BSDSS402 Project Guidelines

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Item for consideration in the Research Project Document
Cover Page
 Name of University, topic, student full names and student pin, region, programme, supervisor’s
name and year of submission should appear on the cover page.
1. Research Topic
 Clear and concise
 Precise statement of the problem
2. Abstract
 Clear and concise summary of the whole project (from ½ page to 1 page)
3. Chapter One
The Problem and Its Setting
1.0 Introduction (State what the chapter is all about)
1.1 Background to The Study
1.2 Statement of The Problem
1.3 Research Objectives (These Must Be 3 To 5)
1.4 Research Questions (Drawn from Research Objectives)
1.5 Purpose of The Study
1.6 Significance of The Study
1.7 Delimitations of The Study
1.8 Limitations of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms
1.10 Summary (Highlight what the chapter was all about)
Make sure that chapter one is written in the past tense and not in the future tense as with the

1.1 Introduction
 Student should introduce the chapter
1.2 Background to the study
 Past and current developments (local and international) showing the knowledge gap the
study seeks to fill
1.3 Statement of the problem
 The problem should be clear and showing the knowledge and/or practice gap upon
which the study is based
1.4 Objectives of the study
 Reasons for carrying out the study clearly and logically stated
 Should be relevant to the study
1.5 Research Questions
 These should be clear and concise, and linked to each objective.
1.6 Limitations and delimitations of the study clearly indicated
1.7 Significance of the study
 Intended beneficiaries to the study should be clear and concise.

 Relevance of the current study should be clear.
1.8 Assumptions of the study
 These should be for or against the study.
1.9 Definition of key terms
 These should be contextual that is based to the study.
4. Chapter Two
Review of Related Literature
2.0 Introduction (State what the chapter is all about)

2.1 Theoretical Framework (Theory underpinning your study)

2.2Conceptual Framework (Depending on the number of your concepts)

2.2.1 Concept of ………………………………………….

2.2.2 Concept of ………………………………………….

2.2.3 Concept of ………………………………………….

2.2 Thematic heading drawn from research questions or objectives (Research question 1)

2.3 Thematic heading drawn from research questions or objectives (Research question 2)

2.4 Thematic heading drawn from research questions or objectives (Research question 3)

2.5 Thematic heading drawn from research questions or objectives (Research question 4), etc.,
depending on the number of research questions

2.6 Summary (Highlight what the chapter was all about)

NB there must be a theoretical framework that underpins the study and it must be very clear.

NB: Under every section of the literature review the following key questions must be addressed.

-What is the issue at hand?

-What does literature and theory say about the issue?

-What does previous research say about the issue if any?

-How does previous research differ with the current research?

 Addresses the problem, major issues and concepts of the study

 Summarises major findings from previous work and identifies the knowledge and/
practice gap.
 Relates major findings from previous work to the current study
 Brings out and justifies theoretical or conceptual framework(s) relevant to the study
 States the thrust of the research
 Brings out relevance of literature to the study
 Sub-topics/ paragraphs show a logical sequence of ideas.
 Should be linked to the research questions/ sub-themes

5. Chapter Three
Research Methodology

3.0 Introduction (State what the chapter is all about)

3.1 Research Approach

3.2 Research Design

3.3 Population

3.4 Sample and Sampling Procedure

3.5 Research Methods and Instruments

3.5 Data Collection Procedure/Plan

3.6 Data Presentation and Analysis Procedures

3.7 Validity and Reliability

3.8 Ethical Considerations

3.9 Summary (Highlight what the chapter was all about)

 Appropriateness of the design to the study

 The population and sampling methods are explained and justified
 Relevant data collection methods and instruments are explained and logically and
practically justified
 Data management is stated and justified
 Addresses validity and reliability aspects
 Data analysis and packages used are stated and justified
 Ethical considerations are explained and justified
6. Chapter Four
Data Presentation, Interpretation, Discussion and Analysis.
4.0Introduction (State what the chapter is all about)

4.1 Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

4.2 Thematic Heading Drawn from Research Questions or Objectives (Research Question 1)

4.3 Thematic Heading Drawn from Research Questions or Objectives (Research Question 2)

4.4 Thematic Heading Drawn from Research Questions or Objectives (Research Question 3)

4.5 Thematic Heading Drawn from Research Questions or Objectives (Research Question 4)

4.6 Thematic Heading Drawn from Research Questions or Objectives (Research Question 5) etc.,
Depending On the Number of Research Questions

4.7 Summary (Highlight what the chapter was all about)

NB. In this unit only responses drawn from the instruments must be presented and analysed. This
should be done with the aid of literature. The discussion must be based on the research questions or
objectives. In the discussion results are linked to the literature and previous researches outlined in
chapter 2. The researcher here has room also to discuss related viewpoints from his/her own

perspective. It has to be a detailed but precise section

Findings presented in a logical manner

Presentation may be in the form of tables, figures and explanations, discussions and
 Discussion must be a presentation of principles, relationships and generalisations
shown by results
 How results and interpretations agree with existing and published literature
 Points out exceptions and links/relationships or lack of them
 Relates theory to practical implications
7. Chapter Five
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
5.0 Introduction (State what the chapter is all about)

5.1 Summary of Findings

The main aims of the research are spelt out in brief including the purpose of study and research
questions. The design used need to be mentioned also. Summarise the results of the study

5.2 Conclusions

Here there must be one comment or sentence on what the results revealed on each research
question or objective. On conclusion, students should show evidence of the ability to use
findings to draw brief conclusions based on the study

5.3 Recommendations

NB These must be based on the research questions or objectives and not put wildly. Where
possible, recommendations must be put under sub-headings drawn from each research question
or objective. Recommendations may not exceed five (5), should be clear and stated
hierarchically stated (start with the most important). Recommendations should show a student’s
ability to suggest positive change, best practices and directions for future studies.

5.5 Areas for Further Research

5.6 Summary (Highlight what the chapter was all about)
8. Overall Presentation of the Research Project
 The research project should be presented in a clear and logical manner.
9. References
 These must be based on the APA style only.
 References should come at the end of Chapter 5 under the list of references section.
The references should also be on new/separate page.
 References cited in the references list at the end should have been cited in the
preceding chapters.
10. Student- Supervisor Audit Sheet
 This is a document that you will be given at your region by the coordinator.
 This document should be signed by your allocated supervisor each time you meet and
discuss anything pertaining to your research study. The supervisor will also append the
date, month and year of the meeting.
 Each time your supervisor signs this document, the student should also sign under the
student section.
 After completion of the research study, you should attach the student-supervisor audit
sheet at the end of the research project document. This will be evidence of supervision.

11. Size of the research project
 An undergraduate research project should be between seventy (70) and one-hundred
(100) pages in length
 Font size: 12, Font type: Times New Roman and line spacing: 2.0 (double).

These guidelines should be adhered to by all students and their supervisors as these will be taken into
consideration when the final assessment of the research project by the examiner(s).


Acting Programme Leader, Department of Development Studies

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