HEINZ ZIMMERMANN, Linde AG, Hoellriegelskreuth, Federal Republic of Germany
ROLAND WALZL , Linde AG, Hoellriegelskreuth, Federal Republic of Germany
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Title page
1. Introduction
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Title page
2. Physical Properties
Ethylene is a colorless flammable gas with a sweet odor. The physical properties of ethylene are as
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
mp –169.15 °C
bp –103.71 °C
Critical temperature, Tc 9.90 °C
Critical pressure, Pc 5.117 MPa
Critical density 0.21 g/cm3
at bp 0.57 g/cm3
at 0 °C 0.34 g/cm3
Gas density at STP 1.2603 g/L
Density relative to air 0.9686
Molar volume at STP 22.258 L
Surface tension
at bp 16.5 mN/m
at 0 °C 1.1 mN/m
Heat of fusion 119.5 kJ/kg
Heat of combustion 47.183 MJ/kg
Heat of vaporization
at bp 488 kJ/kg
at 0 °C 191 kJ/kg
Specific heat
of liquid at bp 2.63 kJ kg–1 K–1
of gas at Tc 1.55 kJ kg–1 K–1
Enthalpy of formation 52.32 kJ/mol
Entropy 0.220 kJ mol–1 K–1
Thermal conductivity
at 0 °C 177×10–4 W m–1 K–1
at 100 °C 294×10–4 W m–1 K–1
at 400 °C 805×10–4 W m–1 K–1
Viscosity of liquid
at mp 0.73 mPa · s
at bp 0.17 mPa · s
at 0 °C 0.07 mPa · s
of gas
at mp 36×10–4 mPa · s
at 0 °C 93×10–4 mPa · s
at 150 °C 143×10–4 mPa · s
Vapor pressure
at –150 °C 0.002 MPa
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
at bp 0.102 MPa
at –50 °C 1.10 MPa
at 0° 4.27 MPa
Explosive limits in air at
0.1 MPa and 20 °C
lower (LEL) 2.75 vol% or 34.6 g/cm3
upper (UEL) 28.6 vol% or 360.1 g/cm3
Ignition temperature 425–527 °C
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Title page
3. Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of ethylene result from the carbon–carbon double bond, with a bond length of
0.134 nm and a planar structure. Ethylene is a very reactive intermediate, which can undergo all typical
reactions of a short-chain olefin. Due to its reactivity ethylene gained importance as a chemical
building block. The complex product mixtures that have to be separated during the production of
ethylene are also due to the reactivity of ethylene.
Ethylene can be converted to saturated hydrocarbons, oligomers, polymers, and derivatives thereof.
Chemical reactions of ethylene with commercial importance are: addition, alkylation, halogenation,
hydroformylation, hydration, oligomerization, oxidation, and polymerization.
The following industrial processes are listed in order of their 1993 worldwide ethylene consumption [6]
1) Polymerization to low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)
2) Polymerization to high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
3) Addition of chlorine to form 1,2-dichloroethane
4) Oxidation to oxirane [75-21-8] (ethylene oxide) over a silver catalyst
5) Reaction with benzene to form ethylbenzene [100-41-4], which is dehydrogenated to styrene [100-
6) Oxidation to acetaldehyde
7) Hydration to ethanol
8) Reaction with acetic acid and oxygen to form vinyl acetate
9) Other uses, including production of linear alcohols, linear olefins, and ethyIchloride [75-00-3], and
copolymerization with propene to make ethylene–propylene (EP) and ethylene–propylene–diene
(EPDM) rubber
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
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Title page
4. Raw Materials
Table (1) lists the percentage of ethylene produced worldwide from various feedstocks for 1981 and
1992 [7]. In Western Europe and Japan, over 80% of ethylene is produced from naphthas—the
principal ethylene raw materials.
A shift in feedstocks occurred for the period from 1980 to 1991. In the United States and Europe larger
amounts of light feedstocks (LPG: propane + butane) and NGL (ethane, propane, butane) are used for
ethylene production, whereas in Japan more naphtha was used in 1991 compared to 1981. The use of
gas oils for ethylene production decreased slightly during the 1980s.
Ethane [74-84-0] is obtained from wet natural gases and refinery waste gases. It may be cracked alone
or as a mixture with propane. Propane [74-98-6] is obtained from wet natural gases, natural gasolines,
and refinery waste gases. Butanes are obtained from natural gasolines and refinery waste gases. A
mixture of light hydrocarbons such as propane, isobutane [75-28-5], and n-butane [106-97-81],
commonly called liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and obtained from natural gasolines and refinery
gases, is also used as a feedstock.
Naphthas, which are the most important feedstocks for ethylene production, are mixtures of
hydrocarbons in the boiling range of 30–200 °C. Processing of light naphthas (boiling range 30–90
°C, full range naphthas (30–200 °C) and special cuts (C6–C8 raffinates) as feedstocks is typical for
naphtha crackers.
A natural-cut full-range naphtha contains more than 100 individual components, which can be detected
individually by gas chromatography (GC). Depending on the origin naphtha quality can vary over a
wide range, which necessitates quality control of the complex feed mixtures. Characterization is
typically based on boiling range; density; and content of paraffins (n-alkanes), isoalkanes, olefins,
naphthenes, and aromatics (PIONA analysis) by carbon number. This characterization can be carried
out by GC analysis or by a newly developed infrared method [8]. Full characterization of feedstocks is
even more important when production is based on varying feedstocks, e.g. feedstocks of different
origins purchased on spot markets.
The quality of a feedstock is depending on the potential to produce the target products (ethylene and
propylene). Simple yield correlations for these products can be used to express the quality of a
feedstock in a simple figure, the quality factor, which indicates wether yields of the target products are
high or low, with aromatic feedstocks being poor and saturated feedstocks being good feedstocks.
Quality characterization factors for naphthas have been developed, which indicate the aromatics
content by empirical correlation. Since aromatics contribute little to ethylene yields in naphtha
cracking, a rough quality estimate can be made for naphthas with a typical weight ratio of n- to
isoparaffins of 1–1.1. The K factor is defined as [9]:
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
where Tk is the molal average boiling point in K. Naphthas with a K factor of 12 or higher are
considered saturated; those below 12 are considered naphthenic or aromatic. The K factor does not
differentiate between iso- and n-alkanes. The U.S. Bureau of Mines Correlation Index (BMCI) [10] can
also be used as a rough quality measure of naphthas:
where T is the molal average boiling point in K and d is the relative density d1155..66. A high value of
BMCI indicates a highly aromatic naphtha; a low value, a highly saturated naphtha.
Gas oils are feedstocks that are gaining importance in several areas of the world. Gas oils used for
ethylene production are crude oil fractions in the boiling range of 180–350 °C (atmospheric gas oils,
AGO) and 350–600 °C (vacuum gas oils, VGO). In contrast to naphtha and lighter gas feeds, these
feedstocks can not be characterized by individual components.
Gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC–MS) or high performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC) allow the analysis of structural groups, i.e., the percentage of paraffins,
naphthenes, olefins, monoaromatics, and polyaromatics in the gas oil, and can be used to determine the
quality of the hydrocarbon fraction. If this information is used together with data such as hydrogen
content, boiling range, refractive index, etc., the quality can be determined quite accurately. A rough
estimate of feed quality can be made by using the BMCI or the calculated cetane number of a gas oil.
The cetane number, normally used to calculate the performance of diesel fuels, is an excellent quality
measure, since it is very sensitive to the n-paraffin content, which is one of the key parameters for the
ethylene yield. The cetane number CN is calculated as follows [11]:
CN = 12.822 + 0.1164CI + 0.012976 CI2
where CI = 0.9187 (T50 /10)1.26687 (nD20/100)1.44227,
where T50 is the volume average boiling point in°C and nD20 the refractive index at 20 °C
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Title page
5. Production
The bulk of the worldwide annual commercial production of ethylene is based on thermal cracking of
petroleum hydrocarbons with steam; the process is commonly called pyrolysis or steam cracking. The
principal arrangement of such a cracking reactor is shown in Figure (1)
A hydrocarbon stream is heated by heat exchange against flue gas in the convection section, mixed
with steam, and further heated to incipient cracking temperature (500–680 °C, depending on the
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
feedstock). The stream then enters a fired tubular reactor (radiant tube or radiant coil) where, under
controlled residence time, temperature profile, and partial pressure, it is heated from 500–650 to 750–
875 °C for 0.1–0.5 s. During this short reaction time hydrocarbons in the feedstock are cracked into
smaller molecules; ethylene, other olefins, and diolefins are the major products. Since the conversion of
saturated hydrocarbons to olefins in the radiant tube is highly endothermic, high energy input rates are
needed. The reaction products leaving the radiant tube at 800–850 °C are cooled to 550–650 °C
within 0.02–0.1 s to prevent degradation of the highly reactive products by secondary reactions.
The resulting product mixtures, which can vary widely, depending on feedstock and severity of the
cracking operation, are then separated into the desired products by using a complex sequence of
separation and chemical-treatment steps.
The cooling of the cracked gas in the transfer-line exchanger is carried out by vaporization of high-
pressure boiler feed water (BFW, p = 6–12 MPa), which is separated in the steam drum and
subsequently superheated in the convection section to high-pressure superheated steam (HPSS, 6–12
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
or gas oils, but some success has been attained even with these materials.
In recent years, advances have been made in mechanistic modeling of pyrolysis, facilitated by the
availability of more accurate thermochemical kinetic and pyrolysis data and of high-speed computers.
The major breakthrough in this area, however, has been the development of methods to integrate large
systems of differential equations [14][15][16].
Mechanistic models need less experimental data and can be extrapolated. The accuracy of these models
is very good for most components, but they require permanent tuning of the kinetic parameters,
especially for computing the cracked-gas composition for ultrashort residence times. The main
application for mechanistic models is the design of cracking furnaces and complete ethylene plants.
The accuracy of the models has been improved, driven by the competition between the contractors for
ethylene plants. A number of mechanistic models are used today in the ethylene industry, describing
the very complex kinetics with hundreds of kinetic equations [17][18][19].
To demonstrate the complexity of the chemical reactions, the cracking of ethane to ethylene is
discussed here in detail. A simple reaction equation for ethane cracking is:
C2H6 → C2H4 + H2 (1)
If this were the only reaction, the product at 100% conversion would consist solely of ethylene and
hydrogen; at lower conversion, ethylene, hydrogen and ethane would be present. In fact, the cracked
gas also contains methane, acetylene, propene, propane, butanes, butenes, benzene, toluene, and
heavier components. This reaction (Eq. 1) is clearly not the only reaction occurring.
In the 1930s, the free-radical mechanism for the decomposition of hydrocarbons was established [20].
Although the free-radical treatment does not explain the complete product distribution, even for a
compound as simple as ethane, it has been extremely useful. Ethane cracking represents the simplest
application of the free-radical mechanism. Ethane is split into two methyl radicals in the chain
initiation step (Eq. 2). The methyl radical reacts with an ethane molecule to produce an ethyl radical
(Eq. 3), which decomposes to ethylene and a hydrogen atom (Eq. 4). The hydrogen atom reacts with
another ethane molecule to give a molecule of hydrogen and a new ethyl radical (Eq. 5).
C2H6 → CH3 + CH3 (2)
CH3 + C2H6 → CH4 + C2H5 (3)
C2H5 → C2H4 + H (4)
H + C2H6 → H2 + C2H5 (5)
If reactions (4) and (5) proceed uninterrupted, the molecular reaction in Equation (1) results. If only
reactions (3)–(5) occurred, the cracked gas would contain traces of methane (Eq. 3) and equimolar
quantities of ethylene and hydrogen with unreacted ethane. This is not observed.
Reactions (3) and (4) terminate if either an ethyl radical or a hydrogen atom reacts with another radical
or atom by reactions such as:
H + H → H2 (6)
CH3 + H → CH4 (7)
H + C2H5 → C2H6 (8)
C2H5 + CH3 → C3H8 (9)
C2H5 + C2H5 → C4H10 (10)
On termination of chain propagation, new methyl or ethyl radicals or a new hydrogen atom must be
generated (Eqs. 2–4) to start a new chain. Thus, every time a new chain is initiated, a molecule of
methane is formed (Eq. 3) and a molecule of ethylene is produced (Eq. 4). Other normal and branched-
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
chain alkanes decompose by a similar, but more complex, free-radical mechanism [21]. The number of
possible free radicals and reactions increases rapidly as chain length increases.
The free-radical mechanism is generally accepted to explain hydrocarbon pyrolysis at low conversion
[20]. As conversion and concentrations of olefins and other products increase, secondary reactions
become more significant. Partial pressures of olefins and diolefins increase, favoring condensation
reactions to produce cyclodiolefins and aromatics. The cracking of heavy feed, such as naphthas or gas
oils, often proceeds far enough to exhaust most of the crackable material in the feedstock.
The reaction scheme with heavier feeds is much more complex than with gaseous feedstocks, due to
the fact the hundreds of reactants (feed components) react in parallel and some of those components are
formed as reaction products during the reaction. Since the radicals involved are relatively short lived,
their concentration in the reaction products is rather low.
Radical decomposition is one of the most important types of reaction and it directly produces ethylene
according to the following scheme:
Radical decomposition
RCH2CH2CH2 → RCH2 + C2H4 (11)
This β-scission reaction produces a shorter radical (RCH2 ) and ethylene. Radicals normally
decompose in the β-position, where the C–C bond is weaker due to electronic effects. Large radicals
are more stable than smaller ones and can therefore undergo isomerization.
Radical isomerization
The free-radical decomposition of n-butane (Eqs. 12–14) results in the molecular equation (Eq. 15):
n-C4H10 + H → n-C4H9 + H2 (14)
n-C4H9 → C2H4 + C2H5 (15)
C2H5 → C2H4 + H (16)
n-C4H10 → 2 C2H4 + H2 (17)
Reactions like (1) and (15) are highly endothermic. Reported values of ∆H at 827 °C are + 144.53
kJ/mol for Equation (1) and + 232.244 kJ/mol for Equation (15).
The mathematical description of these complex systems requires special integration algorithms [22].
Based on the pseudo steady state approximation, the chemical reactions can be integrated and the
concentration of all components at each location of the reactor (cracking coil) can be computed [23]
In a generalized and very simplified form the complex kinetics of cracking of hydrocarbons (ethane to
gas oil) in steam crackers can be summarized as follows:
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethane 0.25–0.35
Propane 0.30–0.40
Naphthas 0.4–0.50
Atmospheric gas oils (cut: 180–350 °C) 0.60–0.70
Hydrocracker bottoms (cut: 350–600 °C) 0.70–0.85
Steam dilution lowers the hydrocarbon partial pressure, thereby enhancing olefin yield. It also reduces
the partial pressure of high-boiling, high-molecular-mass aromatics and heavy tarry materials, reducing
their tendency to deposit and form coke in the radiant tubes and to foul quench-exchanger tubes. Steam
reduces the fouling of the radiant tubes by reacting with deposited coke to form carbon monoxide,
carbon dioxide, and hydrogen in a water gas reaction, but as can be seen from the concentration of
carbon monoxide in the cracked gas (normally ca. 100 ppm), only to a limited extent.
The sulfur content of the feed is important, since sulfur passivates active Ni sites of the cracking coil
material by forming nickel sulfides, which do not catalyze coke gasification, in contrast to nickel metal
and nickel oxides. This explains why CO production is high (up to 1% in the cracked gas) if the
feedstock is free of sulfur. To prevent this effect, ca. 20 ppm of sulfur (e.g., as dimethyl sulfide) are
added to sulfur-free feedstocks.
Feedstock composition is another important consideration in commercial production of ethylene.
Ethylene-plant feedstocks generally contain straight- and branched-chain alkanes, olefins, naphthenes,
and aromatics. Ethylene and other olefins are formed primarily from alkanes and naphthenes in the
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
feed. n-Alkanes are the preferred component for high ethylene yields, and those containing an even
number of carbon atoms give slightly better ethylene yields than odd-numbered ones. n-Alkanes also
produce propene, whose yield decreases with increasing chain length.
Isoalkanes, in general, produce much smaller yields of ethylene and propene than n-alkanes. They give
higher yields of hydrogen and methane, and of C4 and higher olefins. Isoalkanes tend to produce more
propene than ethylene compared to n-alkanes.
Olefin and diolefin yields from cyclopentane, methylcyclopentane, and cyclohexane have been
reported [21]; methylcyclopentane and cyclohexane give substantial amounts of butadiene.
Simple and condensed ring aromatics produce no ethylene. Benzene is stable under normal cracking
conditions. It is formed during cracking and remains unchanged in the feed. Other aromatics yield
primarily higher molecular mass components. Aromatics with long side chains, such as
dodecylbenzene, yield ethylene and other olefins by side-chain cracking. The aromatic nucleus still,
however, generally produces pyrolysis fuel oil and tar.
In summary, maximum ethylene production requires:
– A highly saturated feedstock
– High coil outlet temperature
– Low hydrocarbon partial pressure
– Short residence time in the radiant coil
– Rapid quenching of the cracked gases
These conditions maximize the yield of olefins and minimize the yield of methane and high molecular
mass aromatic components.
Cracking conditions and yield structure are often optimized for economic reasons in plant design and
operation; even small changes in cracked gas composition influence the overall plant economics
The dilution steam ratio is in most cases at the minimum of the range for the specified feedstock, due to
the contribution of the dilution steam to the production costs.
Primary hydrocarbon pyrolysis reactions are endothermic; heat requirements are determined by
feedstock and cracking conditions. The temperature required to attain a given reaction rate decreases as
the carbon chain length in the feedstock increases. Thus, the enthalpy required to reach cracking
temperature depends on feedstock and cracking conditions.
Heat requirements for hydrocarbon pyrolysis can be divided into three components:
1) The enthalpy required to heat the feedstock, including the latent heat of vaporization of liquids
2) The endothermic heat of cracking
3) The enthalpy required to heat the cracked gas from the radiant-coil inlet temperature to the radiant-
coil outlet temperature
The first is accomplished in the convection section of the furnace; the last two, in the radiant section.
Enthalpies (1) and (3) can be calculated from standard heat-capacity data; they represent 25–60% of
total process heat input in the furnace as the feedstock changes from ethane to gas oils [21].
A typical heat balance for a modern naphtha furnace including the TLE is shown in Figure (3).
The endothermic heat of cracking is most simply calculated from heats of formation by the following
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
where ∆Hr = endothermic heat of cracking, kJ/kg; ∆Hp = heat of formation of the cracked products,
kJ/kg; and ∆Hf = heat of formation of the feed, kJ/kg.
Heats of formation for some alkanes, olefins, naphthenes, and aromatics are as follows (in kJ/kg) [25]:
Hydrogen 0.0
Methane –5646.3
Ethane –3548.1
Ethylene 1345.3
Acetylene 8540.7
Propane –2949.9
Propene –17.9
Methylacetylene 4317.1
Propadiene 4496.8
n-Butane –2694.4
Isobutane –2827.5
1-Butene –459.4
cis-2-Butene –649.5
trans-2-Butene –668.2
Isobutylene –746.5
Ethylacetylene 2720.4
1,3-Butadiene 1721.8
Benzene 783.6
Toluene 243.4
Cyclopentane –1611.3
Methylcyclopentane –1722.6
Cyclohexane –1846.4
Methylcyclohexane –1890.3
As the alkane chain length increases, the heat of formation approaches 1800 kJ/kg asymptotically.
Ethane, the most refractory alkane besides methane, has the most endothermic heat of cracking, + 4893
kJ/kg. The corresponding figure for propane is + 4295 kJ/kg and for a high-molecular-mass n-alkane,
ca. 1364 kJ/kg.
Endothermic heat of cracking increases with degree of saturation of the feed; as conversion increases,
secondary condensation products increase. These products have less negative heats of formation than
alkanes, or positive heats of formation.
Determining the complete yield patterns (gas and liquid products) for a commercial cracking furnace
requires a standardized procedure, especially if the feedstock is changed from ethane to naphtha and
gas oil. A homogeneous sample is withdrawn from the furnace effluent, quenched, and separated into
gaseous and liquid fractions. These are analyzed separately and then combined to give a complete
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
cracked-gas analysis.
The material balance is obtained by matching the hydrogen, carbon, and sulfur content of the feedstock
with that of the cracked gas. This type of analysis is time-consuming. In a faster system, gas–liquid
separation is eliminated [26] or only a gas-phase analysis is taken. Due to many sources of errors,
series of samples have to be taken and analyzed. Statistical methods are used to check the quality of the
For gas feedstocks, conversion is used as a measure of the severity of cracking:
where Cn,in = quantity of component n at inlet in kg/h and Cn,out = quantity of component n at outlet in
For liquid feedstocks the severity is defined as the ratio of propylene to ethylene (on weight basis) P/E
or as ratio of methane to propylene M/P. Both ratios P/E and M/P are a linear function of temperature
over a wide range and can be measured with much higher accuracy than the apparent bulk coil outlet
temperature of a cracking furnace. The use of P/E and M/P ratios for severity definition is accepted in
Ethane. Ethane is cracked commercially in all types of furnaces, from long residence time to short
residence time. However, since ethane is a very stable paraffin, cracking temperatures at the coil inlet
typically are higher than for other hydrocarbons. For ethane the coil inlet temperatures are in the range
of 650–680 °C. Typical conversion ranges of commercial furnaces are 60–70%, with 67% conversion
being a typical figure for modern designs.
Table (2) lists yields for ethane cracking at various residence times. There is a slight increase in yield at
short residence times. However, as the run length of short-residence-time ethane furnaces is very low
(Fig. (4)) and yield improvement is moderate, application of short-residence-time furnaces for ethane
cracking is not feasible.
In naphtha plants the ethane contained in the cracked gas is separated and recycled to a segregated
ethane-cracking furnace, in which cracking is carried out under typical ethane-cracking conditions. In
case the capacity of the ethane furnace is not sufficient to crack all the ethane, cocracking of ethane
with naphtha is performed, with ethane conversions of 40–50%. Due to the build up of large recycle
streams in such operations, cocracking should be avoided wherever possible.
Propane is cracked in all types of furnaces at typical conversions of 90–93%. The application of short
-residence-time furnaces for propane cracking has to be evaluated carefully, due to the dramatic
reduction in run length between successive decokings. In many naphtha plants with propane recycle,
propane is co-cracked together with naphtha, without a dramatic drop in propane conversion.
Typical yields for propane cracking for various residence times are listed in Table (3). For very mild
propane cracking conditions (70% conversion) yields of propylene show a maximum at 18–19 wt%
based on propane feed.
Butane. All types of furnaces can be used for butane cracking, which typically is performed at 94–96
% conversion. Yields for n-butane and isobutane differ widely. For n-butane, ethylene yields in the
range of 40% are typical (Table (4)), whereas for isobutane only 15 wt% ethylene yield is achieved.
Due to the poor ethylene yield from isobutane, other applications such as dehydrogenation,
oligomerization, and alkylation seem to be more feasible than cracking isobutane to produce ethylene.
However, mild cracking at 70% conversion and high pressures has been claimed to yield isobutene as
primary product [27].
Naphtha. Naphtha, the refinery hydrocarbon fraction with the boiling range of 35–180 °C, can vary
in composition and boiling range, depending on source and refinery conditions. Today naphtha cuts
from 35 to 90 °C (light naphtha), 90–180 °C (heavy naphtha) and 35–180 °C (full-range naphtha) are
processed. In Europe and Asia/ Pacific naphtha is the primary raw marerial for ethylene cracking, with
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Hydrocracker Residue (HVGO or HCR; Boiling Range 350–600 °C). Hydrocracker residues are
the unconverted product fraction from hydrocrackers. Due to the severe operating conditions of the
hydrocrackers, HCR is a highly saturated product, with only a limited content of aromatics and low
contents of polyaromatics. HCR or HVGO is a feedstock that can result in ethylene yields as high as in
naphtha cracking. Typical yields for a HCR are shown in Table (8) for an AGO with properties as
listed in Table (9).
A comparison of the feedstock requirements as a function of residence time for a 500000 t/a plant for
ethane, propane, butane and naphtha is shown in Figure (5). It can be seen that a naphtha cracker has
about three times the feedstock throughput of an ethane cracker, and that naphtha cracking shows some
sensitivity to short residence times, whereas ethane crackers are not very sensitive with respect to
feedstock savings as short residence times are applied. A careful economic analysis is required to select
the optimum residence time range for a given feedstock, since shorter residence times lead to reduced
availability due to shorter run length, as shown for ethane cracking in Figure (4).
Furnace Design. Modern cracking furnaces typically have one or two rectangular fireboxes with
vertical radiant coils located centrally between two radiant refractory walls. Firebox heights of up to 15
m and firebox widths of 2–3 m are standard design practice in the industry. Firing can be performed
with wall- or floor-mounted radiant burners, or a combination of both, which use gaseous or combined
gaseous and liquid fuels. Fireboxes are under slight negative pressures with upward flow of flue gas.
Flue gas flow and draft are established by induced-draft fans. In some furnace designs, burners are
mounted on terraced walls.
Firebox length is determined by the total ethylene production rate desired from each furnace and the
residence time of the cracking operation. This also determines the number of individual radiant coils
needed, with short residence times requiring many more individual coils than longer residence times
for the same production capacity. This is due to the shorter lengths of the short-residence-time coils,
which can be as short as 10–16 m per coil. Long-residence-time coils can have lengths of 60–100 m
per coil. The number of coils required for a given ethylene capacity is determined by the radiant coil
surface, which is in the range of 10–15 m2 per tonne of feedstock for liquid feedstocks.
Production rate for each coil is determined by its length, diameter, and charge rate, which translates
into a certain heat flux on the radiant coil. Values of 85 kW/m2 for the average heat flux of a coil
should be the maximum.
Radiant coils are usually hung in a single plane down the center of the firebox. They have also been
nested in a single plane or placed parallel in a staggered, double-row tube arrangement. Staggered tubes
have nonuniform heat-flux distributions because of the shadowing effect of one coil on its companion.
If maximum capacity and full utilization of the firebox are desired, tube staggering can be adjusted so
that the shadowing effect is only marginally greater than with a single-row arrangement.
Heat transfer to the radiant tubes occurs largely by radiation, with only a small contribution from
convection. Firebox temperature is typically 1000–1200 °C.
The radiant coil of an ethylene furnace is a fired tubular chemical reactor. Inlet conditions must meet
the required temperature, pressure, and flow rate. Hydrocarbon feed is heated from its convection-
section entry temperature to the temperature needed for entry into the radiant coils. Dilution steam is
introduced into the hydrocarbon stream in the convection section. The combined hydrocarbon and
steam stream is then superheated to the target temperature at the radiant coil inlet (crossover
temperature, XOT). Gaseous feeds require only the energy necessary to heat the feed and steam to the
radiant coil inlet temperature. Liquid feeds require additional energy to heat the liquid to its
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number up to 200 per furnace, with 50 or 100 PQEs per furnace. Several PQEs are mounted in a single
enclosure, for ease of installation.
Furnaces can be paired to use a common steel structure or they can stand alone. Paired furnaces can
have a common stack and induced draft fan. Burners are located on opposite walls of the firebox at
floor level; they use gas, oil, or combinations thereof with forced or induced draft. The design can be
adapted easily for preheating combustion air. A Millisecond furnace is shown in Figure (8).
Flow is distributed to the many small-diameter radiant coils by pigtails connecting the individual
radiant coils to their common feed header. Due to the short residence time and the resulting higher
process temperatures, run lengths of Millisecond furnaces are shorter than those of competing furnaces
and they thus require more decokes per year.
Stone & Webster Furnace (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, Mass.). Stone & Webster
supplies an ultraselective cracking (USC) furnace coupled with an ultraselective quench exchanger (see
Section 5.2. Quenching of Hot Cracked Gas). Radiant coils have internal diameters of 50–90 mm. In
contrast to many other contractors, Stone & Webster is not offering split coils.
Their swaged USC-U (Super U Coil) coil configuration consists of two tubes connected with a return
bend. The diameter of the outlet tube is larger than that of the inlet tube, allowing for thermal,
molecular, and pressure expansion. Generally, outlet tubes from two USC-U coils are combined to feed
a single ultraselective exchanger (USX), but as many as four coils have been fed to a single USX.
Feed rates per radiant coil are low; individual furnace capacity is increased by using as many as 48
individual USC-U coils per furnace. Today Stone & Webster is offering Linear Exchangers (LinEx)
instead of USX exchangers, for cost reasons.
The swaged USC-W coil configuration consists of four thin tubes, which differ in diameter. Individual
diameters for each coil increase from inlet to outlet. A coil outlet can go directly to a USX or LinEx
quench system or two coils can share a quench system. The individual furnace capacity is obtained by
installing 12–24 USC-W coils in the same firebox. Spring hangers support radiant coils from the top in
the center plane of the firebox. Feed to the coils is equalized by critical-flow venturi nozzles.
The USC furnaces may be paired as shown in Figure 5, with a common stack and induced-draft fan, or
they can stand alone. Burners are mounted on the wall, or on the wall and floor. Floor burners are gas-
or oil-fired.
For furnaces using gas-turbine integration (GTI) or preheating of combustion air, a floor-fired, short-
residence-time (FFS) design is available. This is completely floor fired, which reduces large-volume
ductwork to a minimum. Coil geometry is similar to USC-U or USC-W designs, but to maintain a
uniform firebox temperature, more and shorter coil legs are used. Overall fuel efficiencies of Stone &
Webster furnaces are competitive.
KTI Furnace (KTI Corp., The Hague, the Netherlands). A number of radiant-coil designs are
available, ranging from a simple serpentine coil of constant diameter to GK-1 (gradient kinetics, model
1) and GK-5 coils.
Gaseous feed, naphtha, and gas oil can be cracked with all coils. Residence times range from 0.15 to
0.5 s. Capacities range up to 120000 t/a per furnace.
The GK radiant coil has two thin, parallel tubes from the coil inlet to ca. 66% of the total coil length,
where they combine to a single, larger tube. The thin tubes can be staggered or in-line; the larger
diameter tubes must be in-line.
The KTI furnaces can be paired with a common stack and induced-draft fan, or they can stand alone.
Top outlet coils are preferred. Burners are wall-mounted or wall- and floor-mounted.
Linde-Pyrocrack Furnace (Linde AG, Munich, Germany). Linde-Pyrocrack furnaces provide
capacities of 20000–130000 t/a. Feedstocks can be all straight-run or pretreated hydrocarbons from
ethane, propane, butane, natural gas liquids, naphthas, raffinates, gas oils, gas condensates and
hydrocracked vacuum gas oils. Furnaces are designed for segregated cracking or cocracking and for
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maximum feedstock flexibility. Linde and its U.S. subsidiary Selas Fluid Processing have installed
furnaces with a total ethylene capacity >13 × 106 t/a.
Pyrocrack coils are all split coils with small inlet coils headered into a larger outlet coil, with residence
times from 0.15 to 0.5 s. The three basic Pyrocrack coil types are shown in Figure (9). Coil diameters
range from ca. 40/55 mm (inlet/outlet) for Pyrocrack 1-1 coils to 100/ 150 mm for Pyrocrack 4-2 coils.
Critical Venturi nozzles are used to ensure equal distribution and residence times in all parallel coils of
a furnace.
Today almost exclusively a combination of sidewall and floor firing is used, which offers the best
distribution of the released heat over the whole firebox and a excellent radiant efficiency. Fuel for the
radiant burners can be gas or oil or both. Oil firing offers the opportunity to use a fraction of the
pyrolysis fuel oil (i. e., the liquid product of the pyrolysis boiling above 180 °C) as fuel and thus of
increasing the amount of the pyrolysis methane fuel fraction available for export to other comsumers.
The convection section of Linde Pyrocrack furnaces contains process heating bundles for feed, dilution
steam, boiler feedwater, and high-pressure steam superheater bundles. Overall efficiencies of up to 94–
95 % (on lower heating value, LHV) are typical for Linde furnaces. High-pressure steam systems for
heat recovery have been developed by Linde for up to 14 MPa. Linde has built furnaces with SCR-
based DeNOx technology integrated into the convection section. The design of the side and front walls
of the convection section provides uniform heat distribution and prevents flue gas bypassing. Furnace
draft is maintained by an induced-draft fan mounted over the convection section.
Linde has introduced with great commercial success the Twin Radiant Cell concept, in which a single
high-capacity furnace has two radiant sections, which are connected to a common convection section
(Fig. (10)). Other new features are a proprietary system for processing gas condensates, which have an
extremely high and variable final boiling point. This system was developed from the well-established
Linde technology for heavy hydrocracker bottoms and adapted to the requirements for gas condensates.
Linde is offering optimizers (OPTISIM) for the optimization of the operation of furnaces and complete
olefin plants.
Other Furnaces. The furnaces listed below show some interesting features, but none is of commercial
importance in today's worldwide olefin business. Only the furnace designs of the contractors listed
above (Lummus, Kellogg, Stone & Webster, KTI, and Linde) are considered to be competitive.
The terraced-wall furnace (Foster & Wheeler Energy Corp., Livingston, N.J.) uses burners firing
upward from shelves or ledges built into the walls of the firebox (Fig. (11)). A similar firebox design is
used for reformer heaters. This arrangement apparently gives uniform heating of the radiant coil.
Furnaces are all-gas or all-liquid fuel fired.
The Mitsui advanced cracker (Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Tokyo, Japan) offers lower
construction costs, smaller land area requirements, high thermal efficiency, and low NOx emissions.
The mass of steel used in a 400000 t/a ethylene plant is 30% lower than that used in a 300000 t/a plant
with conventional furnaces. This is achieved by a patented installation of three radiant coils in the
firebox space normally occupied by one or two coils [28].
The Mitsubishi Furnace jointly developed by Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. and Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries of Japan is quite different in design from other furnaces (Fig. (12)). Known as the Mitsubishi
thermal cracking furnace (M-TCF), it is a vertical, downdraft furnace with the convection section
located below the radiant firebox. It is fired with gas or oil burners located in two rows mounted on the
ceiling and two rows mounted on terraced walls. All burners are down-firing, with long flat flames.
According to Mitsubishi, up to 70% of the total heat can be supplied with any type of distillate fuel,
including the cracked residue from an ethylene plant. Flue gas flows to a common stack by means of an
induced-draft fan, which produces suction at the bottom of the convection section.
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Ample evidence indicates that maximum yields of ethylene from tubular cracking of hydrocarbons
require high temperature, short residence time, and low hydrocarbon pressure in the radiant coil.
Modified coils can help achieve these conditions, but coil design is limited by metallurgy. Radiant coils
must be selected in light of the following considerations:
– Operating temperature
– Tube service life
– Cost
– Carburization resistance
– Creep-rupture strength
– Ductility
– Weldability
An outside tube wall operating temperature up to and even exceeding 1100 °C is now possible. Coils
are designed to operate at 975–1000 °C with an internally clean radiant coil. Tube wall temperature
rises with time because of coke deposition inside the coil. Coke acts as a thermal insulator inside the
coil, requiring increased tube wall temperature for a given furnace loading. Localized overheating must
be avoided during removal of coke from the coil (when steam or a mixture of steam and air is used).
With steam-air decoking, combustion occurs inside the coils.
Tube service life is economically important in plant operation. Furnace capital costs represent ca. 20%
of the total cost of an ethylene plant. About one-third of this is for radiant coils. With current
metallurgy, a five-year service life in the hottest section and a seven-year service life of the inlet
section of a furnace are typical. Service life is shortened by carburization of the inner tube surface,
which is favored by the environment inside a cracking coil. Temperature is high, and feeds are usually
highly carburizing; reaction occurs between the gaseous phase in the tube and its base metal.
Coil alloys are normally protected by an oxide layer on the inner surface. If this layer is destroyed and
cannot be regenerated, carbon diffuses into the base metal, which itself diffuses toward the inside
surface. Carburization may be more severe during decoking and can be reduced by lowering the
percentage of air mixed with steam during this cycle. Aluminized coatings on the inner surface of the
tube may reduce carburization [29][30][31][32][33][34]. The extent of carburization can be measured
by magnetic tests [32].
The materials used for cracking coils are high-alloy steels, e.g. with 35% Ni, 25% Cr and several
important trace metals (Si, Mn, Nb,Mo, W, Ti) [35]. The technical designation of this most common
radiant coil material is HP 40 modified. Only a limited number of manufacturers worldwide are able to
produce these materials according to very strict quality standards.
Cracking furnaces represent the largest energy consumer in an ethylene plant; their thermal efficiency
is a major factor in operating economics. New plants are designed for 93–95% thermal efficiency, and
revamping of older ones can increase efficiencies to 89–92%. Only a limited number of heat sinks are
available for heat released in the radiant firebox of a cracking furnace:
1) Process heat duty and duty for utility heating
2) Wall or radiation loss
3) Stack heat loss
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Process heat duty is the energy required to heat the feedstock and dilution steam from the temperature
at which they enter the furnace convection section to the temperature at which they leave the radiant
coil. Process heat duty varies with feedstock composition, feed rate, and cracking severity. The duty for
heating the utilities is the heat requirement to heat boiler feedwater in the convection section (from 110
°C to ca. 180 °C), before it is used for the HP steam production in the TLEs, and for superheating the
saturated HP steam produced in the TLEs in the convection section.
Wall or radiation loss is that portion of the heat released in the radiant firebox which is lost to the
atmosphere through the refractory and outer steel shells of the radiant and convection sections. Wall
loss is initially determined by the type and thickness of thermal insulation in the furnace. Typical wall
losses in modern furnaces are 1.2% of the fired duty for the radiant section and 0.3% of the fired duty
for the convection section.
Stack heat loss is that portion of the heat released in the radiant firebox which is discharged to the
atmosphere in the flue gas. Stack heat losses are around 5% of the fired duty. This is the only heat loss
that furnace operators can control, given a fixed furnace design, quality of maintenance, feed rate, and
coil outlet temperature. Stack heat loss is sensitive to excess combustion air in the furnace and, thus, to
draft, fuel composition, and air leakage.
Radiative Heat Transfer and Furnace Thermal Efficiency. The heat absorbed by the radiant coils
and lost through the walls of a radiant-section firebox must equal the heat given up by the flue gas as it
drops from the adiabatic flame temperature to the temperature at which it leaves the firebox [36]. The
heat absorbed by the radiant coils of a furnace is a function of coil geometry, burner location, flame
emissivity, temperature of the flue gas leaving the radiant firebox, and tube wall temperature of the
radiant coil [37]. Typical radiant efficiencies are in the range of 38–42% for side wall firing, 40–45%
for a combination of sidewall and floor firing and 42–47% for 100% floor firing. The differences
result from the direct radiation loss to the convection section if the burners are mounted in the upper
section of the radiant box.
The effects of excess combustion air and combustion air preheating on radiative heat transfer have been
determined [38], [39]. Excess air rates in modern furnaces are ca.10%, but some plants are operated at
rates as low as 5% excess air, resulting in reduced fuel consumption.
At 20% excess combustion air (for a given furnace configuration and a radiant-section process duty), a
21% reduction in fuel consumption is possible if combustion air is heated to 270 °C. Fuel usage
increases rapidly as excess combustion air increases. At 49% excess air, fuel consumption is the same
as if combustion air were not preheated.
Combustion air preheating may be used in a new ethylene plant or in a modernized furnace to increase
thermal efficiency. Various heat-exchange techniques can be used, including direct exchange between
flue-gas discharge and inlet combustion air by use of rotating refractory vane elements, and indirect
exchange by means of heat pipes, high-pressure water, or circulating high-temperature thermal fluids.
The most common technique for combustion air preheating is the use of hot exhaust gas from gas
turbines (GTs). Such plants co-produce electricity (in the range of 30–60 mWel.), and this has a major
impact on the plant economy. The GTs are exclusively used for electricity production. Direct driving of
large compressors by the GTs is not feasible, due to the maintenance requirements for GTs, which
require an annual shutdown. In modern plants the ethylene plant can run with and without the GT [40].
The economy of operation with an intregated GT is highly dependent on the credit for the electricity
and the increased HP steam production. Scenarios that favor GT integration exist in Japan, Korea, and
Radiant-coil inlet and outlet process temperatures in an ethylene furnace must be the same after
application of preheated combustion air as they were before, to obtain the same cracking severity.
Convective Heat Transfer and Furnace Thermal Efficiency. Convective heat transfer is widely
used in isolated green-fields ethylene plants to improve thermal efficiency by preheating boiler
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measured continuously during decoking and the air flow rate is adjusted accordingly. After ca. 20 h the
decoking of the radiant coils is complete and the decoking conditions are adjusted to decoke the TLE.
Total decoking of radiant coil and TLE takes ca. 36 h. Mechanical cleaning of the TLE is not required
in modern plant employing appropriate decoking procedures.
Steam-only decoking makes use of the water gas reaction, which is endothermic and less likely to burn
out the radiant coils. This method does not require the furnace to be disconnected from downstream
processing equipment, if that equipment is designed to accept the required amount of steam and handle
the carbon monoxide produced. Temperatures as high as 950–1000 °C are required for steam-only
decoking. The decoking gas from the radiant coils may be routed through the transfer-line exchangers,
to partially decoke them.
Decoking time and radiant-tube wall temperature decrease as the amount of air mixed with steam
increases [46]. The result of a steam-only decoking operation is poorer than that of a steam–air decoke.
Modern furnace quench systems are designed so that off-gas from radiant-coil decoking passes directly
through the transfer-line exchangers, which are decoked as a result. About once a year a modern TLE
must be opened for inspection and cleaned mechanically. This is carried out by shutting down the
furnace, disconnecting the TLE, and removing the coke from the tubes mechanically or hydraulically.
The furnace should never be shut down and cooled without radiant-coil decoking. Differences between
the coefficients of thermal expansion of the coke and of the metal tube wall are such that the radiant
coils may rupture.
Off-gas from decoking is usually diverted to a decoking system containing a knockout pot equipped
with a quench water inlet or a high-performance cyclone separator with dry or wet separation of the
coke particles in the effluent. The cleaned, cooled gases are discharged to the atmosphere.
Alternatively, the decoke off-gas can be rerouted to the firebox, where the coke particles are
Continued ...
Title page
Cracked gases leave the radiant coil of an ethylene furnace at 750–875 °C. The gases should be cooled
instantaneously to preserve their composition. However, this is not practical, so furnaces are designed
to minimize residence time of the hot gas in the adiabatic section between furnace outlet and quench-
system cooling zone. Typically, residence time in this adiabatic zone should not exceed 10% of the
residence time in the radiant coil.
The cracked gas is generally cooled by indirect quenching in the TLEs, which permits heat recovery at
a temperature high enough to generate valuable high-pressure steam. Direct quenching by injection of
oil has been displaced almost totally by indirect quenching.
Design objectives for transfer-line exchangers are as follows:
1) Minimum residence time in the adiabatic section between furnace outlet and TLE cooling surfaces,
limiting secondary reactions that reduce the value of the cracked gas
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2) Uniform flow to all tubes across the surface of the tube sheet, preventing eddies in the entry cone,
which prolong residence time of the cracked gas and favor coke deposition.
3) Low pressure drop across the exchanger; pressure drop across the TLE is directly reflected by the
outlet pressure of the radiant coil; increasing pressure at the outlet of the radiant coil degrades the
value of the cracking pattern.
4) High heat recovery in the cracked gas, which directly affects operating economics. The pressure for
steam generation is affected by the cracking feedstock. For light hydrocarbon cracking, in which
little TLE fouling from condensation results, steam of much lower pressure (60 bar) can be
generated. With such feeds, two TLEs can be used in series, one for generating high-pressure
steam, the other for low-pressure steam or other heat recovery. The TLE outlet temperature must be
higher for liquid feeds (360 °C) because of condensation of heavy components in the cracked gas;
therefore, the pressure of the generated steam can be higher (8–12 MPa). In these cases, because of
the high outlet temperature, TLEs are generally followed by a direct oil quench to lower the gas
temperature for entry into the downstream portion of the plant.
5) Reasonable TLE run lengths. Fouling of TLE tubes by condensation and blockage by coke increase
outlet temperature and pressure drop. Ultimately, the system may have to be shut down and
cleaned. The TLE outlet temperature usually increases rapidly for several hours from the start-of-
run (SOR) value; the increase then falls to a few °C per day.
Figure (14) shows the TLE outlet temperature over the run length for ethane, naphtha, and heavy
feedstock (AGO, HVGO) cracking in a modern highly selective furnace.
The length of run for a TLE in gas cracking service is limited by coke blockage of the TLE inlet tubes
[44]. For liquid feeds, TLE run length is governed by fouling at the outlet end of the tubes resulting
from condensation of heavy components in the cracked gas. Fouling rate increases as boiling range and
relative density of the feed increases.
The transfer-line exchangers with commercial importance are the Borsig exchangers (shell-and-tube
and a double pipe closed coupled linear exchanger), Schmidtsche (multi double pipe and a double pipe
linear exchanger), the Stone & Webster USX exchanger and the Kellogg exchanger (similar to the
Borsig Transfer-Line Exchangers (Borsig, Berlin, Germany). The Borsig TLE design has gained a
large share of the world market (over 50×106 t/a ethylene capacity) for use with feedstocks ranging
from ethane to atmospheric gas oils. Borsig offers two alternatives: a conventional shell-and-tube
design and a linear exchanger. The latest series of the shell-and-tube exchanger, the tunnel-flow
exchanger (Fig. (15)), which was introduced in 1989, are specially designed to operate with large
temperature and pressure differences across the hot-end tube sheet. This sheet is thin (ca. 15 mm) but is
supported by a studded stiffening system. The main feature of the tunnel-flow exchanger is the
controlled water flow pattern in the inlet section to avoid particle deposition on the tube sheet causing
hot spots.
Water flows from downcomers (a) into a circumferential water-jacket annulus (b). From here water
enters several parallel tunnels (c), which distribute the water perfectly over the bottom tubesheet and
via annular gaps in the stiffening plate (e) to the individual tubes (d) containing the hot cracked gas,
which is cooled down by the water, producing high-pressure saturated steam.
Water flows through the tunnel system toward the opposite side at high velocity in intimate contact
with the tube sheet, thereby preventing deposition of solids. On the opposite side, water flows upward
through the circumferential annulus and enters the main shell volume (f). Debris may be deposited on
the outer edges of the tube sheet as water flows from it to the main shell, where blowdown nozzles are
present. Minor deposits here cause no problems because no heat load is present in this area.
Borsig exchangers can be mounted horizontally or vertically; the latter is the design for all modern
furnaces with a top-out concept. Outlet tube sheets are generally thick and uncooled. Thin, studded
tube sheets may be needed for TLEs with high outlet temperatures, e.g., in gas-oil cracking [47].
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A new development is the Borsig Linear Quencher, which is a double-pipe exchanger, connected
directly to the coil outlet. This concept offers a minimum adiabatic volume of the cracking system.
However, due to the larger tube diameter of this exchanger (up to 85 mm od), the heat transfer is not as
efficient as in the conventional system with smaller tubes. This translates into tube lengths of ca. 20 m,
which lead to the characteristic U shape of the linear exchangers, to keep the elevation of the steam
drum within a reasonable range. Due to the length of 20 m, the pressure drop is higher than in a
conventional system.
Figure (16) shows a Borsig Linear Quencher (BLQ) The main features of the BLQ are the turboflow
inlet chamber, with high water velocities to avoid solids deposition and a stepped bend at the end of the
primary leg to resist erosion in the U-shaped return bend.
Schmidt'sche Transfer-Line Exchangers (Schmidt'sche Heissdampf Gesellschaft, Kassel-
Bettenhausen, Germany). SHG has been designing transfer-line exchangers for ethylene crackers since
1960, with more than 3000 conventional and 400 linear exchangers supplied to the industry up to 1996.
The SHG transfer-line exchanger shown in Figure (17) has separate exchangers, steam drums, risers,
and downcomers. The basic heat-exchange element consists of concentric tubes (a, b) welded at each
end to oval tubes (c). Process gas flows through the inner tube, and water circulates through the
annulus between the tubes. Many double-tube elements are combined into a single exchanger by
welding the oval headers to form a gastight tube sheet at each end. Process gas is delivered to the inner
tubes of the basic tube element by a specially designed entry cone (h), which provides uniform process
gas flow through all tubes and reduces the probability of eddy formation in the cone. Process gas
leaving the exchanger is collected in a conical chamber and delivered to downstream equipment. Water
flow to and from the oval tubes is provided by downcomers and risers (e) connected to the oval tubes
by transition pieces (j).
The SHG transfer-line exchangers can be mounted vertically with upward or downward flow of process
gases. They may also be mounted horizontally with the gas-discharge end slightly elevated with respect
to the gas-inlet end. They are normally cleaned by steam–air decoking and from time to time cleaned
by hydrojetting.
Schmidt'sche has also developed a closed coupled linear exchanger, which offers a reduced adiabatic
reaction zone, but due to the increased length has a higher pressure drop than the conventional
exchanger. Figure (18) shows a Schmidtsche close coupled linear exchanger (SLE) in the typical U-
shape. Feeds for all Schmidtsche exchangers range from ethane to gas oils [48].
Stone & Webster Quench System (Stone & Webster Engineering Corp., Boston, Mass.). The Stone
& Webster proprietary quench system does not rely on a tube sheet. The USX (ultra-selective
exchanger) quench cooler shown in Figure (19) is a double-pipe exchanger, with the inner pipe slightly
larger than the radiant-coil connecting piping. This design can quench the effluent from one to four
radiant coils. The USX outlet temperature (500–550 °C) is higher than in most other transfer-line
exchanger designs; this helps to reduce coking in the exchanger. Normally, effluents from all USX
exchangers on a given furnace are combined downstream and fed to a conventional multitube
exchanger where the gases are quenched to a more normal TLE outlet temperature.
This design, by eliminating the tube sheet and entry cone, eliminates turbulent eddies and backmixing
between the coil outlet and the cooling surfaces, thereby reducing fouling in the TLE entry zone. The
large USX gas flow tube reduces pressure drop across the exchanger and, thus, the probability of
plugging by coke from the radiant coil.
The USX exchangers can be steam–air decoked; cleaning, when required, is facilitated by openings at
each end of the exchanger.
Kellogg Millisecond Primary Quench Exchanger (M. W. Kellogg Co., Houston, Texas). A special
primary quench exchanger (PQE) was developed for use with Kellogg's Millisecond furnace. The
exchanger has a double-pipe arrangement (Fig. (20)) capable of generating high-pressure steam.
A special high-alloy section of tubing is inserted to avoid excessive thermal stress at the high-pressure
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steam transition piece. This section has the Y-fitting at its base and extends up to the boiler feedwater
inlet nozzle. A steam bleed helps to control thermal gradients and to prevent coke deposition in the
annulus between the high-alloy insert and the exchanger inner surface.
The steam system is a thermosiphon type, with individual risers and downcomers tied together in
common headers connecting to a single steam drum. Kellogg's PQEs are normally fabricated in bundles
for ease of shipping and installation. Typically, one PQE serves two coils in a Millisecond Furnace.
Other Quench-Cooler Designs. Proprietary quench coolers have been developed by Lummus,
Kellogg, C. F. Braun, Foster-Wheeler, and others.
The Lummus horizontal TLE, with conventional tube-and-shell exchanger design, can be mounted
horizontally under the furnace firebox. It is used extensively in the United States and Mexico for ethane
The Hitachi two-stage quench-cooler system (Hitachi, Japan) is similar to the Stone & Webster USX
quench-system design. It consists of a primary double-pipe TLE for each furnace pass or pair of passes,
followed by a conventional tube-and-shell TLE design capable of handling the combined process flow
from all the primary TLEs on a given furnace. Hitachi quench systems have been used for cracking
ethane, propane, and full-boiling-range naphtha.
The Mitsubishi Quench Exchanger (Mitsubishi Petrochemical Co. and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries of
Japan) is available in two designs: M-TLX-I and M-TLX-II. The M-TLX-I contains the transfer-line
exchanger and the steam drum as an integral unit. Up to four coil outlets can be connected to a single
M-TLX-I, if coil arrangement permits. The M- TLX-ll also has on-line decoking capability if boiler
feedwater and hydrocarbon feed are removed from the exchanger. The M-TLX-II has a separate steam
The Mitsui Quench Exchanger (Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Tokyo, Japan) (Fig. (21)) uses
an integrated exchanger, steam drum, risers, and downcomers.
Cracked gas rises through spaces between many heat-exchanger elements (c) suspended from the tube
sheet of the steam drum (e) and leaves the exchanger at the gas-outlet nozzle. Each heat-exchange
element consists of a pair of concentric tubes. The inner tube (b) is open at the bottom end; the outer
tube (d) is closed. Cooling water flows down the inner tube from a reservoir in the center of the steam
drum, leaves the open end of the inner tube, and returns to the steam drum via the annulus between the
inner and outer tubes. Steam generated in the annulus is separated and dried in the upper section of the
steam drum. This design eliminates problems caused by differences in thermal expansion of the tubes.
The system must be decoked on-line. Mechanical cleaning of the cracked-gas flow path is not possible.
Up to six radiant coils can be combined and served by one Mitsui TLE system [49 ].
Continued ...
Title page
The cracked gas leaving the cracking furnaces must be cooled to recover the heat it contains in the
cracked gas and render it suitable for further processing. The temperature of the cracked gas leaving the
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primary TLE depends on the feedstock type; it varies from 300 °C for gaseous feedstock, to 420 °C for
naphtha feedstock, and up to 600 °C for AGO and hydrocracker residues. In ethane and propane
cracking, cooling to ca. 200 °C is performed in heat exchangers by preheating feedstock or BFW.
However, this step can not be done in heat exchangers for feedstocks heavier than propane, due to the
condensation of the liquid portion contained in the cracked gas. Cooling such cracked gases to 200 °C
would lead to excessive fouling of the heat exchangers by carbon deposits. Thus, cooling is performed
by injection of oil into the cracked gas (oil quench) by means of special tangential-injection mixing
devices. Oil quenching is performed individually for each furnace or in the combined cracked gas line
after collection of the cracked gas from all furnaces. In modern designs, the oil injection is located in
the furnace area, integrated into the cracked gas line downstream from the TLEs.
The cracked gas leaving the furnace section has a temperature of ca. 200–250 °C and is routed to the
separation section via a large cracked gas line. The collected gas stream contains the effluents of all
cracking furnaces, including those processing recycle streams.
Table (10) shows the yields of the product fractions for all typical feedstocks. Apart from the type of
feedstock, the gas composition and, therefore, the design of the downstream recovery process also
depends on the cracking severity and the applied coil design.
Further processing, i.e., separation into the main products or fractions, can be performed in different
sequences and depends on the feedstock type and the number and the specification of the plant
products. The main downstream processing steps are the removal of the heat contained in the cracked
gas, condensation of water and heavy hydrocarbons, compression, washing, drying, separation, and
hydrogenation of certain multiply unsaturated components. The main task of these steps is to recover
the desired products at given specifications and at the desired battery-limit conditions.
Ethane, propane, and butane can be recycled to the furnace section to increase the overall yield of
ethylene per tonne of feedstock processed. Processing differs for cracked gas derived from gaseous and
liquid feedstocks, since the portion of heavy components increases, especially when processing
naphtha or even heavier feedstocks such as gas oil and hydrocracker bottoms. When pure ethane is the
feedstock, the amount of C3 and heavier byproducts is small, and only rarely is the recovery of heavier
products economically feasible. As the concentration of heavier components increases, recovering them
for direct sale becomes feasible. Addition of significant amounts of propane to ethane feedstock makes
a depropanizer necessary and hydrotreating and fractionation of the C3 cut may be required; butane
feeds make oil and gasoline removal from the cracked-gas compressor necessary; pentane-range feeds
require fractionation of light from tarry oils, and so on.
5.3.1. Products
Local market conditions and the degree of integration of the ethylene units into refining or
petrochemical complexes influence the desired products and the feedstocks used. Many types of
coproduct can be generated with different equipment [50][51][52]; only the major product options are
discussed here.
The principal ethylene coproducts are as follows:
– Acetylenes (C2 and C3) are hydrogenated to ethane, ethylene, propane, and propene; or they may be
recovered and sold as products.
– Aromatics (various fractions) can be recovered or they may remain in the hydrotreated pyrolysis
– C4 olefins can be refined for butadiene, butylene, isobutylene, or mixtures thereof.
– C5 olefins can be either recovered and refined to give isoprene, piperylene, and cyclopentadiene, or
hydrotreated in the pyrolysis gasoline fraction.
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Many options are available for general process configuration [50], [53][54][55][56][57][58][59]. The
sequence for isolation of hydrocarbon fractions can be varied, depending on plant size, amounts of
ethylene and coproducts, impurities, product range, product purity desired, and other factors.
The following discussion of the recovery process is split into two sections:
1) Front-end section, including cracked gas compression and associated units
2) Hydrocarbon-fractionation section
Difference between the two sections is made for simplicity reasons. The basic process route for the
front-end section is identical for all commercial processes, however major difference exists between
gas- and liquid feedstock cracking. For the hydrocarbon fractionation section there are a large variety
of process routes available, while the feedstock type results only in minor differences of the basic
process route.
The front-end section (Figs. (22), (23)) receives the effluent stream from the cracking furnaces. Its
main task is to cool the cracked gas stream, recovering waste heat and providing it to other plant
sections, to condense and to produce dilution steam, and to remove heavy hydrocarbon components
such as tar, oil, and heavy gasoline. The resulting purified gas is compressed in the cracked gas
compression section and dried to prepare it for further cryogenic separation in the fractionation section.
An acid-gas removal step that eliminates all CO2 and H2S from the cracked gas is incorporated between
the final compressor stages.
The process configuration of this front-end section is fairly independent from licensers as they all
follow the same process principals. However there are many variations in detailed design. Major
differences are observed between plants processing gaseous feedstocks (ethane, propane, and butane)
and those treating liquid feedstocks like naphtha. Processing of cracked gas resulting from liquid
feedstocks is more complex as higher amounts of heavy hydrocarbons are condensed and must be
removed in this section.
Process Description. The main difference between the process for gaseous feedstock (Fig. (22)) and
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liquid feedstock (Fig. (23)) is the presence of a primary fractionator that removes tar and oily material
(bp > 200 °C) from the cracked gas in the latter. In the case of cracking gaseous feedstock only, this
step is not necessary, as the small amounts of heavy hydrocarbons present in the cracked gas can be
removed in the water-quench column. Furthermore, additional installations are required in the water-
quench system and in the compressor and drying units to treat the larger amount of pyrolysis gasoline
that condenses in these units.
Primary Fractionation. With liquid pyrolysis feedstocks, the primary fractionation column is the first
step in the cracked gas processing route. Cracked gas enters the column typically at 230 °C. In the
column it is contacted with circulating oil and, at the top of the column, with a heavy pyrolysis gasoline
fraction obtained from the subsequent water-quench tower. Cracked gas leaves the top of the primary
fractionator at ca. 100 °C, free of oil but still containing all the dilution steam. Hot oil, which functions
as a heat carrier, is collected at the bottom of the column and, after cooling, recirculated as reflux to the
middle section of the primary fractionator and to the quench nozzles downstream of the TLEs. Most of
the heat contained in the cracked gas leaving the TLE's is removed by the circulating quench oil. Heat
is reused for generation of process steam as well as for other purposes such as preheating of feedstock,
preheating of process water, or for other energy consumers at an appropriate temperature level. Excess
oil is removed from the primary fractionation system and sent out as product. Pyrolysis oil is generally
produced as one fraction, containing all hydrocarbons boiling above 200 °C. However some plants
produce two qualities of pyrolysis oil, one called PGO (pyrolysis gas oil) boiling in the range 200–400
°C and PFO (pyrolysis fuel oil) containing the heavier components.
Water-Quench Column. The overhead of the primary fractionator is routed to the water-quench
column, in which the cracked gas is cooled to near ambient temperature by contacting it with a large
stream of circulating quench water. In this cooling step most of the dilution steam and a heavy gasoline
fraction are condensed and collected at the bottom. After gravity separation, heat is extracted in a
circulating loop and most of the water stream is used to produce dilution steam. Large amounts of low-
temperature heat (60–80 °C) are recovered and used for various heating purposes in the recovery
section. The largest consumer of this low temperature heat is typically the reboiler of the propene–
propane fractionation tower. Most of the condensed gasoline is recycled as reflux to the top of the
primary fractionator. The excess gasoline fraction is sent to a gasoline hydrotreater or fractionated
further into higher quality gasoline and heavier oil streams. Both water and gasoline fractions, except
when fractionated further, are stripped of dissolved light gases [50], [53], [60], [61].
In the case of processing cracked gas from gaseous feedstock, the furnace effluent stream is directly fed
to the quench tower after cooling in a secondary TLE to ca. 200 °C. In this case the system is simpler
as no or only small amounts of tar and oil condense and must be removed. A general problem in all
quench towers is the separation of hydrocarbons and water. There is a strong tendency for formation of
emulsions, leading to fouling problems in the generation of dilution steam and in the processing of the
wastewater from the system. Emulsification is avoided by careful control of the pH value in the quench
-water system.
Numerous options exist in the design and operation of the quench column and primary fractionator
units for removing pyrolysis tars, recovering various heavy hydrocarbon streams, and isolating quench
oil for recycle [50], [60], [61].
Dilution-Steam System. The dilution steam required in the cracking process forms a closed loop over
the cracking furnaces and the quench-water column. Excess water from the bottom of the quench
column is stripped in a process water stripper to remove volatile hydrocarbons. Some 5–10% of the
process water is purged to avoid concentrating dissolved solids. The generation of the process steam is
typically performed at 800 kPa. In liquid feedstock processes, 50–80% of the dilution steam is
generated by recovering heat from the hot quench oil cycle from the bottom of the primary fractionator.
The balance heat duty is provided by condensing steam
Compression. After cooling and purification of the cracked gas in the primary fractionator and/or in
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
the quench tower, further processing requires compression to ca. 3200–3800 kPa. Some condensation
of water and hydrocarbons occurs during compression, and in the later stages, acidic gases are
removed. Compression is typically performed by a turbine-driven centrifugal compressor in four to six
stages with intermediate cooling. The number of stages depends primarily on the cracked-gas
composition and the highest temperature allowed for interstage discharge. Interstage cooling and
temperature control keep the cracked gas below 100 °C to prevent diolefin polymerization and
subsequent equipment fouling. Various injection systems, using aromatic rich oil or water, are applied
to reduce fouling of compressor internals and intercooling equipment. Interstage cooling usually
employs water coolers to minimize inlet temperature in the subsequent stages. First-stage compressor
suction is normally maintained somewhat above atmospheric pressure to prevent oxygen intrusion. The
operating pressure is set to economically balance yield in the cracking coils against higher energy
consumption for compression [50]. The compressor discharge pressure is set by the choice of
refrigerant so that methane condenses in the demethanizer overhead condenser. Condensation
temperature varies with hydrogen/methane ratio. The discharge pressure, with the coldest ethylene
refrigerant level typically at ca. –100 °C, is normally 3200–3800 kPa. The criteria used to determine
suction pressure and discharge pressure are selectivity and energy consumption [50], [61].
Interstage cooler pressure drops must be kept low, especially in the initial stages, to reduce compressor
and energy costs. The water and hydrocarbon condensates may be routed to another compressor stage,
to the primary fractionator preceding the compressor, or to a fractionation tower. In liquid cracking
most of the gasoline fraction containing the C6 to C8 aromatics is condensed in the interstage coolers of
the compressor. After gravity separation from process water this gasoline stream is fractionated in a
stripper to remove C4 and lighter components before routing it to a hydrotreating step. Drying is
required for all liquid and gas streams subjected to temperatures below 15 °C [50], [53], [59], [60].
The acid-gas removal system is typically located between the 3rd and 4th, or between the 4th and 5th
stages. Some fractionation processes that have deethanization or depropanization as the first process
stage have this fractionation step between the 4th and 5th compressor stages. In these cases moisture
must be removed upstream of the fractionation step to avoid formation of hydrates and ice.
Acid-Gas Removal. Before further processing, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide are removed from
the cracked gas by once-through and regenerative solvent scrubbing. Sulfur may also be removed from
the cracker feedstock [50].
Acid gas is usually removed just before the 4th or 5th compression stage. Carbon dioxide is removed
because it can freeze at low temperature in heat-exchange and fractionation equipment. Carbon dioxide
can also be absorbed into ethylene, affecting product quality and further processing. Hydrogen sulfide
is corrosive and a catalyst poison as well as a potential product contaminant [52], [53].
These acid gases are scrubbed with sodium hydroxide on a once-through basis or in combination with a
regenerative chemical. Regenerative prescrubbing before final sodium hydroxide treatment is common
in large cracking plants, especially those that use high-sulfur feedstocks. This reduces sodium
hydroxide consumption, which is desirable for economic and environmental reasons.
Regenerative scrubbing can employ alkanolamines, but it is not possible with this treatment alone to
lower the concentration of CO2 to that required to protect high-activity polymerization catalysts against
CO2 poisoning (e.g., to 0.2 ppm). Use of regenerative scrubbing is typically limited to liquid-cracking
operations. In any case a polishing scrubber consisting of a caustic wash unit is applied to achieve the
required CO2 specification in the effluent stream. Acid-gas removal systems are frequently subject to
fouling, especially at high concentrations of C4 and C5 diolefins. The fouling process can be controlled
by applying special inhibitors.
Acid gases liberated from the regenerative solvent can be incinerated or recovered [50], [53], [60], [61]
, [62]. Waste caustic, containing sulfides in the range of a few % is usually oxidized and neutralized in
a wet caustic oxidation unit or neutralized and stripped, before feeding it to the sewer system.
Drying. The cracked gas is saturated with water before compression and after each intercooler stage.
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Moisture must be removed before fractionation to prevent formation of hydrates and ice. Typically, this
is accomplished by chilling and by adsorption on molecular sieves. Older plants also used absorption
by a glycol scrubbing system or adsorption on alumina [52]. Drying is arranged before the first
fractionation step, typically after the last compression stage. Before feeding the compressor effluent to
the molecular sieve dryer it is cooled in a water cooler and subsequently by propene refrigerant. A
temperature of 15 °C upstream of the dryer is desirable for removing as much water as possible to
reduce load on the dryers. However, the temperature must remain above the hydrate-formation point,
which lies in the range 10–15 °C [50], [60]. Water is adsorbed on molecular sieves, preferably after the
highest compression pressure is reached to minimize adsorption costs. Higher pressure allows smaller
dryer volume with lower adsorbent cost and less water removal because the water content in the gas
stream decreases with increasing pressure. Multiple adsorption beds make continuous water removal
possible. One or more adsorption beds are in operation while at least one unit is being regenerated.
Regeneration requires the use of heated gas that is free of polymerizable components. Byproduct
methane and hydrogen used as fuel are typically good choices for this gas [50][51][52][53], [60], [61].
In liquid-feedstock cracking processes large amounts of hydrocarbons are condensed at 15 °C. If these
liquid hydrocarbons are to be fed to the fractionation column they are also dried over molecular sieve
The fractionation section receives the compressed cracked gas at a pressure of 3200–3800 kPa for
further fractionation into different products and fractions at specified qualities and battery limit
conditions. Over the history of design and construction of ethylene plants many different process
schemes have been developed and implemented for this task.
Today, three processing routes have gained commercial importance, with the main characteristics being
the first separation step and the position of the hydrogenation of the acetylene contained in the cracked
gas. These three process sequences are:
1) Demethanizer first with tail-end hydrogenation
2) Deethanizer first with front-end hydrogenation
3) Depropanizer first with front-end hydrogenation
These basic processes differ in the configuration of process steps for any given feedstock, but provide
similar overall capabilities for fractionation and hydrogenation. The differences are primarily in the
sequence of fractionation and hydrotreating steps downstream of cracked-gas compression [50].
Process Description. Compressed cracked gas can be:
1) Condensed and fed to a demethanizer column (front-end demethanizer), as shown in Figure (24)
2) Condensed and fed to a deethanizer (front-end deethanizer), as shown in Figure (25)
3) Removed from an intermediate compressor stage, condensed, and depropanized in a column,
whereby the light gas is returned to the last compressor stage (front-end depropanizer), as shown in
Figure (26)
Combinations are possible; for example, intermediate compressor stage condensate and vapor are sent
to different parts of the plant [60], [56].
Traditionally the demethanizer first/tail-end hydrogenation process sequence was used by American
contractors. With the need for reduction of energy consumption in the separation section and process
simplification for cost reasons, the deethanizer first/front-end hydrogenation process, which had long
been used by Linde, was also applied by some American contractors. A comparison of all routes has
shown that this sequence seems to have the best energy efficiency [63]. New developments in this area
are the combination of the advantageous sequence with special equipment (dephlegmators) [64] and the
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
the low-temperature product and recycle streams leaving the cold fractionation equipment down to a
temperature of typically –140 to –160 °C. At this temperature C2 components are entirely removed by
partial condensation, and the noncondensed gas stream has a hydrogen concentration of 80–95 vol%.
The type of refrigerant, number of refrigeration levels, and the design of the refrigeration and heat-
exchange systems depend on the temperature and pressure required in the downstream fractionation
equipment. Fractionation and purification consume much energy. Cryogenic purification of methane,
ethane, and ethylene requires costly refrigeration. Design optimization is complex because:
1) The most efficient routing must be considered for the condensates and vapor streams from each
stage of the cool-down sequence in the individual refrigeration loops (e.g., 2–6 stages each)
2) The energy requirements for fractionation must be determined
3) The freezing of components, such as acetylene, butadiene, and benzene, must be avoided
When acetylene content is high, prevention of freezing and safe hydrogenation are important. Also of
importance from a safety standpoint for the chilling section and downstream equipment is the choice of
appropriate construction materials for cryogenic conditions [50], [52]. Process equipment that may
accidentally be exposed to cryogenic conditions should also be carefully studied. National standards
are available in most countries to assist in making appropriate selections [50], [52].
Demethanization. Demethanization of cracked gas separates methane as an overhead component from
C2 and heavier bottom components; concurrently, hydrogen is removed from the cracked-gas stream
and may be obtained as a product by purification before or after demethanization. Methane is typically
used as plant fuel or sold; C2 and heavier components are sent to the recovery system. This overall
fractionation is important from a design and operational standpoint because of its high share of the
capital, energy, and fuel consumption of the ethylene plant. Demethanization typically consumes the
greatest proportion of net energy from the refrigeration system (see Fig. (27) and discussion of
refrigeration, Section Refrigeration.) [55], [62].
The feed stream to the demethanizer must be free of carbon dioxide and water to prevent freezing and
plugging under the cryogenic conditions employed. Although a wide range of operating conditions is
possible, feed temperature is typically ca. –100 °C and pressure 3000–3500 kPa. Energy efficiency
may be improved, often with increased capital cost and process complexity, by staged condensation
and flashing of the stream during chilling to provide multiple feed streams. Reboiling and condensation
at intermediate levels in the demethanizer, and lower dual-pressure demethanization can also be used.
A range of gas compositions must be considered in the design [50], [53], [54], [59], [61].
The overhead condenser product contains hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and small amounts of ethylene,
in addition to methane. In the simplest case, expansion of the mixed methane–hydrogen stream
provides additional refrigeration, and the total gas effluent is used as fuel without refinement.
Typically, however, after condensation, some of the overhead methane fraction is flashed to about the
pressure of fuel gas to obtain additional refrigeration. Any condensate formed during this operation is a
recoverable source of ethylene. Additional staged cooling equipment provides hydrogen of ca. 95 vol%
purity by adsorption processes. The lower temperature refrigerant required in this operation is provided
by expansion of the condensed methane stream [50], [52], [55], [60], [61].
Energy is recovered from the demethanizer overhead stream by Joule–Thompson pressure reduction or
by an expansion turbine. The latter, in addition to generating refrigeration, recovers some energy [57],
The demethanizer bottom stream contains C2 and heavier components. With the front-end
demethanizer, components from C2 through pyrolysis gasoline may be present. However, with front-
end deethanization, C3+ components are removed, and with front-end depropanization, C4+ components
are removed. The demethanizer design changes significantly as heavier components are eliminated,
especially with regard to the refrigeration needed to condense the incoming cracked-gas feed stream
and to reboil the bottom stream.
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Deethanization. Deethanization of cracked gas separates acetylene, ethylene, and ethane as overhead
components from C3+ bottom components. In newer plants, low-pressure fractionation may be used, or
feed streams from the cracked-gas chilling section can be supplied as multiple feeds to the
deethanization tower. The deethanizer is usually the third largest user of refrigeration energy in a front-
end demethanizer ethylene plant (Fig. (27)) [50], [60], [61], [62].
With front-end demethanization and front-end depropanization, the feed stream to the deethanizer
comes primarily from the demethanizer. With front-end deethanization, the deethanizer feed comes
from the chillers that follow the gas dryers. In the simplest cases, single feed streams from these units
are separated into overhead and bottom fractions for further processing. More recent plant designs
incorporate energy savings into plant operation by providing an additional feed stream to the
deethanizer from the feed-chilling section, along with that from the demethanizer [50]. Dual-pressure
deethanizer systems improve energy consumption and reduce the bottom temperature, thus reducing
fouling in reboilers. As with the demethanizer, these designs conserve refrigeration energy but increase
capital costs and operating complexity. The overhead product condensation temperature is typically ca.
0 to –10 °C, based on a column operating pressure of 1500–2700 kPa [53], [54], [59].
Depropanization. of cracked gas separates propane and lighter fractions as overhead components
from C4+ fractions as bottom components. Feed streams from compression, and sometimes streams
from the gas-chilling section, can be routed to the depropanizer, which, compared to other fractionation
units, requires less refrigeration because of its higher operating temperature (Fig. (27)) [62].
The feed stream to the depropanizer comes primarily from the deethanizer when front-end
demethanization and deethanization are employed. With front-end depropanization, the feedstock is
taken from the gas dryers. In the simplest case, the dried cracked-gas feed stream is separated into a
propene–propane overhead stream, which contains small amounts of methylacetylene and propadiene,
and a bottom stream which contains components from C4 materials to raw pyrolysis gasoline. Recent
designs reduce energy requirements by mixing smaller feed streams removed from intermediate
compression or gas-chilling stages with the main feed stream, or by having them enter separately at a
point in the depropanizer consistent with the composition of column components. Condensate is
usually stripped before entry into the depropanizer [50], [61].
Operating pressure and temperature of the depropanization step in ethylene plants, even downstream of
the deethanizer, are kept low to reduce fouling of the fractionator by acetylenic and diolefinic
contaminants. Hydrogenation of cracked gas in the compressor zone lowers the amount of these
polymerizing contaminants substantially, but also destroys most of the butadiene [50], [54], [59].
Debutanization. Debutanization of cracked gas separates C4 materials as overhead components from
C5 and heavier fractions as bottom components. The feed stream comes typically from the depropanizer
column or is a depropanized condensate stream from the compressor. The mixed C4 overhead fraction
may be sent to an extraction unit for removal of 1,3-butadiene and further processing. The bottom
stream and the debutanized fraction from the compression section can be used as pyrolysis gasoline
feedstock or processed to produce aromatics and specialty chemicals feedstocks [50].
Acetylene Hydrogenation. Cracked gas is selectively hydrogenated to facilitate removal of acetylene
from ethylene, except when acetylene is recovered for sale. Hydrogenation is performed with
palladium-based catalysts. Pressure ranges typically from 20 to 35 bar and the temperature from 25 to
100 °C. There are two basic processes for the hydrogenation of acetylene.
Tail-End Hydrogenation. Acetylene hydrogenation takes place in the gas phase of a pure C2 fraction,
consisting of ethylene, ethane, and acetylene only. The unit is typically incorporated after
demethanization, upstream of the C2 fractionation tower. Hydrogenation reactors consist of one or two
adiabatic beds. Hydrogen is added upstream of the reactor at a molar H2/C2H2 ratio of ca. 1.5–2,
resulting in an ethylene gain of up to 50% of the acetylene present. Hydrogen and small amounts of
methane and CO introduced after demethanization must be removed by additional fractionation.
Sometimes purging the light ends from the overhead ethylene fractionator condensate is possible, but
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additional multistage fractionation is usually required in the ethylene fractionator or in a small separate
demethanizer. A useful design provides five to ten overhead stages above the product drawoff point in
the ethylene fractionator column for further separation of the light ends. The overhead condensate is
returned to the top of the tower, and the light ends are removed from the overhead partial condenser for
reprocessing [62], [50], [55], [60].
Front-End Hydrogenation. Acetylene is hydrogenated:
1) In the total cracked gas stream after or before drying
2) In the C3– stream with front-end depropanizer
3) In the C2– stream with front-end deethanizer
. In the case of (1) and (2) any methylacetylene, propadiene and butadiene, present in the gas stream is
cohydrogenated. (methylacetylene ca. 80%, propadiene 30%, butadiene > 90%).
Although hydrogenation in the compressor section (1) may offer advantages for the lighter feedstocks,
disadvantages exist with heavier feedstocks. In particular, the volume of gas treated at this stage is
high; butadiene is hydrogenated and lost; and a single hydrogenation to concurrently remove acetylene,
methylacetylene, and propadiene to the required levels without significant olefin loss is not possible.
Hydrogenation of individual mixed C2 and C3 streams after deethanization and depropanization,
respectively, appears to permit more efficient use of catalyst and result in higher product yields.
However, proponents of the front-end deethanization and depropanization process with front-end
acetylene hydrogenation report that bed sizes are equivalent for that reaction. Higher hydrogen
concentration and improved catalysts allow higher gas space velocities than can be achieved
downstream [60].
General advantages of the front-end hydrogenation versus the tail-end hydrogenation unit are: (1) no
hydrogen make up is required as hydrogen is already present in the feed stream; (2) longer run length
between catalyst regenerations; (3) No removal of light ends, as required in tail-end hydrogenation, is
Front-end hydrogenation is typically conducted in multistage adiabatic beds with intercooling, or less
frequently in a single tubular reactor that allows a more isothermal reaction. Acetylene hydrogenation
requires heat-exchange systems for incoming low-temperature process streams (2) and (3).
Hydrogenation in the compressor section (1) does not require the heat-exchange system necessary for
cryogenic streams. Most of the troublesome polymerizable components are removed before
fractionation, although rapid fouling of the hydrogenation bed must be avoided. Hydrogenation may be
necessary before chilling if a high acetylene concentration in the cracked gas would result in plugging
or in unsafe downstream operation [50], [52], [60].
Although tail-end hydrogenation is the most common process in currently operating plants, it seems
that there is a strong tendency to increasingly apply the front-end hydrogenation system in new
Acetylene, Methylacetylene, and Propadiene Recovery. Acetylene, methylacetylene, and propadiene
may be recovered for use in welding and cutting or as chemical feedstock. Acetylene is usually
extracted from the feed stream to the ethylene splitter, with methylacetylene and propadiene coming
from the overhead depropanizer stream. Alternatively these materials may be extracted or distilled from
the products; N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, acetone, and N,N-dimethylformamide processes are typical
recovery methods [50], [53], [60].
Ethylene Fractionation. Ethylene fractionation separates ethylene as a high-purity overhead product
(> 99.9 wt%) from ethane, which is combined with propane and recycled for cracking. For this difficult
fractionation, the net work done by the refrigeration system is high because of the high reflux and low
temperature required (Fig. (27)) [50], [62]. Fractionation requires a high reflux ratio (ca. 4) and as
many as 125 separation stages [53], [54], [59], [60], [62].The ethylene purity desired is typically >
99.9 wt%. The feed stream comes from the acetylene-removal step that follows chilling, or from the
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demethanizer or deethanizer.
There are basically two processes in commercial use: high-pressure fractionation and heat-pumped C2
High-Pressure Fractionation. High-pressure fractionation, operating in the pressure range of 1700–
2800 kPa, is typically used in tail-end hydrogenation systems. Heating and cooling of the column is
integrated into the propene refrigeration cycle. Low-pressure propene refrigerant is vaporized in the top
condenser, providing chilling duty. Vaporized propene is typically compressed in two stages of the
refrigerant compressor. After compression, propene vapors are condensed in the reboiler, providing
heat duty. By means of this system the propene refrigerant compressor acts as a indirect heat pump,
shifting heat from the condenser of the column to the reboiler. The top of the column is equipped with
some pasteurization trays to remove light ends introduced when acetylene is hydrogenated in the feed
stream to this column. Ethylene product is withdrawn as a liquid side stream some trays below the top,
pumped to the required product pressure, and delivered to battery limits after vaporization and heating.
Heat-Pumped C2 Fractionation. In heat-pumped C2 fractionation, the column operates at a pressure of
ca. 800 kPa. Overhead gases of the column, consisting of on-spec ethylene, are routed to a compressor
after heating to ambient temperature in a feed–effluent exchanger and are compressed to ca. 2000 kPa.
Part of the compressed ethylene vapor is cooled and routed to the reboiler where it is condensed,
providing heat duty for reboiling. The condensed ethylene is recycled as reflux to the top of the
column. Ethylene product is discharged to battery limits from the discharge side of the compressor.
Heat-pumped ethylene fractionation can use a dedicated compressor. More common is the integration
of the heat-pumped ethylene splitter in the ethylene fractionation compressor, using the 3rd stage of
this compressor as a heat pump.
This process has some advantages over the high-pressure fractionation process with respect to
investment and energy consumption. Less equipment is involved, and because of the better relative
volatility of ethylene and ethane at lower pressure, a lower reflux ratio is required. However it is not
feasible to use the heat-pumped process in combination with tail-end hydrogenation because of the
light ends present in the feed stream.
Ethylene is generally discharged to battery limits as a gas. However, production of up to 50% of
production as the liquid phase and the use of storage facilities is also practiced.
Hydrogenation of Methylacetylene and Propadiene (MAPD); C4 Fraction; and Pyrolysis
Gasoline. C3 Hydrogenation. The C3 fraction coming from the top of the depropanizer typically
contains 2–6% of methylacetylene (MA) and propadiene (PD). For removal of these components from
the propene product and for economic reasons MAPD is hydrogenated to propene and propane.
Hydrogenation is performed in multistage adiabatic bed reactors with intercooling steps or, in more
modern processes, in a trickle-bed reactor. The heat of reaction is removed in the trickle-bed reactor by
partial vaporization of the processed liquid, this being condensed later by cooling water. Modern
hydrogenation processes typically yield a net propene gain of 60% of the MAPD present in the feed
stream. The balance is converted to propane, which is recycled to the cracking furnaces as cracker
C4 Hydrogenation. The C4 cut from the top of the debutanizer typically contains small amounts of
vinylacetylene and ethylacetylene, ca. 50% 1,3-butadiene, and a few per cent of butanes; the balance
consists of various types of butenes, of which isobutene is the most important. Depending on the nature
of the downstream processes it may be necessary to hydrogenate some of the unsaturated components.
The following hydrogenation steps are in commercial use:
1) Selective hydrogenation of butatriene and vinylacetylene to butadiene
2) Selective hydrogenation of butadiene to butenes
3) Full hydrogenation of all unsaturated to butane
Process (1) is applied to increase the 1,3 butadiene yield; process (2) is used if no use can be made of
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butadiene and to increase the butene yield; process (3) is employed if the C4 cut is to be recycled as
cracker feedstock to improve olefin yields or used as LPG product. Hydrogenation is performed in
tubular reactor systems or, in more modern processes, in trickle-bed reactor systems. By selecting
catalyst type and process parameters, the hydrogenation result with respect to yields of different
components, mainly the various types of butenes, can be controlled in a certain range.
Pyrolysis Gasoline Hydrogenation. Pyrolysis gasoline—the C5 to C10 hydrocarbon product fraction—
consists mainly of aromatics. The nonaromatics are mainly unsaturated hydrocarbons with a high
portion of acetylenes and dienes. This stream is unstable and cannot be stored, as the unsaturated
components react further, forming polymers and gum. Depending on the downstream processes
pyrolysis gasoline is hydrogenated and fractionated in different steps. The most common process route
is as follows:
1) Selective hydrogenation of the total gasoline to hydrogenate acetylenes, dienes, and styrene to
olefinic compounds. After stabilization and removal of oil this stream is suitable for use as motor
2) Fractionation of the effluent of the 1st stage hydrogenation into a C5 cut, a C6–C8 heart cut, and a
C9+ cut.
3) The C6–C8 cut is further processed in a 2nd stage hydrogenation step to convert olefins to paraffins
and naphthenes and to convert all sulfur to H2S, which is removed from the product in a
downstream stripper. this process is necessary to prepare the heart cut for aromatics recovery.
Propene fractionation separates propene as a chemical-grade overhead product (typically 93–95 wt%
min.) or more frequently as polymer-grade propene (> 99.5 wt%) from propane. This separation to
polymer grade propene requires typically 150–230 stages and a reflux ratio of 20 because of the close
boiling points of propene and propane. Two basic processes are applied for this difficult separation
task: polymer-grade fractionators operate at ca 1800 kPa, with cooling water in the overhead condenser
and hot quench water in the reboiler. In the case of naphtha cracking and where sufficient waste heat is
available from the hot quench water cycle this is the most economic process. If no waste heat for
reboiling is available, a heat-pumped propylene fractionator is applied. In this case the fractionator
operates at ca. 800–1100 kPa, and the overhead gases are compressed and condensed in the reboiler.
By means of this process the condenser heat is raised to a higher temperature level, and further use is
made of it in the reboiler. The advantage of this system is that no external heat for reboiling and only
small quantities of cooling water are required. The fractionation design depends on the concentration of
propene in the feed, which varies from 70% for propane cracking to 95% for naphtha cracking [62],
[60], [61].
The feed stream to the propene fractionator usually comes from the methylacetylene and propadiene
removal step. Excess hydrogen and methane are purged in an upstream stripper or as light ends in the
column overhead or from the overhead condensate [53], [54], [59], [60], [61], [62].
Hydrogen Purification. Hydrogen is produced in the cryogenic section of the plant at a purity of
typically 80–95 vol%. However, the product stream contains some 1000 ppm of carbon monoxide.
Hydrogen product is required in the ethylene plant as make-up stream for the hydrogenation units.
Excess hydrogen is typically a desired product. However, hydrogen must be free of carbon monoxide
as CO is a poison for all hydrogenation processes. Today two processes are in commercial use in
ethylene plants to purify hydrogen: (1) methanation of CO in a catalytic process, converting CO to
methane and water, after which the effluent must be dried in adsorber beds; (2) hydrogen purification
by adsorption in a pressure-swing adsorption unit, producing CO-free high-purity hydrogen.
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5.3.3. Utilities
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These values are approximate because flow schemes and product distribution are undefined, but they
are representative. A reduction of ca. 2000 J/kg ethylene product is possible by using hot exhaust from
gas turbines in the pyrolysis area as combustion air to preheat combustion fuel, or in a heat-recovery
boiler. The turbines may also optimize energy use to produce electricity or can drive fractionation
compressors and heat pumps [50], [52], [57], [58], [60], [61], [62].
Most of the energy consumed is introduced into the ethylene process via firing the cracking furnaces.
The recovery process is driven by waste heat, recovered from the cracking furnaces via steam
production in the TLEs or by recovering heat from the furnace effluent stream. The main energy
consumers in the recovery section are the cracked-gas compressor and the refrigerant compressors, in
which a total power of ca. 0.7 kWh per kilogram ethylene is typically consumed. This power is usually
provided by steam turbines, driven by steam generated and superheated in the cracking furnaces.
Major advances have been made recently in feedstock availability and process design [62], [50]:
– Feedstock cost and availability, new cracking technology, and concerns for the environment and
health have influenced changes in process technology.
– Rapid development has occurred in process control, data management, and optimization systems.
Control of individual units, as well as of the overall process, has had a significant impact on
operations. Improved analysis and cracking-simulation models are required to more fully apply
state-of-the-art process control.
– Major improvements have been made in the selectivity and efficiency of cracking by operating at
higher temperature. Coils with shorter residence time and faster quenching systems have been
developed. Energy requirements have been reduced by heat recovery from furnace flue gas,
economizer gas, and cracked gas; refrigeration energy requirements have been lowered by
increased application and improved design of heat-exchange and distillation systems. Use of gas
turbines has increased, with the sale of electricity generated. At the same time, control, reliability,
and efficiency of operation have improved [60], [61].
– The reliability, service life, and cost of solid-desiccant drying systems have improved.
– Improved fractionation process designs provide additional flexibility and further reduce process
energy consumption while meeting plant-reliability and product-quality demands [61].
– Improved hydrogenation catalysts allow more selective removal of impurities and better quality
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Ethylene has also been produced by other processes and from other feedstocks [66]. Options for long-
range feedstock availability and price, as well as in-place refining and chemical processes, influence
process design and feedstock selection because of their high economic impact on manufacturing cost.
Recovery from FCC Offgas. Recovery of ethylene and propylene from FCC offgas has gained
importance, but due to the NOx content , some steps have to be integrated to reduce the risk of
formation of explosive resins from butadiene and N2O3.
Ethanol. Ethanol, an early ethylene feedstock, is dehydrated at high temperature over a solid catalyst.
The catalyst is usually supported alumina, phosphoric acid, or silica. The ethanol can be obtained from
fermentation, methanol homologation, syngas and other sources (→ Ethanol - 4. Synthesis and →
Ethanol - 5. Fermentation).
Crude Oil or Residual Oil. A number of nontubular reactors, developed to crack unprocessed
hydrocarbon feedstocks, exist in various stages of development and commercial operation [66].
A new development by Stone & Webster employs catalysts particles, for cracking and heat transfer
functions. The QC (Quick Contact) process is suitable for cracking VGO and similar heavy feedstocks.
The process has been tested in a pilot plant [67].
A new development by Veba Oil and Linde employs a catalyst with coke-gasification functions. This
allows heavy feedstocks such as AGO and VGO to be processed in a reformer-type reactor to yield
olefins. The high coking tendency of these feedstocks, which normally limits their use as feed for
crackers, is no longer a problem, since the coke deposits are continuously gasified [68].
Other new developments use plastics wastes as feedstocks for olefins production. A process developed
by BP produces a liquid feedstock from waste plastics which is suitable as cracker feedstock [69].
Another development by Linde directly co-processes polyolefin wastes in a modified cracking furnace,
giving better yields than commercially cracked liquid feeds [70].
Methanol can be catalytically dehydrated and partially converted to ethylene over alumina and zeolite
catalysts. The process based on novel zeolite catalysts (ZSM-5) was developed by Mobil (MTO,
Methanol to Olefins). A new development introduced recently by UOP/Norsk Hydro, converts methane
to methanol in a first stage and then converts the methanol to olefins. Economics of this new process
seem to be competitive with conventional processes [71]. The process is based on a fluidized-bed
reactor for conversion of methanol. 80% of the carbon content of methanol is converted into ethylene
and propylene. The process has been tested in 0.5 t/d unit in Norway. Methanol obtained from syngas
can be converted in high selectivity (but at a low rate) to ethanol with the help of catalysts and
Syngas. Fischer–Tropsch and modified Fischer–Tropsch processes are used to produce (1) olefins
directly as a byproduct of gasoline and diesel fuel production; (2) LPG and paraffin intermediates,
which are cracked to produce olefins; and (3) intermediate oxygenated liquids, which are dehydrated
and separated to produce olefins (→ Coal Liquefaction). Syngas is produced by gasification of coal and
other materials (→ Gas Production).
Oxidative Coupling of Methane to Ethylene. Many researchers worldwide have been active in this
field, using metal oxide catalysts at 700–900 °C for the oxidative coupling of methane. However, the
yields obtained so far (20–25%) are not competitive with conventional routes, since the ethylene
concentration in the product gas is only ca. 10 vol% [72][73]. Application of special separative reactors
has led to improved yields up to 50–60% [74], [75].
Dehydrogenation. Dehydrogenation of ethane over Cr or Pt catalyst is limited by equilibrium and
allows only very poor yield of ethylene. This route is not competitive with conventional routes.
Metathesis. Metathesis of propylene leads ethylene and 1-butene:
2 C3H6 C2H4 + C4H8
Since this reaction is reversible the ethylene/propylene production of a plant can be adjusted to market
conditions. So far this technology is applied in a plant in Canada and at the U.S. gulf coast.
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Title page
6. Environmental Protection
Ethylene plants with a production of up to 900000 t/a ethylene and a fired duty of up to 700 mW
require special measures for protection of the environment. Though national standards vary widely, the
following general measures are required for every new plant:
Flue-Gas Emissions. NOx emissions are limited by use of LowNox burners or integrated SCR
technology for catalytic reduction of NOx. In some regions limits for NOx emissions are already < 50
ppm. Particulate emissions during decoking can be reduced by incineration or separation in cyclones.
Incinerators can achieve a reduction of 90%, and high-performance separators, up to 96%.
Fugitive Emissions and VOC. The equipment used in a modern olefin plant has to meet the standards
for emission of critical components such as benzene. All components with a potential to emit critical
components must have a certain tightness classification and have to be monitored (pump seals, valves,
etc.). Storage tanks and piping are other sources of fugitive emissions
Flaring. Flaring during start up should be avoided as much as possible, especially in highly populated
areas. New procedures have been developed that allow for flareless start up of plant [76].
Noise Protection. Ethylene plants contain equipment that produces noise emission in the range above
85 dBA. These are the burners at the furnaces and the large compressors. Noise abatement measures
are essential (silencers for burners, hoods for compressors) to bring the overall emissions into the range
below 85 dBA. Other sources of noise emission can be high velocities in piping or vibrations. The
detection of the source in this case is sometimes very difficult and requires much expertise.
Water Protection. The water emissions of the plant result from quench water, dilution steam,
decoking water, and flare water discharges. These streams have to be treated properly before being fed
to the wastewater plant. Streams from the caustic-scrubbing section require chemical treatment
(oxidation) before discharge to the wastewater unit.
Solid and Hazardous Wastes. Examples of process wastes are cleaning acids; filter cartridges;
catalysts; tars; polymers; waste oils; coke; sodium nitrite used in column passivation; N,N-
dimethylformamide, acetone, or N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone used in acetylene removal; sulfuric acid from
cooling towers; amine tars; and antifoaming agents. These wastes have to be treated according to the
relevant regulations for disposal.
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7. Quality Specifications
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8. Chemical Analysis
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computer controlled operation includes the individual control of cracking furnaces, columns, pumps,
compressors, etc.
Continued ...
Title page
Much of world ethylene production is consumed locally, requiring little storage and transportation.
Interconnected pipelines and pressurized underground caverns in the United States and Europe have
been developed because of the complex petrochemical infrastructure. They provide flexibility and
prevent interruption of supply. The following pipeline systems have been developed:
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Ethylene is also stored in underground high-pressure pipelines and tanks (e.g., at 10 MPa) and in
surface refrigerated tanks. In the latter, compression and liquefaction of vapor from the refrigerated
tank, followed by reinjection of the liquid, allow operation of the tank at pressures of only 7–70 kPa
[51], [89].
Continued ...
Title page
More than 80% of the ethylene consumed in 1993 was used to produce ethylene oxide; ethylene
dichloride; and low-density, linear low-density, and high-density polyethylene. Significant amounts are
also used to make ethylbenzene, oligomer products (e.g., alcohols and olefins), acetaldehyde, and vinyl
acetate. LDPE and LLDPE are the fastest growing outlets for ethylene.
Table (12) shows the uses of ethylene by region for 1993 [90].
By far the largest market for ethylene is the production of polymers. Polyethylene and PVC are
projected to grow at rates of 5%/a [90]. Ethylene oxide and ethylbenzene are projected to grow at rates
of 4 and 4.5%/a, respectively. In contrast, some derivatives such as ethanol and acetaldehyde will
continue to lose market shares as a result of competing technologies.
The estimated 1996 world nameplate production capacity and the actual consumption were over 79.3 ×
106 t/a and 70 × 106 t/a, respectively [2]. Regional supply (excluding standby capability) and demand
estimates are shown in Table (13). Conversion products of ethylene are given in Table (12) for the
United States, Western Europe, Japan and for the world.
The principal influences on ethylene product value from the manufacturer's viewpoint are primarily the
price of feedstock raw materials, chemical and byproduct credits, and expected return on capital costs
associated with the facilities. The fixed cost component for ethylene production is relatively modest
because of the high-volume commodity operation that has become the industry standard (e.g., up to 950
× 103 t/a single-train plants). The cost breakdown per tonne of ethylene produced is listed below for a
new plant based on naphtha feedstock in the Asia/Pacific region:
Basis of economic analysis
Capacity 500000 t/a
Location Asia/Pacific
Feedstock naphtha
Capital 10 years linear depreciation for ISBL plant
15 years linear depreciation for storage
Investment cost estimate $ 420 × 106for ISBL plant
$ 80 × 106 for OSBL plant
Cost breakdown, %/t ethylene produced
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Title page
Ethylene is not markedly toxic, but high concentrations may cause drowsiness, unconsciousness, or
asphyxia because of oxygen displacement [92], [93]. The gas possesses useful anesthetic properties,
with rapid onset, quick recovery, and minimal effects on the heart or lungs [94].
In animal studies, ethylene was not irritating to the skin or eyes [95]. It did not cause cardiac
sensitization in a dog [96]. Mice and rats exposed repeatedly to ethylene showed minimal effects [97],
[98]. In a chronic inhalation study with rats, no toxic effects were found by histopathology,
hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, eye examination, or mortality rate [98]. Ethylene improved
wound healing following muscle injury to mice [99].
Studies with rodents have shown that ethylene caused increased serum pyruvate and liver weights [100]
, hypotension [101], decreased cholinesterase activity [98], hypoglycemia [102], and decreased
inorganic phosphates [95]. No mutagenic activity was observed in Escheria coli B and E. coli Sd-4
exposed to ethylene [103].
Ethylene is a plant hormone and is useful for ripening fruits and vegetables [104], [105]. At high
concentrations, it is phytotoxic [106]. Human exposure to ethylene is reported to cause anorexia,
weight loss, insomnia, irritability, polycythemia, nephritis, slowed reaction time, and memory
disturbances [107][108][109]. In the workplace, ethylene is treated as a simple asphyxiant [110]; the
odor threshold is ca. 20 ppm [111]. NIOSH has published a procedure for evaluating ethylene exposure
As with any compressed gas, skin and eye contact should be avoided. Appropriate precautions are
required because the gas is highly flammable and explosive over a wide range of mixtures with air.
Ethylene is also spontaneously explosive in sunlight in the presence of ozone or chlorine, and reacts
vigorously with aluminum chloride and carbon tetrachloride [91].
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Title page
12. References
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[88] F. F. McKay, G. R. Worrell, B. C. Thornton, H. L. Lewis, Pipe Line Ind. 49 (1978, Aug.) no.
2, 77–78, 80, 82, 84.
[89] E. L. Pawlikowski, Storing and Handling Liquefied Olefins and Diolefins, Exxon Chemical
Co. USA, 1974.
[90] Chemical Economics Handbook, Estimates, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, 1996,p. 432.
[91] W. D. Broddle, Personal Communication, Conoco, Ponca City, Okla., May 1985.
[92] G. D. Clayton, F. E. Clayton (eds.): Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 3rd rev. ed.,
vol. 28, Wiley-Interscience, New York 1981, pp. 3198–3199.
[93] W. B. Deichman, H. W. Gerarde: Toxicology of Drugs and Chemicals, Academic Press, New
York 1969, p. 316.
[94] A. L. Cowles, H. H. Borgstedt, A. J. Gillies, Anesthesiology 36 (1972) no. 6, 558.
[95] W. R. von Oettingen, Toxicity and Potential Dangers of Aliphatic and Aromatic
Hydrocarbons, Public Health Bulletin no. 225, Washington, D.C., 1940.
[96] J. C. Krantz, Jr., C. J. Carr, J. F. Vitcha, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 94 (1948) 315.
[97] C. Reynolds, Anesth. Analg. (New York) 6 (1927) 121.
[98] T. E. Hamm, D. Guest, J. G. Dent, Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 4 (1984) 473–478.
[99] P. Pietsch, M. Chenoweth, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 130 (1968) 714.
[100] R. B. Conolly, R. J. Jaeger, S. Szabo, Exp. Mol. Pathol. 28 (1978) 25.
[101] M. L. Krasovitskaya, L. Malyarova, Gig. Sanit. 33 (1968) no. 5, 7.
[102] P. Cazzamali, Clin. Chirurg. 34 (1931) 477.
[103] M. M. Landry, R. Fuerst, Dev. Ind. Microbiol. 9 (1968) 370.
[104] H. K. Pratt, J. D. Goeschl, Am. Rev. Plant Physiol. 20 (1969) 542.
[105] R. E. Holm, J. L. Rey, Plant Physiol. 44 (1969) 1295.
[106] G. D. Clayton, T. S. Platt, Am. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. 28 (1967) 151.
[107] J. M. Arena (ed.): Poisoning, 4th ed., C. C. Thomas, Springfield, Ill., 1979, p. 426.
[108] L. R. Riggs, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 22 (1924–1925) 269.
[109] Chemical Safety Data Sheets, Chemical Manufacturers' Assoc. (formerly the Manufacturing
Chemists' Assoc. Inc.,) Washington, D.C., 1979.
[110] ACGIH (ed.): Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents in the
Workroom Environment, ACGIH, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1986–1987.
[111] M. L. Krasovitskaya, L. K. Malyarova, Biol. Deistvie Gig. Znach. Atmos. Zagryaz. 1966, 74.
[112] National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Manual of Sampling Data Sheets, U.S.
Dept. Health Education Welfare, U.S. Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1977.
Ethylene - Table 1
Raw materials for ethylene production (as a percentage of total ethylene produced)
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Ethylene - Table 2
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Table 3
Ethylene - Table 4
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Ethylene - Table 5
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Ethylene - Table 6
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Table 7
Ethylene - Table 8
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
P/E*,kg/kg 0.54 0.53
Steam dilution,kg/kg 0.8 1
Ethylene - Table 9
Properties of AGO and HCR used for yield calculations in Table (4)
Density at 20 °C, g/mL 0.8174 0.8280
C, wt% 86.20 85.28
H, wt% 13.64 14.34
S, wt% 0.18 0.003
BMCI 24.8 9.37
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Ethylene - Table 10
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Pyrolysis fuel oil wt% 0.16 0.89 0.94 3.09 16.3 7.95
Sum wt% 100.00 100.00 100 100.00 100 100
* P/E = propylene to ethylene ratio, ** Conversion of feedstock
Ethylene - Table 11
Typical ethylene specifications (in ppm vol unless otherwise noted) [77]
Polymer Process
Component Gas phase Slurry Solution Matallocene a Polymer grade (today)
Ethylene 99.9% min. 99.95% min. 99.9% min. 99.9% 99.9% min.
Methane 500 b 500 b e 300
Ethane 500 b 500 b e 500
Propylene 20 20 50 20 10–15
Acetylene 0.1 2 55 0.1 2
Hydrogene 5 5 10 5 10
Carbon monoxide 0.1 1 c 2 d 0.1 2
Cabon dioxide 0.1 1c 5d 0.1 2
Oxygen 0.1 1 5 0.1 5
Water 0.1 5c 5d 0.1 2
MeOH 1 c 5 d 0.1 5
Sulfur as H2S 1 (wt) c 2 (wt) d 0.1 2 (wt)
Other polar compounds 1 2 0.1
DMF 2 (wt)
a Values for metallocene catalyst are expected values. b Total combined not to exceed 0.125%. c Total not to exceed 1 ppm wt. d Total
must be less than 6 ppm.
e Total combined not to exceed 300 ppm wt.
Ethylene - Table 12
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethanol * 2 * 1 2
Vinyl acetate 2 1 3 1 2
Other uses 3 6 6 2 3
Ethylene - Table 13
Ethylene - Figure 1
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Ethylene - Figure 2
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 3
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Ethylene - Figure 4
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 5
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 6
Ethylene - Figure 7
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 8
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 9
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Linde-Pyrocrack coils
Ethylene - Figure 10
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 11
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Ethylene - Figure 12
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 13
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Steam–air decoking
Ethylene - Figure 14
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Ethylene - Figure 15
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 16
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 17
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 18
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 19
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 20
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Ethylene - Figure 21
Ethylene - Figure 22
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Simplified process flow diagram for the front-end process of an ethylene plant cracking gaseous
Ethylene - Figure 23
Simplified process flow diagram for the front-end process of an ethylene plant cracking liquid
Ethylene - Figure 24
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Simplified process flow diagram for the production of ethylene by liquid cracking with a front-end
Ethylene - Figure 25
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Simplified process flow diagram for the production of ethylene by liquid cracking with a front-end
Ethylene - Figure 26
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Simplified process flow diagram for the production of ethylene by liquid cracking with a front-end
Ethylene - Figure 27
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ETHYLENE - Storage and Transportation (Heinz Zimmermann, Roland Walzl)
Distribution of heat load and work requirement of the refrigeration system in a typical front-end
demethanizer ethylene plant*
A) Distribution of heat load and work requirement
a) Net heat absorbed by the refrigeration system; b) Net work done by the refrigeration system
B) Relative cost of heat absorbed by the refrigeration system at different temperatures
* Reprinted with permission [62].
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