mPassBook 20220601 20220830 3918 PDF
mPassBook 20220601 20220830 3918 PDF
mPassBook 20220601 20220830 3918 PDF
Branch Details:
Customer Details:
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Transaction Cheque Withdrawal Deposit Balance Narration
Date Number
17/06/2022 180.00 22857.15 Cr. UPI/216865449073/P2M/Q5983998
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Transaction Cheque Withdrawal Deposit Balance Narration
Date Number
01/07/2022 20000.00 9282.15 Cr. UPI/218239520540/P2A/20101208
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Transaction Cheque Withdrawal Deposit Balance Narration
Date Number
18/07/2022 112.95 4166.50 Cr. UPI/219983398329/P2M/zomatoind
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Transaction Cheque Withdrawal Deposit Balance Narration
Date Number
12/08/2022 110.00 41462.50 Cr. UPI/222453909532/P2M/pay97855
94000@paytm/PIYUSH RA
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* Unless constituent notifies the bank immediately of any discrepancy found
by him in his statement of Account, it will be taken that he has found the
account correct.
* Computer generated entries shown in the statement of account do not
require any authentication / initial from the bank official. Please do not accept
any manual entry in your computer generated statement of account.
* Please ensure that all the cheque leaved in your custody is duly branded
with your 16 digits account number.
* Customers are requested in their own interest not to issue cheques without
adequate clear funds / arrangements. Such cheques can be returned without
making any further reference to them.
* Please maintain minimum average balance, to avoid levy of charges.
* Please note Penal interest may be charged in loan accounts due to financial
reasons such as over drawings, non receipt of install on the rates prescribed
by bank from time to time and for non financial reasons like non submission
of, QMS forms, non adherence to terms and conditions etc.
* Abbreviations are as under: BR: BRANCH NAME, CSH: Cash, CLG:
Clearing, ISO: Inter Sol (##), QAB: Quarterly Average Balance, LF CHG:
Ledger Folio Charges, INTT: Interest, CHRG: Charges, RET: Returning,
CHQ: Cheque, SI: Standing Instruction, STK STMT: Stock Statement, TFR:
Transfer, POSP: Point Of Sale.
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