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CASE STUDY 1: Application for Greenhouse

Trials with Ralstonia Genetically Modified

for Biocontrol of Bacterial Wilt in Potatoes

1. Brief Description of Proposed Trial Release

Ralstonia (syn. Pseudomonas) solanacearum causes bacterial wilt in potatoes in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This disease is growing into a serious limiting factor in the production of potatoes in the area. The loss
of this industry will have serious economic impact for the region. The disease affects both commercial
and small farmers. Laboratory experiments with insertion mutants of biovar2 strains of the pathogen
have shown considerable biocontrol activity against wild type strains of the pathogen. It is now neces-
sary to test the genetically modified biocontrol strains in more representative soil conditions, but this is
not currently possible in Africa because these countries do not yet have biosafety structures to assess
the risk parameters for greenhouse trials. For this reason, the applicant seeks to conduct greenhouse
trials in South Africa because its climate more closely reflects African environmental conditions than the
applicant’s research facilities in Europe.

2. Objective
2.1 What is the aim of the proposed trial release of the genetically modified organism (GMO)? What are
the benefits of this approach compared with other possible methods, especially those not involving
planned release?
The modified bacterial strain will be tested for its effectiveness in controlling pathogenic wild type
strains. Current control measures require that affected fields be left fallow for two to three years,
but this causes significant economic loss and hardship to African farming communities.

2.2 If the trial release is successful, do you intend to propose a general release of the GMO?

If so:
2.2.1 When do you propose that the general release would take place?
Only once regulatory frameworks are working in African countries.

Case Study 1 69
2.2.2 Where do you propose that the general release would take place?
Sub-Saharan Africa. However, if effective against local bacterial strains, a general release may of
interest to local agriculture agencies.

2.2.3 By whom do you propose that the GMO would be released?

Local agricultural agencies.

2.3 Do you intend to market the GMO as a product in this country?

Possibly, depending on how effective it is for local disease management.

3. Nature of Organism and Novel Genetic Material

3.1 What is the species of the GMO to be released?
A nonpathogenic mutant of the bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum.

3.2 Do the unmodified form(s) have any adverse effect on:

3.2.1 Humans, animals, or plants?


3.3.2 Agricultural production?


3.2.3 Any other aspect of the environment?


3.3 Furnish a description of the genetic, and resultant phenotypic, modifications of the GMO. This should
include the origin of the inserted DNA, the procedure used to induce the genetic modification, and
the extent to which it has been characterized.
Gene insertion was used to knock out the virulence gene in
the wild type strain. The inserted DNA, the omega cassette
Map of the omega cassette that was
used to disable virulence in Ralstonia on plasmid pKhrp42a, consisted of a kanamycin resistance
K EY gene (npt II) flanked by short segments of the hrp gene
hrp = target sequence for crossover which targeted the insertion to the virulence region. Wild
insertion into the Ralstonia virulence type bacteria were transformed using standard procedures
and transformants were selected on kanamycin-containing
Kan Kan = kanamycin resistance gene medium. The stability of the inserted DNA was tested over
many generations on selection and nonselection medium.

3.4 What is the frequency of reversion, i.e., loss of genetic modification?


70 Case Study Exercises

3.5 How do you verify that you have the desired GMO?
Km resistance.

3.6 What methods will you use to test for batch-to-batch consistency?
Molecular fingerprinting.

3.7 On the basis of contained experiments, describe:

3.7.1 The survival rates of the GMO in the spectrum of conditions that are likely to be found in the proposed
release area(s) and surrounding environment(s)
The mutants survive for long periods in laboratory conditions. Experiments monitoring GMO survival
in soil indicated that they decreased rapidly in the numbers of GMOs in the first week, but then a
stabilizing of the population at very low counts (approximately 10–17) for the duration of the moni-
toring, which was six months. However, current control mechanisms indicate that wild type numbers
decrease in fields not planted with potatoes. After two to three years, the numbers are low enough
to enable farmers to plant potatoes without fear of infection. This will need to be tested to the GM
strains in future field trials.

3.7.2 The capability of the GMO to disperse from the release area and the dispersal mechanisms
Containment conditions will be imposed to prevent dispersal of the GMO from the greenhouse.

3.7.3 Any other relevant information. (If reports or publications are available for any of the above
information, please furnish copies or references.)

3.8 If, at any stage in the future, biosafety regulators need to ascertain whether the GMO is the same as
the GMO specified here, what means are available?
Km resistance; hybridization; molecular fingerprinting.

3.9 Provide a protocol and materials to enable detection of foreign gene(s) in surrounding microbial,
plant, or animal life.
This protocol is a trade secret, but we will carry out identification tests on samples provided by the reg-
ulators and enable the regulators to police the detection results by providing blind positive samples.

4. Trial Release: General

4.1 Full details are required about the manner in which the trial release of the GMO is to be undertaken.
The following aspects, at least, should be addressed:

4.1.1 The location of the site for the proposed released (e.g., ordnance survey map of appropriate scale
with site marked)

Case Study 1 71
A quarantine greenhouse at the National Agricultural Research Institute, address given and map

Map of the trial site at the National Agriculture Research Institute

Labs 36km
100 m N to city

Site of trial fence

Admin. office
Pvt. road
Farm bldgs.

Trial plots

4.1.2 A description of the test site in terms of:

Size 30 sq. m
Soil Lawn and trees surround the greenhouse. Soil is loamy.
Groundwater level Water table 13 m below ground.
Topography Undulating hills.
Flora and fauna Situated in an agricultural area with interspersed natural
bush vegetation.
Climate, especially Temperate, highlands. Moderate spring and summer winds
prevailing winds predominantly from the southwest.
Former use The greenhouse is routinely used to quarantine imported
or experimental plants.
Distance from nearest 1.3 km from an informal housing settlement.
human settlements
Distance from surface waters 500 m from irrigation dam, not in catchment area. One km
from river. Rainwater runs past greenhouse complex towards
river. Very gradual slope of about 10 m in 1 km.

Distance from environmentally 50 km to nearest recreational and natural site.

and otherwise protected areas

4.1.3 A description of the environment immediately surrounding the release site

Lawn and trees.

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4.1.4 The barriers planned to segregate the experiments constituting the trial release from the surrounding
Glass, netted air vents, treated water catchment.

4.1.5 The supervision and monitoring of the trial release

Daily supervision and monitoring; kept locked.

4.1.6 The contingency plans to deal with extreme conditions such as storms, floods, and bushfires during
the course of the trial release
Shadow netting protects against hail. The research facility has standard emergency facilities for fire
and floods.

4.1.7 The provisions to remove or eliminate the GMO from the test site or any other place where it may be
found upon completing the trial release and to restore the test site and any such other place to its
status quo.
The soil, pots, and plants from the trial will be autoclaved and the room will be sterilized with a fog
of hypochlorite.

4.1.8 The arrangements for producing the GMO in quantity

In liquid broth and on agar plates.

4.1.9 The arrangements for transporting the GMO to the release site
Will be carried from the nearby laboratory.

4.1.10 The quantity of the GMO to be released

Approximately 10 ml per plant; total 400 ml.

4.2 What potential hazardous or deleterious effects resulting from the trial release of the GMO can be
Transfer of the omega cassette to other living organisms.

4.2.1 Which of these effects are to be monitored and evaluated during the trial?
Transfer of the omega cassette to other living organisms will be monitored during the greenhouse

4.2.2 How are these effects to be monitored and evaluated during the trial?
Km resistance in other bacteria seeded into the sterile soil.

4.2.3 If some effects are not going to be monitored, why not?

Case Study 1 73
4.3 Have similar releases of similar GMOs been made previously, either within or outside this country?
Yes, a similar greenhouse trial was carried out in France.

If so:
4.3.1 What were the beneficial consequences?
Statistically significant pathogen control.

4.3.2 What were the adverse consequences?

None. No transfer of the omega cassette to seeded bacteria in the soil was detected.

4.3.3 What factors might suggest a greater, or a lesser, risk for adverse consequences for the now-pro-
posed trial release? (Provide references or reports to support your statements.)
Nothing. The trials will have similar risks. Greenhouse trial report supplied in appendix.

4.4. Have similar requests or applications for the release of this particular GMO been made before?

4.4.1 Where was the application made?


4.4.2 What was the result?


4.5 Is there any evidence that the inserted genetic trait is transferable to other organisms in the release
site and surrounding environment?
Although transfer may be remotely possible, it has not yet been observed in similar trials.

4.6 What data are available to suggest that the introduced genetic trait has no deleterious effect in the
long term upon the species into which it has been introduced or allied species or any other organisms
or the environment in general?
No data available.

4.7 Is the GMO intended to modify the characteristics or abundance of other species?

4.8 What experimental results or information exist to show the probable consequences (positive and neg-
ative) of the release of such a modified organism, including impacts on:

4.8.1 Human, animal, or plant health?

None, except the decrease in bacterial wilt disease in potatoes.

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4.8.2 Agricultural production?
Control of bacterial wilt in potatoes. Long-term increase in potato production. Decrease in bacterial
wilt pathogen population.

4.8.3 Target and nontarget organisms in the area?

No potatoes are planted near the greenhouse site, but related bacteria may exist in the soils around
the site.

4.8.4 The general ecology, environmental quality, and pollution in the area?

4.8.5 The genetic resources (e.g., susceptibility of economically important species to herbicides, pesti-
cides, etc.)?
No additional impact is expected.

What is your assessment of the possible effects?

Km resistance genes and many transposable mutant elements are naturally present in soils. The
addition of a small amount of additional genes that quickly decrease to natural soil levels is not
likely to have any greater effect on genetic resources than naturally occurring gene transfers in soil
already have.

4.9 Will the trial release have any unlikely but possible impacts?

4.10 What will be the consequences if the organism remains in the environment beyond the planned
None. The greenhouse and equipment will be disinfected with the standard protocols used to elimi-
nate potentially pathogenic microorganisms.

4.11 Has a trial release been carried out in the country of origin of the GMO?
No. The bacterium is a Central African isolate.

4.11.1 If not, provide reasons why the trial release was not carried out.
No biosafety review process is available in these countries.

4.12 Provide a draft copy of a press release informing the public of the trial or general release of the GMO.

Case Study 1 75
5. Trial Release: Microorganisms Associated with Plants
5.1 What is the target species of plant?
Solanum tuberosum (potatoes).

5.2 Is the organism able to establish itself on/in nontarget species in the surrounding environment?
Not known, but possibly.

5.3 To what extent does the organism survive and reproduce on/in:

5.3.1 The target plant?

The GMO is a common pathogen of potatoes and survives effectively in potato fields. However, it
decreases to nonpathogenic levels if the fields are not planted with potatoes for two to three years.

5.3.2 The rhizosphere of the target plant species?

See 5.3.1.

5.3.3 Other plant species in the test site?

There will be no other plants in the release area.

5.3.4 And surrounding environment?

Not known.

5.4 What characteristics do you intend to impart to the target plant species?

5.5 Can these characteristics be imparted to nontarget plant species, especially those in the surrounding

5.6 In the case of soil organisms, what are the likely effects on organisms in the test area that are known
to be beneficial to plants (e.g., Rhizobium, Frankia, and mycorrhizal fungi)?
Ralstonia is not a dominant species unless potatoes are growing in the soil. While DNA can transfer
between soil organisms, the genes are already endemic to most soils.

5.7 In the case of soil organisms, what are the effects expected on soil chemistry (e.g., pH, mineral
leaching, chelation, nutrient levels)?

76 Case Study Exercises

6. Trial Release: Microorganisms to Be Used for Modifying the
Environment (e.g., biological control, pollution control)
6.1 In the case of biological control organisms, what is the biological control target species?
Ralstonia solanacearum, biovar 2.

6.2 What direct effects do the unmodified and modified organisms have on:

6.2.1 The target species?

The modified organism prevents or reduces colonization of plant by nonmodified organisms.

6.2.2 Nontarget species (including humans)?

The GMO is nonpathogenic, but the wild type causes bacterial wilt on potatoes.

6.2.3 Any plant or animal species being protected from the target species?

6.3 What is known about the organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in association with the target
species or substance?
Survival is not enhanced. The wild type pathogen is less effective at colonizing potatoes when the
GMO is present.

6.4 Can the organism establish itself in association with nontarget species or substances?
No known occurrence has been reported.

6.5 Does the organism produce metabolites that may have deleterious effects directly on other organisms
or indirectly through concentration in the food chain?

6.6 Can the modified genetic traits be transmitted to other microorganisms that are likely to be in the
Although this is remotely possible, no evidence of such transfer has been found in numerous labora-
tory studies designed to optimize such transfer.

6.7 What genetic response might be invoked in populations of the target organism as a result of the use
of the modified organism (e.g., increased resistance to the modified organism)?

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