CPE203 - Task Performance - Alabat PDF
CPE203 - Task Performance - Alabat PDF
CPE203 - Task Performance - Alabat PDF
Date: 02 – 02 – 2023
CEIT-03-402P Task Performance
1.Car Safety Automobile manufacturers The models provide as the The simulation's accumulated
Enhancement create numerical models for foundation for determining the knowledge will be numerically
simulations of crash safety best outcomes that represent calculated in order to analyze
using the numerical method. different elements of a car the optimal design for a car or
accident test. other vehicle by considering
These are then input into a factors like size, weight,
sophisticated computer to length, speed, velocity, and
gather knowledge on other factors.
enhancing automobile safety.
These equations are primarily
partial differential equations.
2. Machine Numerical analysis questions In order to acquire function By increasing its intelligence,
and answers are frequently models for mathematical numerical methods are used to
used by machine learning to interpretation, numerical further improve the machinery
optimize numerical functions. methods are applied to that runs in our environment
For issues that cannot be machine learning. The and get the finest performance
solved analytically optimized, performance of a machine possible.
machine learning requires improves when more useful
numerical analysis. Artificial and advanced algorithms are
intelligence is yet another included.
subject where machine
learning is used in stochastic
settings with numerical
3. Price Estimation The airlines also make use of Advanced numerical analysis Numerical methods are
numerical ways for improving techniques have made it employed by the company to
by Airline
their cost of tickets, track possible to produce precise maximize ticket prices, monitor
Companies their fuel usage necessities, estimates of numbers that are fuel consumption, manage
payment their staff members, otherwise impossible to payroll, and carry out
and perform a range of compute. Operations research numerous other tasks.
additional tasks advanced is a branch of study that grew
statistical evaluation out of this application and
strategies have so that it was focuses on locating the best
possible produce accurate a solutions for common
range of numbers compared problems.
to are difficult to compute.
4. Electromagnetics Countless utilization of Numerical Electromagnetics Numerical methods take
Electromagnetic wave applied to look at the advantage of the incredible
refraction and dispersion are electromagnetic any reaction calculation speed of today's
research using numerical of structure consisting of the digital computers to solve
techniques. The surfaces and wires that is complex systems of equations.
effectiveness, accuracy, and either unoccupied or a surface This covers electronic devices
the application of numerical plane. It is an analysis finished including electric motors, high-
strategies are wherever with solving numerically voltage transmission,
improved possible given the created current integral math telephony, radar, recording,
utilization of analytical equations. The output can and digital computing.
techniques. consist of electricity and
charge density, electricity, or
in the magnetic field near
vicinity of the structure, in
addition to fields of radiation.
5. Modeling Numerical model for the The foundation for The obtained results provide
combustion flow in combustion chamber of the mathematical simulation is the quantitative data on velocity
a coal power plant boiler in a thermal power solution of the physical and distributions, temperature and
plant. chemical processes that take concentration profiles of the
place during the burning of constituents, and the volume
pulverized coal in the furnace of dangerous combustion
model. Considered include products. The numerical model
flows in three dimensions, heat serves as a tool for the
and mass transport, chemical analysis and design of high-
kinetics of the processes, and efficiency combustion
the effects of thermal radiation. chambers for boilers in thermal
power plants.