UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Optimization
UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Optimization
UAV-Enabled Wireless Power Transfer: Trajectory Design and Energy Optimization
8, AUGUST 2018
ERs and characterized the achievable region of the received The total energy received by each ER k ∈ K over the
energy by the two ERs via UAV trajectory optimization; whole charging period is a function of the UAV’s trajectory
while in [2], we studied the min-energy maximization for the {x(t), y(t)}, which can be written as
case with K > 2 ERs. Different from the above two prior T
studies, this paper studies both the sum-energy and min-energy Ek ({x(t), y(t)}) = Qk (x(t), y(t))dt. (3)
maximization problems for the general case with K ≥ 2 ERs, 0
and provides more comprehensive analysis, simulations, and Note that at each ER, the received RF signals are con-
discussions. verted into direct current (DC) signals for energy harvesting
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. via rectifiers [7]. In practice, the RF-to-DC conversion is
Section II presents the system model of the UAV-enabled WPT generally non-linear and the conversion efficiency critically
system. Section III presents the optimal solution to the sum- depends on the received RF power and waveform at the ER
energy maximization problem. Section IV presents the optimal (see, [4], [15], [22]). To the authors’ best knowledge, a generic
solution to the min-energy maximization problem when the model to accurately characterize the non-linear RF-to-DC
UAV maximum speed constraint is ignored. Section V presents conversion efficiency is not available yet, but in general the
the proposed solutions to the min-energy maximization prob- harvested DC power monotonically increases with the received
lem with the maximum UAV speed constraint considered. RF power. Therefore, for simplicity, in this paper we consider
Section VI provides numerical results to validate the effective- the received RF power in (2) and the resultant received energy
ness of our proposed trajectory designs. Finally, Section VII in (3) by ERs prior to RF-to-DC conversion as the performance
concludes this paper. metrics.
Let x and y denote an optimal UAV location that maxi- Towards this end, we first re-express the received power by
mizes the function ψ(x, y), i.e., ER 1 and ER 2 as follows, given the UAV’s location (x, 0, H).
(x , y ) = arg max ψ(x, y). (6) β0 P
x,y Q̂1 (x) = , (9)
(x + D/2)2 + H 2
As the function ψ(x, y) is non-concave with respect to x and β0 P
Q̂2 (x) = . (10)
y, it is generally difficult to find the closed-form expression (x − D/2)2 + H 2
of x and y . Fortunately, ψ(x, y) in problem (6) only has Accordingly, the function ψ(x, y) in (4) can be simplified as
two variables x and y. Besides, it is not difficult to show that
x and y should satisfy x ≤ x ≤ x and y ≤ y ≤ y,
respectively, where ψ̂(x) Q̂k (x)
x = min xk , x = max xk , y = min yk , y = max yk . (7) 1 1
k∈K k∈K k∈K k∈K = β0 P + . (11)
(x+D/2)2 + H 2 (x − D/2)2 +H 2
This is because if (x , y ) lies outside the box specified above,
As a result, finding x is equivalent to determining the
we can always increase the energy transferred to all the K ERs
maximizer of ψ̂(x), i.e., x = arg maxx ψ̂(x).
by moving (x , y ) into the box. As a result, we can adopt
Lemma 2: The function ψ̂(x) has the following properties:
a 2D exhaustive search over the box region [x, x] × [y, y] to
• It is symmetric over x = 0, i.e., ψ̂(−x) = ψ̂(x),
find (x , y ).3 Notice that the optimal solution of x and y
to problem (6) is generally non-unique. ∀x ∈ (−∞, ∞). √
• When D ≤ 2H/ 3, ψ̂(x) is monotonically increasing
Given x and y , we have the following proposition.
Proposition 1: The optimal trajectory solution to prob- over x ∈ (−∞, 0) and decreasing over x ∈ (0, ∞);
lem (P1) is given as hence, x = 0 is √the unique maximizer of ψ̂(x).
• When D > 2H/ 3, there exists a value
x (t) = x , y (t) = y , ∀t ∈ T . (8)
ξ −(D2 /4 + H 2 ) + D4 /4 + H 2 D2 < D/2,
Proof: See Appendix A.
Proposition 1 indicates that the UAV should hover at one
single fixed location (x , y , H) during the whole charging such that ψ̂(x) is monotonically increasing, decreasing,
period, referred to as single-location hovering. Due to the non- increasing and decreasing over x ∈ (−∞, −ξ), (−ξ, 0),
uniqueness of the optimal solution x and y to problem (6), (0, ξ) and (ξ, ∞), respectively; hence, together with the
such an optimal hovering location (x , y , H) is non-unique symmetry of the function ψ̂(x) over x = 0, it follows that
in general, as will be shown in an example given in the x = −ξ and x = ξ are the two equivalent maximizers
next subsection for the case of K = 2. However, this of ψ̂(x).
single-location-hovering solution can lead to a severe “near- Proof: See Appendix B.
far” fairness issue in multiuser WPT, as the near ERs in Based on Lemma 2, the optimal solution x to maximize
close proximity to the optimal hovering location can receive ψ̂(x) is found. By using this result together with Proposition 1,
significantly more energy than the far ERs, especially in a we have the following proposition to solve (P1) for K = 2.
large network with many ERs that are sufficiently separated Proposition 3: In the special case of K = 2, the optimal
from each other. To overcome this issue, in Section IV we solution to (P1) is given as follows.
will consider an alternative problem formulation to maximize √
• When D ≤ 2H/ 3, we have x (t) = 0, y (t) =
the minimum received energy among all ERs to ensure their 0, ∀t ∈ T , i.e., the UAV should hover at the fixed location
fairness. Before that, in the following subsection, we derive (0, 0, H) above the middle point between the two ERs
the optimal solution to problem (P1) in closed-form for the during the whole charging
special case of K = 2 ERs to provide more insights on the √ period.
• When D > 2H/ 3, there are two symmet-
sum-energy maximization problem. ric optimal solutions to (P1), given by x (t) =
−ξ, y (t) = 0, ∀t ∈ T , and x (t) = ξ, y (t) = 0,
B. Special Case With K = 2 ERs ∀t ∈ T , respectively. In other words, the UAV should
In the special case with K = 2, without loss of generality hover at either (−ξ, 0, H) near ER 1 or (ξ, 0, H) near
we assume x1 = −D/2, x2 = D/2, and y1 = y2 = 0, ER 2 during the whole charging period.
where D denotes the distance between the two ERs. Based on For illustration, Fig. 2 shows the optimal hovering location
Proposition 1, in this case, the UAV should hover at a fixed x , with x (t) = x , ∀t ∈ T , versus the distance D between
location (x , y , H) above the line between the two ERs with the two ERs in the case of√H = 5 m. It is observed that
y = 0. Therefore, it only remains to find x . x = 0 when D ≤ 2H/ 3 = 5.77 m and 0 < x <
D/2 (or equivalently −D/2 < −x < 0 for the other √
3 Actually, (x , y ) should lie within the convex hull of all the ERs’ symmetric optimal hovering location) when D > 2H/ 3.
locations (x1 , y1 ), . . . , (xK , yK ), which is generally a subset of the box It is also observed that as D increases, x becomes closer
[x, x] × [y, y]. Furthermore, denoting the solution accuracy as ε, then the
complexity of the 2D exhaustive search method increases inversely with and eventually converges to D/2. These observations are con-
respect to ε2 and linearly with respect to the number of ERs, K. sistent with Proposition 3. Furthermore, notice that it follows
In Section V, we will consider the general case of (P2) with In the above, (19) consists of an infinite number of subprob-
the UAV speed constraints (1) included, and propose efficient lems, each corresponding to a time instant t. Let the optimal
solutions to (P2) based on the optimal solution obtained solutions to (18) and (19) be denoted by E {λk } , as well as
for (P3). x{λk } (t) and y {λk } (t), ∀t ∈ T , respectively.
∗ ∗ ∗
As for subproblem (18), since 1 − k∈K λk = 0 holds for when the optimal x{λk } (t)’s, y {λk } (t)’s, and E {λk } to prob-
any given {λk } ∈ X , its objective value is always zero. In this lem (15) are non-unique, they may not be feasible nor optimal
case, we can choose any arbitrary real number as the optimal to problem (P3.1) in general. In the latter case, we need
solution E ({λk }) for the purpose of obtaining the dual function to time-share among these non-unique optimal solutions as
f ({λk }). follows to construct the optimal primal solution {x∗ (t)},
On the other hand, note that the subproblems in (19) are {y ∗ (t)}, and E ∗ to (P3.1).
identical for all time instant t ∈ T . Therefore, we can drop Under the optimal dual solution {λ∗k }, suppose that prob-
the time index t and re-express each problem in (19) as lem (20) under {λ∗k } has a total number of Γ ≥ 1 opti-
mal location solutions to maximize ψ {λk } (x, y), denoted by
max ψ̃ {λk } (x, y). (20) (x∗1 , y1∗ ), . . . , (x∗Γ , yΓ∗ ), which are obtained via a 2D exhaustive
search over the box region [x, x] × [y, y]. Let Qk (x∗γ , yγ∗ )
Similarly as for problem (6), problem (20) has two optimiza- denote the corresponding received power at each ER k ∈ K
tion variables, and the optimal solution of x{λk } and y {λk } when the UAV stays at the location (x∗γ , yγ∗ , H). Due to the
satisfies x ≤ x{λk } ≤ x and y ≤ y {λk } ≤ y, with x, x, y, zero duality gap between (P3.1) and (D3.1), it is evident
and y given in (7). As a result, we can adopt a 2D exhaustive that for any time t ∈ [0, T ], the optimal primal solution of
search over the box region [x, x] × [y, y] to find the optimal (x∗ (t), y ∗ (t)) must be chosen from the Γ hovering locations.
x{λk } and y {λk } . Accordingly, the optimal solution to problem Notice that when the UAV hovers at the same location at
(19) is given by different time t, the ERs will receive the same amount of
x{λk } (t) = x{λk } , y {λk } (t) = y {λk } , ∀t ∈ T . (21) power. Therefore, we only need to decide the time-sharing
ratio among the Γ solutions for constructing the optimal primal
Note that the optimal solution of x{λk } and y {λk } to (20) is solution to (P3.1). Here, time-sharing means that the UAV
generally non-unique, and we can arbitrarily choose any one of should hover at each of these different locations for a certain
them for obtaining the dual function f ({λk }).4 By substituting portion of the total duration T . Let τγ denote the optimal
E {λk } , x{λk } (t)’s and y {λk } (t)’s into problem (15), the dual hovering duration at (x∗γ , yγ∗ , H). Then, the optimal τγ∗ ’s,
function f ({λk }) is obtained. together with the maximum min-energy E ∗ , can be obtained
2) Finding Optimal Dual Solution to (D3.1): With f ({λk }) by solving the following problem.
obtained, we then solve the dual problem (D3.1) to find
max E
the optimal {λk } to minimize f ({λk }). Note that the {τγ ≥0},E
dual function f ({λk }) is always convex but generally non- Γ
differentiable [23]. As a result, problem (D3.1) can be s.t. τγ Qk (x∗γ , yγ∗ ) ≥ E, ∀k ∈ K
solved by subgradient-based methods such as the ellipsoid γ=1
method [25]. Note that the subgradient of the objective func- Γ
tion f ({λk }) is given by τγ = T. (22)
s0 (λ1 , . . . , λK )
Note that problem (22) is a linear program (LP), which
= T Q1 (x({λk }) , y ({λk }) ), . . . , T QK (x({λk }) , y ({λk }) ) , can be solved by using standard convex optimization tech-
niques [23]. As a result, the optimal solution of E ∗ to (P3.1)
where E ({λk }) = 0 is chosen for simplicity. Furthermore, is found. Finally, we obtain the optimal trajectory solution
the equality constraint
in (16) can be viewed as
two inequality of {x∗ (t), y ∗ (t)} to (P3.1) (and thus (P3)), which is given
constraints 1 − k∈K λk ≤ 0 and −1 + k∈K λk ≤ 0, in the following proposition based on the above time-sharing
whose subgradients are given by s1 (λ1 , . . . , λK ) = −e and property, with the proof omitted for brevity.
s2 (λ1 , . . . , λK ) = e, respectively, where e denotes an all-one Proposition 5: Partition the whole charging period
vector. We denote the obtained optimal dual solution to (D3.1)
as {λ∗k }.
into Γ
γ denoted by T1 , . . . , TΓ , where
Tγ = ( i=1 τi∗ , i=1 τi∗ ] with duration τγ∗ for γ ≥ 1.
3) Constructing Optimal Primal Solution to (P3.1): Based Then, the optimal trajectory solution of {x∗ (t), y ∗ (t)}
on the optimal dual solution {λ∗k } to (D3.1), we need to obtain to (P3.1) or (P3) is given by
the optimal primal solution to (P3.1), denoted by {x∗ (t)},
{y ∗ (t)}, and E ∗ . It is worth noting that when using the x∗ (t) = x∗γ , y ∗ (t) = yγ∗ , ∀t ∈ Tγ , γ ∈ {1, . . . , Γ}, (23)
Lagrange dual method to solve problem (P3.1) via the dual
problem (D3.1), the optimal solution to problem (15) under where Tγ ∩ Tζ = φ, ∀γ
= ζ, and γ=1 Tγ = T .
∗ ∗
the optimal dual solution {λ∗k } (i.e., x{λk } (t)’s, y {λk } (t)’s, In summary, we present the algorithm for
and E {λk } ) is the optimal primal solution to (P3.1), if such a solving (P3.1) or (P3) as Algorithm 1 in Table I.
solution is unique and primal feasible [23]. On the other hand, Remark 6: Note that Proposition 5 implies that to maximize
the min-energy transferred to the K ERs, the UAV should
4 When the optimal solution x{λk } (t)’s, y {λk } (t)’s, and E ({λk }) are not hover above a number of fixed locations during the charging
unique, they may not be optimal for the primal problem (P3.1) after the dual period, and the optimal hovering locations (i.e., x∗γ ’s and yγ∗ ’s)
problem is solved. As a result, an additional step is required to obtain the
optimal primal solution of E, x(t)’s, and y(t)’s to (P3.1), as will be shown are generally different from the locations of the ERs (i.e., xk ’s
later in Section IV-A.3. and yk ’s). We refer to such a design as multi-location hovering.
• If D ≤ 2H/ 3, then the UAV should hover at the γth hovering location (x∗γ , yγ∗ , H) and the ζth hovering loca-
fixed location (0, 0, H) during the whole charging period, tion (x∗ζ , yζ∗ , H). We define a binary variable fγ,ζ for any
i.e., x∗ (t) = 0,
√∀t ∈ T . γ, ζ ∈ {1, . . . , Γ}, γ
= ζ, where fγ,ζ = 1 indicates that the
• If D > 2H/ 3, then the UAV should hover over the UAV should fly from the γth hovering location (x∗γ , yγ∗ , H)
two symmetric locations (−ξ, 0, H) and (ξ, 0, H) with to the ζth hovering location (x∗ζ , yζ∗ , H), and fγ,ζ = 0 other-
equal durations, e.g., x∗ (t) = −ξ, ∀t ∈ [0, T /2), and wise. The trajectory design
x∗ (t) = ξ, ∀t ∈ [T /2, T ], with ξ given in (12).
Γ problem
Γ thus becomes determining
{fγ,ζ } to minimize γ=1 ζ=1,ζ=γ fγ,ζ dγ,ζ , provided that
Proof: See Appendix C. each of the Γ locations is visited exactly once.
By comparing Proposition 7 versus Proposition 3, it is The flying distance minimization problem considered here
observed that in the case with K = 2 ERs, each of the optimal is reminiscent of the well-known traveling salesman prob-
hovering locations for the min-energy maximization is also lem (TSP) (see, [26]–[28]), with the following difference.
optimal for the corresponding case in the sum-energy maxi- In the standard TSP, the salesman (or equivalently the UAV
mization. Thus, the achieved sum-energy in problem (P3-2ER) of our interest) needs to return to the origin city (the initial
is identical to that in (P1) when K = 2. This implies that with- hovering location) after visiting all these cities (or hovering
out the maximum UAV speed constraint, the multi-location- locations here); but our flying distance minimization problem
hovering solution to (P3-2ER) can maximize the sum-energy does not have such a requirement since the initial and final
received by the two ERs, while ensuring their energy fairness hovering locations can be optimized. Fortunately, it has been
thanks to the time sharing. Nevertheless, it is worth noting shown in [29] that our flying distance minimization problem
that in the general case with K > 2, the optimal hovering can be transformed to the standard TSP as follows. First,
locations for (P3) are generally different from that for (P1). we add a dummy hovering location, namely the (Γ + 1)-
This is due to the fact that x and y are the maximizer of the th hovering location, whose distances to all the existing Γ
sum-power ψ(x, y), but x∗γ ’s and yγ∗ ’s are the maximizers of hovering locations are 0, i.e., dΓ+1,γ = dγ,Γ+1 = 0, ∀γ ∈
the weighted sum-power ψ̃ {λk } (x(t), y(t)), which is different {1, . . . , Γ}. Note that this dummy hovering location is a virtual
from ψ(x, y) if any two λk ’s are not identical in the case of node that does not exist physically. Then, we obtain the
K > 2. desirable traveling path by solving the standard TSP problem
for the Γ + 1 hovering locations,5 and then removing the two Proposition 8: When the charging duration T is sufficiently
edges associated with the dummy location. For the obtained large such that T Tfly , the successive hover-and-fly trajec-
traveling path, we define the permutation π(·) over the set tory design is asymptotically optimal for problem (P2).
{1, . . . , Γ}, such that the UAV first visits the π(1)-th hovering Proof: When T Tfly , the flying time is negligible and
location, followed by the π(2)-th, the π(3)-th, until the π(Γ)-th thus the successive hover-and-fly trajectory is equivalent to
hovering location at last. In this case, the resulting flying dis- the optimal multi-location-hovering solution to (P3). In this
tance and flying
Γ−1duration with the maximum speed V are given case, the objective value achieved by the successive hover-
as Dfly = γ=1 dπ(γ),π(γ+1) , and Tfly = Dfly /V , respectively. and-fly trajectory for (P2) is asymptotically approaching the
Tfly optimal value of (P3), which actually serves as the upper
We denote the corresponding trajectory as {x̂(t), ŷ(t)}t=0 .
It is worth noting that the above traveling path is only bound for that of (P2). Therefore, the proposed trajectory
feasible when the charging duration T is no smaller than Tfly , design is asymptotically optimal for (P2) when T Tfly .
i.e., T ≥ Tfly , since otherwise the charging duration is not suf- 3) Trajectory Redesign When T < Tfly : In this subsection,
ficient for the UAV to visit all the Γ hovering locations. In the we consider the case when T < Tfly . In this case, the UAV
following, we first determine the hovering time allocation over traveling path {x̂(t), ŷ(t)}t=0 based on the TSP solution is
different locations in the case with T ≥ Tfly , and then refine no longer feasible since the charging time is not sufficient for
the trajectory design in the case with T < Tfly . the UAV to visit all the Γ hovering locations. To address this
2) Hovering Time Allocation When T ≥ Tfly : First, we con- issue, we first find the solution to (P2) when T is sufficiently
sider the case when T ≥ Tfly . With the above traveling small (i.e., T → 0) such that the UAV can only hover at
Tfly one single location, and then reconstruct a modified successive
path {x̂(t), ŷ(t)}t=0 , the trajectory design problem remains to
allocate the hovering duration T − Tfly among the Γ locations hover-and-fly trajectory for the case of T < Tfly .
to maximize the min-energy transferred to all the K ERs. Note First, when T → 0, the UAV should hover at one single
Tfly fixed location, denoted by (xfix , yfix , H), where xfix and yfix
that based on the traveling path {x̂(t), ŷ(t)}t=0 , we can obtain
the received energy by each ER k ∈ K during the UAV’s can be obtained by solving the following problem via a 2D
T exhaustive search over (x, x) × (y, y).
flying time as Ekfly = 0 fly Qk (x̂(t), ŷ(t))dt, with Qk (·, ·)
given in (2). Also, recall that Qk (x∗γ , yγ∗ ) denotes the received (xfix , yfix ) = arg max min Qk (x, y). (26)
power at ER k ∈ K when the UAV hovers at the location x,y k∈K
(x∗γ , yγ∗ , H). Then the optimal hovering durations, denoted as Next, we reconstruct the trajectory as follows by
τγ∗∗ ’s, together with the corresponding maximum min-energy down-scaling the previously obtained traveling path
of the K ERs, denoted by E ∗∗ , can be obtained by solving {(x̂(t), ŷ(t), H)}t=0 for the case of T = Tfly linearly
the following LP. towards the center point (xfix , yfix , H), such that the resulting
total flying distance equals V T .
max E
{τγ ≥0},E x∗∗ (t) = x̂(t/κ) + (1 − κ)(xfix − x̂(t/κ)),
y ∗∗ (t) = ŷ(t/κ)+(1 − κ)(yfix − ŷ(t/κ)), ∀t ∈ [0, T ], (27)
s.t. τγ Qk (x∗γ , yγ∗ ) + Ekfly ≥ E, ∀k ∈ K
γ=1 where κ = T /Tfly < 1 denotes the linear scaling factor.
Note that when T → 0, we have κ → 0, and the above
τγ = T − Tfly . (25) redesigned trajectory reduces to hovering at one single fixed
γ=1 location (xfix , yfix , H); while T → Tfly , we have κ → 1,
and the above redesigned trajectory becomes identical to the
With the optimal permutation π(·) and the optimal hov- TSP-based trajectory {(x̂(t), ŷ(t), H)}t=0 .
ering durations {τγ∗∗ } obtained, the successive hover-and-fly We summarize the overall algorithm for the proposed
trajectory is finalized, which can be summarized as follows. successive hover-and-fly trajectory design as Algorithm 2 in
By dividing the charging period into 2Γ − 1 slots; in the Table II, for both the cases of T ≥ Tfly and T < Tfly .
(2γ − 1)-th slot with duration τπ(γ) , γ ∈ {1, . . . , Γ}, the UAV 4) Optimality in the Case With K = 2 ERs: In the
hovers at the π(γ)-th hovering location (x∗π(γ) , yπ(γ) ∗
, H); and special two-ER case with x1 = −D/2, x2 = D/2, and
in the (2γ)-th slot, γ ∈ {1, . . . , Γ − 1}, the UAV flies from the y1 = y2 = 0, the min-energy maximization problem with the
π(γ)-th hovering location (x∗π(γ) , yπ(γ)
, H) to the π(γ + 1)-th maximum speed constraint is simplified as follows by setting
hovering location (x∗π(γ+1) , yπ(γ+1)
, H) with its maximum y(t) = 0, ∀t ∈ T .
speed V . (P2-2ER) : max min(Ê1 ({x(t)}), Ê2 ({x(t)}))
5 Note that although the TSP is an NP-hard problem in combinatorial opti- s.t. |ẋ(t)| ≤ V, ∀t ∈ T .
mization, various heuristic and approximation algorithms have been proposed
to give efficient high-quality solutions for it (see, [26]–[28]). In particular, As it has been shown in Proposition 7 that for problem
it has been shown in [28] that the TSP problem can be formulated as a binary (P3-2ER)
√ without the maximum speed constraint, if D ≤
integer program, by incorporating a set of constraints to ensure there is only 2H/ 3, then there√ is one optimal hovering location (0, 0, H);
a single tour connecting all visited locations. The binary integer program can
be solved via CVX [30] by using the Mosek solver that supports the integer while if D > 2H/ 3, then there are two symmetric optimal
program (see for details). hovering locations (−ξ, 0, H) and (ξ, 0, H) with equal time
V t − V T /2, t ∈ (T /2 − ξ/V, T /2 + ξ/V ) (28) s.t. (x[n] − x[n − 1])2 + (y[n] − y[n − 1])2 ≤ V 2 Δ2 ,
ξ, t ∈ [T /2 + ξ/V, T ]. ∀n ∈ {2, . . . , N }, (31)
Proposition 9: The above successive hover-and-fly trajec- where the constraints in (31) correspond to the discretized
tory solution is optimal for problem (P2-2ER) in the case of version of the maximum speed constraints in (1). Note that
K = 2 ERs. the constraints in (31) are all convex but the objective function
Proof: See Appendix D. in (30) is not concave. Therefore, problem (30) is a non-convex
Remark 10: Proposition 9 provides important insights on optimization problem.
how to maximize the minimum or equal energy transferred For the non-convex optimization problem (30), we obtain a
to the two ERs. First,
√ when the two ERs are close to each locally optimal solution by proposing an SCP-based algorithm,
other with D ≤ 2H/ 3, the UAV hovers at one fixed location which is operated in an iterative manner to successively
(0, 0, H) during the whole charging period, and this solution is maximize a lower bound of the objective function in (30)
also optimal for problem (P1) to maximize the sum-energy of at each iteration. Particularly, let {x(0) [n], y (0) [n]} denote the
the two ERs (see Proposition 3). Next, consider the case
√ when initial trajectory and {x(i) [n], y (i) [n]} the obtained trajectory
the two ERs are located farther apart with D > 2H/ 3. If the after iteration i ≥ 1. We have the following lemma.
charging duration is short (i.e., T ≤ 2ξ/V ), then the UAV Lemma 11: For any given {x(i) [n], y (i) [n]}, i ≥ 0, it fol-
should keep flying at its maximum speed from one ER to the lows that
other by following a symmetric trajectory around the middle
point (0, 0, H), without hovering over any of them due to the Êk (x[n], y[n]) ≥ Êk (x[n], y[n]), ∀k ∈ K, n ∈ N , (32)
Êk (x[n], y[n])
2β0 P Δ
(x(i) [n] − xk )2 + (y (i) [n] − yk )2 + H 2
β0 P Δ((x[n] − xk )2 + (y[n] − yk )2 + H 2 )
− . (33)
((x(i) [n] − xk )2 + (y (i) [n] − yk )2 + H 2 )2
The inequalities in (32) are tight for x[n] = x(i) [n] and
y[n] = y (i) [n], i.e.,
Êk (x(i) [n], y (i) [n]) = Êk (x(i) [n], y (i) [n]), ∀k ∈ K, n ∈ N .
Proof: See Appendix E. Fig. 3. The average received power with the sum-energy maximization versus
Based on Lemma 11, at each iteration i + 1, we opti- the distance D between the two ERs.
mize over {x[n], y[n]} by replacing Êk (x[n], y[n])’s in prob-
(i) A. Sum-Energy Maximization
lem (30) with their respective lower bounds Êk (x[n], y[n])
in (33). More specifically, the discretized trajectory is This subsection evaluates the performance of our pro-
updated as posed optimal solution for the sum-energy maximization prob-
lem (P1). First, we consider the case with K = 2 ERs, where
{x(i+1) [n], y (i+1) [n]} x1 = −D/2, x2 = D/2, and y1 = y2 = 0, with D denoting
the distance between the two ERs. √ Note that Proposition 3
= arg max min Êk (x[n], y[n]), indicates that when D > 2H/ 3 = 5.77 m, there are
{x[n],y[n]} k∈K
n=1 two optimal single-location-hovering solutions to (P1). In the
s.t. (31). (35) simulation, we choose the one with x (t) = −ξ, y (t) = 0,
∀t ∈ T (with ξ given in (12)), such that the single hovering
Note that the function Êk (x[n], y[n]) in (33) is jointly con- location is closer to ER 1 than ER 2. Fig. 3 shows the√average
cave with respect to x[n] and y[n], and therefore, the objective received power versus D. When 0 ≤ D ≤ 2H/ 3, it is
function in problem (35) is jointly concave with respect to observed that the average received power by ER 1 or ER 2 is
{x[n], y[n]}. As a result, problem (35) is a convex optimiza- identical. This is because in this case, the optimal solution
tion problem, and thus can be optimally solved by standard is obtained by letting the UAV hover above the middle point
convex optimization techniques such as the interior point between the two ERs during the whole charging period √ (see
method [23]. Furthermore, as shown in Lemma 11, the objec- Proposition 3). On the other hand, when D > 2H/ 3, it is
tive function in problem (35) serves as a lower bound for that observed that as D increases, the average received power by
in problem (30). Therefore, after each iteration i, the objec- ER 1 (the ER closer to the UAV) increases, while that by ER 2
tive function of problem (30) achieved by {x(i) [n], y (i) [n]} (the ER farther away from the UAV) decreases. This is due to
monotonically increases [18]. As problem (30) has a finite the fact that as D increases in this case, the optimal hovering
optimal value, the SCP-based algorithm in (35) will con- location (selected in this example) becomes closer to ER 1.
verge to a locally optimal solution to problem (30) in Accordingly, the average sum received power of the two ERs
general. is dominated by the received power of ER 1, and the near-far
It is worth noting that the performance of the SCP-based fairness issue becomes more severe as D becomes larger.
algorithm depends on the choice of the initial trajectory Next, we consider a UAV-enabled WPT system with
{x(0) [n], y (0) [n]}. Here, we choose the discretized version of K = 10 ERs, whose locations are shown in Fig. 4. In this fig-
the proposed successive hover-and-fly trajectory obtained in ure, the green triangle indicates the optimal hovering location
Algorithm 2 as {x(0) [n], y (0) [n]}. In this case, the SCP-based for sum-energy maximization (i.e., (x , y , H) given in (6)).
trajectory design can always achieve a performance no worse It is observed that this hovering location is close to ERs 7-10,
than the successive hover-and-fly trajectory design, as will be but far away from other ERs, especially ER 1. Fig. 5 shows the
validated by the numerical results later. corresponding average received power by each individual ER.
It is observed that ERs 7-10 receive much higher energy than
VI. N UMERICAL R ESULTS the other ERs, which illustrates the near-far fairness issue in
the sum-energy maximization for this multiuser WPT system
In this section, we provide numerical results to evaluate with more than two ERs.
the performance of our proposed trajectory designs. In the
simulation, we set β0 = −30 dB, H = 5 m, and P = 40 dBm.
For all simulations given below, we consider the average B. Min-Energy Maximization
received power by the ER, which is obtained by normalizing In this subsection, we evaluate the performance of our
the total received energy by the charging duration T . proposed trajectory designs for the min-energy maximization
Fig. 4. Trajectory designs for a UAV-enabled WPT system with K = 10 ERs. Fig. 7. The max-min average received power at each ER versus the charging
duration T with K = 10 ERs.
In Fig. 7, the upper bound corresponds to the optimal loss exponents is an interesting problem worth future
value achieved by (P3) with the UAV’s maximum speed research efforts.
constraints ignored. It is observed that the two proposed • Another interesting direction is to extend the
trajectory designs, namely the successive hover-and-fly and the UAV-enabled WPT to the general multi-UAV scenario.
SCP-based trajectory designs, outperform the single-location- In this case, multiple UAVs should cooperate with
hovering design, and achieve higher average max-min average each other to further improve the WPT performance.
power as T becomes large. When T ≥ 15 s, the proposed On one hand, the UAVs can cooperatively design their
successive hover-and-fly and the SCP-based trajectory designs trajectories subject to individual UAV speed and inter-
also outperform the successive hover-and-fly trajectory over UAV collision avoidance constraints; on the other hand,
all the ERs. Furthermore, it is observed that the SCP-based the UAVs can cooperatively design their transmit energy
trajectory achieves better performance than the successive signals based on the technique of distributed energy
hover-and-fly trajectory, and converges to the upper bound, beamforming [4]. How to jointly design multiple UAVs’
when T becomes large. trajectories and their distributed energy beamforming is
a very interesting but challenging problem to investigate
VII. C ONCLUDING R EMARKS in future work. Furthermore, multi-UAV cooperation can
This paper studies a new UAV-enabled multiuser WPT be exploited to address the limited UAV endurance issue
system. We exploit the mobility of the UAV to maximize the for achieving sustainable WPT. How to jointly control
energy transferred to all ERs over a given charging period multiple UAVs’ trajectories for WPT performance
by optimizing the UAV’s trajectory under its practical speed optimization with finite endurance of each individual
constraint. First, we consider the sum-energy maximization UAV is also an interesting problem worth further
of all ERs and obtain the optimal solution to this problem, investigation.
which shows that the UAV should hover at only one fixed loca-
tion during the whole charging period. However, this single-
location-hovering solution may lead to unfair performance
among ERs due to their different distances from the UAV.
To achieve fairness among all ERs, we consider an alternative First, we consider a relaxed problem of (P1) in the ideal
problem to maximize the minimum energy transferred to case by ignoring the speed constraints in (1). By using (5),
all ERs. We first consider the relaxed problem by ignoring the relaxed problem can be written as
the UAV speed constraints and derive the optimal solution, T
which shows that the UAV should hover over multiple fixed max ψ(x(t), y(t))dt. (36)
locations with optimal hovering time allocations among them. {x(t),y(t)} 0
Based on this solution, we further propose two new trajectory Due to the relaxation of the constraints (1), the optimal value
designs for solving the min-energy maximization problem in of problem (36) serves as an upper bound for that of (P1). It is
the general case with the UAV speed constraint considered. evident that problem (36) can be decomposed into different
Numerical results show that the proposed UAV-enabled WPT subproblems as follows:
system with optimized UAV trajectory significantly enhances
the WPT performance over the conventional WPT system max ψ(x(t), y(t)), ∀t ∈ T , (37)
with fixed ETs, and yet achieves fair energy delivery to x(t),y(t)
ERs. It is our hope that this paper will pave a new way for where each subproblem corresponds to a time instant t.
future WPT research. Due to the space limitation, there are By comparing (6) and (37), it is evident that x(t) = x and
various interesting issues unaddressed in this paper, which y(t) = y is the optimal solution to problem (37) for any
are briefly discussed in the following to motivate future t ∈ T . Therefore, {x (t), y (t)} given in (8) is indeed the
work. optimal solution to problem (36).
• Efficient trajectory design in UAV-enabled WPT systems
Next, it is evident that {x (t), y (t)} given in (8) is always
critically depends on the accurate modeling of the wire- feasible to problem (P1), since the optimal location is fixed
less channels from UAV to ERs. In this paper, we assume and thus no UAV flying is needed. Furthermore, the objective
that the UAV-to-ERs channels are LoS-dominated, and value achieved by {x (t), y (t)} for problem (P1) is the same
thus use the free-space path loss model, similarly as in as the optimal value for problem (36). Since the optimal value
prior works [17], [18]. In certain application scenarios of problem (36) is an upper bound of that of (P1), we can
such as in forests, however, there may exist obstacles and conclude that {x (t), y (t)} is indeed the optimal solution
rich scatterers between the UAV and ERs, and a more to (P1). Therefore, Proposition 1 is proved.
accurate model with path loss exponent larger than 2
should apply. Fortunately, the change in the path loss
exponent does not alter the fundamental structures of
problems (P1), (P2), and (P3), and therefore, the algo-
rithms and methods proposed in this paper are generally The first property of ψ̂(x) can be easily shown and the detail
extendable to handle such cases. How to analytically is thus omitted here. In the following, we prove the second and
reveal the optimal UAV trajectory under different path third properties for ψ̂(x). Note that the first-order derivative
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Jun. 2015. in 2017. He is currently an Editor of the IEEE W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS
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[22] E. Boshkovska, D. W. K. Ng, N. Zlatanov, and R. Schober, versity of Sydney. His research interests include
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[23] S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization. Cambridge, U.K.: 60 IEEE journal and conference papers, including one invited paper in IEEE
Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004. T RANSACTIONS ON C OMMUNICATIONS , six ESI highly cited papers, and
[24] W. Yu and R. Lui, “Dual methods for nonconvex spectrum optimiza- three ESI hot papers. He was a recipient of the 2017 IEEE Communications
tion of multicarrier systems,” IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 54, no. 7, Society Heinrich Hertz Prize Paper Award, the 2017 IEEE Transactions on
pp. 1310–1322, Jul. 2006. Wireless Communications Best Reviewer, the 2015 and 2017 IEEE Wireless
[25] S. Boyd. EE364b Convex Optimization II, Course Notes. Accessed: Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer, and the Best Paper Award for
Jun. 29, 2017. [Online]. Available: the 10th IEEE International Conference on Information, Communications and
ee364b/ Signal Processing. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE
[26] M. Padberg and G. Rinaldi, “A branch-and-cut algorithm for the resolu- A CCESS , a Leading Guest Editor for the IEEE W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS
tion of large-scale symmetric traveling salesman problems,” SIAM Rev., on Integrating UAVs into 5G and Beyond and China Communications on
vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 60–100, 1991. Network-Connected UAV Communications. He is the Workshop Co-Chair
[27] Concorde. Concorde TSP Solver. Accessed: Jun. 29, 2017. [Online]. for two workshops in ICC 2018 and the 23rd Asia-Pacific Conference on
Available: Communications.
Rui Zhang (S’00–M’07–SM’15–F’17) received IEEE W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS L ETTERS . He was the recipient of
the B.Eng. (Hons.) and M.Eng. degrees from the the 6th IEEE Communications Society Asia–Pacific Region Best Young
National University of Singapore, Singapore, and the Researcher Award in 2011 and the Young Researcher Award of National
Ph.D. degree from the Stanford University, Stanford, University of Singapore in 2015. He was a co-recipient of the IEEE Mar-
CA, USA, all in electrical engineering. coni Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2015, the IEEE
From 2007 to 2010, he was a Research Scientist Communications Society Asia–Pacific Region Best Paper Award in 2016,
with the Institute for Infocomm Research, ASTAR, the IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award in 2016, the IEEE
Singapore. In 2010, he joined the Department of Communications Society Heinrich Hertz Prize Paper Award in 2017, the IEEE
Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Uni- Signal Processing Society Donald G. Fink Overview Paper Award in 2017,
versity of Singapore, where he is currently the and the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Computing
Dean’s Chair Associate Professor with the Faculty of Best Journal Paper Award in 2017. His co-authored paper received the IEEE
Engineering. He has authored over 300 papers. His research interests include Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award in 2017. He has
wireless information and power transfer, drone communication, wireless served as TPC co-chair or as an organizing committee member for over
eavesdropping and spoofing, energy-efficient and energy-harvesting-enabled 30 international conferences, and as the guest editor for three special issues in
wireless communication, multiuser MIMO, cognitive radio, and optimization the IEEE J OURNAL OF S ELECTED T OPICS IN S IGNAL P ROCESSING and the
methods. He has been listed as a Highly Cited Researcher (also known as the IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICATIONS. He served as
World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds), by Thomson Reuters since 2015. an Editor for the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON W IRELESS C OMMUNICATIONS
Dr. Zhang was an Elected Member of the IEEE Signal Processing (2012–2016), the IEEE J OURNAL ON S ELECTED A REAS IN C OMMUNICA -
Society SPCOM Technical Committee (2012–2017) and SAM Techni- TIONS Green Communications and Networking Series (2015–2016), and the
cal Committee (2013–2015), and served as the Vice Chair of the IEEE IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON S IGNAL P ROCESSING (2013–2017). He is cur-
Communications Society Asia–Pacific Board Technical Affairs Committee rently an Editor of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C OMMUNICATIONS and the
(2014–2015). He serves as a member of the Steering Committee of the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON G REEN C OMMUNICATIONS AND N ETWORKING.