Appendix e Authorization Letter Format
Appendix e Authorization Letter Format
Appendix e Authorization Letter Format
(To be presented by the authorized person at the time of opening of Eligibility Criteria
Bid/Technical Proposal/ Commercial Bid (Indicative) on the letter head of Bidder and
should be signed by an Authorized Signatory with Name and Seal of the Company)
Ref No: Date:
The Deputy General Manager,
Canara Bank,
Asset Procurement & Management Group,
Department of Information and Technology,
Naveen Complex, 14 M G Road,
Bengaluru – 560 001 Karnataka
Dear Sir,
SUB: RFP for ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
Ref: Your RFP No……………. dated …………………..
This has reference to your above RFP.
Mr. /Miss/Mrs. ________________________________________is hereby authorized to
attend the bid opening of the above RFP on _________________ on behalf of our
The specimen signature is attested below:
NOTE: This Authorization letter is to be carried in person at the time of Bid Opening