Organization and Management
Organization and Management
Organization and Management
1. What are the three traditional organizational design theories? Briefly define each.
- Has few departments, wide spans of control, or many subordinates directly reporting to a
- Groups together similar or related specialties. It is utilized and put into practice in an entire
- is made up of separate business divisions or units, where the parent corporation acts as
overseers to coordinate and control the different divisions and provide financial and legal
support services.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a simple organizational design? Do you agree or
disagree with these advantages and disadvantages? Explain your answer.
3. Name the different modern organizational design theories. Briefly define each.
The classical organization structure designs are simple, centralized, bureaucratic, and
divisionalized. Modern organizational designs include project organization, matrix design, and
adhocracy design.
4. Task and personality conflicts are said to be the disadvantages to the use of the matrix-project
design. Explain the rationale of this statement.
Task and personality conflicts are said to be the disadvantages to the use of the matrix-project
design because Matrix design refers to an organizational design where specialists from different
departments work on projects that are supervised by a project manager. This design results in a
double chain of command wherein workers have two managers, their functional area manager, and
their project manager who share authority over them.
Delegation refers to assigning a new or additional task to a subordinate it may also refer
to getting work done through others by giving them the right to make decisions and take action.
1. Defining the goal clearly - Managers must clearly explain the task objective and the work
or duties someone else is expected to do.
2. Selecting the person who will be given the task - The selected subordinate must be
competent and must share the manager’s task objectives.
4. Asking the person assigned about his or her planned approaches to accomplish the
task objectives - It is expected that the person chosen to do the task already has a tentative
plan of action that may be presented to the manager, to assure him or her that the person
assigned could achieve the task objective.
5. Granting the assigned person, the authority to act - If the manager is satisfied with the
tentative plan of action presented, granting of the authority to act immediately follows.
Authority is a right to act in ways needed to carry out the assigned task.
Formal organizations and informal organizations both have functions and advantages that
benefit the organization and its members.
1. Accomplish goals that require cooperation among formal groups in the organization.
2. Producer or bring about new and creative ideas and solutions to company problems.
3. Coordinate interdepartmental activities.
4. Implement company rules/regulations and policies.
5. Orient/train new employees.
1.Define Staffing