1423 Unit 06
1423 Unit 06
1423 Unit 06
Expressing Preference
Expressing Intention
We all have our preferences or choices in food, clothes, colours, music, books,
films, and people. What do we mean when we say ‘I prefer’? Well it means to make a
choice, to favour something rather than the other. We express our preferences in a
number of ways. For example:
Hammad is a 15 year old young adult. He has certain preferences of his own. Let us
listen to what he has to say about things he prefer:
Recorded Text 36
Hammad: What do I like? Hmmm… Good question... I wish I knew too. Well, I prefer
reading books than watching films which a lot of teenagers prefer these
days. I prefer spending time with a couple of good friends rather than
hanging out in markets, I love to eat good
food, preferably Italian and Chinese. I’d
rather not go for
shopping as I prefer
my mom to buy
things for me… I trust
her choice! Oh yes I
prefer sleeping late
and waking up late too… ha ha ha… . I’m rather a
sporting person I prefer watching wrestling on TV
than cricket and also go for Taekwondo that I prefer
over other gymnastics.
Exercise 1 So what do you think about Hammad? What are his preferences? Listen
to the recorded text 36 again and list all the choices or preferences he talks about.
Recorded Text 37
Rabia Garib:
The importance of Information Technology (IT) and the flexibility it provides has made
it a popular career choice for most Pakistani women. A large number of educated women
prefer taking up IT as profession. Why this preference for IT? Well, a recent
survey has proved that women have shown a great preference to IT and are inclined
towards choosing different fields of IT where they have chances of proving their
creativity. Women select IT profession because they think it also widens their horizons
and suits the demands of a dynamic and fast changing world. Women believe that it is
the best alternative to office jobs that block their creative growth. Women of Pakistan have made a choice in
favour of IT and appreciate that this can be the best profession that can allow them opportunities for personal and
professional development. The government also favours and supports women who want to choose IT as a profession
and has approved it as an excellent medium of growth for women.
Let us repeat some of the expressions of Preference taken from Ms Garib’s talk:
Exercise 2 After listening to Ms Garib’s talk, can you now answer these questions?
Listen very carefully to the recorded text 36 again and write what other words or terms she uses to express
There are more than one ways of expressing preferences. For example:
Ms R: ___________________________________________.
SR: Let me show you this. This is Chinese silk and this one is Indian.
Which one would you like to buy?
Ms R:
SR: Okay let me take you to another section. This is the cosmetics
section. Do you like to buy foreign perfumes or the local ones?
Ms R: ____________________________________________.
Exercise 4 What are your preferences or choices in different things? First make a
choice and then write a preference sentence similar to the one given in the example:
I would rather prefer a chicken tikka, please.
Recorded Text 38
Travel Agent:
I suggest Mr Leghari that you may like to fly by PIA. I also advise you to choose the
Avari Towers. It’s preferable because it’s just 20
minutes from the Airport. Moreover a lot of visitors
prefer it because Avari Towers is situated in the
centre of Karachi city, near major cultural attractions
and within walking distance of shopping and
commercial areas. You might prefer it for security
reasons too
because it has
a lot of
security. I
think another
reason you
might favour
it for is that it
reasonable rates as compared to other hotels in Karachi.
Exercise 5 What do you think? Will Mr Allahyar Leghari prefer staying at Avari
Towers hotel or not? Suppose he favours to stay there, why do you think he will prefer
it? Write the reasons he might give for his preference:
Main Dishes
Chicken with Lemon
Deep Fried Chicken
Wings with Sesame
Sliced Chicken with
Sweet & Sour Sauce
So far you have learnt to express preference. Now we will learn how to express
Intention. Read the example given below:
The above example illustrates how one can inquire about intention and express
intention. For instance, when we plan our holidays we often say:
I intend to go to Gilgit
I’m thinking of going to Gilgit
I’ve decided to go to Gilgit
My intention is to go to Gilgit
It’s my intention to go to Gilgit
Islamabad Vacations
July 4 Flight PK 306 from Karachi to Islamabad; 10:00 a.m.
July 4 Arrive at Islamabad and check in at Best Western Hotel, 6 Islamabad Club
Road, Islamabad. Visit Faisal Mosque. Also stop over at Daman-e-Koh, to
have a view of the city, and have dinner at Pir Sohawa.
Exercise 9 What do Mr and Mrs Amanullah and family intend to do during their
one week vacation in Islamabad? Write more sentences like the one given in the
example stating their intentions.
Whenever we talk about preference and intentions we normally use the future
tense. Here is an exercise, first try and do it yourself and then we will give you some
detailed explanation about the future tense.
Exercise 10 Choose the correct tense to fill in the blank spaces.
am taking
am going to take
will take
4 Javed has just phoned to say that he has still not received your letter.
Roohi and Beena are friends. They are making plans to meet each other. Let us listen to
what they are talking about. As you listen, focus your attention on the words ‘will’ and
‘going to’ they are using to express the future tense.
Recorded Text 39
Roohi: Let’s meet. We haven’t met for weeks. What will you do tomorrow?
Beena: I'll help my mom with the housework.
Roohi: When will you finish?
Beena: In the afternoon.
Roohi: So we will meet in the evening. Is it ok with you?
Beena: Sure, we are going to meet then.
The simple future has two different forms in English, ‘will’ and ‘be going to’.
Although the two forms can sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two
very different meanings. These different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but
with time and practice the differences will become clear. Both ‘will’ and ‘going to’ refer
to a specific time in the future.
In English the future tense is expressed in a number of ways. The most common are:
going to
The same idea can be expressed using two different future tense words. Read these
1 Will is used to express a voluntary action. ‘Will’ often suggests that a speaker will
do something willingly.
4 Both ‘will’ and ‘going to’ express a prediction about the future. Predictions are
guesses about what might happen in the future.
Exercise 11 Now insert ‘will’ and ‘going to’ wherever they fit suitably. Also change
the verbs given in the brackets accordingly.
5 A: It is so hot in here!
B: I (turn) _____________________the air conditioning on.
Exercise 12 Here is a list of weekend or leisure activities. What are you going to do
this weekend? Follow the examples and write similar sentences expressing your future
plans or intentions.
watch a movie
see a concert
surf the Internet
visit friends
stay home
Play snooker
play computer games
go out to eat
have a party
go on a picnic
Exercise 13 Pretend you just won Rs 50,000 in the lottery. Write at least five sentences
expressing what you will do with the money.
1 The main idea: To identify and know the main idea, the theme or the subject of a
paragraph, ask yourself these questions:
2 The topic sentence: As said earlier, every paragraph has a main idea or theme
and this main idea or theme is expressed in a sentence and that sentence is called a
topic sentence. Please remember that the sentence that expresses the main idea is called
the topic sentence of that paragraph. Think of the paragraph as a wheel with the topic
being in the centre - the central wheel around which a paragraph revolve. So let’s
repeat, within a paragraph, there is one sentence that expresses the main idea and this
sentence is called the topic sentence. The topic sentence can be located anywhere in the
paragraph, it is usually the first. You can identify the topic sentence at several positions,
such as:
3 The supporting details: When writers write they have an idea in mind that they
are trying to get across to the readers. A writer first gets his main idea clear through the
topic sentence and then adds supporting details that support the topic or central
theme, or the main idea. What are supporting details of the text? Supporting details
support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how
many. Locating the main idea, the topic sentence, and supporting details help you
understand the point the writer is trying to express.
A reading text has a theme or a main idea. The main idea is the most important
element of a reading passage or paragraph. It is the focus of the text.
We recognize the main idea if we can recognize the topic sentence. The topic
sentence announces the theme and provides the focus to the paragraph.
Supporting details are sentences are small pieces of information which provide
further details about what the writer is trying to covey to us.
Concluding sentence is the last sentence that summarizes the paragraph.
Here is an example of a well written and well organized paragraph. Read it and notice
which is the main idea that is expressed in a topic sentence, the details and the
concluding sentence.
A lot of people from all over the world are eager to get Canadian immigration. All of a
sudden to get a Canadian citizenship has become most desirable. There are three reasons
why Canada is one of the most sought after and one of the best countries in the world to
live in. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to
medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education.
Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at
university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. As a result, Canada is
a preferred place to live.
Exercise 14 Read the following text. Which one of the following titles do you think is
most suitable for the reading text?
A hungry world
Population and land use
How has population grown
Natural checks on population
Factors influencing the birth rate
War, famine and disease are all natural checks which reduce the population by increasing
the death rate.
When a growing population finds that it is becoming difficult to live off its own area of
land, people will begin to fight to keep their ‘rightful share’. This may result in internal
tension and civil strife, or a large-scale war between nations. Hitler was convinced that it
was necessary to fight the Second World War to provide more room for the expanding
German race. By the end of the war, 50 million people had been killed.
Famine usually means the sudden starvation of a mass of people whose food supply has
failed, either through bad weather, war or other reasons. But all the time people are
gradually dying from starvation or from diseases they have caught because they weak with
Exercise 15 Read the following paragraph and underline the main idea. After
identifying the main idea, how would you rewrite it in your own words.
The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books, calculators or papers are
allowed in the test room. Invigilators will not allow anyone with such items to take the test.
Anyone caught cheating will be asked to leave the room. His or her test sheet will be
taken. The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end of the test
period, all materials will be returned to the Invigilators. Failure to abide by these rules will
result in a failing grade for this test.
Exercise 16 This is a topic sentence identification exercise. Read each paragraph and
select the topic sentence which you think best expresses the main idea from the choices
given below.
Birds eat with their beaks. Different kinds of birds eat different foods.
Some birds open their beaks and eat food from the air. Some birds have
long beaks to cut holes in trees and dig out food. Some birds have
strong hooks on their beaks so that they can tear their food. Birds have
different kinds of beaks because they eat different foods.
When we think of communication, we often think of radio or television.
Communication may also be simple sounds and movements made by animals
and humans. You communicate by writing, drawing, speaking, smiling,
laughing, or frowning. You communicate by waving your hand or by a look
on your face. Communication is simply telling or showing someone your
ideas and feelings.
Exercise 17 First read each main idea and then choose the correct supporting detail
from the two choices that fits suitably with the main idea.
The prolonged rain less situation has resulted in drought like
situation in the country, as a result the wheat crop has
suffered losses and the country will have to face shortage of
wheat in the coming year. Farmers fear that they are going to
loose their cattle if the dry weather continues and the general
public is finding hard to meet their daily needs in absence of
water. Experts claim that this dry situation is the result of La
Nina phenomenon all over the world that has caused extreme
weathers in various parts around the world.
Paragraph Development
A paragraph is a series of sentences that are written in an organized and logical
way. That is all sentences are all related to each other, has one main idea and discuss a
single topic. Why do writers break their longer essays into paragraphs? Because
paragraphs show a reader where an essay begins and ends, and thus help the reader see
the organization of the essay clearly.
All paragraphs share certain characteristics or have certain elements that are common.
A typical paragraph starts with a main idea expressed in a topic sentence, then explains,
develops, or supports that main idea with supporting details. Paragraphs can contain
many different kinds of information. A paragraph might:
Unified: The sentences should all refer to the main idea. Put only one main idea
per paragraph. Strong paragraphs contain a sentence or sentences unified around
one central idea.
Coherent: The sentences should be arranged in a logical manner and should
follow a definite plan or pattern. A reasonably good paragraph normally has
three to five sentences.
Well-organized: Every idea that is discussed in the paragraph should be
adequately explained and supported through evidence. Write short paragraphs
for short papers and longer paragraphs for longer papers. If you have a few very
short paragraphs, think about whether they can be combined or whether you can
add details to support each point and thus make each into a more fully
developed paragraph.
Paragraph Structure
1 Introduction
2 Body
3 Conclusion
You can see this structure in almost all paragraphs whether they are descriptive
paragraphs, narrative paragraphs, comparing and contrasting paragraphs, etc. Each
part of the paragraph plays an important role in communicating your meaning to your
reader. Now let us try and understand the three parts of a paragraph:
1 Introduction: It is the first part of a paragraph that should include the topic
sentence. Remember we have told you so many times that the first paragraph normally
sets the theme or gives out the main idea.
2 Body: It is also called the ‘middle’ piece. It is here in this part that you should
add details, discuss, give facts, arguments, examples, and whatever information that
suits and strengthens the main idea. Remember there is no room for unnecessary or
unrelated details, but just the ones that actually relates to the main idea.
The following is an example of a well written, cohesive, coherent and well organized
paragraph that illustrates its structure or the organization pattern. In this paragraph the
topic sentence, the supporting details and the concluding sentence is printed in bold.
Internet had literally taken over our lives. We should not let this new wave take over all
other important communication and interpersonal values in our lives. We need to rethink
where the over dependence on technology should begin and where it should end. We come
across a number of people, irrespective of which ever age group they belong to, glued
to their computers, surfing different channels, joining numerous chat rooms, and last
but not the least searching for life partners through the net. Internet is robbing us
from the human interaction that is so vital in our lives; it is making us introvert,
aloof and isolated and what strike a balance between machine interaction and human
interaction………..IF we do not recognize this danger, we are likely to turn into
machines ourselves one day and too much of surfing the net and dependence on
computers will turn us as computer junkies.
As said earlier, a coherent and logical paragraph should have sentences related clearly
to the topic sentence. If sentences are logically related, a paragraph is coherent and
consistent. Each sentence flows smoothly into the next without obvious shifts or jumps.
A coherent paragraph ties old information with new information to make the structure
of ideas or arguments clear to the reader.
Exercise 19 Here is an interesting text. Read it very carefully. You will notice that
there are a two blank lines given. These blank lines are for the missing supporting
details. Read the sentences before and after and then write two supporting details that
you think fits in perfectly with the text’s main idea.
The teacher was astonished to see that her grades were falling day by day. The teacher
asked Sadia what was wrong with her but she did not say anything. She asked Sadia’s
parents to come to school so that they can disscuss the reason for her bad performance.
The next day, Sadia’s parents came. They told the teacher that Sadia is not at all taking
her studies seriously because of her spending too much time on the computer.
‘She is totally hooked to the net. We have tried our best to make her understand the
importance of education but she doesn’t listen’, her parents moaned. The teacher decided
to give the class a lecture on the misuse of computers. She told the class that although
the internet is a great blessing, it has some disadvantages as well, such as:
Therefore, it should only be used for gaining information and should not be abused.
Exercise 20 Read the list of sentences given below. They are not written logically or in
a proper order.
Rewrite them and Join them logically to create a unified and coherent paragraph
that has clarity and unity. Decide which sentence should come first, next and so
on so forth.
After you have arranged the sentences logically, which do you think is the topic
sentence that states the main idea, underline the topic sentence. Then find the
supporting details and lastly underline the concluding sentence.
1 Some of them will go the library, some sit out in open spaces, perhaps a park or a
2 Most of the students think that they tend to over eat, smoke, or chew their nails,
or stare blankly at walls or at their notes.
3 For exam preparation some students suffer from a total mental block.
4 I know many students who want to engage in sports or other physical activity
before they can work successfully.
5 Some switch on the radio or TV and need noise to help them study better.
6 Some students work quickly and efficiently, while others cannot produce
anything without much effort.
7 Different students have different learning and study styles.
8 Whatever their styles their goal is common to prepare and pass the exams.
9 Some eat or pace while they work.
10 Where as some prefer the kitchen and the bedroom as study spaces.
11 While a very few can sit for hours and not rise until their task is completed.
12 Some work with deep concentration.
13 Some need a less flexible schedule than others; they need regular breaks in
between studying.
14 Some students find strange places to study peacefully.
Listening to Announcements
Suppose you are visiting an English speaking country, listening to and understanding
train and flight information announcements at the railway station and airport can be a
challenge. In this unit we will give you some practice in understanding
Mr and Mrs Sabir Shah are in America for a visit. They are at a place where a man is
explaining details about the flight. Listen to what important details or announcements
he is making.
Recorded Text 40
Hello and Good evening. Passengers of flight American Airlines AA 417 bound for
New York will have brief stops in Atlanta and Miami. The departure gate has been
changed to 30B. Also, there will be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather
outside. The ground crew is in the process of deicing the wings in preparation for
departure. It also looks like the flight is slightly overbooked, so we are offering
complimentary round-trip tickets to a few passengers willing to take a later flight. We
should be boarding at about 8: 45 p.m. Thank you for your patience.
a pilot
b a flight attendant
c a ticket agent
d a ground crew member
a Atlanta
b Miami
c New York
d Lima
3 What change has been announced?
a It's raining
b It's cloudy
c It's hailing
d It's windy
Difficult words:
Exercise 22 Listen to the same announcement (recorded text 40) again and fill in the
given text with the correct words.
(1 )
Hello. Passengers of flight AA 417 for New York, will have brief stops in
Atlanta and Miami. The gate has been changed to 30B. Also, there will be a
(3) (4) (5)
departure delay due to weather outside. The ground
is in the process of deicing the in preparation for departure.
(7) (8)
It also looks like the flight is slightly , so we are offering
round-trip tickets to a few passengers willing to take a flight. We should
(1 0)
be boarding at about . Thank you for your patience.
Now Mr & Mrs Sabir Shah are on board. They are travelling to Seattle, a city in
America. Listen to the announcements from the pilot:
Recorded Text 41
Hello everyone, this is the captain speaking, and I want to welcome to Flight 18 bound
for Seattle. Our flight time today is 2 hours and 14 minutes, and we will be flying at an
average altitude of 29,000 feet. The local time in Seattle is a quarter to twelve, and the
weather is sunny, but there is a chance of rain later in the day. We will be arriving at
Gate 13, and we will be announcing connecting flights on our approach to the Seattle
airport. On behalf of Sky Airlines and the crew, I want to wish you an enjoyable stay in
Seattle.. Sit back and enjoy the flight.
Difficult words:
a 80
b 18
c 81
2 How long is the flight??
a 2 hours, 40 minutes
b 2 hours, 14 minutes
c 2 hours, 4 minutes
a 11:45 p.m.
b 12:15 p.m.
c 10:12 a.m.
a partly cloudy
b rainy
c sunny
a 13
c 30
Exercise 24 Listen to the same announcements (recorded text 41)again and fill in the
given text with the correct words.
(1 ) (2)
" Hello everyone, this is the captain , and I want to welcome to Flight 18
for Seattle. Our flight time today is 2 hours and 14 minutes, and we will be
flying at an (3) altitude of 29,000 feet. The (4) time in Seattle is
a quarter to twelve, and the weather is sunny, but there is a chance of rain later in the
day. We will be at Gate 13, and we will be announcing connecting flights on
our to the Seattle airport. On behalf of Sky Airlines and the crew, I want
to wish you an enjoyable (7) in Seattle.. Sit back and enjoy the flight."