Acedo, DIASS
Acedo, DIASS
Acedo, DIASS
Gutalac Senior High School
I. Learning Outcomes
Objectives: At the end of the session students are expected to:
a. Define communication;
b. Describe the context and the basic concepts of communication;
c. Explain the goals of communication;
d. Describe the basic elements of the communication process; and
e. Discuss the levels of communication from intrapersonal to mass communication.
Materials Needed:
Paper and Ball Pen
a. Preliminary activities
1. Start with an Opening Prayer
2. Roll call of names of absentees and present
I. Activity:
a. After grouped the circle will now choose their desired leader.
b. The desired leader now will ask his/her the members to form a line. The
leader also takes a place in the line.
c. The leader then whispers a message to one neighboring person.
d. The message will now be passed round the line by whispering to the next
person and the next, until it reaches the last person at the other end of the line
(just before the leader).
e. Ask the last person to say the sentence aloud.
f. Ask the first person who received the message from the facilitator if the
message is correct.
g. Ask several persons of the line in order to trace the changes.
II. Analysis
IV. Assignment/Agreement
- the learners will be given an article to read about how to make a good confession
and point out the importance of Communication.
Prepared by:
Acedo, Julia Mar Antonete T.
Antoline, Ace
Gonzaga, Sweety Jean