electromotive force induced in a closed circuit is Faraday's law is also based on Lenz's law, which states
proportional to the rate at which the magnetic flux that the direction of the induced e.m.f. is such that it
through that circuit changes. In other words, Faraday's opposes the change that produces it. This means that if
law states that if the magnetic flux through a circuit the magnetic flux through a closed circuit increases, the
changes with time, an electric current is induced in that e.m.f. induced in that circuit is such that it produces a
circuit. current that generates a magnetic field that opposes the
magnetic field that produced it. Similarly, if the magnetic
Faraday's law is one of the fundamental laws of flux decreases, the induced e.m.f. produces a current that
electromagnetics and is essential to understanding how generates a magnetic field that opposes the original
electrical generators and transformers work. Faraday's magnetic field.
law also has applications in industry, medicine and
communication technology, and has been a key part of
the development of modern electronics.
Using an oscilloscope: An oscilloscope is an Change in magnetic flux: Faraday's law states that the
instrument that can measure the electric electromotive force (EMF) induced in a circuit is proportional to
current induced in a coil of wire. By connecting the rate of change of magnetic flux through the circuit. This
a coil to an oscilloscope, the waveform of the means that any change in the magnetic flux through a circuit
induced current can be observed and
can induce an electric current in the circuit.
Faraday's law can be demonstrated.