Redesign of Processes in Industry Producing Flexible Polyurethane Foam
Redesign of Processes in Industry Producing Flexible Polyurethane Foam
Redesign of Processes in Industry Producing Flexible Polyurethane Foam
Magoulas Spyridon
ID: 1106170015
Supervisor: Dr Katsaliaki Korina
Polyurethane foam is a material that is used in a significant variety of sectors.
Industries producing PUF are still growing their market share and there is margin for
innovative solutions related to production operations and new final products. The
current study aims to map the functions of a specific industry by an operations
management perspective. The process of mapping the operations of the industry led
to the investigation of problems related to the use of working space, waste of raw
material, waste of motion etc. The main scope was to suggest realistic and cost
effective solutions as well as an improved layout design in order to reduce the
existing barriers and increase efficiency and effectiveness.
Table Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3 The necessity for manufacturing companies to adapt Operations Management tools. 7
1.4 Motivation................................................................................................................. 8
References .........................................................................................................................41
List of tables
Table 1: Dimensional and waste characteristics of blocks ...................................................30
Table 2: Calculating waste cost of TDI .................................................................................34
Table 3: Calculating waste cost of polyols ...........................................................................34
List of figures
Figure 1: Graphic representation of OM’ transformation role .............................................. 5
Figure 2: Innovations in Operations Management ............................................................... 6
Figure 3: Process selection and capacity planning influence system design.........................11
Figure 4: Types of production processes and facility layout relationship .............................12
Figure 5: Lean tools and practises.......................................................................................18
Figure 6: Cause effect fishbone diagram of 5Ms .................................................................21
Figure7: Flowchart of processes from start to end ..............................................................22
Figure 8: Current layout and flow of material. ....................................................................29
Figure 9: Front and Isometric view of Block’s model before and after first cutting process .30
Figure 10: Right and isometric view of block and top removed ...........................................31
Figure 11: Fluctuation of TDI price in Europe for year 2018 ................................................32
Figure 12: Fluctuation of polyol price in Europe for year 2018 ............................................33
Figure 13: Right and isometric view of trolley and loaded block ..........................................35
Figure 14: Current model of machine .................................................................................36
Figure 15: Addition of rollers on the top part of machine ...................................................37
Figure 16: Views of improved trolley ..................................................................................38
Figure 17: Improved layout and flow ..................................................................................39
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Modern definition of Operations Management
Every organization’s objective is to deliver a service or a product to the customer. The
process of transformation, “operations”, makes use of the input resources and add
value to the output product for the customer. Materials, information and customers are
called transformed resources, similarly facilities and staff comprising the transforming
resources (as it is illustrated in Figure 1). According to Greasley (2009) operations
process is a way of transforming a set of input resources into outputs of products and
services. Operations Management is the function used by business aiming for
coordination, planning, and controlling of processes and resources. By using specific
strategy related to OM organizations can take advantage of being efficient and
effective. The main strategic drivers are costs, sequence of operations, logistics,
quality systems, productivity and allocations of resources. After all, selecting the
appropriate strategy will lead to profit maximisation, customisations, quality,
flexibility, quick response, creativity and innovation, reliable delivery and better after
sale service (Ahmed et al., 1996 cited in Yu & Ramanathan, 2012).
2.5 Forecasting
Forecasting is an important process that provides information about future conditions
related to demand. Inventory management contains forecasting of supplies for the
expected production of a period. Forecasts also affect capacity planning, budgeting
and sales.
They cannot be accurate 100% but it is an important tool for decision making. For
longer periods forecasts tend to deviate from real demand. Forecasts should be timely,
accurate, reliable, expressed in meaningful units and cost effective. In order to choose
an appropriate technique the first step is defining the objective of the forecast. Then
the time period of forecasting is chosen considering that accuracy is inversely
proportional to time. In the next step appropriate data that affect operations are
analyzed. Based on the above a specific technique that fits the requirements is selected.
After making a forecast monitoring is necessary to calculate its performance. The
accuracy of forecast is measured using forecast error which is the difference between
the value that occurs and the value that was predicted for a given time period
(Stevenson William J., 2012). There are three alternatives to calculate forecast error,
the mean absolute deviation (MAD), the mean squared error (MSE) and the mean
absolute percent error (MAPE).
By interviewing with the director it was found that the forecasting method that is
applied is based on the Mean Absolute Deviation forecasting method.
Due to the fact that in lean philosophy reduction or elimination of waste constitute a
core idea it is important to mention the 7 different types of waste.
1. Over-production waste
Ohno believed that producing more than you need in the near future is the most
important kind of waste. Consider that manufacturing is the closest spot to the source
that affects the creation of waste in the following processes. With over producing
inventory space is covered and floor space is reduced. Additionally it affects cost of
2. Waiting time waste
Equipment efficiency and labour efficiency are two popular measures which are
widely used to measure equipment and labour waiting time, respectively. (Nigel Slack
et al, 2013). According to Bicheno and Holweg waiting is related to lead time.
3. Transportation waste
Products that flow to the following processes in an inefficient way affect quality and
productivity. It happens when the products are handled in the same machine after
another. Furthermore, a way to reduce this time layout should change, reduce the
distance of machines and the distance of the whole path that the product follows and
group machines.
4. Processing waste.
Due to the lack of functional design, lack of knowledge of machine handling or
efficient processing some steps may be unnecessary. Training employees to lean
thinking can be beneficial. Furthermore, some processes are overloaded with more
operators than needed resulting in waste of human resources.
5. Inventory waste
In order to eliminate waste it is needed to find the cause of it (a main cause is
overproduction). Inventory is connected with raw material work in progress and final
items. Increased inventory captures space and affects moving flexibility as well as lead
6. Motion waste
Waste of motion occurs both by human and layout. An operator may makes
unnecessary moves that do not add value to the process. Simplifying of work via job
redesigning process results in decreasing production time. A poor layout design may
involves waste of motion. Unnecessary movement in an industry increases the risk
related to both safety issues and declining quality issues.
7. Waste of defects
Defectives may be products that do not approach quality specifications. Errors occur
due to wrong processing or due to accidents in transformation when floor space is
covered. Furthermore, other quality problems occur during the production phase.
To conclude, it should be mentioned that there is not a specific recipe for success in
implementing lean principles. It depends on the manager’s perspective to apply
techniques that benefit each situation. To conclude, there are important drivers for
implementing such as the increase market share, increase of flexibility, the need for
survival from internal constraints, focusing on customers, increase the way of working
to the best and develop key performance indicators (Konstantinos Salonitis and
Christos Tsinopoulos, 2016).
3.3.4 Delivery
Managing, planning and controlling of storage space of trucks should be clear in order
to optimize the use of space. Consequently, an optimized control system would reduce
delivery cost. A big transporter serves the orders for the departments of Thessaloniki
and Athens. There are also two smaller trucks that deliver orders in Eastern Macedonia
and Thrace. A key performance indicator for efficiency could be the volume of space
used per delivery route compared to the total volume of truck’s storage space.
Commonly the customer lead time is three days.
Inventory waste
Above it was mentioned that the curved top of the block cannot be used for any
product. The specific waste of the top is related to waste of raw material used for a part
that does not add value. Based on the volume of blocks it was measured that waste of
curved top reaches 4% of the whole volume. By knowing the quantity of raw materials
for producing one block it was found the proportion of TDI and polyol waste of this
part. To support the importance of this amount of raw material wasted it was counted
the precise amount of euros were lost based on the European prices of TDI and polyols
as presented in data analysis.
Motion waste
Due to the fact that the industry’s surface covers approximately 4700m2 unnecessary
movement possibly causes inefficient use of time. The order that is received over the
phone by office worker is passed to the operators. In some cases the customer modifies
the specifications or the quantity of the ordered parts. Somebody has to transfer the
information manually indicating that there is a need for direct communication between
the office department and the production department that should be fulfilled. The time
needed to inform about order changes is crucial and increases risk as time goes by the
processing may have started and create barriers.
Furthermore, due to the lack of direct communication between operators some routes
may be repeated without meaningful purpose. As an example an operator that brings
to the cutting machine area a specific part from the inventory to be processed cannot
be informed to load another part that is needed or make any type of change. Also, it
could be a tool that is forgotten. Additionally, an employee who is available or
physically closer to the desired task could handle the condition without interrupting a
busy operator.
Waste of defects
It is detected that waste of defects occurs at the beginning phase of the production.
Specifically, the employees load the outgoing blocks from the production line on the
single axis trolley to place them at the curing area. Taking into consideration that
bloc’s weight reaches on average 100kg and its mass is approximately 4m3 as well as
there is the pressure of time due to the continuous flow of blocks it is a physical
consequence for employees to get tired. Unconsciously, in order to make the
transportation easier the employees try to place the block as close as possible to their
body when they load it on the trolley in order to decrease the torque that is created due
to the technical characteristics of the single axis trolley. When the block is dropped on
the trolley’s surface it may be pressed by the lever arm and is deformed. Due to the
fact that the foam has not yet acquired its final flexible characteristics the deformation
is permanent. As a consequence a deformed part needs further cut processing to
remove the defective part which increases the amount of waste.
By observing the production process it was found out another type of permanent
deformation but this time at the bottom surface of the block. In order to give a more
visual view it is certain to indicate that there are three cylindrical components with
rolling paper for maintaining the external quality of blocks. Paper prevents the
detachment of foam on the walls of the extrusion part of the machine. When the
outgoing block descends the conveyor to be loaded by the employee the paper at the
bottom is crumpled. An employee pulls the paper to prevent the deformation of the
block. It seems that the crumple of paper is caused due to the long distance between
the conveyor rollers.
Additionally, there is another form of waste at the production process. When the recipe
is changed during the production to manufacture a different density foam an amount
of the outgoing mass has an intermediate structure which occurs due to the alteration
of both chemical flow and proportion of chemicals which are included in the following
Chapter 4 Redesigning-Improvements
After the identification of the company’s environment and based on the available data
that was possible to extract an attempt was made to measure failures, find causes of
them and support results with economic evidence.
In table 1 the dimensions of blocks are presented categorized per type as measured in
the storage space. It was also measured the distance of horizontal cutting to remove
the top curve. By knowing all the dimension the blocks mass was calculated. Ina
parallel using these information blocks were modeled in Solidworks in order to extract
volume values of the curved part removed. For the purpose of determining and
transforming waste in raw materials mean values were calculated to use them to find
cost of TDI and polyols.
Figure 10: Right and isometric view of block and top removed
Source (own)
The diagram of figure 12 shows the fluctuation of the second basic raw material used
for flexible polyurethane foam. The most common polyols used for manufacturing of
flexible PUF are dipropylene glycol and glycerol containing less number of hydroxyl
groups, two and three respectively. A specific type of polyol is used for soft foam and
another one for harder foam. The price of polyols in Europe for year 2018 did not
fluctuate dramatically remaining almost between 1.70 and 1.85 euro per kilo.
Considering the graph of figure price of polyol was selected to be equal to 1.80 for the
Figure 12: Fluctuation of polyol price in Europe for year 2018
Source (ICIS, 2018)
Consumption Volume of
Polyols Polyol's Cost of polyol
Months of year 2018 of polyols per wasted PUF Volume of block
wasted (m3) weight (kg) (euro)
m3 of PUF (m3)
January 0,017 80,436 1,398 1439,654 2.591,38 € 3,95
February 0,020 37,757 0,739 761,175 1.370,12 € Volume of waste/block
March 0,020 77,283 1,550 1596,203 2.873,16 € 0,17
April 0,016 38,803 0,635 654,253 1.177,66 € Density of polyol
May 0,019 67,432 1,288 1326,327 2.387,39 € 1,03 kg/l
June 0,018 57,331 1,018 1048,206 1.886,77 €
July 0,018 101,927 1,806 1860,298 3.348,54 €
August 0,019 37,064 0,718 739,809 1.331,66 €
September 0,020 40,064 0,795 819,255 1.474,66 €
October 0,020 70,518 1,412 1454,438 2.617,99 €
November 0,017 38,239 0,639 658,132 1.184,64 €
December 0,019 75,118 1,458 1501,791 2.703,22 €
Summary 0,018637636 721,973 13,456 13859,542 24.947,18 €
Figure 13: Right and isometric view of trolley and loaded block
Source (own)
This deformation contributes to the creation of foam waste. When the time comes to
process this part the operator decides how to handle it in order to fit it in the desired
dimensions of the ordered part. If it does not fit it stays in stock for another order.
Additionally keeping waste of this part at low levels depends on the operators
experience, envisioning and computational skills.
4.2 Results and recommendations
Although that at first glance a percentage of 4% of waste seems low and not important.
Considering that price of TDI was fluctuating and high, price of polyols was constant
it calculated that cost of TDI waste for year 2018 reached 22.657,14 euros.
Additionally, the cost of polyols wasted computed that reached 24.947,18 euros.
Figure 14 presents the current model of the machine plant. In order to improve the
shape of manufactured block aiming to save raw material and increase its quality it is
proposed the addition of some parts in the existing machine as it is presented in figure
15. By installing horizontal turning cylinders at the top of the flowing tunnel on
specific spots the top face will be squared shaped. It is important to highlight that paper
is added at the top such as both at right and left side of block. In more detail, the aim
of adding the cylinders is not to press the block. In its expansion it won’s take the
shape of swelling bread. It should expand towards the corners too by interfering in
flow of raw materials as it is still liquid at the expansion process.
Furthermore, another proposal for the avoidance of block’s bottom deformation due to
the wrinkling of paper it could be the addition of more horizontal cylinders at the end
of the machine. The rolling of block becomes smoother and deformation is prevented
increasing quality. Besides quality, there is no need for operator standing by the block
that is loaded on the trolley to remove the bottom paper. By this improvement the
operator is released of this process and becomes available for another.
The possibility for block deformation during loading of blocks to trolley at the
production stage increases due to the physical fatigue of employees. In order to
eliminate this risk that results in decrease of quality, creation of waste and
considerations about the way these blocks should be handled it is proposed the
improved trolley of figure 16. By adding a rectangle wooden piece at the edge of the
trolley’s loading surface the block is impeded to fall on the leverage and be deformed.
Figure 16: Views of improved trolley
Source (own)
Considering the whole layout of the industry aiming to reduce production, waiting,
transportation and motion waste a new layout is proposed as presented in figure 17.
The proposal is based on the types of waste found at the observation stage and they
were mentioned in subchapter 3.3.5 page 14. To facilitate the comprehension of the
processes there has been made a caption at the right side of the proposed layout.
In the new layout the old machine is replaced with a new production machine that
manufactures via the use of block molding. By this way there is no need for keeping
stock for special qualities with low demand. The red arrows showing the path of
manufactured blocks that are transferred for curing. Yellow arrow presenting the
transferring of cured blocks to stock, the blue arrows represent the processed products
and the black the final packaged products.
Figure 17: Improved layout and flow
Source (own)
After curing they move to the inventory. By adding a conveyor line connecting
inventory to cutting processes department it is eliminated the move of forklift truck in
the heart of the industry preventing safety issues and reducing time of transformation.
Relocating the cutting processes as well as the sewing processes close to the exit were
completed orders loaded for delivery it is reduced a significant number of moves inside
the industry. The prior sewing processes department becomes the “Product exhibition”
department were samples of final products are exhibited for the customers.
Furthermore, as there is possibility for producing single blocks of different quality, a
department for testing new qualities of foam next to the new machine gives a
competitive advantage to improve quality of foam. The new machine gives the
opportunity to expand in a new market field besides flexible polyurethane foam
products and manufacture polyester foam products.
Additionally, wasted foam of cutting processes remains at the processing area,
collected and introduced into the filler machine and packaged as a product. Concerning
inventory control it should introduced a bar code system integrated in the ERP system.
Besides, training of employees for efficient cutting as well as for CAM software and
lean principles should be introduced as a formal activity. Another proposal for
reducing time and motion waste of employees is related with communication issues
due to the area size of the industry. Intercommunication between employees improves
the working efficiency. It could be solved by providing VHF wireless transceivers to
the employees and the offices. Unnecessary move of office employees and operators
prevention releases time that could be used for training of employees.
Due to the fact that commercial final products have more value than semifinal products
it should be seriously considered to produce mattresses pillows and other products
addressed for sectors related to clinical products and hospitality.
Another factor that affects costs of production is energy consumption for keeping
temperature of raw material constant at 25o C. As it is presented in the layout the area
of raw material storage should be reduced as there is no need for keeping temperature
constant for the whole room. The room’s volume should be halved in order to reduce
the consumption of electricity for cooling or heating.
Prioritization of improvements is based on cost, easiness of application and time
utilization. Furthermore, changes follow a sequence that does not affect industry’s
operations in a way that influences operations.
Prioritizing improvements
1. Improving trolley
2. Intercommunication devices
3. Adding extra rollers in the production machine
4. Adding top cylinders in the production machine
5. Introducing electronic inventory control
6. Training of employees for efficient/special cutting
7. Buy the new block molding machine
8. Buying of conveyor line
9. Build the new area of sewing department
10. Creating product exhibition department
11. New product development department/Testing new qualities
12. Change the whole layout.
Chapter 5 Conclusion
5.1 Limitations
In order to identify specific spots for introducing cylinders on the top of machine it is
required to analyze the phases of foam’s expansion. Regarding the block deformation
caused by trolley’s leverage it was not possible to measure the rate of defects as there
were not sufficient number of tests during the production phase. Furthermore,
suggesting specific layout for cutting machines needs more circumstantial observation
for a long period as the products are customized and produced with make to order
strategy. Lack of time was a limitation that could not be surpassed.