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Digital Video Camera

DXC-D55 Series

14-bit Full-Digital Production Camera –
Offers Top-quality SDTV Video Production Opportunities
From the very first model, Sony DXC Series standard definition (SD) production cameras have
been widely accepted by a great number of video professionals around the world, due to their
excellent picture performance, system versatility, and cost efficiency. Sony is now proud to
introduce the new DXC-D55 Series which uses the latest 14-bit A/D conversion circuit as well as
the field-proven 2/3-inch type Power HAD™ EX CCDs to further enhance the DXC portfolio.

The DXC-D55 Series consists of two cameras: the DXC-D55 4:3 model, and the DXC-D55WS
16:9/4:3 switchable model. Both models incorporate three 2/3-inch type Power HAD EX CCDs
and the latest 14-bit A/D conversion circuit. These key devices deliver excellent sensitivity and
signal-to-noise ratio, together with reduced smear level compared to that of the previous model.
In addition to superb picture quality, these cameras offer extremely precise and flexible image
controls such as highlight control, contrast control, and detail control, thanks to the sophisticated
DSP LSI with more than 30-bit accuracy.

Another important characteristic of the DXC-D55/D55WS Series is its system flexibility.

Two types of camera control unit are available – the CCU-D50/D50P for multi-core operation,
and the CCU-TX50/TX50P for triax operation. Furthermore, the RCP-D50/D51 Remote Control
Unit is also available for the series.

With class-leading SD picture quality, operational conveniences, and system flexibility, the Sony
DXC-D55/D55WS Series brings new opportunities for high-quality, creative productions to a wide
range of video professionals at an affordable price.

* In this brochure, DXC-D55 refers to both the DXC-D55 for

NTSC and the DXC-D55P for PAL, while DXC-D55WS refers to
both the DXC-D55WS for NTSC and the DXC-D55WSP for PAL.


Excellent Picture Quality Advanced Digital Signal Processing (ADSP)

A key indicator of quality in a DSP camera is
Three-chip 2/3-inch Type how many bits are used in its nonlinear
Power HAD EX CCDs processes, such as gamma correction. The
The DXC-D55/D55WS Series is equipped with DXC-D55/D55WS Series uses more than 30
the field-proven three-chip 2/3-inch type Power bits, thus minimizing rounding errors and
HAD EX CCDs, offering high horizontal maintaining the high-quality images captured
resolutions of 920* TV lines. These high- by the Power HAD EX CCDs. This advanced
performance CCDs also provide an excellent digital signal processing (ADSP) also enables
sensitivity of F11 (at 2000 lx, 3200K), a highly sophisticated image controls, such as
remarkable signal-to-noise ratio of 65 dB knee saturation, adaptive highlight control, and
(NTSC)/63 dB (PAL), and an extremely low skin-tone detail controls.
smear level of -145 dB (typical).
*On DXC-D55 and DXC-D55P models


14-bit A/D Conversion High-performance Digital Signal Processing

The Sony DXC-D55/D55WS incorporates a
high-quality14-bit A/D conversion circuit that
allows images captured by the Power HAD EX
CCDs to be processed with four times the
precision than 12-bit A/D converters. In
particular, this higher resolution reproduces the
contrast more faithfully in mid-to-dark-tone
areas of the picture. In addition, the 14-bit
accuracy helps to eliminate pre-knee signal
compression at highlight areas, and allows the
camera to clearly reproduce a high-luminance

12-bit 14-bit

High-intergrity 14-bit A/D Conversion


Knee Saturation Control

In general, shooting very bright portions of an

object such as key light reflections from a
person’s forehead can reduce color saturation
and change the hue in highlight areas. The
knee saturation control function incorporated in
the DXC-D55/D55WS Series effectively reduces
this ‘washed-out’ effect on saturation and hue
changes, and reproduces far more natural color
in highlight areas.
Knee Saturation Control Off Knee Saturation Control On
Images simulated

Adaptive Highlight Control

The DXC-D55/D55WS Series offers an

outstanding overexposure control by applying
multiple knee-points/slopes to handle highlight
areas in a dynamic manner. By analyzing the
highlight areas of a scene, the camera
automatically sets and optimizes multiple knee
points/slopes accordingly. This enables the
Adaptive Highlight Control Off Adaptive Highlight Control On
Images simulated
reproduction of extremely difficult scenes (for
example, an interior scene with a bright
illuminant such as sunlight in the background)
with wide exposure latitude. The adaptive
highlight control applies only to input video
levels in excess of the knee point; the middle-
and low-luminance parts of the video signal are
unaffected by this control.

Knee Curve Image

Low Key Saturation

With conventional cameras, low-light areas can

be subject to reduced saturation, resulting in
the color in these areas being ‘washed-out’.
The low key saturation function incorporated in
the DXC-D55/D55WS Series helps eliminate this
problem by optimizing the amplification of
color saturation at low light levels, providing
Low Key Saturation Off Low Key Saturation On more natural color reproduction.

Skin-tone Detail Control

The skin-tone detail control function in the

DXC-D55/D55WS Series allows softening of the
skin-tone detail in the facial area, while
maintaining the sharpness of other parts of the
picture. The skin-tone detail area can be
selected simply and quickly, using an area-
detect cursor in the viewfinder screen. The
Skin-tone Detail Control Off Skin-tone Detail Control On color range for skin-tone detail and the skin
detail level can also be selected manually, using
the viewfinder menu system.


Enhanced Ease of Built-in Optical ND Filter Easy-to-see Viewfinder

Operation and Electronic CC Function
The DXC-D55/D55WS* is equipped
Recognizing the importance of The DXC-D55/D55WS Series with the DXF-801 1.5-inch** 4:3
making camera operation as quick provides optimum light and color monochrome viewfinder as
temperature control by using a built- standard. The DXF-20W 2.0-inch**
and straightforward as possible,
in optical ND (Neutral Density) filter 16:9 monochrome viewfinder is also
DXC-D55/D55WS cameras provide available as an option. Furthermore,
wheel and electronic CC (Color
several convenient functions for studio operations, the wider
Correction) function. The use of
enabling operators to start electronic color correction allows all DXF-51 5.0-inch** monochrome
shooting with minimum setup filters in the filter wheel to be of the viewfinder can be mounted on the
procedures, and in less time. ND type, providing the operator camera adaptor.
with great flexibility in depth-of-field * The DXF-801 is not included in the
EZ Focus and exposure control. Electronic DXC-D55H/D55PH package.
The EZ Focus function allows color correction can also be ** Viewable area measured diagonally
accurate focus adjustments without controlled using a remote controller,
manually opening the lens iris. for even easier operation.
Simply by pushing the EZ Focus
button, the iris automatically opens
to reduce the depth of field and
make focusing significantly easier.
At the same time, the electronic
shutter is automatically set to obtain
the correct exposure.
EZ Mode VF Light
Settings for key camera parameters
are instantly set to the standard or
auto position simply by pressing the
EZ Mode button – making the
camera instantly ready for shooting.
This feature is very convenient when
operators require fast camera setup.
Auto-Tracing White Balance •
The DXC-D55/D55WS camera •
features a convenient Auto Tracing
White Balance (ATW) function,
which automatically adjusts white
balance as lighting conditions
change. This function is very useful
when shooting in rapidly changing
lighting conditions, such as when
moving from indoor to outdoor


Factory-preset Matrix
Backlit Switch Panel Memory Stick Storage of
The DXC-D55/D55WS Series is equipped
Camera Setup Parameters
The DXC-55/D55WS’s switch panel with several types of factory-preset matrix
is backlit, allowing operators to see The DXC-D55/D55WS Series is capable of files which allow operators to instantly set
switch positions in dark saving and recalling setup parameters up camera parameters that match common
environments. such as scene files, reference files, and lighting situations, such as STANDARD,
lens files, via Memory Stick™ media. This HIGH SATURATION, FLORESCENT, etc.
allows users to effectively manage camera
parameters for individual scenes, plus
individual operators’ camera-setup Other Convenient Features
preferences, such as viewfinder indicator
settings. Setup parameter files stored on • Programmable gain
a Memory Stick media card can be (-3/0/3/6/9/12/18/24/30/36 dB)
transferred to another DXC-D55/D55WS • Variable-speed electronic shutter
camera or a RCP-D50/D51 Remote • Clear Scan™(CLS) function: 60.1
Control Unit, allowing quick, easy setup (NTSC)/50.2 (PAL) Hz to 6000 Hz
in multiple camera systems. What’s more, • Monitor output
setup files can be loaded to a PC • Built-in 1 kHz audio reference
equipped with a Memory Stick slot, • Date-and-time superimposition on the
enabling them to be e-mailed as video signal and viewfinder
attachments and shared with other • Enhanced Vertical-Definition System (EVS)
cameras. • Auto iris mode (spot, backlight)
• Mic low cut
* The MSH-128/64/32 is the only “Memory
• Dual zebra
Stick” media that has been operationally
tested with this product. (The MSH-64/32 is
no longer available.)

Adjustable Shoulder Pad

The position of the DXC-55/D55WS’s
shoulder pad can be adjusted – either
forwards or backwards – to provide
the operator with a comfortable,
well-balanced camera when docked
with a camera adaptor.


The high picture quality and operability of DXC-D55/D55WS cameras is supported by

a range of peripherals that make camera system installation very smooth, both in the studio
and out in the field.
The DXC-D55/D55WS can be configured in two main operating styles: Multi-core CCU and
Triax CCU operation. Easy-to-use remote control panels are also available for added
operational convenience.

Multi-core CCU Operation – for End-to-end Digital Systems

CCU-D50/D50P and CA-D50

With the CA-D50 Camera Adaptor attached, the DXC-D55/D55WS can be remotely controlled from
the CCU-D50/D50P Multi-core Camera Control Unit using a CCZ-A cable (26-pin). The video and
audio output of the CA-D50 Camera Adaptor are transferred to the CCU-D50/D50P Camera Control
Unit as an SDI signal*1 through a CCZ-A cable up to 75 m (246 feet) long. This combination allows
for the establishment of a full digital-acquisition system.

The CCU-D50/D50P system supports the following features:

• Digital or analog signal switchable • Analog composite output and one of the
transmission following outputs: SDI, Y/R-Y/B-Y, RGB, Y/C
• Up to 75 m (246 feet) SDI transmission via a • Wide variety of control functions
CCZ-A cable (26-pin) • Compatibility with RCP-D50 and RCP-D51
• Up to 200 m (656 feet) SDI transmission Remote Control Panels
using a separate low-loss coaxial video cable • Support for major intercom systems
in addition to a CCZ cable (two-wire/four-wire/RTS/Clearcom)
• Analog transmission for longer control • Teleprompter support
distances of up to 300 m (984 feet) via a • Red/Green tally indication*2
CCZ-A cable • Fan alarm LED*2
*1 Embedded audio is not supported.
*2 The tally and fan alarm share the same LED.

CCU-D50 Front Panel

CCU-D50 Rear Panel

CCU-TX50 Front Panel CCU-TX50 Rear Panel

Triax CCU Operation – for Wide-bandwidth Transmission

CCU-TX50/TX50P* and CA-TX50/TX50P

With the CA-TX50/TX50P Triax Camera Adaptor attached, the DXC-D55/D55WS can be remotely
controlled from the CCU-TX50/TX50P Camera Control Unit using a triax cable, the use of which
enables sophisticated remote control over extended operating distances. A wide-bandwidth
transmission system is employed, enabling the high resolution images of DXC-D55/D55WS cameras
to be transmitted with virtually no drop in resolution.

The CCU-TX50/TX50P supports the following features:

• Wide-bandwidth transmission • One component output
(10 MHz for Y and 4.5 MHz for R-Y/B-Y) (Y/R-Y/B-Y or R/G/B selectable)
• High-quality analog component video • Three inputs for return video (BNC type)
transmission • Teleprompter support
• Long-distance transmission • Red/Green tally indication
(eg. 1500 m via a ø14.5 mm cable) • Support for major intercom systems
• Compact design – half rack width and 3U (four-wire/RTS/Clearcom)
height • Program audio input
• Wide range of advanced control functions • Two-channel microphone system
• Compatibility with the RCP-D50 and (two XLR connectors)
RCP-D51 Remote Control Panels * Upgrading is required for the existing CCU-TX50/TX50P
• Three SDI outputs or three composite to interface with the DXC-D55.


Remote Control Panels

Two types of remote controllers are available for remote operation of the DXC-D55/D55WS camera,
each offering direct camera control.

RCP-D50 (Joystick Type)

RCP-D51 (Dial Type)
The RCP-D50 and RCP-D51 have been designed
for use with Sony DXC-D55/D55WS cameras.
The RCP-D50 is a joystick-type controller, while
the RCP-D51 is a dial-type controller. Both are
equipped with a 3.5-inch* color touch panel
LCD screen and offer extensive control of
camera functions through easy-to-use menu-
based operations. The LCD also allows the
incoming camera image to be monitored – a
feature that comes in handy when identifying
which RCP is controlling which camera in multi-
camera systems.
Another convenient feature is the Memory Stick
system, which allows various scene files to be
stored on and recalled from the Memory Stick
media, and loaded to either a different
RCP-D50/D51 controller, or to a
DXC-D55/D55WS camera.
* Viewable area measured diagonally RCP-D51 (Dial)

RCP-D50 (Joystick)



4:3 model 16:9/4:3 model

VCT-U14 Tripod Adaptor Option Supplied Supplied Option Supplied
DXF-801 Viewfinder Option Supplied Supplied Option Supplied
Microphone Option Supplied Supplied Option Supplied
Lens (VCL-920BY) Option Option Supplied Option Option


CA-D50 CA-TX50/TX50P CCU-D50/D50P CCU-TX50/TX50P RCP-D50

Camera Adaptor Camera Adaptor (Triax) Camera Control Unit Camera Control Unit Remote Control Panel
(Multi-core) (Multi-core) (Triax)

RCP-D51 DXF-801 DXF-20W DXF-51 VCT-U14

Remote Control Panel 1.5-inch*1 4:3 Monochrome 2-inch*1 16:9 Monochrome 5-inch*1 4:3 Monochrome Tripod Adaptor
Viewfinder Viewfinder Viewfinder

AC-DN10 ECM-674/673 CAC-12 WRR-861A/861B WRR-862A/862B

AC Adaptor Electret Condenser Microphone Holder UHF Synthesized Tuner UHF Synthesized Tuner
Microphone (can be mounted on (can be mounted on
the CA-TX50) the CA-TX50)

CCA-7-5/25 CCZ-A5/A10/A25 MSH-128 LCR-1 LC-HB330

Connecting Cable Connecting Cable Memory Stick Rain Cover Hard Carrying Case
(10-pin - 10-pin) (26-pin - 26-pin)

*1 Viewable area measured diagonally

Lenses from Other Manufacturers


(Canon) (Canon) (Fujinon) (Fujinon)

For details, please contact each manufacturer



Power requirements DC 12 V (10.5 to 17 V)
Power consumption 14 W
Operating temperature -10 °C to +45 °C (+14 °F to +113 °F)
Storage temperature -20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)
Operating humidity Less than 85%
Mass (camera head only) 2.2 kg (4 lb 13 oz)
Signal inputs/outputs
Video output Analog composite, BNC, 1.0 Vp-p, sync negative
Monitor output Analog composite, BNC, 1.0 Vp-p, sync negative
Microphone input XLR-3-pin
Other inputs/outputs
Camera/VTR interface Pro 76-pin Digital, Pro 50-pin
Lens 12-pin
VF 20-pin
Remote 10-pin
Camera performance
Pickup device 3-chip 2/3-inch type Power HAD EX CCD
Aspect ratio 4:3 16:9/4:3 switchable
Total picture elements (H x V) 1038 x 1008 1038 x 1188 1038 x 1008 1038 x 1188
Effective picture elements (H x V) 980 x 494 980 x 582 980 x 494 980 x 582
Optical system F1.4 prism system
Built-in filters 1: Clear, 2: 1/4ND, 3: 1/16ND, 4: 1/64ND
Lens mount Sony 2/3-inch bayonet mount
Signal system NTSC color system PAL color system NTSC color system PAL color system
Scan format 2:1 interlaced, 525 lines, 60 fields/s 2:1 interlaced, 625 lines, 50 fields/s 2:1 interlaced, 525 lines, 60 fields/s 2:1 interlaced, 625 lines, 50 fields/s
Horizontal scan frequency 15.734 kHz 15.625 Hz 15.734 kHz 15.625 Hz
Vertical scan frequency 59.94 Hz 50 Hz 59.94 Hz 50 Hz
Sync system Internal and External with the VBS or BS signal
A/D conversion 14 bits
Sensitivity F11 at 2000 lx (3200 K, 89.9% reflectance) (typical)
Minimum illumination 0.5 lx with F1.4, Hyper gain (36 dB)/0.8 lx with F1.8, Hyper gain (36 dB)
Smear level -145 dB (typical)
Video S/N ratio (typical) 65 dB 63 dB 65 dB 63 dB
Horizontal resolution 920 TV lines 850 TV lines (4:3 mode)
800 TV lines (16:9 mode)
Vertical resolution 400 TV lines (without EVS) 480 TV lines (without EVS) 400 TV lines (without EVS) 480 TV lines (without EVS)
450 TV lines (with EVS) 530 TV lines (with EVS) 450 TV lines (with EVS) 530 TV lines (with EVS)
Shutter speed OFF, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, OFF, 1/60, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, OFF, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000, OFF, 1/60, 1/250, 1/500, 1/1000,
1/2000 s 1/2000 s 1/2000 s 1/2000 s
Clear scan 60.1 to 6000 Hz 50.2 to 6000 Hz 60.1 to 6000 Hz 50.2 to 6000 Hz
Gain selection -3, 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 dB
Registration 0.05% (all zones, without lens)
Geometric distortion Below measurable level
Viewfinder: DXF-801 (supplied with DXC-D55L/D55PL/D55PK/D55WSL/D55WSPL package)
CRT 1.5-inch monochrome, 4:3/16:9 switchable
Horizontal resolution 600 TV lines
Power requirements DC 12 V
Power consumption 2.4 W
Mass 620 g (1 lb 9 oz)
Dimensions (W x H x D) 241 x 91 x 203 mm (9 1/2 x 3 5/8 x 8 inches)
Lens: VCL-920BY (supplied with DXC-D55PK package only)
Focal length 8.5 to 170 mm
Zoom Manual or power selectable
Zoom ratio 20x
Maximum aperture 1:1.8
Aperture Manual or automatic selectable
Focusing range Infinity to 0.9 m
Filter attachment threads 82 mm dia. 0.75 mm pitch
Mounting Sony 2/3-inch type bayonet mount
Mass Approx. 1.3 kg (2 lb 14 oz) including lens hood
Dimensions (W x H x D) 122 x102 x 210 mm (4 7/8 x 4 1/8 x 8 3/8 inches) including lens hood, excluding lens grip
Supplied accessories
DXC-D55H/D55PH/D55WSH/D55WSPH: Operating instructions (x1), Lens mount cap (x1), Flange focal length adjustment test chart (x1)
DXC-D55L/D55PL//D55WSL/D55WSPL: Operating instructions (x1), Lens mount cap (x1), Flange focal length adjustment test chart (x1), DXF-801 Viewfinder (x1), Microphone (x1),
Wind screen (x1), VCT-U14 Tripod adaptor (x1)
DXC-D55PK: Operating instructions (x1), Lens mount cap (x1), Flange focal length adjustment test chart (x1), DXF-801 Viewfinder (x1), Microphone (x1), Wind screen (x1), VCT-U14 Tripod adaptor (x1),
VCL-920BY Zoom lens (x1)


Unit: mm (inches)

Distributed by ©2007 Sony Corporation of Hong Kong Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited.
Designs, features, and specifications are subject to change without notice.
All non-metric weights and measurements are approximate.
Some images in this brochure are simulated.
Sony, Clear Scan, Memory Stick and Power HAD are trademarks of
Sony Corporation.

MSD2007-603(10403V1)WEL0067 Printed in Hong Kong

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