New Competency Levels

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Competencies and Competency levels

NEW : Grade 06/07/08/09/10/11

No Com Competencies 06 07 08 09 10 11
01 Identifies the sounds of English Language .
01 1.1 Pronounces English words properly.     
02 1.2
Reads aloud different types of texts accurately and      
03 1.3 Pronounces English words and phrases properly.  
04 1.4
Pronounces English words with different spelling  
combinations properly
05 1.5 Pronounces English sentences properly.  
02 Uses mechanics of writing with understanding.
06 2.1 Uses capital and simple letters appropriately  
07 2.2 Uses full stop appropriately  
08 2.3 Uses question mark appropriately  
09 2.4   
10 2.5 Uses inverted commas appropriately  
11 2.6 Uses commas with understanding.  
12 2.7 Uses exclamation mark appropriately  
Engages in active listening and responds
03 appropriately.
13 3.1 Responds to simple announcements.   
14 3.2 Listens and follows instructions and responds to requests.    
15 3.3 Listens to a simple text for specific information.     
16 3.4
Listens and transfers the needed information into other    
17 3.5
Identifies different intonation patterns and uses of word   
18 3.6 Listens and reports information.   
19 3.7 Recognizes discourse markers.  
20 3.8 Takes notes from oral presentations.  
No Com Competencies 06 07 08 09 10 11
Builds up vocabulary using words appropriately and
04 accurately to convey precise meaning.
21 4.1 Uses masculine and feminine forms of nouns appropriately.  
22 4.2
Uses terms referring to young ones of animals  
23 4.3 Finds synonyms and antonyms for given words.      
24 4.4
Uses affixes to change the word class and the meaning of      
words (nouns, adjectives adverbs and verbs)
25 4.5 Forms the plurals of nouns.      
26 4.6 Identifies collective nouns & compound nouns  
27 4.7 Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs appropriately.    
28 4.8 Uses collective nouns and compound nouns.   
Extracts necessary information from various
05 types of texts
29 5.1 Uses visual clues to derive the meaning of the text      
30 5.2
Extracts specific information from various types of simple      
31 5.3 Transfers information into other forms      
32 5.4 Reads and responds to simple poems.      
33 5.5 Reads and understands simple folk stories.      
34 5.6 Extract the general idea of a text.      
35 5.7 Infers elipted information.   
36 5.8 Infers implied information.   
37 5.9 Recognizes the organization of a text.  
No Com Competencies 06 07 08 09 10 11
Uses English grammar for the purpose of
06 accurate and effective communication
38 6.1 Constructs simple sentences.      
39 6.2 Uses pronouns appropriately.      
40 6.3 Uses modals meaningfully.     
41 6.4 Uses Determiners.    
42 6.5 Uses contracted form.    
43 6.6 Uses Adjectives appropriately.      
44 6.7 Uses prepositions appropriately.      
45 6.8 Uses Conjunctions appropriately.      
46 6.9 Uses adverbs appropriately.      
47 6.10 Identifies ‘If’ type 3.   
48 6.11 Uses Reported Speech.   
Uses English creatively and innovatively in
07 written communication
49 7.1 Writes descriptions of people, animals, places and things.      
50 7.2 Describes Pictures.      
51 7.3 Writes for personal purposes.      
52 7.4 Writes Instructions.      
53 7.5 Writes simple compositions on different types of topics.      
54 7.6 Writes poems and stories.     
55 7.7 Writes for official purposes.   
56 7.8 
57 7.9 Writes compositions. 
No Com Competencies 06 07 08 09 10 11
08 Communicates clearly, fluently and concisely
58 8.1 Introduces oneself to others.  
59 8.2
Uses simple expressions in greeting, thanking, affirming,  
60 8.3
Describes people, animals and objects using simple sentence      
61 8.4 Speaks on familiar topics.      
62 8.5
Describes things in the immediate surrounding using  
63 8.6 Uses simple structures to show ability and possession.    
64 8.7 Asks and gets personal information from others.  
65 8.8 Describes the position of things.     
66 8.9 Describes Pictures.      
67 8.10 Speaks about daily actions.  
68 8.11 Describes past events and actions.    
69 8.12 Uses question words to get information.    
70 8.13 Uses language in variety of contexts.      
71 8.14 Describes future events and actions.    
72 8.15 Engages in Telephone conversations.    
73 8.16 Engages in debates.  
74 8.17 Use perfect tenses appropriately.  
75 8.18 Describes future events & actions appropriately  

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