Cookies in Javascript
Browser's API's
3rd Party API's
Browser's API's
The DOM (Document Object Model) API allows you to manipulate HTML and CSS, creating, removing and changing
HTML, dynamically applying new styles to your page, etc.
Every time you see a popup window appear on a page, or some new content displayed (as we saw above in our
simple demo) for example, that's the DOM in action.
The Geolocation API retrieves geographical information. This is how Google Maps is able to find your location and
plot it on a map.
The Canvas and WebGL APIs allow you to create animated 2D and 3D graphics.
Audio and Video APIs like HTMLMediaElement and WebRTC allow you to do really interesting things with multimedia.
You generally have to grab the code and information from somewhere on the Web
The Twitter API allows you to do things like displaying your latest tweets on your website.
The Google Maps API and OpenStreetMap API allows you to embed custom maps into your website, and other
such functionality.
The word dynamic is used to describe both client-side JavaScript, and server-side languages — it refers to the ability
to update the display of a web page/app to show different things in different circumstances, generating new content as
required. Server-side code dynamically generates new content on the server, e.g. pulling data from a database,
whereas client-side JavaScript dynamically generates new content inside the browser on the client, e.g. creating a new
HTML table, filling it with data requested from the server, then displaying the table in a web page shown to the user.
The meaning is slightly different in the two contexts, but related, and both approaches (server-side and client-side)
usually work together.
A web page with no dynamically updating content is referred to as static — it just shows the same content all the time.
Browser Security
Each browser tab has its own separate bucket for running code in (these buckets are called "execution environments"
in technical terms) — this means that in most cases the code in each tab is run completely separately, and the code in
one tab cannot directly affect the code in another tab — or on another website.
A common problem is that all the HTML on a page is loaded in the order in which it appears.
If you are using JavaScript to manipulate elements on the page (or more accurately, the DOM - Document Object
Model), your code won't work if the JavaScript is loaded and parsed before the HTML you are trying to do something
In the internal and external examples the JavaScript is loaded and run in the head of the document, before the HTML
body is parsed. This could cause an error, so we've used some constructs to get around it.
the defer attribute, which tells the browser to continue downloading the HTML content once the <script> tag element
has been reached.
Both the script and the HTML will load simultaneously and the code will work.
An old-fashioned solution to this problem used to be to put your script element right at the bottom of the body (e.g.
just before the </body> tag), so that it would load after all the HTML has been parsed. The problem with this solution is
that loading/parsing of the script is completely blocked until the HTML DOM has been loaded. On larger sites with lots
of JavaScript, this can cause a major performance issue, slowing down your site.
Scripts loaded using the defer attribute (see below) will run in the order they appear in the page and execute them as
soon as the script and content are downloaded
If your scripts need to wait for parsing and depend on other scripts and/or the DOM being in place, load them
using defer and put their corresponding <script> elements in the order you want the browser to execute them.
Scripts with an async attribute will execute as soon as the download is complete. This blocks the page and does not
guarantee any specific execution order.
In JavaScript, most of the items you will manipulate in your code are object
In programming, an object is a structure of code that models a real-life object. You can have a simple object that
represents a box and contains information about its width, length, and height, or you could have an object that
represents a person, and contains data about their name, height, weight, what language they speak, how to say hello to
them, and more.
To retrieve the information stored in the object, you can use the following syntax:
Use const when you can, and use let when you have to.
Constants in Javascript
Numbers in Javascript
Strings in Javascript
Arrays in Javascript