How-do-I-love-thee-DLP..... To Past
How-do-I-love-thee-DLP..... To Past
How-do-I-love-thee-DLP..... To Past
In English 9
How Do I love Thee
Students will be able to:
a. Students will be familiarized with the selection and its author
b. Reading of Poem by the teacher, by a student and by the class
c. Doing a preview of the selection based on the title using Focusing Inquiry
d. Students will be asked to form 5 groups to give an interpretation
of the poem through Differentiate
Okay! So what can you think about our Our lesson today is all about love.
lesson today?
Yes, our lesson today has something to
do about love.
E. Discussion
Okay, good.
F. Comprehension Question
1. Form 5 groups
2. Choose a rapporteur and a scribe.
3. Brainstorm on the task given to
your group.
4. Publish your output after 10
5. Use this rubric in assessing your
output For me, the author wrote this poem for
us to be inspired and learn that not only
Logical presentation of concept 25
by showing affection and giving is the
Clarity of ideas 25
Use of the language 25 best way to show that we love someone.
Message and Impact 25 Which is through writing also, we can
100 express more our feelings and emotions
through writing.
Amazing answer!
What can you say about the topic that we
have discuss today?
I. Evaluation
Content 40%
Choice of words (vocabulary) 25%
Relevant to the topic 25%
Technicalities (grammar) 10%
Total: 100%
Prepared by:
Student Teacher
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