Vector Analysis and Classical
Vector Analysis and Classical
Vector Analysis and Classical
122 Functions of Several Variables
known as a Jordan curve) divides the plane into two domains, and the
domain enclosed by the curve is simply connected, but the rigorous proof
of this statement is surprisingly hard. The French mathematician M A R I E
ENNEMOND CAMILLE JORDAN (1838-1922) was the first to realize the im-
portance and difficulty of the issue. Even though Jordan's proof later turned
out to be wrong, the result is known as the Jordan curve theorem. It was
the American mathematician OSWALD VEBLEN (1880-1960), who, in 1905,
produced the first correct proof. We will take the Jordan curve theorem
for granted. The analog of this result in space, that a closed continuous
simple (that is, without self-intersections) surface in R 3 separates R 3 into
interior and exterior domains, is even harder to prove, and we take it for
granted as well.
We will now discuss continuity of functions on R n , n = 2,3. A scalar
field / is called continuous a t the p o i n t A if / is defined in some neigh-
borhood of A and
Since the point A in the above definition is fixed, the condition \AB\ —» 0
means that B is approaching A: B —> A. Then (3.1.1) can be written in
the form that is completely analogous to the definition of continuity for
functions of a real variable:
lim \f(B)-f(A)-a.AB\={
\AB\-^0 \AB\
Alternatively, for every unit vector u,
t-^o t
(b)A What does it mean for a vector field F to be three times continuously
differentiable in a domain G?
By (3.1.5) and the definition of the dot product (1.2.1), page 9, we have
which shows that the most rapid rate of increase of / at the point A is in
the direction of V/(^4), and the most rapid rate of decrease of / at the
point A is in the direction of — Vf(A).
Given a point A, a direction at A can be defined by another point B with
the unit vector UQ = -A^m in the direction of AB. Then (3.1.3) becomes
EXERCISE 3.1.5? For two scalar fields f,g, verify the following properties of
the gradient, generalizing the product and quotient rules from one-variable
• If the partial derivatives fxy and fyx exist and are continuous in some
neighborhood of the point A, then fxy(A) = fyx(A); the result is known
as C l a i r a u t ' s theorem, after the French mathematician ALEXIS CLAUDE
CLAIRAUT (1713-1765).
More generally, for two vector fields F, G, we define the vector field
(F • V ) G so that, for every fixed unit vector n,
The expressions of the type (F • V).F often appears in the equations de-
scribing the motion of fluids.
Given a scalar field / and a real number c, the set of points {P : f(P) —
c} is called a l e v e l s e t of / . In two dimensions, that is, for A = M2, the
level sets of / are curves. In three dimensions (A = M3), the level sets of
Functions, Sets, Gradient 127
we conclude that the vector Ax + 12j — k defines the plane tangent to the
surface at the point PQ = (1,2,14). The equation of the plane at PQ is
4x + 12y — z = 14 : note that x = 1, y = 2, z = 14 must satisfy the
equation, and you get the number 14 on the right by plugging in these
values for x,y,z.
Sometimes it is convenient to identify the point Pfc with the position vector
rfc = OPk and to write (3.1.12) in an equivalent form as
T-fc+i = r f c -akVf(rk)-
The new point Pk+\ can be denned as long as V'/(Pfc) ^ 0. If the sequence
of the points Pk, k > 1, converges as k —> oo, then the limit P* must be the
point of local minimum of / ; otherwise V / ( P * ) ^ 0 and the sequence can
be continued. As a result, V/(Pfc) —> 0, and in practice, the computations
are stopped as soon as ||V/(Pfc)|| is sufficiently small. Special choices of the
numbers ak can speed up the convergence. This method is known as the
method of s t e e p e s t descent. It was one of the first numerical methods
for minimizing a function. The method can converge very slowly, but is
easy to implement. There exist more sophisticated numerical methods for
finding critical points.
EXERCISE 3.1.12. A (a) Draw a picture illustrating (3.1.12). (b) Write
a computer program that implements (3.1.12) to find the local minimum
of the function f(x,y) = 2x2 + 3y2. Experiment with various starting
points, various values of ak and different stopping criteria (for example,
130 Functions of Several Variables
|| V/(Pfc)|| < 10 for some positive integer m).
where Gi,..., Gjv are mutually disjoint (Gk C\ Gm = 0 ) sets such that
their union |J f c = 1 Gfe contains the set G and every set Gk is measurable
(the size m(Gfc) of Gk is defined) and has a non-empty intersection with G
(Gfc f) G ^ 0 ) ; Pk is a point in Gk f] G. Note that definition (3.1.13) is not
tied to any coordinate system.
We will integrate functions defined on intervals, curves, planar regions,
surfaces, and solid regions:
Set Measure m dm
Interval Length dx
Curve Arc length ds
Planar region Area dA
Surface Surface Area da
Solid region Volume dV
is, by definition,
where u is the unit tangent vector to the curve. The direction of u defines
the orientation of C; the integral reverses sign if the orientation of C is
reversed. In cartesian coordinates, F = Fi i + F2 j + F3K, and JCF -dr is
often written as j c F\dx + i^dy + F$dz.
132 Functions of Several Variables
F(r(t))-r'(t) = ftf(r(t)),
and the value of the integral (3.1.16) depends only on the starting and
ending points r(a), r(b) of the curve and not on the curve itself:
so that £K{O) + V(r(a)) — £*:(&) + V(r(b)), which means that the total
energy £ # + V is conserved as the point mass moves along C.
In general, we say that a vector field F has the path independence
p r o p e r t y in a domain G if §c F • dr = 0 for every simple closed piece-wise
smooth curve C in G. The following result should be familiar from a course
in multi-variable calculus.
EXERCISE 3.1.13. c Prove the above theorem. Hint: in one direction, use
(3.1.18). In another direction, verify that, as stated, the path independence prop-
erty implies that, for every two points A,B inG the value of the integral fcF-dr
does not depend on the particular choice of the curve C in G connecting the
points A and B. Then fix a point A in G and, for each point P in G define
f{P) = fcF • dr, where C is a simple piece-wise smooth curve starting at A and
ending at P. Path independence makes f a well-defined function of P. Verify
that V / = F.
Integration and Differentiation 133
Hint: some integrals must be split into several. (b)c Verify that the area of
the ellipse (x2/a2) + {y2/b2) < 1 with semi-axis a and b is irab. Hint: use
generalized polar coordinates.
T H E SURFACE INTEGRAL. We now take the set G in (3.1.13) to be a
surface S defined by the vector-valued function r = r(u, v) of two variables,
where (u,v) belong to some measurable planar set G\. We say that the
surface is piece-wise smooth if the function r is continuous on G\ and
the set Gi can be split into finitely many non-overlapping pieces so that,
on each piece, the vector field ru x r„, representing the normal vectors to
the surface, is continuous and is not equal to zero. We say that the surface
is o r i e n t a b l e if it is piece-wise smooth and has two sides (the intuitive
idea of a side is enough for our discussion). A piece-wise smooth surface S*
is measurable and its area m(S) is defined as
T h e s u r f a c e i n t e g r a l of t h e f i r s t k i n d Jf f da is defined for a
continuous scalar field / by the equality
where dA(u, v) is the area element. If f(P) represents the areal density of
the surface a t point P, then JJ f da is the mass of the surface. T h e s u r f a c e
i n t e g r a l of t h e s e c o n d k i n d JJ F-dcr is defined for a continuous vector
field F with values in E3 and an orientable surface 5" by the equality
F • fis da = pv • fis da
Integration and Differentiation 135
is the mass of fluid passing across the surface area element da per unit time.
On page 154 we derive the equation of continuity that governs such flows.
T H E VOLUME INTEGRAL. We now take the set G in (3.1.13) to be
a subset of the space K 3 . The set is measurable and has volume V if
the boundary of G is a piece-wise smooth surface. In volume integrals,
we use the differential form of the volume element dV. In cartesian
coordinates, dV = dxdydz. In g e n e r a l i z e d c y l i n d r i c a l c o o r d i n a t e s
x = arcos6, y = brsin9,z — z, dV = ab rdrdOdz; the usual cylindri-
cal coordinates correspond to a = b = 1. In g e n e r a l i z e d s p h e r i c a l
c o o r d i n a t e s x — ar cos9 siny>, y = br sinO sine/?, z = cr costp, dV =
abc r2 sin <p dr d6 d<p; the usual spherical coordinates correspond to a = b =
c = 1. The volume integral is evaluated by reduction to three iterated in-
tegrals; this is why the volume integral is also known as the triple integral
and is often written as JJJ f dV. The integral is defined if / is a continuous
scalar field in G. If / is the volume density of G, then JJJ f dV is the mass
of G.
EXERCISE 3.1.16. B Find the volume of the ellipsoid (x2/a2) + (y2/b2) +
(z /c ) < 1. Hint: use generalized spherical coordinates.
Let us summarize the main facts related to the orientation of domains
and their boundaries. For a domain G in the (?, j) plane, we denote by
dG the boundary of G and assume that this boundary consists of finitely
many simple closed piece-wise smooth curves. The p o s i t i v e o r i e n t a t i o n
of dG means that the domain G stays on your left as you walk around the
boundary in the direction of the orientation of the corresponding curve. An
equivalent mathematical description is as follows. At all but finitely many
points of dG, there exists the unit tangent vector u; the direction of u
defines the orientation. At every point of dG where u exists, consider the
unit vector n that is perpendicular to u and points outside of G. Draw a
picture and convince yourself that the orientation of dG is positive if and
only if fi x u has the same direction as i x j .
For a domain G in R 3 , we denote by dG the boundary of G and assume
that this boundary consists of finitely many piece-wise smooth simple closed
surfaces. The p o s i t i v e o r i e n t a t i o n of dG means that, when it exists,
the normal vector to dG points outside of G.
For a piece-wise smooth surface S that is not closed, we denote by
dS the boundary of the surface and assume that this boundary consists
136 Functions of Several Variables
of finitely many simple closed piece-wise smooth curves. We say that the
o r i e n t a t i o n s of S and dS agree if S stays on your left as you walk
around the boundary in the direction of the orientation of the corresponding
curve with your head in the direction of the normal vector to S. If this is
possible, then S is orientable. An equivalent mathematical description is
as follows. Assume that the orientation of S is fixed and given by the unit
vectors ris that exist at most points of S. Then a small piece of S near dS
looks like a small piece of a domain in the (i, j) plane, with us defining
the direction of i x j . Then the positive orientation of dS means positive
orientation of the boundary of this two-dimensional domain as described
A famous example of a smooth non-orientable surface is the Mobius
s t r i p , first discovered by the German mathematician AUGUST FERDINAND
MOBIUS (1790-1868). You can easily make this surface by twisting a long
narrow strip of paper and taping the ends. Verify, for example, by drawing
a line along the strip, that the surface has only one side
We will now use integrals to provide coordinate-free definitions for the
divergence and curl of a vector field. A traditional presentation starts with
the definitions in the cartesian coordinates. Then, after proving Gauss's and
Stokes's Theorems, one can use the results to show that the definitions do
not actually depend on the coordinate system. We take a different approach
and start with the definitions that are not connected to any coordinate
We begin with the DIVERGENCE. Divergence makes a scalar field out
of a vector field and is an example of an operator. This operator arises
naturally in fluid flow models. Let v = v(P) be the velocity at point P in
a moving fluid, and let p = p{P) be the density of the fluid at P. Consider
a small surface of area ACT with unit normal vector u. The rate of flow
per unit time, or flux, of fluid across ACT is pv • u ACT. For a region G
bounded by a smooth simple closed surface dG, the total flux across dG
is 3>(G) = JJ pv • uda. This flux is equal the rate of change in time of
the mass of fluid contained in G. The quantity $(G)/m(G), where m(G)
is the volume of G, is the average flux per unit volume in G; in the limit
m(G) —> G, that is, as the region G shrinks to a point, we get an important
local characteristic of the flow. This naturally leads to the definition of
Let F be a continuous vector field with values in R3. Then the
Integration and Differentiation 137
where, as usual, F\x = dF\jdx, etc. Hint: let P = (xo,yo,zo) and consider a
cube G with center at P, faces parallel to the coordinate planes, and side a. Then
m(G) = a3. The total flux through the two faces that are parallel to the (j, k)
plane is then approximately
draw a picture and keep in mind the orientation of the boundary. Then consider
the faces parallel to the other two coordinate planes. The total flux out of G is the
sum of the resulting three fluxes. After dividing by the volume of G and passing
to the limit, (3.1.25) results in Fix(xo,yo, zo), and Fiv,Fzz come form the fluxes
across the other two pairs of faces.
and, for a smooth simple closed planar curveC, the circulation ^ = §v-dr
measures the amount of vorticity. If S is the planar region enclosed by C,
then ^/m(S) is the average vorticity in the region, where m ( 5 ) is the area
of S. In the limit m ( 5 ) —> 0 we get another i m p o r t a n t local characteristic
of the flow. This naturally leads to the definition of the curl.
Let F b e a continuous vector field with values in R 3 . Fix a point P a n d
a unit vector n and consider the plane passing through P and having n as
the normal vector. Let C be a piece-wise smooth simple closed curve in the
plane, and S, the p a r t of the plane enclosed by the curve. We assume t h a t
P G S, P £ C, and the orientation of C is counterclockwise as seen from
the top of n . By definition, the c u r l of F at the point P is the vector
curl F(P) so t h a t , for all C and u,
where m(S) is the area of S. This definition assumes t h a t the limit exists
for every unit vector fi, and, for each vector n, the limit does not depend
on the particular choice of the curves C.
l JK
curLF A A A (F3y-F2z)i+(Flz-F3x)3+(F2X-Fly)K. (3.1.27)
dx dy dz
F\ F2 F3
Hint: with P — (xo,yo,zo), take the plane through P parallel to one of the coor-
dinate planes and let C be the boundary of the square in that plane with center at
P and side a so that m(S) = a?. Taking the plane so that n = i, we find that
draw the picture and keep track of the orientations. Dividing by a and passing
to the limit a —+ 0 gives the i component of curl F. The other two components
are computed similarly.
differential operator
d i v F = V - F , c u r l F = V x F. (3.1.29)
{F • V ) G = | ( c u r l ( F x G) + grad(F • G) - G d i v F + F divG
- G x c u r l F - F x curlGV
grad(6-r)=6. (3.1.34)
Hint: write the dot product in cartesian coordinates, (g) Let F = cr/r be a
central inverse-square force field in R Prove that / F • dr is independent
of the path C joining any two points, as long as C does not pass through the
origin. Hint: show that F is conservative by finding f = f(r) so that F = V / .
Let F = cr/ra = (c/ra+l)r,
EXERCISE 3 . 1 . 2 3 . C where c and a are real
numbers. Verify that the flux of F across the sphere S with center at the
origin and radius R is equal to &-nR2~ac. Hint: Use (3.1.22); Hs = f; on S,
r = R.
EXERCISE 3.1.24? Let BR be a ball with center at the origin and radius R.
Verify that limR^0 fff r~pdV = 0 for all p < 3.
Our motivation of the definition of the curl suggests that curl is asso-
ciated with rotation; in fact, some books denote the curl of F by rotF.
Let us look closer at this connection with rotation. Recall that, for fixed
Curvilinear Coordinate Systems 141
vectors u> and ro, the vector w x r 0 is the velocity of the point with po-
sition vector ro, rotating with constant angular speed u — ||u>|| about a
fixed axis; the vector w is the angular velocity of the rotation, see page
48. The vector field v = u> x r therefore corresponds to the rotation of all
points in space with the same angular velocity CJ. Direct computations in
cartesian coordinates show that curlw = 2u>, establishing the connection
between the curl and rotation: if F = F(P) is interpreted as the velocity
field of a continuum of moving points, then curl F measures the rotational
component of this velocity; the field F is called i r r o t a t i o n a l in a domain
Gif c u r l F = O i n G .
0 = §2 y r = q j
Fig. 3.1.1 Polar Coordinates
(ci,C2 + t,C3), t € R ;
• The qz coordinate curve with q\= c\, q2 = c2, is the collection of points
(ci,c2,c3 + t), i e l .
Since, by assumption, Xk = Xk(qi,q2,q3), the equations of these curves in
cartesian coordinates are
We define the functions hk, k = 1,2,3 so that the tangent vectors are
r'fc(0) = ^fc«fc. (3.1.36)
By (3.1.35),
N S(fe). <-->
hk(P) = ||r'fc(0)|| =
where the partial derivatives are evaluated at (c\, c2, c 3 ), the Q coordinates
of the point P. The orthogonality condition means that
The functions hk defined in (3.1.36) will play the central role in many
computations to follow. We will assume that, away from the special points,
the functions hk = hk(qi,q2,qs) have continuous partial derivatives of every
EXERCISE 3.1.26? (a) Verify the relations (3.1.37) and (3.1.38). (b) Verify
that cylindrical and spherical coordinates are orthogonal. Hint: a picture is
Our next goal is to study ARC LENGTH in Q coordinates. Let C be a
curve represented in cartesian coordinates X by the vector function r(t) —
xi(t)t-\-x2(t)3 + xs(t) ii. We rewrite the expression (1.3.12) on page 29 for
the line element as (ds/dt)2 = J2k=i(dxk/dt)2. Since Xk = Xk{qi,q2,qz),
we have xk(t) = Xk(qi(t),q2(t),q3(t)), where qk(t) = qk(xi(t),x2(t),x3(t)),
k = 1,2,3 By the chain rule, dxk/dt = Tlli=i(dXk/dqm)(dqm/dt), and
144 Functions of Several Variables
(ds)2 = Y^ Ha d
Qi d1ji where H^ = ] P -a^-*^- (3.1.40)
0Qi OQj
i,i=i fc=i
hi hi h3
Cylindrical 1 r 1
Spherical 1 rs'm<p r
9f = n m /(gl+t,g2,g3)-/(gl,g2,g3)
dqi t-»o t
Unlike cartesian coordinates, the partial derivative df/dqk is not equal to
the directional derivative Dqkf- Instead, by (3.1.9), (3.1.35), and (3.1.36),
we conclude that
V / = l | ^ 1 + l | ^ 2+ l | ^ 3 , (3.1-42)
h\ dq\ h2 dq2 h3 dq3
where the functions hi,h2,h3 are denned in (3.1.37).
EXERCISE 3.1.29. (a) Verify that
d 1 d d
Vf= -Lr dr + - -L§
r 86+ -lzdz
is the gradient in cylindrical coordinates, (b) Verify that
the points with the Q coordinates {c\ ± (a/2),C2 ± (a/2),c3 ± (a/2)). The
volume of this box is approximately a 3 |r' 1 (0) • (r 2 (0) x r 3 (0))| = a3hih2h3;
draw a picture and see equations (3.1.35). By (3.1.36) and (3.1.38), The
basis vector qk is normal to two of the faces so that the area of each of
those faces is approximately a2hmhn, where k ^ m ^ n. Consider a
continuously differentiable vector field F written in the Q coordinates as
F(qi,Q2,q3) = Fi(qi,q2,q3)q1 + ^2(91,92,93)92 +-^3(91,92,93) <Z3- en
the flux of this vector field through the pair of faces with the normal vector
q1 is approximately
3 d(/i 2 /t 3 Fi)
with the approximation getting better as a —> 0. Similar expressions hold
for the fluxes across the other two pairs of faces. Summing up all the fluxes,
dividing by the volume of the box, and passing to the limit a —> 0, we get
the formula for the divergence of F in Q coordinates:
d i v F = i ( ^ ) + ^ + ^ }
r \ dr 89 dz
(c) Verify that, in spherical coordinates,
1 (d{r2smyFx) d{rF2) , d ( r s i n ^ F 3 )
oiv r = —z—;
2 I 1 — h
r siii(p \ dr 09 dtp
w - ridr^\ V
dr ) i S + gdz. '
r d6 2 2 2 ("•«>
and use the result to provide an alternative proof that V 2 l n r = 0 in R 2 .
(c)c Verify that, in spherical coordinates,
\<9r dr J r2 sin2 <pd92 r2sin<p d<p \ dip
curl F (3.1.46)
hih2h3 dqi dq2 dqz
»-i(0)-(r'2(0)x^(0))^0. (3.1.47)
Hint: show that a small rectangle with sides a,b in G becomes a curvilinear figure
on S with area approximately equal to ab\\ru x rv\\. Compare this with Exercise
3.1.15 on page 134.
150 The Three Theorems
The theorems of Green, Gauss, and Stokes are usually the high point of
a multi-variable calculus class. We will use these theorems to derive the
equations of electromagnetic theory.
If the boundary of G consists of several pieces, then the integral on the left
is the sum of the corresponding integrals over each piece.
This result is known as Green's theorem, after the English scientist
G E O R G E G R E E N (1793-1841), who published it in 1828 as a part of an
essay on electricity and magnetism. The essay was self-published for pri-
vate distribution and did not receive much attention at the time. Green
did all his major scientific work while managing the family mill and bak-
ing business, with about two years of elementary school as his only formal
education. Later, he quit the family business and, in 1837, got an under-
graduate degree from Cambridge University.
EXERCISE 3.2.1. B Prove Green's theorem. Hint: Consider the vector field
F = Pi + Qj + Ok and verify that V x F = (Qx — Pv)it. Then break G into
small pieces Gk and note that, by (3.1.26), (Qx — Py)m(Gk) ~ fgG Pdx + Qdy,
where m(Gfc) is the area of Gk, and dGk is the boundary of Gk with the suitable
orientation. Now sum over all the small pieces and note that the line integrals
over the interior pieces cancel one another. Finally, pass to the limit m(Gfc) —• 0.
m(G) = \ i A
and p be the velocity field and the density of a fluid in a region G. In our
discussion of divergence, we saw that div(pv) is the time rate of change of
the amount fluid in G per unit volume. Therefore, fff div(pv)dV is the
time rate of change of the amount of fluid in G, and must be equal to the
total flux across the boundary dG of G:
flJdiv(pv)dV= Ijpvdc
G dG
This is the essential meaning of the divergence theorem, which holds for
every continuously differentiable vector field F as stated below.
T h e o r e m 3.2.2 Consider a bounded domain G in R 3 whose boundary
dG consists of finitely many piece-wise smooth orientable surfaces. Let F
be a vector field so that, for every unit vector u, the scalar field F • u has
a continuous gradient in an open set containing G. Then
EXERCISE 3.2.4? (a) Prove Gauss's Theorem. Hint: the argument is the same
as in the proof of Green's Theorem, but using (3.1.23). (b) Let F = r/r3 = r/r2
(see page 140). Let S be a piece-wise smooth closed surface so that the origin
O of the frame is not on the surface. Show that
II F.d<r = C'
I 0,
S end
° S e S thG °rigin'
S does not enclose the origin.
Gauss's Theorem 153
where fie is the outside normal vector to dG. Hint: the left- and right-hand
sides of (3.2.6) are vectors; denote them by v and w, respectively. The claim is
that v-b = w -b for every constant vector b; in cartesian coordinates, it is enough
to verify this equality for only three vectors, i,J,k instead of every b. By the
properties of the scalar triple product, b • (F x HG) = —(F x b) • HG- By Gauss's
ff{F xb)nada = fff div(F x b) dV,
dG G
We will now use Gauss's Theorem to derive the basic equation of fluid
flow, called the E Q U A T I O N O F C O N T I N U I T Y . Assume t h a t the space M 3 is
filled with a continuum of point masses (particles). This continuum can
represent, for example, liquid, gas, or electric charges; accordingly, "mass"
represents the appropriate characteristic of t h a t continuum, such as the
mass of m a t t e r or electric charge. Denote by v = v(P, t) the velocity of the
point mass at the point P and time t, and by p = p(P,t), the density of
the point masses at the point P and time t. By definition,
recall that the positive direction of the flux is out of G, which reduces
the mass. On the other hand, M = fffp dV. Assuming that we can
differentiate under the integral, dM/dt = JJf(dp/dt) dV. If the functions
p and v are continuously differentiable, then, by Gauss's Theorem (3.2.4),
Jfpv-dcT = fff div(pv)dV. As a result, (3.2.7) implies
dG G
-£ + div(pv) - pi> ) dV = 0.
/ / / (
Given a point in space, this equality holds for every domain G containing
that point, and we therefore conclude that the equation of c o n t i n u i t y
-£+div(pv)=pu (3.2.8)
i F • nG ds = / / d i v F d A . (3.2.10)
EXERCISE 3.2.6. c Derive (3.2.10) from Green's Theorem. Hint: ifr(t) =
x(t) i + y(t) j is the parametrization of dG, then r' = x' t + y' j is tangent to dG;
the vector y' i — x'j is therefore perpendicular to r' and points outside (verify
this). Then F • na ds = -Qdx + Pdy. Note that div J 1 = Px + Qv.
I F • dr = 17 c u r l F • dtr; (3.2.11)
if the boundary of S consists of several closed curves, then the integral on
the left is the sum of the corresponding integrals over all those curves.
According to some accounts, the first statement of this theorem ap-
peared in a letter to Stokes, written in 1850 by another English scientist,
Sir WILLIAM THOMSON (1824-1907), also known as LORD KELVIN.
EXERCISE 3.2.7. (a)c Verify that Stokes's Theorem implies Green's theo-
rem. (b) Prove Stokes's Theorem (the arguments are similar to the proof
of Greens Theorem).
The following result should be familiar from a course in multi-variable
calculus; Stokes's Theorem provides a key component for the proof.
T h e o r e m 3.2.4 Let F be a continuous vector field in a simply connected
domain G, and assume that, for every unit vector n, the scalar field F • ri
156 The Three Theorems
EXERCISE 3.2.8. (a)c Prove the theorem. Hint: for (i) => (ii), see Theorem
3.1.1. For (ii) =>• (Hi), use (3.1.30). For (Hi) =>• (i) use Stokes's Theorem. (b)B
Verify that the vector field F(x, y, z) = (-y/(x2+y2))i+(x/(x2+y2))j+OK
2 2
is irrotational in the domain {(x, y, z) : x +y > 0} (direct computation) but
does not have the path independence property there (integrate over a unit circle
in the (I, j) plane, centered at the origin). Explain why the result is consistent
with the above theorem (note that the function is not defined anywhere on the
z axis).
Assume that the vector field F satisfies the conditions of Stoke's Theo-
rem everywhere in M3. Then, by (3.2.11), the value of J J c u r l F • dcr does
not depend on the particular surface S, as long as the boundary of S is
the given simple closed piece-wise smooth curve C. This conclusion is con-
sistent with Gauss's Theorem. Indeed, let S\ and 5*2 be two orientable
piece-wise smooth surfaces with the same boundary C and no other points
in common, and denote by G the region enclosed by Si and S2 (draw a
picture). The boundary dG of G is the union of S\ and S2. If the vec-
tor field F is sufficiently smooth so that c u r l F satisfies the conditions of
Gauss's Theorem, then, by (3.2.11), ff curl F-dcr = J / / d i v ( c u r l F ) d V = 0,
dG G
where the last equality follows from (3.1.30) on page 139, and therefore
/ / curl F -dcr = JJ curl F • da, if the orientations of both Si and S2 agree
Si S2
with the orientation of C.
By now we have seen enough connections between Green's, Gauss's, and
Stokes's Theorems to suspect that there should be a way to unify the three
into one formula. Such a formula does indeed exist:
rise meaning of this formula and demonstrating that (3.2.1), (3.2.4), and
(3.2.11) all follow as particular cases requires a higher level of abstraction
and is done in differential geometry, where (3.2.12) is known as Stokes's
Theorem. The details are beyond the scope of this book and can be found
in most books on differential geometry, for example, in Section 8.2 of the
book Differentiable Manifolds: A First Course by L. Conlon, 1993.
The following exercise provides yet another application of Stokes's The-
orem. One of the results, namely, (3.2.14), will be used later in the analysis
of the magnetic dipole.
EXERCISE 3.2.9. c Let S be piece-wise smooth orientable surface and its
boundary OS, a simple closed piece-wise smooth curve. Assume that the
orientations of S and dS agree. Denote by n the field of unit normal
vectors on S, and by u, the field of unit tangent vectors on dS. (a) Show
that, for every continuously differentiable scalar function f,
/ / g r a d / x n d a = - I fuds. (3.2.13)
s ds
Hint: the left- and right-hand sides of (3.2.13) are vectors; denote them by v and
w, respectively. The claim is that v • b = w -b for every constant vector b; in the
cartesian coordinates, it is enough to verify this equality for only three vectors,
i,j,K instead of b. Note that, by Stokes's Theorem, w = f/(curl(/6)) -nda.
' s
By (3.1.30), curl(/6) = grad/ x b. Then use the properties of the scalar triple
product, (b) Taking f = TQ • r in (3.2.13), where TQ is a constant vector
and r is the vector field defined on page HO, and using (3.1.34), show that
T h e equation
V 2 / - g, (3.2.15)
V 2 / = 0, (3.2.16)
-i-da = 0. (3.2.18)
/ / an
Hint: Apply Gauss's Theorem to F = V / . (b) Show that (3.2.18) can fail
if the domain enclosed by S contains points that are not in G. Hint: take
/ = r _ 1 and G, the unit ball around the origin with the center removed.
///(/V^-9W)^ =/ / ( / | - 9 i ) *. (3.2,0)
G dG
EXERCISE 3.2.11. (a) Prove (3.2.19). Hint: apply Gauss's Theorem to the
vector field fVg. (b) Prove (3.2.20). Hint: in (3.2.19), switch f and g, then
take the difference of the two resulting identities.
Equalities (3.2.19) and (3.2.20) are known as Green's f i r s t and
second formulas (or identities).
EXERCISE 3.2.12? State and prove the two-dimensional versions of (3.2.18),
(3.2.19), and (3.2.20). Hint: you just have to replace triple integrals with
double, and surface integrals with line. For example, (3.2.19) becomes
EXERCISE 3.2.14. c (a) Show that the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson
equation can have at most one solution. Hint: use the first part of Theorem
3.2.6; the difference of two solutions is a harmonic function, (b) Show that
every two solutions of the Neumann problem differ by a constant. Hint: use
the second part of Theorem 3.2.6. (c) Show that the Neumann problem for the
Laplace equation has no solutions unless J J hda = 0. Hint: use (3.2.18).
The difference between the Dirichlet and Neumann problems is the
boundary c o n d i t i o n s imposed on the function / : in the first case, we
prescribe the values on the boundary of G to the function itself, and in the
second case, to the normal derivative of the function. A combination of the
two is possible and is called the Robin boundary value problem, when we
prescribe the values on dG to the expression af + (df/dn), where a is a
known function defined on dG. Finally, there is an oblique d e r i v a t i v e
problem, when the values on dG are prescribed to the expression V / • u,
where ix is a continuous unit vector field on dG. We only mention these
boundary conditions to illustrate the numerous problems that can be stud-
ied for the Poisson and Laplace equations.
While the Dirichlet problem is named after the German mathemati-
Laplace's and Poisson's Equations 161
cian J.P.G.L. Dirichlet, who did pioneering work in potential theory, the
origins of the other two names, Neumann and Robin, are less clear. Most
probably, the Neumann problem is named after the German mathematician
CARL G O T T F R I E D NEUMANN (1832-1925) for his contributions to poten-
tial theory. His father FRANZ E R N S T NEUMANN (1798-1895) worked in
mathematical physics and could have contributed to the subject as well.
We conclude this section by establishing the Dirichlet principle for the
Poisson equation. As before, let G be a bounded domain whose boundary
dG is a closed orientable piece-wise smooth surface. Let g be a continuous
function on G, and h, a function continuous on some domain containing
dG. We assume that all functions are real-valued.
Denote by U the set of functions so that every function
in U is twice continuously differentiable in an open set
containing G and is equal to h on dG.
/ / / ("V/"2 + f9) dV =
/ / / ( V /
' VU + 9U)
^ (3 2 25)
- -
From the one-variable calculus we know that F'(0) must be equal to zero.
Applying (3.2.19) and keeping in mind that, by assumption, v = 0 on dG,
we conclude that
c2 = — (3.3.6)
holds, where c is the speed of light in vacuum.
The starting point in the derivation of (3.3.2) is Coulomb's Law, discov-
ered experimentally in 1785 by the French physicist CHARLES AUGUSTIN
DE COULOMB (1736-1806). Originally stated as the inverse-square law for
the force between two charges, the result also provides the electric field E
produced by a point charge q: if q is located at the point O, then, for every
point P ^ O,
E{p) = (3 3 7)
= ^\oPJ ^^- --
Let S be closed piece-wise smooth surface enclosing the point O. Then
E(P) is denned at all points P on S. According to (3.2.5), page 152, / / E •
da = q/eo. By linearity, if there are finitely many point charges qi,-.-,qn
inside S, and E is the total electric field produced by these charges, then
and equation (3.3.2) follows from Gauss's Theorem (see Theorem 3.2.2).
EXERCISE 3.3.l. c Verify that (3.3.9) indeed implies (3.3.2).
Equation (3.3.9) is important in its own right and is known as Gauss's
Law of E l e c t r i c Flux.
Equation (3.3.3) is the analog of (3.3.2) for the magnetic field and re-
flects the experimental fact that there are no single magnetic charges, or
The starting point in the derivation of (3.3.4) is Faraday' s Law, discov-
ered experimentally in 1831 by the English physicist and chemist MICHAEL
FARADAY (1791-1867): a change in time of a magnetic field B induces
an electric field E. This law is the underlying principle of electricity gen-
eration: the electric field E produces an electric current in a conductor.
Mathematically, if S is a piece-wise smooth orientable surface with a closed
piece-wise smooth boundary dS so that the orientations of S and dS agree,
<3 3io
/ „ * • * — / / £ •"• - >
Equation (3.3.4) now follows from Stake's Theorem (Theorem 3.2.3). Note
that §QS E • dr = V is the voltage drop along dS. For a coil without a
ferromagnetic core, electric current I through the coil produces magnetic
field B whose flux is proportional to / : — JJ B • da = LI, where L is
the inductance of the coil. Then (3.3.10) becomes V = Ldl/dt, which is a
fundamental relation in the theory of electrical circuits.
EXERCISE 3.3.2.c Verify that (3.3.10) indeed implies (3.3.4).
The starting point in the derivation of (3.3.5) is an experimental fact
that a steady electric current produces a magnetic field. In 1820, the Danish
physicist HANS CHRISTIAN 0RSTED (1777-1851) observed that a steady
electric current deflects a compass needle. The French scientist ANDRE-
M A R I E A M P E R E (1775-1836) learned about this discovery on September
11, 1820; one week later, he presented a paper to the French Academy with
166 Maxwell's Equations
Maxwell used the equation of continuity (3.2.8) and his first equation (3.3.2)
to extend (3.3.11) to time-varying currents in the form (3.3.5). Recall that
div (curl F) = 0 for every twice continuously differentiable vector field F.
Then, assuming B is twice continuously differentiable, we get from (3.3.11)
that div J = 0. On the other hand, if p is the density, per unit volume, of
the charges moving with velocity v, then J = pv, and, by the equation of
continuity with no sources and sinks,
^ + d i v J = 0, (3.3.12)
where r^ = OOk, k = l,...,n, are the position vectors of the point charges,
rp = OP is the position vector of P, and we assume P ^ Ok for all k (draw
a picture).
EXERCISE 3.3.4.c Verify (3.3.13).
Now assume that there is a continuum of charges in K 3 with density p
so that the charge of a small region GQ around a point Q € M3 is approxi-
mately P(Q)TTI(GQ), where p is a twice continuously differentiable function
in R 3 and ^.(GQ) is the volume of GQ; the approximation becomes better as
the volume of GQ becomes smaller. We assume that p — 0 outside of some
bounded domain. This continuum of charges produces an electric field E
at every point P e K 3 . Using (3.3.13) and the result of Exercise 3.1.24,
V 2 t/ = - —, (3.3.15)
that is, the potential of the electric field satisfies the Poisson equation
(3.3.15) in K 3 . Our arguments also suggest that the second equality (3.3.14)
gives a solution of (3.3.15); see Problem 4.2 on page 427 for the precise
statement and proof of the corresponding result.
EXERCISE 3.3.7. (a)c Verify that (3.3.15) follows from (3.3.2). (b)B
Taking for granted that the function U defined in (3.3.14) is twice con-
tinuously differentiable in M.3, use (3.3.15) to show that U is a harmonic
function outside of some bounded domain. Hint: recall that we assume that
p = 0 outside of some bounded domain.
The analogs of (3.3.2), (3.3.14), and (3.3.15) exist for every central,
inverse-square field, such as the gravitational field.
EXERCISE 3.3.8. c Let E = E{P), P e M3, be the g r a v i t a t i o n a l f i e l d
i n t e n s i t y vector, so that F = mE(P) is the force acting on a point
mass m placed at the point P. Verify that
where G is the universal gravitational constant (see page 45) and p is the
density, per unit volume, of the mass producing the gravitational field. Hint:
for a point mass M at the origin, E{P) = —MGr~2r = M G V ( l / r ) . Then re-
peat the arguments that lead from (3.3.7) to (3.3.9) and from (3.3.13) to (3.3.15).
Let us now consider the magnetic field. By Maxwell's equation (3.3.4),
the vector field B is solenoidal, that is, has zero divergence. The condition
div B — 0 is satisfied if
B = cm\A (3.3.17)
for some vector field A; if we can find A, then we can find B. This field
A is called a v e c t o r p o t e n t i a l of B. Note that, if it exists, A is not
unique: for every sufficiently smooth scalar field / , A\ = A + grad / is
also a vector potential of B, because curl(grad/) = 0. On the other hand,
div A\ = div A + V 2 / ; with a suitable choice of / we can ensure that the
vector potential satisfies
div^4 = 0. (3.3.18)
Equations in Vacuum 169
V 2 A = -HQJ. (3.3.19)
with integration over t h e points Q g R where J is not zero.
Hint: Note that, for the purpose of differentiating the expression under the integral
in (3.3.20), the point Q is fixed and the point P is variable. Accordingly, place the
origin at the point Q; then you need to compute curl(J/r), where J is a constant
vector. Recall that V ( l / r ) = —r/r3 and use a suitable formula from the collection
(3.1.30) on page 139.
B{P) (3 3 22)
-^^PQf' --
170 Maxwell's Equations
where u is the unit vector along the wire in the direction of the current,
Q is the point on the wire closest to P, and J is the current measured in
amperes. In particular, the magnitude of B is inversely proportional to the
distance from the wire.
EXERCISE 3.3.11. (a)B Draw a picture illustrating (3.3.22) and derive
(3.3.22) from (3.3.21). Hint: consider a uniform cylindrical wire of small ra-
dius. (b)c Let C be a circle of radius R in the plane perpendicular to the
wire and center the wire. Show that (3.3.22) implies § B • dr = fi0I- (c)B
Show that the result of part (b) is true for every simple closed piece-wise
smooth curve enclosing the wire.
EXERCISE 3.3.12^ LetC be a simple piece-wise smooth curve representing an
infinitesimally thin conducting wire with current I (measured in amperes);
the value of the current does not depend on time but can be different at
different points of the wire. Assume that orientation ofC is in the direction
of the current. Use (3.3.21) to show that the resulting magnetic field B and
the corresponding vector potential A at a point P not in C are
l 1
U(r) = -?- ( - ) . (3.3.24)
47TE0 V l k - ^ l l l \\r-rA)
Let ro = {r\ + T2)/2 be the position vector of the midpoint of the line
Dipoles 171
segment connecting q and —q. In what follows, we will find the approximate
value of U at the points that are far away from both q and —q, that is, when
\\r — ro|| is much bigger than the distance ||ri — T*2|| between the point
charges. In Problem 4.3, page 429, we discuss the lines of force for the
dipole, that is, the solutions of the differential equation r(t) = —Vf/(r).
To simplify the computations, define x = r — ro and 1*12 = r\ — TI.
U{r) = (3 3 25)
i ( | | t - ( l / 2 ) r 1 2 | | ~ ||t + ( l / 2 ) r 1 2 | | ) " - -
1 1
\\u — v\\ \\u
+ T-^\ HI»NI- ( 3 - 3 - 26 )
For the exact expansion of l/||tt—v\\ in the powers of ||u||/||u||, see Problem
4.4, page 430. Applying this approximation to (3.3.25) with u = x = r — r0
and v = ± r i 2 / 2 , we find
EXERCISE 3.3.14. B (a) Verify (3.3.27) and show that the approximation
error is of order (||T"I — T , 2||/||r — T"o||)2. (b) Using the relation E = —VC/,
verify that
have the potential and the electric field at every point with position vector
r as follows:
1 dr „, . 1 (Z(d-r)r d
U(r) = ~ ^ r ^ d5-, E(r) = ^ - (' ^ - ^ - —
£ ). (3.3.29)
47T£o r 47T£o
where u is the unit tangent vector to C in the direction of the current, and
Q is a (varying) point on C. Denote by O the center of the circle C. Then
\PQ\ = \\OP — OQ||, and OQ is perpendicular to the tangent vector at the
point Q. As with the electric dipole, we want to get an approximation of
A at the point P that is far away from C, that is, when |OP| is much larger
than the radius \OQ\ of the circle (draw a picture!) Using (3.3.26), we find
1 1 / OP-OQ\
\PQ\ \OP\ \' 1+ \OP\2 J' '
*4^(£" + |wH (3331)
Equations in Material Media 173
EXERCISE 3.3.17? Find the magnetic field B of the point magnetic dipole.
J = aE, (3.3.34)
(3 3 38)
^(wod-mr --
176 Maxwell's Equations
EXERCISE Verify (3.3.38). Hint: use (3.1.33) on page UO, taking P
as the origin of the frame.
A{P) =
£ \IIIwQ\cmlMiQ)dV +
IIwQ\M{Q) X HGda
) '
\ G dG J
where dG is the boundary of G, which we assume to be piece-wise smooth,
closed, and orientable, and n g is the outside unit normal to dG. We
call Jb = curliW the bound current, and Kb = M x no, the surface
d e n s i t y of t h e bound current. Recall that a magnetic dipole is mod-
elled by a circular movement of electric charges, and the vector J& can be
interpreted as the total current produced by the charge movement in all
the point magnetic dipoles in G.
EXERCISE 3.3.19. (a)c Verify that (3.3.41) indeed follows from (3.3.39),
(3.3.40), and (3.2.6). (b)B Find the magnetic field corresponding to the
potential (3.3.41). Hint: recall that the magnetic field is curl A; in the resulting
computations, you now treat P as a variable and Q as fixed.
Suppose that the material has non-zero conductivity and there is a
steady current Je flowing in the material due to an external source of
electric field, for example, two electrodes embedded in the material and
connected to an external battery. The total current density in the material
is then J = J\, + Je = curliVT + Je. We assume the the system is in
equilibrium so that both J\, and Je do not depend on time. By the original
Ampere's Law (3.3.11) on page 166, the resulting magnetic field B satisfies
curlB = /x 0 (curlM + Je) or curl (B//xo — M ) = J e . We therefore define
the net magnetic field H, also called the magnetic f i e l d s t r e n g t h , as
H = B/fio - M, (3.3.42)
Equations in Material Media 177
= Je + ^ - . (3.3.44)
Hint: use the same arguments as in the derivation of (3.3.5).
In paramagnetic materials, the magnetic dipoles are aligned so that the
induced magnetic field B is stronger than in vacuum; the vector M has, on
average, the same direction as H: Jff(M • H) dV > 0. In diamagnetic
materials, the magnetic dipoles are aligned so that the induced magnetic
field B is weaker than in vacuum; the directions of M and H are, on the
average, opposite: JJf(M • H) dV < 0.
A material is called linear if magnetization M depends linearly on H,
that is, M = XmH, where Xm is called the magnetic s u s c e p t i b i l i t y of
the material. This linear relation holds for most materials when \\H\\ is
sufficiently small. By (3.3.42),
V x B = iiJe, (3.3.45)