Other Percentage Tax
Other Percentage Tax
Other Percentage Tax
Sec. 123 – Life Insurance Premiums Tax; Sec. 124 – Insurance Agents
How much is the tax for total premiums collected as an agent of a foreign
insurance company?
Tax on Agents of Foreign Insurance Co. = P2,000,000 x4% = P80,000
2. Using the same data in the preceding problem, how much is the VAT payable?
Output vat (P500 000x1200) P60,000
Less: Input vat (P300.000 * 129) (36, 000)
Vat payable 24,000
Mr. Talion operates a cockpit. Result of operations for 2018 were provided as follows:
Gross receipts:
Cockpit operations 4,000,000
Restaurant operations 1,850,000
Supplies for cockpit operations (net of VAT) 750,000
Supplies for restaurant operations (invoice amount) 224,000
6. Using the assumption in the preceding number, how much is the business tax
due of GJ Company.
Restaurant operations P1,850,000
Multiply: Tax rate 3%
Total business tax due 55,500
7. Assuming GJ is a VAT registered entity, how much is its VAT payable for the
Output tax 222,000
Input tax (24,000)
Vat payable 198,000