI w/
2731 Medicine Cardiovascular System
ST-segment elevation in leads II, III, & aVF
Right ventricular infarction occurs in the setting of inferior wall MI w/ occlusion of the proximal right coronary
artery. Pts usually develop hypotension, elevated jvp, & clear lung fields
Ventricular remodeling in the weeks to months following myocardial infarction can lead to dilatation of the
ventricle w/ thinning of the ventricular walls. *This process is lessened by ACE inhibitors*(so give ACE
inhibitors within 24 hours of MI in all pts w/o contraindication)
2732 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Aspirin: given after MI to inhibit platelet aggregation & prevent recurrence of coronary artery blockage.
Favored over warfarin in post MI pts
Although Spironolactone is sometimes used for CHF & is shown to have a mortality benefit,its still a weak
Tobacco & alcohol are reversible risk factors for premature atrial complexes.
2744 Medicine Cardiovascular System Beta blockers are often helpful in pts who are symptomatic. Beta blockers are the standard tx for
symptomatic PAC's
Strongest influence on long-term prognosis after an ST-elevation MI is the duration of time that passes
before coronary blood flow is restored.2 primary options for restoring coronary blood flow are PTCA &
fibrinolysis.PTCA has superior outcomes compared to fibrinolysis & should be used when available
2745 Medicine Cardiovascular System Meds that reduce myocardial oxygen demand used for angina
Murmur of aortic regurgitation (AR) is best heard along the left sternal border at the third & fourth
interspaces. May be heard by applying firm pressure w/ the diaphragm of stethoscope while pt is sitting up,
leaning forward, & holding the breath in full expiration. *Congenital bicuspid aortic valve is the mcc of AR in
3093 Medicine Cardiovascular System
young adults in developed countries.* Rheumatic heart diseae is the mcc in developing countries
Atrial septal defect: wide, fixed, & split second heart sound
Lifestyle modification should be the first-line intervention for newly diagnosed stage I hypertension. The
most effective lifestyle intervention for reducing blood pressure is weight loss in obese pts. All pts should en
encouraged to follow the *DASH diet*(rich in fruits, vegetables, & low fat dairy products), restrict dietary salt
3094 Medicine Cardiovascular System
intake, engage in regular aerobic exercise to maintain normal body weight, & limit alcohol intake
3158 Medicine Cardiovascular System Losartan: an ARB. Side effects-hyperkalemia, hypotension, renal failure
N-acetylcysteine uses: dissolution of mucus, protection against contrast indced renal failure, & therapy for
acetaminophen overdose
Cocaine induced vasospasm:
can cause ST elevation myocardial infarctions (STEMIs).
tx- with PTCA or thrombolysis. Aspirin and nitrates also appropriate
Avoid beta blockers because they allow unopposed alpha agonist activity, which worsens vasospasm
3188 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Acute pericarditis:
can cause ST elevations on EKG, accompanied by PR depressions
chest pain of pulmonary etiology. Worse w/ deep breathing
Chest x-ray should be obtained in all pts who undergo central venous catheterization to confirm proper
3504 Medicine Cardiovascular System placement of the catheter tip and absence of complications before administering drugs or other agents thru
the catheter
*Pulmonary toxicity* is a serious adverse effect of long-term *amiodarone* use that can occur months to
3506 Medicine Cardiovascular System several years after the initiation of amiodarone therapy. *A baseline chest radiograph & pulmonary function
testing should be obtained prior to initiating therapy w/ amiodarone*
Pts w/ Dressler's syndrome(a pericarditis) present weeks after a myocardial infarction w/ chest pain that is
improved by leaning forward. Tx-*NSAIDs*
[EKG findings in pericarditis-diffuse ST elevation w/ the exception of reciprocal depression in aVR]
3521 Medicine Cardiovascular System
"EKG shows ST segment elevations in all limb & precordial leads except in aVR, where ST depression is
Acute limb ischemia after MI suggests possible arterial embolus from left ventricular (LV) thrombus.
3526 Medicine Cardiovascular System Management includes immediate anticoagulation, vascular surgery consultation, & transthoracic
*echocardiogram* to screen for LV thrombus & evaluate LV function
Carotid endarterectomy (CEA) is recommended for men & women w/ symptomatic carotid stenosis of
70%-99% & is also beneficial for men w/ asymptomatic carotid stenosis of 60%-99%(some experts
recommend CEA for asymptomatic women w/ high grade stenosis [70%-99%] but the data are less
3529 Medicine Cardiovascular System convincing)
Lesions <50% are monitored w/ annual Duplex ultrasound. Surgery is not indicated at this stage & pts are
medically managed w/ pharmacotherapy & risk factor optimization
Constrictive pericarditis:
Tuberculosis is a common cause in developing countries like africa, india, & china.
3635 Medicine Cardiovascular System
sx- dyspnea, fatigue, pedal edema, elevated jvp, ascites, pericardial thickening & calcification, jvp tracings
show x & y descents, early heart sound after S2(pericardial knock)
In atrial fibrillation (AF) w/ rapid ventricular response, rate control should be attempted initially w/ beta
blockers or calcium channel blockers(*Diltiazem*)
3697 Medicine Cardiovascular System Attempting cardioversion in pts w/ AF for an unknown duration or >48 hours w/o adequate anticoagulation
increases risk of systemic thromboembolism
Most pts w/ atrial premature beats (APBs) do not require any specific therapy & should be reassured about
the benign nature of the arrhythmia. Management of pts w/ frequent APBs should focus primarily on
3700 Medicine Cardiovascular System
evaluation for the presence or absence of underlying structural heart disease w/ a *transthoracic
Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (SMVT) [google ecg]:
Wide-complex tachycardia w/ 2 fusion beats. Presence of AV dissociation. Mcc is myocardial scarring from
previous MI. Electrical cardioversion for SMVT pts who are hemodynamically
3763 Medicine Cardiovascular System
unstable(hypotensive,respiratory distress), pulseless, or severely symptomatic(altered mental
status,pulmonary edema). Antiarrhythmics are given for hemodynamically stable SMVT pts(*Amiodarone* is
the preferred antiarrhythmic*)
Most cases of 1st-degree AV block(PR interval prolonged/>200 msec)w/ NORMAL QRS duration are due to
delayed AV nodal conduction & require no further evaluation.Best approach is *observation*
Pts w/ 1st-degree AV block & PROLONGED QRS duration have a conduction delay below AV node &
3765 Medicine Cardiovascular System
should have electrophysiology testing to determine its nature
Mobitz type 1 av block: progressive prolongation of the PR interval leading to a non-conducted P wave and
a "dropped" QRS complex
Mobitz type 2 av block: PR interval is always constant w/ no progressive prolongation & QRS complexes
drop suddenly
3766 Medicine Cardiovascular System Atrial fibrillation:irregularly irregular rhythm,no discrete P waves
3rd degree/complete av block:P waves unrelated to QRS complexes,can be found before,after,or buried in
QRS complex
A pt w/ dizziness & worsening angina, and ECG showing P-wave activity which is temporally unrelated to
QRS complexes(can be found before, after, or buried in the QRS complex) suggests third-degree or
3768 Medicine Cardiovascular System complete AV block. Manage w/ temporary *pacemaker* insertion while looking for reversible causes to
correct(myocardial ischemia is a reversible cause,represented by T wave inversion & chest discomfort). If
no reversible causes of heart block found, we give a permanent pacemaker.
*Amiodarone* is a class III antiarrhythmic agent, well known for causing *pulmonary fibrosis*. Thyroid
3769 Medicine Cardiovascular System dysfunction (hypothyroidism 85% of the time & hyperthyroidism 15% of the time), hepatotoxicity, corneal
deposits & skin discoloration are other potential side effects
Pressors such as *norepinephrine* can cause ischemia of the distal fingers & toes secondary to
vasospasm. The dx is suggested by symmetric duskiness & coolness of all fingertips(google pic)
3777 Medicine Cardiovascular System Cholesterol emboli can occur in pts w/ atherosclerosis & can affect the distal portions of the digits "blue toe
syndrome". However symmetrical involvement of all digits would be unusual
Endocarditis can spread septic emboli thru out the body but wouldn't be expected to affect all fingers
ACE inhibitors, ARBs, beta-blockers, & spironolactone all confer a survival benefit in CHF. While *digoxin &
furosemide (loop diuretics)* can reduce CHF sx & hospitalizations, *they DO NOT improve survival*
3820 Medicine Cardiovascular System
The only class of diuretics w/ a demonstrated survival benefit in pts w/ heart failure is aldosterone
antagonists like spironolactone & eplerenone
*Diabetic pts age 40-75 should be treated w/ statin therapy in addition to lifestyle modification & glucose
3822 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Niacin is effective in raising HDL & lowering triglycerides & has a modest effect in lowering very low density
lipoprotein & low density lipoprotein cholesterol. However it may worsen glucose control in diabetic pts
Lipid lowering therapy w/ *statin* medications is rec for primary prevention in pts age 40-75 w/ a 10 year risk
3823 Medicine Cardiovascular System
of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease >7.5%
PCI is recommended within 90 min for acute, STEMI. Additional stabilization measures include oxygen, full
dose aspirin, platelet P2Y12 receptor blockers, nitroglycerin for pain control, beta blockers, &
3826 Medicine Cardiovascular System anticoagulation. Fibrinolysis may be administered within 12 hours of symptom onset for STEMI pts who
can't undergo PCI but is ass. w/ higher rates of recurrent myocardial infarction, intracranial hemorrhage, &
mortality compared to PCI
Acute limb ischemia: pain, pulselessness, paresthesias, poikilothermia(coldness), & pallor. Angiography will
show an abrupt cutoff of arterial blood flow. Start IV heparin upon suspicion. Tx- surgical embolectomy or
intra-arterial fibrinolysis/mechanical embolectomy via interventional radiology
3828 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Pts w/ acute limb ischemia are tx w/ direct intra-arterial(not IV) administration of a fibrinolytic agent on the
clot using an angiographic catheter
Syncope due to arrhythmia: sudden onset of syncope w/o warning signs, presence of structural heart
disease, frequent ectopic beats, use of thiazide diuretic(causes electrolyte disturbances predisposing to
ventricular arrhythmia)
3881 Medicine Cardiovascular System Vasovagal syncope is precipitated by emotional reaction & preceded by presyncopal dizziness, weakness, &
Clonic jerks may occur during any syncope if it is prolonged(due to brain hypoxia). Don't immediately
assume its a seizure!
Dihydropyridine Ca-channel antagonists (like amlodipine) can cause peripheral edema
Discontinue drug if edema is significant!
3920 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Congestive heart failure: sx- dyspnea, orthopnea, elevated neck vein pulsation & liver enlargement
Liver disease: sx- ascites dominates over peripheral edema, hypoalbuminemia, hyperbilirubinemia
Situational syncope: when a middle age or older male loses his consciousness immediately after urination,
3921 Medicine Cardiovascular System
or a man who loses his consciousness during coughing fits
3924 Medicine Cardiovascular System Coarctation of the aorta (COA) occurs in pts w/ Turner's syndrome. COA can lead to Rib notching!
Renovascular hypertension:
sx- resistant hypertension(persistent hypertension despite using >3 treatments) & diffuse atherosclerosis,
asymmetric kidney size, recurrent flash pulmonary edema, or elevation in serum creatinine > 30% from
baseline after starting ACE inhibitor or ARBs
3933 Medicine Cardiovascular System
continuous abdominal bruit highly specific for renovascular hypertension
Primary aldosteronism:
also causes resistant hypertension but you won't have diffuse atherosclerosis
Nitroglycerin relieves anginal pain by dilation of veins(*capacitance vessels*) & decrease in ventricular
3945 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Cholesterol crystal emolism (atheroembolism):
can occur in pt w/ atherosclerosis risk factors who undergoes cardiac catheterization, recent arteriography,
or vascular procedure
sx- livedo reticularis, blue toe syndrome, acute kidney injury, hollenhorst plaques, eosinophila, eosinophiluria
3950 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Contrast induced nephropathy (CIN):
pts undergoing coronary angiography are at risk
urinalysis shows muddy-brown granular and epithelial cells casts
Acute aortic dissection: For rapid dx, use *Transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE)*. CT can also be used
just as effectively for dx but requires contrast and normal renal function in patient.
3956 Medicine Cardiovascular System
TEE and CT are less invasive modalities for rapid dx
The increased BUN/creatinine ratio is a sensitive indicator of hypovolemia leading to orthostatic hypotension
3958 Medicine Cardiovascular System
as a cause of syncope in an elderly pt
vasovagal/neurocardiogenic syncope:
caused by emotional/orthostatic stress, micturition, cough & defecation
3962 Medicine Cardiovascular System upright tilt table testing can be used to establish diagnosis
ST segment elevations in inferior leads II,III,& aVF w/ reciprocal ST depression in leads I & aVL are
consistent w/ acute inferior wall MI. Inferior wall MI is usually due to occlusion of the *right coronary artery
(RCA)*. RCA occlusion can cause AV block
LAD occlusion->ST elevation in all precordial leads but most commonly in V1-V4
4108 Medicine Cardiovascular System
LCX occlusion->ST elevation in leads I,II,III,aVL
*Beta blockers(propranolol)* are rec as initial tx for atrial fibrillation due to hyperthyroidism. Beta blockers
4126 Medicine Cardiovascular System help to control heart rate & hyperadrenergic sx. [Anxiety,weight loss,lig lag,fine tremor in hands,atrial
fibrillation all suggest hyperthyroidism]
*Beta blockers are 1st line tx for controlling sx & improving exercise tolderance in pts w/ stable angina
pectoris* (Calcium channel blockers or long acting nitrates are used if beta blockers are contraindicated/not
effective on their own)
4127 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Thiazide diuretics are effective initial tx for pts w/ essential htn
ACE inhibitors used for htn, esp in pts w/ diabetes, chronic kidney disease, & chf
Ascending aortic aneurysms are most often due to cystic medial necrosis or connective tissue disorders.
Descending aortic aneurysms are usually due to *atherosclerosis*. CXR can suggest thoracic aortic
4129 Medicine Cardiovascular System
aneurysm by showing a widened mediastinal silhouette, increased aortic knob & tracheal deviation(google
Hepatojugular(or abdominojugular) reflux is a useful clinical tool that can differentiate between cardiac &
liver disease related causes of lower extremity edema.*Pts w/ peripheral edema due to heart failure have
4133 Medicine Cardiovascular System
elevated jugular venous pressure & positive hepatojugular reflux*. Those w/ peripheral edema from primary
hepatic disease & cirrhosis have reduced or normal jugular venous pressure & negative hepatojugular reflux
Hyponatremia in pts with CHF indicates severity of heart failure. Caused by increased renin, norepinephrine,
4190 Medicine Cardiovascular System and ADH.
tx- fluid restriction, ace inhibitors, & loop diuretics
In the tx of a pt using both sildenafil(for erectile dysfunction) & an alpha-blocker (eg, doxazosin, for BPH),
it's important to give the drugs w/ at least a 4-hour interval to reduce the risk of hypotension
4191 Medicine Cardiovascular System Although diabetics have a high risk for ED, tightening of glycemic control hasn't been shown to improve ED
Sildenafil is contraindicated in pts being tx w/ nitrates & in pts that are hypersensitive to sildenafil. It's used
w/ precaution in conditions causing priapism
Statins inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, a rate-limiting enzyme in the intracellular biosynthesis of cholesterol that
converts HMG-CoA to mevalonate, & also increases the number of cell membrane LDL receptors.[Statins
4227 Medicine Cardiovascular System mechanism of action is *inhibition of intracellular synthesis pathway*]. Statins also decrease coenzyme Q10
synthesis, which is involved in muscle cell energy production & possibly contributes to statin-induced
*Anaphylaxis* can result from exposure to latex-containing products such as surgical gloves & condoms.
4234 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Health care workers & pts w/ atopic disease are at higher risk of latex allergy
Cardiogenic shock causes a reduced cardiac index & elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressures due to
ventricular pump failure.Systemic vascular resistance is increased to maintain adequate tissue perfusion
pressure.Sx-depressed mental status,dyspnea,decreased urinary output & cool extremities
4235 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Sepsis:compensatory increase in cardiac output/index in early stages of shock.Peripheral vasodilation
causes less blood to return to heart. PCWP & SVR are reduced
Septic shock: low PCWP & high mixed venous oxygen saturation(due inability of tissues to extract oxygen)
4237 Medicine Cardiovascular System Cardiogenic shock: due to left ventricular dysfunction & reduced pump function, low cardiac output, elevated
PCWP, increased SVR, low mixed venous oxygen saturation(decreased C.O. decreases tissue perfusion,
causing tissues to extract more oxygen from blood)
Tachycardia-mediated cardiomyopathy: can develop in pts who have persistent or recurrent
tachyarrhythmia w/ prolonged periods of rapid ventricular rate. Initial tx aimed at *restoration of sinus
rhythm or aggressive control of ventricular rate* & can lead to significant improvement in left ventricular
4238 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Chronic tachycardia causes structural changes in the heart including LV dilation & myocardial dysfunction
CHF due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction:
decreased cardiac output/index -> increased systemic vascular resistance (due to rise in neurohormonal
4243 Medicine Cardiovascular System
activation) which maintains bp & vital organ perfusion & increases blood volume -> increase in left
ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV)
Indicators for surgery/aortic valve replacement in pts w/ aortic stenosis are "SAD":
"Syncope", "Angina", & "Dyspnea." Onset of any of these three sx indicates that the prognosis w/o surgery
is poor
4277 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Aortic valvotomy is not nearly as effective as aortic valve replacement. It should only be considered as a
bridge to surgery in the hemodynamically unstable pt or for poor surgical candidates
Excessive alcohol intake(>2 drinks a day)or binge drinking(>5 drinks in a row)is ass. w/ increased incidence
of htn compared to nondrinkers.In such pts,reduction in alcohol intake leads to improved bp control
4291 Medicine Cardiovascular System
If medication for htn is absolutely necessary,calcium channel blockers are preferred over beta blockers
unless there are compelling indications for beta blocker use (eg heart failure, asymptomatic left ventricular
dysfunction,post MI, hyperthyroidism, a-fib rate control
Dual antiplatelet therapy (aspirin & a *P2y12 receptor blocker*[eg,clopidogrel]) leads to a reduction in
recurrent MI & cardiovascular death compared to aspirin alone in pts w/ non-ST elevation MI. It also
reduces risk of stent thrombosis & is rec in all pts for at least 12 months following drug-eluting stent
4298 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Postinfarction pericarditis(pericardial rub,chest pain) can be tx w/ colchicine
Apixaban used for anticoag in nonvalvular afib & mgmt of DVT & PE
B-blockers, calcium channel blockers, & nitrates are antianginal agents that should be withheld for at least
4300 Medicine Cardiovascular System 48 hours prior to cardiac stress testing.
Pt may continue to use ace inhibitors, arbs, digoxin, statins, diuretics
Pts presenting to ED w/ chest pain & suspected ACS should be administered *aspirin* ASAP. Early
antiplatelet therapy w/ aspirin reduces the rate of MI & overall mortality in pts w/ ACS
4334 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Lorazepam is a benzodiazepine used for chest pain stemming from an acute panic attack
Cardiac tamponade:Beck's triad-hypotension,distended neck veins(internal jugular venous pulsation >3-4
cm ),& muffled heart sounds.This is due to shift of interventricular septum toward the left ventricular
4345 Medicine Cardiovascular System cavity,which *reduces left ventricular preload*,stroke volume,& cardiac output.Lung exam shows clear lungs
to auscultation due to decreased preload.Can be due to an infectious etiology(eg,a viral pericarditis due to
possible recent upper resp viral illness)
GERD is charac by a retrosternal burning sensation after eating & w/ lying down. It may also be
accompanied by hoarseness & chronic cough, esp while recumbent. The initial tx is an H2-receptor
4346 Medicine Cardiovascular System antagonist or a proton pump inhibitor
[Cardiac chest pain is more typically a squeezing or pressure sensation;NOT A BURNING ONE]
Orthostatic hypotension: drop in bp after standing & is preceded by a lightheaded or presyncopal sensation
Syncope due to aortic stenosis occurs w/ activity. Hx of exertional dyspnea, chest pain, fatigue
Vasovagal syncope: excessive vagal tone, nausea, diaphoresis,& pallor prior to syncope.Occurs due to
4377 Medicine Cardiovascular System
stress, pain, urination. Common in young women.
Pts w/ intermediate probability of CAD should receive appropriate stress testing based on ECG findings and
4395 Medicine Cardiovascular System
their ability to exercise
High risk pts sohuld be started on appropriate medical therapy w/ expert evaluation to consider coronary
Peptic ulcer perforation presents w/ acute abdominal pain w/ radiation to the back or right shoulder & signs
4396 Medicine Cardiovascular System of peritonitis. Upright chest radiograph may reveal pneumoperitoneum(gas within peritoneal cavity) w/ free
air under the diaphragm
IV drug users are at increased risk for bacterial endocarditis inolving the right sided heart valves. *Tricuspid
regurgitation* is commonly present in pts w/ tricuspid valve endocarditis(intensity of this murmur increases
w/ *inspiration*)
4398 Medicine Cardiovascular System
S4: normal in healthy older adults but abnormal in children/young adults
Paradoxical/reversed splitting: A2 follows P2, w/ maximal splitting noted during expiration. Seen in pts w/
fixed left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
URI,dyspnea,elevated JVP,increased cardiac silhouette suggests early cardiac tamponade due to large
pericardial effusion.*Inability to palpate point of maximal apical impulse* is consistent w/ large pericardial
effusion(appears on CXR as enlarged & globular cardiac silhouette "water bottle" heart shape w/ clear lung
4445 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Viral myocarditis:audible S3,pulm vascular congestion,bibasilar rales
4455 Medicine Cardiovascular System Capillary pulsations in the fingers & lips may be observed in aortic regurgitation
Late diastolic murmurs are heard most commonly in mitral stenosis. An opening snap is also characteristic
of mitral stenosis. Pts present w/ pulmonary edema & atrial fibrillation
Prolonged PR interval & intraventricular conduction delay(prolonged QRS duration) is suggestive of
*bradyarrhythmia* or high grade atrioventricular block and can lead to *syncopal episodes*
4456 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Torsades de pointes is due to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in the setting of a prolonged QT interval
Arteriovenous fistula(eg,an AV fistula that develops due to stab wound to thigh) causes high output cardiac
failure by shunting the blood from the arterial to venous side, thereby *increasing cardiac preload*. The pt
4459 Medicine Cardiovascular System
develops heart failure despite maintaining a normal or high cardiac output because the circulation is unable
to meet the oxygen demand of the peripheral tissues
Digoxin toxicity: *Amiodarone*(or verapamil, quinidine, & propafenone) can increase serum levels of digoxin
& cause toxicity in a pt on a stable digoxin regimen. It's rec that digoxin dose be decreased by 25%-50%
4463 Medicine Cardiovascular System when initiating amiodarone therapy, w/ close monitoring of digoxin levels once weekly for several weeks.
Sx-LIFE THREATENING ARRHYTHMIAS, *anorexia*, *nausea/vomiting*, ab pain, fatigue, confusion,
Warfarin or target specific oral anticoagulants(rivaroxaban,apixaban,dabigatran) should be used to reduce
risk of systemic thromboembolism in pts w/ A-fib & moderate to high risk of thromboembolic
events(CHA2DS2-VASc score >2).
4469 Medicine Cardiovascular System
*Pts w/ "lone A-fib"(pts w/ paroxysmal,persistent,or permanent A-fib w/ no evidence of cardiopulmonary or
structural heart disease,age<60,score of 0) are at low risk of systemic embolization & anticoagulant tx is
NOT indicated*
*Acetaminophen*, NSAIDs, amiodarone, & abx may *potentiate the anticoagulant effects of warfarin*, lead
4473 Medicine Cardiovascular System
to varibale dose response, &/or *increase the risk of bleeding*
Marfan syndrome:Aortic dissection is most dangerous complication! Aortic regurgitation is a complication of
aortic dissection & presents w/ an *early diastolic mumur*
Wide & fixed splitting of second heart sound present in pts w/ ASD. Holt-Oram (heart-hand) syndrome is
4484 Medicine Cardiovascular System ass. w/ both upper-limb defects(eg,deformities of radius, carpal bones) & atrial septal defect
Survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma are at increased risk for cardiac disease, presenting 10-20 years after
mediastinal irradiation. Constrictive pericarditis is a complication of mediastinal irradiation and a cause of
4524 Medicine Cardiovascular System right heart failure. Look for sx of peripheral edema, elevated jvp, hepatomegally, ascites, hepatojugular
reflux, kussmaul's sign (lack of decrease or increase in jugular venous pressure on inspiration), & a
pericardial knock (mid-diastolic sound).
Screen male active or former smokers aged 65-75 years w/ a one-time *abdominal ultrasound* to evaluate
4532 Medicine Cardiovascular System
for an abdominal aortic aneurysm
Chronic venous insufficiency is a common cause of peripheral edema & should be suspected in pts w
4592 Medicine Cardiovascular System isolated lower-extremity edema &/or dilated veins w/ otherwise normal physical examination. Initial tx
includes conservative measures w/ *leg elevation*, exercise, & compression therapy
Cor pulmonale: impaired function of the right ventricle due to pulmonary hypertension that usually ocurs due
to chronic lung disease(COPD most common etiology)
4593 Medicine Cardiovascular System
COPD w/ cor pulmonale sx- Elevated jvp, enlarged liver, long term tobacco use, chronic cough,
barrel-shaped chest
In pts w/ CHF, activation of RAAS & production of angiotensin II causes preferential vasoconstriction of
efferent renal arterioles,which increases intraglomerular pressure in order to maintain adequate GFR
Vasoconstriction of both afferent & efferent glomerular arterioles->increase in renal vascular resistance &
4594 Medicine Cardiovascular System
net decrease in renal blood flow
Captopril radionuclide renal scan occasionally used to dx suspected renovascular disease or renal artery
stenosis as a cause of refractory htn
The net result of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activation is increased blood pressure, total
body sodium & water, & blood volume. As a result, any drug that blocks the effect of angiotensin II or
aldosterone enhances natriuresis.
4681 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Direct renin inhibitors (eg aliskiren) increase natriuresis, decrease serum angiotensin II concentration, and
decreases aldosterone production
Presence of a systolic-diastolic abdominal bruit in a pt w/ HTN & atherosclerosis is strongly suggestive of
renal artery stenosis
Abdominal aortic aneurysms seen in older men w/ atherosclerosis & smoking hx. Pulsatile abdominal mass.
4682 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Systolic bruit may be heard, but a systolic-diastolic bruit would be rare
Aortoenteric fistulas are rare causes of massive GI hemorrhage. May be primary or secondary(due to
surgery). Causes hypotension
Heart failure due to diastolic dysfunction: also called heart failure w/ preserved left ventricular ejection
fraction.*Systemic hypertension is a classic cause of diastolic dysfunction*. In severe cases, diastolic
dysfunction can cause decompensated heart failure. Tx- diuretics & BP control
4707 Medicine Cardiovascular System
High-output heart failure: supranormal ventricular function that can't meet body's metabolic demands.
Causes include anemia, hyperthyroidism, beriberi, Paget's disease, & av fistulas
*Pts w/ persistent tachyarrhythmia (narrow- or wide-complex) causing hemodynamic instability should be
managed w/ immediate synchronized DC cardioversion*. Pts who have minimal sx & remain
4709 Medicine Cardiovascular System
hemodynamically stable during an episode of regular, narrow-complex supraventricular tachycardia can be
managed initially w/ a trial of vagal maneuvers(eg, carotid sinus massage) and/or iv adenosine
ACLS guidelines recommend epinephrine only in pts w/ asystole, pulseless electrical activity, or refractory
ventricular arrhythmias unresponsive to defibrillation
4719 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Acute myocardial ischemia or infarction is leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest due to ventricular
Aortic dissection sequelae include *cardiac tamponade*, acute aortic regurgitation, stroke, & renal failure
4720 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Tension pneumothorax: chest pain, shortness of breath, & hypotension. Physical exam-absent breath
sounds in one hemithorax & a deviated trachea
Hyperparathyroidism: uncommon cause of secondary hypertension*
suspect in pts w/ hypertension, hypercalcemia, recurrent renal stones, muscle weakness & neuropsychiatric
"bones, stones, abdominal moans, & psychic groans"
4722 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Majority of cases are due to parathyroid adenoma
Renal artery stenosis/Renovascular disease: severe htn after age 55, abdominal bruit, recurrent flash
pulmonary edema or resistant heart failure, elevated creatinine
[Pulseless electrical activity(PEA) is the presence of organized rhythm on cardiac monitoring w/o
measurable BP or palpable pulse in a cardiac arrest pt]
PEA/asystole should be managed w/ uninterrupted cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR/*chest
4725 Medicine Cardiovascular System
compressions*) along w/ vasopressor therapy to maintain adequate cerebral & coronary
perfusion.Reversible causes of PEA should also be investigated.Defibrillation or synchronized cardioversion
has no role in mgmt of these pts
Progressively *decreasing baroreceptor sensitivity* & defects in the myocardial response to this reflex are
4728 Medicine Cardiovascular System the main reasons for the increased incidence of orthostatic hypotension(postural decrease in bp by 20
mmHg systolic or 10 mmHg diastolic) in the elderly
*Main risk factors ass. w/ AAA expansion & rupture include 1) large diameter 2) rate of expansion 3) current
cigarette smoking*
4738 Medicine Cardiovascular System
[hypertension has a weak ass. w/ AAA formation & it's rate of expansion & rupture]
For unclear reasons, risk of AAA in pts w/ diabetes is lower than in those w/o diabetes
Sudden onset of chest pain, ST segment elevation, holosystolic murmur at apex, & bibasilar crackles is
consistent w/ acute inferior myocardial infarction (MI) w/ papillary muscle displacement, leading to acute
4740 Medicine Cardiovascular System
mitral regurgitation (MR) & pulmonary edema. It leads to abrupt & excessive volume overload, causing
*elevated left atrial & ventricular filling pressures* & acute pulmonary edema
The primary anti-ischemic & antianginal effects of NITRATES are due to systemic vasodilation rather than
coronary vasodilation. Systemic venodilation *LOWERS preload & left ventricular end-diastolic volume*,
reducing wall stress & myocardial oxygen demand
4741 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Systemic arterial dilation causes a decrease in afterload
[In contast, an increase in preload &/or afterload will cause an increase in wall stress w/ increased
myocardial oxygen demand & worsening angina]
Aspirin and beta blockers(esp. nonselective beta blockers) can trigger bronchoconstriction in pts w/ asthma.
aspirin is common trigger for bronchoconstriction in asthmatics, esp those w/ chronic rhinitis & nasal polyps
Pulsus paradoxus: exaggerated fall in systemic blood pressure >10 mm Hg during inspiration. Frequent
4771 Medicine Cardiovascular System finding in cardiac tamponade but can also occur in conditions w/o pericardial effusion such as severe
Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome: *accessory pathway between the atrium & ventricle* resulting in
4894 Medicine Cardiovascular System preexcitation & an increased risk for tachyarrhythmias. Shortened PR interval, slurred initial portion of
QRS(delta wave), widened QRS complex
"ken-tuc-KY"-third syllable corresponds to S3.
The third heart sound (S3) is a low frequency diastolic sound heard just after S2 that is ass. w/ left
4908 Medicine Cardiovascular System ventricular failure. IV *diuretics* provide symptomatic benefits to pts w/ decompensated heart failure
[Although pts w/ heart failure will benefit from b-blockers in the long term, they are not as effective as
diuretics at providing symptomatic benefits in the short term]
Know what fourth heart sound (S4) sounds like![TEN-nes-see]
S4 is a low frequency sound heard at the end of diastole just before S1 that is commonly ass. w/ left
ventricular hypertrophy from *prolonged hypertension* (S4 corresponds w/ atrial contraction,results from the
sound of blood striking a stiffened left ventricle)
4909 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Miral valve prolapse: midsystolic click & late systolic murmur heard over cardiac apex
Ascending aortic aneurysm ass. w/ aortic regurgitation, which would result in a diastolic murmur
4911 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Tricuspid stenosis: Mcc is rheumatic heart disease
Constrictive pericarditis: signs of fluid overload, pulsatile hepatomegaly, exertional dyspnea, elevated jvp
sx-palpitations,dizziness,lightheadedness, shortness of breath, diaphoresis, chest pain, syncope
ECG-narrow QRS complex tachycardia(P wave buried within or seen after QRS)
Panic attacks:
4920 Medicine Cardiovascular System sx- sinus tachycardia w/ normal P wave morphology and relationship with the QRS complex
tx- alprazolam
Amiodarone/lidocaine used in treatment of stable pts w/ wide QRS complex tachycardia (ventricular
Amiodarone also used in atrial fibrillation
Use dependence refers to enhanced pharmacologic effects of a drug during faster heart rates & is seen w/
class I (especially IC) & class IV (calcium channel blockers) antiarrhythmic agents. Class IC agents
4922 Medicine Cardiovascular System
(eg,*Flecainide* & propafenone) cause a progressive decrease in impulse conduction w/ faster heart rates,
leading to an *increase in the QRS complex duration*
A supervised graded exercise program is the most useful intervention to improve functional capacity &
reduce symptomatic claudication in pts w/ peripheral arterial disease. Antiplatelet agents (eg, aspirin,
4928 Medicine Cardiovascular System
clopidogrel) reduce overall cardiovascular mortality. Lipid-lowering therapy w/ statins should also be given to
all pts w/ clinically significant atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Atrial fibrillation is caused by ectopic foci within the *pulmonary veins*
8472 Medicine Cardiovascular System Atrioventricular nodal reentry tachycardia results from a reentrant circuit formed by 2 separate conducting
pathways(one fast & the other slow) within AV node
An *Exercise program* should be recommended as initial tx for pts w/ intermittent claudication.
8928 Medicine Cardiovascular System Use cilostazol & percutaneous or surgical revascularization only for pts w/ persistent sx despite exercise
Single photon emission CT scan useful for evaluating for CAD.Decreased tracer uptake w/ stress but normal
uptake at rest is considered a reversible defect.It indicates inducible ischemia & likely CAD.Tx w/
antiplatelets for prevention of mi,b-blockers,& modification of pts risk factors
9648 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Normal tracer uptake at rest & exercise -> excellent prognosis w/ <1% risk of CAD
Decreased tracer uptake at rest & exercise (fixed defect)->indicates scar tissue w/ decreased perfusion &
*Peripheral edema is a common side effect of dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (CCBs) eg,
10179 Medicine Cardiovascular System Amlodipine.* Addition of a renin-angiotensin system antagonist (ACE inhibitor or angiotensin receptor
blocker) can reduce CCB ass. peripheral edema
Cyanide toxicity occurs in pts treated w/ nitroprusside who receive prolonged infusions, higher doses, or
have underlying renal insufficiency. It presents w/ altered mental status, lactic acidosis, seizures, & coma
10763 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Alcohol withdrawal/seizures peaks during the second day following cessation. If pt gets seizures after 4 days
of discontinuing alcohol, its probably not due to alcohol withdrawal
Constrictive pericarditis:
results from thickened/calcified pericardium that limits diastolic filling, causes sx of right heart failure, normal
ventricular size
sx- progressive peripheral edema, ascites, elevated jvp, pericardial knock (middiastolic sound), & pericardial
10764 Medicine Cardiovascular System
calcifications on chest radiograph
Cardiac amyloidosis: Increased ventricular wall thickness w/ normal/nondilated left ventricular cavity, heavy
proteinuria, periorbital purpura, & hepatomegaly
HTN & AKI in the setting of systemic sclerosis suggests scleroderma renal crisis(SRC).SRC occurs within
first 5 years of diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis dx.SRC presents w/ acute renal failure,malignant
htn(headache,blurry vision,nausea).UA may show mild proteinuria.Peripheral blood smear shows
10767 Medicine Cardiovascular System
microangiopathic hemolytic anemia w/ fragmented rbcs(*schistocytes*) & thrombocytopenia
PH due to hypoxemia from chronic lung disease:Tx w/ oxygen and/or bronchodilator therapy
11252 Medicine Cardiovascular System
Symptomatic idiopathic PH:Tx w/ endothelian receptor antagonists(bosentan),phosphodiesterase-5
inhibitors(sildenafil),and/or prostanoids(epoprostenol)
Scabies:Sarcoptes scabiei mite.Intensely pruritic rash in flexor surfaces of wrist,lateral surfaces of fingers,&
finger webs.Pts have excoriations w/ small,crusted,red papules scattered around affectd areas
Dx-skin scrapings from excoriated lesions
2750 Medicine Dermatology Tx in adults-Topical permethrin 5% cream or oral ivermectin
Bed bugs:painless bites,pts develop pruritus & purpuric macules,bites appear as papules in clusters of 2 or
3 over exposed areas
Bullous pemphigoid(BP):IgG & C3 deposits atdermal-epidermal junction(basement membrane zone)
2751 Medicine Dermatology Linear IgA bullous dermatosis:Linear IgA deposits at dermal-epidermal junction.AKA chronic bullous disease
of childhood when it occurs in pediatric setting
Intraepidermal blisters & erosions w/ multinucleated giant cells w/ molded steel-gray nuclei seen on biopsy
of HSV & VZV vesicles
Ichthyosis vulgaris:
aka "lizard skin"
2754 Medicine Dermatology sx- dry, rough skin w/ horny plates over extensor surfaces of limbs
history of normal skin at birth w/ gradual progression to dry scaly skin
condition worsens during winter months
Seborrheic dermatitis:
affects scalp (dandruff), face (eyebrows, nasolabial folds, external ear canal/posterior ear), chest, &
2755 Medicine Dermatology intertriginious areas
characterized by fine, loose, yellow, & greasy looking scales
tx- topical antifungal agents
Molluscum contagiosum:caused by a poxvirus.Small pink/skin colored papules w/ central umbilication.Can
occur anywhere except palms & soles.Can occur in linear pattern.Lesions can be either asymptomatic or
2761 Medicine Dermatology pruritic & can occasionally be accompanied by surrounding dermatitis.It's usually minor & self limited in
healthy pts.It may cause a more widespread & prolonged illness in immunocompromised pts,esp those w/
HIV & a CD4 count <100/uL
Rosacea: chronic inflammatory disorder, flushing, erythemia, telangiectasias, papules/pustules,& tissue
hyperplasia. Most often involves the central face & scalp
Sebaceous hyperplasia: small pale/yellow papules at central face. Lesions are stable in size & appearance
2762 Medicine Dermatology
Sudden onset of multiple seborrheic keratoses may indicate an occult internal malignancy (Leser-Trelat sign)
Squamous cell carcinoma: much less common & faster growing than BCC. Arises from actinic keratosis
Seborrheic keratosis:more common w/ advancing age(stem may mention an eldery 80 y/o pt w/ a lesion
thats been present for a while & gradually darkened). Tends to favor the face & trunk. Lesions don't occur
on the palms & soles. Waxy/greasy, "stuck on", warty, & well-circumscribed appearance
2764 Medicine Dermatology
Melanoma doesn't have "stuck-on", warty appearance. Hx of changing mole, blurring of borders, &
asymmetry are characteristic
Melanoma:pts complain of mole that changed in size or color or became pruritic,painful,or bleeding.Risk
factors-fair skin,hx of blistering sunburns,family hx of melanoma,dysplastic nevus syndrome,atypical nevi &
greater than 100 typical nevi
2765 Medicine Dermatology Blue nevi:blue,smooth,dome shaped melanocytic papules,develop from macules,< 1cm diameter
Stevens Johnson syndrome: caused by drugs like TMP-SMX, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants.Mucosal surfaces
always involved
Warfarin-induced skin necrosis:pain,followed by bullae formation & skin necrosis.Breasts,butt,thighs &
abdomen commonly involved
Pyoderma gangrenosum:ulcerative skin lesion.Initial lesion described as bite like reaction w/ small papule or
2772 Medicine Dermatology
pustule.Pain is main complaint. Malaise & arthralgia may also be present
Cholesterol embolization syndrome:Pt who develops worsening renal function,htn,or distal ischemia
following invasive arterial procedure. Livedo reticularis seen
Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) Tx: gluten-free diet & *dapsone*
2774 Medicine Dermatology
DH commonly ass. w/ gluten-sensitive enteropathy(celiac disease)
Pemphigus vulgaris: mucocutaneous blistering disease(often lesions first appear in oral mucous
membrane), flaccid bullae, *intercellular IgG deposits in the epidermis*. Autoantibodies formed against
2775 Medicine Dermatology Bullous pemphigoid:Oral lesions are very rare. Immunofluorescence microscopy shows IgG & C3 deposits
in the dermal epidermal junction
SLE facial rash similar to rosacea facial rash but has no papules & pustules
Exfoliative dermatitis(aka erythroderma):widespread,scaly eruption of skin.May be
drug-induced,idiopathic,or secondary to an underlying dermatological or systemic disease
2777 Medicine Dermatology
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome:syndrome of acute exfoliation of skin caused by a toxin that is
produced by S. aureus.The skin is tender & warm,w/ a sandpaper-like,diffuse erythematous rash.Other
features include bullae,+ Nikolsky's sign,facial edema,perioral crusting & dehydration.Children < 6 years
caused by autoimmune destruction of melanocytes
affects acral areas and around body orifices "pale white patches distributed symmetrically around pt's mouth
and similar lesions found over areola of pt's breasts"
2779 Medicine Dermatology
inherited absence of melanocytes.
noticed at birth and confined to head and trunk
< 10% of body surface area- Stevens Johnson syndrome
10%-30% of BSA: SJS/TEN overlap
>30% of BSA: Toxic epidermal necrolysis
2780 Medicine Dermatology
Erythema multiforme:
sx- target lesions, occurs after a herpes simplex infection
may appear similar to mild SJS but bullae and desquamation are less common & mucosal involvement is
rare and systemic sx not as prominent as SJS.
infection of the skin & subcutaneous tissue
3080 Medicine Dermatology risk factors- obesity, venous insufficiency, & skin disruption
sx- erythema, edema, & warmth, fever, lymphanditis, & regional lymphadenopathy.
Group A Streptococcus is mcc of non-purulent cellulitis. Staphylococci mcc of purulent cellulitis.
3811 Medicine Dermatology Poison ivy & *nickel* jewelry can cause allergic contact dermatitis, which is a type IV hypersensitivity reaction
Condylomata acuminata(anogenital warts):Serotypes 16 & 18 ass. w/ squamous cell carcinoma of the
anus,genital organs & throat.Tx-Chemical or physical agents(trichloroacetic acid, podophyllin), immune
therapy(imiquimod), surgery(cryosurgery,excision,laser tx)
3831 Medicine Dermatology
HPV ass. w/ increased risk for other STD's esp HIV
Noninflammatory (comedonal) acne tx:
topical retinoids
Porphyria cutanea tarda: painless blisters, hypertrichosis, & hyperpigmentation. Ass. w/ Hepatitis C
infection, & can be triggered by ingestion of certain substances(ethanol,estrogens), which should be
4314 Medicine Dermatology
discontinued once suspected. Phlebotomy or hydroxychloroquine may provide relief, as can
interferon-alpha, in pts simultaneously infected w/ Hepatitis C virus
Squamous cell carcinoma: nonhealing ulcer in vermillion zone of lower lip w/ significant hx of sun exposure,
keratin pearls.
Basal cell carcinoma: clusters of spindle cells surrounded by palisaded basal cells. This cancer is rarely
4319 Medicine Dermatology
found on lips & never found on lower lip!
Senile purpura: presents w/ ecchymoses in elderly pts in areas exposed to repeated minor trauma (eg,
extensor surfaces of the hands & forearms) It's due to age-related *loss of elastic fibers in perivascular
connective tissue*/*perivascular connective tissue atrophy*. Not dangerous, requires no further evaluation.
4355 Medicine Dermatology
Lupus anticoagulant: an IgM or IgG immunoglobulin that prolongs the aPTT. It's not a physiologic
anticoagulant but actually increases the risk of thrombosis.
Cherry hemangiomas:small,red,cutaneous papules common in aging adults.They don't regress
spontaneously.Benign & don't require tx
Spider angiomas:Estrogen dependent & commonly seen in pregnancy,oral contraceptive use,& cirrhosis
4403 Medicine Dermatology
related hyperestrogenemia
4410 Medicine Dermatology Atopic dermatitis: type 1 (immediate) hypersensitivity reaction. Acute subtype has pruritic papules, vesicles
& plaques. Light microscopy shows spongiosis (edema of the epidermis)
Pityriasis rosea: pink/brown scaly plaque, herald patch, maculopapular rash in "Christmas tree" pattern
Pressure ulcers: locations include sacrum, heels, elbows, & ears
4610 Medicine Dermatology
Diabetic foot ulcers: common on soles of the feet over the metatarsal heads & the top of the toes
Molluscum contagiosum: Pts w/ *impaired cellular immunity* (eg HIV) are at risk for more severe,
widespread disease
Hyperpigmentation of the skin in primary adrenal insufficiency(Addison's disease) is generalized but more
prominent in areas exposed to friction (elbows, knees) & light (face, dorsum of hands)
Hidradenitis suppurative (acne inversa): painful tender masses w/ inflammation, scarring, & sinus tract
formation. Occurs most commonly at the axillae, groin, inner thighs, & perineal area. Dx based on clinical
10152 Medicine Dermatology
Furunculosis is an abscess ass. w/ a hair follicle, & is usually due to S. aureus
Intertrigo presents as well-defined erythematous plaques w/ satellite vesicles or pustules in intertriginous &
occluded skin areas. Infection usually due to Candida species
Acute urticaria (<6 weeks): due to infections(viral, bacterial, parasitic), NSAIDs, & IgE mediated(abx, insect
bites, latex, food) or direct(narcotics, radiocontrast medium) mast cell activation. 50% of pts have idiopathic
10298 Medicine Dermatology
urticaria. Pts develop well-circumscribed & raised erythematous plaques w/ central pallor, along w/ intense
pruritus & resolution of individual skin lesions within 24 hours (google pic)
Dermatofibromas:firm,hyperpigmented nodules <1 cm in diameter.Due to fibroblast proliferation.Occur on
lower extremities.Have a fibrous component that causes central area to dimple when
pinched.Tx-(Cryosurgery or shave excision) not required,unless lesion symptomatic or for cosmetic reasons
10402 Medicine Dermatology
Pyogenic granuloma:benign vascular skin tumor.Small red papule that grows rapidly over weeks/months to
a pedunculated or sessile shiny mass.Occur on lip/oral mucosa.Bleeds w/ minor trauma
Plantar warts(google pic): *due to HPV infection*. Occurs in young adults & immunocompromised
10485 Medicine Dermatology individuals. Lesions appear as hyperkeratotic papules on the sole of the foot that can be painful when
*Epidermal inclusion cyst(EIC)* is a benign nodule containing normal epidermis that produces keratin. Pts
usually develop a dome-shaped, firm, freely movable cyst or nodule w/ a small central punctum. The lesion
10670 Medicine Dermatology can remain stable or gradually increase in size but usually resolves spontaneously(but can often recur)
[In contrast to epidermal cysts, lipomas are usually soft to rubbery & irregular & don't typically regress &
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction:results in referred pain to the ear thats worsened w/
chewing.Pts report hx of nocturnal teeth grinding.Tx-nighttime bite guard.Surgical intervention sometimes
Ramsay Hunt syndrome:form of herpes zoster infection that causes Bell's palsy.Vesicles seen on outer ear
2194 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia:condition in which pts experience intermittent,severe,stabbing pain in areas
innervated by cranial nerves IX & X,including the ear
3 day hx of fever, chills, & sore throat is most likely secondary to tonsillitis. However, development of a
muffled or "hot potato voice" & deviation of uvula suggests that a peritonsillar abscess has developed as a
2195 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
complication of the tonsillitis. Pts w/ peritonsillar abscess have prominent unilateral lymphadenopathy.
Tx-*needle peritonsillar aspiration* & initiation of IV abx
Malignant otitis externa:infection of the ear seen in elderly pts w/ poorly controlled diabetes,caused by
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Sx-ear pain,ear drainage,granulation tissue seen within ear canal.Progression of
infection can lead to osteomyelitis of the skull base & destruction of facial nerve(facial drooping,food
dropping out of mouth).Tx-ciprofloxacin
2828 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Ramsay Hunt syndrome:herpes zoster infection in the ear,facial nerve palsy & vesicles in the auditory canal
& auricle
Pts w/ presbycusis often have difficulty hearing in noisy, crowded environments. Difficulty hearing
high-pitched noises/voices
2836 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Otosclerosis: a conductive hearing loss ass. w/ bony overgrowth of stapes, begins w/ low-frequency hearing
loss, often found in middle aged people
Pregnant woman have increased incidence of pyogenic granulomas on anterior nasal septum. They are
frequent sources of nose bleeds during pregnancy
Leukoplakia is a reactive precancerous lesion that represents hyperplasia of the squamous epithelium. *Oral
leukoplakia can't be scraped off*. Tobacco & alcohol use are risk factors(similar risk factors as squamous
cell carcinoma). We have to do a biopsy to rule out malignant transformation of the lesion
2844 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Oral candidiasis(thrush):occurs in pts w/ diabetes,immunodeficiency states,use of abx or inhaled
glucocorticoids.White plaques can be scraped off w/ tongue depressor
Suspect malignant otitis externa in any diabetic pt w/ severe ear pain, otorrhea, & evidence of granulation
3260 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) tissue in the ear canal. *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* is the most frequent cause of malignant otitis externa.
Pain often radiates to the temporomandibular joint & causes pain that is exacerbated by chewing
Dizziness can be classified as vertigo if pt describes a sensation of spinning that is accompanied by nausea.
Meniere's disease is the likely cause of vertigo if the pt also has a sensation of ear fullness(due to abnormal
accumulation of endolymph within the inner ear)
3449 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Lateral medullary infarction aka Wallenberg syndrome:presents w/ intense vertigo,gaze abnormalities,limb
ataxia,sensory loss,Horner's syndrome
Malignant(necrotizing)otitis externa:severe infection of external auditory canal & skull base due to
Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Sx-severe ear pain esp at night,purulent drainage w/ sense of fullness,conductive
4282 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) hearing loss on affected side,granulation tissue,edematous external auditory canal,fever,elevated ESR.Seen
most frequently in elderly pts w/ diabetes or immunosuppression.*IV ciprofloxacin* is empiric tx
[Otitis externa is not as severe.Tx-topical abx & corticosteroids]
Meniere's disease: vertigo, ear fullness, tinnitus, & hearing loss. Nystagmus seen during acute attack.
4376 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Tx-environmental/dietary modifications, including *low-salt diet*. Medical therapy w/ diuretics,
antihistamines, or anticholinergics are considered if lifestyle modifications are unsuccessful.
Bone conduction(thats when tuning fork is placed on right mastoid process aka a "bone") that is greater
than air conduction(when vibrating tuning fork is immediately placed near her right external auditory meatus
4902 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) aka "air" since its held there and not touching anything) on the Rinne test is suggestive of conductive
hearing loss & can be confirmed w/ the Weber test. Otosclerosis is a common cause of conductive hearing
loss in adults in their 20s & 30s.
Sialadenosis:benign,noninflammatory enlargement of the salivary glands.Seen in pts w/ advanced liver
disease(*alcoholic* & nonalcoholic cirrhosis) as well as a variety of dietary & nutritional
Pleomorphic adenoma:benign neopasm affecting salivary glands that presents as a firm nodule
*Glucocorticoid nasal sprays* are the most effective single agent for Allergic rhinitis(sx-nasal
12123 Medicine Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) congestion,clear rhinorrhea,pale/edematous nasal mucosa,nasal creases,pharyngeal
cobblestoning,conjunctival edema,or thick green nasal discharge)
Hyperandrogenism(hirsutism) which develops rapidly over a few months along w/ virilization(excessive
muscular development & clitoral enlargement) is due to either an ovarian or adrenal tumor secreting
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2170 Medicine excessive androgens. *Measure serum testosterone & DHEAS levels*
Elevated testosterone w/ normal DHEAS=ovarian source
Elevated DHEAS w/ normal testosterone=adrenal source
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): Hx of weight loss & excessive water intake. Deep rapid breathing (Kussmaul's
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2171 Medicine respiration) due to acidosis. Can be precipitated by a GI infection. Elevated ED *fingerstick glucose* levels
may confirm suspicion within minutes.
Cushing's syndrome(CS):due to ectopic ACTH production.Admin of high dose dexamethasone doesn't
suppress plasma cortisol levels
Endocrine, Diabetes & Antithyroid drugs(propylthiouracil) are used in tx of hyperthyroidism during pregnancy & in prep for surgery
2179 Medicine
Metabolism or radioactive iodine therapy. It's less effective, less cost effective, & ass. w/ serious side effects
[DKA dx:blood glucose >250,pH <7.3 or low serum bicarbonate <15-20,detection of plasma ketones]
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2184 Medicine NPH insulin:not 4 initial tx of DKA due to its delayed onset & prolonged action.Started when pts recover
from DKA & begin to tolerate oral feeding
Sulfonylurea-induced hypoglycemia: difficult to differentiate from insulinoma since increased insulin &
c-peptide levels also seen in this situation. Dx confirmed w/ measuring plasma sulfonylurea level (if
negative, its prob an insulinoma)
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2188 Medicine
Exogenous insulin induced hypoglycemia: very high serum insulin levels & low c-peptide levels
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2189 Medicine Best markers indicating resolution of DKA are the serum anion gap & beta-hydroxybutyrate levels
Endocrine, Diabetes & The most beneficial therapy to reduce the progression of diabetic nephropathy is strict *blood pressure
2190 Medicine
Metabolism control*
Most important causes of thyrotoxicosis w/ low radioactive iodine uptake:
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2191 Medicine subacute painless thyroiditis,subacute granulomatous thyroiditis,iodine-induced thyroid
toxicosis,levothyroxine overdose,struma ovarii(less likely in a pt w/ neck swelling suggesting thyroiditis)
*GLP-1 agonists(exenatide,liraglutide) induce weight loss & have lower hypoglycemia risk*
Endocrine, Diabetes & Sulfonylureas for pts w/ metformin failure.Weight gain & hypoglycemia occur
2192 Medicine
Pioglitazone(TZDs):S.E. like weight gain,edema,CHF,bone fracture,bladder ca.Can be used in renal
BRCA testing should be offered to pts w/ hx of ovarian cancer in 1st or 2nd degree relatives at age <50 or
in multiple generations
Ectopic ACTH syndrome by a rapidly growing malignant tumor generally causes hypertension, hypokalemia,
Endocrine, Diabetes & metabolic alkalosis, & pigmentation w.o characteristic features of Cushing syndrome. When cortisol is
2592 Medicine
Metabolism produced in excess amounts, it results in mineralocorticoid effects by bypassing the enzyme 11 beta
hydroxyl dehydrogenase
Type 1 multiple endocrine neoplasia(MEN1):
3 P's-parathyroid,pituitary,pancreatic.
Hypercalcemia(constipation,polyuria),peptic ulcer(epigastric abdominal pain with occult bleeding),family hx of
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2630 Medicine peptic ulcer & kidney stones.Gastrin producing tumors(gastrinomas) are the most common pancreatic
tumors in MEN1 & cause Zollinger-Ellison syndrome,charac. by severe & refractory peptic ulcer disease
In pts/ w hypercalcemia,a single elevated serum calcium level must always be confirmed by a second serum
calcium value.After hypercalcemia is confirmed,next step is to check serum PTH level to distinguish
between PTH mediated hypercalcemia & non-PTH mediated hypercalcemia
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3102 Medicine Vit D toxicity:elevated serum 25-hydroxy vitamin D level
1 or 3 hyperparathyroidism-high urine calcium/creatinine clearance ratio(cr)
Some hypothyroid pts develop von Willebrand syn w increased bleeding risk
Thyroid nodules:Usually benign.*TSH measurement & US are 1st steps in eval*.Radionuclide scan for pts w/
low TSH.Hot nodules are benign & can be tx for hyperthyroidism.FNA indicated for pts w/ normal or high
TSH,cold nodules,thyroid cancer family hx,or suspicious thyroid US findings
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3484 Medicine
Hyperfunctioning"hot"nodule(increased isotope uptake in nodule w/ decreased surrounding uptake)
Graves' disease can be tx w/ anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine tx, or thyroidectomy. The most serious
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3487 Medicine side effect of anti-thyroid drugs(eg,methimazole) is agranulocytosis (0.3% of pts). Pts developing sore
throat & fever should stop the drug & see a physician to check their wbc count
Radioiodine therapy is more likely to cause permanent hypothyroidism in pts w/ Graves' disease. Since the
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3488 Medicine whole thyroid gland is hyperfunctional in Graves' disease, radioiodine is taken up by the entire thyroid gland,
thereby resulting in complete thyroid ablation
Osteomalacia: commonly due to vitamin D deficiency(*low vit D->low calcium,low phosphate->increased
PTH*).Vit D deficiency can be due to malabsorption(Crohn's),intestinal bypass surgery(small bowel
Endocrine, Diabetes & resection), celiac sprue, or chronic liver or kidney disease.Unlike in osteoporosis, pts complain of bone pain
3489 Medicine
Metabolism & muscle weakness. Xray-decreased bone density w/ thinning of cortex & pseudofractures(Looser zones)
Osteomalacia: defective *mineralization* of the organic bone *matrix*. Can be due to vitamin D deficiency,
which leads to decreased intestinal calcium & phosphorus absorption w/ resultant secondary
hyperparathyroidism. Labs-hypophosphatemia, hypocalcemia,elevated alkaline phosphatase. Sx-muscle
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3490 Medicine weakness & bone pain
Pagets disease of bone: markers of bone resorption (c-telopeptide, n-telopeptide) & bone formation
(alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin) are elevated
Dopamine-agonists such as bromocriptine or cabergoline treat prolactinomas.
Endocrine, Diabetes & Do Surgery only if pts don't respond to or can't tolerate dopamine agonists, or if impaired vision due to
3492 Medicine
Metabolism invasive prolactinomas doesn't improve w/ drug treatment
Do Radiotherapy for tumors that don't respond to medical or surgical therapy. Risk of panhypopituitarism.
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3493 Medicine Serum prolactin levels >200 ng/mL are essentially diagnostic for prolactinoma
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3494 Medicine Renal angiomyolipomas are seen in tuberous sclerosis
Euthyroid sick syndrome ("low T3 syndrome") is characterized by a fall in total & free T3 levels w/ normal T4
& TSH levels
Central hypothyroidism: low(or inappropriately normal) TSH levels ass. w/ low T4 & low or low-normal T3
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3495 Medicine
Overt primary hypothyroidism: decreased free T4 levels w/ an elevated TSH
Subclinical hypothyroidism: elevated TSH w/ normal T4 levels. Serum T3 not useful in these pts, it remains
normal until late stages of hypothyroidism.
Anti-thyroid peroxidase (anti-TPO) & anti-thyroglobulin antibodies are present in more than 90% of pts w/
Hashimoto's thyroiditis
Endocrine, Diabetes & Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) are present in pts w/ Graves' disease. TSI stimulate TSH
3496 Medicine
Metabolism receptors on the thyroid follicular cells, thereby resulting in thyroid hormone overproduction
Antibodies against TSH receptors can be present in some pts w/ hypothyroidism. These pts have small
thyroid glands
Endocrine, Diabetes & Hashimoto's thyroiditis: positive anti-thyroperoxidase(TPO)antibodies w/ an enlarged rubbery goiter are
3497 Medicine
Metabolism virtually diagnostic. Pts are at increased risk for developing *thyroid lymphoma*
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid is the most common thyroid malignancy(& has the best prognosis). Risk
factors include *exposure to radiation during childhood* & family hx. Spreads via lymphatic dissemination
Follicular thyroid cancer: *invasion of the capsule & blood vessels* is seen histopathologically. Unlike
papillary cancer, follicular cancer is encapsulated.
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3499 Medicine
Metabolism Papillary thyroid cancer (PTC): most common thyroid malignancy, slow infiltrative local spread affecting
other parts of the thyroid gland & regional lymph nodes, psamomma bodies are seen, FNAB reveals lage
cells w/ ground glass cytoplasm, PTC is unencapsulated, prognosis is excellent even w/ metastasis
MEN 2A & MEN 2B are autosomal disorders due to germline mutations in the RET proto-oncogene in >95%
of pts. Pts w/ positive DNA testing should undergo total thyroidectomy in early childhood (risk of acquiring
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3520 Medicine invasive medullary thyroid cancer is nearly 100%).
The pheochromocytoma of MEN syndromes can be dx w/ metanephrines & free catecholamines or plasma
free metanephrines
Leydig cells are the principal source of testosterone & are capable of estrogen production, due to markedly
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3594 Medicine increased aromatase expression. Common endocrine manifestations in adults is gynecomastia, however in
prepubertal cases,precocious puberty is common
Red flags for other secondary causes of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: headaches,low testosterone
levels(<150 ng/dL),gynecomastia w/ or w/o galactorrhea,& evidence of other pituitary hormonal
Endocrine, Diabetes & deficiencies.MRI of pituitary indicated in pts w/ elevated serum prolactin,serum testosterone <150
3595 Medicine
Metabolism ng/dL,visual field defects,or features of other pituitary hormonal dysfunction
Testosterone tx required if pt's serum prolactin & MRI of pituitary are normal
Elevated serum dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (*DHEA-S*) levels are specifically seen in pts w/ androgen
producing ADRENAL tumors.
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3598 Medicine
Metabolism [Androstenedione(AS), DHEA, & DHEA-S aren't true androgens cuz they don't interact w/ the androgen
receptor. They can be converted to testosterone, & overproduction of these hormones can lead to clinical
features of androgen excess]
Pts w/ central diabetes insipidus(DI) increase their urine osmolality by 50% following administration of
desmopressin acetate tablets;pts w/ nephrogenic DI will not show much change. Desmopressin(intranasal)
is 1st line tx for central DI
Tolvaptan used for hypervolemic/euvolemic hyponatremia that doesn't improve w/ standard therapy
Diabetic neuropathy:
Endocrine, Diabetes & Monofilament testing predicts the risk of future ulcers
3781 Medicine
Ankle brachial index primarily measures large vessel peripheral arterial disease
*Symmetric distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy* is the most common type of diabetic neuropathy, & is
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3795 Medicine charac by the classic "stocking glove" pattern of sensory loss. Aside from symmetric distal sensorimotor
polyneuropathy, diabetes can also cause mononeuropathies of cranial & peripheral nerves
Diabetic gastroparesis(delayed gastric emptying) presents w/ sx of anorexia, nausea, vomiting, early satiety,
postprandial fullness, & impaired glycemic control. Prokinetic agents(eg, *metoclopramide*, erythromycin,
Endocrine, Diabetes & cisapride) are useful in the management of sx
3797 Medicine
Progesterone analogs are useful in the palliation of anorexia & in improving appetite & weight gain in pts w/
cancer related anorexia/cachexia syndrome
TCAs(*amitriptyline*,desipramine,nortriptyline) used to tx diabetic neuropathy.Since TCAs can worsen
urinary sx(due to cystopathy) & orthostatic hypotension(due to cardiovascular autonomic
neuropathy),Gabapentin is an alternative for these pts
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3800 Medicine
Metabolism Small fiber neuropathy:pain,allodynia,paresthesias;sensory loss isn't marked.Ankle jerks may be preserved
MEN 2 syndromes:
Endocrine, Diabetes & Genetic/DNA testing (RET proto-oncogen mutation) is recommended screening test
4128 Medicine
Metabolism Total tyroidectomy indicated for pts who test positive. (Biochemical testing helpful in monitoring residual
disease after thyroidectomy)
Radioiodine therapy complications (in Graves disease pts):
1) Hypothyroidism develops in more than 80% of pts. It's the most common side effect! Can easily be
Endocrine, Diabetes & treated w/ levothyroxine
4132 Medicine
Metabolism 2) Exacerbation of ophthalmopathy. Rate as high as 10% reported. Prevented w/ high dose corticosteroid
treatment before and after radioactive iodine
Hyperkalemia: muscle weakness, flaccid paralysis, ECG changes. Asystole may occur
Metabolic acidosis observed during diabetic ketoacidosis is typically accompanied by hyperkalemia(due to
*extracellular shift*); this is sometimes called paradoxical hyperkalemia because the body potassium
Endocrine, Diabetes &
4247 Medicine reserves are actually depleted. H.Y.!!
Early K+ supplementation is very imp in tx DKA pts. Tx w/ insulin & IV fluids leads to rapid decrease in
serum K+ levels. All hyperkalemic pts should receive K+ once serum K+ level goes below 4.5 mEq/L
Endocrine, Diabetes & Alanine is converted to pyruvate during the process of gluconeogenesis (pyruvate is eventually converted to
4275 Medicine
Metabolism glucose, which is then released into the bloodstream)
In the management of pts w/ hyperthyroidism, propranolol is generally used for symptomatic relief until the
underlying cause is identified & definitively treated. Propranolol relives the tachycardia, termor, sweating, &
anxiety that occur w/ hyperthyroidism.
Endocrine, Diabetes &
4286 Medicine
PTU is only used when radioactive iodine is contraindicated, such as in pregnancy
Endocrine, Diabetes & In developed countries, more than 80% of pts have primary adrenal insufficiency due to autoimmune
4305 Medicine
Metabolism adrenalitis
The most likely dx in a pt who presents w/ clinical features of adrenal insufficiency & calcifications in the
adrenal glands is adrenal tuberculosis.Adrenal tuberculosis continues to be the promiment cause of primary
Endocrine, Diabetes & adrenal insufficiency in developing countries. In contrast, autoimmune adrenalitis is currently the mcc of
4306 Medicine
Metabolism primary adrenal insufficiency in developed countries
Adrenal insufficiency in adrenoleukodystrophy is caused by accumulation of very long chain fatty acids
Untreated hyperthyroid pts are at risk for rapid bone loss (due to increased osteoclastic activity in the bone
cells) and also at risk for cardiac tachyarrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation
Endocrine, Diabetes &
4307 Medicine
Metabolism Infiltrative ophthalmopathy leading to proptosis only occurs w/ Graves disease (& not w/ toxic adenoma)
Endocrine, Diabetes & Toxic adenoma-radioactive iodine uptake in the nodule & suppression of uptake in the rest of the thyroid
4318 Medicine
Metabolism gland
*Diabetic pts age 40-75 should receive statin therapy regardless of baseline lipid levels*. If this same pt has
Endocrine, Diabetes & mild hypertriglyceridemia(<500 mg/dL), the statins can actually reduce the triglyceride level and correct the
4336 Medicine
Metabolism mild hypertriglyceridemia(classes of lipid lowering drugs other than statins are not routinely rec. for
mild-to-moderate hypertriglyceridemia as they haven't been shown to reduce the risk of cardiac events)
Hemolytic episodes in pts w/ G6PD deficiency can be precepitated by infections or meds that increase
*oxidative stress* (particularly sulfa drugs, antimalarials, & nitrofurantoin). TMP-SMX is an example of a
Endocrine, Diabetes & sulfa containing antibiotic used to tx UTIs. Prussian blue stain will indicate presence of hemosiderin, which is
4347 Medicine
Metabolism found in the urine during hemolytic episodes
Circulating immune complexes cause glomerulonephritis. Urine microscopy shows hematuria & RBC casts
Proximal muscle weakness w/ or w/o muscle atrophy can occur in 60%-80% of pts w/ untreated
hyperthyroidism & correlates to the duration of the hyperthyroid state. Hip flexors & quadriceps are
Endocrine, Diabetes &
4382 Medicine predominantly affected, and the weakness can gradually progress to involve the proximal muscles of the
upper extremities. Also look for additional hints like fatigue, anxiety, tremor, weight loss, tachycardia which
favor hyperthyroidism
*Radioactive iodine is ass. w/ potential development or worsening of Graves' ophthalmopathy*
Glucocorticoids decrease the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3(biologically active thyroid hormone) & can
blunt hyperthyroid sx, esp in pts w/ severe hyperthyroidism or thyroid storm. Glucocorticoids also can help
Endocrine, Diabetes & reduce the acute worsening of ophthalmopathy
4415 Medicine
Side effects:
(PTU)-vasculitis, hepatic failure
(MMI)- 1st trimester teratogen, cholestasis
(PTU & MMI)-agranulocytosis
Cushing's syndrome: Hypokalemia & hypernatremia are seen.[hypokalemia occurs cuz most corticosteroids
have some mineralocorticoid activity & will bind to aldosterone receptors in the kidney,causing renal
potassium wasting.If severe, the hypokalemia of Cushing's syndrome can be tx w/ an aldosterone
Endocrine, Diabetes & antagonist like spironolactone]
4419 Medicine
Hypercalcemia is an occasional finding in adrenal failure
Long term urinary catheter may be used in pts w/ neurogenic bladder or urinary retention due to anatomic
Female Reproductive issues
11063 Medicine
System & Breast
Tolterodine used for urge incontinence/overactive bladder sx
Urodynamic studies helpful for evaluating complicated stress/mixed UI or clarifying mechanism of overflow
Fibrocystic breast changes are a common cause of cyclic premenstrual tenderness/breast pain in women of
reproductive age.Classic clinical findings are diffusely nodular (eg,cordlike thickening) breasts w/ nonfocal
tenderness & no nipple discharge or lymphadenopathy.Pts offered NSAIDs &/or oral contraceptives for
Female Reproductive
11970 Medicine symptomatic relief
System & Breast
Costochondritis->parasternal pain/discomfort due to rib cartilage inflammation.Pain sharp &/or pessure like
& worsens w/ coughing/deep inhalation
Chronic mesenteric ischemia: suspect in pts w/ unexplained chronic abdominal pain, weight loss, & food
2149 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition aversion. Evidence of ass. atherosclerotic disease is usually present. Abdominal exam may reveal a bruit
(50% of pts)
2166 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Presence of "succussion splash" can indicate *gastric outlet obstruction*
Pts w/ proximal small intestinal mucosal disease (Celiac disease) can't absorb the D-xylose in the
intestine->urinary & venous D-xylose levels will be low
Esophageal malignancy at the esophageal gastric junction can mimic achalasia & should be excluded w/
2199 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
*endoscopy* before starting tx for achalasia
Pts w/ gastroesophageal reflux sx require an upper GI endoscopy if they have alarm
sx(dysphagia,odynophagia,weight loss,anemia,GI bleeding,recurrent vomiting)or are men age >50 w/
chronic (>5 years) sx & cancer risk factors(eg, tobacco use).
2200 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Esophageal manometry/pH monitoring used for persistent GERD sx or normal upper GI endoscopy to
assess for other conditions (eg, motility disorders) that can occasionally mimic GERD
Suspect C.diff colitis in any pt who has been on antibiotics & complains of diarrhea or abdominal pain. *Stool
studies for C.diff toxin* should be sent to confirm dx. Pts w/ suspected colitis should receive empiric
metronidazole while awaiting results of stool studies
2202 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Severe colitis requires oral vancomycin with/without IV metronidazole or possible switch to intracolonic
vancomycin. Use fidaxomicin if can't tolerate oral vancomycin
Increased intragastric pressure during vomiting can cause tears in the mucosa of the distal esophagus &
2203 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
proximal stomach. These are called Mallory-Weiss tears, & account for 10% of upper GI bleeds
Abdominal CT scan is the best diagnostic test for diverticulitis
Diffuse esophageal spasm: episodes of dysphagia, regurgitation, spontaneous pain, odynophagia for cold &
hot food,chest pain precipitated by emotional stress. Pt's chest pain will resolve after taking
nitroglycerin(nitrates relax myocytes in coronary vessels as well as esophagus).*Esophageal manometry*
2213 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition establishes the dx.
If GERD suspected in a pt, start pt on empiric trial of a proton pump inhibitor (rather than 24-hour pH
Zenker's diverticulum(ZD):common in elderly men.Presents w/ dysphagia,regurgitation,foul-smelling
2214 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition breath,aspiration,occasionally a palpable mass.Pts w/ ZD are at risk for aspiration pneumonia.*Contrast
esophagram* is the test of choice for confirming dx.Tx-surgical
Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis: sx- cirrhosis & ascites accompanied by either fever or a change in mental
2217 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition status. Paracentesis is the test of choice, w/ a positive ascites fluid culture & PMN level >250/mm3 being
the main criteria for making the dx
Tx for ascites:
1) sodium & water restriction
2218 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition 2) spirinolactone
3) loop diuretic
4) frequent abdominal paracentesis
Esophageal perforation can occur due to iatrogenic causes(eg, pt's condition worsened after endoscopy).
Chest radiography shows pleural effusion, pneumomediastinum, and/or pneumothorax. *Water-soluble
2335 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
contrast esophagram* to confirm dx(its preferable to barium since it doesn't irritate the pleura if a leak is
*Technetium-99 labeled erythrocyte scintigraphy*: used in cases of lower GI bleeding where source can't be
found by colonoscopy.Localizes source of blood loss so that region can be evaluated & treated by
colonoscopy or angiography
2340 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Capsule endoscopy:for pts w/ chronic GI blood loss who have had a negative upper & lower endoscopy.
Used to examine small bowel
Laparotomy,for blind total abdominal colectomy & ileostomy,is reserved for persistent bleeding & if site can't
be found
Diverticulosis is the mcc of gross lower GI bleeding in adults. Bleeding is painless but may be ass. w/
2341 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition lightheadedness & hemodynamic instability. Diverticular hemorrhage usually resolves sponteneously but
occasionally requires endoscopic or surgical intervention
Acute pancreatitis is most commonly caused by gallstones & alcohol use. *Ultrasound* is the preferred test
to detect gallstones.
2342 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Carbachol is a cholinomimetic agent that stimulates contraction of the bowel musculature and might
contract the Oddi sphincter
Pt w/ chronic pancreatitis due to alcohol abuse: alcohol consumption exacerbates chronic pancreatitis ->
vomiting -> spontaneous rupture of the esophagus (Boerhaave syndrome).
Pneumomediastinum commonly occurs following rupture of the esophagus within the mediastinum. It
2369 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition presents as retrosternal pain & crepitus in the suprasternal notch
Mallory Weiss tear is an incomplete mucosal tear at the GE junction resulting from protracted vomiting.
Pneumomediastinum doesn't occur.
2581 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition *Neutrophilic cryptitis* can be seen in both Crohn's disease & Ulcerative colitis
Ulcerative colitis pts at increased risk for development of colorectal cancer. Once surveillance program is
started(usually after disease has been present for 8 years), colonoscopy should be repeated every 1-2
2582 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
years to assess for development of dysplasia
If screening colonoscopies show dysplasia, pt will need prophylactic colectomy w/ construction of ileal pouch
Lynch syndrome II is distinctly ass. w/ a high risk of extracolonic tumors, the most common of which is
2585 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
*endometrial carcinoma*, which develops in up to 43% of females in affected families
A pt w/ familial colonic polyposis has a 100% risk of cancer, if not treated appropriately w/ a
2586 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
*proctocolectomy* at the time of diagnosis
Antibiotic therapy is the most accepted & recommended management for the eradication of H. pylori in pts
w/ gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma w/o any metastasis. Such lymphomas
2596 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition may regress after the eradication of H.pylori using antibiotic therapy. Use chemotherapy if eradication of
H.pylori fails to produce regression of the lymphoma(eg, cyclophosphamide, adriamycin, vincristine,
prednisone or + Bleomycin).
Dx of esophageal cancer requires esophageal endoscopy w/ biopsy. Young, low-risk pts w/ undetermined
2601 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition esophageal sx may start w/ barium esophagram, but *those who are age >55 or w/ alarm sx (eg, weight
loss, gross or occult bleeding, early satiety) should proceed directly to endoscopy*
Carcinoid syndrome: episodic flushing(can cause "pounding sensation in the neck"), secretory diarrhea,
2625 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition wheezing, & murmur of tricuspid regurgitation(right sided valvular lesions). Elevated 24 hour urinary
5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid can confirm the dx in most pts
Painless jaundice in a pt w/ conjugated hyperbilirubinemia & markedly elevated alkaline phosphatase(eg,ALK
890 vs AST 67,ALT 52) should raise concern for *biliary obstruction due to pancreatic or biliary cancer*.[Pt
2627 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
w/ conjugated hyperbilirubinemia, elevated alk phos, painless jaundice, & systemic sx(fatigue, weight loss)
suggest malignant obstruction of the biliary system]
Xanthelasma:cholesterol filled yellow plaques,appear on the medial aspects of eyelids bilaterally(upper/lower
eyelids may also be affected).Ass. w/ *primary biliary cirrhosis*
Common bile duct obstruction w/ stone or carcinoma causes obstructive jaundice(severe icterus & very high
alk phos levels)
Hepatitis A: fecal oral route transmission, common in areas w/ overcrowding & poor sanitation. Acute onset,
sx include malaise, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, mild ab pain, aversion to smoking. Hepatomegaly
2905 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
seen. Close contacts of individuals w/ hep A should be given immune globulin. High risk people should be
given hep A vaccine as prophylaxis
Cirrhosis should be suspected in any pt presenting w/ stigmata of chronic liver disease (eg, new-onset
ascites, pedal edema, spider angiomata, palmar erythema, caput medusae, nail changes, gynecomastia,
splenomegaly, testicular atrophy). Chronic alcohol abuse & *viral* hepatitis(hep C more than B) are the
2907 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition most common underlying causes of cirrhosis in the US
Statin induced hepatic dysfunction is usually dose dependent & presents w/ persistently elevated
Serologic pattern of hepatitis B immunization: positive anti-HBs titer & negative markers for hepatitis B
2910 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
surface antigen & core antibody
Alcoholic hepatitis: ratio of AST to ALT >2, elevated GGT, & elevated ferritin.[Absolute values of AST & ALT
are almost always <500 IU/L in alcoholic liver disease]
2911 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
If marked elevations (>25x the upper limit) of AST & ALT are present, toxin-induced (eg, acetaminophen),
ischemic, or viral hepatitis should be suspected
2912 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition HBsAg & anti-HBc are the most appropriate diagnostic tests for acute hepatitis B infection
Acute liver failure is most often due to acute viral hepatitis, *medication induced liver injury eg,
acetaminophen/over-the-counter pain reliver toxicity*, & ischemic hepatopathy. Findings-acute onset of
2914 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition markedly elevated transaminases (often in the thousands), reduced hepatic synthetic function, &
[Concurrent use of alcohol can increase the propensity to develop hepatotoxicity from acetaminophen]
*Isoniazid* causes idiosyncratic liver injury w/ histological features similar to those seen in pts w/ viral
2917 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Tuberculous hepatitis may develop in cases of miliary tuberculosis but would be characterized by
granulomas on liver biopsy
Gallstone disease is common in overweight women "fat, female, fertile woman of forty"
Cholesterol & mixed stones make up 80% of all gallstones in western population. They are radiolucent(not
2918 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition readily visible by abdominal radiograph).
Gallstones are more common in US. When gallstones do occur in those of Asian heritage, they are more
likely to be the pigment type.
*Primary sclerosing cholangitis:* chronic progressive disorder of unknown etiology w/ inflammation, fibrosis,
& stricturing of medium-sized & large intrahepatic & extrahepatic bile ducts. *It's frequently ass. w/
ulcerative colitis.* Lab studies show elevated liver function tests(more severely elevated alkaline
2920 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
phosphatase & bilirubin) in a cholestatic pattern
*Abdominal CT scan* is a sensitive & specific tool used in dx of pancreatic carcinoma(weight loss,
jaundice,increased serum bilirubin & alkaline phosphatase)
For jaundiced pts we first do abdominal ultrasound. If US nondiagnostic, we do abdominal CT. If CT also
2935 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
nondiagnostic, we do the invasive ERCP(excellent in dx pancreatic cancer)
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram is for pts who have previously identified biliary tract dilation but
aren't candidates for ERCP
Pts w/ cirrhosis should undergo screening *endoscopy* to exclude varices, indicate the risk of variceal
hemorrhage, & determine strategies(eg,nonselective beta blockers) for primary prevention of variceal
2936 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
hemorrhage. All pts w/ cirrhosis, regardless of etiology, should also undergo surveillance for hepatocellulcar
carcinoma w/ ultrasound every 6 months
In evaluating the asymptomatic elevation of aminotransferases, the first step is to take a thorough history to
2937 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition rule out the more common hepatitis risk factors (eg, alcohol or drug use, travel outside of the country, blood
transfusions, high-risk sexual practices)
Ursodeoxycholic acid is used to dissolve small radiolucent gallstones in pts w/ normal gallbladders who are
2939 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition poor surgical candidiates. This medication is expensive and ass. w/ high risk of relapse when therapy is
Postcholecystectomy syndrome: persistent abdominal pain or dyspepsia (eg, nausea) that occurs either
postoperatively or months to years after a cholecystectomy. Due to biliary or extra biliary causes. Pts notice
2943 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition same pain they had prior to surgery, new pain just after surgery, or the same pain that never went away.
Labs- elevated alkaline phosphatase, mildly abnormal serum aminotransferases, & dilated common bile duct
on abdominal ultrasound. Do *ERCP* after ultrasound for dx
Acalculous cholecystitis:acute inflammation of gallbladder in absence of gallstones,commonly seen in
hospitalized & severely ill pts.
Clinical presentation-unexplained fever, vague/RUQ abdominal discomfort, leukocytosis.
Dx-abdominal ultrasound(preferred). Cholescintigraphy (HIDA scan) or abdominal CT scan if ultrasound not
2946 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Subphrenic abscess:causes fever/ab pain.Develops due to peritonitis.Right sided pleural effusion can
Hepatic encephalopathy: a CNS complication of liver failure due to inability to break down ammonia into
urea. Can present clinically as stage 1 (altered sleep pattern eg,insomnia/hypersomnia & impaired cognition)
& progress to stage 4 (stupor & coma). *Serum ammonia(though nonspecific) helps support dx in pts w/
2948 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
high suspicion of hepatic encephalopathy*
Brain MRI can evaluate for structural causes of altered mentation(stoke, brain mass)
Primary biliary cirrhosis:
2950 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
tx- Ursodeoxycholic acid
Most common malignancy of the liver is metastasis from another primary source.
Liver is the second most common site of metastatis spread (after lymph nodes)
2951 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Hepatic adenomas: found in young & middle aged women w/ a lengthy hx of oral contracetive usage
Hepatic angiosarcoma: Common in older men that have been exposed to toxins such as vinyl chloride gas,
inorganic arsenic compounds, & thorium dioxide
Management of hepatic encephalopathy involves supportive care, tx the precipitating cause(eg, volume
depletion, electrolyte abnormalities), & lowering serum ammonia. Disaccharides (eg, lactulose, lactitol) are
initially preferred for lowering serum ammonia. Rifaximin can be added to lactulose in pts w/o improvement
2953 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
after 48 hours or used as monotherapy in those unable to take lactulose
2966 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Studies haven't shown a significantly decreased incidence of pancreatic cancer w/ alcohol reduction (heavy
alcohol use can lead to chronic pancreatitis, which is ass. w/ a slightly higher risk of pancreatic cancer,
however it isn't as significant as the ass. between smoking & pancreatic cancer)
Hepatic hydrothorax causes transudative pleural effusions in pts w/ cirrhosis who have no underlying
cardiac/pulmonary disease to cause the effusion. Hepatic hydrothorax usually results in a right-sided pleural
effusion. Initial tx is w/ salt restriction & diuretics.
Refractory hepatic hydrothorax tx-*TIPS placement*
2969 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Combo of nitrates/hydralazine used to tx systolic heart failure
Elevated alkaline phos is indicative of cholestasis. These pts should be evaluated w/ RUQ *ultrasound* to
assess for intrahepatic/extrahepatic causes of biliary obstruction
2975 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition ERCP performed in pts when initial ultrasonography/CT scan suggests presence of obstruction due to
cholelithiasis/malignancy. ERCP is diagnostic & therapeutic;relieves obstruction & facilitates biliary drainage
The aminotransferases(AST & ALT)are elevated in viral hepatitis.If normal,viral hep unlikely
A positive urine bilirubin assay is typically indicative of a buildup of conjugated bilirubin
2977 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Rotor's syn: benign, chronic or fluctuating conjugated hyperbilirubinemia due to a *defect in hepatic
secretion of conjugated bilirubin* into the biliary system. Liver function tests normal.
Acute cholangitis tx- supportive care and broad spectrum antibiotics. Pts who don't respond to this should
undergo drainage of the biliary tree w/ *ERCP*
2978 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Transhepatic cholangiopancreatography is an alternative tx option when ERCP is unavailable or
Acute pancreatitis(pain radiating to back,leukocytosis,elevated serum amylase & lipase in chronic alcoholic
pt after binge drinking) can cause an acute abdomen(severe ab pain of unclear etiology).Should be
managed conservatively w/ analgesics,IV fluids & nothing by mouth
2982 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
ERCP effective for managing severe biliary pancreatitis.Allows for sphincterotomy & stone removal
Orthotopic *liver transplantation* remains the only effective mode of treatment of fulminant hepatic
2986 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition failure[Fulminant hepatic failure is defined as hepatic encephalopathy that develops within 8 weeks of the
onset of acute liver failure]
3086 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Vitamin E deficiency: RBC fragility, hyporeflexia, muscle weakness & blindness
Pellagra is due to niacin deficiency & is charac by dermatitis(on sun-exposed
areas,rough,hyperpigmented,scaly skin), diarrhea(w/ab pain,nausea,loss of appetite), & dementia(memory
3087 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition loss,affective sx,psychosis). *Prolonged isoniazid therapy* can interfere w/ niacin metabolism & occasionally
cause pellagra. In developing countries, niacin deficiency is seen in populations that subsist primarily on
*corn* products(niacin in corn occurs in a bound, unabsorbable form)
Chemical peritonitis(w/ peritonitis,you get sx like rebound tenderness & guarding) due to *perforated peptic
ulcer* should be suspected in pts presenting w/ sudden onset of severe epigastric pain that spreads over
3178 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
the entire abdomen. Upright chest &/or abdominal radiographs typically reveal free air under the
diaphragm(pneumoperitoneum)[know what free air under diaphragm looks like on CXR]
Colovesical fistula:due to diverticular disease(extension of ruptured diverticulum/erosion of diverticular
abscess into bladder).Sx-pneumaturia(air in urine), fecaluria(stool in urine),recurrent UTIs(mixed flora).Ab
CT scan w/ oral or rectal(not IV)contrast confirms dx by showing contrast material in bladder w/ thickened
3467 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
colonic & vesicular walls
If a pt has *multiple stomach ulcers* & *thickened gastric folds* on endoscopy, we should suspect
Gastrinoma (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome). Next step would be to measure *serum gastrin
concentration*.Fasting serum gastrin level >1000 pg/mL is diagnostic.Pts w/ non-diagnostic serum gastrin
3591 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition levels should be evaluated w/ a secretin stimulation test
Calcium infusion study:for pts who have gastric acid hypersecretion & are suspected of having gastrinoma
despite a neg secretin test
Peptic ulcer bleeds will stop spontaneously. Do Endoscopy next since it's diagnostic, therapeutic,& may
prevent rebleeding
Studies showed significantly less recurrent bleeding in pts receiving PPIs such as pantoprazole. However
3592 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
studies on H2 antagonists have been disappointing
Partial small bowel obstruction presents w/ postprandial abdominal discomfort, nausea, and obstipation
(inability to pass flatus or stool)
Lactose intolerance: *positive hydrogen breath test*, positive stool test for reducing substances, low stool
pH & increased stool osmotic gap. No steatorrhea
3605 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Urine test for reducing substances is positive in pts w/ glucosuria, galactosuria, etc
*Chronic GERD & Barrett's esophagus* are risk factors for *adenocarcinoma* of the esophagus
3695 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Risk factors for squamous cell cancer of the esophagus are smoking and alcohol
Acute appendicitis:
The initial peri-umbilical pain is referred pain & visceral in nature; however, pain shifts to the right lower
3703 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition quadrant w/ involvement of the parietal peritoneum & becomes somatic in nature
The chronology of abdominal pain in acute appendicitis is typically visceral, followed by somatic pain
Massive doses of aspirin & NSAIDs can cause acute erosive gastritis & upper GI bleeding. Alcohol can
aggravate their effect
3704 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Mallory Weiss tears occur after repeat bouts of retching & vomiting
Porcelain gallbladder(google CT image): results from the intramural deposition of calcium salts. Ass. w/
3732 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
*increased risk of gallbladder carcinoma* & requires surgical resection
Zinc deficiency: may result from chronic total parenteral nutrition or malabsoption. Sx-alopecia, skin
lesions(bullous,pustulous lesions surrounding body orifices & extremities), abnormal taste, & impaired
wound healing. Pts w/ inflammatory bowel disease at risk for impaired absorption of zinc. May cause growth
3790 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
retardation in children
You do Colonoscopy & sigmoidoscopy if pt is more than 50 years old or has risk factors for colon cancer
Giardiasis:persistent diarrhea & ab cramps.Transmitted via water in rural areas & developing
countries.Preferred dx test is *stool antigen assay*.Metronidazole is the 1st line tx
3887 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Short course of ciprofloxacin advised for empiric tx of traveler's diarrhea(due to E.coli)
Upper endoscopy w/ small bowel biopsy(to rule out tropical sprue) & colonoscopy considered in pts w/
persistent diarrhea who remain undiagnosed after initial noninvasive testing(microscopy,stool antigen test)
Risk factors for a polyp progressing into malignancy are villous adenoma, sessile adenoma, and size >2.5
3918 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Adenomas- these polyps are potentially premalignant, however <1% become malignant
Hyperplastic polyps are non-neoplastic
NSAIDs(like naproxen) and aspirin can cause gastritis and gastric ulcers leading to chronic gi blood loss &
depletion of iron stores which can eventually cause iron deficiency anemia
3936 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition management- withhold NSAIDs & aspirin and initiate antisecretory meds (such as proton pump inhibitors)
Anemia of chronic disease can occur in rheumatoid arthritis, lupus but is NOT ass. w/ osteoarthritis
Non-caseating granulomas are characteristic of Crohn's disease
Ulcerative colitis most commonly involves rectum, however it may sometimes involve terminal ileum
4074 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition (backwash ileitis)
Crohn's disease can affect any part of intestinal tract from mouth to anus but is most commonly limited to
the terminal ileum
common cause of recurrent or occult painless lower gi bleeding in pts age > 60 years
causes lower gi bleeding in pts with aortic stenosis (heyde's syndrome). look for stem to mention features of
aortic stenosis like "systolic ejection murmur in right intercostal space"
4085 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
hyperplastic polyps:
are non-neoplastic
Diverticulosis: ass. w/ chronic constipation. Risk of complications is lower w/ a high intake of fruit &
4086 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
vegetable fiber, & higher w/ heavy meat consumption, aspirin or NSAID use, obesity, & possibly smoking
Zollinger Ellison syndrome:
Caused by gastrin producing pancreatic tumor.
The uncontrolled gastrin secretion causes parietal cell hyperplasia to develop and causes an increase in
4106 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
stomach acid production.
Multiple duodenal ulcers are typical & a jejunal ulcer is pathognomic.
Steatorrhea may develop cuz increased production of stomach acid inactivates pancreatic enzymes
Chronic inflammatory diarrhea is typically ass. w/ inflammatory changes in the blood (anemia, elevated
4150 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition ESR, acute phase reactants, reactive thrombocytosis). Blood/leukocyte-positive stool is another important
Zenker (pharyngoesophageal) diverticulum: Develops immediately above the upper esophageal sphincter.
Occurs due to posterior herniation between the fibers of the cricopharyngeal muscle. Sx-dysphagia,
4188 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
coughing, regurgitation, halitosis, aspiration & a neck mass. Pts usually over 60 years of age. Neck mass
may very in size depending on food & fluid intake. Dx confirmed w/ barium esophagram. Tx is surgical.
Diffuse esophageal spasm: intermittent chest pain & dysphagia.High amplitude peristaltic contractions on
manometric studies.LES has normal relaxation response. Corkscrew esophagus. Ass. w/ emotional factors
& functional GI disorders.Tx-antispasmodics,dietary modulation & psychiatric counseling
4226 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Achalasia:hypertrophied inner circular muscles w/ absent or degenerating neurons (ganglion cells) in
myenteric plexuses.Absent peristalsis.Condition in South America due to T.cruzi
Fatty liver (steatosis), alcoholic hepatitis(characterized by mallory bodies, infiltration by neutrophils) & early
fibrosis of the liver can be reversible w/ the cessation of alcohol intake.
4278 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
True cirrhosis is characterized by the presence of regenerative nodules. This condition is irreversible, even
w/ the cessation of alcohol intake
Pts w/ upper GI bleeding often have an *elevated BUN & elevated BUN/creatinine ratio*, possibly due to
increased urea production(from intestinal breakdown of hemoglobin) & increased urea reabsorption(due to
4303 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
The urine sodium (ie, fractional excretion of sodium [FENa]) is often low in pts who are volume depleted as
the kidney attempts to retain sodium to restore circulatory volume. Increased FENa is seen in intrinsic renal
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD): resembles alcohol induced liver injury on histology but occurs in pts
w/ minimal or no alcohol hx. The most likely mechanism is *insulin resistance*. Pt will have elevated liver
4321 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
enzymes. Pts have hx of obesity, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, htn. Tx- diet & exercise. Consider bariatric
surgery if BMI >35
Boerhaave syndrome:esophageal TRANSMURAL tear,ESOPHAGEAL AIR/FLUID LEAKAGE in nearby
fluid-EXUDATIVE,LOW pH,HIGH AMYLASE.CXR-unilateral pleural effusion(usually left)w/ or w/o
pneumothorax,pneumomediastinum,subcutaneous/mediastinal emphysema & widended mediastinum
4360 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Mallory-Weiss tear:mucosal tear
Whole blood transfusion rarely used except in pts w/ severe hemorrhage/major trauma
Tx of actively bleeding esophageal varices involves hemodynamic support, pharmacologic treatment (eg,
octreotide), endoscopic therapy, & prophylactic antibiotics. Coagulopathy, anemia, & thrombocytopenia are
common complications & may also require correction
4386 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Somatostatin analogues (octreotide) inhibit the release of vasodilator hormones, which leads indirectly to
splanchnic vasoconstriction & decreased portal flow
Colon cancer, metastatic to the liver sx: abdominal pain/RUQ pain, microcytic anemia(low hgb & low mcv),
mildly elevated liver enzymes,positive fecal occult blood, & hepatomegaly w/ a hard edge on liver palpation.
4389 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Pt can also have a small left-sided pleural effusion that may be malignant. [Most common site of colon
cancer metastasis is the liver]
Achalasia: Decreased esophageal body peristalsis & poor relaxation/no relaxation of the LES on
manometry. Progressive dysphagia, chest pain, food regurgitation & aspiration. Barium swallow shows
dilated esophagus & a "bird's beak" deformity of the LES
4405 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
GERD: decreased LES pressure
Cricopharyngeal dysfunction: due to failure of cricopharyngeus to relax during swallowing, causes choking or
"food sticking" sensation & pain w/ swallowing
Biliary colic- gallbladder contracts against an obstructed cystic duct. Pain exacerbated by fatty meals. Pain
4433 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition is constant, in RUQ or epigastric region, causes nausea, vomiting, right sided shoulder pain(referred pain).
Pain resolution within 4-6 hours and absence of abdominal tenderness, fever, and leukocytosis
Acute pancreatitis classically causes nausea, vomiting, & epigastric pain(pt gets partial relief by sitting up &
4434 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition leaning forward). Alcohol abuse & gallstone disease are the mcc of acute pancreatitis. Complications include
pleural effusion, acute respiratory distress syndrome, ileus, & renal failure
Risk of *colorectal cancer* is elevated in Ulcerative colitis(UC) and surveillance colonoscopy is advised(even
in the absence of symptoms)
4492 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Although pts w/ UC have an increased risk for developing primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) and Toxic
megacolon, routine surveillance is currently not recommended for PSC and no form of regular surveillance
has been shown to prevent toxic megacolon
Low dose chest CT is recommended yearly for lung cancer screening in pts who are age 55-80, have a >30
4504 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
pack year smoking hx, & are currently smoking or quit within the past 15 years
4505 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Unfortunately, no screening options exist for pancreatic cancer
Pts w/ risk factors for hepatitis B virus should be *vaccinated*, which is esp important in pts already infected
4547 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
w/ hepatitis C virus who are continuing their high-risk behaviors
Cirrhosis causes 80% of ascites cases in the US. Cirrhosis is caused by alcoholic liver disease & hepatitis
C(look for iv drug abuser)
Chronic pulmonary emboli leads to pulmonary htn & subsequent right heart failure/cor pulmonale
Acute pancreatitis complicated by hypotension is thought to arise from intravascular volume loss secondary
to local & systemic vascular endothelial injury. This causes vasodilation, increased *vascular permeability*, &
4603 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
plasma leak into the retroperitoneum, resulting in systemic hypotension. Tx- supportive care w/ several liters
of IV fluid to replace the lost intravascular volume
Colorectal cancer is the most common source of liver metastases (blood from the colon moves thru the
4612 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition portal circulation directly to the liver). In a pt w/ multiple liver lesions on CT, consider colorectal cancer as a
differential, even in the absence of specific sx(eg,alteration in bowel habits, GI bleeding)
Vanishing bile duct syndrome is a rare condition characterized by progressive ductopenia, or loss of
intrahepatic bile ducts. *Primary biliary cirrhosis* is the mcc of ductopenia in adults.
4624 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
The pathologic hallmarks of primary sclerosing cholangitis are periductal portal tract fibrosis and segmental
stenosis of extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts. (Bile duct loss is not classically observed)
Hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is a central nervous complication of cirrhosis due to liver's inability to convert
ammonia to urea.Tx-Nonabsorbable disaccharides(lactulose, lactitol) are preferred for lowering serum
4625 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition ammonia.Abx(rifaximin) can decrease the number of ammonia-producing bacteria in the colon.They are
usually added to lactulose if the pt doesn't improve within 48 hours.Catharsis using any laxative may also be
If pt's Anti-HAV antibodies is negative, tx w/ Hepatitis A vaccination
Pts w/ cirrhosis are intravascularly depleted & impressive salt retainers. A low salt diet is beneficial in
decreasing ascites & peripheral edema
Chronic liver disease w/ resultant cirrhosis can cause hypogonadism. Findings in men w/ cirrhosis include
telangiectasias, palmar erythema, testicular atrophy, genecomastia, and erectile dysfunction
4747 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition SAAG >1.1 indicates portal hypertensive etiologies(cardiac ascites,cirrhosis) aka *increased hydrostatic
pressure* within hepatic capillary beds
Total parenteral nutrition(or prolonged fasting) causes *gallbladder stasis* & predisposes to gallstone
formation & bile sludging, both of which may lead to cholecystitis.
4813 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Small bowel(ileal) resection can also cause gallstones due to decreased enterohepatic circulation of bile
acids -> increased concentration of bilirubin conjugates and total calcium in the gallbladder
4903 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition *Crohn's disease: Aphthous ulcers in the mouth, abdominal pain*
4919 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Pain ass. w/ pancreatic cancer is usually subacute (days to weeks) and not present for a year
Pts w/ upper GI bleeding who have a depressed level of consciousness & ongoing hematemesis should be
4927 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition *intubated* to protect the airway as a part of initial stabilization & resuscitation. Prompt endoscopic tx w/
band ligation or sclerotherapy should then be performed to stop the bleeding
Pill esophagitis: sudden onset odynophagia & retrosternal pain that can sometimes cause difficulty
swallowing. It's most common in the mid-esophagus due to compression by the aortic arch or an enlarged
left atrium. Endoscopy shows discrete ulcers w/ relatively normal-appearing surrounding mucosa
4934 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Diffuse esophageal spasm: uncoordinated simultaneous contractions of lower esophagus. Pts have
recurrent episodes of liquid/solid dysphagia & chest pain
Prolonged gastric acid suppression w/ proton pump inhibitors or histamine 2 receptor antagonists is a risk
factor for Clostridium difficile infection. Dx of C difficile colitis can be confirmed w/ a *stool assay for toxins A
11067 Medicine Gastrointestinal & Nutrition & B*.Other than C diff infection,long term acid suppression w/ PPI's may result in impaired calcium
absoption w/ increased risk of osteoporosis & increased colonization of pathogens in the upper GI tract
leading to a higher risk of pneumonia
When breaking bad news, a doc should first set the stage & assess the pt's comprehension before
delivering the news in an empathetic yet comprehensible manner
2197 Medicine General Principles
1) What do you think is going on w/ your back?
2) Have you considered whether you want to know the test results, regardless of the outcome?
Perform mammograms every 2 years in women > 50 years old. No need to do mammography after age 75.
3863 Medicine General Principles
incidence of cervical cancer peaks before age 50 and declines afterwards. Discontinue pap smears after
age 65 if pt has no malignant findings
Women should be screened for cervical cancer w/ a Pap smear every 3 years at age 21-65 (or w/ Pap
smear & HPV testing every 5 years at age 30-65).
4477 Medicine General Principles
A single dose of Tdap (tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, & acellular pertussis) is recommended
beginning at age 11, w/ Td (tetanus & diphtheria toxoids) every 10 years thereafter
Malignancy(hx of smoking, back pain, weight loss) is a risk factor for venous thromboembolism (VTE).
Recommended testing for occult malignancy includes age appropriate screening (colonoscopy,
2208 Medicine Hematology & Oncology mammogram) & CXR in most pts w/ first unprovoked VTE. More detailed testing (*CT scan of
abdomen/pelvis/chest*) is indicated for high risk pts such as those w/ clinical findings concerning for
malignancy or recurrent or multiple-site (cerebral,hepatic vein) VTE
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) & hereditary spherocytosis (HS) can cause extravascular hemolytic
anemia. Peripheral blood smear in both conditions may show spherocytes w/o central pallor.
2248 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
AIHA: negative family hx & positive Coombs test
HS: positive family hx & negative Coombs test
MGUS: ABSENCE OF anemia,hypercalcemia,lytic bone lesions,renal insufficiency. *Metastatic skeletal bone
survey/xray* is rec. in MGUS pts to exclude lytic lesions suggesting multiple myeloma. Although MGUS is
asymptomatic, there is 1% per year risk of progression to multiple myeloma
2249 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Abdominal fat pad biopsy considered for amyloidosis
If pt's calcium level normal, checking serum PTH & vit D is unnecessary
Heparin induced thrombocytopenia(HIT):suspect when platelet counts fall >50% from baseline 5-15 days
after starting heparin,unexplained thrombocytpenia,or thrombosis(arterial or venous) in pts tx w/ heparin.
2250 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Tx- 1)stop all heparin products & confirm w/ lab testing 2)begin alternative anticoagulants like direct
thrombin inhibitors(argatroban,bivalirudin) or fondaparinux(synthetic pentasaccharide).Warfarin is started
after these treatments & after platelet count is >150,000
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria should be suspected in pts who have a combination of hemolytic
anemia, cytopenias, & hypercoagulable state (intraabdominal or cerebral venous thrombosis). Absence of
CD55 & CD59 proteins on surface or RBCs
2258 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Acute intermittent porphyria: abdominal pain & dark red/brown urine. Pigmented urine is due to porphyrins
and/or porphyrin precursors
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is characterized by hyperviscosity of the blood owing to the excess
production of IgM. Two imp dx clues for this disorder are: 1) an IgM spike on electrophoresis, & 2)
2597 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
[Excessive amounts of IgM antibody in the blood causes hyperviscosity (thickening) of the blood]
*Bisphosphonates*(zoledronic acid,pamidronate) are the drugs of choice for stabilizing bony metastatic
lesions to prevent hypercalcemia of malignancy & pathologic fractures.
[Bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic activity of bone,stabilizing destructive bony tumors & reducing the risk
2599 Medicine Hematology & Oncology of pathologic fracture & malignant hypercalcemia]
Corticosteroids are useful for hypercalcemia related to granulomatous disease as they reduce calcitrol
release from activated mononuclear cells
Suspect squamous cell carcinoma of the mucosa of the head & neck in an alcoholic smoker who presents
w/ a palpable cervical lymph node. The best initial test is *panendoscopy*(triple endoscopy =
2614 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
esophagoscopy, bronchoscopy, laryngoscopy). Panendoscopy is followed by a biopsy which establishes a
histologic dx
Giant cell tumor of bone:pain,swelling,decreased range of joint motion at involved side.Osteolytic
lesions("soap-bubble" appearance/"expansile & eccentric lytic area") in EPIPHYSEAL regions of long bones
& most commonly involves distal femur & proximal tibia around knee joint
2618 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Osteitis fibrosa cystica:imaging-subperiosteal bone resorption on radial aspect of middle phalanges,distal
clavicular tapering,"salt & pepper" appearance of skull,bone cysts,& brown tumors of long bones
Give the appropriate pain medication to cancer pts. Don't be afraid to use a narcotic drug if it is the most
2621 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Serotonin antagonists that block 5HT3 receptors are the drugs of choice for tx & preventing
2623 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
chemotherapy-induced nausea & vomiting
Trousseau's syndrome:hypercoagulability disorder,recurrent/migratory superficial thrombophlebitis at
unusual sites(arm,chest).Usually ass. w/ an occult visceral malignancy such as pancreatic(most
common),stomach,lung,or prostate carcinoma.Refer pt for *CT scan of abdomen*(if one suspects
pancreatic carcinoma)
2624 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Peripheral septic thrombophlebitis:ass. w/ breaks in skin due to catheters,venipuncture,IV
injections.Fever/pain w/ swelling at infection site
CLL: "the leukemia of old age." Mature small lymphocytes are the predominant cells in CLL
2869 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
CML: one of the myeloproliferative syndromes, normally seen in adults, leukocytosis, basophilia, marked
Megaloblastic (macrocytic) anemia: MCV >110 fL, low reticulocyte count, macroovalocyte RBCs,
hypersegmented neutrophils, anisocytosis, & poikilocytosis. Due to impaired DNA synthesis due to B12 or
2872 Medicine Hematology & Oncology folate deficiency
CML: low leukocyte alkaline phosphate activity.Fatigue,weight loss, sweating,splenomegaly & leukocytosis
w/ marked left shift(eg,myelocytes,metamyelocytes,band forms). > proportion of immature myelocytes than
mature metamyelocytes. Basophilia & eosinophilia also seen.
2885 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
AML: fever not commonly seen(if so, it suggests infection in AML). Splenomegaly is uncommon. Larger
number of myeloblasts
"leukocytes that have undergone partial breakdown during preparation/have greater fragilitiy" aka Smudge
2888 Medicine Hematology & Oncology cells are characteristic of CLL.
CLL is a B-cell disease. Infection is the main cause of death in these pts. Mostly seen in older pts.
2889 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Suspect multiple myeloma in an elderly pt w/ anemia, renal failure, & hypercalcemia
Cladribine is the drug of choice for pts w/ hairy cell leukemia(leukemic reticuloendotheliosis)
2893 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Chlorambucil & prednisone are used for chronic lymphocytic leukemia
3062 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Hereditary spherocytosis:autosomal dominant. Hemolytic anemia,jaundice,splenomegaly. Spherocytes on
peripheral blood smear,anemia w/ reticulocytosis,low MCV,& *elevated MCHC & RDW* Coombs test is
negative in HS.Dx-osmotic fragility test,eosin 5 maleimide binding test.
Tx- supportive(folic acid, transfusions).Splenectomy improves anemia & reduces gallstone risk in pts
Pernicious anemia(PA) is the mcc of vitamin B12 deficiency in whites of northern European ancestry. It
should be suspected in pts w/ megaloblastic anemia, atrophic glossitis (shiny tongue), vitiligo, thyroid
disease, & neurologic abnormalities. Pernicious anemia confirmed by anti-intrinsic factor antibodies
3067 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
It would take 4-5 years of a pure vegan diet to cause dietary vitamin B12 deficiency. Folate deficiency can
occur within 4-5 months after dietary intake is diminished
Superior vena cava syndrome: a condition where obstruction of the SVC impedes venous return from the
head, neck & arms to the heart. Sx-dyspnea, venous congestion, & swelling of the head, neck, arms.
3508 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Malignancy is the mcc of obstruction accounting for >60% of cases. *Chest x-ray* can identify the cause of
SVC syndrome in >80% of cases. Abnormalities on CXR warrant follow up w/ chest CT & histology
*Compression ultrasonography* is the preferred initial test in pts w/ high pretest probability of DVT
3596 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
In pts w/ low pretest probability, a negative D-dimer result is useful in excluding DVT
Proximal deep leg/thigh veins(*femoral vein*,iliac,popliteal)are MOST COMMON sources(>90%) of
symptomatic PE
Thrombi originating from renal veins are most common in pts w/ nephrotic syn.Prevalence of PE in neph syn
pts is 10%-30%
3597 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Thrombi originating in right atrium:more common in pts w/ intracardiac devices.Less likely to occur
G6PD deficiency: sx-pallor & fatigue, dark urine, jaundice, abdominal/back pain. Labs-Bite cells w/ Heinz
bodies. G6PD activity is often normal during the hemolytic episode as G6PD-deficient rbcs are hemolyzed
early, & reticulocytes(which have normal G6PD enzyme levels) are abnormally high
3609 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Pyruvate kinase deficiency leads to chronic hemolysis w/ hepatosplenomegaly, skin ulcers, & pigmented
Dietary iron deficiency & malabsoption are rare causes of iron deficiency anemia
An acutely ill pt w/ underlying liver disease can become vitamin K deficient in 7-10 days. Labs show
prolonged PT followed by prolonged PTT
4160 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Careful cross-matching of blood prevents acute hemolytic reactions within an hour of transfusion
IgA deficient pts develop antibodies against IgA. These antibodies react w/ IgA containing donor products &
cause an anaphylactic reaction. To reduce this risk, red cells should be washed
Studies have shown that the risk for sepsis is present *up to 30 years & probably longer after splenectomy*.
Current recommendations state that pts should receive anti-pneumococcal, Haemophilus, & meningococcal
4281 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
vaccines several weeks before the operation, & daily oral penicillin prophylaxis for three to five years
following splenectomy. Extremely imp question for Step 2!!
The combo of arterial/venous thrombosis & thrombocytopenia in pts receiving heparin therapy strongly
suggests type 2 heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. Antibodies against heparin-platelet factor 4 complex are
4316 Medicine Hematology & Oncology responsible for the disease. [Venous thrombosis can lead to events such as DVT, pulmonary embolism, or
skin necrosis. Arterial thrombosis is less common but can lead to events such as acute limb ischemia, organ
infarction, & *stroke(neurologic complications)*]
The anemia of lymphoproliferative disorders is due to *bone marrow infiltration* w/ cancerous cells. Signs
4329 Medicine Hematology & Oncology suggesting a lymphoproliferative disorder like lymphoma include firm,enlarged cervical, inguinal &
supraclavicular lymph nodes[lymphadenopathy]
G6PD deficiency: Heinz bodies & Bite cells seen on peripheral blood smear
4331 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Acute glomerulonephritis: gross or microscopic hematuria, decreased GFR, & htn
Vit B12 deficiency sx- macrocytic anemia, glossitis, neurologic changes including peripheral neuropathy.
Folic acid & cobalamin deficiencies both cause a macrocytic anemia w/ hypersegmented neutrophils.
Deficiencies in either nutrient will result in *increased homocysteine levels* because both are involves in
4357 Medicine Hematology & Oncology homocysteine metabolism
Dilutional thrombocytopenia occurs in pts w/ massive blood transfusion requiring a large number of packed
rbc transfusions, which have no platelets
Hyposthenuria: A condition in which there is an impairment in kidney's ability to concentrate urine. Causes
nocturia. Found in pts w/ sickle cell disease
4436 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Pts w/ sickle cell anemia may develop membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis or end-stage renal diseae
due to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. These diseases typically manifest w/ significant abnormalities in
the urinary sediment, such as red blood cell casts
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia: normocytic anemia, splenomegaly, reticulocytosis, jaundice w/ elevated
indirect bilirubin, increased serum lactate dehydrogenase, & decreased serum haptoglobin levels. Tx-high
4437 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
dose glucocorticoids(to decrease autoantibody production). Splenectomy or immunosuppressive agents for
pts who can't tolerate glucocorticoids
Pts w/ B-thalassemia trait(minor) usually are asymptomatic w/ mild anemia, disproportionately high rbc
count, low mcv, & hg >10 g/dL. No specific therapy is required for B-thalassemia minor
4440 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Don't confuse B-thal w/ iron deficiency anemia(low rbc count, rarely becomes microcytic until hg <10 g/dL)
Carboxyhemoglobinemia is carbon monoxide(CO) poisoning. The CO binds hemoglobin w/ an affinity 250x
4446 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
that of oxygen
Pts w/ hereditary telangiectasia (Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome) can develop pulmonary AV malformations
4447 Medicine Hematology & Oncology (AVMs) ass w/ hemoptysis & right to left shunt physiology. This dx must be entertained in a pt w/ recurrent
nose bleeds & oral lesions
Hypoxemia-induced increases in erythropoietin production are responsible for the polycythemia observed in
4448 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
obstructive sleep apnea
Multiple myeloma:
monoclonal proliferation of plasma cells
CRAB mnemonic: calcium(hypercalcemia), renal impairment, anemia, & bones(bone pain, lytic lesions,
4466 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Pts are at increased risk for infection due to a *decrease in functional antibodies* & leukopenia that
develops as the bone marrow is filled w/ malignant plasma cells.
Look for a BIG gap in the total protein and albumin concentrations! (normally only a 3-4 difference
separating total protein and albumin)
In sickle cell disease, folate deficiency can occur due to increased red blood cell turnover & increased
consumption of folate in the bone marrow. Tx w/ daily folic acid supplementation
4468 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Hydroxyurea*, trimethoprim, phenytoin, methotrexate can lead to macrocytosis
2 forms of heparin induced thrombocytopenia(HIT):
Type 1 HIT-nonimmune direct effect of heparin on platelet activation, presents within first 2 days of heparin
exposure, platelet count normalizes w/ continued heparin tx
4616 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Type 2 HIT-immune mediated,antibodies to platelet factor 4 (PF4) complexed w/ heparin.Platelet
aggregation,thrombocytopenia,thrombosis(arterial & venous).5-10 days after starting heparin,platelet count
drop >50% from baseline,life threatening
Post-splenectomy pts are at increased risk for sepsis from encapsulated organisms due to impaired
antibody-mediated opsonization in *phagocytosis*
4633 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Conditions ass. w/ thymic aplasia, like DiGeorge syndrome, cause defective cell-mediated immunity
*Rivaroxaban* is a direct factor Xa inhibitor w/ rapid onset of action that can be used as a single agent in
the tx of acute DVT or PE.It doesn't require frequent lab monitoring or daily injections; however,there is no
antidote in the event of major hemorrhage
4647 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
Thrombolytic therapy is reserved for hemodynamically unstable PE pts.Less commonly, it's used for
massive proximal lower-extremity thrombosis or iliofemoral thrombosis ass. w/ sig. symptomatic swelling or
limb ischemia
Acute hemolytic transfusion reaction: Develops within an hour after transfusion is started. Due to ABO
incompatibility. Sx-fever,chills,hemoglobinuria,flank pain,discomfort at infusion site,may advance to renal
failure & DIC(bleeding from iv sites)
4671 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Febrile nonhemolytic(most common reaction): within 1-6 hours of transfusion
4736 Medicine Hematology & Oncology Heparin activates antithrombin III, which in turn inactivates factor IIa(thrombin), factor IXa, & factor Xa
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia(HIT): immune-mediated process that causes thrombocytopenia several
4859 Medicine Hematology & Oncology days after starting heparin therapy(eg,enoxaparin). Although there can be significant thrombocytopenia,
*HIT is highly thombogenic & pts must be monitored closely for arterial and venous clots*
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura is usually dx after excluding other possible causes of
thrombocytopenia. *These pts should be tested for hepatitis C & HIV as thrombocytopenia may be the initial
4860 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
presentation of HIV infection(up to 5%-10% of pts).* Tx of the underlying infection can affect the platelet
Adult lead toxicity: Usually due to *occupational exposure* (eg, battery manufacturing, plumbing, mining,
painting, paper hanging, auto repair). Sx-fatigue, irritability, insomnia, myalgias, htn, nephropathy,
4862 Medicine Hematology & Oncology neurocognitive deficits, & peripheral neuropathy
Dx- blood lead levels, cbc w/ blood smear, xray fluorescence to measure bone lead concentration
Tx- chelation therapy
*Salvage therapy* is defined as tx for a disease when standard therapy fails eg: radiation therapy given for
PSA recurrence after radical prostatectomy(for prostate cancer) was already done
Adjuvant therapy is tx given in addition to standard therapy eg: radiation therapy given at the same time as
4940 Medicine Hematology & Oncology
radical prostatectomy in a pt
Neoadjuvant therapy is tx given before the standard therapy for a particular disease eg: radiation given
before radical prostatectomy
HIT:Complication of heparin therapy.HIT antibodies bind against the surface of platelets->platelet
aggregation,thrombocytopenia,& thrombotic complications(classic one in pts receiving heparin
subcutaneously is *skin necrosis at the abdominal injection site*)
Chronic fungal foot infection can serve as a nidus for bacterial cellulitis
Chlamydial urethritis: Mucopurulent urethral discharge in a sexually active pt, absence of identifiable
bacteria on culture or Gram stain("culture-negative" urethritis). Dx made w/ nucleic acid amplification testing
2236 Medicine Infectious Diseases of a first-catch urine sample w/o pre-cleaning genital area. Tx- Azithromycin or doxycycline
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia: Tx-Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole(pt may experience worsening of
pulmonary function following abx tx).
Corticosteroids have been shown to minimize the initial abx induced worsening of respiratory function. They
2273 Medicine Infectious Diseases should be given w/ antibiotics in pts w/ PaO2 <70 mmHg on room air or an A-a gradient >35 to minimize
pulmonary complications
Interferon is a short term tx used for young Hep B pts w/ compensated liver disease(can't use in pts w/
decompensated cirrhosis)
Entamoeba histolytica is a protozoan, which can cause *amebic liver abscess*. Remember the Mexico trip
2968 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Pyogenic liver abscess is secondary to surgery, a GI infection, or acute appendicitis. More severe than
amebic liver abscess
Hepatic hydatid cysts:due to Echinococcus granulosus.Dogs are definitive host.Cystic hepatic lesion w/
eggshell calcification
If TB pt's sputum is -ve for acid-fast bacilli,they still haven't fully cleared the dormant bacilli after 1 mo of tx
2981 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Many 1st line anti-tb drugs are hepatotoxic & should be replaced by 2nd line anti-tb drugs in pts who
develop significant hepatotoxicity
Nocardia is a gram-positive, weakly acid-fast, filamentous branching rod. It can also cause pulmonary
2989 Medicine Infectious Diseases
cavitation in an HIV pt.
tx- trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Actinomyces: Gram-positive rod, causes abscesses primarily at the head & neck w/ granular yellow pus
"sulfur granules", can also cause indolent pulmonary disease
Sporotrichosis: Initial lesion, a reddish nodule that later ulcerates, appears at the site of the thorn prick/skin
3000 Medicine Infectious Diseases injury. From the site of inoculation, the fungus spreads along the lymphatics forming subcutaneous nodules
& ulcers
Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis(PEP):
Unvaccinated pts who are bitten by animals that could have rabies-
Pt should receive PEP w/ active and passive immunization
Viral encephalitis:elevated wbc,lymphocytic predominance,normal glucose & elevated protein. Tx-*acyclovir*
for suspected HSV encephalitis until confirmatory tests return
Antibiotics are not used in IM as it's caused by a virus. Antibiotics can cause a maculopapular rash in pts w/
Amoxicillin-clavulanate: antibiotic of choice for prophylaxis/tx of infections caused by a human bite. Also the
drug of choice for dog bites. Coverage for Gram positives, Gram negatives, & anaerobes
Clindamycin is effective against Gram-positive bacteria & anaerobes. Used for tx lung abscesses &
3011 Medicine Infectious Diseases
infections of the female genital tract
Erythromycin is drug of choice for Legionnaire disease & is also used for outpatient tx of community
acquired pneumonia
Blood cultures from separate venipuncture sites should be obtained over a specified period in all pts w/
3012 Medicine Infectious Diseases
suspected infective endocarditis prior to initiating antibiotic therapy
Empiric antibiotic tx for native valve endocarditis should be geared towards MRSA, streptococci, &
enterococci. tx- *Vancomycin*
3013 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Ampicillin-sulbactam recommended for penicillin resistant enterococcus & HACEK organisms
Streptococcus sanguinis belongs to the viridans group of streptococci, which also includes S mitis, S oralis,
S mutans, S sobrinus, and the S milleri group. Infective endocarditis(IE) w/ viridans group streptococci is
commonly encountered after dental procedures
3014 Medicine Infectious Diseases IE due to S bovis (S gallolyticus) is seen in pts w/ colon cancer
Amoxicillin/clavulanate is used to treat sinusitis, otitis media, & some cases of CAP. It has activity against
beta-lactamase-producing Haemophilus & Moraxella species
3054 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Ceftriaxone has good activity against pneumococcus as well as Haemophilus & Moraxella
3103 Medicine Infectious Diseases Pentamidine used for prevention/tx of Pneumocystis pneumonia in pts w/ advanced HIV who can't tolerate
All posttransplant pts should receive prophylaxis w/ TMP-SMX
3105 Medicine Infectious Diseases TMP-SMX is effective in preventing Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP) infection in transplant pts
These pts should also be vaccinated against influenza, pneumococcus, and Hepatitis B
Bright red, firm, friable, exophytic nodules in an HIV infected pt are most likely *bacillary
3107 Medicine Infectious Diseases angiomatosis*(google pic). Bacillary angiomatosis is caused by Bartonella, a gram-negative bacillus. Oral
erythromycin is the abx of choice.
Pts w/ infectious mononucleosis may develop *autoimmune hemolytic anemia & thrombocytopenia* up to
2-3 weeks after the onset of initial sx(initial labs may not show anemia or thrombocytopenia). This due to
3131 Medicine Infectious Diseases cross reactivity of the EBV induced antibodies against RBCs & platelets
[IM-fever,sore throat,jaundice,mild hepatosplenomegaly,symmetrical lymphadenopathy involving posterior
cervical chain of lymph nodes more than anterior chain,inguinal/axillary lymphadenopathy]
Parvovirus B19: can cause an acute symmetric arthritis of the hands (metacarpophalangeal, proximal
interphalangeal, & wrist), knees, & ankle joints. Commonly affects adults who have frequent contact w/
children(school teachers, daycare workers).Dx confirmed w/ anti-parvovirus B19 IgM. Syndrome is
3172 Medicine Infectious Diseases
self-limited & doesn't require specific tx.
Rheumatoid arthritis-joint stiffness >1 hour in morning, joint swelling, sx for >6 weeks
Lyme disease: Doxycycline is the tx of choice in pts who are not pregnant & > 8 years old. Amoxicillin is
3243 Medicine Infectious Diseases used for children age < 8 years & pregnant women (We want to avoid doxycycline's negative side effects
like tooth discoloration, skeletal problems in children & fetuses)
Bacterial meningitis:Don't delay empiric abx while awaiting results of CT scan or lumbar puncture.
*Vancomycin + ampicillin + cefepime(or ceftazidime)* is tx of choice for immunocompromised pts w/
3245 Medicine Infectious Diseases suspected bacterial meningitis(provides coverage for S.pneumoniae,N.meningitidis,Listeria,Gram-neg rods
like pseudomonas). Corticosteroids(dexamethasone)must be started at the same time as abx & should be
discontinued if cultures show an organism other than S.pneumoniae
HIV pts are at high risk for TB. A positive PPD (>5mm in HIV pts) requires prophylaxis with *isoniazid and
pyridoxine for 9 months*
3246 Medicine Infectious Diseases
In this stem, the pt was asymptomatic and his chest xray was negative. I mention this because a
combination of 3-4 drugs is typically used to treat ACTIVE tb infection
Ehrlichiosis: suspect in pt from endemic region w/ hx of tick bite,febrile illness w/ systemic sx,LEUKOPENIA
&/or THROMBOCYTOPENIA,& ELEVATED AMINOTRANSFERASES.Rash is uncommon,drug of choice is
Ceftriaxone used for tx of neuro & cardio sx of Lyme disease(ABSENCE OF A RASH & PRESENCE OF A
3247 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Although Fluconazole is effective for candidiasis, prophylaxis against Candida infection is not rec. in HIV pts
Kaposi sarcoma in HIV pts is caused by human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). Lesions are asymptomatic(no pain,
itching, or burning)
[google pic]
3253 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Cryptococcus is an important cause of meningitis in HIV pts
Primary syphilis: single dose of IM benzathine penicillin G is tx of choice.
*In nonpregnant pts w/ penicillin allergy, a 2 week course of doxycycline can be used.* Pregnant pts w/
3256 Medicine Infectious Diseases penicillin allergy should undergo desensitization before penicillin therapy(doxycycline is contraindicated
during pregnancy & only penicillin based regimens are aceptable, even among those w/ hx of penicillin
Amoxicillin is tx of choice for pregnant & lactating pts w/ early localized Lyme disease(doxycycline
contraindicated in young children & pregnant & lactating women)
Pregnant women should be reassured that Lyme diseae is not known to cause congenital anomalies or fetal
3257 Medicine Infectious Diseases
IV 3rd-generation cephalosporins(ceftriaxone & cefotaxime)reserved for meningitis, encephalopathy,or
Toxic shock syndrome: look for hypotension and classic diffuse erythematous rash on body including palms
& soles
Valacyclovir is the drug of choice in the tx of herpes zoster(shingles); *acyclovir* is an alternative.[Oral
steroids can be combined w/ acyclovir (not w/ valacyclovir) if initial sx are severe & pt has no
contraindications to steroids]
3422 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Postherpetic neuralgia can be prevented &/or tx w/ tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline or
nortriptyline along w/ acute antiviral therapy(however this shouldn't be primary tx)
3425 Medicine Infectious Diseases asian pt w/ insensate, hypopigmented patch of skin. can progress to cause muscle atrophy
diagnose w/ acid-fast bacilli on skin biopsy
In a pt w/ Acute pyelonephritis, *urological imaging is reserved for pts w/ persistent clinical sx despite 48-72
3475 Medicine Infectious Diseases hours of therapy, hx of nephrolithiasis, complicated pyelonephritis, or unusual urinary findings(gross
hematuria, suspicion for urinary obstruction)*
Ludwig's angina:
Infection of the submandibular & sublingual glands, usually caused by Streptococcus & anaerobes
Source of infection is commonly an infected tooth. sx- fever, dysphagia, odynophagia, drooling, induration of
3530 Medicine Infectious Diseases submandibular space, presence of anaerobes can cause crepitus due to gas formation.
Asphyxiation is mcc of death in this disease.
management- monitor for respiratory difficulty, intubate if necessary
tx- antibiotics & removal of infected tooth
Cervicofacial actinomycosis most commonly presents in the mandibular region as a slowly growing,
nontender mass w/ characteristic yellow granular pus ("sulfur granules"). The infection can extend thru
3561 Medicine Infectious Diseases tissue planes & form abscesses, fistulas, & draining sinus tracts. Dx is confirmed by Gram stain
(Gram-positive branching bacilli) & culture. *Penicillin* is the preferred therapy. [Actinomyces is an
anaerobic bacteria that colonizes oral cavity]
Cryptosporidium parvum:major cause of chronic diarrhea in HIV infected pts w/ CD4 counts < 180
cells/mm3.Modified acid-fast stain will show oocysts in the stool
MAC:ass. w/ lung infections in immunocompetent pts w/ chronic lung disease.Causes disseminated disease
3590 Medicine Infectious Diseases
w/ bowel infiltration & malabsorption in pts w/ severe immune compromise
In GVHD, skin rash is always seen(most common organ involved is the skin)
*Cutaneous larva migrans*, or creeping eruption, is common in travelers in tropical regions, & is charac by
pruritic, elevated, serpiginous lesions on the skin, which elongate at the rate of several mm per day as the
3674 Medicine Infectious Diseases
larvae migrate in the epidermis. Infection is often acquired thru contact w/ sand. It's caused by the
infective-stage larvae of Ancylostoma braziliense, the dog & cat hookworm.
*Malaria*:Fever in returning traveler,cyclical fever w/ nonspecific constitutional & GI sx,anemia,&
Mosquito-borne dengue fever:sx develop 4-7 days(& never >2 weeks)following mosquito
3675 Medicine Infectious Diseases
bite.Fever,headache,muscle/joint pain,retroorbital pain,rash,leukopenia(dx useful)
3743 Medicine Infectious Diseases Acute meningococcemia:petechial rash that progresses to ecchymosis,bullae,vesicles,& ultimately
gangrenous necrosis
*Pts w/ HIV should receive vaccination for MMR if their CD4 cell count is >200/uL*,have no hx of AIDS
defining illness,& have no evidence of immunity(birth before 1957,documented evidence of prior
vaccination,or positive titers)
3873 Medicine Infectious Diseases
[Most live vaccines(BCG,anthrax,oral typhoid,oral polio,yellow fever) are contraindicated in pts w/
HIV.Exceptions are MMR & VZV vaccines;these can be used in pts w/o evidence of immunity if their CD4
>200/uL & have no hx of AIDS defining illness]
Recent immunization guidelines for HIV positive individuals recommend a Tdap in adulthood,followed by
tetanus-diphtheria (Td) boosters every 10 years(sooner if required due to a contaminated wound).Tdap is
also indicated w/ every pregnancy to protect the infant;this applies to all women(including those who are HIV
3888 Medicine Infectious Diseases positive)
The hpv vaccine is effective at preventing cervical & anal cancer due to HPV infection.Rec for men &
women aged 9-26,but not FDA approved beyond age 26
3892 Medicine Infectious Diseases Nontypable Haemophilus influenzae is a common cause of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis in adults
Any pt w/ HIV who has BLOODY diarrhea & CD4 count <50/mm3 should have colonoscopy w/ biopsy to
look for *CMV* colitis.CMV colitis is charac by frequent,small-volume,bloody stools & ab pain.Any pt w/ HIV
who has active CMV disease requires ocular examination to rule out concurrent retinitis
3917 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Cryptosporidiosis causes chronic,profuse,watery diarrhea in pts w/ CD4 counts <180/mm3;typically no sx of
Cat-scratch disease:cutaneous lesion & regional lymphadenopathy following cat scratch or bite.Dx can be
made clinically & *observation* is sufficient for immunocompetent individuals w/ mild-to-moderate
sx.Azithromycin rec in disseminated disease(liver,spleen,eye,bone,brain) or for immunocompromised
4057 Medicine Infectious Diseases hosts.[Biopsy when dx uncertain,material needed for culture, or malignancy is a concern]
Ventilator-ass. pneumonia(VAP) usually occurs within >48 hours after intubation & presents w/
fever,purulent secretions & abnormal chest x-ray.Pts should have lower respiratory tract sampling(Gram
stain & culture) & receive empiric antibiotics.Fever,leukocytosis & lobar infiltrates are consistent w/ VAP
4071 Medicine Infectious Diseases
CT scan of chest used to evaluate for VAP complications(empyema)if pt doesn't improve clinically.Also used
to evaluate for alternate causes if Gram stain/culture are -ve
C difficile colitis: sx- watery diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, & leukocytosis. Also can get toxic
megacolon(worse case scenario).
White/yellow pseudomembranes on sigmoidoscopy
4092 Medicine Infectious Diseases risk factors- recent hospitalization, advanced age, antibiotic use
dx- *stool studies for C difficile toxin/Stool toxin testing* (NOT STOOL CULTURES)
tx- metronidazole or oral vancomycin
Unexplained leukocytosis in hospitalized pts should also raise suspicion for C difficile, even w/o diarrhea
P. jiroveci causes pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts.
4115 Medicine Infectious Diseases Bilateral diffuse interstitial infiltrates is finding on chest x-ray
pts have nonproductive cough
Vertebral osteomyelitis presents w/ fever, back pain, & focal spinal tenderness. Evaluation includes blood
cultures & inflammatory markers. *MRI of the spine* is the modality of choice for dx, followed by CT-guided
bone biopsy
4120 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Technetium bone scan is less specific than gallium imaging in the dx of vertebral osteomyelitis as it also
detects fractures & may result in false-positive findings
Mitral valve disease, usually mitral valve prolapse w/ coexisting mitral regurgitation, is the most common
4163 Medicine Infectious Diseases
valvular abnormality detected in pts w/ infective endocarditis
S. pneumoniae is the most common pathogen causing pneumonia in nursing home pts.
4166 Medicine Infectious Diseases Its also the mcc of community acquired pneumonia in adults.
Vaccination w/ Pneumovax can help prevent it.
4167 Medicine Infectious Diseases Intermittent catheterization is an effective measure to reduce the risk of UTI in pts w/ neurogenic bladder
In diabetic pts, the pathogenic mechanism of osteomyelitis adjacent to a foot ulcer is *contiguous* spread of
4168 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Hematogenous spread is the most likely pathogenic mechanism of hematogenous osteomyelitis, which is
typically observed in children
Diabetic pts w/ acute pyelonephritis are generally tx w/ parenteral abx for 48-72 hours. Once the pt has a
clear response, tx can be switched to oral abx for a total course of 10-14 days. Fluoroquinolones &
trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole are good options for oral therapy, w/ the choice of abx usually individualized
4169 Medicine Infectious Diseases based on culture & sensitivity results
Gentamicin used in combination therapy for UTI in pts w/ severe infection or risk for drug resistant
Dx for Legionnaires disease can be confirmed w/ urine antigen testing in combination w/ culture.
4233 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Tx Legionnaires disease w/ a macrolide or fluoroquinolone
Nail puncture wound in an adult resulting in osteomyelitis is most likely due to *Pseudomonas aeruginosa*.
Tx-oral/parenteral quinolones & surgical debridement
4257 Medicine Infectious Diseases
S.aureus(coagulase positive) is the mcc of osteomyelitis in children & adults
CSF findings of elevated wbc count, elevated protein level, & decreased glucose level are suggestive of
bacterial meningitis. Typical skin lesions during *meningococcal infection* include petechiae & purpura.
4265 Medicine Infectious Diseases Myalgias are common & can be more intense & painful than those seen in viral influenza
Arboviruses cause encephalitis & include eastern equine, western equine, St. Louis, & West Nile virus
sx-fever,myalgias,headaches,abrupt onset of sx,systemic symptoms out of proportion to mild respiratory sx
tx-If within 48 hrs of sx onset,treat w/ Neuraminidase inhibitors(oseltamivir,zanamivir) which can decrease
severity & duration of influenza by 2-3 days.If pt presents later, manage w/ symptomatic treatment
4284 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Viral URI:slow onset of sx, rhinorrhea, coryza, sneezing
Nocardia: filamentous, aerobic, gram-positive bacteria that is partially acid-fast. Causes pulmonary or
disseminated disease (particularly to the brain[brain abscess->seizures]) in immunocompromised hosts.
4417 Medicine Infectious Diseases Aztreonam tx gram-neg infections, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Sequential PCV13 & PPSV23 recommended for adults age <65 w/ very high risk conditions (eg, csf leaks,
sickle cell disease, cochlear implants, congenital/acquired asplenia, immunocompromised status, chronic
4475 Medicine Infectious Diseases
renal failure)
PPSV23 alone is recommended for adults age <65 who are current smokers or have chronic medical
conditions including heart or lung disease, diabetes, & chronic liver disease
In addition to the vaccines recommended for the general population(Td every 10 years w/ one time
substitution of Tdap, influenza vaccine), pts w/ HIV infection should receive pneumococcal
4478 Medicine Infectious Diseases vaccination(PCV13 followed by PPSV23 8 wks later & every 5 years thereafter). Most pts w/ HIV should
also receive vaccination for hepatitis A & B if they don't have documented evidence of immunity to these
viruses. Live vaccines are generally contraindicated
Pts w/ PID are at an increased risk for other STDs & should also be screened for HIV, *syphilis(w/ RPR)*,
4488 Medicine Infectious Diseases
hepatitis B, cervical cancer (pap smear), & hepatitis C(if they have a hx of IV drug use)
S. aureus can cause post viral URI necrotizing pulmonary bronchopneumonia w/ multiple nodular infiltrates
4517 Medicine Infectious Diseases
that can cavitate to cause small abscesses
Reactivation toxoplasmosis in HIV pt:
4611 Medicine Infectious Diseases sx-fever, headaches, confusion, ataxia, & ring enhancing lesion on brain MRI. Tx prophylactically w/
*trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole*. This also helps prevent PCP.
Following splenectomy, pts are at increased risk for sepsis due to encapsulated organisms including
Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, & Haemophilus influenzae. *Vaccinations against each
4634 Medicine Infectious Diseases
of these organisms should be administered either >14 days before scheduled splenectomy or >14 days
after splenectomy*
Secondary syphilis:diffuse maculopapular rash involving trunk & extremities,including palms & soles,w/
generalized lymphadenopathy & systemic sx(fever,malaise,sore throat)
4656 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Rickettsial diseases including Rocky Mountain spotted fever or Ehrlichiosis: rash begins as maculopapular
eruption on wrists & ankles that spreads to the trunk,extremities,palms,& soles around day 5 of illness.Pts
are toxic appearing,w/ high fever,conjunctivitis,severe headache & diffuse myalgias
Ticks should be removed asap. Best removed w/ tweezers. Mouthparts that break off & remain in skin can
4662 Medicine Infectious Diseases be left alone cuz infective body of tick no longer attached. Pt should seek medical attention if "bull's eye
rash" develops. One dose of doxycycline given if criteria for prophylaxis are met.
Adult Still's disease:
4668 Medicine Infectious Diseases inflammatory disorder characterized by recurrent high fevers, rash and arthritis. The rash if often
maculopapular and nonpruritic, affecting the trunk and extremities during febrile episodes
Pulmonary tuberculosis:
sx- productive cough, hemoptysis, recurrent fevers, weight loss, chest CT w/ upper lobe cavitary lesions
surrounded w/ alveolar infiltration
risk factor- travel to country where TB endemic eg: Mexico
4669 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Allergic bronchopulmonary asperfillosis:
occurs in pts w/ asthma or cystic fibrosis
sx- fever, malaise, productive cough, eosinophilia, hemoptysis
Splenic abscess: fever, leukocytosis, left upper quadrant abdominal pain, left sided pleuritic chest pain, left
pleural effusion, splenomegaly. Ass. w/ *Infective endocarditis*
4714 Medicine Infectious Diseases
Tx-splenectomy is rec. for all pts(Abx alone has high mortality rate). Percutaneous drainage for pts that are
poor surgical candidates
Abx tx in pts w/ infective endocarditis(IE):
4727 Medicine Infectious Diseases Most viridans group streptococci(*S.mutans*) are highly *susceptible to penicillin* & should be treated w/ IV
aqueous penicillin G or *IV ceftriaxone* for 4 weeks[oral abx are generally not rec. as initial tx in pts w/ IE]
Most rapid and sensitive test to diagnose disseminated histoplasmosis in immunocompromised pts is urine
4938 Medicine Infectious Diseases
or serum assay for histoplasma antigen
4939 Medicine Infectious Diseases
tx- Itraconazole
Eikenella corrodens is a Gram-negative anaerobe & a common constituent of normal human oral flora.
Infective endocarditis due to E corrodens is usually seen in the setting of poor dentition &/or periodontal
8880 Medicine Infectious Diseases
infection, along w/ dental procedures that involve manipulation of the gingival or oral mucosa[S. aureus is
the mcc of infective endocarditis seen among injection drug users]
Viral esophagitis: sx-severe odynophagia (pain w/ swallowing) WITHOUT dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) or
8959 Medicine Infectious Diseases Medication related chemical esophagitis ("pill esophagitis") is caused by potassium chloride, tetracyclines,
bisphosphonates, & nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Pts w/ acute bacterial prostatitis w/ urinary retention may require suprapubic catheterization of bladder
Testicular cancer: After the dx of a solid testicular mass has been made, (a painless hard mass in testicle +
suggestive ultrasound), the inital management is removal of the testis & it's associated cord (*Radical
2589 Medicine Male Reproductive System
ochiectomy*). The testis & abnormal tissue present is then examined under the microscope to determine
the type of cancer. This is the tumor that we "kill first & investigate later".
Due to controversy, PSA screening should be determined on a case-by-case bases by the physician &
3055 Medicine Male Reproductive System
Colonoscopy is rec. every 10 years for colorectal cancer screening if the initial screen is normal
Anabolic steroid use causes infertility by suppressing production of GnRH, LH, & FSH
Klinefelter syndrome: i.e., XXY semineferous tubule dysgenesis, characterized by testicular fibrosis (primary
hypogonadism), azoospermia, gynecomastia, decreased intelligence, increased axial skeletal growth, high
3369 Medicine Male Reproductive System
Myotonic dystrophy: testicular atrophy, widespread muscular atrophy, weakness, low testosterone level,
high FSH & LH
Most common drug that causes Priapism is Prazosin.For boards,rmr the association of priapism w/
*trazodone*[Trazodone is an antidepressant which is mainly used for sleep disturbances]
2287 Medicine Nervous System Huntington's chorea: characterized by chorea & dementia. Tx- Haloperidol
Pts w/ an established dx of myasthenia gravis(fluctuating & fatigable ocular/bulbar weakness + confirmation
w/ acetycholine receptor antibodies) should subsequently receive *chest imaging (eg, CT scan or MRI)* to
evaluate for thymoma
2634 Medicine Nervous System
Myasthenia gravis is caused by autoantibodies (originating in the thymus) directed against nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular junction
*Myasthenia gravis*:fluctuating,fatigable muscle weakness that worsens w/ repetitive motions of same
muscle groups & improves w/ rest.Ocular(diplopia,ptosis) or bulbar (dysarthria,dysphagia) dysfunction is the
2667 Medicine Nervous System presenting symptom in most pts.Proximal muscle involvement(hip flexors,quadriceps,deltoids) can cause
difficulty climbing stairs or blow-drying hair.Respiratory muscle weakness is a life-threatening complication
that may lead to respiratory failure(myasthenic crisis)
Basal ganglia hemorrhage: Eyes deviate *away from* hemiparesis(eg. right sided weakness but left
conjugate gaze deviation)
2672 Medicine Nervous System
Thalamic hemorrhage: Eyes deviate *toward* the side of hemiparesis
Hemiplegic migraine: rare familial disorder that presents w/ migraine headache ass. w/ unilateral motor
deficits. Neuro deficits occur at the time of the headache
Diabetic neuropathy usually presents w/ alterations in sensation,including loss of proprioception.Motor
findings may be a late manifestation in the most severe cases.Hyperactive reflexes & an upgoing plantar
2679 Medicine Nervous System reflex are incompatible w/ diabetic neuropathy & are suggestive of an upper motor neuron process.Along w/
this,if a pt has back pain,we worry about a mass lesion in the spine(diabetic pts are prone to developing
epidural abscesses).A *spine MRI* should be performed
Aminoglycosides can cause ototoxicity(hearing loss) by damaging the cochlear cells, & some
aminoglycosides (esp gentamicin) can also damage the motion-sensitive hair cells in the inner ear to cause
2837 Medicine Nervous System selective vestibular injury (vestibulopathy) w/o significant ototoxicity. Pts experience oscillopsia(sensation of
objects moving around in the visual field when looking in any direction). An abnormal head thrust test helps
detect vestibular dysfunction due to gentamicin
Wilson's disease:children present w/ liver disease(asymptomatic aminotransferase elevations,fulminant
hepatic failure).Young adults have neuropsychiatric disease(tremor & rigidity,depression,paranoia &
catatonia).Dx by decreased serum ceruloplasmin,increased urinary copper & Kayser-Fleischer rings seen on
slit lamp exam of eye
2938 Medicine Nervous System
Neuro sx of Wilson's disease are secondary to copper deposition in the basal ganglia
central cord syndrome:
causes- hyperextension injuries in elderly pt's with degenerative changes in cervical spine, elderly pt's with
3072 Medicine Nervous System spondylosis
sx- weakness that's more pronounced in upper extremities than lower
selective loss of pain and temperature in arms
3074 Medicine Nervous System Alzheimer's disease: CT shows generalized cortical atrophy
Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) (Pseudotumor cerebri) can occur secondary to isotretinoin. Lumbar
3081 Medicine Nervous System
puncture shows increased opening pressure (>250 mm H2O)
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome: recent onset confusion, fever, muscle rigidity, & diaphoresis.
3135 Medicine Nervous System
Its a drug induced idiosyncratic reaction
Idiopathic intracranial HTN (pseudotumor cerebri): pts present w/ holocranial headache, vision
3162 Medicine Nervous System changes(blurry vision & diplopia), & pulsatile tinnitus ("whooshing" sounds in ears). Seen in young obese
women. Dx involves ocular examination, neuroimaging, & *lumbar puncture*
CT scan of a diffuse axonal injury shows numerous minute punctate hemorrhages w/ blurring of grey white
MRI more sensitive than CT scan for diagnosing diffuse axonal injury.
3299 Medicine Nervous System
Epidural hematoma- biconvex collection
Pick's disease: resembles Alzheimer's dementia clinically, but is more commonly seen in females. Onset of
3374 Medicine Nervous System
sx is around 50 years. Personality & language changes are often more prominent than cognitive sx
Huntington's dementia is caused by defect in autosomal dominant gene on chromosome 4. Path involves
striatal neuro-degeneration
Pts w/ advanced HIV can develop neurologic manifestations from HIV encephalopathy (triad of cognitive
3446 Medicine Nervous System impairment, mood, and movement disorders), CNS toxoplasmosis, lymphoma, & other conditions. Sx's
gradually worsen.
neurological condition
causes by inflammation of carotids and vagus
pain is sharp and localized to the carotid artery distribution in neck
3460 Medicine Nervous System
Burning mouth syndrome:
rare cause of facial pain
sx- reddened mucosa, significant pain, aggravated by dryness
Drug of choice for trigeminal neuralgia is *carbamazepine*[Aplastic anemia occurs w/ prolonged
carbamazepine use,so routine CBC done for these pts.If med fails to control pain, surgical gangliolysis or
suboccipital craniectomy for decompression of the trigeminal nerve are options]
3461 Medicine Nervous System
Lithium:primary agent for manic depression.Its levels must be monitored as it can be toxic
Carbidopa prevents peripheral decarboxylation of levodopa & decreases peripheral side effects
multiple sclerosis:
young female with bilateral trigeminal neuralgia
3462 Medicine Nervous System
"33 y/o white female, severe bilateral lightning like pain on face, pain is burning and sharp in nature and
occurs 20-30 times/day, episodes last a few seconds, transient arm weakness"
Primidone is an anticonvulsant agent which can be used to tx benign essential tremors. Its administration
can precipitate acute intermittent porphyria, which manifests as abdominal pain, neurologic & psychiatric
3513 Medicine Nervous System
Beta blockers are 1st line tx for essential tremors. Not rec if pt bradycardic or has severe COPD
Infarcts have hypodense(less dense than reference structure,hypodense relative to the adjacent gray &
3537 Medicine Nervous System
white matter,looks darker/blacker than surrounding area) parenchymal areas on CT scan(google pic)
Lacunar infarcts present w/ pure motor stroke, pure sensory stroke or clumsy-hand dysarthria
Acute spinal cord compression:loss of motor & sensory function,loss of rectal tone,& urinary retention
Management-emergency surgical consultation, neuroimaging,& possibly iv glucocorticoids
Conus medullaris:back pain w/ bladder & rectal dysfunction but weakness & sensory loss are less common.
3560 Medicine Nervous System
Symmertric motor weakness. Hyperreflexia.
Amitriptyline & Propranolol are used for migraine prophylaxis but are not helpful in the acute setting
Non traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage(*google CT pic*):due to *ruptured saccular/berry
aneurysm*.Noncontrast head CT scan shows acute bleeding in cisterns along major proximal cerebral blood
vessels arising from circle of Willis
3622 Medicine Nervous System
Amyloid angiopathy:2nd mcc of intracerebral hemorrhage,lobar in location,in pts age >75
IIH:due to impaired cerebral spinal fluid absorption or excess production.Acute thunderclap headache(worse
while flat) ass w/ vision changes/nausea
Huntington's chorea: pts present in their forties or fifties w/ chorea and/or behavioral disturbance. *Atrophy
of the caudate nucleus*(seen on neuroimaging as enlargement of lateral ventricles)
Pick's disease: atrophy of frontal and/or temporal lobes, dementia & personality changes also seen
Idipathic intracranial hypertension or Pseudotumor cerebri:
sx- features of increased intracranial pressure in alert pt, absence of focal neurologic signs, no evidence for
other causes (eg tumors) on neuroimaging, normal csf examination except for increased CSF opening
3637 Medicine Nervous System tx- acetazolamide is 1st line!
Albumino-cytologic (elevated protein & normal cell count) dissociation is a CSF finding of Guillain Barre
Exertional heat stroke:charac by a temp >40 C (104 F) & CNS dysfunction.Management involves *rapid
cooling,preferably w/ ice water immersion*
When ice water immersion not available or is difficult,other cooling techniques may be considered(they are
3691 Medicine Nervous System
less effective than ice water immersion)
Evaporative cooling preferred for nonexertional or classic heat stroke(seen in elderly pts w/ underlying
comorbidities that limit their ability to cope w/ excessive heat)
Aspirin:Reduces risk of early recurrence of ischemic stroke.Give within 24 hrs to all pts presenting w/ stroke.
Aspirin + dipyridamole OR clopidogrel is rec. for pts who have recurrent stroke on aspirin therapy
Alteplase rec. for eligible pts presenting w/ acute ischemic stroke sx within 3-4.5 hours of sx
3712 Medicine Nervous System
Anticoagulation (eg, dabigatran, warfarin) rec. for stroke prevention in pts w/ atrial fibrillation
Plasmapheresis is used in seriously ill pts when other tx are not effective/contraindicated. Not used for long
term basis.Used for stabilization of pt before thymectomy and myasthenia crisis.
3727 Medicine Nervous System Myasthenia crisis can be exacerbated by an underlying respiratory tract infection
Tranexamic: antifibrinolytic agent used to tx heavy menstrual bleeding and prevent excessive blood loss
during certain types of surgeries
Dominant parietal lobe lesion:contralateral sensory loss,contralateral inferior homonymous quadrantanopsia
Nondominant frontal lobe lesions: affect the way a person conveys emotion thru speech(motor aprosodia),
contralateral weakness, & apraxia
3738 Medicine Nervous System
Nondominant temporal lobe lesions:can impair ability to comprehend emotional gestures(sensory
aprosodia). These pts can develop a contralateral homonymous quadrantanopsia due to inferior optic
radiations involvement
Riluzole is a glutamate inhibitor that is approved for use in pts w/ amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It may
prolong survival & the time to tracheostomy. Side effects are dizziness, nausea, weight loss, elevated liver
3771 Medicine Nervous System enzymes & skeletal weakness
Donepezil is a cholinesterase inhibitor that is used to improve cognitive function in pts w/ Alzheimer's disease
Pts w/ acute, severe pain should receive the same standard of pain management regardless of drug history.
3804 Medicine Nervous System IV morphine is appropriate treatment for acute, severe pain. Never undertreat pain, even if there is a risk of
The basic pathology in myasthenia gravis lies at the *neuromuscular junction* & is mediated by
3809 Medicine Nervous System
auto-antibodies against the acetylcholine receptor.
3837 Medicine Nervous System Eaton Lambert syndrome: ass. w/ small cell carcinoma of the lung
*MRI* is the test of choice for dx multiple sclerosis(MS)
3852 Medicine Nervous System
MS: look for patchy neurological problems (eg, right upper extremity, left lower extremity, & optic neuritis).
Predominant immunoglobulin type is IgG. IgG index is elevated in 90% of pts w/ MS.
Pts w/ hypertension have 4x risk of stroke! Very strong association of hypertension with stroke(compared to
3879 Medicine Nervous System
the other risk factors of stroke)
Myasthenia gravis is caused by autoantibody-mediated *degradation of acetylcholine receptors* at the
neuromuscular junction, which often leads to fatigable ocular(prosis,diplopia) & bulbar muscle
3891 Medicine Nervous System weakness(fatigable chewing,dysphagia w/ nasopharyngeal regurgitation,dysarthria). Most pts w/
acetylcholine receptor antibodies have thymic abnormalities(thymoma, thymic hyperplasia), which appear as
an anterior mediastinal mass on chest imaging
The dexamethasone suppression test (DST) may be used clinically to detect endogenous depression. In up
to 50% of pts w/ depression, DST will be abnormal
3919 Medicine Nervous System
Difference b/w psudodementia & dementia of Alzheimer's origin is that pts w/ pseudodementia tend to be
"overly concerned" about their memory loss & often seek help. Pts w/ Alzheimer's tend to be indifferent to
their memory loss & are usually brought by their families
Normal pressure hydrocephalus: "wet, wacky, wobbly." MRI or CTshows enlarged/dilated ventricles
3923 Medicine Nervous System
Pseudotumor cerebri: shrunken ventricles are seen on MRI
*100% oxygen tx of choice to abort an ACUTE ATTACK of cluster headache*
MCA stroke:contralateral somatosensory & motor deficit(more pronounced in the face or upper limb than
4022 Medicine Nervous System lower limb)
Solitary brain metastasis: Surgical resection is recommended
Persistent seizure activity may cause an increased intracranial pressure & could lead to an intracranial
Multiple system atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome): when pt w/ Parkinsonism experiences orthostatic
hypotension, impotence, incontinence, or other autonomic sx.
4130 Medicine Nervous System
Riley-Day syndrome (familial dysautonomia):
autosomal recessive disease seen in children of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. Characterized by gross
dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system w/ severe orthostatic hypotension
Subdural hematoma: Can also occur w/ minor trauma if pt is on anticoagulation therapy(combo of aspirin
and warfarin/coumadin).CT shows semi-lenticular hematoma.
4153 Medicine Nervous System Epidural hematoma: middle meningeal artery injury from trauma to temporal bone, biconvex hematoma on
Meningoma: tumor of the arachnoid granulation. Usually seen over the convex surfaces of the brain
Brain death: absent cortical & brain stem functions. Spinal cord may still be functioning, therefore *deep
tendon reflexes may be present!*
4159 Medicine Nervous System Pupillary light reaction & oculovestibular reaction are absent in pts w/ brain death. HR fails to accelerate
after atropine injection cuz vagal control of heart is lost & heart becomes invariant. Apnea test shows no
spontaneous respiration at PCO2 values of 50 mmHg & more, thereby demonstrating no functioning of
lower brainstem center
4170 Medicine Nervous System Most common site of ulnar nerve entrapment is the elbow! HIGH YIELD!
Thalamic stroke (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome): Hemi-sensory loss w/ severe dysesthesia (touching a body
part causes pain, burning, tingling) of the affected area(aka thalamic pain phenomenon)
4203 Medicine Nervous System
Strokes that affect the mid-brain or medulla classically involve the nuclei of the cranial nerves
Hemi-neglect syndrome is characterized by ignoring the left side of a space, & involves the right
(non-dominant) *parietal* lobe
4206 Medicine Nervous System
Frontal cortex lesion results in hemiparesis (w/ motor aphasia if the dominant lobe is involved)
Lateral medullary infarct(Wallenberg syn):loss of pain/temp over ipsilateral face & contralateral
body,ipsilateral bulbar muscle weakness,vestibulocerebellar impairment(vertigo,nystagmus) & Horner's
syn.Motor function of face & body spared
4269 Medicine Nervous System
Medial medullary syn:pts develop contralateral paralysis of arm & leg & tongue deviation toward lesion
Tabes dorsalis:Destruc of posterior colums leads to loss of proprioception.Pt walks w/ legs wide apart,feet
lifted higher than usual w/ slapping sound when in contact w/ floor
4311 Medicine Nervous System
Hemiparetic pt:hx of stroke,affected arm adducted,affected leg extended,leg swung outward in semicircle as
pt walks
Cervical nerve root compression causes chronic neck pain & inilateral radiculopathy
Acute angle-closure glaucoma:
can be caused from meds like anticholinergics, sympathomimetics, or even dim light
sx- severe unilateral eye pain w/ conjunctival injection, dilated pupil, pt may see halos around lights,
headaches w/ subsequent nausea & vomiting
4367 Medicine Nervous System complication- permanent vision loss within 2-5 hours of sx onset
Optic neuritis: acute vision loss, pain, occurs in women age <50, initial sx of MS
Epidural abscess:fever,focal spinal tenderness/back pain,& neurologic dysfunction. RF-IV drug
use,immunocompromised state(eg diabetes, HIV, alcoholism), infectious spread from distant source, spinal
4372 Medicine Nervous System
Evaluation includes urgent *MRI of spine*, blood cultures, inflammatory markers & CT-guided aspiration &
culture.Antibiotics along with emergency surgical decompressoin & drainage of the abscess are
recommended for most pts
Pronator drift is relatively sensitive & specific for *upper motor neuron disease*. Upper motor neuron lesions
cause a weakness in supination that results in the pronator muscles becoming dominant. When these pts
4381 Medicine Nervous System close their eyes & extend their arms w/ palms up, the affected arm will tend to pronate
Parietal lobe is involved in sensation, perception, & the integration of sensory input
Spinal cord compression is characterized by signs & sx of upper motor neuron dysfunction distal to the site
of compression. These include weakness, hyperreflexia, & an extensor plantar response. Cord compression
4391 Medicine Nervous System is a medical emergency requiring prompt dx by *spinal MRI*
Subdural hematomas: occur due to tearing of bridging veins. Blunt trauma is the mcc. Common in older pts
and alcoholics due to brain atrophy and vessel fragility. Appears as white crescent on noncontrast CT
4394 Medicine Nervous System Lacunar strokes: caused by small vessel hyalinosis. HTN and diabetes are risk factors. Affects internal
capsule & causes pure motor dysfunction
Chorea: brief, irregular, unintentional muscle contractions. Movements tend to flow from one to another but
4399 Medicine Nervous System
are NOT rhythmic/repetitive
Athetosis: slow, writing movements affecting hands & feet, charracteristic of Huntington's disease, chorea &
athetosis often occur together
Resting tremor is seen in Parkinson's disease. Tremor goes away w/ movement and reemerges when
movement is stopped
Essential tremors present as action/postural tremors.They worsen at the end of goal directed
activities.Relieved w/ alcohol
4400 Medicine Nervous System
Orthostatic tremor:postural tremor,occurs in legs right after standing & relieved by sitting down
Bacterial, fungal, & tubercular meningitis presents w/ elevated protein, low glucose, elevated WBC counts
4465 Medicine Nervous System
Viral meningitis has elevated WBC count, & normal RBC & glucose counts. Protein normal to slightly
elevated. [Exception is herpes meningoencephalitis, which has high RBC & protein levels reflecting temporal
lobe hemorrhge]
Lacunar strokes occur due to microatheroma formation & lipohyalinosis in the small penetrating arteries of
4482 Medicine Nervous System the brain. They often affect the internal capsule & result in pure motor hemiparesis. Htn, hyperlipidemia,
diabetes, & smoking are major risk factors
Cerebral septic emboli are one of the most dreaded consequences of endocarditis. They occur when pieces
4483 Medicine Nervous System of infected valvular vegetations break off & enter the CNS circulation, causing focal neurologic deficits.
Cerebral septic emboli are tx w/ antibiotics
*Viridans streptococci* (eg,S.intermedius,S.mitis,S.oralis,S.mutans) & other head & neck anaerobes
(eg,Prevotella,Peptostreptococcus,Bacteroides) are the most common pathogens when brain abscess
4513 Medicine Nervous System results from sinusitis
[Brain abscess sx-headache,focal neuro deficit,ring enhancing intracranial lesions on CT scan of brain in
immunocompetent pt w/ adjacent bacterial infection.Fever present in only 50% of cases]
Parkinson disease(PD): To date, there are no imaging or laboratory tests that can be used to confirm this
dx w/ any greater accuracy than *physical examination*
4563 Medicine Nervous System
Postural instability signs like flexed axial posture, loss of balance during turning or stopping, loss of balance
when pushed slightly from stationary bipedal stance, frequent falls are some physical exam findings that
contribute to clinical dx of PD. Others signs are usual stuff like tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia
Cerebellar dysfunction: common among chronic alcohol abusers. Sx-gait instability, truncal ataxia,
nystagmus,difficulty w/ rapid alternating movements, hypotonia, *intention tremor*, dysmetria(limb-kinetic
4618 Medicine Nervous System
tremor when attempting to touch a target), muscle hypotonia(leading to pendular knee reflex-persistent
swinging movements of the limb after eliciting deep-tendon reflex)
Lewy body dementia: alterations in consciousness, disorganized speech, visual hallucinations,
4619 Medicine Nervous System
extrapyramidal sx, relatively early compromise of executive functions
How to differentiate between Alzheimers and Normal pressure hydrocephalus:
NPH- Gait impairment is earliest feature
Alzheimers- Gait impairment is a later finding
4620 Medicine Nervous System
Chronic subdural hematomas are usually found in elderly & alcoholic pts due to decreased brain volumes
and their propensity for falls
Pts w/ dementia have an increased risk of developing agitated delirium in the hospital. Typical(*haloperidol*)
and atypical(quetiapine,risperidone) antipsychotics are useful for treating acute agitation in elderly pts w/
4622 Medicine Nervous System Amitriptyline:treats depression,sleep disorders & neuropathic pain
Memantine:Tx moderate to severe Alzheimer disease. Blocks action of glutamate on NMDA receptor
Multiple sclerosis(MS): pts w/ acute relapse tx w/ high-dose iv glucocorticoids(methylprednisolone).
Corticotropin injection gel, a purified form of adrenocorticotrophic hormone can be used as alternate
therapy. Plasma exchange also reserved for those who don't respond to high-dose glucocorticoids.
4641 Medicine Nervous System Glatiramer, interferon, mitoxantrone, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, & cladribine can be used for
long-term disease-modifying therapy
Neoplastic epidural spinal cord compression:
gradual worsening focal back pain,bilateral lower extremity weakness,sensory loss,gait ataxia.Bower/bladder
disturbances are late findings.In acute phase of spinal cord injury,pts develop spinal shock w/ absence of
4691 Medicine Nervous System reflexes & flaccid paraplegia as a result.Exam shows focal point tenderness in spine,exaggerated deep
tendon reflexes in legs,upgoing plantar reflexes
Sinusitis can cause frontal headache that worsens w/ leaning forward;however it's ass. w/ nasal congestion
& purulent nasal discharge
*HIV* & hepatitis C infection should be suspected in pts w/ weight loss & hx of IV drug abuse. Pts w/ HIV
4744 Medicine Nervous System
are at risk of developing depression & dementia
*Papilledema*: caused by increased intracranial pressure. Presents w/ *transient vision loss lasting a few
seconds w/ changes in head position*. *Blind spot enlarges* in those w/ papilledema. Requires urgent dx
evaluation as persistent papilledema can lead to vision loss
4900 Medicine Nervous System
Anterior uveitis presents w/ eye pain & redness
Posterior uveitis is often painless & ass. w/ floaters or reduced visual acuity
4913 Medicine Nervous System Essential tremor is suppressed at rest and exacerbated at the end of goal directed movements
1st line tx for essential tremor is the beta-blocker propranolol. Alternate meds include primidone &
4914 Medicine Nervous System
Embolic strokes:sudden onset w/ maximal sx at the beginning.Occur in pts w hx of structural cardiac
disease(eg, atrial fibrillation[irregularly irregular],endocarditis).Pts w/ atrial fibrillation PLUS existing structural
heart disease have an increased risk of cardioembolic strokes
4921 Medicine Nervous System
Subcortical lacunar strokes:occluded single penetrating branch of large cerebral artery.Presents w/ pure
motor,ataxic hemiparesis,pure sensory,sensorimotor stroke,dysarthria w/ clumsy hand.
Focal neurologic findings(eg, right sided hemiparesis, sensory deficits) are common in vascular dementia
10348 Medicine Nervous System
but not normal pressure hydrocephalus
*Vascular dementia*: sudden/stepwise decline in executive function after stroke, which interferes w/
10448 Medicine Nervous System activities of daily living. Pts have abnormal neuro findings on exam(eg, hemiparesis, pronator drift, Romberg
Vit B12 deficiency: *Serum methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels* should be obtained in pts w/ borderline B12
levels as elevations in MMA are more sensitive in detecting Vit B12 deficiency than serum vitamin levels
10499 Medicine Nervous System D-lactic acidosis:occur in pts w/ short-bowel syndrome.Pts are asymptomatic but can develop
confusion,ataxia,dysarthria during carb loading
Hypothyroidism:can cause macrocytic anemia & polyneuropathy.Reduction in deep tendon reflexes &
delayed relaxation phase
IV antibiotics decrease risk of septic embolic events in pts w/ native valve infective endocarditis.
10972 Medicine Nervous System
Surgery can be onsidered in pts w/ significant valvular dysfunction, persistent/difficult to treat infection, or
recurrent embolism.
Postconcussive syndrome:
Caused by traumatic brain injury. Can last a few hours or days.
sx- headache, confusion, amnesia, difficulty concentrating or multitasking, vertigo, mood alteration, sleep
disturbance, & anxiety
11557 Medicine Nervous System
tx- sx resolve w/ symptomatic tx
Delayed subdural hematoma will present w/ focal neurologic deficits (eg, hemiparesis, slurred speech,
aphasia, gait disturbance, hemianesthesia)
The initial diagnostic workup of a 1st-time seizure in an adult should include basic blood tests (eg, serum
electrolytes, glucose, calcium, magnesium, complete blood count, renal & liver function tests) & a toxicology
screen to evaluate for metabolic & toxic causes. Unprovoked seizures generally require further evaluation w/
11982 Medicine Nervous System
neuroimaging & EEG.
[Routine EEG is useful for risk-stratifying pts after a 1st time seizure once metabolic & toxic etiologies have
been excluded]
Prrogressive bilaterally symmetric hearing loss w/ subjective bilateral tinnitus, advanced age, & absence of
other neurologic signs suggest *presbycusis*
11996 Medicine Nervous System
Acoustic neuroma arises from the Schwann cells covering the vestibular branch of the 8th cranial nerve. As
the tumor grows, it can cause sx such as vertigo, unilateral tinnitus, & sensorineural hearing loss
Dx of myasthenia gravis(MG) can be supported w/ the bedside ice pack test.In this test,an ice pack is
applied over eyelids for several minutes,leading to an improvement in ptosis.Pts w/ positive test results
should undergo confirmatory testing for *acetycholine receptor antibodies*(highly specific)
12028 Medicine Nervous System
MG:caused by autoantibody mediated degradation of acetylcholine receptors at the neuromuscular
junction.Muscle weakness may be precipitated by SURGERY,infection,medications
Phenytoin is an antiepileptic drug w/ known teratogenic effects(eg, fetal hydantoin syndrome). Women of
childbearing age who have a low risk of seizure recurrence may safely discontinue phenytoin if considering
12044 Medicine Nervous System
becoming pregnant; however, the medication should be slowly tapered as rapid withdrawal may result in
seizure recurrence
Foodborne botulism:due to ingestion of food(improperly canned fruits/veggies,cured fish) contaminated w/
botulinum toxin.Sx occur within 36 hours of ingestion & begin w/ bilateral cranial neuropathies(blurred
12120 Medicine Nervous System vision,diplopia,facial weakness,dysarthria,dysphagia) followed by symmetric descending muscle
weakness(initially affecting upper extremities & trunk & then lower extremities).Tx-*horse derived
antitoxin/Equine serum heptavalent botulinum antitoxin*
Late neurosyphilis can manifest years after untreated T.pallidum infection w/ tabes dorsalis(sensory
ataxia,lancinating pains[brief shooting or burning pain in face,back,or extremities],reduced/absent deep
12125 Medicine Nervous System
tendon reflexes) & Argyll Robertson pupils(normal pupillary constriction w/ accommodation but not w/
light).Neurogenic urinary incontinence also occurs. *IV penicillin* is tx of choice
External hordeolum or stye: common staphylococcal abscess of eyelid.
Tx- *warm compresses*
2374 Medicine Ophthalmology Incision & drainage performed if resolution doesn't begin in the next 48 hours
Chalazion: granulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland. Tx- incision and curettage
Age-related *macular degeneration*: seen in pts above 50 years of age, presents w/ progressive & bilateral
loss of central vision. Peripheral fields & navigational vision are always maintained, but may become
impaired by the development of cataracts
2375 Medicine Ophthalmology
Open angle glaucoma: gradual loss of peripheral vision(over a period of years) & consequent tunnel vision.
Central vision spared
Central retinal artery occlusion & retinal detachment are acute conditions w/ complete vision loss
Chalazion presents as painful swelling that progresses to a rubbery lesion. Develops when meibomian gland
becomes obstructed. Persistent/recurrent chalazion may be due to meibomian gland carcinoma(sebaceous
2760 Medicine Ophthalmology carcinoma). For this reason, recurrent chalazion requires *histopathologic examination.* Additionally, basal
cell carcinoma is the most common malignancy of the lid margin & may appear clinically similar to a
Allergic conjunctivitis(AC):acute hypersensitivity reaction caused by environmental exposure to allergens.
Characterized by intense itching, hyperemia, tearing, & edema of the conjunctiva & eyelids
2849 Medicine Ophthalmology
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis:Severe form of ocular allergy.More severe sx from AC & has a prolonged
course,potential visual impairment due to corneal involvement,& thickening of eyelids & surrounding
skin.Itching,tearing,thick mucus discharge,photophobia,& blurred vision
Cataract: oxidative damage of the lens occurs w/ aging & leads to cataract formation. RF-advancing age,
diabetes, smoking, chronic sunlight exposure, & glucocorticoid use. Pts report blurred vision, glare, & often
2850 Medicine Ophthalmology
halos around lights. Tx- lens extraction & artificial lens implantation is indicated when loss of vision impairs
activities of daily living
Angle closure glaucoma:severe eye pain & blurred vision ass w/ nausea & vomiting.Occurs following
pupillary dilation(can occur in darkened movie theaters,times of stress,due to drug intake).Red eye w/
2851 Medicine Ophthalmology
steamy cornea & moderately dilated pupil that is non reactive to light.Increased intraocular pressure on
tonometry.Permanent cure w/ laser peripheral iridotomy
open angle glaucoma:
more common in african americans & those with family hx of glaucoma and diabetes
sx- gradual loss of peripheral vision, eventual tunnel vision
tx- B-blocks like timolol eye drops for initial management
2852 Medicine Ophthalmology laser trabeculoplasty for adjunctive measure
surgical trabeculectomy only when continuous increase in intraocular pressure
Postoperative endophthalmitis: most common form of endophthalmitis, usually occurs within 6 weeks of
surgery, pts present w/ pain & decreased visual acuity, exam reveals swollen eyelids & conjunctiva,
hypopyon, corneal edema & infection
2853 Medicine Ophthalmology
Uveitis:blurred vision w/ moderate pain,conjunctival injection, & constricted pupils. Hypopyon seen in severe
anterior uveitis. Keratic precipitates ("mutton fat") & iris nodules may be seen. Ass. w/ HLA B27 conditions
Herpes zoster ophthalmicus:dendriform corneal ulcers & vesicular rash in trigeminal
distribution.Sx-fever,malaise,burning/itching sensation in periorbital region
Bacterial keratitis:seen in contact lens wearers & following corneal trauma.Cornea is hazy w/ central ulcer &
adjacent stromal abscess.Hypopyon present
CMV retinitis occurs when CD4 count is <50/ul.Pts may be asymptomatic.Fundoscopic findings of
yellow-white patches of retinal opacification & hemorrhages are diagnostic.Tx-ganciclovir or foscarnet
2855 Medicine Ophthalmology
Ocular toxoplasmosis in immunocompromised host charac by necrotizing retinochoroiditis.More than half of
pts w/ ocular sx have encephalitis.The necrosis involves inner layers of retina which appears as white,fluffy
lesions surrounded by retinal edema & vitritis
Optic neuritis:suspect in pt w/ central scotoma, afferent pupillary defect, changes in color perception &
decreased visual acuity. Rapid impairment of vision in one eye(or rarely both) & pain on eye movement
2856 Medicine Ophthalmology
Episcleritis: inflammation of episcleral tissue between conjunctiva & sclera. Acute onset of mild to moderate
discomfort, photophobia, watery discharge. Exam reveals diffuse or localized bulbar conjunctival injection, &
episcleritic nodules may be present
Dacryocystitis:inflammatory changes in *medial canthal region* of the eye. Staphylococcus aureus &
beta-hemolytic Streptococcus are the usual infecting organisms
Detached retina: light flashes, floaters, curtain coming across visual field(starting from periphery)
Retinal detachment: floaters, "curtain over my eyes", flashes of light
tx- laser therapy & cryotherapy
2862 Medicine Ophthalmology Central retinal artery occlusion: sudden painless loss of vision in one eye, pallor of optic disc, cherry red
fovea, boxcar segmentation of blood in retinal veins
Exudative macular degeneration: painless blurring of central vision, bilateral, central scotoma, growth of
abnormal vessels in retinal space
Vitreous hemorrhage:sudden loss of vision & onset of floaters.Occurs in pts w/ diabetic retinopathy.Fundus
hard to visualize & even if it's visualized,details may be obscured.[once a diabetic pt presents w/ sudden
onset of visual loss w/ numerous floaters,vitreous hemorrhage has most likely occurred]
2863 Medicine Ophthalmology
Retinal detachment:separation of inner layers of retina.May be ass. w/ metabolic disorders,trauma,vascular
disease,myopia,degeneration. Fundoscopy-elevated retina w/ folds/tear
Central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO):acute or subacute painless monocular visual loss.Funduscopic
examination shows "blood & thunder" appearance consisting of optic disk swelling,retinal
hemorrhages,dilated veins,cotton wool spots.CRVO caused by thrombosis of the central retinal
3328 Medicine Ophthalmology vein-common in pts w/ coagulopathy,hyperviscosity,chronic glaucoma,atherosclerotic risk
Amaurosis fugax: due to atheroemboli from carotid arteries, temporary vision loss
The 3 main categories of diabetic retinopathy are background or simple (microaneurysms, hemorrhages,
exudates, retinal edema), pre-proliferative (cotton wool spots), & proliferative or malignant
(neovascularization). Visual impairment occurs with the development of macular edema. Argon laser
3330 Medicine Ophthalmology photocoagulation is performed for the prevention of complications
Primary open-angle glaucoma: peripheral visual field defects followed by central visual loss
Acute angle closure glaucoma:
sx- headache, nausea, eye pain, mid-dilated pupil
can be triggered by decongestants, antiemetics, or anticholinergics
3429 Medicine Ophthalmology Gonioscopy is gold standard for dx
Ocular tonometry helpful if opthalmological consultation is not available
Fluorescein staining of the eye performed to detect corneal abrasions or herpes keratitis
Acute glaucoma:
The increased intraocular pressure is reduced w/ mannitol(1st line tx and works immediately),
acetazolamide(a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor that reduces production of aqueous humor), timolol(beta
3430 Medicine Ophthalmology
blocker that decreases production of aqueous humor) or pilocarpine(allows drainage of aqueous humor)
Avoid Atropine! It can dilate the pupil and worsen the glaucoma.
Sometimes mydriatic agents like atropine can precipitate glaucoma
Spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage is a benign finding, & doesn't require any treatment. It may be
due to simple trauma from rubbing the eyes vigorously, violent coughing spells, hypertensive episodes or
coagulopathy. The condition is from minor bruising & doesn't require any workup at all. Hemorrhage
3779 Medicine Ophthalmology
disappears in 24-48 hours. *Observation* is the best treatment
Circulated immune complexes can affect the eye in systemic lupus erythematosus
In HIV pts, both HSV & VZV can cause severe, acute retinal necrosis ass. w/ PAIN, keratitis, uveitis, &
funduscopic findings of peripheral pale lesions & central retinal necrosis.
In contrast, CMV retinitis is PAINLESS, NOT usually ass. w/ keratitis or conjunctivitis, & characterized by
4099 Medicine Ophthalmology
funduscopic findings of hemorrhages & fluffy or granular lesions around the retinal vessels
Viral conjunctivitis("pink eye"):conjunctival inflammation & watery discharge in the setting of an upper
respiratory illness,most cases caused by adenovirus,outbreaks common among small children & caregivers
in late summer & early fall, no specific tx needed.Uncomplicated viral conjunctivitis can be managed
8925 Medicine Ophthalmology symptomatically (eg, warm or cold compresses).Some pts may develop bacterial superinfection which
requires topical abx
8926 Medicine Ophthalmology Anterior uveitis (iritis):inflammation of anterior uveal tract,esp the iris. Ass. conjunctival inflammation
adjacent to cornea but cornea itself is spared
Caustic ingestion w/ sodium or potassium hydroxide (lye) causes immediate esophageal injury w/
Poisoning &
2377 Medicine liquefaction necrosis & potential perforation. *Endoscopy* is recommended within the first 12-24 hours to
Environmental Exposure
assess the severity of damage & guide further therapy.
Diphenhydramine overdose:drowsiness,confusion,anticholinergic effects like dry mouth,dilated pupils,blurred
vision,reduced bowel sounds,urinary retention. Physostigmine,a cholinesterase inhibitor can counteract
these anticholinergic effects
Poisoning &
2662 Medicine Salicylate intoxication:tinnitus,nausea/vomiting, fever,altered mental status & acid-base
Environmental Exposure
abnormalities.Tx-alkalinization of urine w/ sodium bicarbonate
Theophylline intoxication:
seizures,hyperthermia,cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension
Benzodiazepine overdose: pts have slurred speech, unsteady gait, & drowsiness. Pupil size is normal. Only
mild respiratory depression. (It's distinguished from opiod overdose by lack of severe respiratory depression
and lack of pupillary constriction)
Poisoning &
2664 Medicine
Environmental Exposure
Phenytoin toxicity:horizontal nystagmus,cerebellar ataxia,confusion
With aspirin overdose, sodium bicarbonate increases salicylate excretion via urine alkalinization
*Fluphenazine is a high potency "typical" antipsychotic medication that occasionally causes hypothermia*.
Fluphenazine is commonly injected every 2-3 weeks in schizophrenics w/ poor compliance. Pts taking
antipsychotic meds should be advised to avoid prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures
Poisoning &
3139 Medicine Ibuprofen in excess -> hypotension
Environmental Exposure
Amitriptyline s.e. -> weight change,dizziness,insomnia. Sometimes hypotension
Opioid intoxication: MIOSIS, BRADYCARDIA, HYPOTENSION(due to histamine release), depressed mental
status, decreased respiratory rate(best predictor of intoxication/frequent cause of mortality), decreased
Poisoning & bowel sounds
3156 Medicine
Environmental Exposure
Cocaine intoxication: mydriasis, tachycardia & hypertension[exact opposite of this is seen in opioid
Methanol's immediate effects cause disinhibition. However within 24 hours, it can lead to headache, nausea,
vomiting & epigastric pain. The most severe consequences of methanol intoxication are vision loss & coma.
Poisoning & Physical exam in methanol intoxication reveals optic disc hyperemia while laboratory studies reveal anion
3161 Medicine
Environmental Exposure gap metabolic acidosis. An increased osmolar gap is often seen as well
Whereas methanol damages the eyes, ethylene glycol damages the kidneys
Poisoning & All pts w/ smoke inhalation should be suspected to have acute carbon monoxide poisoning & tx w/ 100%
3223 Medicine
Environmental Exposure oxygen via a nonrebreather facemask
Exertional heat stroke occurs in healthy people that are training in exteme heat/humidity (eg dude in military
training) due to *thermoregulation failure.* Heat stroke sx- fever 105 F, altered mental status, hypotension,
Poisoning & tachycardia, & tachypnea
3690 Medicine
Environmental Exposure
Heat exhaustion is due to inadequate fluid & salt replacement. CNS dysfunction (eg, altered mental status)
is not present in heat exhaustion.
Caustic poisoning: doesn't cause alteration in consciousness(it's the least likely to affect pt's cognition).
Poisoning & Presents w/ dysphagia, severe pain, heavy salivation & mouth burns. The damage is the result of necrosis
3856 Medicine
Environmental Exposure of the tissue that lines the GI tract(leads to white tongue, heavy salivation, dysphagia). In severe cases,
perforation of the stomach or esophagus can occur, causing peritonitis or mediastinitis.
Poisoning &
3876 Medicine For frostbite injuries, the best tx is *rapid re-warming w/ warm water*
Environmental Exposure
TCA overdose: sx- cns, cardiac, & anticholinergic findings. *Sodium bicarbonate* used to tx cardiac
Poisoning &
4035 Medicine toxicity(characterized by prolonged QRS duration & ventricular arrhythmias(eg, ventricular tachycardia,
Environmental Exposure
ventricular fibrillation). Benzodiazepines tx seizures due to TCA overdose.
Carbon monoxide poisoning: suspect in smoke inhalation cases, multiple people from same confined area
present w/ headache, nausea & abdominal discomfort. Pinkish-red skin hue. Dx-obtain carboxyhemoglobin
levels. Tx-hyperbaric oxygen
Poisoning &
4084 Medicine Cyanide poisoning: Burning of rubber or plastic (not wood) can cause cyanide inhalation. Bitter almond
Environmental Exposure
breath is characteristic
The major cause of mortality in TCA overdose is due to TCA induced hypotension
Severe hypothyroidism can cause myxedema coma which has systemic effects such as CNS depression &
Poisoning &
4487 Medicine hypotension, hypothermia & bradycardia
Environmental Exposure
Hyperkalemia presents on EKG as peaked T waves, followed by lengthening of the PR & QRS intervals,
eventually resulting in a sine wave. [Calcium gluconate is cardio-protective in cases of hyperkalemia]
Sx of opioid withdrawl include nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, dysphoria, restlessness, rhinorrhea,
Poisoning &
4509 Medicine lacrimation, myalgias, & arthralgias. Physical exam signs include mydriasis, piloeretion, & hyperactive bowel
Environmental Exposure
sounds. Oral or IM *methadone* is the tx of choice to relieve the sx of opioid withdrawal in dependent pts
Opioid intoxication doesn't always present w/ miosis.Coingestions can lead to normal pupil size or even
mydriasis & certain opioids(meperidine,propoxyphene) don't cause miosis even when taken alone.Pupil
Poisoning & examination isn't as reliable as the recognition of bradypnea(decreased respiratory rare) in opioid
4510 Medicine
Environmental Exposure intoxication.Tx-*naloxone(opioid antagonist)* to increase resp rate & improving O2 saturation
Cyanide binds to Fe3+, inhibiting its reduction to Fe2+ and blocking production of ATP from oxidative
phosphorylation. This promotes anaerobic metabolism, causing lactic acidosis.
Increased ketogenesis occurs during starvation & w/ lack of insulin dependent diabetics
Smoke inhalation injury:
etiology- victims of house fire
tx- treat empirically for cyanide toxicity w/ hydroxocobalamin or sodium thiosulfate, or with nitrites to induce
complications- cardiorespiratory arrest and neurologic disability
Poisoning &
10146 Medicine
Environmental Exposure
Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and carbon monoxide (CO) are the 2 major products of combustion in closed
Methemoglobinemia occurs after exposure to oxidizing agents (eg, dapsone, nitrates, topical/local
Endurance athletes w/ mild hypothermia are managed w/ passive rewarming. More severe hypothermia
Poisoning &
11466 Medicine requires aggressive tx, including active external(heated blankets) & internal(heated peritoneal irrigation)
Environmental Exposure
rewarming. Dopamine may be needed if iv fluids/rewarming measures are ineffective in restoring normal bp.
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS):
Pregnancy, Childbirth & ass w/ false positive VDRL, prolonged PTT, & thrombocytopenia
2256 Medicine
Puerperium can promote arterial and venous thromboses and cause spontaneous abortions
tx- prophylaxis with low dose aspirin and LMWH
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2653 Medicine Phencyclidine: hallucinogenic drug, causes vertical nystagmus, psychotic & violent behavior,
Substance Abuse
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2661 Medicine Chlordiazepoxide(Librium) is a benzodiazepine & a common choice of tx for alcohol withdrawel
Substance Abuse
Advanced sleep phase disorder: inability to stay awake in the evening, pts complain of early morning
insomnia due to their early bedtime
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Decreased levels of melatonin seen w/ normal aging & can cause sleep disturbances. In Alzheimer
8822 Medicine
Substance Abuse pts/senile dementia pts, the melatonin drops exceed the regular melatonin drop of normal aging
Delayed sleep phase syndrome: inability to fall asleep at normal bedtimes, pts sleep at 4-5 am, normal
sleep if pt allowed to sleep until late morning
Delayed sleep phase syndrome:circadian rhythm disorder.Inability to fall asleep at "normal" bedtimes(10
PM-midnight).Sleep is normal if allowed to continue until late morning.Sx-insomnia & excessive daytime
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
8823 Medicine Advanced sleep phase disorder:inability to stay awake in the evening(after 7 PM).Early morning insomnia
Substance Abuse
due to early bedtime
Shift work sleep disorder:recurring pattern of sleep interruption due to shift work.Work schedule incongruent
w/ normal circadian clock
Returning combat veterans are at high risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder. Common
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11811 Medicine presenting sx include sleep disturbance, nightmares, emotional numbing & detachment, intrusive
Substance Abuse
flashbacks, amnesia, & hypervigilance
"Bath salts"[not related to epsom salts or substances used in bathing] have amphetamine properties that
can cause severe agitation, combativeness, delirium, and psychosis. Tachycardia is often present. Effects
Psychiatric/Behavioral & of bath salt intoxication may take several days or weeks to subside
11815 Medicine
Substance Abuse
Compared to bath salts, Phencyclidine(PCP) intoxication sx are usually of shorter duration. PCP is also
included in routine hospital urine toxicology screens
massive pulmonary embolism likely in postoperative pt w/ hypotension, jugular venous distension, and new
onset right bundle branch block.
2145 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care syncope occurs in massive pulmonary embolism
pts can eventually get cardiogenic shock and suffer cns effects eg. dilated pupils, unresponsive mental
Complications of ventilation w/ a high PEEP include:
1) alveolar damage
2297 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care 2) tension pneumothorax(sudden-onset shortness of breath,hypotension,tachycardia,tracheal deviation,&
unilateral absence of breath sounds)
3) hypotension
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy:
sx- clubbing, sudden onset joint arthropathy in a chronic smoker
2298 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
ass. w/ lung cancer
management- do chest x-ray to rule out malignancy or other lung pathology
In pts w/ pulmonary embolism, low oxygen saturation & atrial fibrillation(irregular RR intervals, no P waves,
narrow QRS complexes) are ass. w/ poor prognosis
2300 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Mitral valve stenosis presents w/ a mid-diastolic rumble & opening snap at the apex
Pulmonary edema(pt w/ CAD hx w/ sudden dyspnea after IV fluids) increases the A-a gradient & the excess
fluid reduces lung compliance(alveoli can't expand). Supplemental O2 corrects hypoxemia,V/Q mismatch,&
A-a gradient
Reduced inspired O2 tension(high altitude) & hypoventilation(cns depression)->normal A-a gradient &
2303 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
hypoxia correction w/ O2
Pts w/ Horner's syn can develop increased sympathetic activity in the contralateral side w/ flushing & facial
sweating during exercise(Harlequin sign)
Adenocarcinoma: seen in nonsmokers, located peripherally, presents as a solitary nodule.
[Differentiate it from TB. Xray findings in TB often include hilar adenopathy and/or cavitary/patchy lung
2615 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care lesions.Solitary nodules are not typical]
Whipple's disease:caused by Tropheryma whippelii & affects the bowel, causing malabsorption
Invasive *aspergillosis* occurs in immunocompromised pts, who may present w/ fever, cough, dyspnea, or
hemoptysis. CXR may show a cavitary lesion, & CT scan shows pulmonary nodules w/ a halo sign or lesions
w/ an air crescent
2997 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Blastomycosis affects lungs,skin,bones,joints,& prostate.Infection in immunocompromised hosts is
uncommon.Primary pulmonary infection may be asymptomatic or present w/ flu-like sx
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: inflammation of lung parenchyma due to antigen exposure. Examples include
aerosolized bird droppings "bird fancier's lung" and molds ass. w/ farming "farmer's lung." sx- cough,
3016 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care breathlessness, fever, malaise after antigen exposure. Chronic exposure leads to pulmonary fibrosis,
restrictive pattern on lung spirometry. Radiographic findings include ground glass opacity, or "haziness" of
lower lung fields. tx- avoidance of antigen exposure
ARDS can be due to pneumonia.
Lung injury -> alveolar damage -> *decreased lung compliance (stiff lungs)* & increased pulmonary arterial
pressure (pulmonary htn)
3020 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
ARDS causes shunting w/ an increased A-a oxygen gradient. In contrast, hypoventilation & decreased FiO2
cause hypoxemia w/ a normal A-a gradient
Asbestos exposure:
increases risk of pulmonary fibrosis and malignancy
Bronchogenic carcinoma is the most common malignancy(more common than mesothelioma)
Smoking acts synergistically w/ asbestos to further increase the risk of lung cancer
3021 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Occupations associated w/ asbestosis-
plumbers, electricians, carpenters, pipefitters, insulation workers, construction, shipbuilding, plastic or
rubber manufacturing.
Surgery for OSA should only be considered when CPAP, oral appliances, & weight loss have proven
3033 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Pulmonary function testing is not used in the dx of OSA, as affected pts tend to breathe normally while
Bronchiectasis presents w/ cough, mucopurulent sputum, & hemoptysis that often responds to abx. CXR is
3038 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care frequently abnormal but isn't as sensitive or specific as *high resolution computed tomography scan* for
definitive dx
3042 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care long term oxygen therapy prolongs survival in pts w/ COPD and hypoxemia
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is due to excessive collagen deposition in peri-alveolar tissues. This leads to
decreased lung volumes (low total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, & residual volume) w/
3045 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care preserved or increased forced expiratory volume in 1 second/forced vital capacity ratio. Pts have impaired
gas exchange resulting in reduced diffusion capacity of carbon monoxide & *increased alveolar arerial
3046 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
also affects the skin (protean manifestations, most commonly erythema nodosum) and the eyes (uveitis)
In mechanically ventilated pts w/ respiratory alkalosis(low pCO2 due to hyperventilation) in the setting of an
appropriate tidal volume, the respiratory rate should be lowered
Incentive spirometry is used to prevent atelectasis in bed-bound pts following surgical procedures
3048 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Chest physiotherapy used in pts w/ pneumonia or atelectasis to loosen and promote expectoration of
secretions i.e. pts w/ bronchiectasis require chest physiotherapy
Bee stings cause anaphylaxis -> tx w/ *Intramuscular* epinephrine
Intravenous epinephrine infusion carries greater risk for adverse effects so it's only reserved for pts who
3400 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care don't respond to intramuscular epinephrine
High doses of dopamine act on beta 1 & alpha 1 adrenergic receptors. They can be used as an additional
vasopressor for persistent hypotension
In ARDS, mechanical ventilation w/ low tidal volumes & PEEP can improve oxygenation
Pts positive for PE but w/ contraindication to anticoagulation should undergo tx w/ IVC filter
Nonseminomatous germ cell tumors produce both alpha fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin
tumor markers(seminomatous ones don't produce AFP)
Large mediastinal mass w/ ass. elevations of AFP and B-hCG is diagnostic of a nonseminomatous germ cell
3775 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care tumor
Bronchogenic cysts: congenital, arise due to abnormal development of foregut, appear as fluid filled or
air/fluid filled cystic structures on imaging
Pancoast syndrome: neoplasm in the pulmonary apex at the thoracic inlet can compress the inferior portion
of the brachial plexus resulting in shoulder pain radiating in an ulnar distribution
3776 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Carcinoid tumors are slow growing & have the best prognosis of all lung cancers. Carcinoid syndrome is a
rare presentation
Aspergilloma is usually mobile & moves w/ position. Dx made by finding hyphae in specimen
3846 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care The most common adverse effect of inhaled corticosteroid therapy is oropharyngeal thrush (oral candidiasis)
Pts w/ likely pumonary embolism (based off Wells criteria) should be further evaluated with computed
tomography angiography (CTA)
3859 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Compression ultrasonography should be initial test for diagnosing DVT
pulmonary thromboembolism/pulmonary embolism:
findings- large area of perfusion defect w/o ventilation defect. this is called a mismatched defect
4009 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care ct angiography is test of choice
Community acquired pneumonia(CAP): Sx-dyspnea,productive cough,fever,lung infiltrate on CXR
Causes-S.pneumoniae,Haemophilus,atypical organisms(Mycoplasma)
4024 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Tx-Empiric outpatient tx of healthy pts includes doxycycline or macrolides
Hospitalized pts require extended spectrum fluoroquinolone(levofloxacin,moxifloxacin) OR a beta-lactam +
Sleep apnea syndrome:
dx- polysomnography
Tx mild to moderate disorder-*weight reduction*, avoidance of sedatives & alcohol, avoidance of supine
4032 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
posture during sleep.
Other tx modalities include uvulopalatopharyngoplasty & nasal CPAP during sleep.
Tracheostomy used in pts w/ severe disorder & when other tx modalities have failed
Glucocorticoids cause neutrophilia by increasing the bone marrow release & mobilizing the marginated
4036 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
neutrophil pool. Eosinophils & lymphocytes are decreased.
Acute exacerbation of COPD:
tx- antibiotics, esp in pts w/ 2 of 3 cardinal sx (increased dyspnea, cough, sputum production), moderate to
severe exacerbation, or those needing mechanical ventilation.
4039 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Recommended antibiotics- macrolides, fluoroquinolones, penicillins/beta-lactamase inhibitors
[NPPV refers to ventilatory support delivered by facemask rather than endotracheal tube]
*Theophylline toxicity* can manifest as central nervous system stimulation(eg,
headache,insomnia,seizures), gastrointestinal disturbances(eg,nausea,vomiting), & cardiac
4048 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care toxicity(arrhythmia,atrial tachycardia,supraventricular tachycardia,&/or ventricular arrhythmias). Inhibition of
the cytochrome oxidase system by other medications(eg,ciprofloxacin), diet, or underlying disease can alter
its narrow therapeutic window
*Bronchogenic cysts are usually found in the middle mediastinum.* They are benign entities.
Exudates have:
Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio >0.5
Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)/serum LDH ratio >0.6
4053 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 of the upper limit of normal serum LDH
High pleural fluid amylase:due to pancreatitis ass. effusion or esophageal rupture(from saliva)
Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease:Non-IgE mediated reaction,results from aspirin induced
prostaglandin/leukotriene misbalance (pseudoallergic reaction to NSAIDs).Seen in pts w/ hx of asthma or
chronic rhinosinusitis w/ nasal polyposis.Sx-bronchospasm & nasal congestion following aspirin
4065 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care ingestion.Tx-avoid NSAIDs, desensitization if NSAIDs are required, use leukotriene receptor antagonists(eg,
The main subtypes of COPD include predominant emphysema or chronic bronchitis:
Predominant emphysema- pts are generally thin w/ severe dyspnea, hyperinflated chest, decreased
vascular markings, decreased DLCO(carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of the lung), & moderate oxygen
4116 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Predominant chronic bronchitis- pts have chronic productive cough for >3 months over 2 consecutive
years,prominent bronchovascular markings,normal DLCO,mildly flattened diaphragm
Humoral immune deficiency: leads to impaired antibody production that usually presents w/ recurrent,
severe, & upper & lower respiratory tract infections due to encapsulated bacteria
4118 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Cell-mediated immunity: helps eliminate infected cells w/ pathogens that replicate intracellularly. Pts w/
depressed cell-mediated immunity present w/ infections from ordinarily benign viruses, opportunistic
pathogens, or fungi
Pts w/ impaired consciousness, advanced dementia, & other neurologic disorders are predisposed to
4119 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
aspiration pneumonia due to impaired epiglottic function
All COPD pts w/ PaO2 <55 mmHg or SaO2 <88% are candidates for long term home oxygen treatment. Pts
4131 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care w/ signs of pulmonary htn or hematocrit >55% should be started on home oxygen when the PaO2 <60
Primary pulmonary hypertension: Seen in middle aged pts, exertional breathlessness, lungs clear to
4177 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care auscultation, enlargement of pulmonary arteries on cxr, enlargement of right ventricle("enlarged right heart
Sarcoidosis: underlying pathologic lesion is presence of noncaseating granuloma on tissue biopsy. Up to
4200 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care 30% of pts present initially w/ extrathoracic manifestations such as erythema nodosum(google x-ray of
bilateral adenopathy seen in sarcoidosis)
Nonallergic rhinitis(NAR) aka vasomotor rhinitis: predominant nasal congestion or stuffiness(erythematous
nasal mucosa), postnasal drip(dry cough), & no specific identifiable triggers. Depending on the severity of
sx, pts should be tx w/ an intranasal antihistamine, *intranasal glucocorticoids*, or combo therapy
4201 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Allergic rhinitis: pts have predominant eye sx, itching, & sneezing, along w/ specific identifiable triggers in
most cases
Elevated A-a gradient commonly seen in pts w/ pulmonary embolism
Bibasilar opacities on CXR could be caused by pulmonary infarcts from pulmonary emboli, but bibasilar
pneumonia or atelectasis would be more likely
4208 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Hemithorax opacification on CXR would most likely be secondary to a very large pleural effusion or
complete collapse of a lung, possibly secondary to a mucus plug in the mainstem bronchus. Side of tracheal
deviation is helpful to distinguish among these etiologies
Pulmonary aspergillosis: fungal balls(aspergilloma),most commonly in pre-existing lung cavities(eg,from
prior TB infection).Southeast Asia is a TB endemic area
Actinomycosis causes pneumonia in the lower lung fields. The pneumonia can progress to abscess &
4210 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care empyema w/ chest wall extension & rib osteomyelitis
Pt >60 years old w/ a 2 cm nodule w/ irregular margins & quit smoking <5 years ago is at high risk for
malignancy. Such*Nodules should be surgically excised.*
4252 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Lesions w/ low risk can be monitored w/ serial CT scans
Lesions w/ intermediate risk for malignancy should undergo further imaging & biopsy depending on
radiographic findings
Cor pulmonale:Isolated right sided heart failure (RHF) from pulmonary htn,due to COPD.Sx of
RHF-jvd,increased intensity of P2(pulmonic component of the 2nd heart sound),right ventricular
heave,*hepatomegaly*,dependent pitting edema,ascites
4297 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
Coronary artery disease may cause left sided or biventricular cardiac failure w/ pulmonary
congestion.Inferior wall MI may cause isolated right sided heart failure.Sx-chest
pain,nausea,diaphoresis,hypotension,elevated jvd,clear lungs
Comorbid GERD: Sx-sore throat, morning hoarseness, worsening cough at night, & increased need for
albuterol inhaler following meals, recent weight gain/obesity also increases risk of developing GERD. Tx-
PPI eg, *esomeprazole*
4335 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
The anticholinergic effect of diphenhydramine is useful in tx of chronic cough caused by rhinitis in pts w/
upper airway cough syndrome(UACS),previously known as postnasal drip syndrome
Pleuritic chest pain(pain increasing w/ inspiration) in the setting of prolonged immobility(recent travel),
hemoptysis, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, & OCP use is concerning for pulmonary embolism(PE). 10%
4344 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
of pts w/ PE have occlusion of a peripheral pulmonary artery by thrombus, causing *pulmonary infarction*.
CT pulm angiography used for dx
A *consolidation* presents w/ dullness to percussion, bronchial breath sounds(assuming patent airways), &
Emphysema: lungs are hyper-resonant to percussion bilaterally. Breath sounds are vesicular & intensity of
4387 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
breath sounds is significantly decreased. Wheezing may be present
Interstitial lung disease: lungs that are resonant on percussion & have vesicular breath sounds. Fine
crackles heard at end of inspiration
Obstructive sleep apnea(OSA): airflow impeded by upper airway obstruction, normal arterial blood gas
4413 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Obesity hypoventilation syndrome(OHS) aka Pickwickian syndrome: obesity impedes expansion of the chest
& abdominal wall during breathing, unverventilation of the lungs during all hours -> chronically elevated
PaCO2 & reduced PaO2(we WON'T have normal arterial blood gas here)
Light's criteria states that pleural fluid is *exudative* if the fluid protein/serum protein ratio is >0.5, the fluid
LDH/serum LDH is >0.6, or the pleural fluid LDH is >2/3 the upper limits of normal serum LDH.*Exudates
are caused by increased capillary permeability(eg, infection,autoimune disease,neoplasm)* while
4467 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
transudates are caused by increased hydrostatic pressure(eg, CHF) or decreased oncotic pressure(eg, liver
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) aka Pickwickian syndrome: obesity (BMI>30 kg/m^2), daytime
hypercapnia (PaCO2 >45mmHg), & alveolar hypoventilation. Arterial blood gas will show hypercapnia,
4489 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
hypoxemia, & respiratory acidosis as a result of altered lung mechanics due to obseity and *nocturnal
hypoventilation.* Tx-weight loss & noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
The 3 mcc of chronic cough are upper airway cough syndrome (postnasal drip), asthma, & GERD. The dx
4519 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care of upper-airway cough syndrome is confirmed by the elimination of *nasal discharge* & cough w/ the use of
H1 histamine receptor antagonists
In a pt w/ COPD presenting w/ catastrophic worsening of their respiratory sx, spontaneous secondary
pneumothorax(due to dilated alveolar blebs that rupture air into pleural space) should always be suspected.
Smoking increases risk of pneumothorax. Pts w/ pneumothorax present w/ acute onset of chest pain &
4520 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care shortness of breath
Presence of coarse crackles bilaterally on physical exam is more consistent w/ CHF, while wheezes are
more commonly heard in COPD
Lung malignancies,CF,& right-to-left cardiac shunts are mcc of secondary digital clubbing.Presence of
clubbing should prompt search for malignancy
Megakaryocytes entrap in fingertips->they release PDGF & VEGF->they increase connective tissue
hypertrophy,capillary permeability & vascularity->clubbing
In a pt w/ hx of food allergies & urticaria, laryngeal edema can cause sx of upper respiratory
obstruction(dyspnea, difficulty swallowing). Pts w/ laryngeal edema present w/ acute-onset dyspnea. In a pt
4523 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care w/ sudden onset of severe shortness of breath, *upper airway obstruction* should be immediately ruled out
Empyema can be caused by direct inoculation of bacteria into the pleural space during surgical procedures.
The bacterial causes of empyema mirror those that cause pneumonia, namely Streptococcus pneumoniae,
Staphylococcus aureus & Klebsiella pneumoniae.
4568 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Tx- drainage & antibiotics
Bronchopleural fistula is a possible cause of empyema. Typically occurs following surgical procedures
involving the bronchi (eg. pneumonectomy), recurrent pneumothoraces, sequela of infection
Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: exam shows wheezes, prolonged expiration,
4569 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
crackles at lung bases, & use of accessory muscles
CHF: risk factors-hx of coronary artery disease, htn, smoking hx, bibasilar crackles, decreased breath
sounds at the bases(due to pleural effusions from CHF), wheezing sometimes (cardiac asthma), hypoxia,
4570 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care hypocapnia, respiratory alkalosis
Pulmonary fibrosis: restrictive pattern, reduced FVC & FEV1, normal or increased FEV1/FVC ratio. FRC,
TLC, & RV also reduced
Evaluation of a solitary pulmonary nodule detected on CXR includes comparison w/ old imaging studies, if
available, followed usually by *chest computed tomography*
4596 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Bronchoscopy can be used to biopsy accessible lesions(central lesions)
Percutaneous biopsy rec. for lesions that appear malignant & in pts w/ high clinical suspicion for malignancy.
CT helps evaluate whether lesion can be accessed percutaneously w/o risk for pneumothorax
Sudden onset dyspnea, chest pain, & tachycardia w/ a hemorrhagic, exudative pleural effusion & absence
of consolidation on chest imaging suggest pulmonary embolism (PE)
4613 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Light's criteria defines exudate as having at least one of the following:
-Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio >0.5
-Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH >0.6
-Pleural fluid LDH >2/3 of the upper limit of normal for serum LDH
*Tx of mild persistent asthma(Sx >2 days/week,3-4 nighttime awakenings/month):PRN albuterol inhaler &
inhaled corticosteroids*
Chest xray findings in PE pts: pleural based densities representing lung infarction (Hampton's hump) &
4628 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care prominent central pulmonary artery w/ local oligemia (Westermark's sign). Not that useful for dx of PE since
many PE pts have normal xrays
Venous ultrasonography sensitive & specific for dx dvt but only 70% of PE pts have dvts
Obesity hypoventilation syndrome: long term consequence of severe obesity & untreated obstructive sleep
apnea. It causes pulmonary hypertension w/ cor pulmonale, secondary erythrocytosis, hypoxia, chronic
4663 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
hypercapnia(due to persistent hypoventilation) & respiratory acidsis. In a compensatory effort to maintain a
normal pH, *the kidney increases bicarbonate retention & decreases chloride reabsorption*
COPD pts have increased total lung capacity, functional residual capacity, & residual volume leading to
hyperinflation & diaphragmatic flattening. Flattening of the diaphragm increases the work of breathing
4665 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
In COPD, pulmonary compliance is increased due to loss of alveolar & elastic tissue.
In contrast, pts w/ restrictive lung disease have decreased lung compliance.
Inhaled anti-muscarinic agents/*Muscarinic antagonists* such as ipratropium are the mainstay of sx
management in COPD. These anti-cholinergic meds can be combined w/ short acting beta adrenergic
agonists(eg,albuterol) for greater sx relief
4667 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care a-blockers tx benign prostatic hypertrophy & htn
a2-adrenergic agonists: Clonidine & methyldopa tx htn. Dexmedetomidine is used for sedation in the ICU
Hypoventilation is a major cause of respiratory acidosis & may occur in the post-ictal state
Renal failure commonly results in a metabolic acidosis, which is eventually compensated by a mild
4677 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care respiratory alkalosis. ABG in renal failure shows a low pCO2 & low bicarbonate level
Vomiting induces a metabolic alkalosis due to loss of acid gastric secretions. This causes a high pH &
elevated serum HCO3 concentrations
4689 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care *Secondary malignancy* is common in pts w/ Hodgkin lymphoma tx w/ chemotherapy & radiation
Pulmonary emboli classically present w/ sudden onset pleuritic chest pain, cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis.
Low grade fever & mild leukocytosis also common. Chest CT showing a wedge-shaped infarction(google
pic!) is pathognomonic for pulmonary embolism.
4690 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Pneumocystis pneumonia: occurs in pts w/ CD4+ counts <200/uL. Imaging shows diffuse interstitial pattern
Inhaled corticosteroids indicated for long term management of asthma. Their role in COPD is less beneficial,
4730 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care
except as maintenance therapy in pts w/ advanced disease. Also ass. w/ slightly increased risk of
pneumonia & fractures from long term use
Long acting B2 agonists used in maintenance therapy of COPD. Not rec. for acute exacerbations
Empyemas:exudative effusions w/ low glucose concentration due to *high metabolic activity of leukocytes &
bacteria within pleural fluid*
[Pleural fluid glucose <60 mg/dL usually due to rheumatoid pleurisy,complicated parapneumonic effusion or
4753 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care empyema,malignant effusion,tuberculous pleurisy,lupus pleuritis,or esophageal rupture.Pleural glucose <30
mg/dL suggests an empyema or rheumatic effusion]
8818 Medicine Pulmonary & Critical Care Consolidation:increased fremitus,dullness to percussion,presence of crackles,bronchial breath
The most common causes of hyperkalemia include acute or chronic kidney disease, *medications*, or
disorders impairing the renin-angiotensin axis. Common offending medications include nonselective
Renal, Urinary Systems & beta-adrenergic blockers, potassium-sparing diuretics(eg,triamterene),angiotensin-converting-enzyme
2167 Medicine
Electrolytes inhibitors,angiotensin II receptor blockers,& nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Uncontrolled hyperglycemia due to insulin deficiency can shift K+ out of cells to cause hyperkalemia
*IV saline hydration*:immediate tx of choice for pts w/ symptomatic moderate/severe hypercalcemia
Hemodialysis(or peritoneal dialysis) w/ calcium free dialysate:for pts w/ severe hypercalcemia in the setting
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2169 Medicine of renal insufficiency &/or heart failure in whom adequate hydration can't be administered safely
Corticosteroids:useful for tx hypercalcemia in chronic granulomatous disorders.Reduce calcitrol production
by activated mononuclear cells in the lungs/lymph nodes
SIADH: low plasma osmolality (<280 mOsm/Kg) w/ high urine osmolality (>100-150 mOsm/Kg) is diagnostic
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2180 Medicine
NSAID therapy can cause SIADH. NSAIDs potentiate the action of ADH
Asymptomatic pts or pts with mild sx from SIADH usually respond to fluid restriction and salt tablets.
Severe symptomatic hyponatremia requires tx w/ *hypertonic (3%) saline* [effective management of SIADH
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2181 Medicine requires infused fluid to have higher electrolyte concentration than the urine & plasma]
D5W is a hypotonic solution used to tx hypernatremia
*Intravenous normal (.9%) saline is preferred for treating hypovolemic hypernatremia.* The fluid can be
switched to a hypotonic fluid (5% dextrose in water preferred over .45% saline) for free water
supplementation once the pt is euvolemic
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2182 Medicine
Hemodialysis indicated for serum lithium level >4 mEq/L or lithium level >2.5 mEq/L plus signs of lithium
toxicity (eg, seizures, depressed mental status) or inability to excrete lithium (eg, renal disease,
decompensated heart failure)
Development of nephropathy is preceded by development of excessive protein excretion, the initial stages
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2183 Medicine of which is termed microalbuminuria. *Spot urine collection & timed urine collection* for the measurement of
urine *microalbumin to creatinine ratio* are accepted as good screening methods for microalbuminuria
Hepatorenal syndrome is seen in pts w/ severe liver cirrhosis secondary to systemic & renal hypoperfusion.
Pts have acute renal failure (creatinine >1.5 mg/dL) w/ a very low urine sodium level, typically <10 mEq/L, &
an absence of blood, casts, or protein in urine. Renal function doesn't improve w/ intravenous fluid
Renal, Urinary Systems & resuscitation
2219 Medicine
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis is ass w/ hepatitis C infection
Renal, Urinary Systems & IgA nephropathy: hematuria following an upper respiratory infection
2223 Medicine
Minimal change disease: more common in children. In adults, it's ass. w/ NSAID use & lymphoma(usually
If pt presents w/ his first renal stone, a detailed metabolic eval is not needed. Just do hydration tx.
Stones <5mm pass spontaneously w/ conservative management, which includes fluid intake > 2L daily
Renal, Urinary Systems & Pt w/ recurrent renal stones: 24 hour urine is collected to identify underlying metabolic disorder
2227 Medicine
Recurrent stone formation due to citrate deficiency: tx- Potassium citrate
Cryoglobulinemia/Mixed cryoglobulinemia: palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, arthralgias,
hepatosplenomegaly, peripheral neuropathy, hypocomplementemia, & non-specific systemic sx. Most pts
Renal, Urinary Systems & also have Hepatitis C. Other sx include proteinuria & hematuria
2232 Medicine
Henoch Schonlein purpura: palpable purpura on butt, ab pain, arthralgias, proteinuria & hematuria w/ RBC
casts on UA. Normal complement levels. Not ass w/ HCV!
Uncomplicated cystitis:sx-dysuria,urinary frequency,suprapubic tenderness.Pts CAN BE TX W/O URINE
CULTURE,which may be done later in those who fail initial therapy.UA confirms dx.Tx-oral
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2235 Medicine Complicated cystitis:ass. w/ infections.Tx-Fluoroquinolones,extended-spectrum
abx(ampicillin/gentamicin/ceftriaxone)for severe cases.Urine culture b4 tx
Pyelonephritis:Outpt tx-Fluoroquinolones.
Inpt tx-IV abx(fluoroquinolone,aminoglycoside +/-ampicillin)
Post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis is seen 10-20 days after streptococcal throat or skin infections.
Presenting features may include periorbital swelling, hematuria & oliguria. The pt may be hypertensive &
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2241 Medicine urinalysis shows hematuria w/ RBC casts & proteinuria. Serum C3 complement levels are low
Drug-induced interstitial nephritis: RBC casts are RARE
Drug-induced interstitial nephritis occurs w/ many drugs such as penicillins,cephalosporins &
sulfonamides.Clinical features include fever,rash & arthralgias.Other features are peripheral
Renal, Urinary Systems & eosinophilia,hematuria,sterile pyuria & eosinophiluria.WBC casts may be present in the urine,but red cell
2242 Medicine
Electrolytes casts are rare.Dicontinuing the offending agent is tx of drug induced interstitial nephritis
AG = Na - (HCO3 + Cl)
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2798 Medicine Normal AG is between 6 & 12 mEq/L. Increase in the AG indicates presence of non-chloride acids that
contain inorganic, organic, exogenous or unidentified anions. Finding an increased anion gap narrows the
differential dx of metabolic acidosis to a few common causes (Lactic acidosis, ketoacidosis, methanol
ingestion, ethylene glycol infestion, salicylate poisoning, uremia[ESRD])
Ethylene glycol (anti-freeze) poisoning: calcium oxalate crystals (rectangular, envelope-shaped crystals) are
Ethylene glycol, methanol, & ethanol intoxication cause metabolic acidosis w/ both an anion gap & an
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2799 Medicine osmolar gap
Methyl alcohol poisoning can cause visual changes ("snowfield vision") & acute pancreatitis
Uremia(renal failure) causes an anion gap metabolic acidosis due to failure to excrete acids as NH4+
Aspirin intoxication should be suspected in a pt w/ the triad of fever, tinnitus, & tachypnea. Adults w/ aspirin
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2803 Medicine toxicity develop a mixed respiratory alkalosis & anion gap metabolic acidosis. A normal pH in an acid-base
disturbance typically signifies a mixed respiratory & metabolic acid-base disorder
Type 4 renal tubular acidosis(hyperkalemic renal tubular acidosis) characterized by non-anion gap metabolic
acidosis(low bicarbonate),hyperkalemia,& mild to moderate renal insufficiency.Occurs in pts w/ poorly
controlled diabetes
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2810 Medicine
Electrolytes Pre-renal azotemia(renal hypoperfusion): BUN/creatinine ratio is more than 20:1 due to increased urea
absorption.Renal perfusion is due to either systemic hypovolemia or impaired cardiac output
Renal, Urinary Systems & Acetazolamide:diuretic,inhibits proximal renal bicarb reabsorption,used in pts w/ hypervolemia & metabolic
2813 Medicine
Electrolytes alkalosis
Renal, Urinary Systems & Asthma exacerbation usually leads to an acute respiratory alkalosis due to tachypnea
2820 Medicine
Persistent vomiting causes hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis resulting from H+ losses in the gastric
Postictal lactic acidosis can occur following a grand mal(tonic-clonic) seizure.It's a transient anion gap met
acidosis that *resolves w/o tx within 60 to 90 min following resolution of seizure activity*
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2821 Medicine
Bicarb in tx lactic acidosis/ketoacidosis is controversial.Rec only in severe acute acidosis(pH<7.2).Full
correction w/ bicarb shouldn't be sought;only sufficient amount of bicarb should be given to correct pH to 7.2
*Loop diuretics* are frequently administered to cirrhotic pts w/ volume overload & ascites. Potential side
effects include hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, & prerenal kidney injury
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2826 Medicine
Electrolytes Acute kidney injury causes an anion gap metabolic acidosis & hyperkalemia
Bowel ischemia results in an anion gap acidosis from increased circulating lactate
Mixed cryoglobulinemia ass. w/ hepatitis C:
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2958 Medicine sx- arthralgia, palpable purpura, elevated transaminases (ast and alt), increased rheumatoid factor
dx- confirmed serologically (serum cryoglobulins, low complement levels) or w/ kidney/skin biopsy
Renal, Urinary Systems & Drug induced interstitial nephritis: pts present w/ arthralgias, rash, renal failure & urinalysis will show
3061 Medicine
Electrolytes eosinophiluria
Diuretic abuse leads to increased excretion of water & electrolytes by the kidneys. Dehydration, weight loss,
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3085 Medicine orthostatic hypotension as well as hypokalemia & hyponatremia result. Urinary sodium & potassium will be
elevated. Pts w/ eating disorders sometimes abuse diuretics to induce weight loss
Surreptitious vomiting:sx-scars/calluses on dorsum of hands & dental erosions. Causes hypokalemic
alkalosis. LOW urine chloride concentration
Renal, Urinary Systems & Pts w/ diuretic abuse & Bartter/Gitelman's syndrome may also present w/ hypokalemia, alkalosis &
3228 Medicine
Electrolytes normotension, but their urine chloride concentrations are HIGH
Pts w/ chronic diarrhea have metabolic acidosis & hypokalemia. Metabolic acidosis occurs due to loss of
bicarbonate in the stool
Renal, Urinary Systems & Pts w/ severe benign prostatic hyperplasia can eventually progress to urinary obstruction & renal failure. A
3336 Medicine
Electrolytes *renal ultrasound* is advised for assessment of hydronephrosis & worsening kidney function
Oxalate absorption is increased in Crohn disease & all other intestinal diseases causing fat malabsorption.
Increased absoption is the mcc of symptomatic hyperoxaluria and oxalate stone formation. The
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3435 Medicine nephrolithiasis caused by this will present w/ flank pain, hematuria, nausea & vomiting.
Bile salt recycling & fatty acid absorption are decreased in Crohn disease
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) tx: alpha 1-blockers (eg, tamsulosin, doxazosin) alone or in combo w/
5-alpha reductase inhibitors (eg, finasteride) for symptomatic relief
Renal, Urinary Systems & BPH affects central portion (transitional zone).
3477 Medicine
Electrolytes Prostate cancer usually affects lateral lobes of prostate
In a BPH pt w/ sx, if bladder scanner shows <100 mL of urine, then that is considered a normal amount.
This means that there is no obstruction & so we won't need to place a Foley catheter.
evaluate benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) pts with urinalysis to assess for urinary infection and hematuria
transrectal ultrasound of prostate helps guide prostate biopsy in pts w/ prostate nodules or elevated PSA
Rapid treatment w/ calcium gluconate is necessary in a pt w/ hyperkalemia who develops significant EKG
Renal, Urinary Systems & chances/arrhythmia
3648 Medicine
Sodium polystyrene sulfonate removes potassium via the gi tract
Pts w/ hyperkalemia in the setting of chronic kidney disease, esp those on ACE inhibitors have excess total
body K+. They need to remove K+ from the body w/ either diuretics, cation exchange resins, & hemodialysis.
Moderate hyperkalemia w/o sig. ECG abnormalties- use a *loop diuretic*, along w/ saline hydration(to
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3654 Medicine enhance urine production & Na+ delivery to the distal tubule)
Severe hyperkalemia/ESRD-urgent hemodialysis
Renal, Urinary Systems & Increased incidence of urinary tract infections in women is due to the *shorter length of the female urethra
3884 Medicine
Electrolytes compared to males*
Fibromuscular dysplasia(FMD):causes renal artery stenosis(RAS) in young adults. Renal artery stenosis ->
renovascular hypertension -> headache,elevated BP,renal bruit
Tx-angioplasty w/ stent placement (HIGH YIELD!)
Renal, Urinary Systems & [Surgery rec. only if angioplasty fails]
3894 Medicine
Medical therapy for FMD:only partially effective.Reserved for older pts w/ renal artery stenosis(due to
atherosclerosis) who aren't good candidates for surgery/refuse surgery.ACE inhibitors contraindicated in
bilateral RAS
Dietary recommendations for pts w/ renal calculi:
1. increased fluid intake
2.*decreased/limited sodium intake*
3. normal dietary calcium intake
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3895 Medicine
Electrolytes [Most common renal stones are calcium stones]
Calcium binds oxalate to form inabsorbable calcium oxalate in the GI tract.Calcium restriction increases free
oxalate absorption,leading to hyperoxaluria & urinary calcium oxalate stone formatoin.Increased vit C also
promotes hyperoxaluria.Advise to restrict oxalate containing foods
Main mechanism of kidney damage in SLE pts is immune complex-mediated
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3898 Medicine IgE mediated reaction is imp in allergic interstitial nephritis like methicillin-induced interstitial nephritis
Cytotoxic antibodies cause Goodpasture's syndrome
Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney:
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3939 Medicine sx- hypertension, palpable bilateral abdominal masses, hematuria
Intracranial berry aneurysm/intracranial bleeding is a common complication
The most common renal vascular lesions seen in hypertension are arteriosclerotic lesions of afferent &
efferent renal arterioles & glomerular capillary tufts
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3942 Medicine
Diabetes mellitus nephropathy is charac by increased extracellular matrix, basement membrane thickening,
mesangial expansion, & fibrosis
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis:
sx- nephrotic range proteinuria & hematuria
Deposits that stain for C3 is characterristic for membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis type 2, caused by
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3946 Medicine IgG antibodies (aka C3 nephritic factor) directed agaisnt C3 convertase -> Persistent activation of the
alternative complement pathway
Minimal change disease (MCD) is the most common form of nephrotic syndrome in pts w/ Hodgkin
lymphoma. Nephrotic syndrome will usually resolve w/ successful tx of the lymphoma
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3966 Medicine
Crescentic glomerulonephritis:pts will have acute kidney injury(present in almost all cases),hematuria, or
hypertension.Ass w/ autoimmune disorders
Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis aka HIV related nephropathy:
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3984 Medicine is the most common form of glomerulopathy ass. w/ HIV
more common in blacks
Glomerular hyperfiltration is the earliest renal abnormality & also the major pathophysiologic mechanism of
glomerular injury seen in pts w/ diabetic nephropathy.
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3986 Medicine Thickening of the glomerular basement membrane is the first change to be quantified. This is followed by
mesangial expansion. Nodular sclerosis is superimposed later & is specific for diabetic nephropathy.
ACE inhibitors reduce intraglomerular htn -> decrease glomerular damage
High-dose iv acyclovir can cause crystalluria w/ *renal tubular obstruction*. Administering iv fluids along w/
drug can help reduce the risk of acute kidney injury
Crystal induced acute kidney injury also caused by sulfonamides, methotrexate, ethylene glycol, & protease
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3987 Medicine inhibitors, along w/ acyclovir
Acute interstitial nephritis: ass. w/ exposure beta lactams & proton pump inhibitors, 7-10 days after drug
exposure, skin rash, eosinophilia/uria, pyruria
Rheumatoid arthritis predisposes to amyloidosis. Renal involvement is characterized by nephrotic syndrome.
Renal, Urinary Systems & The classic pathologic finding is amyloid deposits that stain w/ Congo red & demonstrate apple-green
3997 Medicine
Electrolytes birefringence under polarized light. Multiple myeloma is the mcc of AL amyloidosis, & rheumatoid arthritis is
the mcc of AA amyloidosis
Analgesic nephropathy:
ass w/ long term use of 1 or multiple analgesics (like aspirin or ibuprofen)
usually asymptomatic but can have chronic *tubulointerstitial nephritis* or hematuria due to papillary necrosis
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4004 Medicine labs- elevated creatinine, hematuria, sterile pyuria, mild proteinuria
Glomerulonephritis: look for dysmorphic red blood cells, nephrotic range proteinuria, and RBC casts
Analgesic nephropathy is the most common form of drug induced chronic renal failure(eg pts on aspirin &
naproxen). *Papillary necrosis* & *chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis* are the most common pathologies
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4007 Medicine seen.
Pts w/ chronic analgesic abuse are more likely to develop premature aging, atherosclerotic vascular
disease, & urinary tract cancer.
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4026 Medicine Cardiovascular disease is the mcc of death in dialysis pts & renal transplant pts
*Uric acid stones* [usually seen in pts w/ low urine pH] are highly soluble in alkaline urine; alkalinization of
the urine to pH 6-6.5 w/ oral *potassium citrate* is tx of choice
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4027 Medicine
Electrolytes Purine-restricted diet indicated in pts w/ uric acid stones secondary to hyperuricosuria
Uric acid stones are often radiolucent but may be seen on US or CT scan
Elderly pts are predisposed to dehydration after a minor febrile illness.Sx of dehydration-dry
mucosa,marginally high values for hematocrit & serum electrolytes, BUN/creatinine ratio > 20. Tx-*IV
sodium-containing crystalloid solutions (0.9% NaCl=normal saline)*
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4034 Medicine
Electrolytes Rehydration therapy in elderyly pts should be undertaken w/ caution cuz sodium loading can unmask
subclinical heart failure
Ureteral stent placement indicated for urinary obstruction at the ureter or renal pelvis
Renal, Urinary Systems & Diabetic autonomic neuropathy -> neurogenic bladder w/ urinary retention & distended bladder -> overflow
4228 Medicine
Electrolytes incontinence
Gastric contents are rich in hydrogen, chloride, & potassium. Therefore vomiting causes hypochloremic
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4236 Medicine metabolic alkalosis & hypokalemia. Bicarbonate levels rise as a result of hydrogen loss & activation of the
renin angiotensin system.
Renal, Urinary Systems & *Nephrotic syndrome is a hypercoagulable condition.* Manifests as venous or arterial thrombosis, & even
4266 Medicine
Electrolytes pulmonary embolism. Renal vein thrombosis is the most frequent manifestation.
Renal, Urinary Systems & Common medications that cause hyperkalemia include nonselective beta-adrenergic blockers, potassium
4288 Medicine
Electrolytes sparing diuretics (eg, triamterene, *amiloride*), ACE inhibitors, ARBs, & NSAIDs
Ureteral calculi may cause flank/ab pain radiating to perineum,often w/ nausea/vomiting.*Ultrasonography*
or noncontrast spiral CT scan of ab & pelvis to confirm dx.US preferred in pregnant pts to reduce radiation
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4361 Medicine Exploratory laparotomy indicated when there is evidence of peritonitis
Intravenous pyelogram uses IV contrast & plain xray to visualize urinary system
HIDA scan:used for pts w/ acute cholecystitis when US fails to show obstruction at neck of gallbladder
Aminoglycosides(eg Amikacin): treats pyelonephritis(gram-negative rod)/serious gram-negative infections.
Urine sediment won't have wbcs[wbc casts & eosinophils present in AIN]. Has adverse effects & needs
Renal, Urinary Systems & monitoring. Used w/ decreasing frequency, esp in older pts.Look for pt to have sudden rise in creatinine in
4379 Medicine
Electrolytes question stem(an acute renal failure all of a sudden in the setting of chronic kidney disease)
Hemodialysis is the most definitive way to remove K+ from the body in pts w/ renal failure
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4422 Medicine Sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) is a K+ binding resin that decreases total body K+ content by
catharsis in the gut. Na+ is exchanged for K+
Chronic alcoholics present w/ hypokalemia,hypomagnesemia,& hypophosphatemia.*Hypomagnesemia
causes refractory hypokalemia*; therefore it's imp to correct the magnesium along w/ potassium levels
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4423 Medicine Hypophosphatemia:causes weakness,rhabdomyolysis,paresthesias,respiratory failure in severe cases
Hypoalbuminemia:seen in alcoholics.May indicate poor nutrition,decreased hepatic synthetic
function,proteinuria.May result in spurious hypocalcemia since calcium is largely albumin-bound
Renal, Urinary Systems & MCC of hypernatremia is hypovolemia. Mild cases can be tx w/ 5% dextrose in 0.45% saline. Severe cases
4424 Medicine
Electrolytes should be initially tx w/ 0.9% saline
Lithium(used to tx bipolar disorder) is a common cause of nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4425 Medicine Pts w/ Diabetes insipidus are hypernatremic
Pts w/ psychogenic polydipsia are hyponatremic
Succinylcholine is a depolarizing neuromuscular blocker often used during rapid sequence intubation.
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4428 Medicine It can cause life threatening hyperkalemia. Don't use it in pts w/ high risk for hyperkalemia!
Hyperkalemia is a contraindication to the use of succinylcholine.
Drugs w/ anticholinergic properties(amitriptyline) can cause acute urinary retention -> abdominal pain,
Renal, Urinary Systems & suprapubic fullness. Tx-urinary catheterization, discontinuing med w/ anticholinergic property
4432 Medicine
Barium enemas are used to dx luminal abnormalities of the colon(colon cancer or diverticulosis)
Pts w/ COPD often have chronic CO2 retention, resulting in respiratory acidosis & compensatory metabolic
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4435 Medicine alkalosis. *Diuretics* are often administered to tx cor pulmonale sx but must be used cautiously as they can
lead to a reduction in cardiac output & subsequent development of *prerenal acute renal injury*
Contrast-induced nephropathy:Spike in creatinine within 24 hours of contrast administration followed by a
return to normal renal function within 5 days.Pts w/ hx of diabetes & chronic renal insufficiency @ increased
risk.Adequate *IV hydration* w/ isotonic bicarbonate or normal saline & administration of acetylcysteine help
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4491 Medicine to minimize risk
Prednisone prevents hypersensitivity reactions to contrast media in pts w/ known allergy.It DOESN'T
prevent contrast-induced nephropathy
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4502 Medicine Screening for bladder cancer is not recommended, even in pts who are at risk of developing the disease
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4506 Medicine Bladder tumors are the most common malignancy ass. w/ painless hematuria in adults
Pts w/ diabetes for >10 years can develop diabetic microangiopathy, nephropathy, & glomerulosclerosis.
Risk factors include poor glycemic control, elevated blood pressure, smoking, increasing age, &
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4515 Medicine ethnicity(african american, mexican american). Clinical findings include mild to moderate proteinuria &
chronic kidney disease w/ elevated creatinine. Pts also have evidence of retinopathy/decreased visual acuity
or neuropathy.
Type 2 renal tubular acidosis (RTA) aka proximal RTA: defective tubular bicarbonate reabsorption in the
proximal tubules. Often inherited & may be a component of Fanconi syndrome. Can also occur w/ use of
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide)
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4535 Medicine
Renal tubular chloride loss as seen in aggressive loop or thiazide diuretic use causes metabolic
alkalosis(loss of extracellular volume along w/ chloride loss->Renin Angio Aldo stimulated->increased urinary
excretion of H+)
Acute nephritic syndrome w/ fluid overload:
*primary glomerular damage*->decreased GFR->volume overload
sx-anasarca,pulmonary & facial edema,hypertension,& abnormal urinalysis w/ proteinuria & microscopic
Renal, Urinary Systems & Decreased GFR causes edema in pts w/ esrd
4591 Medicine
Hypoalbuminemia can cause significant peripheral edema but doesn't cause pulmonary edema
Renal hypoperfusion in heart failure ->increased renal Na+ & water retention & edema
Severe pain in a pt w/ a mild urinary obstruction, such as BPH, may cause urinary retention due to inability
to Valsalva
Renal, Urinary Systems & Disk herniation can cause nerve root injury aka cauda equina syndrome:sx-bladder atony w/ overflow
4615 Medicine
Electrolytes incontinence, bilateral sciatica, saddle anesthesia, and loss of anal sphincter tone
Detrusor instability aka urge incontinence: incontinence preceded by sudden urinary urgency. Caused by
unregulated spontaneous contractions of the bladder
SIADH: hyponatremia, decreased serum osmolarity, elevated urine osmolarity, increased urine sodium
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4643 Medicine concentration, & failure to correct w/ normal saline infusion(urine sodium excretion appears to increase while
serum sodium in unaffected when you give saline)
20% of cocaine overdoses are complicated by rhabdomyolsis(look for elevations in serum CPK). Main
danger ass. w/ CPK levels >20,000 U/L is acute renal tubular necrosis due to myoglobinuria
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4683 Medicine Aseptic meningitis: no causative organisms found on routine CSF stains & cultures. Commonly caused by
Coxsackie virus or Echovirus
Renal, Urinary Systems & Detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia occurs in the setting of neuro disease. Detrusor muscle contracts while the
4733 Medicine
Electrolytes urethral sphincter contracts causing difficulty in initiating urination & inadvertent interruption of the urinary
Renal, Urinary Systems & "Contraction alkalosis" occurs in states of intracellular volume contraction,where increased levels of
4739 Medicine
Electrolytes aldosterone function to restore intravascular volume but also cause increased proton loss
High serum anion gap occurs in met. acidoses resulting from diabetic ketoacidosis,renal failure,lactic
acidosis,& methanol,ethylene glycol,or salicylate poisoning
Obstructive uropathy:
flank pain, low volume voids with or without occasional high volume voids, and (if bilateral) renal dysfunction
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4749 Medicine
Renal artery stenosis does not cause flank pain or urinary sx
Diabetic nephropathy:
Renal, Urinary Systems & etiology- longstanding diabetes mellitus
4750 Medicine
Electrolytes sx- proteinuria
nodular glomerulosclerosis, diffuse glomerulosclerosis
Renal, Urinary Systems & Agents used to shift potassium intracellularly(eg, in a hyperkalemic pt) include insulin & glucose, sodium
4760 Medicine
Electrolytes bicarbonate, & *beta-2 agonists*
Interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome): bladder pain that is worsened by filling & relieved by voiding.
Renal, Urinary Systems & Dyspareunia, urinary frequency & urgency can also be present
4807 Medicine
Cystocele: bladder prolapse into the anterior vaginal wall
In saline responsive metabolic alkalosis(rmr met. alk. has increased bicarbonate), normal saline
administration restores arterial volume, corrects hypochloremia, & increases urinary bicarbonate excretion
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4866 Medicine Acetazolamide can improve alkalosis a little, however it can worsen a pts volume depletion. It can also
cause hypokalemia. Give to edematous pts w/ metabolic alkalosis
Asterixis is seen in hepatic encephalopathy, uremic encephalopathy, & CO2 retention. Uremic
encephalopathy is an indication for urgent *hemodialysis*, which will improve neurological status & resolve
Renal, Urinary Systems & asterixis
10776 Medicine
An asymptomatic anemic pt w/ hemoglobin >8 g/dL who doesn't have ongoing bleeding will NOT need a
blood transfusion
Alpha-1 receptor blockers such as tamsulosin facilitate ureteral stone passage
Furosemide is a loop diuretic that promotes calciuria,which can predispose to renal calculi
Renal, Urinary Systems & Bethanechol tx urinary retention/atonic bladder. Oxybutynin tx overactive bladder(detrusor instability)
11109 Medicine
Phenazopyridine:analgesic for urinary tract mucosa,used to tx the dysuria of cystitis(after
Renal, Urinary Systems & Vaginal pessary is used for STRESS incontinence when surgical correction fails/is contraindicated[Pessary
12033 Medicine
Electrolytes would exacerbate an urge incontinence!]
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Positive *anti-Smith antibodies* &/or anti-double stranded DNA antibodies is specific & confirmatory for the
2450 Medicine
& Sports dx of *SLE*
Hemochromatosis is commonly ass. w/ calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition in joints, leading to
chondrocalcinosis & ass. sx including acute episodic synovitis (pseudogout) & chronic arthropathy. Other
2880 Medicine manifestations include diabetes, hyperpigmentation, dilated cardiomyopathy, & liver disease w/
& Sports
hepatomegaly & fibrosis. Dx is suggested by iron overload on serum iron studies, & can be confirmed by
genetic tests (HFE) or liver biopsy. Tx-phlebotomy
Polymyositis & dermatomyositis are two forms of inflammatory myopathy. Dx of inflammatory myopathy is
3059 Medicine made w/ elevated ESR & CK, & confirmed by muscle biopsy. Inflammatory myopathies are best tx w/ high
& Sports
dose *corticosteroids*
Gouty arthritis:punched out erosions w/ a rim of cortical bone on xray
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Struvite crystals have shape of coffin lids,seen in nephrolithiasis caused by chronic uti w/ urease-producing
3151 Medicine
& Sports organisms
AS is ass w/ aortic valve disease, typically aortic regurgitation, due to scarring of the valve cusps
3165 Medicine
& Sports
Episcleritis is ass. w/ rheumatoid arthritis & inflammatory bowel disease
Ischemic optic neuropathy: feared complication of temporal arteritis. Results from vasculitis of retinal artery.
May cause blindness
3166 Medicine Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibodies are seen in 70% of type I diabetics at the time of dx
& Sports
Ankylosing spondylitis(AS):In young pts(even females) w/ characteristic pain, *plain x-rays* showing
Rheumatology/Orthopedics *sacroiliitis* can confirm dx. Fusion of vertebral bodies w/ ossification of intervertebral discs(bamboo spine)
3167 Medicine
& Sports also suggests the dx. [AS strongly ass. w/ HLA-B27, but HLA-B27 isn't specific for AS & not necessary for
Long term cyclophosphamide use is ass w/ the increased incidence of acute hemorrhagic cystitis & *bladder
Fibromyalgia(FM): pain syndrome, occurs in young to middle aged women.Sx- fatigue, widespread pain, &
Rheumatology/Orthopedics cognitive/mood disturbances. Initial FM tx should be aerobic exercise & good sleep hygiene. Pts that don't
3205 Medicine
& Sports respond to this need meds. TCAs eg,*Amitriptyline* is an effective initial therapy. Pregabalin, duloxetine, &
milnacipran are alternate therapies for pts not responding to tricyclic antidepressants
Dermatomyositis is charac by classic cutaneous findings accompanied by proximal muscle weakness. Over
15% of adult pts will have or develop an internal *malignancy*, most commonly ovarian, lung, pancreatic,
stomach, or colorectal cancers, or non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Regular, age-appropriate cancer screening is
3208 Medicine essential in these pts
& Sports
The classic autoantibodies ass. w/ dermatomyositis are anti-Jo-1(antisynthetase antibody) & anti-Mi-2
(against helicase)
Polymyositis(PM): slowly progressive proximal weakness of lower extremities, difficulty ascending &
descending stairs, rising from a seated position. Proximal arm weakness follows leading to difficulty combing
Rheumatology/Orthopedics hair or working w/ hands overhead. Pts may develop dysphagia. NO skin findings in PM, distinguishing it
3209 Medicine
& Sports from dermatomyositis.*Muscle biopsy* is best dx test
Anserine bursitis:sharply localized pain over anteromedial part of tibial plateau just below the joint line of the
knee.Valgus stress test fails to reproduce pain,thereby ruling out damage to the medial collateral
ligament.Radiographs are normal
3303 Medicine
& Sports
Prepatellar bursitis:pain/swelling over patella, cystic swelling over patella w/ variable signs of inflammation.
Trauma is mcc
The mcc of an asymptomatic elevation of alkaline phosphatase in an elderly pt is *Paget disease of bone*,
which is frequently discovered incidentally on routine blood tests. X-rays will show osteolytic or mixed
Rheumatology/Orthopedics lytic-sclerotic lesions, & radionuclide bone scan can fully stage the disease
3304 Medicine
& Sports
Statins and alcoholic liver disease cause a hepatocellular pattern(predominant elevations in transaminases)
rather than a cholestatic pattern(predominant elevation in alkaline phosphatase)
Whipple disease sx: chronic malabsorptive diarrhea, weight loss, *migratory non-deforming arthritis*,
lymphadenopathy & a low grade fever
3311 Medicine
& Sports
Intestinal lymphoma sx: ab pain, weight loss, nausea/vomiting,distension,occult blood in stool.
[malabsorption is not a typical feature].Histopath would show a diffuse infiltrate by atypical lymphocytes
Inflammatory bowel disease may occur in ass. w/ an inflammatory arthritis. Ankylosing spondylitis & IBD are
both ass. w/ HLA-B27 & may occur in ass. w/ one another. Both conditions may also be ass. w/ a positive
Rheumatology/Orthopedics p-ANCA despite the absence of vasculitis in both conditions
3312 Medicine
& Sports
Ulcerative colitis: young age, hx of acute-onset bloody diarrhea, anemia & negative stool cultures. p-ANCA
is positive
Polymyalgia rheumatica(PMR): affects pts age >50 & is charac by pain & STIFFNESS in the neck,
shoulders, & pelvic girdle, along w/ an elevated ESR. Tx-*low dose prednisone* which results in rapid relief
of sx
3317 Medicine
& Sports
PMR is frequently ass w/ giant cell temporal arteritis(GCA). GCA sx-headache,jaw claudication,vision
loss,tenderness over temporal artery. If GCA suspected, pts should be considered for an expedited
temporal artery biopsy & receive higher doses of glucocorticoids
Treat rheumatoid arthritis pts w/ Methotrexate, a disease modifying antirheumatic drug, early in the disease
course. Methotrexate is the preferred DMARD for RA.
Before giving methotrexate, test pt for Hep B & C and TB. Also don't give it to pregnant pts or those
3318 Medicine planning pregnancy, those w/ renal insufficiency, liver disease, excessive alcohol intake.
& Sports
If no response to 6 month DMARD therapy, give TNFa inhibitors
Tear of the proximal end of the long head of bicep tendon ass. w/ rotator cuff injury
3574 Medicine
& Sports
Axillary nerve supplies deltoid and teres minor w/ motor innervation
Axillary nerve injury may occur as a result of anterior dislocation of the humerus out of the glenoid fossa
Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) manifests as pain w/ supination or extension of the wrist & point
tenderness just distal to the lateral epicondyle
3575 Medicine
& Sports Rotator cuff injury: Result of impingement of the supraspinatus tendon
Posterior interosseous nerve entrapment results in weakness of the extrinsic extensors of the hand & fingers
De Quervain tenosynovitis affects new mothers who hold their infants w/ the thumb outstretched
Trigger thumb results in pain over the palmar aspect of the first metacarpophalangeal joint and locking of
Rheumatology/Orthopedics the thumb in flexion
3576 Medicine
& Sports
Scaphoid fractures occur during forceful hyperextension of wrist as may occur in a fall on outstretched
hand.Pain localizes to anatomic snuffbox
Plain roentgenogram used in pts w/ osteoporosis & possible vertebral crush fractures
Rheumatology/Orthopedics The most common pulmonary complication in pts w/ systemic sclerosis (SSc) is *interstitial
4014 Medicine
& Sports fibrosis/interstitial lung disease*
Aseptic/Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is a common complication of sickle cell disease
sx- Pain in the hip that gradualy progresses
4038 Medicine Very High Yield!
& Sports
Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head is uncommon children
Corticosteroid-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head usually presents as progressive hip or groin
4047 Medicine pain w/o restriction of motion range & normal radiograph on early stages. *MRI* is gold standard for the dx
& Sports
of avascular necrosis of hip
Lumbosacral strain: acute onset of back pain after physical exertion, absence of radiation, presence of
paravertebral tenderness, negative straight-leg raising test, & normal neurologic examination
4078 Medicine Ankylosing spondylitis & multiple myeloma are characterized by chronic back pain
& Sports
Herniated disk charac by acute pain that radiates to thighs & typically below the knee. Straight leg raising
test positive
Vertebral compression fracture (VCF):complication of advanced osteoporosis.Pts w/ osteoporosis can
develop compression fracture w/ acute back pain following minimal trauma(lifting).Examination shows point
tenderness.Neuro exam usually normal
4083 Medicine
& Sports Herniated disk:radicular pain radiating along thigh to below the knee(sciatica).Positive straight leg raise test
Rheumatroid arthritis spares the DIP joints & involves MCP & PIP joints. (Google image xray)
4110 Medicine
& Sports
Hemochromatosis ass. arthropathy: Radiographic findings- squared off bone ends & hook like osteophytes
in 2nd & 3rd MCP joints
Cervical spondylosis: affects 10% of people older than 50 years of age. Hx of chronic neck pain is typical.
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Limited neck rotation & lateral bending due to osteoarthritis & secondary muscle spasm. Sensory deficit due
4205 Medicine
& Sports to osteophyte-induced radiculopathy. Radiographic findings-*bony spurs* & sclerotic facet joints. Other
findings include narrowing of disk spaces & hypertrophic vertebral bodies
Rheumatology/Orthopedics When lifting a heavy object, one should also bend the knees, keeping the back straight; this technique is
4264 Medicine
& Sports useful in preventing strains & back injuries
Methotrexate can cause a macrocytic anemia(Hb < 12 g/dl & MCV > 100)
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Common adverse effects of Hydroxychloroquine are GI distress, visual disturbances, & hemolysis in G6PD
4295 Medicine
& Sports deficiency
Azathioprine is ass. w/ pancreatitis, liver toxicity & dose dependent bone marrow suppression
4328 Medicine systemic sclerosis causes decreased LES pressure
& Sports
In pts with signs of back pain of serious etiology, initial workup should be plain x-ray films of the back(to look
for lytic lesions and compression fractures) along with ESR. If x-rays or ESR are abnormal, MRI of back
should be done to evaluate for possible disc disease, cancer, and spinal infections
4368 Medicine
& Sports
For simple/acute low back pain, NSAIDs more effective than acetaminophen
Felty syndrome: Pts w/ RA >10 years. Both neutropenia AND splenomegaly seen!
Rheumatoid arthritis:
Improves w/ activity
Affects the cervical spine joints -> eventually get spinal cord compression
Rheumatoid nodules present (esp on elbows)
"reduced grip strength is a sign of early disease"
4574 Medicine
& Sports
Thoracic spine: has great stability, rarely affected by arthritis, disc herniation, or spinal disorders
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Giant cell (temporal) arteritis: ass w/ polymyalgia rheumatica.Systemic sx, headache,jaw claudication,visual
4580 Medicine
& Sports disturbances,elevated ESR
Polyarteritis nodosa presents w/ systemic sx, skin findings(livedo reticularis,purpura),kidney disease,ab pain,
muscle aches or weakness. ESR elevated
Psoriatic arthritis: involves DIP joints, morning stiffness, dactylitis ("sausage digit," diffusely swollen finger),
nails show pitting & onycholysis (separation of nail bed), well demarcated red plaques w/ silvery scaling seen
Rheumatology/Orthopedics on dorsum of each hand. tx- NSAIDs, methotrexate, & Anti-TNF agents (google pic)
4581 Medicine
& Sports
Dermatomyositis: presents w/ Gottron's papules (violaceous plaques, slightly scaly) over MCP joints. Not
ass. w/ dactylitis or nail changes(onycholysis or nail pitting)
Pseudogout: radiographic evidence of chondrocalcionsis (calcified articular cartilage)
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Tophi: collections of urate crystals which form firm, yellowish nodules at the sites of involved joints in pts w/
4582 Medicine
& Sports chronic gout
Heberden nodes occur in the DIP joints in osteoarthritis & form from calcified cartilaginous spurs
Baker cysts develop as a result of excessive fluid production by an inflamed synovium, as occurs in cases
of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis & cartilage tears. The excess fluid accumulates in the popliteal bursa
Rheumatology/Orthopedics which expands, creating a tender mass in the popliteal fossa. Baker cysts occasionally burst & release their
4583 Medicine
& Sports contents into the calf, resulting in an appearance similar to a DVT
Crystal deposition in the knee joint may lead to a painful, red & swollen knee
Secondary amyloidosis (AA):nephrotic syndrome(bilateral lower extremity edema,proteinuria),palpable
kidneys,hepatomegaly,& ventricular hypertrophy(audible fourth heart sound) in setting of chronic
inflammatory disease(recurrent pulmonary infections,bronchiectasis). Tx-Colchicine for both tx & prophylaxis
4585 Medicine of AA
& Sports
Hypertensive nephrosclerosis:seen in pts w/ chronic htn,ass w/ retinopathy,left ventricular
hypertrophy,progressive renal failure,mild proteinuria,small kidneys
Six criteria used to establish the dx of osteoarthritis (OA) in the setting of a painful knee: age >50, crepitus,
4586 Medicine bony enlargement, bony tenderness, & lack of warmth/morning stiffness. If three or more criteria are met,
& Sports
specificity for OA is 69%
Disseminated *gonococcal* infection often presents w/ a triad of polyarthralgias(wrist,elbow,& ankle pain),
4590 Medicine tenosynovitis(pain along tendon sheaths), & vesiculopustular skin lesions. Hx of recent unprotected sex w/ a
& Sports
new partner ass w/ disseminated gonococcal infection
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Paget disease of bone: *increased bone remodeling* & abnormal osteoid formation. Headaches, deafness,
4627 Medicine
& Sports neuropathy, bone/back pain. Elevated alkaline phosphatase. Tx-bisphosphonates
Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur in pregnancy. Initial tx involve neutral position *wrist splinting* and
NSAIDs. Local corticosteroid injection is used when wrist splinting doesn't relieve sx. Surgical
Rheumatology/Orthopedics decompression of the carpal tunnel is performed when conservative management fails.
4636 Medicine
& Sports
NSAID use during pregnancy is ass. w/ an increased risk of miscarriage & may promote premature closure
of the fetal ductus arteriosus
Paget's disease: *osteoclast dysfunction*, femoral bowing, hearing loss
4659 Medicine
& Sports Overproduction of calcitrol(active form of Vit D) is seen in granulomatous diseases such as sarcoidosis &
tuberculosis. Hypercalciuria & hypercalcemia may occur
Neurogenic arthropathy (charcot joint) is a complication of neuropathy & repeated joint trauma. It affects
weight-bearing joints & manifests w/ functional limitation, deformity, & degenerative joint disease & loose
Rheumatology/Orthopedics bodies on joint imaging
4743 Medicine
& Sports
Gout: from uric acid deposition within joints. X-rays of joints reveal punched out erosions w/ an overhanging
rim of cortical bone known as a "rat bite" lesion
Morton neuroma: Mechanically induced degenerative neuropathy.Common in runners. Numbness or pain
between the 3rd & 4th toes. Clicking sensation when palpating space between 3rd & 4th toes while
Rheumatology/Orthopedics squeezing the metatarsal joints. Tx-conservative, w/ metatarsal support or padded shoe inserts
4933 Medicine
& Sports
Tarsal tunnel syndrome: compression of tibial nerve as it passes thru ankle. Burning,numbness & aching of
the distal plantar surfaces of the foot/toes
Fluoroquinolone use is ass w/ tendinopathy & tendon rupture (Achilles most common)
8866 Medicine Osteonecrosis(aka aseptic,avascular,atraumatic or ischemic necrosis) typically presents w/ gradual onset of
& Sports
pain in weight bearing joints(hip most common). Risk factors include corticosteroid use, excessive alcohol
intake, SLE, sickle cell disease
Patellofemoral syndrome:In young female athletes.Pain that increases w/ squatting,running,prolonged
sitting,using stairs.Patellofemoral compression test(pain elicited by extending knee while compressing the
8886 Medicine
& Sports Patellar tendonitis:In athletes("jumper's knee").Episodic pain/tenderness at inferior patella
MCL tears: tenderness at medial knee,laxity when foot is forced into abduction w/ the knee stationary.No
8895 Medicine hemarthrosis unless there is concurrent ACL injury
& Sports
Rupture of popliteal cyst(Baker cyst): posterior knee pain, common in older adults, ass. w/ osteoarthritis of
knee, swelling at posterior knee & calf. Knee effusions & hemarthrosis are usually not present.
Acute gout:acute monoarthritis, usually in the first metatarsophalangeal joint or knee. Synovial fluid analysis
shows leukocytosis & *monosodium urate crystals*, which are needle-shaped(google pic) & negatively
8933 Medicine
& Sports Google what Calcium pyrophosphate crystals look like! They are rhomboid shaped
Autoimmune sialadenitis in Sjogren syndrome causes enlargement of the parotid & submandibular glands.
Involvement of salivary & other exocrine glands (eg, lacrimal glands) can produce sicca syndrome,
characterized by generalized dryness of mucous membranes, leading to dry mouth, irritated/itchy eyes,
11915 Medicine cough, & *dyspareunia*
& Sports
Pts w/ atopic diathesis present w/ seasonal allergies characterized by nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, & often
allergic conjunctivitis
Felty syndrome: triad of inflammatory arthritis,splenomegaly,& neutropenia. It's most common in pts w/
Rheumatology/Orthopedics established rheumatoid arthritis(RA) but can sometimes precede this dx. Pts have severe, seropositive RA
11980 Medicine
& Sports w/ increased risk for extra-articular manifestations(vasculitis,skin ulcers). Usually improves w/ tx of the
underlying RA(eg,methotrexate)
*Antinuclear antibody* is a very sensitive but nonspecific marker for systemic lupus erythematosis. If
antinuclear antibody is elevated, more specific autoantibodies (eg, anti-double-stranded DNA) can confirm
Rheumatology/Orthopedics the diagnosis. Complement levels & erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein can assess
11988 Medicine
& Sports ongoing disease activity
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Rigid knee immobilizers are used acutely for patellar fractures or tears of the quadriceps or patellar tendon
12060 Medicine
& Sports
Surgery is rarely needed in patellofemoral pain syndrome & generally only rec when pts have failed 6-12 mo
of conservative management
Doc can respond to an employer's request for health info only if pt has provided verbal or written
authorization for release of info to the employer.[A written (rather than verbal) release of info document is
Social Sciences
3614 Medicine preferred to protect pt & physician from any misunderstanding,but this is not a HIPAA requirement].Doc
should disclose only minimum amount of protected health info needed to respond to specific request(no
need to disclose pts dx to employer)"minimum necessary" disclosure
Meningococcal meningitis is a highly contagious disease that can lead to devastating complications &
Social Sciences outbreaks in the community. Tx involves isolation, IV abx, & supportive care in an intensive care setting to
3625 Medicine
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) monitor disease progression. A pt who doesn't comply voluntarily needs to be hospitalized against his/her
wishes. It's ethical for the doc to isolate a noncompliant pt until the pt no longer poses a risk
Social Sciences
4653 Medicine Brain death is a legally acceptable definition of death, and artificial life support does not need to be continued
Social Sciences
8942 Medicine Hospice requirement: Pts w/ prognosis of <6 months
Social Sciences Communication failures between physicians during pt handoffs are a large contributor to medical errors &
10660 Medicine
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) adverse pt outcomes
Medical errors resulting from communication failures between medical providers are most effectively
Social Sciences
10661 Medicine addressed by implementing a systematic signout process that includes *checklists* to improve efficacy &
Accepting gifts from interested third parties can influence a physician's practice in subtle or subconcious
ways. Only nonmonetary gifts that are of minimal value & that directly benefit the pt, such as unbiased
Social Sciences
11911 Medicine educational material or drug samples, should be considered.
[A flash drive(example used in question), although not of high monetary value, doesn't directly benefit pt
care & shouldn't be accepted]
Obstetrics Congenital rubella syndrome: cataracts, patent ductus arteriosus, sensorineural hearing loss, intrauterine
4734 & Allergy & Immunology growth retardation, & purpura.
Gynecology Best way to protect infant is by maternal vaccination prior to conception
Biostatistics & Hemophilia A is an X-linked recessive disorder. Carrier mothers & unaffected fathers- 25% of their children
10505 &
Epidemiology would be expected to have hemophilia A, 25% would be silent carriers, & 50% would be unaffected
Obstetrics 1st line agents for managment of essential htn during pregnancy are *labetalol* & methyldopa. Calcium
2400 & Cardiovascular System channel blockers & hydralazine are acceptable alternate therapies.(ACE inhibitors & ARBs are
Gynecology contraindicated in pregnancy!)
3914 & Cardiovascular System An oral contraceptive can cause hypertension, & discontinuing its use can correct the problem in most pts
Mitral stenosis:
sx- worsening dyspnea, orthopnea, hemoptysis
Obstetrics causes left atrial enlargement
4715 & Cardiovascular System 70% of pts develop atrial fibrillation
Gynecology rheumatic heart disease is leading cause of mitral stenosis
physical exam reveals diastolic rumble at apex and/or opening snap
occurs in countries with limited access to antibiotics e.g. eastern europe
*Infants born to women w/ Graves' disease* at risk for thyrotoxicosis due to passage of maternal *TSH
receptor antibodies* across placenta(antibodies bind to infant's TSH receptors & cause excessive thyroid
Endocrine, Diabetes & hormone release). Affected infants are irritable,tachycardic,& gain weight poorly.Methimazole + B blocker
2423 &
Metabolism are given to symptomatic pts until the condition self-resolves over few weeks to months
TSH levels surge in newborns after delivery->rise in T3 & T4 (physiologic)
Adrenocortical cancers are rare,aggressive tumors.Androgen producing adrenal tumors
(androblastoma,arrhenoblastoma,stromal & hilus cell tumor) typically present in adulthood w/ rapidly
Obstetrics progressive hirsutism & sometimes virilization.Serum DHEA-S,an adrenal androgen,is markedly elevated w/
Endocrine, Diabetes &
2425 & concentrations >700 ug/dL
Ovarian germ cell tumors:present w ab enlargement,precocious puberty,abnormal vaginal
bleeding,pregnancy sx due to increased B-hCG.Dont usually cause hirsutism
Obstetrics Pregnant women have increased thyroid hormone production(increased total T4 & T3) as well as increased
Endocrine, Diabetes &
4124 & thyroxine binding globulin, w/ a net result of slightly elevated free T4 & T3, & decreased TSH compared to
Gynecology non-pregnant women
The major source of estrogen in menopausal women is from peripheral conversion of adrenal androgens by
the aromatase enzyme present in adipose tissue/peripheral fat. This process is increased in obese women
Endocrine, Diabetes & & may result in milder menopausal sx
4149 &
Increased levels of FSH are a response to the decrease in estrogen levels (via feedback to the pituitary
Secondary amenorrhea: absence of menses for >3 cycles or >6 months in women who menstruated
previously. Initial evaluation includes B-hCG to exclude pregnancy. Next order serum prolactin, TSH, & FSH
Endocrine, Diabetes & to differentiate between the mcc of secondary amenorrhea (hyperprolactinemia, thyroid dysfunction,
4220 &
Metabolism premature ovarian failure)
Pts w/ hx of uterine procedures or infection may have scarring of the uterine cavity (Asherman syndrome)
Sheehan syndrome(postpartum ischemic necrosis of the anterior pituitary) is a potentially life-threatening
complicatoin of massive postpartum hemorrhage. It typically presents w/ lactation failure (prolactin
Endocrine, Diabetes & deficiency) as well as hypotension & anorexia (secondary adrenal insufficiency)
4678 &
Pituitary apoplexy: spontaneous hemorrhage into pituitary gland,sudden pituitary enlargement can compress
oculomotor nerves & cause acute headache,diplopia,vision loss
*Levothyroxine dose is increased* during pregnancy in the majority of patients w/ hypothyroidism
Endocrine, Diabetes &
8888 &
Metabolism It is essential to adequately treat hypothyroidism during pregnancy. Studies have shown that children of pts
w/ inadequately treated hypothyroidism have a lower IQ
Female Reproductive Diagnostic peritoneal lavage: invasive procedure to evaluate for intraabdominal bleeding. Performed on pts
2330 &
System & Breast w/ trauma.
Lactational mastitis: breast feeding women are at risk for it if there are missed nursing sessions leading to
Female Reproductive inadequate milk drainage. Tx- analgesics, frequent breastfeeding(every 2-3 hours) w/ both breasts, &
2344 &
System & Breast antibiotics directed at S.aureus(dicloxacillin or cephalexin for MSSA & clindamycin,TMP-SMX, vancomycin
for MRSA)
Palpable breast mass in pt < 30 years of age -> evaluate w/ ultrasound
Palpable breast mass in pt > 30 years of age -> evaluate w/ mammogram & ultrasound
Female Reproductive
2345 &
System & Breast Bottom line, palpable breast masses should have an imaging evaluation done even if the findings are benign
on physical exam(physical exam alone is not sufficient for excluding the possibility of malignancy). Don't
provide reassurance without doing imaging.
[Family hx of breast cancer in first degree relative is concerning]
Obstetrics Fat necrosis shows clinical & radiographic findings similar to those seen in breast cancer, including skin or
Female Reproductive
2362 & nipple retraction & calcifications on mammography. Biopsy of the mass will reveal fat globules & foamy
System & Breast
Gynecology histiocytes in fat necrosis. No tx is indicated for this self-limited condition
*Endometrial biopsy* is indicated for evaluating abnormal uterine bleeding in:
-Women >45 & all postmenopausal women
Female Reproductive -Women age <45 w/ persistent sx or risk factors for endometrial cancer(obesity,diabetes,unopposed
2391 &
System & Breast estrogen exposure,PCOS,early menarche/late menopause)
-Unopposed estrogen exposure(eg,obesity,PCOS)
-Prolonged amenorrhea w/ anovulation
Female Reproductive Combination estrogen/progestin oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) contain a low dose of estrogen. *A potential
2392 &
System & Breast side effect is an increase in blood pressure.*
Copper UID:most effective postcoital contraceptive.Can insert within 5 days after sex. Age & parity are not
contraindications. Only contraindications are acute cervicitis & PID
Female Reproductive Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate & etonogestrel subdermal implant:precoital contraceptive.Inhibit GnRH
2393 &
System & Breast secretion->inhbit follicular development dependent on FSH/LH
Levonorgestrel & ulipristal:pills for emergency contraception only. Most effective before ovulation.Less
effective than copper IUD
Primary dysmenorrhea: crampy lower abdomen &/back pain DURING menses, absence of dyspareunia or
GI sx, & normal physical examination. Tx-NSAIDs & hormonal contraception for pain relief
Female Reproductive Endometriosis:pain peaks before menses,dyspareunia,infertility
2394 &
System & Breast
Adenomyosis:menorrhagia,bulky globular & tender uterus,dysmenorrhea,pelvic pain
Ischemic optic neuropathy ass. w/ use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors like sildenafil(Viagra) & vardenafil
Pt w/ abnormal uterine bleeding:
Obstetrics First do endometrial biopsy
Female Reproductive
2418 & 1) If hyperplasia w/o atypia, do Progestin therapy.
System & Breast
Gynecology 2) If hyperplasia with atypia,no plans for pregnancy, or fails medical management, perform Hysterectomy.
3) If hyperplasia with atypia but considering future pregnancy, do Progestin therapy
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): bloating, fatigue, headaches, & breast tenderness, anxiety, mood swings,
difficulty concentrating, decreased libido, & irritability. Sx begin 1-2 weeks prior to menses and regress
Obstetrics around the time of menstural flow.
Female Reproductive
2419 & In order to confirm diagnosis, recommend pt keep a *menstrual diary* for 2-3 months and note associated
System & Breast
Gynecology sx.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe variant of PMS, w/ prominent irritablitiy & anger
Vaginismus: caused by involuntary contraction of the perineal musculature. Underlying cause is
psychological(fear of vaginal penetration). Tx-*relaxation, Kegel exercises(to relax vaginal muscles), &
insertion of dilators, fingers, etc. to bring about desensitization*
Female Reproductive
2420 & Tx for anorgasmia: self stimulation techniques
System & Breast
Tx for postmenopausal women w/ vaginal dryness: lubricants
Obstetrics TRASTUZUMAB aka Herceptin is used to tx breast cancer that is HER2 positive. *Echocardiogram* rec
Female Reproductive
2608 & before tx as there is a risk of developing CARDIOTOXICITY, esp in pts w/ baseline low ejection
System & Breast
Gynecology fractions(less than 55%)
Fibrocystic disease: rubbery, firm, mobile & painful mass in a young pt, more tenderness during menses,
aspiration of cyst yields clear fluid & results in disappearance of the mass. Observe pts afterwards for 4 to 6
Female Reproductive
2611 &
System & Breast Mammograms in women < 35 years of age isn't useful since the dense breast tissue at this age doesn't
allow adequate visualization of any masses if present
After 20 wks gestation, fundal height can be used to determine gestational age(however it's confounded by
leiomyomata and obesity)
Obstetrics There is no role for meds in the suppression of breast milk production. Pts are advised to wear a tight-fitting
Female Reproductive
3338 & bra, avoid nipple manipulation & use ice packs & analgesics to relieve ass. pain
System & Breast
Gynecology [Emptying of the breasts will only maintain milk production & thus, make the condition worse]
Female Reproductive Progestin only oral contraceptives:
3339 &
System & Breast preferred form of hormonal contraception for lactating mothers
Amenorrhea occurs in lactating mothers due to high levels of circulating prolactin, which has an inhibitory
effect on GnRH(GnRH production from hypothalamus is necessary for production of LH & FSH by anterior
Obstetrics pituitary. LH & FSH induce ovulation. Menses can't occur when ovulation is suppressed in this manner)
Female Reproductive
3340 &
System & Breast
Gynecology Oxytocin imp for uterine involution in postpartum period
In vitro fertilization may be appropriate after other less costly avenues for fertility tx have been exhausted
Infertility in premature ovarian failure:
tx-in vitro fertilization w/ donor oocytes
Progesterone corrects luteal phase defect (failure of corpus luteum to produce progestone to maintain
endometrium & allow implantation of an embryo)
In the ovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle, cervical mucus is profuse, clear & thin. It will stretch to
Obstetrics approximately 6 cm(spinnbarkeit) & exhibit ferning on a microscope slide smear preparation. pH is 6.5 or
Female Reproductive
3370 & greater(more basic than other phases)
System & Breast
Mucus of the post- & pre-ovulatory phases is scant, opaque, & thick
Midcycle pain (Mittelschmerz): abdominal pain in a young female in the middle of her cycle(2 weeks after
LMP). Benign hx & clinical exam
Female Reproductive Ovarian torsion: Medical emergency. Sudden onset lower quadrant abdominal pain that radiates to the groin
3480 &
System & Breast or back. Accompanied by nausea & vomiting. Adnexal mass present.
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome:complication of ovulation inducing drugs. Abdominal pain due to ovarian
enlargement. Accompanied by ascites & respiratory difficulty.
Female Reproductive The proteinuria in preeclampsia is best evaluated by a *urine protein-to-creatinine ratio* or a *24-hour urine
3509 &
System & Breast collection for total protein (gold standard)*
Female Reproductive
3656 & Treat Candida vaginitis w/ Fluconazole
System & Breast
*Genital warts*(condyloma acuminata):caused by *HPV*,present as clusters of pink/skin-colored lesions w/
smooth,teardrop appearance on genitalia.Small lesions can be tx in office w/ *trichloroacetic acid* or
Female Reproductive
3757 &
System & Breast Condyloma lata:caused by secondary syphilis,charac by flat velvety lesions,responds to penicillin
Vulvar lichen planus affects middle-aged women.Lesions may be hyperkeratotic,erosive or papulosquamous
in appearance.Pruritus,soreness,vaginal discharge common
Causes of premature ovarian failure include *chemotherapy*, radiation, autoimmune ovarian failure,
Obstetrics Turner's syndrome, & fragile X syndrome
Female Reproductive
3814 &
System & Breast
Gynecology Sx of premature ovarian failure include amenorrhea, hot flashes, vaginal & breast atrophy, anxiety,
depression, & irritability
Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder (vaginismus):female pt expressing pain w/ intercourse/penetration
Gender dysphoria:incongruence between pt's expressed gender & assigned gender for at least 6
Female Reproductive months.Pts may wish to be treated as the other gender or to be rid of their sexual characteristics
3861 &
System & Breast
Sexual masochism disorder:sexual arousal from being humiliated,beaten,suffering
Testicular feminization:male genotype has female phenotype due to in utero resistance to androgens
Endometriosis(the "3 Ds"): dyspareunia, dysmenorrhea(painful menstruation), & dyschezia(pain w/
Female Reproductive defecation). For pts w/ pelvic pain w/o complications, tx w/ NSAIDs, *combined oral contraceptives*,
3862 &
System & Breast progestins, or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists. For complicated endometriosis(eg, bowel/bladder
obstruction, rupture of endometrioma) & for pts refractory to medical therapy, laparoscopy useful for dx & tx
Obstetrics Transverse vaginal septum: is due to malformation of urogenital sinus & Mullerian ducts. Breast
Female Reproductive
3913 & development occurs. Normal axillary & pubic hair. Normal uterus and ovaries. Abnormal vagina. Can cause
System & Breast
Gynecology amenorrhea. 46,XX karyotype
*hCG is responsible for the preservation of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy*
Female Reproductive Progesterone is responsible for preparing the endometrium for implantation of a fertilized ovum. It also
4135 &
System & Breast helps to inhibit uterine contractions
Estrogen is responsible for induction of prolactin production during pregnancy
Female Reproductive Hyperthyroidism & menopause can have similar presentations, & serum TSH & FSH levels should be
4136 &
System & Breast checked in pts w/ these sx
Female Reproductive *Prolactin production* is *stimulated by* serotonin & *TRH* & inhibited by dopamine. Hypothyroidism may
4221 &
System & Breast result in amenorrhea & galactorrhea
Stress incontinence: hx of loss of small amounts of urine simultaneously occurring w/ activities that increase
intraabdominal pressure(coughing,sneezing,laughing), common in older women, high parity is a risk
Female Reproductive factor,*pelvic floor weakness*(due to high number of vaginal deliveries).[Uterine prolapse and/or cystocele
4224 &
System & Breast indicate pelvic floor weakness]
Urge incontinence:sudden/frequent loss of moderate to large amounts of urine,nocturia & frequency,urgency
Female Reproductive
4283 & Secondary amenorrhea is relatively common in elite female athletes & results from estrogen deficiency
System & Breast
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea: suppression of HPO axis w/o a known anatomic or metabolic cause.
Obstetrics May occur in women who undergo excessive physical training(w/ or w/o weight loss or caloric restriction).
Female Reproductive
4480 & Factors implicated in suppression of HPO axis are low body fat mass & leptin, & elevated Ghrelin,
System & Breast
Gynecology neuropeptide Y, GABA, beta-endorphine, & corticotropin-releasing hormone. Pts at high risk for *bone loss*
due to low estrogen levels
Aromatase deficiency:hx of normal internal genitalia w/ ambiguous external genitalia,clitoral
hypertrophy,high FSH/LH w/ low estrogen,& multiple ovarian cysts/polycystic ovaries
Genital ulcers of Chancroid* and Herpes* genitalis are both painful*
Radical vulvectomy used for treatment of high risk vulvar malignancies such as invasic SCC or melanoma
Finding of atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASC-US) on cytology:
Women age 21-24 years- Repeat cytology in 1 year.
Obstetrics Women age >25 years- HPV DNA test. If positive, do colposcopy. If negative, do repeat pap smear & HPV
Female Reproductive
8877 & test in 3 years
System & Breast
For "atypical squamous cells can't rule out high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion" (ASC-H), atypical
glandular cells, or high grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, we do colposcopy!
Obesity is a common cause of amenorrhea. The amenorrhea is the result of anovulation. The FSH and LH
levels are usually normal
Female Reproductive Menopause: 1 year of no menses. FSH and LH levels are elevated
8892 &
System & Breast
Pituitary dysfunction: FSH and LH levels are very low
Obstetrics Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is a severe variant of PMS w/ prominent irritability & anger sx
Female Reproductive
8899 &
System & Breast
Gynecology Perimenopausal women w/ PMS develop irregular menstruation,ass w/ mood swings,irritability,& somatic sx
& worsening of sx until menses cease
HPV vaccine recommended for all girls and women(except those who are pregnant) age 9-26 regardless of
HPV status or sexual activity. It's also recommended for boys and men age 9-21.
Female Reproductive
8917 &
System & Breast Pts w/ HIV, SLE, organ transplant, or immunocompromised pts, are at increased risk for cervical cancer
due to HPV infection so screening in these pts is recommended at the onset of sexual activity. Screen
Ovarian/adnexal torsion: affects women of reproductive age. RF-pregnancy, ovulation induction during
Obstetrics infertility tx & ovarian masses (esp >5 cm). [Look for stem to mention hx of ovarian cyst even if its 4 cm].
Female Reproductive
8939 & Sx-sudden onset of moderate to severe pelvic pain (right side more common), nausea/vomiting, possible
System & Breast
Gynecology low grade fever. Vaginal bleeding is uncommon! Dx confirmed w/ ultrasound using color Doppler.
Management includes laparoscopic surgery
Ruptured ovarian cyst:unilateral pelvic pain immediately after strenous activity/sex. Pelvic ultrasound shows
free fluid in the pelvis
A palpable adnexal mass on physical exam is best evaluated by *pelvic ultrasonography* to rule out
malignant features[pelvic US is 1st line test for evaluation of palpable adnexal mass]
Female Reproductive Ultrasonography is superior to CT scan for evaluation of the pelvic organs, & CT scan is reserved for
12050 &
System & Breast detection of metastases from ovarian cancer
CA-125 testing has low sensitivity for initial screening of ovarian cancer in PREMENOPAUSAL pts. CA-125
is useful mainly in POSTMENOPAUSAL women
Ovarian cancer:adnexal mass w/ pelvic pain/bloating due to *abnormal proliferation of ovarian/tubal
epithelium* or peritoneum.US-*solid mass w/ thick septations & presence of ascites*
Obstetrics Endometriomas:arise from ectopic implantation of endometrial gland on ovarian surface .US-homogenous
Female Reproductive
12051 & cyst w/ internal echoes"ground glass"
System & Breast
Mature cystic teratoma:US-hyperechoic nodules+calcifications
Obstetrics Chronic candidiasis:ass w/ vulvar erythema,labial swelling/thickening,& moist erythematous rash w/ central
Female Reproductive
12055 & clearing.Inguinal area frequently involved
System & Breast
Contact dermatitis->thickened,erythematous, hypertrophied skin
Bartholin cysts:soft,mobile,nontender masses located at base of labia majora.Larger cysts cause discomfort
during sex,walking,sitting,exercise.Symptomatic cysts require I&D,followed by Word catheter placement
Infected Bartholin gland can evolve into an abscess(localized erythema,induration & fluctuancy,+/- fever)
Female Reproductive
12110 & Vulvar inclusion cysts:from local trauma(episiotomy,laceration)
System & Breast
Epidermal cysts:from ductal blockage of sebaceous glands
*Vesicovaginal fistulas*:may occur after pelvic surgery,presents as painless loss of urine into
vagina.Physical exam shows pooling of 'clear watery fluid' in vagina
Female Reproductive Urethral diverticulum:local outpouching of urethra into anterior vaginal wall that presents as well
12143 &
System & Breast circumcised,isolated cystic mass.[Differs from urethrocele(urethral prolapse into vagina due to loss of
ligamentous support)]
Trichomonal vaginitis: thin vaginal discharge, erythematous vaginal mucosa, & motile pear-shaped
organisms on wet-mount. Tx- Metronidazole(pts on metronidazole should avoid alcohol as it's ass. w/
disulfiram-like reaction)
3682 & Infectious Diseases
Grapefruit juice: inhibits P450 system. Avoid when taking meds which are processed by the P450 system
e.g. cyclosporine
Bacterial vaginosis: caused by Gardnerella vaginalis. Profuse ivory to gray malodorous discharge. Amine or
Obstetrics "fishy" odor. "Clue cells"(epithelial cells coated w/ bacteria). Tx- Oral metronidazole in both pregnant and
3707 & Infectious Diseases non pregnant pts. Vaginal metronidazole and clindamycin are alternatives
Erythromycin estolate can cause acute cholestatic hepatitis
Mcc of mucopurulent cervicitis is Chlamydia trachomatis, followed by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
4158 & Infectious Diseases Chlamydial cervicitis tx: Azithromycin
Gonorrheal cervicitis tx: Ceftriaxone
The incidence of vertical transmittion of HCV is 2%-5%. All pts w/ chronic hepatitis C infection, including
pregnant women, should be immunized against hepatitis A & B if they are not already immune
4272 & Infectious Diseases
Combination of interferon-a and ribavirin is used for tx of nonpregnant pts w/ chronic hepatitis C &
compensated liver disease. However Ribavirin is highly teratogenic! And we don't know how safe
interferon-a actually is during pregnancy
Obstetrics Pregnant women w/ asymptomatic bacteriuria should be tx w/ abx to decrease the risk of pyelonephritis,
4472 & Infectious Diseases preterm birth, low birth weight, & perinatal mortality. *Amoxicillin*, nitrofurantoin, & cephalexin are 1st line
Gynecology abx options during pregnancy
asymptomatic pt's that are positive for chlamydia:
tx- single dose of azithromycin or 7 day course of doxycycline (no need to treat for gonorrhea if screening
4766 & Infectious Diseases
for gonorrhea is already negative)
also treat partner
Pts w/ painful genital ulcerations & associated lympadenopathy should be evaluated for genital herpes
caused by herpes simplex virus
10068 & Infectious Diseases Chlamydia trachomatis: causes lymphogranuloma venereum, large & painful lymphadenopathy "buboes"
HPV cause genital warts which can progress to squamous cell carcinoma if not treated
Semen analysis is a simple test that helps to identify male factor as the cause of infertility. Semen analysis
Obstetrics should be performed early in the evaluation of an infertile couple as the initial screening test
4194 & Male Reproductive System
Gynecology Anovulation as a potential cause of infertility can be evaluated using basal body temperature(BBT)
measurement, serum progesterone measurement, & endometrial sampling
Posterior dislocations of the shoulder commonly occur after a tonic-clonic seizure w/ the pt holding the arm
adducted & internally rotated(inability of external rotation)
Obstetrics Todd paralysis:transient unilateral weakness following a tonic-clonic seizure that usually spontaneously
2372 & resolves
Anterior dislocation:most common form of shoulder dislocation,caused by direct blow or fall on outstretched
arm,pt holds arm abducted & externally rotated
Hyperemesis gravidarum: severe vomiting during 1st-early 2nd trimesters, weightloss, volume depletion, &
ketonuria, *metabolic alkalosis* due to loss of gastric acid
Obesity:respiratory acidosis(hypoventilation)
Fetal hydantoin syndrome presents w/ small body size,microcephaly,digital hypoplasia,nail
hypoplasia,midfacial hypoplasia,hirsutism,cleft palate & rib anomalies.It can be caused by exposure to many
anticonvulsant meds during fetal development,esp *Phenytoin* & carbamazepine
2572 & Nervous System
Fetal alcohol syndrome:midfacial hypoplasia,microcephaly,stunted growth. Also CNS damage manifested as
hyperactivty,mental retardation,or learning disability.Cleft palate & excess hair are not typical
Gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD): Choriocarcinoma is a form of it. Sx-irregular vaginal
Pregnancy, Childbirth & bleeding(bleeding beyond 8 weeks post-partum is abnormal & raises suspicion for GTD), enlarged uterus, &
2299 &
Puerperium pelvic pain. GTN is locally invasive. Choriocarcinoma is highly metastatic(spreads to lungs & presents w/
chest pain, dyspnea, & hemoptysis; multiple nodules on CXR). Obtain B-HCG to confirm dx
All women of childbearing age w/ absence of menses for >1 month should be evaluated for pregnancy. Side
effects of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate(DMPA) have some overlap w/ pregnancy symptoms. A urine
Pregnancy, Childbirth & pregnancy test should be performed.
2389 &
DMPA is used to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation. MCC of pregnancy while on DMPA is
mistiming of a subsequent DMPA shot.
Pregnancy, Childbirth & *Oral glucose tolerance testing* should be performed in all *pregnant women at 24-28 weeks gestation* to
2404 &
Puerperium screen for gestational diabetes.[1-hour 50-g OGTT followed by confirmation with a 3-hour 100-g OGTT]
Obstetrics Bilateral edema of the lower extremities in pregnancy(benign edema of pregnancy) is most commonly a
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2406 & benign problem. Preeclampsia & DVT should also be considered, but are unlikely in the absence of other
Gynecology classic sx of these conditions
Vaginal bleeding seen in 80% of placental abruptions but a lack of vaginal bleeding doesn't rule out a
placental abruption! You can have concealed bleeding w/ placental abruption as well!
Obstetrics Pregnant bipolar pts that are taking Lithium should be slowly tapered off/weaned off the lithium.
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2409 &
Gynecology If pregnant pt is taking isotretinoin, immediately stop the isotretinoin!
Transvaginal ultrasonogram is more accurate than transabdominal ultrasonogram in diagnosing ectopic
pregnancy, & should be performed when beta-hCG levels are between 1,500 & 6,500 IU/L
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2411 & Gram stain & culture are indicated in cases of PID. PID is very unlikely in an afebrile pt
Culdocentesis is an invasive & uncomfortable test that requires insertion of a needle into the posterior
vaginal wall to identify peritoneal fluid in the cul de sac
"Palpation of the vertex at the fundus" = breech presentation!
Obstetrics Breech presentation before 37th week doesn't require any intervention (since they convert to vertex before
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2412 & the 37th week).
Gynecology If breech presentation persists after 37th week, then we do external cephalic version.
If external cephalic version fails, only then do we do cesarean delivery
Luteoma of pregnancy:30% of pts get new-onset hirsutism/acne.Management-*clinical monitoring* & US
evaluation since masses & sx regress spontaneously after delivery.Symptomatic maternal luteoma puts
female fetus at high risk of virilization
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2415 &
Puerperium Theca luteum cysts:can also cause hyperandrogenism in pregnancy.Unlikely to cause virilization in female
offspring.Suction curettage if underlying cause is molar pregnancy
Abruptio placentae: premature separation of the placenta from the uterine decidua. Presents w/ painful
vaginal bleeding & a firm, tender uterus. Maternal complications include hypovolemic shock & *disseminated
Obstetrics intravascular coagulation*
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2528 &
Gynecology Fetal anemia ass. w/ vasa previa
Uterine rupture is ass w/ prior uterine surgery, vaginal & intra-abdominal hemorrhage, & loss of fetal station
Placental abruption: diagnosed clinically by 'sudden vaginal bleeding' & hypertonic, tender uterus.
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Hypertension during pregnancy is an important risk factor. Fetal heart tracing will be
2530 &
Puerperium nonreassuring(bracycardia; heart rate <110-160/min). *Emergency cesarean delivery* is the tx of choice
when there is rapid maternal or fetal deterioration
Uterine rupture:potentially catastrophic complication in women who had prior cesarean
delivery/myomectomy.Presents w/ vaginal or intra-abdominal bleeding,pain & fetal distress/demise.Palpable
Obstetrics fetal parts abdominally at rupture site & no presenting fetal parts vaginally
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2531 &
Gynecology Umbilical cord prolapse:occurs after rupture of membranes when fetal cord prolapses thru cervix below fetal
head.Presents w/ abrupt onset of persistent fetal variable decelerations or severe bradycardia
Sudden onset of abdominal pain, recession of the presenting fetal part(*loss of fetal station*) during active
Obstetrics labor, & fetal heart rate abnormalities(fetal tachycardia, recurrent decelerations) are red flags for *uterine
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2532 & rupture*. Risk factors include a pre-existing uterine scar (eg, cesarean delivery). To prevent maternal &/or
Gynecology fetal exsanguination, suspected uterine rupture necessitates emergency laparotomy to confirm dx &
expedite delivery
Vasa previa:
Obstetrics sx- painless antepartum hemorrhage w/ fetal deterioration after rupture of membrances (fetal heart
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2533 & monitoring shows tachycardia followed by bradycardia, & eventually a sinusoidal pattern)
Gynecology maternal vital signs/abdominal exam are unchanged since bleeding is from fetus
tx- cesarean delivery
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2535 & most common causes of antepartum hemorrhage are placenta previa and abruptio placenta
Incomplete abortion:bleeding,cramping,partial passage of fetal tissue.Depending on pt
preference,hemodynamically stable pts can undergo expectant management(observation & follow-up in
office),misoprostol,or dilation & evacuation
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2536 & Progesterone used for prevention of preterm labor of a singleton pregnancy in a pt w/ a hx of spontaneous
Gynecology preterm delivery
Cerclage placement for pt w/ hx of incompetent cervix or hx of preterm delivery & short cervix on US during
2nd trimester
Spontaneous abortion:
If pt/mom has excessive bleeding, low hemoglobin, or unstable vital signs, manage surgically w/ dilation and
Pregnancy, Childbirth & suction curettage
2541 &
Oxytocin not effective in stimulating uterine contractions/expulsion of tissue in first or second trimester due
to few oxytocin uterine receptors in early pregnancy
Complete abortion: passage of a whole conceptus thru the cervix. Cervix then closes and pain & uterine
Pregnancy, Childbirth & contractions subside. Occurs before 20 weeks gestation. Passage of embryonic tissue described as "solid
2542 &
Puerperium white mass covered w/ blood." Ultrasonography shows empty uterus. Urine B-hCG will be positive but
gradually will become undetectable after a few weeks
Anti-D immune globulin (RhoGAM) is indicated in unsensitized, Rh-negative women at 28 weeks gestation
or within 72 hours of any procedure or incident in which there is any possibility of feto-maternal blood
Pregnancy, Childbirth & mixing[Anti-D immune globulin binds the D antigens on the fetal erythrocytes in the pregnant woman's
2543 &
Puerperium circulation, thereby preventing formation of anti-D antibodies]
Great analogy. D antigen on fetal rbc can screw us over. So Anti-D is used to stop it
Inevitable abortion(spontaneous abort.):vaginal bleeding/fluid discharge,lower ab cramps & dilated cervix
thru which products of conception visualized
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Threatened abortion:hemorrhage before 20th week gestation with live fetus.Cervix closed,no passage of
2544 &
Puerperium fetal tissue.Mild lower ab pain
Missed abortion(form of spontaneous abort.):fetus expires in utero but products of conception aren't
discharged from uterus spontaneously.Retained fetus/placenta,no fetal heart motion
Septic abortion:due to infxn of retained products of conception following missed,incomplete,inevitable or
elective abortion.It's a medical emergency that should be tx w/ broad spectrum abx & surgical evacuation of
Pregnancy, Childbirth & the uterus(*suction curettage*).After initial tx,pt should be monitored closely for signs of systemic sepsis
2545 &
Misoprostol:used to terminate pregnancies <49 days gestation.Causes uterine contractions.May expel
retained products.Slow compared to surgical evacuation
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Induce labor in pt w/ intrauterine fetal demise who develop coagulation abnormalities. A fibrinogen and
2549 &
Puerperium platelet levels in the low-normal range can indicate a developing DIC
Obstetrics Depression of the deep tendon reflexes(eg,hyporeflexia) is the earliest sign of *magnesium sulfate toxicity*.
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2561 & The second sign of toxicity is respiratory depression. *Tx requires stopping the magnesium sulfate infusion
Gynecology & administration of calcium gluconate*
Htn in a pregnant female in the setting of massive proteinuria, a malar rash, & a strongly positive ANA titer
is most likely due to systemic lupus erythematosus. *Glomerulonephritis* in general will cause proteinuria,
Obstetrics *hematuria & RBC casts*
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
2563 &
Gynecology Differentiate between SLE & preeclampsia during pregnancy! Treating preeclampsia w/
corticosteroids(normal treatment of SLE) can aggravate the preeclampsia.*RBC casts* in UA along w/
proteinuria favor SLE over preeclampsia
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Elevated maternal serum a-fetoprotein is seen in fetal abnormalities such as open neural tube defects,
2567 &
Puerperium gastroschisis, & omphalocele. It's also elevated in a multiple-gestation pregnancy
Pregnant woman w/ low MSAFP,low estriol,increased B-hCG & increased inhibin A are ass. w/ Down
syndrome.*Ultrasound* is performed next (esp at 18-20 weeks) to evaluate fetal growth & identify any
Pregnancy, Childbirth & structural malformations (endocardial cushion defects,duodenal atresia,cystic hygroma)
2568 &
Pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A): Glycoprotein prodcuced by trophoblast.Fetuses w/ Down
syn. produce less PAPP-A.Less accurate w/ increasing gestational age.Not used in 2nd trimester
Down syndrome:
elevated B-hCG, elevated inhibin A,
low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein(MSAFP), low estriol
Trisomy 18:
normal inhibin A,
Pregnancy, Childbirth & low MSAFP, low estriol, low B-hCG
2569 &
Neural tube or abdominal wall defects:
elevated MSAFP,
the rest of the markers are normal
Pts abnormal quadruple screening results can be offered cell-free fetal DNA testing, which measures free
maternal & fetal DNA in maternal plasma. Ultrasound should be performed to evaluate for fetal anomalies
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Women who inadvertently receive vaccination for rubella during or shortly before pregnancy can be
3106 &
Puerperium reassured that there is little risk to the fetus & they can proceed w/ routine prenatal care
Obstetrics If fetal movement decreases or becomes impreceptible by mother, do a nonstress test.
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3110 &
Gynecology If fetal demise suspected, do ultrasonography
Obstetrics Maternal comorbidities such as chronic hypertension require antepartum fetal surveillance to diagnose fetal
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3111 & compromise & prevent death. *Nonstress tests should be performed at least weekly in the third trimester
Gynecology until delivery*. A normal result consists of 2 heart rate accelerations & is reassuring
Late-term pregnancies(eg, 41 weeks gestation) are at risk for uteroplacental insufficiency
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Diffuse placental calcifications on ultrasound are common in late-term pregnancies, suggesting a mature
3112 &
Puerperium placenta
Polyhydramnios(single deepest pocket >8 cm or AFI >24 cm)
Arrest of labor in the first stage is diagnosed when dilation is >6 cm w/ ruptured membranes and 1 of the
-No cervical change for >4 hours despite ADEQUATE contractions
Pregnancy, Childbirth & OR
3116 &
Puerperium -No cervical change for >6 hours w/ INADEQUATE contractions
[Pts who do not meet criteria should be observed if there is no fetal distress]
[If pt has no cervical change for >4 hours despite adequate contractions(arrest of labor), cesarean delivery
should be performed]
External cephalic version (ECV):can be attempted in women w/ breech pregnancies at >/= 37 weeks
gestational age if there are no contraindications to vaginal delivery & fetal well-being has been
Pregnancy, Childbirth & established.Reduces the rate of c-section.Contraindications include ruptured membranes,hyperextended
3118 &
Puerperium fetal head,fetal/uterine abnormalities & non-reassuring fetal monitoring
Internal podalic version:performed in twin delivery, converts second twin from transverse/oblique to breech
Preterm labor:regular contractions causing cervical dilation and/or effacement at <37 weeks gestation.Pts in
preterm labor at <34 weeks should receive a tocolytic agent(eg, calcium channel blockers),magnesium
Obstetrics sulfate for neuroprotection & corticosteroids for acceleration of fetal lung maturity
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3269 &
Gynecology Presence of fetal fibronectin & a shortened cervix ass. w/ preterm birth
Progesterone reduces risk of preterm birth in pts w/ short cervical length on vaginal u/s at <24 wks gestation
In false labor, progressive cervical changes are absent, contractions are irregular & felt in the lower
abdomen,& discomfort is readily relieved by sedation. All such pts need reassurance
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3271 &
Puerperium True labor is characterized by contractions that occur at regular intervals w/ a progressively shortening
interval & increasing intensity. The pain in true labor occurs in the back & upper adbomen & is not relieved
by sedation. Cervical changes are typically observed
Obstetrics Labor should be allowed to proceed in pts where the fetus has been dx w/ a severe congenital anomaly
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3273 & incompatible w/ life(eg, bilateral renal agenesis). Pts w/ bilateral renal agenesis will not survive outside the
Gynecology uterus cuz of severe pulmonary hypoplasia ass. w/ renal agenesis
Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM):
Pregnancy, Childbirth & rupture occuring before term (earlier than 34 weeks)
3274 &
Puerperium complication- pulmonary hypoplasia (immaturity)
If Lecithin/Sphingomyelin ratio less than 2.0, use steroids like Betamethasone to enhance fetal lung maturity
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3275 & Fetal distress (repetitive late decelerations) is indication for emergent cesarean section
Group B Streptococcus(GBS) sceening is most accurate if performed 3-5 weeks prior to the estimated
Obstetrics delivery date.[Exceptions to universal screening include a hx of GBS bacteriuria at any point during current
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3277 & pregnancy or invasive early-onset GBS disease in a prior child. These high-risk pts should receive
Gynecology intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis(IAP) as their urogenital tract colonization is more likely to persist & spread
to the newborn]. Penicillin is prophylactic agent of choice
Etiologies of *fetal growth restriction (weight <10th percentile)* include maternal vascular
Pregnancy, Childbirth & disease(*HTN*,preeclampsia,diabetes), fetal anomalies, aneuploidy, intrauterine infection, & substance
3279 &
Puerperium abuse. *Hypertension is a risk factor for asymmetric fetal growth restriction* secondary to uteroplacental
Symmetric growth restriction(fetal factors): Usually caused by fetal anomalies, abnormal fetal karyotype,
Obstetrics *intrauterine infection*
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3280 &
Gynecology Asymmetric fetal growth restriction(maternal factors): appears later in pregnancy. Caused by maternal
vascular disease, including HTN, diabetes, & smoking
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Oligohydramnios is a common complication of late-term(beyond 41 weeks) and postterm(>42 weeks)
3281 &
Puerperium pregnancies
In the immediate postpartum period, a low-grade fever, leukocytosis & vaginal discharge are normal
Pregnancy, Childbirth & findings. Intrapartum & postpartum chills are also common. The vaginal discharge (lochia) is initially bloody,
3337 &
Puerperium then serous & finally white to yellow in color days following delivery. If a foul smelling lochia is noted,
endometritis should be suspected.
Obstetrics Eclampsia is the mcc of new onset seizures in a pregnant pt. Additional manifestations include HTN,
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3510 & proteinuria, headache, & visual changes(blurry vision,photopobia,loss of vision). During the postictal phase
Gynecology of an eclamptic seizure, pts are typically fatigued & sleepy
Intermittent variable decelerations do not require intervention. Recurrent variable decelerations require
evaluation & maternal intrauterine resuscitative measures
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3869 & Amnioinfusion: entails instilling fluid back into the uterine cavity thru catheter to decrease symptomatic cord
Gynecology compression. May be indicated for recurrent variable decelerations, a potential sign of fetal acidemia
Pregnant women w/ a current or previous dx of anorexia nervosa are at risk for giving birth to premature
Obstetrics infants,*small for gestational age infants(due to IUGR)* or both, miscarriage, hyperemesis gravidarum,
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
3953 & premature birth, cesarean delivery, & postpartum depression. Children born to anorexic mothers suffer from
Gynecology poor growth & intellectual impairment.
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Low back pain is very common in 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Caused by the increase in *lumbar lordosis* &
4050 &
Puerperium the relaxation of the ligaments supporting the joints of the pelvic girdle
Epidural anesthesia->blood redistribution to the lower extremities & venous pooling from sympathetic
Pregnancy, Childbirth & High spinal/total spinal:Complication of epidural anesthesia.Local anesthesia ascends toward the head
4146 &
Puerperium resulting in depression of cervical spinal cord & brainstem activity.Sx-hypotension,bradycardia,respiratory
difficulty & later diaphragmatic paralysis,cardiopulmonary arrest
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Serum BUN & creatinine are usually decreased in pregnant pts due to an increase in renal plasma flow &
4148 &
Puerperium GFR
Klumpke palsy(extended wrist,hyperextended mcp joints,flexed interphalangeal joints,absent grasp
reflex):potentially permanent complication of shoulder dystocia.*Injury to 8th cervical & 1st thoracic
nerves*->hand paralysis & ipsilateral Horner syndrome(ptosis,miosis)
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4198 &
Puerperium Perinatal asphyxia:from compromised placental/pulmonary gas exchange.Severe hypoxia->poor
perfusion/acidosis initially in peripheral tissues followed by brain
Obstetrics All pregnant women should have oral glucose tolerance test at 24-28 weeks gestation
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4529 &
Gynecology High risk sexually active women(including pregnant women) should be screened for gonorrhea
Hemoglobin electophoresis rec. for pts at high risk for transmitting a hemoglobinopathy based on family
All pregnant women should be screened for syphilis (w/*RPR* or VDRL), HIV, & hepatitis B, regardless of
Pregnancy, Childbirth & risk factors. Screening for chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis C is based on pt's risk factors.
4530 &
Unlike in children, lead-based paint is not an important exposure source for pregnant women
Breast engorgement is common 3-5 days after delivery when colostrum is replaced by milk. Sx include
Obstetrics breast fullness, tenderness, & warmth, w/o fever. Improvement is expected as breastfeeding is established
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4666 &
Gynecology Lochia refers to vaginal discharge containing blood & mucus & is normal up to 6-8 weeks postpartum.
Heavy bleeding that soaks >2 pads per hour is considered excessive
The management of a stillbirth in a singleton pregnancy is delivery & all pts should be counseled on the risks
Pregnancy, Childbirth & & benefits of all delivery methods first. The timing of delivery is not urgent; immediate induction of labor is
4745 &
Puerperium unnecessary. Although a dead fetus can release thromboplastin & lead to coagulopathy, this is rare &
usually occurs after 4 weeks of retention
Pts w/ PPROM whos health records/group B streptococcus status is unknown should receive antibiotic
prophylaxis. *Penicillin* prophylaxis is 1st line. Alternative antibiotics include ampicillin, cefazolin,
Pregnancy, Childbirth & clindamycin, or vancomycin.
4757 &
If a woman is admitted to the hospital after 34 weeks gestation w/ PPROM, delivery is usually
recommended(risks of prematurity are diminished after this age)
Chronic htn:BP >140/90 prior to conception or 20 weeks gestation
Gestational htn:New onset elevated bp at >20 weeks gest. No proteinuria or end organ damage
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Preeclampsia:New onset elevated bp at >20 weeks gest. AND proteinuria/end-organ damage
4777 &
Eclampsia:Preeclampsia AND seizures
Chronic htn w/ superimposed preeclampsia: Chronic htn AND new onset proteinuria or worsening of existing
proteinuria at >20 weeks gestation OR sudden worsening of htn OR signs of end organ damage
*Hypertension is the most common risk factor for placental abruption.* Other complications of htn include
superimposed preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation/fetal growth restriction, preterm birth,
oligohydramnios & cesarean delivery
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4778 &
Puerperium Post-term birth (>42 weeks gestation) occurs in women w/ a personal or family hx
Risk factors for placenta previa include prior cesarean delivery, multiparity, multiple gestation, & advanced
maternal age
Preeclampsia w/ severe features:
They'll have new onset htn >140/90 at >20 weeks gestation plus proteinuria (protein/creatinine ratio >.3).
Look for facial swelling, creatinine >1.1 mg/dL, pitting edema in legs, pulmonary edema
Obstetrics Multiple gestation and nulliparity are risk factors
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4779 &
Gynecology Chronic htn: elevated bp <20 weeks gestation or prior to conception
Gestational htn: new onset elevated bp at >20 weeks gestation, no proteinuria or end organ damage
Pts presenting w/ preeclampsia w/ severe features who experience a hypertensive emergency in pregnancy:
Tx- hydralazine, labetalol, nifedipine for hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy. Magnesium sulfate given
Obstetrics to preeclamptic pts to prevent seizures
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4780 &
Gynecology Methyldopa- not used for hypertensive emergencies due to slow onset and sedative side effect
Sodium nitroprusside- last resort for htn due to cyanide forming as byproduct
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP): nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, elevations of liver markers in the
4781 &
Puerperium third trimester, leukocytosis, hypoglycemia, & acute kidney injury.
*Pulmonary edema is a life-threatening complication of severe preeclampsia*
Obstetrics Preeclamptic pts have generalized arterial vasospasm->increased systemic vascular resistance & high
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4782 & cardiac afterload->heart becomes hyperdynamic to try to overcome the systemic htn->pulmonary edema
Magnesium sulfate toxicity: neuromuscular depression,decreased respiratory effort/apnea, muscle
paralysis, somnolence, visual disturbances, & decreased/absent deep-tendon reflexes
when grand mal seizures occur in the setting of preeclampsia
Pregnancy, Childbirth & tx- magnesium sulfate
4783 &
Preeclamptic hypertensive emergency:
tx- Labetalol & hydralazine
Preeclampsia-eclampsia syndrome:
Pregnancy, Childbirth & tx- stabilize pt, initiate tx for seizure(w/ magnesium sulfate), & proceed w/ delivery
4784 &
Amniocentesis helps evaluate fetal lung maturity
Perform ultrasound in pts w/ hyperemesis gravidarum(severe vomiting & >5% weight loss of pre-pregnancy
Obstetrics weight)
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4789 & risk factors- Pregnant pts w/ increased placental mass (eg multifetal gestation, molar pregnancy). These pts
Gynecology have higher B-hCG levels due to increased placental mass.
tx- dietary modification, hydration, ginger, pyridoxine +/- doxylamine
gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM):
tx- initially dietary modifications
Pregnancy, Childbirth & failure to achieve glycemic control (glucose levels not within range of < 95 fasting or < 140 1hr or <120 2hr)
4793 &
Puerperium warrants pharmacotherapy with insulin or oral antidiabetic meds.
dont use older sulfonylureas during pregnancy. they cross placenta
Persistent maternal hyperglycemia can cause hyperviscosity due to polycythemia. Polycythemia dangerous
cuz viscous blood is at risk for sludging, ischemia, and infarction of vital organs.
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4794 & small left colon syndrom:
Gynecology occurs in infants of pregestational and gestational diabetic mothers
sx- transient inability to pass meconium
Inevitable,missed,& incomplete abortions can be managed surgically,medically,or expectantly.Although all 3
methods are effective,surgery achieves more complete evacuation than medical or expectant
Obstetrics management.In the case of medical & expectant management,US is generally performed to confirm that
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4803 & there are no retained products of conception
Oxytocin is used to augment labor,tx postpartum hemorrhage,& expel retained fetus following fetal demise
in late 2nd or 3rd trimester
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Threatened abortion:
4804 &
Puerperium sx- hemorrhage occuring before 20th week of gestation, closed cervix
Obstetrics Reassurance and outpatient follow up is the standard of care for threatened abortion
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4805 &
Gynecology Methotrexate used to terminate pregnancy. Used for ectopic pregnancy.
Uterine atony: *mcc (80%) of postpartum hemorrhage within 24 hours of delivery*
sx- soft, "boggy" poorly contracted uterus
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Risk factors- multiple gestation, polyhydramnios, macrosomia) & uterine fatigue (prolonged labor)
4808 &
Inverted uterus: Firm mass below/near the cervix. Inversion can occur before or after placental separation.
Forceful traction on the umbilical cord to remove placenta/abnomally adherent placenta are potential causes
Obstetrics Mcc of excess postpartum blood loss is uterine atony
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4809 & Treat Uterine atony w/ uterotonic agents such as *oxytocin*, which will control bleeding within 10-40 minutes
Gynecology after administration
Active/untreated TB, HIV, active illicit drug & alcohol abuse are contraindications to breastfeeding. Hepatitis
B & C are not considered contraindications & moms w/ these conditions should be encouraged to
Obstetrics breastfeed. Galactosemia is the only condition in the infant which is an absolute contraindication to
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4892 & breastfeeding
Women w/ H1N1 or other strains of influenza should be separated from their infants while febrile but should
be encouraged to pump
Obstetrics Risk factors for cervical insufficiency (cervical incompetence):
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4915 & prior gynecological surgery esp a LEEP procedure or cone biopsy of cervix, prior obstetrical trauma, multiple
Gynecology gestation, mullerian anomalies, hx of preterm birth or a second trimester pregnancy loss
Obstetrics Transvaginal ultrasound:
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4916 & considered the "gold standard" for evaluating the cervix for possible cervical incompetence. It's used to look
Gynecology for the presence of funneling of cervix or shortening of cervical length.
African American boys are at increased risk for fetal macrosomia,which is a risk factor for shoulder
dystocia.Excessive traction on the neck during a delivery can result in Erb-Duchenne palsy & the
Obstetrics characeristic "waiter's tip" posture.*Fortunately,most infants recover arm function spontaneously within a
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
8868 & few months*
Intracranial hemorrhage:potential complication of vaccum use that can cause upper motor neuron injury
leading to decreased arm movement,hyperreflexia,& hypertonia
Ruptured ectopic pregnancy: lightheadedness, diffuse abdominal pain, adnexal tenderness, & hemodynamic
Obstetrics instability
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
8945 &
Gynecology Lower abdominal discomfort, constipation, & nausea are common sx of normal pregnancy.[On the other
hand, diffuse abdominal pain plus adnexal & cervical motion tenderness are not normal]
Early decelerations are caused by fetal head compression leading to a vagal response & do not indicate
Obstetrics fetal distress. In contrast, variable & late decelerations indicate risk for fetal hypoxemia & acidosis
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
8962 &
Gynecology Spontaneous fetal activity is often ass. w/ accelerations on fetal heart monitoring. Accelerations may also be
induced w/ stimulation of the fetal scalp. Accelerations generally indicate normal fetal oxygenation
Obstetrics Fetal heart decelerations during spontaneous or induced contractions are concerning for fetal compromise
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
9984 &
Gynecology Umbilical artery flow velocimetry has been shown to be beneficial in monitoring growth restricted fetuses
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Normal contraction test -> fetal compromise is unlikely -> repeat antepartum fetal testing(nonstress test &
9985 &
Puerperium biophysical profile or CST) 1 week later
Obstetrics *Cell-free fetal DNA testing* is a noninvasive & highly sensitive & specific screening test for fetal
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
10441 & aneuploidy(eg, Down syndrome). It can be ordered at >10 weeks gestation; abnormal results can be
Gynecology confirmed by chorionic villus sampling at 10-12 weeks or amniocentesis at 15-20 weeks
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Uterine inversion requires expedient *manual replacement of the uterus*. Placental removal & admin of
11947 &
Puerperium uterotonic drugs should be initiated only after the uterus is replaced
Uterine inversion:can result from excessive fundal pressure & traction on umbilical cord before placental
separation.The fundus collapses into endometrial cavity & prolapses thru the cervix, resulting in a
Pregnancy, Childbirth & smooth,round mass protruding thru cervix or vagina. The uterine fundus is no longer palpable
11948 &
Puerperium transabdominally.Severe pain & postpartum hemorrhage also present
Uterine atony:failure of uterus to contract & compress placental bed blood vessels after placental delivery
Obstetrics Placenta accreta: occurs when uterine villi attach directly to the myometrium. Placental adherence &
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
11963 & hemorrhage at the time of attempted placental delivery. RF- prior cesarean delivery, hx of dilation &
Gynecology curettage, advanced maternal age
Labor & vaginal delivery are contraindicated after a classic cesarean delivery or extensive myomectomy due
to significant risk of uterine rupture. Laboring pts at high risk of uterine rupture require *laparotomy &
Obstetrics delivery*
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
11966 &
Gynecology Amnioinfusion involves the placement of an intrauterine pressure catheter for an intrauterine infusion to
decrease umbilical cord compression & resolve variable decelerations. Amnioinfusion is contraindicated in a
pt w/ hx of uterine surgery
Placenta previa management: *Pelvic rest recommended*. Intercourse, digital cervical examination, &
vaginal delivery are contraindicated
Pregnancy, Childbirth & Cerclage:procedure involving a suture or synthetic tape to reinforce the cervix in pts w/ hx of 2nd trimester
11969 &
Puerperium deliveries or a short cervical length at 16-23 weeks gestation
Doppler ultrasound:can evaluate for vasa previa(often ass. w/ resolved placenta previa). Also used in
surveillance of fetal growth restriction
Subserosal/pedunculated *uterine leiomyomata* cause bulk-related sx(pelvic pressure,*sensation of
incomplete voiding*,constipation.Leiomyomata cause *irregularly enlarged uterus* & *size date discrepancy*
during pregnancy.Pt will have hx of heavier,longer menses w/ pelvic pressure suggesting a condition
Obstetrics predating current pregnancy
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
11998 &
Gynecology Complete molar pregnancy:vaginal bleeding,hyperemesis gravidarum,diffusely enlarged uterus w/ regular
Endometriosis:immobile uterus
Chorioamnionitis: look for fetal tachycardia(baseline heart rate >160/min), & maternal fever. It's ass. w/
prolonged rupture of membranes(>24 hours). Foul-smelling amniotic fluid also present. Tx-broad spectrum
Obstetrics iv abx to tx mom & fetus
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
12015 &
Gynecology Fetal anemia presents w/ sinusoidal fetal heart tracing, a smooth, undulating waveform w/ no variability
Endometriosis:can be found incidentally during unrelated surgery.Findings-adhesions,powder-burn
lesions,nodules,"chocolate cysts."Asymptomatic pts don't require tx;simply *observe* for development of
future sx & initiate tx as needed
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
12087 &
Puerperium Conservative tx of symptomatic endometriosis includes NSAIDs,oral contraceptives,or progesterone
IUD(copper IUD has no effect on endometriosis)
Internal podalic version is performed to facilitate the breech extraction of a malpresenting second twin but
Obstetrics isn't used in the management of a singleton fetus in transverse lie
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
12117 &
Gynecology Although placenta previa is a contraindication to vaginal delivery, a placenta >2 cm from the cervical os is
Difficult labor due to fetal macrosomia & postpartum hemorrhage seen in diabetic pts
Renal colic: flank pain that radiates to the groin w/ microscopic hematuria. Ultrasound of the kidneys &
pelvis is rec to evaluate renal colic in pregnant pts. Low dose CT urography may be considered only in the
Renal, Urinary Systems & second & third trimesters
4294 &
If a pregnant pt w/ kidney stones fails to improve w/ conservative measures, ureteroscopy or nephrostomy
may be considered
Obstetrics Risk factors that increase the likelihood of osteoporosis include advanced age, thin body habitus, cigarette
4122 & smoking, *excessive alcohol consumption*, corticosteroid use, menopause, malnutrition, family hx of
& Sports
Gynecology osteoporosis, & Asian or Caucasian ethnicity
Social Sciences A pregnant woman who has capacity has the right to refuse treatment, even if it places her unborn child at
3748 &
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) risk
Genetic B-cell deficiency/Defect in B lymphocyte maturation:
2134 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology sx- hx of Giardia, recurrent sinopulmonary infections after 6 months of age (w/ H.influenzae and S.
Hereditary angioedema presents in late childhood. Episodes usually follow an infection, dental procedure, or
2769 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology trauma. C1q levels are normal in hereditary angioedema & depressed in acquired forms, which usually
present much later in life(age >30). C4 levels are depressed in all forms of angioedema
Bruton (x-linked/XLA) agammaglobulinemia:serum immunoglobulins(IgG,IgA,IgM,IgE) & B cell concentration
will be low!Recurrent sinopulmonary(acute otitis media,pneumonia) & gi(salmonella,campylobacter) infections
3195 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology Common variable immunodeficiency:low serum Ig's. NORMAL B cell concentrations!
Low serum IgG levels after age 6 mo is termed transient hypogammaglobulinemia of infancy as it resolves
by age 12 months
SCID: recurrent bacterial, viral, & fungal infections. Absent lymph nodes & tonsils, lymphopenia, absent
thymic shadow on chest x-rays, & abnormal T,B, & natural killer cell enumeration by flow cytometric analysis
3197 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology Bruton's agammaglobulinemia:Recurrent pyogenic infections,begin after 6-9 months of life.Decreased
serum IgG,IgA,IgM & IgE w/ absent/decreased B cells on smear
CVID:similar to Bruton's but less severe sx,age 15-35 years, No absence or decrease in number of B cells
Chronic granulomatous diseas: recurrent/unusual lymphadenitis, hepatic abscesses, osetomyelitis at
3198 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology multiple sites, infections w/ catalase-positive organisms. Tx- Prevention of infection w/ daily TMP/SMX &
gamma-interferon three times a week. Bone marrow transplantation is experimental but curative.
"Herd immunity": the disease resistance of the majority confers protection upon the disease susceptible
3236 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
HBV vaccine can significantly decrease one's risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma, esp in regions like
3854 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
Asia and Africa
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency type 1: caused by deficient expression of CD18, as essential component of
certain integrins present on the surface of leukocytes
Chronic granulomatous disease: nitroblue tetrazolium test is negative (abnormal). The dihydrorhodamine
123 test is more sensitive & can quantify the severity of illness
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency: 'severe periodontal disease seen'. Marked leukocytosis w/ neutrophil
4143 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology predominance is common. Recurrent skin & mucosal bacterial infections (w/o purulence). Delayed umbilical
cord separation.
Diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis(DTaP) vaccine contains acellular pertussis antigens w/ diphtheria &
tetanus toxoid.[Acellular pertussis antigens have replaced previous killed whole-cell Bordetella pertussis
4258 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology formulation.Whole-cell pertussis component confers longer immunity but is ass. w/ severe neurologic
disorders(encephalopathy,seizures)]. Febrile seizures after DTaP vaccinations are rare.Personal/family hx
of febrile seizures isn't a contraindication to immunization
All vaccines should be administered according to chronologic rather than gestational age in preterm infants.
The only exception to scheduling vaccines by age is the hepatitis B vaccine, which should be administered
when the pt weights >2kg (4 lb 6 oz)
4479 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
Live attenuated vaccines can be safely administered to immunocompetent infants regardless of gestational
age. First dose of MMR is given around 1 year of age.
Chronic granulomatois disease:
4495 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
"neutrophils filled with bacteria" is a classic finding on gram stain
SCID presents in infancy w/ severe infections, failure to thrive, & chronic diarrhea. Absence of T
4762 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
cells(absent CD3+) & dysfunctional B cells(low CD19+) are diagnostic. Tx-urgent *stem cell transplantation*
*Rota virus vaccine is contraindicated in pts w/ hx of intussusception due to the risk of this side effect*
Live virus vaccines shouldn't be administered to pregnant women due to risk of fetal infection. However, live
8951 Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology
virus vaccinations can be safely administered to household contacts of pregnant women because the virus
is weak and not contagious. Vaccination of household contacts reduces the potential spread of infection to
pts who can't receive vaccinations
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF): presents w/ varying degrees of cyanosis depending on severity of right ventricular
outflow tract obstruction."Tet" spells(sudden hypoxemia & cyanosis) result from sudden spasm of right
2429 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System ventricular outflow tract during exertion. Murmur is typically a harsh crescendo-decrescendo systolic
murmur over the left upper sternal border, reflecting turbulence at the stenotic pulmonary artery. Tx Tet
spells w/ knee-chest positioning & inhaled oxygen
*Trisomy 18/Edward's syndrome: Ventricular septal defect*
Conotruncal abnormalities(Truncus arteriosus, Tetralogy of Fallot, interrupted aortic arch) are ass. w/
2468 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System CATCH-22 syndromes, including DiGeorge & velocardiofacial syndromes
Athletes w/o preexisting cardiac disease can develop fatal ventricular fibrillation after sudden blunt chest wall
trauma, also known as commotio cordis(commonly occurs during baseball)
2688 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
Long QT syndrome(LQTS) is an inherited cause of sudden cardiac death but HCM is a more common
cause of sudden cardiac death
In pts w/ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(HCM), maneuvers that increase preload or afterload (eg, squatting,
leg raise, hand grip) increase left ventricular (LV) cavity size & decrease outflow obstruction, thereby
2691 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System decreasing the intensity of the murmur. Maneuvers that decrease LV cavity size by decreasing preload (eg,
Valsalva, abrupt standing, amyl nitrate administration) cause worsening of LV outflow tract obstruction &
increase the intensity of the murmur
Pts w/ hx of rheumatic fever have an increased risk of recurrent episodes & progression of rheumatic heart
disease w/ repeated infection w/ group A Streptococcus pharyngitis. All such pts should receive continuous
2712 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
abx prophylaxis to prevent recurrent group A Streptococcus pharyngitis & limit the progression of rheumatic
heart disease. The preferred regimen is admin of intramuscular benzathine *penicillin* G every 4 weeks
Kawasaki disease: aspirin & IV immunoglobulin can reduce incidence of complications such as coronary
artery aneurysms
Scarlet fever: potential complication of untreated streptococcal pharyngitis, tonsillar exudates present, rash
3079 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
has sandpaper texture & spares the palms & soles
Rocky Mountain spotted fever: rash on palms & soles, best tx w/ doxycycline for 5-7 days. Headache & GI
sx are prominent features
*Complete AV septal defect*:most common heart defect w/ Down syndrome.Features-heart failure in early
infancy,systolic ejection murmur due to increased pulmonary flow from atrial septal defect & holosystolic
murmur due to VSD
3539 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
Symptomatic Ebstein anomaly:cyanosis & heart failure due to severe tricuspid regurg.Auscultation-widely
split S1 & S2 sounds + loud S3 &/or S4 & holosystolic or early systolic murmur at left lower sternal border
Truncus arteriosus is strongly ass. w/ DGS. Lymphopenia(not neutropenia) is also a feature of DGS
3545 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System Down syndrome pts at risk for duodenal atresia
Congenital rubella syndrome pts have congenital heart disease & thrombocytopenia
Folic acid antagonists (eg,phenytoin, methotrexate) increase the risk of neural tube defects & possibly
cardiac anomalies & oral clefts
Fibromuscular dysplasia:
3866 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System Mcc of secondary htn in children(can present as new onset htn in children). Bruit or venous hum may be
heard at the costovertebral angle. Angiogram reveals the "string of beads" sign
Prolonged QT intervals caused by meds,electrolyte
derangements(hypocalcemia,hypokalemia,hypomagnesemia),& inherited(Jervell & Lange-Nielsen
syndrome;family hx of sudden death,congenital sensorineural deafness,due to molecular defects in K*
3910 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
channels).Pt's w/ congenital long QT intervals at risk for syncope,ventricular arrhythmias & sudden cardiac
death.Avoid electrolyte derangements & meds that block K+ channels. *B-blockers w/ pacemaker
placement prevents cardiac arrest*
Ventricular septal defect murmur: harsh, holosystolic murmur best heard at the left lower sternal border.
3990 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System *Echocardiography* should be performed to determine location & size of defect & to rule out other defects.
Most small ventricular septal defects close spontaneously & require no treatment
Tricuspid valve atresia:left axis deviation on ecg,decreased pulmonary markings on chest radiograph due to
hypoplasia of right ventricle & pulmonary outflow tract,family hx of congenital heart disease. Ass. ASD &
VSD necessary for survival->tall peaked P waves on ECG & holosystolic murmur loudest at left lower
3991 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System sternal border
Total anomalous pulmonary venous return:Right atrium receives blood from pulmonary & systemic venous
systems->right atrial & ventricular enlargement
Transposition of the great vessels:
Most common congenital cyanotic heart defect in neonatal period. Presents in the first few hours of life w/
cyanosis, a single loud second heart sound, & a narrow mediastinum "egg on a string" on x-ray
4260 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System
tx- prostaglandins to optimize intra-circulatory mixing
Tetralogy of Fallot is the mcc of cyanotic heart disease after the neonatal period
Vascular rings:Presents before age 1 year. Encircles trachea &
esophagus.Respiratory(stridor,wheezing,cough) & esophageal(dysphagia) sx.Stridor improves w/ neck
extension.Sx do not improve w/ corticosteroids,racemic epinephrine,or bronchodilators. Ass. w/ cardiac
4497 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System abnormalities.Tx-surgical correction
Strep.pharyngitis uncommon in kids <3 yrs(fewer epithelial cell attachment sites in throat->Acute rheum.
fever less likely)
Patent ductus arteriosus: ass. w/ continuous flow murmur(listen to sound). Small PDAs are often
asymptomatic & detected incidentally on routine cardiac auscultation
4912 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System Endocardial cushion defect is often ass. w/ Down syndrome
Williams syndrome: ass. w/ several cardiac abnormalities including supravalvular aortic stenosis, pulmonary
stenosis, or septal defects
Coarctation of aorta:imp cause of peds HTN.Results from *thickening of tunica media of aortic arch* near
ductus arteriosus & can lead to upper extremity HTN & lower extremity hypoperfusion.[Severe aortic
11968 Pediatrics Cardiovascular System narrowing makes systemic blood flow dependent on ductus arteriosus.As ductus begins to close,infants
develop heart failure w/ tachypnea,poor feeding,fussiness,lethargy.Also @ risk for shock->prolonged
capillary refill,met acid,decreased renal perfusion & renal output]
Allergic contact dermatitis: erythema, edema, pruritus, tiny vesicles & weepy/crusted lesions 24-48 hours
2756 Pediatrics Dermatology
after contact w/ allergen. It's due to *cell-mediated* (delayed, type IV) hypersensitivity.
Eczema herpeticum: potential complication of severe atopic dermatitis. Superinfection w/ herpes simplex
virus can cause a vesicular eruption on preexisting inflamed skin. Fever & pain often seen
Erythroderma (exfoliative dermatitis): these pts have erythema & scaling in >90% of the body. Bright red
2758 Pediatrics Dermatology
patches coalesce & gradually peel
Seborrheic dermatitis/"cradle cap" in infants: Adherent greasy scales w/ a mildly erythematous base seen
on the scalp
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome(SSSS): caused by exfoliative toxin-producing strains of S.aureus.
Starts w/ a prodrome of fever, irritability, & skin tenderness, which is followed by generalized erythema &
2778 Pediatrics Dermatology superficial flaccid blisters w/ a positive Nikolsky sign. Scaling & desquamation follow, before resolution of the
disease process. SSSS usually affects children below age 10, but adults w/ kidney disease or immune
compromise may also be affected
Erythema toxicum neonatorum: ("toxicum" is a misnomer since rash is benign)
benign neonatal rash, asymptomatic blanching erythematous papules/pustules. Common in full term
neonates. Can occur anywhere on the body except the palms and soles.
3122 Pediatrics Dermatology
Tx- Reassurance. It resolves spontaneously 2 weeks after birth
Nevus simplex: blanchable, pink-red patches occuring on eyelid & midline of nape of neck. Present at birth
and fade by age 1-2
Tinea corporis "ringworm": Lesions are pruritic, erythematous, scaly, & have a red ring w/ central clearing.
4704 Pediatrics Dermatology Seen in hot, humid climates. Exposure to infected animals, people, & public places(swimming pool) are risk
factors.Common in preadolescents.Tx w/ topical antifungals like *Terbinafine*
Seborrheic dermatitis: common pediatric skin condition. Papular scaly rash that affects eyebrows, nasolabial
4711 Pediatrics Dermatology folds & scalp. In infants, if often begins on the scalp & is called cradle cap. Tx-moisturizers, antifungals, &
topical steroids
Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP): IgA-mediated *vasculitis* of childhood, palpable purpura on the lower
extremities, abdominal pain, arthralgias, & renal involvement. Typically follows a minor infection. Normal
platelet count
7764 Pediatrics Dermatology
Purpura fulminans: life threatening condition seen w/ bacterial infections (eg, Neisseria meningitidis,
Streptococcus pneumoniae) that presents w/ blue or black hemorrhagic, purpuric lesions. Pts are very ill w/
fever, hypotension, & evidence of DIC
Tinea capitis: occurs in children
sx- scaly, erythematous patch that can progress to alopecia, sometimes w/ inflammation, lymphadenopathy,
and scarring, postauricular lymphadenopathy. Black dot tinea capitis is common in african americans
dx- confirmed w/ potassium hydroxide
10553 Pediatrics Dermatology tx- oral griseofulvin
Alopecia areata: smooth & discrete circular areas of hair loss w/o scaling
Acute otitis media(AOM):otalgia(earache),middle ear effusion & signs of eardrum inflammation(BULGING
EARDRUM,fever).Fluid in middle ear space limits eardrum mobility on pneumatic insufflation
Tympanocentesis & culture during myringotomy w/ tympanostomy tube placement should be considered in
childen w/ multiple episodes of AOM despite abx tx
*Deficiency of 21-hydroxylase: you get increased 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels*
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3600 Pediatrics
17a-hydroxylase deficiency: Male pts usually appear phenotypically female & are raised as girls
Congenital hypothyroidism:
infants initially appear normal at birth but eventually develop apathy, weakness, hypotonia, large tongue,
sluggish movement, abdominal bloating, & umbilical hernia.
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3662 Pediatrics Wednig Hoffman syndrome:
degeneration of anterior horn cells. Causes floppy baby syndrome (other cause is infant botulism).
Malignant testosterone secreting hepatoblastomas are a rare cause of premature adrenarche & occur
Endocrine, Diabetes & almost exlusively in boys
3867 Pediatrics
The absence of thelarche (breast development) makes the ovaries an unlikely source of a childs premature
Gonadotropin dependent (central) precocious puberty:premature adrenarche(axillary & pubic
hair),premature thelarche(breast development),& advanced bone age.LH is elevated at baseline or after
stimulation w/ GnRH agonist.Tx-GnRH agonist therapy to prevent premature epiphyseal plate fusion &
Endocrine, Diabetes &
3875 Pediatrics maximize adult height potential
Pts w/ gonadotropin independent precocious puberty have low basal LH levels w/ no response to GnRh.Do
U/S to find peripheral source of sex hormone secretion
Late-onset (nonclassic) congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Gonadotropin-independent (peripheral) precocious
puberty, LH levels low at baseline & don't increase after stimulation w/ a GnRH agonist, advanced bone
Endocrine, Diabetes & age, accelerated linear growth, coarse axillary & pubic hair, severe cystic acne, normal electrolytes
4239 Pediatrics
Idiopathic precocious puberty: premature activation of hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis,occurs in girls,LH
elevated & increases w/ GnRH stimulation
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is characterized by an osmotic diuresis that *reduces total body K+ stores*
even though the serum K+ level may be elevated
Endocrine, Diabetes & DKA characterized by an increase in circulating free fatty acids due to an underlying relative excess of
4514 Pediatrics
Metabolism glucagon to insulin & consequent increase in lipolysis
In a DKA pt, hepatic gluconeogenesis is increased due to increased ratio of circulating glucagon to insulin &
increased circulating levels of catecholamines & cortisol
Constitutional growth delay: mcc of short stature & pubertal delay in adolescents. Puberty & adolescent
Endocrine, Diabetes & growth spurt are delayed, but eventually occur. Child will have a normal growth spurt & reach a normal adult
4830 Pediatrics
Metabolism height. If a 13 y/o boy comes in complaining of constitutional growth delay, schedule a *follow up visit in 6
Refeeding syndrome:potentially fatal complication of nutritional rehabilitation in anorexia
nervosa.Carbohydrate intake stimulates *insulin activity*,which in turn promotes cellular uptake of
phosphorus,potassium & magnesium.Clinical manifestations-arrhythmias & cardiopulmonary
Endocrine, Diabetes &
8871 Pediatrics failure(jvd,bibasilar lung crackles,increased pulse & respiratory rate)
Pts w/ anorexia nervoasa have euthyroid hypothyroxinemia(charac. by normal TSH & normal to decreased
serum T3 & T4)
1 amenorrhea:due to hypothalamic/pituitary(central) abnormalities or gonadal (peripheral)
abnormalities.*Measure FSH level*.Increased FSH(hypogonadotropic amenorrhea) indicates peripheral
cause,decreased FSH(hypogonadotropic amenorrhea) indicates central cause.If amenorrhea is of central
Female Reproductive
2388 Pediatrics origin,pituitary MRI is indicated to look for lesion in sella turcica. If amenorrhea is of peripheral
System & Breast
origin,karyotyping is next step
Primary dysmenorrhea:pelvic cramping during the first few days of menses in the context of a normal
physical exam.It's caused by increased prostaglandin release from endometrial sloughing during
menses.Tx-NSAIDs since they are prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors & decrease prostaglandin production
Female Reproductive
2395 Pediatrics
System & Breast Adenomyosis:dysmenorrhea in women age >35,bulky,globular & tender uterus
Mullerian agenesis(Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome):failure of mullerian ductal system to
differentiate into uterus,cervix,upper vagina.Pts don't menstruate due to congenitally absent or
Female Reproductive underdeveloped uterus,cervix & upper vagina.Gonads(ovaries) & external genitalia(labia, clitoris) develop
3911 Pediatrics
System & Breast normally.Breast development & body hair growth is normal.Phenotypically & genotypically female
Intestinal malrotation can present w/ recurrent vomiting that is generally bilious. Upper gi series is the gold
2453 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
standard test for malrotation
Mesenteric adenitis:abdominal pain(often RLQ), abdominal guarding & tenderness.Can be mistaken for
appendicitis, identifiable on abdominal CT. No recurrent vomiting
Necrotizing enterocolitis(NEC):Increased gastric residual volume,vomiting,& ab distension in a preterm
neonate. Xray-*pneumatosis intestinalis (intramural air) & portal venous air*. Path involves combo of gut
2456 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition immaturity & exposure to bacteria from enteral feeds,leading to a cascade of inflammation & damage to
bowel wall.The premature intestinal mucosa has increased permeability & bacterial penetration.
Leukocytosis & met acidosis reflects inflammation & intestinal ischemia
Older children w/ recurrent intussusception:
2463 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition sx- sudden excruciating abdominal pain, child draws up their legs
suspect Meckel's diverticulum as cause
Milk-or soy-protein proctocolitis:exclusive to infants,suspect it when a well-appearing neonate has painless
bloody stools & severe reflux or vomiting. Eczema may also be present. Rectal bleeding stops within 2
weeks of eliminating dietary dairy & soy products
2464 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Bacterial colitis: when bloody diarrhea is accompanied by fever, decreased appetite, & irritability. Rare in
breastfed infants due to lack of exposure to contaminated foods or animals
Malrotation w/ midgut volvulus presents in neonates w/ bilious vomiting & ab distension. Untreated volvulus
can progress to frank bowel ischemia, bloody stools, & perforation.
2465 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Dx-An *Upper GI contrast study* is the gold standard for dx malrotation.
Tx-Ladd procedure fixes bowel in non-rotated position to minimize recurrent volvulus risk
Cystic fibrosis: meconium ileus, meconium thick & difficult to propel, microcolon
Necrotizing enterocolitis:newborn w/ feeding intolerance,ab distension,bloody
stools.RF-prematurity,HYPOTENSION,CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE eg truncus arteriosus(congenital
heart disease & hypotension both causes reduced mesenteric perfusion).Xray-pneumatosis
intestinalis(google image!)
2474 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Symptomatic disease due to C diff is rare in 1st year of life
Malrotation w/ midgut volvulus xray: gasless abdomen due to obstruction involving duodenum
Jaundice is the 1st sign of biliary atresia. The obstructed biliary tract can't transport bile to the intestine,
resulting in hepatic bile retention (cholestasis), direct hyperbilirubinemia, & jaundice
Galactosemia can cause hyperbilirubinemia but also feeding intolerance (eg, vomiting, diarrhea)
2475 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Newborns of mothers w/ blood group O- or Rh-negative are at risk for hemolytic anemia & severe
Breastfed infants have *decreased risk of developing otitis media*;respiratory, gastrointestinal,& utis; and
necrotizing enterocolitis. They also have lower rates of type 1 diabetes mellitus & childhood cancer.
Only absolute contraindication to breastfeeding is galactosemia
2478 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Breast feeding benefit for mom is reduced risk of breast & ovarian cancer.
Only contraindication for this is if mom has untreated tb, hiv infection, abuses street drugs or alcohol
Preterm infants(eg,baby born at 34 weeks gestation) are at increased risk for iron deficiency anemia. *Iron
supplementation* should be started at birth in exclusively breastfed preterm infants & continued until age 1
year. *All exclusively breastfed infants should also be started on vitamin D supplementation*
2479 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
American Academy of Peds recommends exclusive breastfeeding until age 6 months given that earlier intro
of solid foods is ass. w an increase in GI infections
[Thiamine deficiency ass. w/ infantile & adult beriberi]
Infantile beriberi-appear @ age 2-3 mo, fulminant cardiac syndrome w/ cardiomegaly, tachycardia,
cyanosis, dyspnea, & vomiting
2480 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition [Adult beriberi charac. as dry or wet]
Dry beriberi-symmetrical peripheral neuropathy accompanied by sensory & motor impairments, esp at distal
Biliary cysts(or choledochal cyst) are congenital or acquired dilatations of the biliary tree. They may be
single or multiple, & extrahepatic or intrahepatic. Abdominal pain, jaundice, & a palpable mass are
characteristic findings. Biliary cysts(can transform into cholangiocarcinoma) require surgical excision(relives
2945 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
the obstruction & reduces risk of malignancy)
Biliary atresia presents in early infancy w/ obstructive jaundice & acholic stools & is fatal w/o intervention
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:
causes gastric outlet obstruction
Risk factors- first born boy, erythromycin, formula feeding
3078 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition sx- projectile nonbilious emesis, olive shaped abdominal mass, poor weight gain, dehydration
lab- hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
diag. studies- abdominal ultrasound
tx- iv rehydration, pyloromyotomy
Systemic carnitine deficiency (SCD) is an inherited defect in fatty acid oxidation. Sx-hypoglycemia,
3194 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition hyperammonemia, hypoprothrombinemia, & acute episodes of encephalopathy. Acyl-carnitine levels are
Management of Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis:
First you do *IV rehydration and normalization of electrolytes!*
Then you perform a pyloromytomy
3465 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition This decreases the risk of postoperative apnea.
Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: common in first born boys, begins around age 3-5 weeks,
projectile/nonbilious vomiting, palpable olive shaped mass, hypochloremic, hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome(BWS): macrosomia, macroglossia, umbilical hernia/omphalocele,
hemihyperplasia(eg,right upper & lower extremities larger than left extremities), & hypoglycemia. Child must
be closely monitored for development of Wilms tumor or hepatoblastoma w/ *serum a-fetoprotein,
3835 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
abdominal ultrasound, & renal ultrasound*.
[Don't confuse BWS w/ congenital hypothyroidism, which doesn't have macrosomia, hypoglycemia, &
Esophageal atresia w/ tracheoesophageal fistula: Newborn drools,chokes,coughs,regurgitates w/ initial
feeding attempts right after birth.Prenatal u/s shows polyhydramnios.Presence of enteric tube in proximal
3849 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition esophagus on x-ray & inability to pass feeding tube into stomach suggests esophageal atresia(google xray
image).Gastric fluid can reflux into distal esophagus thru fistula & into trachea/lungs,causing aspiration
pneumonia. Workup for VACTERL ass. should be considered
Choanal atresia: suspect in a well appearing infant w/ intermittent cyanosis & distress during feeding(or
anything that will keep infant's mouth closed) that is relieved by crying. Failure to pass a catheter thru the
nose into the oropharynx is suggestive of the dx. Condition may be isolated or part of CHARGE syndrome:
3872 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Coloboma, Heart defects, Atresia of the choanae, Renal anomalies, Growth impairment, and Ear
Breastfeeding failure jaundice tx: Optimize lactation & increase breastfeeding frequency
Neonates should breastfeed 8-12 times a day (every 2-3 hours) for >10-20 minutes per breast during the
first month of life
Rh-negative moms should receive Rho(D) immune globulin to prevent Rh-antibody hemolytic disease of
4818 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Milk protein allergy: painless rectal bleeding that resolves w/ elimination of dietary cow's milk. Exclusive to
infants & resolves by age 1
Pellagra:deficiency of niacin(vit B3),seen in pts w/ bowel disease that inferferes w/ vitamin
absorption(ulcerative colitis),GI complaints(nausea,ab pain,epigastric discomfort),glossitis(beefy red
tongue),watery diarrhea,dermatitis in sun exposed areas & resembles a sunburn,rash progresses,skin
4839 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
becomes hyperpigmented & thickened,poor concentration,irritability,aggressiveness,& dementia
Necrotizing enterocolitis: abdominal distension, bloody stools, vital sign instability in premature infants.
Pneumatosis intestinalis on xray.
4925 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Moderate to severe dehydration in children should be tx w/ an *IV bolus of isotonic fluid*
Physiologic Gastroesophageal reflux is extremely common in infants due to their shorter esophagus,
incomplete closure of the lower esophageal sphincter, and greater time spent in the supine position. Parents
4926 Pediatrics Gastrointestinal & Nutrition should be reassured and advised to hold the infant upright after feeds.
Intraosseous(IO) lines can be placed rapidly when emergency access is necessary & peripheral access
can't be obtained.Intraosseous access can be performed w/ less required skill and practice than central
venous access. Common site for IO access is the proximal tibia.Contraindications to IO placement include
3418 Pediatrics General Principles
infection over access site, fractures or previous IO attempts in chosen extremity or bone fragility
Arterial lines used for continuous BP monitoring & to draw lab studies
6 month old infant should be able to sit momentarily on propped hands, transfer objects from hand to hand,
4199 Pediatrics General Principles
and respond to name. Stranger anxiety also develops at this age
9 month old child:
should babble, use mama/dada, respond to her own name. If pt babbled before but stopped doing so and
4823 Pediatrics General Principles
has hx of otitis media, we worry about potential hearing problem. An audiology evaluation should be done
Healthy infants normally lose up to 7% of birth weight in the first 5 days of life. No tx is required, & exclusive
breastfeeding should be continued. Birth weight should be regained by age 10-14 days
Dry,flaky peeling skin of the hands & feet is expected in newborn as the skin adjusts to the dry extrauterine
7726 Pediatrics General Principles
Pink stains or "brick dust" in neonatal diapers represent uric acid crystals. Commonly seen during 1st week
as mother's milk is coming in
Stroke is a common complication of sickle cell disease secondary to sludging & occlusion in the cerebral
Exchange transfusion is the recommended treatment acutely since it helps to decrease the percentage of
2253 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology sickle cells & prevent a second infarct from occurring.
Don't rule out stroke even if CT is negative because its difficult to detect stroke in the first few hours on a CT
Fibrinolytic therapy, heparin, & warfarin are helpful for a true thrombus(not sludge)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia:
predominantly a disease of children. Pts present w/ infections, lymphadenopathy, & splenomegaly. Anemia.
neutropenia, & thrombocytopenia.
TdT positive. TdT is expressed only by pre B and pre T lymphoblasts
2867 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
Auer rods seen in AML
Presence of Howell-Jolly bodies suggests splenectomy or functional asplenia
3647 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
Heinz bodies seen in pts w/ hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency & thalassemia
Benign astrocytomas are the most common CNS tumor in children!
Sickle cell disease path:point mutation resulting in substitution of valine for glutamic acid
Sickle cell trait:
3787 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology pts lead normal, healthy lives.
sx- painless hematuria
Diamond blackfan syndrome (DBS): macrocytic pure red aplasia ass. w/ short stature, webbed neck, cleft
lip, shielded chest & triphalangeal thumbs. tx- corticosteroids. Transfusion for unresponsive pts
Transient erythroblastopenia of childhood: pure red cell aplasia w/o macrocytosis. No ass. congenital
In pts w/ sickle cell disease, acute severe anemia(severe drop in hemoglobin) w/ low or absent
reticulocytes(reticulocytes <1%) is consistent w/ an aplastic crisis.[Aplastic crisis in sickle cell disease differs
from aplastic anemia]
ITP:isolated thrombocytopenia
Avascular necrosis of the femoral head is seen in children w/ sickle cell disease and in Legg-Calve-Perthes
4249 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
LCP or idiopathic avascular necrosis of the femoral head, presents w/ limp or hip pain & is most common in
children age 4-12
In pts w/ sickle cell anemia (SCA), the *Howell-Jolly bodies* seen on peripheral smear reflect splenic
dysfunction(normally the spleen removes the Howell-Jolly bodies which are basically nuclear remnants).
Sickled red cells & polychromasia also seen. The pain crises due to SCA can be precipitated by hot summer
weather & dehydration
4340 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
Burr cells: spiculated rbcs, seen in uremia
Pappenheimer bodies:iron containing inclusion bodies found in rbcs, seen in sideroblastic anemia
Osteonecrosis (aka avascular necrosis):complication of sickle cell anemia due to vaso-occlusion of the
bone.Causes significant joint pain & functional limitation.Humerus & femer most frequently affected
Most bone & joint infections in pts w/ sickle cell disease caused by S. aureus & gram-negative
4341 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
organisms,like Salmonella
Charcot arthritis aka Charcot's joint or neurogenic arthropathy: joint destruction due to deterioration of
proprioception & pain/temperature sensation.
Sickle cell pts become hyposplenic at an early age due to splenic autoinfarction.They are susceptible to
S.pneumoniae,H.influenzae & N.meningitidis.Pneumococcal vaccination(*conjugated capsular
polysaccharide*)+penicillin prophylaxis can prevent all cases of pneumococccal sepsis in these pts.[Blood
transfusions don't decrease incidence of infection in pts w/ sickle cell anemia]
4342 Pediatrics Hematology & Oncology
Live vaccines:measles,mumps,rubella,chicken pox
Ewing sarcoma:osteolytic lesion w/ periosteal reaction that produces layers of reactive bone "onion skin"
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis in children should always be confirmed by rapid streptococcal antigen
testing or throat culture prior to initiation of antibiotics.
2193 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
GAS pharyngitis tx- Penicillin & amoxicillin
Epiglottitis:abrupt onset of fever,sore throat,dysphagia,and drooling.In unimmunized children,H.influenzae
type b is a likely cause.Airway obstruction is the most concerning potential complication(restlessness,
anxiety, impaired inspiration,& a muffled "hot potato" voice).Keeping the neck hyperextended provides some
2196 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Peritonsillar abscess:unilateral tonsillar swelling w/ uvular deviation
Always give epinephrine in cases of croup before intubation. Epinephrine decreases the need for intubation
in these pts.
2424 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
epinerphrine's alpha adrenergic effect helps the asthma by reducing bronchial secretions and mucosal
edema. It's beta adrenergic effect helps croup pts by promoting smooth muscle relaxation
Neonatal sepsis: temperature instability(fever or hypothermia), poor feeding, & lethargy. *Blood, urine, &
2428 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases CSF cultures should be obtained* before providing abx in most cases. Infants who are critically ill may
require abx before lumbar puncture
Measles(rubeola): cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, & Koplik spots(bluish-white lesions on buccal mucosa).
Reddish-brown rash appears on days 3-5 on the face & spreads downward to the rest of the body
Rocky Mountain spotted fever: the non-pruritic macular rash begins on the distal extremities (including
2431 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
palms/soles) & spreads centripetally
Hand foot mouth disease: vesicles on posterior oropharynx, hands, and/or feet
measles virus is spread only by humans and no other species
2782 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
bathing pts with chlorhexidine gluconate can reduce risk of bloodstream infections and colonization with drug
resistant organisms among critically ill pts
rubella pts have patchy erythema (Forschheimer spots) on the soft palate
Newborns of mothers w/ active hepatitis B infection should be passively immunized at birth w/ hepatitis B
2906 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
immune globulin followed by active immunization w/ recombinant HBV vaccine
3005 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases *Staphylococcus aureus* is the mcc of osteomyelitis in both infants & children
3009 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Parotitis(painful bilateral parotid enlaregment) can occ
Vitamin A reduces the morbidity and mortality rates of pts w/ measles.
3077 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia can be seen w/ measles infection.
P. aeruginosa:
nosocomial situations, esp. in immunocompromised pts w/ nasal tubes & catheters
*Sickle cell trait ass. w/ decreased morbidity from Malaria*. Misshapen rbcs create suboptimal environment
for parasitic proliferation
Pts w/ past hx of malarial infection are at low risk for severe disease on reinfection due to partial immunity
3423 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Neisseria meningitides vaccination prevents infection from serogroups A,C,Y & W-135
Even though Campylobacter jejuni can cause bloody diarrhea, it doesn't cause thrombocytopenia
Meningococcal meningitis: mcc of bacterial meningitis in children & young adults. Fever, headache, neck
stiffness, altered mental status, & petechial or purpuric rash
3441 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
GBS mcc of meningitis in INFANTS. No rash
In an infant w/ meningococcemia (look for nuchal rigidity), watch out for Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome
3442 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases which is characterized by a sudden vasomotor collapse & skin rash (petechial & purpuric lesions) due to
adrenal hemorrhage
acute rheumatic fever(ARF):
systemic complication of pharyngitis(due to streptococcus pyogenes/group A steptococcus)
suspect in child with pericarditis (friction rub, diffuse ST elevations), chorea, subcutaneous nodules, &
elevated esr following hx of untreated sore throat and fever
3443 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
tx- 10 day course of oral penicillin recommended to prevent ARF
can cause vesicular pharyngitis (herpangia) in young children
Infectious mononucleosis:
caused by EBV
sx-exudative pharyngitis/tonsillitis, posterior or diffuse cervical lymphadenopathy, & fever
polymorphous, maculopapular rash develops after administation of amoxicillin or ampicillin
3444 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Herpangina: vesicles & ulcers on posterior oropharynx
Herpes gingivostomatitis: vesicles & ulcers on anterior oral mucosa & around mouth
Bordetella pertussis causes "whooping cough," which has 3 phases:cararrhal(resembles common
cold),paroxysmal,& convalescent.The paroxysmal phase is characterized by severe paroxysms of coughing
& posttussive emesis.Macrolide antibiotics are the 1st line tx
3458 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Parainfluenza is a common cause of laryngotracheobronchitis (croup) in children. "barky" cough &
inspiratory stridor
RSV mcc of bronchiolitis in children age <2 years. Fever, rhinorrhea, cough,& mild respiratory distress
Salmonella & Staph aureus are the mcc of osetomyelitis in pts w/ sickle cell disease. Although controversial,
more recent studies have shown that S. aureus is more common than Salmonella in children w/ sickle cell
E.coli & group B strep: casue septic arthritis & osetomyelitis in neonates. Group B strep. is responsible for
3571 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
osteomyelitis in children <1 year of age
Pseudomonal osteomyelitis:seen in diabetic pts & after puncture wounds of the foot
Septic arthritis:
sx- fever, acute joint pain, turbid synovial fluid, inability to bear weight ass. w/ marked leukocytosis and
3577 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases elevated ESR
can result in permanent joint destruction
tx- emergency surgical drainage and intravenous antibiotics
Heterophile antibody test (monospot) is a rapid and specific diagnostic test for EBV induced infectious
Enterobius vermicularis: Tx-Albendazole OR pyrantel pamoate(for pregnant pts)
Chagas disease: sx-cardiomyopathy, RBBB, megacolon, & megaesophagus. Benznidazole is the 1st line tx
dexamethasone reduces risk of sensorineural hearing loss when H. influenzae type b is the cause
Lyme disease tx in children age <8: *Amoxicillin* or Cefuroxime
IV ceftriaxone reserved for Lyme meningitis & heart block, manifestations of early disseminated Lyme
3636 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Salmonella species & Staphylococcus aureus are the mcc of osteomyelitis in sickle cell pts in the US
Non-bullous impetigo: painful pustules, honey-crusted lesions; dx is clinical. Tx- *topical mupirocin* [antibody
titers can take weeks to rise & are not useful in acute illness. Culture of pustular fluid considered for pts who
fail empiric therapy]
3642 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Use anti-streptolysin O titers for pts who develop post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis & rheumatic fever
Bullous impetigo: flaccid bullae containing yellow fluid.Due to S aureus.Tx oral cephalexin, dicloxacillin, or
Universal maternal prenatal testing & tx for chlamydia are rec to prevent neonatal infection. ORAL
erythromycin is tx for neonatal chlamydia. [Erythromycin ophthalmic ointment can prevent neonatal
gonococcal but not chlamydial conjunctivitis]
3660 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Dacryostenosis:mcc of neonatal eye discharge due to poor drainage of tears thru nasolacrimal duct.
Benign.Gentle massage over nasolacrimal duct rec
Children who aren't immunized for H.influenzae type b at risk for meningitis,pneumonia,epiglottitis
3671 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Pregnant women w/ listeriosis have flulike sx eg-fever,body aches,fatigue prior to delivery
Neonatal chlamydial conjunctivitis:occurs at 5-14 days of life,eyelid swelling,chemosis,watery/mucopurulent
discharge.Blood stained eye discharge.Tx-*ORAL erythromycin*
3758 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Gonococcal conjunctivitis(ophthalmia neonatorum):Tx-ceftriaxone or cefotaxime[avoid ceftriaxone in infants
w/ hyperbilirubinemia since it displaces bilirubin from albumin binding sites,increasing risk of kernicterus]
P aeruginosa infection-occurs as early as infancy & is the mcc of CF related pneumonia in adolescents &
adults. Contributes to life-threatening decline of pulmonary function
Lyme disease prevention:
3900 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Pts traveling to tick infested areas should wear permethrin treated pants, long sleeved shirts, and apply
insect repellents to the skin, check body for ticks, & bath right after exposure to tick infested environment
Pertussis: suspect in an a pt w/ lapse in vaccinations(eg, its been 5 years since pt last received
vaccinations), w/ severe, paroxysmal cough, inspiratory whoop, or posttussive emesis. CBC shows a
3905 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases lymphocyte-predominant leukocytosis. During the first month of illness, the dx is confirmed by *cultures &/or
polymerase chain reaction* of nasopharyngeal secretions. Tx-Macrolide antibiotics(eg, azithromycin,
clarithromycin). They should be initiated w/o waiting for confirmatory dx
*Macrolides are the abx of choice for pertussis tx & post-exposure prophylaxis.* All close contacts should be
given a macrolide antibiotic regardless of age, immunization status, or sx.
3906 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases [Contacts age >1 month should receive azithromycin, erythromycin, or clarithromycin]
[Those age <1 month should receive only azithromycin for 5 days as erythromycin use in neonates is ass.
w/ pyloric stenosis & safety data of clarithromycin is not available]
Scarlet fever: fever,toxicity,pharyngitis,sandpaper-like rash, circumoral pallor & strawberry tongue.Caused
by strains of Group A streptococcus that produce erythrogenic exotoxins.Penicillin V is drug of choice.[In a
real clinical setting,it's difficult to distinguish scarlet fever from Kawasaki disease; however,a rapid response
3969 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
to penicillin therapy confirms dx of scarlet fever]
Toxic epidermal necrolysis:mucous membranes severely affected & shedding of nails may occur
Staphylococcus aureus is the mcc of bacterial pneumonia in young children w/ cystic fibrosis, esp w/
coexisting influenza infection.
tx- IV *Vancomycin* is tx of choice for severe pneumonia in this setting
4030 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases If sx don't improve, do bronchoscopy & bronchoalveolar lavage to identify bacteria flora of lungs
Signs of severe pneumonia- hypoxia, respiratory distress (eg, nasal flaring, retractions, grunting)
Immunocompetent pts who are asymptomatic & nonimmune should receive the varicella vaccine for
post-exposure prophylaxis within 3-5 days of exposure. Immunocompromised hosts who are asymptomatic
& nonimmune should receive varicella zoster immune globulin
4186 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Nonimmune neonates & immunocompromised pts should receive passive immunoprophylaxis w/ varicella
zoster immunoglobulin (VZIG) within 10 days of exposure
Erythromycin is among 1st line agents for treating streptococcal pharyngitis & mild community acquired
Acute unilateral cervical lymphadenitis:
sx- rapidly enlarging fluctuant cervical lymph nodes in children, caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal
tx- incision & drainage + Clindamycin (covers streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, & is effective against
4353 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
most strains of MRSA)
Although amoxicillin is effective for streptococcal infections, staphylocci produce beta lactamase which
makes penicillin/aminopenicillins ineffective. Amoxicillin poor choice for S. aureus!
4814 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases Raccoons are the most prevalent rabid animal in the US, esp on the east coast
Viral meningitis: Infants most commonly affected(incidence decreases w/ increasing age). CSF will show
lymphocytic predominance, normal to slightly elevated protein level, & normal glucose. CSF gram stain will
not show any organisms. MCC are the non-polio enteroviruses such as *echoviruses* & coxsackieviruses
4833 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
Bacterial meningitis caused by S.pneumoniae or N.meningitidis: CSF will show neutrophils, increased
protein, & decreased glucose. Gram stain will show bacteria
Acute, unilateral cervical lymphadenitis(enlarged,tender,erythematous lymph nodes) in children is usually
caused by bacterial infection. Most common pathogen is *S. aureus*,followed by group A strep.
4843 Pediatrics Infectious Diseases EBV presents w/ bilateral subacute-chronic lymphadenopathy along w/ systemic sx like fever, pharyngitis,
Myotonic dystrophy: occurs in teenage years, muscle weakness, myotonia, cataracts, & cardiac conduction
abnormalities, delayed muscle relaxation
Henoch-Schonlein purpura:common in children(esp. boys) age <15. Can occur after an URI.Palpable
purpura,hematuria,abdominal pain,arthralgias & scrotal swelling.Increased risk for ileo-ileal *intussusception*
(most cases of intussusception in children are ileo-colic)
3554 Pediatrics
(Multisystem) Increased incidence of colonic diverticula & abdominal wall/inguinal hernias seen w/ ADPKD
Meckel diverticulum: painless rectal bleeding in young children, ass. w/ an increased risk of recurrent
Serum creatine phosphokinase & aldolase levels are elevated in screening for muscular dystrophies.
3669 Pediatrics Fibrosis & fatty infiltration on calf muscle biopsy support the dx. *Genetic studies* are the gold standard for
confirmation(it'll show deletion of the dystrophin gene on Xp21)
Marfan syndrome: upward lens dislocation
Pts w/ Turner syndrome don't have any additional risk of breast cancer(Turner pts have low estrogen and
breast cancer is ass. w/ high estrogen levels)
Absence seizures Tx: ethosuximide or *valproate/valproic acid*
2279 Pediatrics Nervous System Prednisone can be used for tx of infantile spasms
Phenytoin is the initial drug of choice for partial seizures. Gabapentin is also effective
Complex partial seizure:
lasts for a few minutes,failure to respond to various stimuli during episode,staring spells, automatisms e.g.lip
smacking, swallowing, picking movements of the hand), & post-ictal confusion.EEG pattern is usually normal
or may show brief discharges
2280 Pediatrics Nervous System
Typical absence seizure:lasts for a few seconds, No post-ictal state,3Hz spike & wave pattern
Lennox Gastaut syndrome- seizures, in childhood, impaired cognitive function, slow spike&wave activity on
Friedreich Ataxia(FA): ass. w/ necrosis & degeneration of cardiac muscle fibers leading to
myocarditis(T-wave inversion seen), myocardial fibrosis & cardiomyopathy. Cardiac arrhythmia & CHF
2439 Pediatrics Nervous System
contribute to a significant number of deaths. *Genetic counseling is rec for prenatal dx for parents w/ one
affected child*
Fragile X syndrome: large head, long face, prominent forehead & chin, protruding ears, joint laxity, large
testes. Behavioral abnormalities like hyperactivity, short attention span, autism. Due to full mutation in
2441 Pediatrics Nervous System
FMR1 gene caused by increased number of CGG trinucleotide repeats accompanied by aberrant
methylation of the FMR1 gene
Long-term neurologic sequelae ass. w/ bacterial meningitis: hearing loss, loss of cognitive functions(due to
neuronal loss in the dentate gyrus of hippocampus), seizures, mental retardation, spasticity or paresis
2442 Pediatrics Nervous System Ceftriaxone use has been ass. w/ eosinophilia, thrombocytosis, leukopenia, bleeding, skin rash, & increased
creatinine, AST, ALT, & bilirubin levels
Alexia: acquired disorder of reading due to brain injury in a person who was previously literate
Cerebral palsy:
nonprogressive motor dysfunction
2443 Pediatrics Nervous System etiology- multifactorial, prematurity is leading risk factor
sx- hypertonia & hyperreflexia involving lower extremities w/ feet pointing down and inward (equinovarus
deformity). Resistance to passive muscle movement.
Fetal hydantoin syndrome:
sx- hypoplastic fingers/nails and cleft lip/palate
2444 Pediatrics Nervous System
phenytoin increases rate of fetal vitamin K degradation so pregnant women (who are on phenytoin during
their last trimester) are given prophylactic vitamin K to prevent neonatal bleeding
Niemann-Pick disease type A:sphingomyelinase deficiency,presents at age 2-6 months w/
AREFLEXIA,HEPATOSPLENOMEGALY,"cherry-red" macula & developmental milestone regression
2472 Pediatrics Nervous System Caput succedaneum: diffuse/ecchymotic swelling of scalp involving portion of head presenting during vertex
delivery. Extend across midline & suture lines
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome:variety of diff seizure types.Pts usually age <7 years & have coexisting mental
retardation (intellectual disability)
Sturge Weber syndrome:
presentation-mental retardation, port wine stain or nevus flammeus along trigeminal nerve
territory(represents a unilateral cavernous hemangioma)
sx- seizures, hemianopia, hemiparesis, hemisensory disturbance, ipsilateral glaucoma, gyriform intracranial
2763 Pediatrics Nervous System
tx- control seizures, reduce intraocular pressure, argon laser therapy to remove skin lesions
Glucose 6 phosphatase def:3-4 mo old,hypoglycemia,lactic acidosis,hyperuricemia,hyperlipidemia,doll
face(fat cheeks),thin extremities,short stature,protuberant abdomen(enlarged liver/kidneys),seizures
Galactosemia: *galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase deficiency* -> elevated blood levels of galactose.
Failure to thrive, bilateral cataracts, jaundice & hypoglycemia.Tx-elimination of galactose from the diet(early
tx reverses growth failure & organ dysfunctions,improve eyesight[cataracts may regress])
3193 Pediatrics Nervous System
Galactokinase deficiency:cataracts only
Uridyl diphosphate galactose-4-epimerase deficiency: Rare. Hypotonia & nerve deafness,in addition to sx of
transferase deficiency
Abusive head trauma(shaken baby syndrome): mcc of death from child abuse. Repetitive
acceleration-deceleration forces cause *shearing of the dural veins* & vitreoretinal traction. Seizures,
altered mental status, increasing head circumference, bilateral retinal hemorrhages
3396 Pediatrics Nervous System
Cortical dysplasia is a congenital abnormality of neurons that is a common seizure focus in children w/
Absence (petit mal) seizures are characterized by a sudden cessation of mental activity. An episode is very
short, but may occur repeatedly throughout the day. There are no ass complex automatisms or tonic clonic
activity. The dx is best confirmed by *EEG studies*
3514 Pediatrics Nervous System
EMG studies are used to diagnose peripheral nerve disorders. EMG is used to analyze the neuromuscular
system, differentiate diseases of the neuromuscular system from primary neuropathies
For symptomatic Neurofibromatosis type 1 pts, do MRI of brain and orbits. It's more sensitive and specific
than CT.
3550 Pediatrics Nervous System
NF1 tumor supressor gene; codes the protein neurofibromin
NF2 tumor suppressor gene; codes the protein merlin
Intraventricular hemorrhage:
sx- infant w/ seizures, bulging fontanel, focal neurologic signs
3657 Pediatrics Nervous System results from bleeding in the germinal matrix
seen in premature and low birth weight infants
it's asymptomatic so necessary to do transfontanel ultrasound for newborns w/ risk factors
Myotonic muscular dystrophy type 1 (Steinert disease): *autosomal dominant disorder*, facial weakness,
hand grip myotonia(delayed muscle relaxation;notable when pt unable to release hand after handshake),
3661 Pediatrics Nervous System
dysphagia(risk of aspiration pneumonia), foot drop, & cardiac conduction anomalies. Other problems include
cataracts, testicular atrophy/infertility, & baldness
Guillain-Barre syndrome:suspect in pt w/ ascending polyneuropathy after recent GI or respiratory infection.
3664 Pediatrics Nervous System Underlying pathology involves mainly the *peripheral motor nerves* (sensory & autonomic nerves may also
be affected)
*Intraventricular hemorrhage* is a common complication in premature & underweight neonates.
Accumulation of blood in the subarachnoid space can impair the ability of the arachnoid villi to absorb CSF,
3666 Pediatrics Nervous System resulting in communicating hydrocephalus. Affected neonates are at risk for permanent neurodevelopmental
problems & death. Prevention of preterm labor & antenatal admin of maternal corticosteroids can reduce
incidence of IVH & improve mortality
Over 90% of medulloblastomas develop in the vermis
3667 Pediatrics Nervous System
Cerebellar hemispheres are the site of astrocytoma & cerebellar abscess
sx- marfanoid features, along with intellectual disability, thrombosis, downward lens dislocation, fair complex
eg "child with fair hair and eyes, developmental delay, cerebrovascular accident"
Fabry disease:
3687 Pediatrics Nervous System
sx- angiokeratomas, peripheral neuropathy, corneal dystrophy. Pts can develop renal and heart failure &
risk for thromboembolic events
Krabbe disease:
sx- intellectual disability, blindness, deadness, paralysis, neuropathy, seizures
Neuroblastoma:Common in peds population.Arises from*neural crest cells*.Most common site is
abdomen(adrenals or retroperitoneal ganglia).Calcifications & hemorrhages on plain x-ray/CT scan.Levels of
serum & urine catecholamines & their metabolites(HVA & VMA) are elevated
3824 Pediatrics Nervous System Wilms' tumor arises from metanephros(precursor of renal parenchyma)
Gonococcal conjunctivitis: Copious purulent ocular drainage & eyelid swelling in a 2-5 day old newborn.
Prevent w/ topical erythromycin ointment within 1 hour of birth.
Conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis is milder & presents 5-14 days after birth
3329 Pediatrics Ophthalmology
Silver nitrate eye drops cause chemical conjunctivitis
Dacryostenosis: nasolacrimal duct obstruction, chronic unilateral tearing. Sx resolve w/ gental massage of
nasolacrimal sac
Every case of leukocoria(white reflex in the eye) is considered a retinoblastoma, until proven otherwise;
therefore, such cases should be promptly referred to an ophthalmologist. [Extremely high yield question!!!]
3681 Pediatrics Ophthalmology
Initial tx for strabismus in children involves covering the normal eye
Strabismus after age 4 months is abnormal and requires tx to prevent amblyopia. Asymmetric corneal light
reflections & deviation on cover test are concerning findings. Tx- Occlusion (patching) or penalization
(blurring) of the normal eye
White reflex on abnormal eye can result from opacities of the lens (eg, cataract), or tumor (eg,
3711 Pediatrics Ophthalmology
Quadrivalent meningococcal vaccination: administered at age 11-12 followed by booster dose at age 16 due
4531 Pediatrics Ophthalmology
to risk of college outbreaks.Children w/ asplenia,HIV & complement deficiency may be vaccinated as early
as 2
Rotavirus vaccine recommended at age 2-8 months as infants are at risk for dehydration from severe
*Bacterial sinusitis* is the most common predisposing factor for orbital cellulitis.
8784 Pediatrics Ophthalmology
Orbital cellulitis sx- proptosis, ophthalmoplegia, & diplopia
Caustic ingestions: Upper gi endoscopy is the dx study of choice to evaluate extent of injury
Poisoning &
2378 Pediatrics
Environmental Exposure All pts w/ persistent dysphagia or significant esophageal burns on endoscopy should undergo barium
contrast studies 2-3 weeks after ingestion to assess for esophageal strictures or pyloric stenosis
Children can confuse mom's pre-natal vitamins(bright colored iron pills) for candy and accidentally ingest
Poisoning & them -> Iron poisoning(abdominal pain,hematemesis, shock, metabolic acidosis)
2655 Pediatrics
Environmental Exposure Tx-*deferoxamine*
[Pre-natal vitamins rich in iron appear as radiopaque tablets on abdominal x-ray]
Acute iron poisoning:ab pain,hematemesis,metabolic acidosis.Severely affected pts get hypotensive shock
& anion-gap metabolic acidosis.Survivors at risk of gastric scarring.Iron is RADIOPAQUE & ingested tablets
can be seen on x-ray
Poisoning &
3827 Pediatrics Lead poisoning:chronic process,identified on lab screening.NOT corrosive to gastric mucosa
Environmental Exposure
Acute aspirin poisoning:tinnitus,fever,hyperpnea(resp alk),met acid
Dimercaprol plus calcium disodium edetate (EDTA) is used on an emergency basis for levels >70 ug/dL or
acute encephalopathy
Neonatal displaced clavicular fracture:
sx-crepitus over the clavicle, asymmetric moro reflex, crying/pain w/ passive motion of affected extremity
RF-fetal macrosomia(maternal diabetes,post term pregnancy), instrumental delivery(vacuum or forceps),
Pregnancy, Childbirth & shoulder dystocia.
2485 Pediatrics
Puerperium Management-most neonatal clavicular fractures heal spontaneously, so *provide parental reassurance &
guide them on gentle handling*
Maternal hyperglycemia is a significant risk factor for fetal macrosomia. Euglycemia during pregnancy is
Pregnancy, Childbirth &
4223 Pediatrics extremelly important to prevent perinatal & neonatal morbidity. Prophylactic cesarean section & induction of
labor have not been consistently shown to prevent complications related to shoulder dystocia
Small for gestational age infants may have complications such as
Pregnancy, Childbirth & hypoxia,polycythemia,hypoglycemia,hypothermia & hypocalcemia(polycythemia is due to fetal hypoxia).
4889 Pediatrics
Large for gestational age infants are at risk for developing hip subluxation and talipes calcaneovalgus
Give anorexia nervosa pts Olanzapine if no response to cognitive behavioral therapy or nutritional
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Give bulimia nervosa pts SSRI meds in combination w/ cognitive behavioral therapy & nutritional
2353 Pediatrics
Substance Abuse rehabilitation
Stranger anxiety is normal in children until age 3 years.After that age, its attributed to other causes
Separation anxiety:excessive distress when separated from home,excessive worry about losing attachment
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3380 Pediatrics figures,refusal to go to school due to fear of separation,nightmares about separation from attachment
Substance Abuse
figure, physical complains like headaches,nausea,abdominal pain
Selective mutism: child talks at home but refuses to speak at school/other settings
Trichotillomania: patches will have broken hair of varying lengths. Tx- habit reversal training (a form of
Psychiatric/Behavioral & cognitive behavioral therapy)
3384 Pediatrics
Substance Abuse
Alopecia areata: patches will be devoid of hair
Pyromania: deliberate fire setting on more than 1 occasion, tension/arousal prior to act, fascination w/ fire &
its consequences, pleasure or relief when setting/witnessing fires, no external gain,revenge,political
motivation, not done to attract attention
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3386 Pediatrics
Substance Abuse
Dx of conduct disorder requires at least 3 of 15 behaviors that fall into 4 categories: aggresion toward
people & animals, deceitfulness or theft, destruction of property(includes fire setting),& serious violation of
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4041 Pediatrics Cocaine abuse: pt w/ weight loss, behavioral changes, & erythema of turbinates & nasal septum
Substance Abuse
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Dx of ADHD is based on clinical evaluation of sx & associated impairment in 2 different settings. Teacher
4855 Pediatrics
Substance Abuse evaluations are important for assessing behavior in the school environment.
Neonatal abstinence syndrome:caused by infant withdrawal to opiates(*heroin*,methadone) & presents in
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4893 Pediatrics the first few days of life.Sx-irritability,high pitched cry,poor
Substance Abuse
sleeping,tremors,seizures,sweating,sneezing,tachypnea,poor feeding,vomiting,& diarrhea
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
8923 Pediatrics OCD tx: SSRI's and psychotherapy
Substance Abuse
The first step in management of a newborn w/ respiratory compromise & suspected congenital
diaphragmatic hernia is *endotracheal intubation*. Bag-and-mask ventilation can exacerbate respiratory
decline. A gastric tube should be placed immediately to decompress the stomach and bowel
2435 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia:pulmonary hypoplasia,pulmonary htn,85% occur on left,15% occur on
right.Polyhydramnios due to esophageal compression,concave abdomen,barrel-shaped chest
Foreign body aspiration(FBA): sudden onset respiratory distress in a toddler. Hx of choking. Focal
monophonic wheezing on affected side. Diminished aeration on affected side. Hyperinflation or atelectasis of
2451 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
affected side(radiographic findings not always seen). More than half of aspirated FBs end up in the right
mainstem bronchus. Tx-immediate *bronchoscopy* to remove foreign body
Respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) should be suspected when a premature infant presents w/ grunting,
flaring, retractions, cyanosis immediately after birth. Surfactant deficiency is the primary problem. Chest
2473 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care x-ray includes characteristic fine reticular granularity (ground-glass) of the lungs. Risk of RDS reduced by
administration of maternal antenatal glucocorticoids, which stimulates fetal surfactant. Neonatal tx includes
early continuous positive air pressure ventilation
sx- fever, sudden respiratory distress, dysphagia, drooling, children are toxic appearing and may be
3289 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care "tripoding" (sitting up and leaning forward) with inspiratory stridor
tx- first secure pt's airway with endotracheal intubation
if endotracheal intubation unsuccessful, emergency tracheotomy should be performed
Severe coughing paroxysms can cause subcutaneous emphysema wherein air leaks from chest well into
the subcutaneous tissues due to the high intraalveolar pressure provoked by the cough. By a similar
3457 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
process, pneumothorax can occur, therefore in such pts *chest x-rays* must be obtained emergently to rule
out pneumothorax
Pts w/ asthma(reactive airway disease) unresponsive to meds who have fatigue, altered mental status, CO2
retention, worsening hypoxemia, & poor air movement on examination require *endotracheal intubation &
3459 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care mechanical ventilation*
[Tracheostomy is used to relieve upper airway obstruction. It's never done to treat asthma, which is a
disease of lower airways]
cystic fibrosis:
sx- recurrent sinopulmonary infections, chronic cough, nasal polyps, digital clubbing
3531 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care parents often first cousins or stem will mention parental consanguinity
tx- glucocorticoids for symptomatic relief
can do surgical resection of nasal polyps but polyps will regrow
cystic fibrosis:
sweat chloride testing by quantitative pilocarpine iontophoresis is gold standard for diagnosis
3538 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
Exhaled nasal nitric oxide is a screening test for primary ciliary dyskinesia
Bronchiolitis: winter respiratory tract infection, caused by RSV, wheezing, crackles, respiratory distress.
Tx-supportive(hydration,saline nasal drops, nasal bulb suction). Palivizumab used for prophylaxis in children
age <2 years who are at high risk. Infants age <2 months at high risk for developing *apnea* & respiratory
3553 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
failure & at risk for recurrent wheezing throughout childhood
Congenital bronchiectasis occurs at site of pre/postnatal development defect of the bronchial system.
Formation of cysts,cul de sacs,or bronchomalacia leads to pooling of secretions & bacterial infections
Pts w/ hx of anaphylaxis should carry self-injectable epinephrine at all times(even if they are adolescents eg,
4638 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care a 12 year old boy). Triggers from hymenoptera stings should prompt referral to an allergist for venom
Treat anaphylaxis w/ intramuscular epinephrine (1st line treatment)
Delays in administering epinephrine in anaphylactic pts can increase the risk of respiratory decline
4699 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
Pts w/ signs of respiratory decline (eg. worsening of severe hypoxia, stridor) and/or altered mental status
require emergent intubation.
(Google image) Large thymic silhouette is a normal finding on frontal CXR in children age <3 years due to
its relatively large size compared to the young child's thorax. Recognized as the "sail sign" due to triangular
4829 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care shape(can shrink/get large). Thymus is an important organ in utero/infancy/childhood for lymphocyte
production & maturation. Thymus normally atrophies & is replaced by fat after puberty. Residual thymic
tissue can undergo malignant transformation-> thymoma.
Respiratory distress syndrome(RDS) is caused by surfactant deficiency. Important risk factors include
*prematurity & maternal diabetes mellitus*(maternal hyperglycemia->fetal hyperglycemia->fetal
hyperinsulinism->high levels of circulating insulin antagonize cortisol & block maturation of sphingomelin, a
4831 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care vital component of surfactant
Intrauterine growth restriction, maternal HTN, & chronic intrauterine stress from prolonged rupture of
membranes decrease risk of RDS
Cystic fibrosis (CF) pt's have infertility (>95% men, 20% women)
CF pts get exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, however rarely do they get pancreatitis (only 10% of pts)
8952 Pediatrics Pulmonary & Critical Care
CF pts can also get CF related diabetes, osteopenia, kyphoscholiosis, and digital clubbing
Risk of gi malignancies is increased in CF, esp if pts have undergone lung transplantation
Recurrent cystitis:sx-suprapubic pain, dysuria, pyuria, & bacteriuria. Chronic constipation is a risk factor in
toddlers. Impacted stool can cause rectal distension, which in turn compresses the bladder, prevents
complete voiding, & leads to urinary stasis
Renal, Urinary Systems &
2226 Pediatrics
Electrolytes Risk factors of constipation include dietary changes, such as transition from breast milk to cow's milk & solid
Renal, Urinary Systems & The gold standard modality for dx VUR is a voiding cystourethrogram(VCUG). VCUGs rec. in pts w/
3688 Pediatrics
Electrolytes recurrent UTIs.
Risk factors for the development of renal cell carcinoma include cigarette smoking, hypertension, & diabetes
Children age <2 years w/ a first febrile UTI should be tx w/ 1-2 weeks of abx. A renal & bladder *ultrasound*
Renal, Urinary Systems & should be ordered to evaluate for abnormalities that lead to recurrent UTIs. Voiding cystourethrogram is
3692 Pediatrics
Electrolytes generally not indicated for a first febrile UTI unless there are abnormalities on renal ultrasound or if the pt is
a neonate
Severe vesicoureteral reflux can cause recurrent or chronic pyelonephritis. Complications include
parenchymal scarring, hypertension, & renal insufficiency. Definitive diagnosis is made by voiding
Renal, Urinary Systems & cystourethrogram.
3694 Pediatrics
Posterior urethral valves are the mcc of chronic renal insufficiency/failure in children. The distal urinary tract
obstruction can cause secondary urinary reflux but the condition affects only boys
*Membranous nephropathy* is a common cause of nephrotic syndrome(edema, proteinuria, &
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3940 Pediatrics hypoalbuminemia) in adolescents(eg a 14 y/o) & adults. *Active heptatitis B infection is an imp risk factor*, &
vaccination reduces this risk
Pts w/ sickle cell trait have no specific clinical sx of sickle cell disease & no change in overall life expectancy.
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3967 Pediatrics Renal complications include painless hematuria(due to renal papillary ischemia or *renal papillary necrosis*),
UTIs, & renal medullary cancer. UA shows normal-appearing RBCs
Perform urinalysis & urine culture as preliminary studies in all children w/ suspected uti.Pts in diapers should
undergo straight catheterization(to avoid contamination)
Renal, Urinary Systems & UTI RF in infants-girls any age(short urethra),uncircumcised boys age <1,& underlying renal anomaly.Sx
4005 Pediatrics
Electrolytes during infancy are vague(fever, fussiness,decreased urine output).Fever in any child <3 years prompts
evaluation for UTI
Mid stream clean catch urine specimen: use for pts who don't wear diapers
Minimal change disease(MCD): Path- T cell mediated injury to podocytes causes increased molecular
permeability to albumin.
Renal, Urinary Systems & Mcc of nephrotic syndrome in young children. Renal biopsy is not required for initial diagnosis! *Instead,
4018 Pediatrics
Electrolytes proceed directly with giving steroids(Prednisone).* 85% of children will respond to their first steroid course
Renal scintigraphy is used to evaluate renal function & is useful in the setting of kidney dysfunction
Minimal change disease:renal biopsy shows normal kidney architecture but isn't usually obtained in pts age
<10.Diffuse effacement of foot processes of podocytes on EM
Type 4 RTA:obstructive uropathy & aldosterone insufficiency are common causes in children
Renal, Urinary Systems & Isotonic solutions such as normal saline are the fluid of choice for initial resuscitation in severe hypovolemic
4853 Pediatrics
Electrolytes hypernatremia
Vitamin D deficiency ricks:
RF-exclusive breastfeeding, increased skin pigmentation & lack of sun exposure
Exam findings-craniotabes, rachitic rosary(costochondral joint hypertrophy) & genu varum(femoral & tibial
2486 Pediatrics X-ray-cupping & fraying of the metaphyses of the long bones
& Sports
Costochondral joint enlargement is always pathologic & should prompt evaluation for rickets
Child abuse:"bucket-handle" fractures aka classic metaphyseal lesions & rib fractures
Ewing's sarcoma: found in lower extremity more than upper extremity. Common sites are the metaphysis &
diaphysis of the femur, followed by the tibia & humerus. Pts are typically white males in their first or second
Rheumatology/Orthopedics decade of life. Lamellated appearance/"onion skin" periosteal reaction. The "onion skin" appearance is
2629 Pediatrics
& Sports followed w/ a "moth eaten" or mottled appearance & extension into soft tissue
Radial head subluxation(nursemaid's elbow): occurs when infants/children are lifted or pulled by the hand or
arm. Child will keep hand in pronated position & will refuse attempted forearm supination. Reduction by
Rheumatology/Orthopedics forearm hyperpronation or supination plus flexion is diagnostic & therapeutic
3668 Pediatrics
& Sports
Panner disease: osteochondrosis of the capitellum. Typical pt is an adolescent engaged in sports involving
throwing. Chronic dull pain, crepitation, & loss of pronation & supination
Type I metatarsus adductus: feet that *overcorrect both passively & actively into abduction*. Spontaneously
correct by themselves so no tx necessary. *Give reassurance*. Seen in first-born infants.
3684 Pediatrics Type II metatarsus adductus: feet that correct to the neutral position w/ passive & active movements.
& Sports
Managed w/ orthosis or corrective shoes, & sometimes plaster casts.
Type III metatarsus adductus: rigid feet & do not correct. Managed w/ serial casts
Clubfoot (talipes equinovarus): pt will have equinus & varus of the calcaneum & talus, varus of the midfoot,
& adduction of the forefoot. Initially managed w/ *stretching & manipulation of the foot, followed by serial
3685 Pediatrics plaster casts*, malleable splints, or taping. Surgical tx is indicated if conservative management gives
& Sports
unsatisfactory results, & is preferably performed between 3 & 6 months of age. [Rmr that the tx of clubfoot
should be started immediately!]
Osteogenesis imperfecta: due to mutations in type 1 collagen. Blue sclera & recurrent fractures
Congenital syphilis: early manifestations include jaundice, rash, lymphadenopathy, rhinitis &
hepatosplenomegaly. Late manifestations occur around two years of age; these include shaber shins,
keratitis, Hutchinson's teeth, saddle-nose deformity & deafness
3770 Pediatrics
& Sports
Children w/ rickets have slow growth & skeletal deformities
slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE): obese adolescent male with complaints of pain
Positive Trendelenburg sign:caused by *weakness/paralysis of gluteus medius & minimus muscles*, which
are innervated by superior gluteal nerve
Rheumatology/Orthopedics Sarcoidosis has its onset between ages 20-35 years. Sarcoidosis affecting the bone targets the hands &
4642 Pediatrics
& Sports feet.
Osteogenesis imperfecta: defect in Type 1 collagen. Pts have blue sclerae, diffuse cortical thinning,
attenuation of trabeculae & pathological fractures
Acquired torticollis(neck twisting due to asymmetric muscle activity) is common in children. The most
Rheumatology/Orthopedics common causes include upper respiratory infections, minor trauma, cervical lymphadenitis, &
4761 Pediatrics
& Sports retropharyngeal abscess. *Cervical spine radiographs/xray of neck* should be obtained in children w/
acquired torticollis to ensure there is no cervical spine fracture or dislocation
Osteogenesis imperfecta(OI): ass w/ blue sclerae, hearing loss, recurrent fractures, & *opalescent teeth*.
Pts w/ osteogenesis imperfecta have normal intelligence. Inhereted from an autosomal dominant mutation
4832 Pediatrics of COL1A1.[Many pts w/ OI have dentinogenesis imperfecta, an opalescent blue-gray to yellow-brown
& Sports
discoloratoin caused by discolored dentin shining thru the translucent & weak enamel. Both primary &
permanent teeth affected]
Acute rheumatic fever(ARF):age 5-15,twice as common in girls,polyarthritis(migratory),erythema
marginatum(evanescent pink rash w/ sharp edges)[google pic],fever, elevated CRP & ESR.Prevented w/
penicillin tx of s.pharyngitis
4836 Pediatrics Juvenile idiopathic arthritis:arthritis present for >6 weeks.Rash can be seen.Arthritis isn't migratory like in
& Sports
Henoch Schonlein purpura: migratory arthritis & rash. But rash is purpuric & arthritis involves lower
extremity joints (hip/knee/ankle)
Atlantoaxial instability should be suspected in any pt w/ Down syndrome who presents w/ upper motor
neuron findings
4840 Pediatrics
& Sports
Spinal cord infarction presents w/ the acute onset of severe pain, weakness, & paresthesias. This condition
is rare & commonly seen in adults.
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis:
commonly seen in overweight children aged 10-16 years(boys affected slightly more than girls).
sx-pt holds affected hip in passive external rotation and exhibits decreased internal rotation, abduction, and
4844 Pediatrics dx- made w/ plain radiographs of hip (anteroposterior and frog leg lateral views)
& Sports
tx-Immediate surgical screw fixation in order to avoid avascular necrosis of hip
Patellofemoral stress syn:Anterior knee pain that worsens upon descending steps or hills. Pain localized to
Transient synovitis: most common cause of hip pain in children, typically occurring in boys age 3-10 years.
Usually follows a viral infection or mild trauma. Synovial inflammation leads to pain, decreased range of
Rheumatology/Orthopedics motion, & limping. Affected hip is typically flexed, slightly abducted, & externally rotated(This position
4857 Pediatrics
& Sports maximizes joint space & provides pain relief). Pts rarely have fever or significant laboratory abnormalities.
<1 month = transient synovitis
>1 month = LCP
The most common elbow fracture in children is a supracondylar humerus fracture. Typical hx is a fall onto
4873 Pediatrics an outstretched arm w/ elbow extended. Supracondylar humerus fractures may be complicated by
& Sports
neurovascular injury or compartment syndrome(increasing pain from swelling)
Osteoid osteoma(google xray pic):benign bone forming tumor, progressively increasing pain that worsens at
Rheumatology/Orthopedics night w/o relation to physical activity.Plain x-rays of the leg shows the typical small,round lucency w/
11441 Pediatrics
& Sports sclerotic margins & sometimes central ossification. Proximal femur commonly affected. Pain improves w/
NSAIDs. Pts should be followed w/ serial examination & x-rays every 4-5 months to monitor the lesion
Social Sciences Courts in the US have ruled that parents are not allowed to refuse life-saving tx for a child, including refusal
3235 Pediatrics
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) for religious reasons
When caring for an unemancipated minor, informed consent from one parent or guardian is considered
Social Sciences
3624 Pediatrics legally sufficient to jusify proceeding w/ therapy. Physicians should also provide care in urgent situations w/o
waiting for parental consent
Social Sciences Physicians should have a high index of suspicion for physical/sexual abuse in children w/ sudden behavioral
4320 Pediatrics
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) problems, families w/ unstable economic backgrounds, or parents w/ a hx of drug/alcohol abuse
Social Sciences Don't wait to obtain consent from parents for emergency procedures like unstable airway, blood
4846 Pediatrics
(Ethics/Legal/Professional) transfusions, & surgery. That will cause unecessary delay and potential harm!
2350 Psychiatry Nervous System Bereavement usually does not last longer than 2 months
Benzodiazepines(alprazolam) should be used w/ extreme caution in elderly population due to increased risk
of cognitive impairment,falls,& paradoxical agitation(increased agitation,confusion,aggression & disinhibition
within an hour of benzodiazepine administration). *Discontinuing pt's alprazolam* is the most appropriate
3383 Psychiatry Nervous System
next step in management if they are experiencing above sx
As an alpha blocker,terazosin may cause orthostatic hypotension or syncope, esp w/ 1st dose
Narcolepsy: excessive daytime sleepiness & episodes of cataplexy. When meds are needed, give
*modafinil(Provigil)* & armodafinil(NuVigil). Amphetamines stimulants & sodium oxybate(Xyrem)[reduces
3470 Psychiatry Nervous System cataplexy] aren't 1st line for tx due to risk of abuse/significant side effects
decreased dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway accounts for the therapeutic effects of
4899 Psychiatry Nervous System
increased dopamine activity in the mesolimbic pathway accounts for the euphoria accompanying drug use
as well as delusions & hallucinations experienced by pts w/ schizophrenia
Alcoholic hallucinations (due to alcohol withdrawal) develops within 12 to 24 hours of last drink. It resolves
within 24 to 48 hours.
2349 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Brief psychotic episode: presence of hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech/behavior for >1 day but
<1 month. Don't make this dx if drug or alcohol is responsible for crazy behavior
Loss of a loved one can trigger the onset of a major depressive episode.Bereaved pts who experience
depressive sx for at least 2 weeks after a major loss should be considered for tx w/ both psychotherapy & a
Psychiatric/Behavioral & trial of antidepressants(SSRIs such as sertraline)
2351 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Electroconvulsive tx:used for pts who don't respond to an adequate course of antidepressants. 1st line tx for
depressed pts who aren't eating or drinking, or who may be acutely suicidal, catatonic, or psychotic
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Bulimia nervosa: normal body weight, regular menstrual cycles(pts aren't amenorrheic)
2354 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Borderline personality disorder is frequently diagnosed in pts suffering from bulimia nervosa
In a pt w/ bipolar I disorder w/ psychosis(grandiose delusions) & escalating agitation(angrily
shouting,threatening,banging on door),antipsychotics[1st gen-haloperidol or 2nd
gen-risperidone,olanzapine]preferable due to rapid onset of action.[lithium,valproate,carbamazepine require
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2355 Psychiatry gradual titration over several days to achieve therapeutic blood levels so are less effective in controlling pt's
Substance Abuse
acute agitation]
Hospitalization is indicated for pts w/ active suicidal ideation that includes a plan & intent to act
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2360 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Pts w/ suicidal ideation but NO specific plan or intent need intensive outpatient treatment, but not
necessarily hospitalization(tx underlying disorder w/ meds &/or psychotherapy,increase frequency of clinical
contact, mobilize supports)
Bupropion is FDA-approved for smoking cessation
Varenicline is a partial agonist of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor that has recently been released. It is
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2387 Psychiatry somewhat more effective than bupropion at increasing short & long term smoking cessation rates
Substance Abuse
Tricyclic antidepressants (like amitriptyline) are moderately effective in increasing smoking cessation rates,
though no tricyclic is FDA approved for this purpose
1st like tx for depression: SSRI's(fluoxetine).
*Most antidepressants (such as SSRI's) must be taken for 4-6 weeks before they provide symptomatic
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2494 Psychiatry If sx don't improve within 4-6 weeks, the dosage should be increased
Substance Abuse
If one SSRI(at max dose) fails to fix the problem, then prescribe another SSRI in its place
TCAs (amitriptyline) are less appealing for tx depression due to side effects. Used TCAs only when SSRIs
are deemed inappropriate or ineffective
Following acute stabilization, pts w/ bipolar disorder should receive the following maintenance therapy:
1) Atypical antipsychotics are preferred for mild to moderately ill pts (monotherapy w/ lithium or valproic acid
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2495 Psychiatry can be used as alternate therapy)
Substance Abuse
2) For more severe episodes, combination therapy w/ lithium or valproate plus atypical antipsychotics is
usually preferred over monotherapy
Panic attacks: Benzodiazepines used for acute/immediate tx
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2496 Psychiatry Panic disorder: SSRI/SNRI and/or cognitive behavioral therapy used for long-term sx relief
Substance Abuse
Midazolam is a benzodiazepine used most often to induce conscious sedation during medical procedures
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2497 Psychiatry Antipsychotics cause hyperprolactinemia by blocking dopamine
Substance Abuse
Psychiatric/Behavioral & One of the most common side effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is amnesia, both retrograde &
2498 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse anterograde
Psychosis is ass. w/ increased dopaminergic activity and is therefore best tx w/ drugs that primarily block
the dopamine-D2 receptors. [Risperidone is an example of an atypical antipsychotic that works in this
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2499 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Risperidone binds w/ a very high affinity to serotonin receptors, which results in an improvement in the
negative sx of schizophrenia, a reduction in the incidence of extrapyramidal side effects, & concomitant tx of
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome(hyperthermia,autonomic instability,muscular rigidity, & altered sensorium)
is an unusual but potentially lethal side effect from the use of antipsychotics (neuroleptics) eg, haloperidol.
It's tx primarily w/ *dantrolene sodium* & supportive care
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2501 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
The anticholinergic medication benztropine can be used to tx antipsychotic-induced extrapyramidal sx
Phenelzine is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor that is effective in generalized social anxiety disorder. However
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2502 Psychiatry it's not considered a 1st line tx due to dietary restrictions & the risk of hypertensive crisis
Substance Abuse
Sertraline is an SSRI used in the tx of depression & a variety of anxiety disorders, including generalized
social anxiety disorder
SSRI meds(Citalopram, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Sertraline) are 1st line tx for pts w/ moderate to severe
depression. If there is no improvement and/or side effects, switch to a different medication in the *SAME*
Psychiatric/Behavioral & If there is still no improvement and/or side effects after 2 trials, switching to a DIFFERENT class of
2503 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse antidepressants is indicated.
Trazodone used for tx of insomnia related to depression. Has antidepressant properties &
sedation/priapiasm as side effects
Acute dystonia:type of extrapyramidal symptom seen w/ high potency typical antipsychotic
treatment(haloperidol). Tx-anticholinergics(benztropine) or antihistamines(diphenhydramine)
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2505 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Amantadine: dopamine agonist, treats drug-induced parkinsonism
Brief psychotic disorder: sx >1 day & <1 month
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
2508 Psychiatry Schizophreniform disorder: sx last >1 month but <6 months
Substance Abuse
Schizophrenia: sx present for at least 6 months
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder: chronic irritablity, manifested as temperamental outbursts &
2510 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse persistent angry/irritable mood
Somatic symptom disorder: Excessive anxiety & preoccupation w/ >1 unexplained sx
Illness anxiety disorder(hypochondriasis): fear of having serious illness despite few or no sx & consistently
negative evaluations
[Wikipedia] Russell's sign: a sign defined as calluses on the knuckles or back of the hand due to repeated
self-induced vomiting over long periods of time
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3140 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Binge-eating disorder: Recurrent episodes of binge eating. Lack of control during eating. NO
COMPENSATORY BEHAVIORS! (unlike Bulimia nervosa in which there is compensatory behavior after
binge eating)
Risk of developing bipolar disorder is 1% in the general population.
However, the risk increases to 5-10% in individuals w/ a first-degree relative who suffers from bipolar
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3185 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Child whose parents both suffer from bipolar disorder has a 60% risk of developing the condition
Monozygotic twin of an individual who suffers from bipolar disorder has a 70% risk of developing the
Tx alcohol withdrawal w/ benzodiazepine (eg, lorazepam, diazepam, chlordiazepoxide)
Alcohol withdrawal peaks during second day following cessation. Seizures occur at 12-48 hours. Delirium
tremens occurs 2-4 days after last drink.
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3187 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Cefazolin: 1st generation cephalosporin, frequently provided as prophylaxis in biliary surgery
adjustment disorder:
Psychiatric/Behavioral & emotional/behavioral sx that develop within 3 months of stressor. Rarely lasts more than 6 months after
3382 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse stressor ends.
tx- brief cognitive psychotherapy or psychodynamic psychotherapy
Kleptomania: inability to resist the impulse to steal objects that are of low monetary value or not needed for
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3385 Psychiatry personal use. Tx is *psychotherapy*, involving a cognitive behavioral therapy orientation, focusing on
Substance Abuse
techniques to resist & manage urges & anxiety. [Kleptomania doesn't respond well to medication]
Displacement: unacceptable feelings about an object or person are displaced onto another "safer" object or
Projection: involves attributing unacceptable internal thoughts or emotions to others eg. husband w/
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3533 Psychiatry thoughts of cheating on his wife ends up accusing his wife of cheating on him
Substance Abuse
Dissociation: man rescued from fire has no memory of it, describes a missing block of time
Distortion: Drug user gets HIV and blames it on inadequate control of disease in community
Introjection: an immature defense mechanism. Assimilating another person's attitude into one's own
perspective (e.g. a battered woman who believes her husband is right when he says she is worthless)
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3535 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Dissociation: a neurotic defense mechanism. Completely blocking off disturbing thoughts or feelings from
consciousness in an attempt to avoid emotional upset(dude rescued from a burning building, now denies
any memory of it)
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Pts w/ psychiatric diagnoses can give informed consent as long as their judment and decision-making
3638 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse abilities are determined to be intact
Contraindications to the use of Bupropion:
hx of seizure disorder/Epilepsy and hx of anorexia nervosa/bulimia
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3702 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Bupropion benefits: antidepressant, inhibits re-uptake of norepinephrine, dopamine, & serotonin, improves
the impaired concentration & diminished energy that depressed pts get, doesn't cause sexual dysfunction.
Alprazolam (Xanax), a short acting benzodiazepine, is the most likely to result in seizures **following abrupt
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3762 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse A potential dose dependent side effect of bupropion use (not withdrawal) is seizures
Repression:immature def mech. Upsetting feelings blocked from entering conscious awareness.Involves
blocking inner states.Occurs subconsciously
Generalized social anxiety:
tx- Perferred pharmacological tx is an SSRI or SNRI (e.g. Paroxetine). Cognitive behavioral therapy can
also be used as 1st line treatment (Supportive psychotherapy helpful but not as effective as cognitive
Psychiatric/Behavioral & behavioral therapy)
3839 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Performance only social anxiety disorder:
anxiety limited to public speaking/performance situations
tx- benzodiazepines, beta-blockers(propranolol), cognitive behavioral therapy
When tx a single episode of major depression, the antidepressant should be continued for a period of *six
Psychiatric/Behavioral & months* following the pt's response.
3843 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse If multiple episodes of depression have occurred, maintenance therapy will likely need to be continued for a
longer period.
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
3844 Psychiatry Minimizing conflict & stress in the home decreases the risk of relapse in pts w/ schizophrenia
Substance Abuse
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Sx of hypochondriasis usually develop during periods of stress. Pts should be asked about their current
3845 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse emotional stressors & then referred for brief psychotherapy.
Pts who have experienced 2 episodes of acute mania should be considered for long-term (years), if not
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4043 Psychiatry lifetime, maintenance tx w/ lithium, esp if the episodes were severe or there is a family hx. Pts w/ a hx of 3
Substance Abuse
or more relapses are rec. to have lifetime maintenance tx
Although primarily a serotonin-dopamine antagonist,olanzapine also has affinity for histamine,alpha-1
adrenergic,& muscarinic receptors.Most common side effects of olanzapine are sedation & *weight
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4046 Psychiatry gain.*Weight gain is ass. w/ antagonism of histamine (H1) & 5-HT2c receptors.Sedation due to antagonism
Substance Abuse
at the histamine receptor.Other metabolic side effects like hyperglycemia,dyslipidemia,& new onset diabetes
mellius are ass. w/ olanzapine but are less common than weight gain
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4051 Psychiatry Pts w/ dysthymia (persistent depressive disorder) often describe feeling depressed their entire lives
Substance Abuse
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Altered levels of serotonin play an imp role in obsessive compulsive disorder. The tx of choice is an SSRI
4063 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse such as paroxetine
Noncompliance w/ antipsychotic meds is a common cause of relapse & rehospitalization in pts w/
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4067 Psychiatry schizophrenia. Long-acting injectable antipsychotics are useful in pts who are chronically noncompliant but
Substance Abuse
have responded to oral antipsychotics.
Circumstantial thought process: Pts deviate from original subject but eventually return to it
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4137 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Tangential thought process: Pts drift away without ever returning to the subject
SSRIs(*escitalopram*) or SNRIs are 1st-line meds for tx Generalized anxiety disorder that can also
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4141 Psychiatry potentially tx comorbid major depression. Benzodiazepines should be reserved for nondepressed pts w/o a
Substance Abuse
hx of substance abuse who fail to respond to or can't tolerate antidepressants
Ppl w *grandiose delusions* believe they have special powers,extraordinary accomplishments,or a special
relationship w/ God
Magical thinking:belief that one's thoughts can control events in a manner not explained by natural cause &
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4195 Psychiatry effect. It also includes the attribution of casual incidents to supernatural forces
Substance Abuse
Individuals w/ ideas of reference believe that everyday occurrences have a special implication for them
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Obsessive compulsive disorder: marked by obsessions that cause anxiety, resulting in compulsive behaviors
4815 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse to decrease the anxiety
Pts w/ Asperger's disorder have impairments in reciprocal social interactions & restricted interests. They
often desire relationships but lack awareness of social conventions
Persistent depressive disorder(dysthymia):
Psychiatric/Behavioral & look for pt w/ low energy, fatigue, low self esteem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, feelings
4816 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse of hopelessness. Sx last 2 years or more.
tx- antidepressants/therapy can improve sx & quality of life
Valproic acid side effects: blood dyscrasias & liver toxicity
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4848 Psychiatry Carbamazepine: treats both bipolar & seizure disoders. Side effects include aplastic anemia & SIADH
Substance Abuse
Lamotrigine: treats epilepsy & bipolar disorder
Somnambulism=sleep walking
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Benign paroxysmal vertigo consists of episodes in which the child is off-balance & may be ass. w/
4869 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse nystagmus, fear, nausea, vomiting, or diaphoresis. The child may try to reach out to steady themselves.
Episodes are short (<1 minute) & are not ass. w/ a change in level of consciousness. Usually, this disorder
resolves as the child ages
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Pts taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors like phenelzine should avoid foods high in tyramine, as the
4879 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse combination can result in *hypertensive crisis*
Acute stress disorder: sx lasting from 3 days to 1 month following traumatic event. Dx requires exposure to
actual or threatened death, injury, sexual violation accompanied by characteristic sx of re-experiencing
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4883 Psychiatry (intrusive memories & flashbacks), avoidance, negative mood, dissociation, & hyperarousal
Substance Abuse
Insomnia disorder: dx requires insomnia for at least 3 nights a week for at least 3 months
Bupropion is an antidepressant & a smoking cessation aid
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
4884 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Amitriptyline has been used for diabetic neuropathy & prevention of migraine headaches
Although they have a lower risk of extrapyramidal side
effects,Second-generation(atypical)antipsychotics,especially Clozapine & *Olanzapine*,cause metabolic side
effects(eg, weight gain,hyperglycemia,dyslipidemia).We have to routinely monitor *BMI,fasting plasma
Psychiatric/Behavioral & glucose & lipids,bp,waist circumference in pts taking these meds*
4885 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
The atypical antipsychotic ziprasidone is ass. w/ QT prolongation at higher doses
1st line tx for specific phobia is behavioral therapy(superior to pharmacological tx)
The slightly increased risk of antidepressant-related suicidality in child & adolescent pts must be weighed
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
7289 Psychiatry against the established efficacy of antidepressants. Depressed pts should be carefully monitored for
Substance Abuse
worsening depression & suicidality at the beginning of antidepressant therapy
Pts w/ depression & comorbid medical conditoins, including terminal illnesses, can benefit from tx w/
antidepressant meds to improve their quality of life.
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
7723 Psychiatry SSRIs are the best option in pts w/ a longer life expectancy(SSRIs take a longer time[compared to
Substance Abuse
psychostimulants] to reach full therapeutic effect).
Psychostimulants (eg, methylphenidate, modafinil) are more appropriate for pts w/ a shorter life expectancy
Clozapine:reserved for pts w/ tx resistant schizophrenia(failure to respond to at least 2 antipsychotic trials)
or those at high risk for suicidality due to the risk of agranulocytosis.Other serious adverse effects include
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
7957 Psychiatry seizures,myocarditis,& metabolic syndrome
Substance Abuse
Lamotrigine & lithium are mood stabilizers used in tx of bipolar disorder
Remission: absence of or minimal sx, w/ a return to the pt's premorbid functioning or wellness
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
8841 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse Treatment response: pt demonstrates significant improvement(with or without a remission), 50% reduction
in the baseline level of severity
Hoarding disorder:
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
8875 Psychiatry pt has difficulty getting rid of cheap items, thought of parting with items causes distress.
Substance Abuse
tx- cognitive behavioral therapy and SSRIs
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Survivors of sexual assault are at high risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, &
8915 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse suicidality
Psychiatric/Behavioral & Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on reducing automatic negative thoughts & avoidance behaviors that
8938 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse cause distress
Drug induced parkinsonism presents w/ bradykinesia(eg. slow finger tapping), rigidity, & tremor
Acute dystonia: sudden onset of sustained muscle contractions resulting in twisting & abnormal postures
Psychiatric/Behavioral & (eg, torticollis, sustained contraction of neck, mouth, tongue, eye muscles)
10780 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
Tardive dyskinesia: dyskinetic movements involving mouth/face & extremities
Lewy body dementia: older adults, fluctuating cognition, parkinsonism, visual hallucinations
High dose glucocorticoids given for allergic,inflammatory(eg,asthma),or autoimmune conditions may cause
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11790 Psychiatry glucocorticoid induced psychosis in pts w/ no underlying psychiatric illness. This is an example of
Substance Abuse
substance/medication-induced psychotic disorder
inhalant abuse:
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11794 Psychiatry boys age 14-17
Substance Abuse
perioral skin changes (glue sniffer's rash). this dermatitis can be seen around mouth or nostrils
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an evidence-based tx for major depression refractory to antidepressants
& is also indicated to achieve a rapid response in depressed geriatric patients who are unable to eat & drink,
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11827 Psychiatry psychotic, or actively suicidal
Substance Abuse
[Antidepressants take up to 6-8 weeks for response & need to be combined w/ an antipsychotic med to
effectively tx major depression w/ psychotic features]
*Ecstasy* aka Molly aka MDMA(3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) is a synthetic amphetamine w/
hallucinogenic properties. It can cause euphoria, increased sexual desire, & empathy. Intoxication may lead
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11853 Psychiatry to hypertension, tachycardia, hyperthermia, SEROTONIN SYNDROME, & HYPONATREMIA. Coma,
Substance Abuse
seizures, & death may occur.[Combining MDMA w/ other serotonergic drugs such as serotonergic
antidepressants can increase the risk of serotonin syndrome]
Second-generation antipsychotics (*quetiapine*, lurasidone) are effective in the *depressed phase of bipolar
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11884 Psychiatry illness*.[Antidepressant monotherapy should be avoided in pts w/ bipolar I disorder due to risk of
Substance Abuse
precipitating mania]
Panic disorder:recurrent & unexpected panic attacks w/ >4 of the following: Chest
of losing control,dying,worry about additional attacks,avoidance behavior.Sx resolve within minutes
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11894 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse
In somatic sx disorder,physical sx are persistent over time
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS): ass w/ antipsychotic use. Sx-delirium, high fever, autonomic
instability, severe rigidity, elevated creatine kinase, & leukocytosis
Psychiatric/Behavioral &
11897 Psychiatry Serotonin syndrome:neuromuscular irritability(tremor,hyperreflexia,myoclonus)rather than the rigidity seen in
Substance Abuse
NMS.Fever in this syndrome not as high as in NMS. GI sx more common(vomiting/diarrhea).[Wait 2 weeks
between discontinuing MAOI & start of serotonergic antidepressant to avoid Serotonin syndrome]
Akathisia should be considered if a psychotic pt worsens clinically as the dose of antipsychotic is increased.
Tx-*reduction of antipsychotic dose & tx w/ B-blocker(propranolol) or benzodiazepine(lorazepam)*
Psychiatric/Behavioral & [Make sure not to discontinue the antipsychotic altogether cuz doing so could place pt at higher risk of
11898 Psychiatry
Substance Abuse further decompensation]
Venous insufficiency (valvular incompetence): mcc of lower extremity edema. Worsens throughout the day
4025 Surgery Cardiovascular System
& resolves overnight when pt is recumbent
Femoral artery aneurysm:pulsatile groin mass below inguinal ligament.Anterior thigh pain occurs due to
compression of femoral nerve that runs lateral to the artery.2nd most common peripheral artery aneurysm
after popliteal aneurysm. Ass. w/ abdominal aortic aneurysm
4241 Surgery Cardiovascular System Femoral hernias:located below inguinal ligament, NOT pulsatile
arterial thrombosis:
4507 Surgery Cardiovascular System
slow, progressive narrowing of lumen, insidious onset, diminished pulses bilaterally
*Most feared complication of a retropharyngeal abscess is spread of infection into the mediastinum*,which
can lead to acute necrotizing mediastinitis.Early dx & debridement of the mediastinum is essential in the tx
of this severe complication
2846 Surgery Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Major complication of an infection in the parapharyngeal space is involvement of the carotid sheath,which
leads to erosion of the carotid artery & jugular thrombophlebitis
Retropharyngeal abscess: pain w/ neck EXTENSION. Usually caused by local penetrating trauma(eg after
instrumentation, or following an injury from a chicken bone)
2847 Surgery Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
Meningitis: increased pain w/ neck FLEXION
Torus palatinus: young pt w/ fleshy immobile mass on midline hard palate. Thought to be due to both
genetic/congenital & environmental factors. usually <2 cm in size but can increase in size throughout a
3427 Surgery Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
person's life. No medical/surgical tx required unless the growth becomes symptomatic or interferes w/
speech or eating
nasal septal perforation due to septal hematoma:
3428 Surgery Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)
sx- whistling noise during respiration following rhinoplasty
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma:
Undifferentiated carcinoma
Occurs in people of mediterranean or far eastern descent
3500 Surgery Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) These pts often present w/ recurrent otitis media, recurrent epistaxis, & nasal obstruction
Strongly ass. w/ EBV
Helicobacter pylori gastritis can cause gut associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) lymphoma
Acute adrenal insufficiency:potentially lethal postoperative complication.Features include nausea,vomiting,ab
pain,hypoglycemia,& hypotension.Pts taking chronic glucocorticoids may have glucocorticoid-induced
Endocrine, Diabetes & suppression of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis & require stress-dose perioperative glucocorticoids
4077 Surgery
Pts w/ Cushingoid features who are taking glucocorticoids are at risk for HPA suppression & won't respond
appropriately to stress(surgery,infection,bleeding,MI)
Kidneys are responsible for converting 25-hydroxyvitamin D to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by the enzyme
1-alpha-hydroxylase. Impaired 1-alpha hydroxylation occurs w/ chronic kidney disease, which can lead to
Endocrine, Diabetes & hyperphosphatemia, hypocalcemia, & secondary hyperparathyroidism
4254 Surgery
Precipitation of calcium w/ phosphate in peripheral tissues can cause hypocalcemia(occurs in renal
failure,rhabdomyolysis,phosphate administration,acute pancreatitis,diffuse osteoblastic metastases)
Thyroidectomy or removal of 3 1/2 parathyroid glands -> post-surgical hypoparathyroidism ->
hypocalcemia(QT-interval prolongation,tetany of lips face extremities, fatigue anxiety depression)
Endocrine, Diabetes &
8882 Surgery Vit D toxicity -> hypercalcemia -> shortened QT interval
Persistent hypothyroidism can be seen post-thyroidectomy & can cause hyponatremia w/o thyroid hormone
Ruptured ovarian cyst:may present w/ an acute abdomen(sudden onset,severe,unilateral lower ab pain
immediately following strenuous or sexual activity) due to hemoperitoneum(labs will show decreased Hct
Female Reproductive due to intra-abdominal blood loss). Hemodynamically unstable pts require immediate surgical intervention
12160 Surgery
System & Breast
Ovarian torsion:may present w/ sudden lower ab pain;it doesn't typically result in an acute abdomen on
physical exam & doesn't cause a drop in Hct
Acalculous cholecystitis:occurs in critically ill pts in icu w/ multiorgan failure,severe
trauma,surgery,burns,sepsis,or prolonged parenteral nutrition.Gallbladder wall thickening & distension &
pericholecystic fluid on imaging.Emergency tx of choice is antibiotics & percutaneous
2245 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition cholecystostomy,followed by cholecystectomy when medical condition stabilizes
Acute mesenteric ischemia:diffuse abdominal tenderness,metabolic acidosis(low bicarbonate) from
increased serum lactate levels,sudden onset of severe periumbilical pain out of proportion to exam
findings,leukocytosis,elevated amylase levels. Mesenteric angiography is gold standard for dx.
2822 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Tx-supportive(iv fluids & antibiotics, ng tube)
Dx of bowel ischemia depends on a high index of clinical suspicion in pts w/ known risk factors for
thromboembolic disease(a-fib, pvd)
The development of a palpable mass in the epigastrium four weeks after the onset of acute pancreatitis is
highly suggestive of *pancreatic pseudocyst* formation.Ultrasound is the preferred means of imaging
pseudocysts.Because the pseudocyst often resolves spontaneously, drainage should only be performed if it
2897 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
persists for >6 weeks, is >5 cm in diameter, or becomes secondarily infected
ERCP is the preferred procedure when cholangitis or biliary obstruction w/ a stone appears likely
2903 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition HIDA scan is superior to abdominal ultrasound in confirming suspected acute cholecystitis(esp. acalculous
Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) is not commonly utilized due to better alternative
procedures. Good for studying intrahepatic and extrahepatic biliary tree.
The first step in the treatment of acute variceal bleeding is to establish vascular access w/ two large bore
intravenous needles or a central line.[The second step is to control the bleeding]
Balloon tamponade w/
2922 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Sengstaken-Blakemore,Minnesota,or Linton-Nachlas tubes used for short term control of acute variceal
bleeding when endoscopy is unavailable or when meds are not working quickly. Surgical tx or creation of
TIPS used for pts who have failed medical or endoscopic tx
Acute pancreatitis in non-alcoholics:
sx-mid epigastric pain radiating to back, leukocytosis, elevated serum amylase & lipase
etiology- Gallstones are responsible for this in non-alcoholics
tx- Cholecystectomy(after pt improves), in order to prevent recurrent attacks of acute pancreatitis
2933 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
secondary to gallstones
Perform ERCP in pts w/ severe biliary pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, ampullary cancers, the need to
obtain tissue samples, & the need for bile duct exploration
Emphysematous cholecystitis:common form of acute cholecystitis in diabetic males(aged 50-70 years).
Arises due to infection of the gallbladder wall w/ gas-forming bacteria.Sx-RUQ
2940 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition pain,nausea,vomiting,low-grade fever.Abdominal radiograph shows air fluid levels in the
gallbladder.Ultrasound shows curvilinear gas shadowing in the gallbladder.Tx-fluid & electrolyte
resuscitation,early cholecystectomy,& parenteral antibiotic therapy
Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction can cause post cholecystectomy pain. An elevated biliary sphincter pressure
is highly specific for sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Sphincter dysfunction is characterized by RUQ pain &
2973 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
elevation of liver enzymes during the pain attack, which resolve when the attacks subside. *ERCP w/
sphincterotomy* is the tx of choice for sphincter of oddi dysfunction
Postoperative cholestasis can develop after a prolonged surgery. Look for jaundice, decreased liver
functionality, & decreased renal bilirubin excretion.
2983 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
ALK phos. elevated significantly
AST & ALT either normal or mildly elevated
Pts w/ classic presentation of acute appendicitis (migratory pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, leukocytosis,
McBurney point tenderness, Rovsing sign) should have IMMEDIATE appendectomy! Imaging studies used
for pts w/ nonclassic sx, equivocal findings on assessment, or delayed presentation
3064 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Pts w/ appendicitis w/ sx for >5 days usually have a phlegmon w/ an abscess that has walled off. Manage
them w/ iv antibiotics, bowel rest, & delay appendectomy for weeks later
Paralytic (adynamic) ileus:due to retroperitoneal hemorrhage ass. w/ vertebral fractures.Failure to pass
stool/flatus,nausea/vomiting,distended ab w/ tympany & decreased/absent bowel sounds.Ab xray-air fluid
levels,distended gas filled loops of small & large intestines
3179 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Acue colonic pseudoobstruction:nausea,ab pain/distention,tympanitic bowel sounds,hyperactive bowel
sounds.Ab film-dilated colon w/o sig. small bowel dilation
CT guided percutaneous drainage is tx for complicated diverticulitis w/ abscess formation. If this fails, then
surgical drainage can be attempted
3182 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition Fluid collection <3 cm can be treated w/ iv antibiotics & observation
Fluid collection >3 cm should initially be drained w/ CT guided drainage (if drain doesn't control sx by fifth
day, surgery for drainage is next step)
Blunt abdominal trauma can cause splenic injury which can present w/ delayed onset hypotension, LUQ
abdominal pain, & left shoulder pain(due to diaphragmatic irritation). Pts should have an *abdominal CT
3358 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition scan* w/ iv contrast for dx. Those w/ persistent hemodynamic instability require urgent laparotomy
Although ulcerative colitis causes ab pain/bloody diarrhea,we can rule it out/eliminate it as dx if sx presents
for the first time at age 75
Dumping syndrome is a common postgastrectomy complication. The sx usually diminish over time &
4062 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition *dietary changes are helpful to control the sx*. In resistant cases, octreotide should be tried. Reconstructive
surgery is reserved for intractable cases
Suspect ischemic colitis in pts who have evidence of atherosclerotic vascular disease, present w/ abdominal
pain followed by bloody diarrhea, & have minimal abdominal exam findings. The most commonly involved
4098 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition segment of the colon is the *splenic flexure*, because it is supplied by end arteries.
The two watershed zones in the colon are 1)splenic flexure 2)recto-sigmoid junction. These areas are most
vulnerable to ischemia during systemic hypotension.
Anal fissure tx includes increased fiber/fluid intake, stool softeners, sitz baths, & *topical
4111 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
ansesthetics(eg,lidocaine) & vasodilators(eg,nifedipine,nitroglycerin)*
Pts who present w/ appendicitis >5 days after onset of sx have a high incidence of perforation w/ abscess
formation.They often have a contained abscess.If pts are stable,tx w/ iv hydration,abx, bowel rest,& interval
4251 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
In pts w/ appendiceal rupture w/ a contained abscess,maneuvers that assess deep abdominal
spaces(psoas sign,obturator sign,rectal exam) are useful
Psoas sign suggests presence of abscess posterior to appendix adjacent to psoas muscle
Adhesions(typically from abdominal operations/inflammatory processes/postoperative) are the mcc of small
bowel obstruction. They may be congenital in children(eg, Ladd's bands)
4364 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Recent weight loss can predispose pts to superior mesenteric artery syndrome
Decompressing the gi tract (via suctioning and stopping oral intake) is part of the tx of a partial or complete
small bowel obstruction
4462 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Air under diaphragm indicates perforated viscus, which is a surgical emergency. Once diagnosed, obtain
surgical consultation for emergent exploratory laparotomy
gastric outlet obstruction:
sx- early satiety, nausea, nonbilious vomiting, weightloss
can be caused by acid ingestion, leading to stricture (with pyloric stenosis)
phys exam will show abdominal succussion splash
4486 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
confirm with upper endoscopy
tx- surgical
Acute gastrointestinal perforation(subdiaphragmatic free intraperitoneal air on abdominal xray) requires
emergent laparotomy. If the affected pt is already taking warfarin from before(for an old health problem like
a-fib), then reversal of anticoagulation must be rapidly achieved pre-operatively by infusion of *fresh frozen
4601 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
plasma*[Vit K takes time so not used for emergency situations]. Otherwise pt at risk for intraoperative &
post-operative bleeding complications
Occasionally after cholecystectomy,diarrhea can occur due to bile acid malabsoption & shortened intestinal
transit times
4609 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition
Chronic poor glucose control -> gastroparesis: early satiety,nausea,postprandial vomiting
pilonidal disease:
4640 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition acute pain & swelling of the midline sacrococcygeal skin & subcutaneous tissues is due to infection of a
pilonidal cyst
Acute cholecystitis: manage conservatively, followed by cholecystectomy within 72 hours(early
cholecystectomy within 72 hours reduces disease duration, duration of hospitalization, & cholecystitis
associated mortality when compared to delayed cholecystectomy). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is the
4655 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition procedure of choice
Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage is used to decompress the gallbladder in pts who are
unstable or have a contraindication to surgery
Pts w/ *blunt abdominal trauma* should undergo initial evaluation by focused assessment w/ sonography for
4930 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition trauma(FAST) to evaluate for *intraperitoneal hemorrhage*. Positive findings on FAST require emergent
exploratory laparotomy
Perforated viscus:presents w/ severe ab pain,fever,tachycardia,& signs of
peritonitis(guarding,rigidity,reduced bowel sounds,rebound tenderness).Can occur in the setting of 'peptic
12142 Surgery Gastrointestinal & Nutrition ulcer disease',which is often ass. w/ 'NSAID & alcohol use'[positive stool guaiac test raises suspicion for
peptic ulcer disease as the cause of perforation].Dx of GI perforation confirmed w/ *upright xray of chest &
abdomen* showing free intraperitoneal air under diaphragm(pneumoperitoneum)
*Glasgow coma scale assesses the pt's ability to open his/her eyes, motor response, & verbal response*
3213 Surgery General Principles
Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes can be seen in locked-in syndrome
Any penetrating wound below the 4th intercostal space(ie, level of the nipples) is considered to involve the
abdomen & requires an exploratory laparotomy in unstable pts
Diagnostic peritoneal lavage is done in hemodynamically unstable pts w/ blunt abdominal trauma &
3221 Surgery General Principles
inconclusive FAST examination
FAST can be done in a few minutes on all pts & has high sensitivity & specificity for detecting
hemoperitoneum, pericardial effusion, & intraperitoneal fluid
Hypotension not responsive to fluid administration following trauma is suggestive of ongoing occult blood
loss. Pts in this scenario must be treated emergently w/ *surgical intervention* to stop further hemorrhage
3222 Surgery General Principles
Intraabdominal hemorrhage: pt will have abdominal distention, absent bowel sounds & abdominal bruising
Orotracheal intubation preferred for establishing an airway(unless pt has significant facial trauma) in an
apneic pt w/ a cervical spine injury
3227 Surgery General Principles Nasotracheal intubation is contraindicated in apneic/hypopneic pts and pts w/ basilar skull
fractures(periauricular hematomas, raccoon eyes)
Needle cricothyroidotomy not ideal for pts w/ head injury due to CO2 retention
Coagulase negative staphylococci(S.epidermidis) causes nosocomial bloodstream infections in pts w/
intravascular devices
Streptokinase & TPA are clot-lysing enzymes used to tx ST elevation MIs & thrombotic strokes
Necrotizing fasciitis: A rapidly spreading infection involving the subcutaneous fascia, generally following
trauma. Sx-fever, hypotension, erythema, swelling, pain out of proportion to physical exam finding. Tx-
surgical debridement & broad-spectrum antibiotics
2749 Surgery Infectious Diseases
Pyomyositis(muscle abscess): fever, erythema, swelling, pain. Limited to one muscle group, doesn't spread
4526 Surgery Infectious Diseases Risk of infection due to indwelling urinary catheters & central venous catheters increases w/ duration of
catheterization. Fever & infection develop later in the 1st week after surgery
Drug fever occurs 1-2 weeks after medication administration. Accompanied by rash & peripheral eosinophilia
Acute bacterial parotitis:presents w/ painful *swelling of the parotid gland* that is aggravated by chewing.
High fever & a tender, swollen & erythematous parotid gland are common. This post-operative complication
4544 Surgery Infectious Diseases
*can be prevented w/ adequate fluid hydration & oral hygiene*. The most common infectious agent is
Staphylococcus aureus
Delayed-onset prosthetic joint infection(>3 months after primary arthroplasty) -> S.epidermidis
Early-onset prosthetic joint infection(within 3 months of primary arthroplasty) -> P.aeruginosa & S.aureus
9111 Surgery Infectious Diseases
C. trachomatis & Salmonella species can be ass. w/ reactive arthritis following an initial genitourinary or GI
infection. Sx-arthritis w/ urethritis/enteritis & conjunctivitis
Penile fracture: First do *retrograde urethrogram* to rule out a urethral injury. Then do Surgery.
3352 Surgery Male Reproductive System
Circumcision:tx of choice for phimosis,paraphimosis & Zoon's balanitis. Also ass. w/ lower risk of squamous
cell carcinoma
Varicoceles:tortuous *dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus*.Left-sided scrotal mass("bag of worms")
that worsens w/ standing & Valsalva maneuvers but regresses when pt is supine
4525 Surgery Male Reproductive System Spermatocele:painless fluid-filled cyst of head of epididymis,located on superior pole of testis,contains
nonviable sperm,mass outside of testis that doesn't change w/ position
Acute subdural hematoma:head trauma causing tearing of the bridging veins.Head CT shows semilunar
hematoma that crosses the suture lines
3297 Surgery Nervous System
Concussion ass. w/ confusion/amnesia
Diffuse axonal injury is due to traumatic acceleration/deceleration shearing forces that diffusely damage
axons in brain
Anterior spinal cord infarction is a potential complication of thoracic aortic aneurysm surgery.Sx-spinal
shock(abrupt onset of bilateral flaccid paralysis & loss of pain/temperature sensation below the level of
spinal injury).Upper motor neuron signs(spasticity & hyperreflexia) develop over days to
4204 Surgery Nervous System weeks.Vibration/proprioception preserved
Ischemic stroke due to right carotid artery atherosclerosis: abrupt onset of contralateral neurologic
deficits(not bilateral deficits!)
Femoral nerve: innervates muscles of anterior compartment of the thigh. It's responsible for knee extension
4293 Surgery Nervous System
& hip flexion. Provides sensation to anterior thigh & medial leg via saphenous branch
Transtentorial herniation of the parahippocampal uncus can occur during head trauma & leads to ipsilateral
hemiparesis, ipsilateral mydriasis & strabismus, contralateral hemianopsia, & altered mentation.[The uncus
4552 Surgery Nervous System is the innermost part of the temporal lobe & herniates thru the tentorium to cause pressure on the ipsilateral
*oculomotor nerve*, ipsilateral posterior cerebral artery, & contralateral cerebral peduncle against the edge
of the tentorium]
Parotid surgery involving the deep lobe of the parotid gland carries a significant risk of facial nerve palsy
resulting in facial droop
Jaw asymmetry can result from unilateral paralysis of the muscles of mastication, which are innervated by
4599 Surgery Nervous System
the mandibular division of the tigeminal nerve V3
Strabismus(improper alignment of the eyes) can result from disorders of the extraocular muscles or of the
nerves that innervate them (CN III, IV, or VI). Brainstem lesion are responsible
Anterior shoulder dislocation: acute shoulder pain after forceful abduction & external rotation at the
glenohumeral joint. May cause injury to *axillary nerve* or artery
4604 Surgery Nervous System
Radial nerve injury can be due to use of improperly fitted crutches
In a pt w/ a shoulder injury,a positive drop arm sign suggests rotator cuff tear.In the drop arm test,pt's arm
is abducted to greater than 90 degrees,& pt is then asked to lower the arm slowly.With a complete rotator
cuff tear,pt will be unable to lower the arm smoothly & it will appear to drop rapidly from near the 90 degree
4605 Surgery Nervous System position
Injury to inferior trunk of the brachial pleuxus: Klumpke's palsy. Weakness/atrophy of hypothenar &
interosseous muscles. "Claw hand"
Cervical spondylosis:
4698 Surgery Nervous System etiology- disc degeneration in pts > 40 years old
sx- neck pain & stiffness. Pt can develop spinal stenosis, resulting in neurologic deficits
Epidural hematoma: ass. w/ lucid interval followed by rapid neurological deterioration. Biconvex mass on CT
4923 Surgery Nervous System of head(google image). Pts w/ deteriorating neurological status or increased ICP require an *emergent
The presence of an extra axial, well circumscribed, dural based mass that is partially calcified on
neuroimaging is strongly suggestive of a meningioma. Meningiomas are benign primary brain tumors;
11997 Surgery Nervous System
however, they can present w/ headache, seizure, & focal neurologic deficits due to mass effect. In such
cases, *complete surgical resection* is recommended
Poisoning & When circumferential full-thickness burns involving the extremities or chest are present, an *escharotomy*
3395 Surgery
Environmental Exposure may be necessary to prevent vascular compromise & respiratory difficulty, respectively.
Escharotomy is indicated for circumferential full-thickness burns of an extremity w/ an eschar causing
significant edema & constriction of the vascular supply & decreased peripheral pulses. Pts should be
evaluated for clinical signs of adequate perfusion after escharotomy, & fasciotomy should be performed if
Poisoning &
3398 Surgery there is no sign of relief
Environmental Exposure
Fasciotomy involves incision thru all fascial layers & is the tx for compartment syn. Escharotomy involves
incision of only eschar layer
The most important steps in the management of lactic acidosis from septic shock are IV normal saline(IV
2812 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care 0.9% saline) with or without vasopressor therapy to maintain the intravascular pressure & antibiotics to
correct the underlying infection
Tension pneumothorax: can occur as a complication of subclavian central venous catheter placement. This
condition develops when injured tissue forms a one-way valve allowing air to enter the pleural space but
3216 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care preventing it from escaping naturally. Sx-rapid onset severe shortness of breath, tachycardia, tachypnea,
hypotension, & distention of the neck veins due to SVC compression. Tx-*Needle thoracostomy* to
decompress pleural cavity
Pain relief should be the prime objective in the management of rib fracture as it will allow proper ventilation
3220 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care & prevent atelectasis & pneumonia. Opiates and NSAIDS are commonly utilized, but an intercostal nerve
block w/ a long acting local anesthetic can also be used.
Diaphragmatic rupture should be suspected in pts w/ hx of blunt trauma/motor vehicle accident, abnormal
CXR, left lower lung opacity, elevated hemidiaphragm, & mediastinal deviation. Children can have a delayed
3731 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care
presentation w/ expansion of the diaphragmatic defect & herniation of abdominal organs. *Chest CT can
confirm the dx* in pts w/ suggestive CXR findings
*Pulmonary contusion* is common after high-speed car accidents. Sx usually develop in the first 24 hours &
4145 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care
a *patchy alveolar infiltrate* on CXR is typical
Diaphragmatic rupture: more common on the left side(right side protected by the liver). Pts have respiratory
distress & can have deviation of the mediastinal contents to the opposite side. Elevation of the
hemidiaphragm on chest x-ray is the only abnormal finding. Chest x-ray showing a nasogastric tube in the
4229 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care pulmonary cavity is diagnostic
Aortic rupture:can result in instantaneous death. Rarely can get profound hypotension. Cxr shows widened
Severe blunt chest trauma causes injury to pulmonary parenchyma & pulmonary
contusions.Dyspnea,tachypnea,chest pain,hypoxemia worsened by intravascular volume expansion &
patchy irregular alveolar infiltrates on CXR
4537 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care Myocardial contusion:arrhythmia,heart failure,chest pain.Cardiac rupture is an uncommon
manifestation.PCWP increased
4606 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care Respiratory quotient of .8= protein
Atelectasis is one of the most common postoperative pumonary complications & is usually due to airway
obstruction from retained airway secretions, decreased lung compliance, postoperative pain, & medications
4931 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care
that interfere w/ deep breathing. Arterial blood gas levels typically show hypoxemia, hypocapnia, &
respiratory alkalosis
Preoperative pt education & a program of inspiratory muscle training(*breath exercises*, forced expiration
techniques, incentive spirometry) should be conducted to prevent postoperative atelectasis. Postoperative
breathing exercises & incentive spirometry are also effective in reducing the risk of pulmonary complications
4932 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care
Smoking cessation reduces risk of postoperative pulmonary complications. Have to quit smoking at least 8
weeks prior to surgery
Pts w/ hemoptysis & high clinical suspicion for pulmonary tb should be placed in respiratory isolation
Bronchoscopy should be performed to directly visualize & control the site of bleeding in pts w/ massive
4936 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care hemoptysis
Endotracheal intubation should be performed to protect airway in pts w/ hemoptysis who are
hemodynamically unstable or have poor gas exchange, severe dyspnea, or massive hemoptysis
Pt w/ massive hemoptysis: Greatest danger is asphyxiation due to the airway flooding w/ blood. Pt should
be placed w/ the bleeding lung in the dependent position (lateral position) to avoid blood collection in the
4937 Surgery Pulmonary & Critical Care airways of the opposite lung. Bronchoscopy is initial procedure of choice. Pulmonary arteriography is
performed when initial bronchoscopy is unable to localize the source. Urgent thoracotomy/surgical
intervention is used for pts who bleed despite bronchoscopy
Renal, Urinary Systems & Posterior urethral injury: ass w/ pelvic fractures. Blood at urethral meatus, high riding prostate, scrotal
3348 Surgery
Electrolytes hematoma, inability to void despite sensing an urge to void, palpably distended bladder
A *retrograde urethrogram* should be the first step in management of a suspected urethral injury.
[Foley catheterization in the presence of a urethral injury will predispose the pt to abscess formation &
worsening of the urethral damage]
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3349 Surgery
Electrolytes Retrograde cystogram w/ post void films is used for dx of bladder injury
Most cases of urethral injury are tx w/ urinary diversion via a suprapubic catheter while the primary injury &
ass hematomas are allowed to heal
In pts w/ traumatic spinal cord injuries, urinary catheter placement can assess for urinary retention &
prevent acute bladder distension & damage(we suspect spinal cord injury if pt has sx like weakness &
decreased pain sensation in both of their legs)
Renal, Urinary Systems &
3784 Surgery
IV atropine/external pacing used for symptomatic bradycardia
IV cefazolin commonly used for antimicrobial prophylaxis before surgery to prevent wound infections
Oliguria,azotemia,elevated BUN/creatinine ratio of >20:1 in post-operative state indicates acute pre-renal
failure from hypovolemia,though urinary catheter obstruction should first be ruled out.The next step in the
dx/management of acute renal failure manifesting as oliguria or anuria is an *IV fluid challenge*
Renal, Urinary Systems &
4607 Surgery
Low-dose dopamine infusion dilates renal arterioles,thereby increasing GFR & urine output
Compartment syndrome:
Common-pain out of proportion to injury, pain increased on passive stretch, rapidly increasing & tense
swelling, paresthesia/pins & needles sensation (early)
3463 Surgery Uncommon-decreased sensation, motor weakness (within hours), paralysis (late), decreased distal pulses
& Sports
If index of suspicion high, compartment pressures must be measured immediately. Fasciotomy is tx of
Supracondylar fractures:Due to fall on outstretched hand.Radial & brachial pulses must be assessed before
& after reduction as *brachial artery* can be impinged.Also risk of median nerve injury
Meniscal injury: commonly caused by twisting injury, swelling & pain gradually occurs within 24 hours after
injury, knee worse w/ twisting movements, occasionally causes a popping sensation. Do *MRI* if sx are
Rheumatology/Orthopedics persistent. Surgery (arthroscopic or open) often necessary to correct problem
4250 Surgery
& Sports
Intraarticular steroid injections can be used in pts w/ secondary meniscal injury due to degenerative joint
Stress (hairline) fractures of the metatarsals are common in athletes & military recruits. Second metatarsal
is most commonly injured. Tx w/ rest, analgesia & a hard-soled shoe
4485 Surgery
& Sports
Surgical intervention reserved for fractures of the fifth metatarsal, such as Jones fractures, or for displaced
fractures not amenable to closed reduction
Rheumatology/Orthopedics *Trochanteric bursitis*: Can occur in a middle aged adult. Superficial unilateral hip pain that is exacerbated
4546 Surgery
& Sports by external pressure to the upper lateral thigh (as when lying on the affected side in bed)
Meniscal tears in knee joint:pt can recall when it occurred, popping sensation, joint swelling develops
gradually and noticed the next day
Ligamentous tears:also ass. w/ popping sensation but cause rapid joint swelling due to hemarthrosis
4554 Surgery
& Sports
Stress fractures are due to repeated stress eg. in long distance runners.Tibia & fibula most vulnerable
Anserine bursitis causes tenderness over medial aspect of knee,affects athletes & obese middle aged to
elderly women. No pop reported
Prepatellar bursitis(housemaid's knee) is characterized by anterior knee pain, tenderness, erythema, &
localized swelling, & is common in occupations requiring repetitive kneeling(concrete work,carpet
11976 Surgery laying,plumbing). It's often due to Staphylococcus aureus, which can infect the bursa via penetrating
& Sports
trauma, repetitive friction, or extension from local cellulitis. If gram stain/culture are negative, manage w/
activity modification & NSAIDs. Otherwise tx w/ drainage & Abx