Session 1 What HRM Is PDF

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1. What HRM is?

- Staff function is the management

- Process of attracting, acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees
2. What managers do?
- Control
- Plan
- Staff
- Organize
- Lead
3. HRM’s relation to management process?
- Staff function in management
4. HRM authorities
- Staff manager (staff authorities)
- Can advise other managers (advisory relationship)
5. Responsibilities of Line managers and Staff managers
- Line managers responsible for activities in own department
- Staff managers give advisory to other line managers
6. Changes in HRM & implications for the proficiencies
- Focus on strategy HR (= make employees the company needs to achieve its
strategic goal) (everything should be aligning with the company’s strategy and
- Measurement of HR performance (there should be measurable proof of the HR
- HR outsourcing (to reduce cost and spend time focusing more on the strategy
part) (what to outsource? What not to?)
7. What HR managers do?
- Line function (activities in own department)
- Staff function (HR related issues) (advise CEO and other managers)
- Coordination function (coordinate HR activities  ensure integrity)
8. Size of HR Department
- 1.5 full-time HR employee per 100 employees
- Usually in small firms/entrepreneur don’t have HR (boss do it themselves)

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9. New HR Trend
i. Strategic HRM
- Formulate HR policies and work on employee competencies and behaviors in
order to achieve the company’s strategic goal
- Increasingly involved in partnering with top managers in both designing and
implementing the company’s strategy
ii. Measurement of HR Department
- The department is expected to provide measurable proof of the effectiveness of
our program
iii. HR Outsourcing
- Because external firms may have more expertise
- Reduce of cost
- Internal HR focus more strategic HRM (acquiring and developing talents, building
company culture) (leave the paperwork to external)
iv. Artificial Intelligence (automating HR work)
- Usage of computers to analyze large amount of data
- Improve HR decisions like job analysis and recruiting selecting process
10. Proficiencies of HR managers
i. HR proficiency (skills like employee selection, training, compensation)
ii. Business proficiency (strategic planning, financing, marketing, explain HR
activities in financial terms such as ROI)
iii. Learning proficiency (learn and apply new technologies)
iv. Leadership proficiency (as you don’t have line authority  how to lead them
to reach the common goal?)

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