Spline Casestudy

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LEAD Delivers the

Danaher Business System

(DBS) at Spline Gauges

Spline Gauges, based in Tamworth, is part of the Apex Tool Group, 50/50 owned by Danaher and Cooper
Industries and specialise in the precision manufacture of tolerance gauges and measurement instruments for
the manufacturing sector. Danaher has for many years promoted the Danaher Business System internally
with the aim of try to instil a culture of continuous improvement into all of its group companies. The overall
purpose, like any group strategy was to drive ongoing improvements to the performance of each group
business. Lean Education And Development Limited (LEAD) was asked to support and facilitate this journey
through the engagement of Spline Gauges personnel in live improvement projects. By aligning the training
and implementation materials to the DBS system, and through the use of a qualification framework, LEAD
were able to customise a full programme for Spline Gauges that complimented the group strategy while
generating real results for the local company. The qualification framework, which LEAD adapted to meet
the client’s need, attracted Government funding to reduce delivery costs while also acknowledging and
accrediting the achievements of each team and individually.

“LEAD programme generates

£39,600 worth of benefits from
just two projects”

“Spline Gauges were very experienced in Engineering

and had many employees who were at a very advanced
stage of their careers. Despite the fact that many working
practices had been followed for several years, the workforce
have been very adaptable and have taken to the programme
very well. The enthusiasm has been immense and the
results speak for themselves”
Problem Definition Failure Costs Analytical Root Cause
In process inspection 15 checks were required Fishbone or Ishikawa Lack of equipment on
time can be excessive. per day at 10 minutes Diagrams, 5 Why, 5S. the shop floor to allow
per check. At £20 per the engineers to self
During the manufacture hour this is a cost of check their own work.
of spline plug gauges £12,000 per annum plus Lack of training to allow
and master gears the the cost of no production self inspection.
engineers are required while the operator waits.
to pass off final sizes, Total cost £24,000.
specifically over pins.
This has always been
the responsibility of the
inspection department.
Normally one inspector
Provide engineers with
is designated to keep
the in-process wait time “Great training and really additional equipment
and training to check
to a minimum. This can
be a problem especially enjoyed the experience” their own work. This
would not only reduce
when a few engineers
waiting time but would
turn up at the same
also free up inspection
time and have to wait.
staff to concentrate
A log has been kept
on final inspection.
and the waiting time
The solution involved
data recorded.
establishing a new
work station, sourcing
new equipment, create
standard operating
procedures and train
operators in the
inspection functions.
“A well presented
programme, which
engaged everyone
in the Company,” Benefits
Malcolm Ryman, Managing Director
£24000 in labour
The Corridor Commandos hours now productivity
redeployed to increase
output, improved
“The result was an improved flow through the inspection department, product flow and
less waiting time in
by reducing waiting time for in-process inspection.” inspection.
Alex Moland, Design Department via apprenticeship
Problem Definition Failure Costs Analytical Root Cause
Excessive inventory £36,000 worth of Fishbone or Ishikawa Not enough trained
waiting for the inventory. Deburring Diagrams, 5 Why, 5S. personnel. Excessive
de-burring process. Parts takes 1 hour per piece transportation.
wait for 8 hours. with poor machine
location. Poor location of
machine. No training
time allocated.

“It’s nice to make a difference to the business Solution

and get the recognition for the benefits achieved” Move deburr machine
to improved location.
Train all operators in
effective deburring and
created new operating
procedure to document
approved methods.
Improve measuring,
drawing identification
and setting procedure
and training accordingly
against SOP. Conduct
5S and label all parts
accordingly for improved

75% reduction in
inventory (£27,600)
The O2 Team and cycle time reduced
from 1 hour per piece to
10 minutes. Improved
“The fact that everyone in the Company got the same training, was safety through training
and better on time
a big plus. It meant everyone was on the same wavelength.” delivery as 8 hour
Steve Dick, Production Manager waiting time removed.
Problem Measurement Machinery
Lack of 1 hour waiting Changing Wheels
trained operator for de-burr

Not enough manpower Gear Check

WIP awaiting
Tolerance of Components
waiting time change constantly Machine
of stock

Method Materials Environment

“There was good participation throughout

the group bearing in mind some had
started with no lean knowledge at all.”
Keith Emery, Commercial Manager

“The culture has shifted to take

Continuous improvement on board.”
Malcolm Ryman, Managing Director

Clive Jennings Business Development Director

Lean Education And Development Ltd. Palladium House, 139–141 Worcester Road, Hagley, Nr. Stourbridge, West Midlands

DY9 0NW E: Clivejennings@leadlimited.co.uk M: 07896 482 573 W: www.leadlimited.co.uk

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