Lin Phenoles 2015
Lin Phenoles 2015
Lin Phenoles 2015
Table 1. Catalytic Oxidation of 2,3,6-Trimethylphenol (TMP) over Various Samples under Different Conditionsa
In the present study, we demonstrate the excellent catalytic OLC-1 (treated at 1500 °C) exhibited the best catalytic
acitivity of OLC for selective oxidation of representative performance, with a TMBQ yield of 82.3% under the optimized
substituted phenols (seven examples) to their corresponding p- reaction conditions (entry 2). In contrast, some other carbon
benzoquinones. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first materials, such as activated carbon (AC, entry 6), graphite
time that the substitute phenol has been catalyzed by metal-free (entry 7), UDD (entry 8), HHT (a commercial high-
nanocarbons with decent activity. From XPS, Raman, and other temperature-treated nanocarbon fiber with well graphitized
comparative experiments, we show that the zigzag configuration structure; entry 9 Figure S11;), and graphene (G250, entry
rather than the oxygen species is responsible for the enhanced 10),42 showed a lower yield of TMBQ (∼7.5−47.9%) under
activities for these catalytic reactions. the same reaction conditions. In addition, the dependences of
Figure S9A−D shows the structures of various OLC samples catalytic performance on time, the amount of TBHP,
consisting of multilayer sp2 fullerene-like shells. The identified temperature, the solvent type, and the oxidant were studied
interlayer spacing of ∼0.340 nm in the shell of OLC is assigned in detail, and the results are listed in Figure S12 and Table 1,
to the (002) of turbostratic carbon graphite.41 The particle sizes entries 11−12. Long reaction times; elevated reaction temper-
of all OLC samples are ∼5−8 nm, and some lattice disorder can atures; and increased amounts of TBHP and other oxidants,
be observed on the OLC samples (Figure S9, marked by red including cumyl hydroperoxide and hydrogen peroxide, were
arrows). Regarding the N2 physisorption results, there is only a not favorable for improving the selectivity of TMBQ over
small difference in the surface area of the OLC samples (Figure OLC-1.
S10 and Table 1). As shown in Figure 1A, the conversion of TMP over OLC-1
Table 1 displays the catalytic performances of various carbon is 99.2% along with a TMBQ selectivity of 81.4% after seven
materials for the selective oxidation of 2,3,6-trimethylphenol successive runs, indicating that OLC-1 can be repeatedly used.
(TMP) to 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (TMBQ) under This catalyst stability was further demonstrated by a low
different conditions. Without catalysts, only 2.3% of TMBQ conversion experiment (the initial conversion of TMP was
yield was obtained (Table1, entry 1) and the main byproduct maintained at ∼20%, Figure 1B). Although the OLC-1 did not
was polyphenylene oxide (PPO). The TMP conversion and the exhibit better catalytic activity than the reported Ti-HMS and
selectivity of the desired TMBQ over the four kinds of OLC Ti−Si catalysts using H2O2 as oxidant, it had a remarkable
samples were at reasonably high levels (Table1, entries 2−5). stability in the selective oxidation of TMP (Table 1, entries 11,
Among the four OLC samples treated at different temperatures, 12, 15, 16). Interestingly, the activity of OLC-1 was far more
5922 DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.5b01222
ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 5921−5926
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