LRP1 Expression in Colon Cancer Predicts
LRP1 Expression in Colon Cancer Predicts
LRP1 Expression in Colon Cancer Predicts
of the lamina propria expressed LRP1 (Figure 1D). In adenoma cells when compared with adenocarcinoma cells
adenocarcinoma, LRP1 was expressed in malignant cells (data not shown), and this whatever the grade.
in 244/307 (79%) of the cases. The mean IHC tumor score
was 6.22 ± 3.62. In these adenocarcinoma samples, stromal Microdissection analyses confirm low LRP1
fibroblasts expressed LRP1 in all cases (Figure 1E–1H). mRNA expression in malignant cells compared
The mean IHC stroma score was near optimal (10.82 ± to stromal cells
2.44). LRP1 was never found to be expressed in stromal
lymphocytes (Figure 1G). Immunohistochemical expression Owing to the difference of LRP1 IHC expression
of LRP1 was inversely correlated in malignant and stromal between stromal and malignant cells, we performed Laser
cells (p = 0.0003; R2 = 0.04). We didn’t find any difference Capture Microdissection (LCM) analyses to distinguish
of IHC scores between the center and the invasive front of between LRP1 mRNA expression arising from malignant
the adenocarcinomas for both tumor and stromal cells. and stromal cells. LCM was performed on available
Furthermore, IHC analyses performed on 14 fresh frozen samples of 32 colon adenocarcinomas. The
conventional adenomas (8 low-grade, 6 high-grade) efficiency of LCM for separating malignant and stromal
revealed that LRP1 IHC score was significantly higher in cell was ensured morphologically (Figure 2A and 2B)
Figure 3: Correlation of LRP1 mRNA levels with clinical and molecular findings. Left panel: LRP1 mRNA levels analyses
by qRT-PCR (dCt normalized with RPL32) on fresh frozen colon adenocarcinoma samples from our cohort compared with age (A),
BRAFV600E mutation (B) and CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP-H) (C). Right panel: Correlation analysis of LRP1 mRNA
expression levels extracted from the colorectal cancer cohort of the TCGA, as retrieved using cBioportal for Cancer Genomics (http:// web resources with sided adenocarcinomas (D), BRAF mutation (E), CIMP status (F), MSI status (G). and CDX2 mRNA
expression (H). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; ****p < 0.0001, Mann Whitney test. Abbreviations: H, high; L, Low; MSI, microsatellite
instability; MSS, microsatellite stability; CIMP, CpG island methylator phenotype.
Table 4: Univariate and multivariate analyses of factors associated with overall and event-free survival in our entire
cohort of 307 patients
Overall Survival Event Free Survival
Variables Univariate Multivariate Univariate Multivariate
p value HR 95%CI p value p value HR 95%CI p value
Age 0.005 1.03 1.01–1.05 0.0004 0.37 N.A
Metastasis (M0 vs. M+) <0.0001 2.10 1.40–3.13 <0.0001 <0.0001 1.57 1.01–2.45 0.04
Vascular invasion (yes vs. no) <0.0001 1.56 1.10–2.23 0.01 <0.0001 1.89 1.17–3.02 0.008
Perineural invasion (yes vs. no) 0.002 n.s <0.0001 n.s
Differentiation grade (3 vs. 1-2) 0.003 n.s 0.003 n.s
CDX2 IHC expression (yes vs. no) 0.0005 1.59 0.93–2.72 0.09 0.11 N.A
KRAS mutation (yes vs. no) 0.22 N.A 0.003 1.62 1.06–2.49 0.03
LRP1 IHC tumor score (low vs. high) 0.003 1.35 0.95–1.93 0.09 0.46 N.A
LRP1 IHC stroma score (low vs. high) 0.42 N.A 0.92 N.A
LRP1 mRNA 0.12 N.A 0.59 N.A
n.s: not significant; N.A: not adopted; HR: hazard ratio. Results were adjusted on T and N.
Then, LRP1 mutation was strongly associated with female To evaluate the putative contribution of miRNA,
gender (p < 0.0001), right tumor location (p = 0.04), MSI-H two of the most important miRNA implicated in LRP1
(p < 0.0001) and CIMP-H status (p = 0.0006) (Figure 6B). expression regulation i.e. miR-205 and miR-338-5p
Besides, LRP1 mRNA expression was lower expressed in the were assessed on available fresh frozen samples of 49
LRP1-mutated group when compared with LRP1 wild type adenocarcinomas and 29 paired normal colon mucosa.
group (p = 0.003) (Figure 6C). Hence, although infrequent, In these samples, both miR-205 and miR-338-5p were
LRP1 mutations may partly explain the decrease in LRP1 significantly higher expressed in adenocarcinomas than
mRNA expression in some CRC. in normal colon (Figure 7A and 7B). Moreover, linear
Due to the low rate of LRP1 mutation, it is likely regression analyses revealed that miR-205 tended to
that other phenomenon, such as epigenetic modifications, stimulate LRP1 mRNA expression (p = 0.06; R2 = 0.10)
may be involved in LRP1 gene expression regulation. (Figure 7C) despite the absence of correlation with LRP1
To explore LRP1 epigenetic modifications, we analyzed IHC score in tumor cells (Figure 7D). Additionally, no
both intronic and promoter methylation on available fresh
correlation was found between LRP1 mRNA level or
frozen samples of 64 adenocarcinomas and 39 normal
IHC score in tumor cells and miR-338-5p expression
colon mucosa. Surprisingly, LRP1 promoter or intronic
(Figure 7E and 7F). Thus, miR-205 expression does not
methylation levels were very low in all these samples.
appear to be implied in the low expression of LRP1 in
Moreover, LRP1 mRNA expression levels and LRP1 IHC
adenocarcinomatous cells.
score in tumor cells were neither correlated with LRP1
intronic or promoter levels nor with global methylation as
evaluated by LINE1 methylation levels (Figure 6D–6F). DISCUSSION
Available LRP1 methylation analyses from the
TCGA cohort (n = 212) [36] confirm the low level of LRP1 has been attributed a role in cancer. Such
LRP1 gene methylation (Figure 6G). In this cohort, no multifunctional endocytic receptor has both endocytic
correlation was found between LRP1 mRNA expression and signaling activities. LRP1 expression levels are often
and LRP1 methylation levels (p = 0.08). dysregulated in cancer, while LRP1 role varies from one
Thus, LRP1 methylation does not seem to be tumor type to another. In CRC, the role and impact of
involved in the regulation of LRP1 gene expression. LRP1 expression remained however unknown so far.
Figure 4: Survival analysis in colon cancer patients from our cohort compared with LRP1 immunohistochemical
expression in tumor cells. Kaplan-Meier curves of overall survival and event or progression free-survival probability for low (red
line) and high (blue line) LRP1 immunohistochemical (IHC) score in adenocarcinoma cells whatever the tumor stage (A, B), in stage IV
(metastatic) patients (C, D) and in stage IV patients treated with bevacizumab (E, F). IHC score were evaluated by multiplying staining
intensity (0 to 3) and percentage of positive malignant cells (0 to 4) obtained with anti-LRP1 clone 8G1 immunolabelling. Median IHC
score was used to separate low (score 0 to 4) and high (score 6 to 12) LRP1 IHC score. All p values were calculated using the log rank test.
patients, and was an important prognostic and predictive occurred in 6% of the TCGA cohort cases. These LRP1-
factor in metastatic patients. Finally, we found that LRP1 mutated cases shared the same clinical and molecular
expression could be partly regulated by LRP1 mutation. profile as those with low LRP1 IHC score in tumor cells
In our cohort, LRP1 was lower expressed, both at and low LRP1 mRNA expression: right location, MSI-H
mRNA and protein levels, in malignant cells compared and CIMP-H. Right colonic cancers with this molecular
with colonic mucosa and stromal cells. In colon mucosa, pattern correspond to the hypermutated type of the
we observed that LRP1 expression seems to be restricted TCGA molecular type of CRC [36]. Hypermutated CRC
to surface epithelium, which is the most specialised part of had a higher mutation rate than non-hypermutated CRC
the epithelium. However, the surface epithelium is about [36], this being mainly due to mismatch repair system
to undergo apoptosis. Thus, staining of these cells should deficiency related to MLH1 methylation. Thus, in this
be interpreted with caution. Some cells of the lamina molecular subgroup of CRC, loss of LRP1 expression
propria, especially myofibroblasts, expressed LRP1 as can partly be explained by LRP1 gene mutation. BRAF
previously described [30, 31]. In adenocarcinomas, IHC mutation is found in around 80–90 % of sporadic MSI-H
and LCM analyses highlighted the differential expression colorectal cancers [36]. Thus, low LRP1 mRNA might be
pattern of LRP1 between tumor and stromal cells. Such a correlated to BRAF mutation through the hypermutator
loss of LRP1 expression in tumor cells as well as its strong type of CRC. Furthermore, hypermutated CRC are also
expression in stromal fibroblast were previously described known as displaying frequent gene hypermethylation. Due
in small cohorts of CRC [30, 31] and in other types of to the abundance of CpG islands in LRP1 gene promoter
cancer such as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma [39] and and frequent hypermethylation of LRP1B, another member
lung adenocarcinoma [21]. These previous studies showed of the LRP family, in various cancer types [40, 41], it
that this differential expression between tumor and stromal could be possible that LRP1 gene methylation might
cells seems to play a role in tumor aggressiveness. In regulate its expression. However, in our cohort as well as
pancreatic carcinoma, high stromal expression of LRP1 in the TCGA cohort, the methylation level of both intronic
was correlated with a decreased activation of caspase 3 in and promoter region of LRP1 was very low, suggesting
tumor cells and increased level of SNAIL, a transcription that epigenetic regulation by methylation was not involved
factor promoting epithelial-mesenchymal transition and in the regulation of LRP1 expression.
cell migration [39]. In CRC, high stromal expression of We therefore investigated the role of microRNAs
LRP1 was correlated with high u-PA expression in stromal (miRNAs) regulation on LRP1 expression. Previous
cells [30]. In hepatocellular carcinoma and Wills tumor studies on vascular smooth muscle cells, glioma and lung
cells, the diminished expression of LRP1 in tumor cells carcinoma cells showed that expression of LRP1 was
correlated with increased levels of MMP9, probably due negatively regulated by miR-205 [42, 43]. This reduced
to loss of LRP1-mediated endocytosis [20, 23]. Thus, expression of LRP1 by miR-205 led to decreased tumor
the differential expression of LRP1 between tumor and cell migration [42]. In colon cancer, miR-205 expression
stromal cells might confer survival and spreading benefits findings are conflicting. In one study [44], miR-205 was
for tumor cell in some tumor types including CRC. higher expressed in colon cancer than in paired normal
The loss of LRP1 expression in tumor cells is colon. Another study found inverse results [45]. These
partly explained by mutations in LRP1 gene. Indeed, studies also found conflicting results regarding the role
we observed a loss of LRP1 IHC expression in 21% of of miR-205 in regulation of cell proliferation [44, 45].
the cases in our cohort, while LRP1 gene mutation only Moreover, contrary to previous studies, we found that
Figure 5: Event-free survival analyses in an independant cohort. Publicly available SieberSmith gene expression dataset was
obtained from R2 microarray analysis and visualization platform (, and used for survival analyses. Event-free survival
Kaplan-Meier curves for LRP1 mRNA expression in all stages (A), in stage II (B) and in stage III patients (C). (D) Progression-free
survival Kaplan-Meier curve for LRP1 mRNA expression in stage IV patients. All p values were calculated using the log rank test and
computed using R2 online tools.
Molecular Subtype consortium [32]. These subtypes were in tumor cells had shorter OS, even when treated with
found in several studies to be associated with serrated bevacizumab. However, our results in metastatic patients
pathway and to have a poor prognosis, particularly after are limited by the small number of patients treated with
relapse [32–35]. In our cohort, low LRP1 IHC score in bevacizumab in our cohort (n = 37) and the lack of NRAS
tumor cells was associated with poor OS particularly in status data. Nevertheless, in view of our promising results,
metastatic (stage IV) patients. Inverse results were found we believe the potential role of LRP1 IHC for predicting
in the SieberSmith cohort, in which LRP1 expression bevacizumab benefit in metastatic CRC patient needs to be
was assessed by qRT-PCR. In this cohort, low LRP1 studied in larger and prospective cohorts.
mRNA expression was related to better EFS. However, The prognosis impact of low LRP1 IHC expression in
mRNA expression reflects combined stromal and tumor malignant cells from stage IV patients may only be partly
cells expression. Conversely, our LCM analyses showed explained by its association with microsatellite instability.
first that LRP1 was overexpressed in stromal cells Indeed, stage II-III MSI CRC had a better prognosis than
when compared with tumor cells and second that LRP1 stage II-III MSS CRC. However, stage IV MSI CRC are
mRNA expression in tumor cells obtained by LCM were associated with poor prognosis and chemoresistance,
correlated to LRP1 IHC score on tumor cells. Thus, LRP1 especially to 5FU-based chemotherapy [51]. Thus, the
mRNA expression levels on whole tumor samples is more association of low LRP1 expression with MSI might explain
likely to reflect stromal cell expression rather than being the pejorative prognosis impact of low LRP1 expression on
representative of tumor cell expression. Moreover, in metastatic patients only. Moreover, a recent study had shown
our cohort, high stromal LRP1 IHC expression in stage that stage IV CRC that were non-responders to bevacizumab
IV patients was associated with poor PFS. Thus, the therapy had a higher level of MMP12 expression than
results of the SieberSmith cohort might more reflect the responders [52]. This increase in MMP12 expression may be
prognosis impact of LRP1 expression in stromal cells. So, favored by the decrease of LRP1 expression. However, this
we think that LRP1 mRNA expression results obtained hypothesis remains to be demonstrated.
from the SieberSmith cohort should not be completely In summary, our study show that low LRP1 IHC
superimposed with our IHC findings. In addition, the expression in malignant colon adenocarcinoma cells is
IHC score on tumor cells can be easily and routinely a strong prognosis predicator, especially in metastatic
performed on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded CRC patients, in which it predicts a shorter OS in patients
tissue, while mRNA analyses requires high quality fresh treated by anti-VEGF therapies. The lower expression of
frozen tissue. Thus, from a practical point of view, LRP1 LRP1 in malignant cells is partly explained by LRP1 gene
IHC score assessed in malignant cells seems to be more mutation through the hypermutator type of CRC.
informative for clinical outcome rather than global mRNA
expression. Other studies are needed to clarify our results MATERIALS AND METHODS
regarding LRP1 IHC expression in malignant and stromal
cells. Patients
To date, the biologic agents that have been proven
as having clinical benefits in metastatic CRC mainly The study was conducted on adult patients who
target VEGF and EGFR. In particular, bevacizumab underwent surgery for sporadic colon cancer in the Digestive
targeting VEGF and cetuximab or panitumumab targeting Surgery Department of the Academic Hospital of Reims
EGFR have demonstrated significant survival benefits between September 2006 and December 2012. Patients
in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy in first- with rectal cancer were excluded. All patients had given
line, second-line, or salvage setting. However, recent their consent for biospecimen use. The study was performed
retrospective analyses have shown that KRAS or NRAS in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in
mutations were negative predictive markers for anti-EGFR the Declaration of Helsinki. Written patients’ consent for
therapy [47]. The mechanisms of action of anti-VEGF are biospecimen use was obtained in all cases. Approval for the
not completely understood, and apart from right tumor study was previously obtained from the local Institutional
location, no predictive factor has yet been validated [48, Review Board and the Tissue Bank Management Board.
49]. The role of KRAS or NRAS mutation for bevacizumab Study design was published on web site in
therapy efficiency prediction has not been defined yet May 2016 (#NCT02788669).
[50]. In our study, low LRP1 IHC score in tumor cells was Clinical data including age at the time of surgery,
an indicator of poor OS and PFS in metastatic patients. sex, performance status, surgical circumstances (tumor
Indeed, stage IV patients with low LRP1 IHC score perforation, occlusion), tumor location, synchronous or
Figure 7: Comparison of miR-205 and miR-338-5p expression with LRP1 expression. Analyses of miR-205 (A) and miR-
338-5p (B) expression by qRT-PCR in fresh frozen colon cancer adenocarcinoma compared with normal colon mucosa from our cohort (*p
< 0.05, ***p < 0.001, Mann Whitney test). Linear regression analysis of LRP1 mRNA expression levels evaluated by qRT-PCR on complete
fresh frozen adenocarcinoma sample against miR-205 (C) and miR-338-5p (E) expression. Linear regression analysis of miR-205 (D)
and miR-338-5p (F) expression against LRP1 immunohistochemical (IHC) score of tumor cells. IHC score was assessed by multiplying
staining intensity (0 to 3) and percentage of positive tumor cells (0 to 4) with anti-LRP1 clone 8G1 immunolabelling.