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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English 9
How Do I love Thee

Students will be able to:
a. Students will be familiarized with the selection and its author
b. Reading of Poem by the teacher, by a student and by the class
c. Doing a preview of the selection based on the title using Focusing Inquiry
d. Students will be asked to form 5 groups to give an interpretation
of the poem through Differentiate


a. Topic: Poem Appreciation : “How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth B.
b. Reference: CO_Q2_English9_Module 1/ Houghton, Eve. "How do I
love thee? Let me count the ways (Sonnets from the Portuguese 43)."
LitCharts. LitCharts LLC, 8 May 2019. Web. 22 Apr 2020.
c. Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, Chart
d. Valuing: True love is depicted as long-lasting and even eternal.
However, the poem also reveals a tension between love as an
attachment to earthly life and the things of this world, and love as
something that transcends life on earth.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Motivation

Before we start with our discussion, I

want you to answer this question.
Ma’am, through words by saying I love
a. What do you think is the best way of
showing or expressing your love
towards someone? Anyone? Another way to express love is to do
something kind or helpful for another
Alright! What else?
Wow! That’s true, Because A spark of
kindness can start a fire of love.

Okay! So what can you think about our Our lesson today is all about love.
lesson today?
Yes, our lesson today has something to
do about love.

B. Unlocking of the difficulties

Before we read the poem. Let’s us
define first some of vocabulary words
found in the content of our lesson that
we will be discussing today.
Vocabulary words: - Fourteen-line rhyming poem with
Sonnet set structure.
Octave Marriage
Sestet - Legal relationship between spouses.
- An octave is a verse form
consisting of eight lines.
- A six-line stanza or poem, or the
second half or a sonnet.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

In this lesson, learners must be able to: a.Students will be familiarized with the
Let’s all read. selection and its author
b.Reading of Poem by the teacher, by a
student and by the class
c. Doing a preview of the
selection based on the title using
Focusing Inquiry
d.Students will be asked to form 5
groups to give an interpretation of the
poem through Differentiate
At this lesson, we will read,
comprehend and analyse one of the
non-fiction literature regarding on the
love of Elizabeth Barrett Browning to his

D. Background of the Author

Elizabeth Barrett Browning was born
on March 6, 1806, at Coxhoe Hall,
Durham, England. She was the oldest
of 12 children, and her family made
their fortune from Jamaican sugar
plantations. Educated at home, Barrett
was a precocious reader and writer.
At age 14, Barrett developed a lung
illness that required her to take
morphine for the rest of her life, and the
following year, she suffered a spinal
injury that would serve as another
setback. Despite her health issues,
Barrett lived the literary life to the
fullest, teaching herself Hebrew,
studying Greek culture and publishing
her first book in 1820, The Battle of
Marathon, which her father bound and
released privately.
In 1826, she (anonymously) published
the collection An Essay on Mind and
Other Poems, which became a
touchstone in her writing career.

E. Discussion

- Let me present and read to you first

the poem, “Sonnet 43 before giving you
the information about the poem.

(The teacher will read the poem)

(Students read the poem aloud)

Now, everyone read them aloud

Okay, good.

The title “How Do I Love Thee?” is truly

catching. It’s also known as SONNET
43, written by Elizabeth Barrett-
Browning for her husband Robert
Browning in 1850. The author
enumerated the ways she can love her
husband, Robert Browning, the one
who is being referred to by the word

Barett-Browning expressed her love to

her husband in this poem. She was
so in love with him that it transcends
reasons, both physical and spiritual.
She loves him so much to compare it to
her most essential needs through
day and night which in this case, is Ma’am, In Sonnet 43, Elizabeth
oxygen. Browning conveys her love for her
Reading this and knowing how husband-to-be, Robert Browning, by
Elizabeth compared Robert o oxygen, I saying that it is immeasurable and
remember about the Teen Fiction boundless; by suggesting that the
“She’s Dating the Gangster” where reach of her soul is limitless, so is her
Kenji expressed her love to Athena by love for Robert.
saying “I can’t breathe.” After teasing
her that Athena sounds like she’ll run
out of oxygen just by saying “I love
you.” To Kenji

The depth of Elizabeth's love for Robert

is something surpasses the idea of Ma’am spend Quality Time with Them
a physical world. As I have understood
it, she loves him with all her heart,
By giving them simple but meaningful
body, and soul that even when her
physical body disintegrates into a soul,
she will still love him. Some people feel and demonstrate love
through words. Giving compliments and
-Since we are already discussing about
encouragement, saying “I love you,”
love, How does Elizabeth Barrett
Browning present love in the poem?
Students: Yiehhhhh…
Yes Rovie?

Very Good! Can you see how much

Elizabeth loves his husband.Elizabeth
expressed her love to his husband
through writing a poem. How would you
want others to show you how much they
love you?

Okay, What else?

Exactly! I can relate to that.

F. Comprehension Question

After we finished reading and analyzing

the poem. These are are the guide
questions you need to answer to check
if you understand the reading selection. Group 1 Intrapersonal: Come up with a
slogan as an answer to the title of the
Group 2 Linguistic: Present an acrostic
about the important lessons you gained
from the message of the poem using the
author’s name ELIZABETH
Group 3 Interpersonal: Simulate a
G. Application counselling session with teenagers
regarding ways of expressing love
Group Work Activity towards the opposite gender to avoid
early marriage.
Showing appreciation of the Group 4. Existential: Write an
poem through a display of Multiple ecumenical prayer for every lover in this
Intelligence's. world.
Group 5 Music: Sing the poem to the
Task Instructions: tune of any song you want.

1. Form 5 groups
2. Choose a rapporteur and a scribe.
3. Brainstorm on the task given to
your group.
4. Publish your output after 10
5. Use this rubric in assessing your
output For me, the author wrote this poem for
us to be inspired and learn that not only
Logical presentation of concept 25
by showing affection and giving is the
Clarity of ideas 25
Use of the language 25 best way to show that we love someone.
Message and Impact 25 Which is through writing also, we can
100 express more our feelings and emotions
through writing.

Coming this far after reading, analyzing,

interpreting Elizabeth Barrett-Browning’s
How Do I Love Thee? I have come to
realize some things as much as I have
H. Valuing
learned them: 1. Sonnets are beautiful,
After reading the story and answering
regardless of their form
the guide questions, let’s have a
sharing in order for you to understand Literary interpretation and criticism is
and appreciate the true essence of self- more than just taking a look at the
trust and the importance of achieving technical side of the poem, but more
our goals. on how I have understood the poem
itself regardless of the author’s
Why do you think the author wrote this
intention and the background of the
poem? What purpose was she trying to

Amazing answer!
What can you say about the topic that we
have discuss today?

Thank you so much for your answers.

You see, critiquing a literary piece is no
easy feat. Interpreting it is much harder
work. But even if that’s the case, there is
no mistake that there is beauty in
criticizing and interpreting text.

Reading interpretations will let you see

the texts in diffirent point of views, they
may be same as yours, they may be far
different than yours, but what matters is,
we all appreciate the piece written by the
author with all their heart.

I. Evaluation

For this activity, I want you to make a

poem about someone that you love.
Your poem has a minimum of three
stanzas and maximum of 5 stanzas.
You can use any types of poem: free
verse, with rhyme and number of
syllables or AABB/ABAB type.

You will be graded by these following


Content 40%
Choice of words (vocabulary) 25%
Relevant to the topic 25%
Technicalities (grammar) 10%
Total: 100%

Prepared by:
Student Teacher

Checked by:


Teacher III

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