Ncpdrug Study CS PDF
Ncpdrug Study CS PDF
Ncpdrug Study CS PDF
Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41
Drug Name Classification Route And Indications Contraindications Adverse Nursing Health
Dose reactions Responsibilities Teachings
Generic Name: Nonsteroid Oral Relief of mild to For person with Headache, History for allergy, Should be taken
Mefenamic Anti- 500mg moderate pain hypersensitivity dizziness, renal, hepatic with meal
Acid Inflammatory Q6 and for primary for mefenamic insomnia, condition.
Drugs dysmenorrhea. acid, aspirin fatigue, If the patient is
Band Name: (NSAIDs) Postoperative allergy, and with tiredness. Avoid for patient experiencing
RiteMED pain and perioperative pain with CV event like rash, diarrhea
Mefenamic rheumatoid with coronary May present hypertension, or digestive
Acid, Finox, arthritis. artery bypass. rashes, diabetes mellitus, problem then
Gardan, Istan With history of sweating. and smoking. they must
recurrent peptic discontinue
ulcer/hemorrhage. For Lactation and drug
gastrointestinal pregnancy
disorder Since drug can
: nausea, cause dizziness
vomiting, and drowsiness
diarrhea, advice patient
constipation. to not drive
May develop
rhinitis and
Drug Name classification Route and Indications Contraindications Adverse reactions Nursing Health Teachings
dose Responsibilities
Generic Name: Antibiotic, Oral For Pharyngitis, Allergy or Headache, dizziness, Know for Complete the full
Cefuroxime cephalosporins 500mg tonsillitis due to hypersensitivity lethargy, paresthesia. history for course of therapy.
BID S. Pyogenes. to cefuroxime or hepatic, and
Other bacteria the other For Gastrointestinal: renal Should be taken
Brand Name: Other: caused from S. cephalosporins/ Nausea, vomiting, impairment, with meal to avoid
Cefuvex, IV, IM Pneumoniae, Penicillin. diarrhea, anorexia, lactation and GI upset.
RiteMED Moraxella abdominal pain. pregnancy.
cefuroxime, catarrhalis and Be caution with The drug must be
Zoltax, Robisef Haemophilus renal failure, Hematologic: Checking for taken whole not
influenza. lactation and Bone marrow skin status, crush.
pregnancy. depression such as LFTs, renal
Skin and ski due to decreased function test, Inform patient the
structure WBC, the platelets sensitivity tests. side effects are
infections and the Hct. stomach ache or
includes impetigo diarrhea.
by S. aureus, S. Hypersensitivity:
pyogenes Rashes, fever, If blood present
anaphylaxis, serum with pus, mucus,
sickness. rash, DOB,
unusual tiredness,
Others: pain, Fatigue, bruising
phlebitis, and irritation with
inflammation on the itching inform
site. health care
provider and
Drug Name Classification Route and Indications Contraindications Adverse Nursing Health Teaching
Form Reaction Responsibilities
Generic Name: Analgesic Oral Acute and long-term Allergies to Most common Assess if patient has Should be taken
Celecoxib (Non opioid) 250mg treatment of signs and sulfonamides, that shows: Renal impairment, with meal to avoid
NSAIDs BID symptoms of celecoxib, headache, impaired hearing, GI ache.
Brand Name: rheumatoid arthritis NSAIDs, or dizziness, allergies, hepatic, and
Ritemed and osteoarthritis. aspirin and some somnolence CV conditions, Do not double
Celecoxib, that are significant insomnia, Lactation and intake it possible
Trucox, Reducing the number renal impairment. fatigue, pregnancy. forgotten to take
Celexib, of colorectal polyps in tiredness, then move to the
Flamacox familial adenomatous Pregnancy and tinnitus, Test for serum mix time to take
polyposis (FAP) lactation. ophthalmologic electrolytes, reflexes,
effect. peripheral sensation. Inform the patient
Managing to acute Impaired healing the side effects
pain. and hepatic Fluid retention, such as: Dizziness,
condition. oedema, drowsiness best to
Treatment for primary hypertension, stay home while
dysmenorrhea. Treatment for renal papillary taking the drug.
postoperative pain necrosis.
Relief signs and in the setting of Inform and
symptoms of CABG surgery. For discontinue if there
ankylosing spondylitis Gastrointestinal: is sore throat, fever,
and juvenile Nausea, rash, itching,
rheumatoid arthritis. abdominal pain, weight gain,
dyspepsia, swelling in ankles
flatulence, GI or changing in
bleeding. vision.
Submitted by:
Tandog, Danika D.
Patient Name: N. R
Gender: F
Age: 37
Room: 529
Diagnosis: G2P2
Operation: Low transverse cesarean section