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yy BAS70J / BAS70W BAS70-04W /BAS70-05W / BAS70-06W SMALL SIGNAL SCHOTTKY DIODE PRELIMINARY DATASHEET FEATURES AND BENEFITS en = = VERY SMALL CONDUCTION LOSSES ‘ 5 » NEGLIGIBLE SWITCHING LOSSES We a for m LOW FORWARD VOLTAGE DROP « = SURFACE MOUNT DEVICE * a " BAS70W BAS70-06W DESCRIPTION “ 7 C Schottky barrier diodes encapsulated either in | me fer ‘ ae foe ‘807-323 ot SOD-323 small SMD packages. Single and double diodes with different pining are bw = available. BAS70-05W BAS70-04W SOT-323 BS oo. BAS70J S0D-323 ABSOLUTE RATINGS (limiting values) ‘Symbol Parameter Value Unit Vanu_| Repetitive peak reverse voltage 70 Vv it _ | Continuous forward current 15 mA trsm_| Surge non repetitive forward current tp=10ms 1 A Pix | Power dissipation (note 1) ‘SOD-323 230 mW Tamb = 25°C ‘SOT-323 Tao__| Maximum storage temperature range ~6510+150 | °C T__| Maximum operating junction temperature* 150 °C T._[ Maximum temperature for soldering during 10s 260 °C Note 1:for double diodes, Pots thetotal issipaton of bath dodes, +, OPtot 4 Tj ~ Fixj-a) November 1999 - Ed: 3A thermal runaway condition for a diode on its own heatsink 4S BAS70J / BAS70W/ BAS70-04W/ BAS70-05W / BAS70-06W. ‘THERMAL RESISTANCE ‘Symbol Parameters Value Unit Rexg-a) | Junotion to ambient (*) s0D-323 550 sciw SOT-323 sc (7 Mounted on epoxy board, with ecommended pad layout STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (per diode) Symbol Test Conditions Min. | Typ. | Max. | Unit Ver | Ti=25°C I= 10WA 70 v Vet | Tj=25°C Ie=1mA 410 | mv in | T)=25°C Va=50V 100 | na Pulsetest, tp = 980i, 6 < 2% “ip=5ms,5-<2% DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS Symbol Test Conditions min. | Typ. | Max. | unit Cc | T=25°¢ Va=0VF=1MHz 2 | pe vt | T)=25C p= 5mA Krakauer Method 100 | ps * Efecve carer We time 25 HI BAS70J / BAS70W/ BAS70-04W / BAS70-05W / BAS70-06W Fig. 1 current Forward voltage drop versus forward 1eMca) 7E2 1E2 1e3 VM) 4, bo 02 04 06 08 1.0 12 14 1.6 18 20 1 Fig, 3: Reverse leakage current versus junction temperature (typical valves). IRA) 5e42 1e2 test 160 te 12, Fig. 5: Relative variation of thermal impedance junction to ambient versus pulse duration (epoxy FR4 with recommendedpad layout, S(Cu)=35um) Zihg-ayRth(-2) 1.00 010 109), | OS ER TET EKO TEST TEN? ig. 2: Reverse leakage current versus reverse voltage applied (typical values) IRA) te 1e.0 1E4 1e2 vv) 0S 10 15 20 25 20 a5 40 45 0 55 60 G5 70 1E9, Fig. 4: Junction capacitance versus reverse voltage applied (typical values) cipF) Fig. 6: Thermal resistance junction to ambient versus copper surface under each lead (Epoxy printed circuit board FR4, copper thickness: 35um). 600 550 500 350 (Cu) (mm ) 300 0 «5 «4 15 2 25 30 35 40 45 50 3s BAS70J / BAS70W/ BAS70-04W/ BAS70-05W / BAS70-06W. PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA SOT-323, { 4 DIMENSIONS a | T REF.| _Millimeters Inches : Hl Min. [ Typ. [Max.| Min. | Typ. | Max. ary t y A | 08 1.1 [0.031 0.043 0.0 01 [00 0.004 0.25 0.4 [0.010 0.016 ot 0.26 [0.004] 0.010 18 | 20 | 22 |o.071[0.079[0.086 1.15 | 1.25 [ 1.35 [o.045[0.049[0.053 0.65 0.026 18 | 21 | 24 [o.071[0.083/0.094 01 | 02 | 03 |0.004/0.008] 0.012 0 30°] 0 30° 45 HI BAS70J / BAS70W/ BAS70-04W / BAS70-05W / BAS70-06W PACKAGE MECHANICAL DATA, SOD-328 DIMENSIONS REF. | Millimeters Inches Min. | Max. [ Min. | Max. A 1.47 0.046 AL oO 4 0 | 0.004 b_ | 025 [ 04a | 001 | 0017 c o1 | 0.25 | 0.004 | 0.01 p_| 152 [ 18 | 006 | 0071 Eat [145 | 0.044 | 0.057 H c 23 | 27 | 009 | 0.106 o1 | 046 | 0.004 | 0.02 ar | o1 [041 [ 0.004 [ 0016 Orderingtype | __Marking Package Weight Baseqty | Delivery mode BAS70W 28 SOT-323 0.0069 3000 Tape 8 reel BAS70-04W D3t SOT-328 0.0069 3000 Tape & reel BAS70-05W 030 SOT-323 0.0069 3000 Tape & reel BAS70-06W 29 SOT-323 0.0069 3000 Tape & reel BAS70J 76 SOD-323 0.0059 3000 Tape & reel = Epoxy meets UL94,VO Informaton funished is boleved o be acoutate and olbie. Howover, STAxoolotronis assumes m0 responsi forthe consoquonasof Use of seh information nor fran infengement of patenis or Sher igs tthraparios which may esl rm i se No eons is grantedby Implicaion or olterwica under any patont or plone nghis of STHacroslscronks. Spectators mentonod in Ws publeatlon ae subject ange wioutnotce Tis pubeaton supersedes and replaces al information povously supplied ‘STieroslectonis products are net auhorzod for use as ctcal componens n fe supped dvices or systoms without express writen ap proval of STMeoatsctronics ‘The ST logos a registered trademark of STMlcroslectronics (© 1999 STMicroetectronics - Printed in Italy ~All rights reserved ‘STMicroelectronies GROUP OF COMPANIES ‘Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia, Malta - Morocco ~ Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A 4 55

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