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Netrebafulltext 2009
Netrebafulltext 2009
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Abstract—The effects of low-intensity strength training without relaxation (LISTR) on the force–velocity
properties of hip and knee extensor muscles, the power endurance of the knee extensor muscles, and the aerobic
performance of the body were studied. The difference between the LISTR and classical strength training (CST)
is that the working muscle groups do not relax at the extreme points of the range of motion. The study was per-
formed in two groups each comprising nine young physically active men who trained three times a week for
eight weeks. The study showed that LISTR increased the maximum voluntary force to about the same extent as
CST, but this was achieved with lower training loads. Moreover, LISTR did not lead to a decrease in the local
muscular work capacity, which is usually observed during CST.
DOI: 10.1134/S0362119709040136
480 NETREBA et al.
capacity. This is the task of a whole number of cyclic curve of the integrated electromyogram), and the EMG
sports that require muscle strength and endurance. cost of work calculated as the ratio of the total, integrated,
The objective of this work was to compare the effects electrical activity to the total mechanical activity during
of LISTR and CST on the MVF at different angular veloc- the performance of the 45-s test.
ities of movement, resistances to fatigue in the muscle The maximum alactate power (MAP) was measured as
groups trained, and the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of the peak power during the first seconds of exercise in the
the body. Wingate test. The test load was selected individually,
depending on the subject’s body mass (7.5 N per kilogram
of body mass).
METHODS The aerobic threshold (AT), anaerobic metabolism
The study sample comprised 18 young, healthy, phys- threshold (AMT), and maximum oxygen consumption
ically active men who trained their knee extensors and (MOC) were measured in a graded exercise test on an
flexors and hip extensors by performing multi-joint move- Ergoline 900 bicycle ergometer (United States). The load
ments three times a week for eight weeks using a Power was started at 30 W with an increment rate of 15 W/min,
Hummer training machine. The control group included and the pedaling rate was 70 rpm. The subjects performed
nine subjects (weight, 77 ± 6 kg; age, 20 ± 4 year; and the exercise until exhaustion. Blood lactate was measured
height, 180 ± 10 cm) who trained according to the CST using the electrochemical method (Super GL Easy, Ger-
protocol with a load of 80–85% of MVF. The subjects per- many). Capillary blood samples (20 µl) were collected
formed seven sets on Monday (development training) and from the subjects' fingertip every 2 min. The respiratory
three sets on Wednesday and Friday (toning training). gas exchange (RGE) and the heart rate were continuously
Each set of six to ten repetitions was performed until measured using a SensorMedics gas analyzer (United
exhaustion, with a 10-min rest between the sets. The States) during the exercise. The RGE measurements were
experimental group included nine subjects (weight, 79 ± averaged over 30 s. The AT was determined at a blood lac-
7 kg; age, 21 ± 4 year; and height, 181.8 ± 9.1 cm) who tate level of 2 mM; the AMT was determined at a blood
trained according to the LISTR protocol. When perform- lactate level of 4 mM and the ventilation curve’s inflection;
ing exercises, the subjects from this group did not move and the MOC was determined as the peak of the mean
the working platform of the machine to its highest or low- oxygen consumption.
est position, thereby keeping the muscle tension constant
during the whole exercise period; as a result, the distance
covered was 15% shorter than that during the CST. In this RESULTS
group, the training load was always 50% of the MVF. The The total amount of work performed in development
subjects performed four series of three sets on Monday training during the eight-week training cycle was
(development training) and one series on Wednesday and 15392 kgm in the control group and 7693 kgm in the
Friday (toning training), with a 30-s rest between sets and experimental group.
10-min rest between series. To optimize training and to Changes in the strength indices during the training
avoid unfavorable effects of strength training, the subjects cycle. The MVF in a training movement was measured
from both groups took equal amounts of vitamins, miner- using the 1RM method. It increased in both groups during
als, amino acids, and collagen homogenate. This last is the eight-week training, with an increment of 34% in the
used for strengthening ligaments. Prior to training, the control group and 21% in the experimental group. How-
subjects performed warm-up exercises, including knee ever, in the control group, absolute increments in the MVF
and hip extensions and squats with their own weight. relative to the total work over the whole training period
The MVF in a training movement was measured using were higher than in the experimental group (22.37 × 10–4
one repetitive maximum (1RM) method in weeks 1, 3, and versus 18.25 × 10–4 kg/kgm, Fig. 1).
8 of the training session. Several physiological and mor- The force–velocity properties of particular muscle
phological indices were measured before and after eight- groups involved in training movements (the hip and knee
week strength training. extensors) were measured isokinetically with a dynamom-
The force–velocity properties of the knee flexors and eter at angle velocities of 30–300 deg/s.
extensors and hip extensors were measured isokinetically The increments in the strength of particular muscle
with a Biodex dynamometer at angular velocities of 30, groups were lower than in the multi-joint movements that
180, and 300 deg/s. A subject performed at least three were trained for (Fig. 2). The control group showed max-
extensions at each test velocity. The highest of three peak imum increments in the hip extensors (up to 20%) during
torques was used in analysis. strength testing, which may be explained by a greater
The muscle endurance was measured using a 45-s iso- involvement of this muscle group in the movement (leg
metric test at a joint angle of 110 deg. The electromyo- extension) performed. Notably, the increments in the hip
graphic (EMG) activity of the m. vastus lateralis was strength were almost the same for the whole range of
recorded during isometric exercises. We measured the velocities. For the knee extensors and flexors (Figs. 2b,
mechanical activity (the area under the mechanogram 2c), the increments did not exceed 10–12%, with large
curve), the integrated electrical activity (the area under the increments in torques at high angular velocities. During
the LISTR, the increments in all muscle groups did not kg/kgm
exceed 10%; and the largest increments in the knee exten- 0.0030
Control group P = 0.17
sors and flexors, which were similar to those in the control Experimental
group, were observed at high angular velocities. 0.0025
Differences between the groups training according to 0.0020
the CST and LISTR protocols were significant only for the
hip extensors (Fig. 2a). 0.0015
Resistance to fatigue and the EMG cost of work during
the training cycle. The 45-s isometric test showed a 0.0010
marked fatigue of the right knee extensors in the control
group and a slight decrease in fatigue of the right knee
extensors in the experimental group in the final phase of 0
the test (Fig. 3). The EMG cost of the muscular work cal-
culated as the ratio of the total EMG activity to the total Fig. 1. Absolute increments in the MVF relative to the total
muscle tension (the area under the mechanogram curve) work over the whole training cycle (kg/kgm).
significantly decreased by 29% in the control group and
slightly increased in the experimental group (Fig. 4).
Changes in the anaerobic and aerobic indices during tal group had to stop the working platform at some dis-
the training cycle. During testing of alactate capacities, a tance from its highest and lowest positions in order to keep
significant increase in the MAP was observed in both muscle tension at the final phases of the movement. At the
groups (Fig. 5). There were no differences between the same time, the biomechanical analysis of this exercise
groups. Analysis of the aerobic capacities of the whole showed that the decrease in the amplitude led to a decrease
body during the graded exercise test showed an upward in the load on the main muscle group involved in this
tendency of the MOC and MOC intensity, with increments
slightly higher in the experimental group. Both the AT and
the AMT tended to decrease in both groups. However, this %
tendency was less marked in the experimental group. 40 Control group (a)
Experimental group
The total work performed in one (development) train- 20
* *
ing and calculated as the product of the load and the dis-
tance covered (movement amplitude × number of repeti-
tions) is considered an objective indicator of the cumula- 0
tive training effect on a subject. The training weight was 20 (b)
corrected according to the classical scheme that is widely
used in sport practice. The total work performed in devel- 15
opment training exercises during the eight-week training * * *
cycle in the control group was 1.9 times as great as that in 10
the experimental group.
As compared to the LISTR, the CST led to a greater
increment in the MVF measured using the 1RM method. 0
However, to analyze the effectiveness of different methods 16 (c)
of strength training, it seems more reasonable to use incre-
ments relative to the performance of training exercises 12
rather than absolute increments in muscular strength. In
the experimental group, the absolute increments in the 8
MVF relative to the total work performed during the
whole training cycle exceeded those in the control group 4
by 22.5% (Fig. 1). In other words, LISTR made it possible
to increase the muscle strength with lower training loads. 0
When discussing changes in the force–velocity proper- 30 180 300
ties of particular muscle groups involved in training move- Angular velocity (deg/s)
ments, it is necessary to take into consideration that the
movement’s amplitude during the training exercises in the Fig. 2. Relative increments (%) in the strength of particular
muscle groups as a result of the eight-week strength train-
experimental group was slightly lower (by 15%) than in ing. (a) the hip extensors; (b) the knee extensors; (c) the
the control group. This decrease in the amplitude could be knee flexors. Here and in Figs. 4 and 5, * significant differ-
explained by the fact that the subjects from the experimen- ences (p < 0.05) from the initial level.
Initial level
Control group
Experimental group
1 51 101 151 201 251 301 351 401 451
Time of tension
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