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The use of Learner's Material in teaching and learning of students in schools in

today is not absolutely new. Nowadays technological equipment has been introduced

recently into the teaching and learning process. Involving technology and the new

communication media efforts and increasing the application of instructional materials aides

to the development of the learning process.

Some teachers use technological equipment than using learner's material in

teaching. Teachers are faced with the problem of talking about Learners material without

making bold attempts. It is practically important that teacher's keep in mind the purpose for

which Learner's Material are very useful for student studies, some student wanted to choose

textbook than technological equipment because some of them are fun of reading. The

purpose of Learners Material is to enhance the knowledge of student in terms of studying.

Therefore, whether in a formal or informal situation, knowledge is easily

assimilated. The purpose of this study is to find the importance of Learner's Material and

how the teacher's equipped well in terms of teaching students by the use of Learner's

material to gain more knowledge taking cognizance of information from both electronic

and printed media.



Input Process Output

 Available Learner's  Internet Searching  Suggest possible

Material  Gathering Data through intervention to

 Effects of Academic Questionnaire address the

Materials unavailability of

 Effects of Study Habits Learning's Material.

The figure presents Conceptual Framework where the Input it signifies the

unavailability and effects of Learner's Material while on the other hand, the Process include

the techniques of gathering information’s or data. Through questionnaire the Output is

possible solutions/outcomes to address the unavailability of Learning's Material.

According to (Philips, 1966). This attempt must be viewed as a bare beginning, a

single step along the road to an understanding of the complex interrelationships which

obtain between learning instruction on the one hand and teachers, pupils, media, structures,

and school organization on the other.



This study aims to investigate the Effects of the absence of learner's material among

grade 11 Humanities and social sciences of Ormoc City Senior High School during the

School Year 2018-2019.

Specifically, this aims to answer the following:

1. What are the Available Learner's Materials in your strand?

2. What are the adjustment of the students regarding the absence of the

Learner's Material?

3. How does Learner’s Material affect the academic performance of the students?


Ho: Learner's Materials will not affect on the Academic Performance of the Grade

11HUMSS Students.

H1: Learner's Material will affect on the Academic Performance of the Grade 11 HUMSS



Study on The Effects of Learners Material in Grade 11 HUMSS Students, aims to

know the characteristics and the needs of the students that will serve as the basis for

selecting the materials to be use to help learners.

The participants of the Study are the Grade 11 Humanities and Social sciences

students of Ormoc City Senior High School OCSHS. This school is located at Narra St.

barangay Don Felipe Larrazabal St. Ormoc city. The data will be gathered by distributing

questionnaire to the participants, a follow up interview will be conducted for clarification

purpose. The study will be conducted during the first semester of the school year 2018-

2019. Focus of this study is to identify the effects of the absence of Learner's Material on

the academic performance, and the study habits, and adjustments made by the students to

cope with the problem.


The result of the study will be beneficial to the following entities. Students,

Teacher's, Government and the Researchers. This study will assist the students in

secondary school of Ormoc City Senior High School Grade11 HUMSS to adopt the

consistent use of Learner's Material to make learning interesting and enhance better

understanding by the students. More so, it is seen and believed that the use of instructional

materials will immensely help in creating visual interaction in the mind of the learners. So,

the government should provide a supply of learner's material to the students to improve

their knowledge skills. Researchers also will enhance and improve their research skill.


LEARNERS MATERIAL- It is a main topic of the research where in the respondents

depends this as their part of their learning process.

HUMSS STRAND- It is the subject or the main respondent of the study.

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE- This refers to the level of grade or score that a

student’s/respondent obtain in class test or examination.

INSRUCTIONAL AID- This can be used interchangeably as instructional material. They

are aid used by the teachers in class to supplement of knowledge with a view to

emphasizing of clarification instruction.



From a distance, one would think that they are playing because of the noise

they are making as they scramble for a textbook — the only one available for them

for sharing. This scenario, captured in the city recently, is typical of what happens at

many schools nationwide, where eight or more pupils share a single textbook. It

some cases, it is even worse because the teacher is the only one with a textbook and

has to read relevant sections out to his class and write notes on the board.

The critical shortage of textbooks and other teaching and learning materials has

affected the education sector a great deal.

The current pupil to textbook ratio stands at one to 10 but in rural areas, it is

worse with as much as 20 percent of primary schools in those areas without any

textbooks at all. In an initiative aimed at mobilizing resources for the education

sector and reversing the trend, the Government came up with a donor-driven

textbook provision scheme under the Education Transition Fund (ETD) early this

year. Presence

This initiative seeks to counter the shortage of resources in the education

sector and reduce the student-textbook ratio to 1:1. In recent years textbook

shortages have hit public schools at both primary and secondary level. Teachers

have welcomed the Government’s programmed of distributing textbooks to primary

schools nationwide. They say provision of textbooks and other support teaching and

learning materials is central to quality delivery of education at all levels. Absence of

these in the past years has negatively affected the quality of education.

This is why a senior teacher at Insukamini Primary School in Bulawayo

thinks the distribution of textbooks will improve the nation’s pass rate. “The

shortage of textbooks is affecting the performance of students. Primary learning is a

foundation for secondary level and once it is not strong there is a problem,

secondary schools end up producing semi-literate students,” said the teacher, who

refused to be named for professional reasons. The lack of books has brought

immense challenges upon pupils and teachers alike, said Mrs. Molly Mtigwe, a

Grade Seven teacher at a local primary school. She said up to eight pupils are forced

to crowd around a single textbook at her school and from that book they should all

see and grasp the concept being taught. “Eight pupils have to share a single book. It

is difficult for those in the far corners to access the contents and in the end, they

lose out on some concepts and it becomes difficult for pupils to attain good grades,”

Mrs. Mtigwe said. The learning environment for pupils has turned into that of

struggling to access information. If pupils have to stand up or strain themselves to

reach textbooks does education seem enjoyable to them?

The shortage of textbooks has made it difficult for teachers to complete

syllabi as they are often forced to move at a slower pace. This greatly affects Grade

Seven pupils when they sit for their final exams.Another Grade Seven teacher at

another local school said the pupils rely mostly on the teacher and the chalkboard,

which makes it difficult to progress fast. She added that if the syllabus is not

completed there is no time for revisions, which must normally prepare pupils for


Teachers are now experiencing an extra workload, as, in the words of a Grade

Two teacher, they now have to transfer what is in the books onto the chalkboard.

“We have swarms of work to write on the chalkboard. When the pupils are

answering a comprehension passage I have to copy it on the chalkboard, I cannot

dictate it to them because they are young,” she said. Another teacher said a reading,

spelling and word construction foundation is established at the first stage of primary

education and it is necessary that it is strong. “In primary education as a pupil

advances the lessons advance, each grade has a particular area it tackles. Grade One

lays a foundation for reading and writing and once these are not established the

child is academically malnourished,” she said. She explained that Grade One pupils

learn through seeing and experiencing the real thing and not through abstracts.

“Children are now in blinkers, they only learn what they are taught which has

crippled their education,” Mrs. Mtigwe said. A survey carried out by Chronicle in

local primary schools showed that most schools are facing a serious shortage of

textbooks and teaching resources, which makes the learning process difficult.

Mismanagement of textbooks in schools has contributed to scarcity of textbooks in

local schools. To verify this problem in preparation of the coming books the

Ministry of Education has organized workshops, an initiative that teaches each

district in the city about maintenance of books. A local primary school head who

attended one of the workshops recently at Coghlan Primary School said the

programmed was a good initiative meant to equip staff members on record-keeping.

“We attended a workshop as the Mzilikazi District. We were encouraged to come up

with a master asset register which contains a record of all textbooks in the school,

and a class asset register containing records for each class,” he said. He added that

the initiative taken by the Government to distribute books was a blessing to national

schools, which should not be blown away. “This is a good opportunity to re-

establish the education level in our nation and we have to monitor the maintenance

of these books,” he said. The challenges teachers and pupils are facing in the wake

of the acute shortage of textbooks and other learning materials could, however, be a

thing of the past as distribution of the books under the ETF and targeting the

remotest parts has started. The process will run for the next three months.

Launching the ETF textbook distribution programmed recently, Prime

Minister Morgan Tsvangirai said the goal of the exercise is to mobilize resources for

the education sector where each pupil in country’s 5 575 primary schools would

receive a set of four basic textbooks. Early this year, the Ministry of Education,

Sport, Arts and Culture, UNICEF and other donors entered into a partnership to

produce a total of 13 250 000 textbooks and stationery kits nationwide under the

ETF in a bid to improve the quality of education in the country. The Minister of

Education, Sport, Arts and Culture, David Coltart, said the distribution of textbooks

would give priority to rural schools.

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The researcher used the survey research design to specifically, know the effects of

Learner's Material to grade 11 HUMSS students. Through survey the researcher will

probably understand and comprehend the answers or response of the respondent. In order

to know the answers of every respondent, the researcher used a questionnaires and

interviews to determine the Effects of Learner's Material to the grade 11 HUMSS students.

By this method the researcher can gathered more data about the given problem and can

make a good and cleared results about the research problem.


This study will take place in Ormoc City Senior High School under the strand

Humanities and Social Sciences, particularly the grade 11 students. The school is located in

Barangay Don Felipe Larrazabal, Ormoc City.


The respondents are Grade 11 students from OCSHS Barangay Don Felipe

Larrazabal, Ormoc City. The researcher chose respondents from different sections under

HUMSS strand with any ranging of age including male, female and LGBTQS.
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The researcher will be utilized self-made questionnaires to gather the necessary

data. A follow-up interview will be conducted for clarification purposes.


1. The researcher will send a letter to the principal asking for permission to conduct the


2. Then the letter will be sent to the respondents asking for permission for them to serve as

subject of the study.

3. Questionnaires will be distributed to the respondents after securing the permit. Copies of

the approved questionnaire were distributed in order to gather the relevant data.
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HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES STUDENTS present the results of the study

based on the following research questions:

1. What are the Available Learner's Materials in your strand?

2. What are the adjustments of the students regarding the absence of the Learner’s


3. How does Learner’s Material affect the academic performance of the students?

I. The available Learner’s Material in HUMSS strand.

Based on the data gathered the available Learner’s Material in Grade 11 Humanities

and Social Science Strand are Oral communication, General Mathematics, Earth and life

Sciences, Personal Development, Komunikasyon at Pananaliksik, 21st Century Literature,

PE and health, Empowerment and Technologies and Introduction to World Religion.

II. Effects of Learner’s Material to the Academic Performance of the students

NO Figure 1 presents the result of the

question, “Do you think learner’s

material affects the academic

performance of the students?” Based

94% 2
YES on the data gathered, 94% said Yes

while 6% said No.

Figure 1
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Table 1. The Effects of Learner’s Material to the Academic Performance of the



Understand the lesson better 13 20%

Read and study in advance 9 14%

Difficult lessons 19 29%

Participate during discussion 1 2%

Unavailable LM’s leads to difficulty in 7 11%

performing classroom activities

Low grades 3 5%

Cannot understand the lessons 4 6%

Lack of knowledge 1 2%

Advance study 1 2%

Enhance their reading 6 9%

TOTAL 64 100%

Table 1 presents the effects of Learner’s Material to the Academic Performance of

the Students. It shows that 29% of the respondents said that the effects of learner’s material

to the academic performance of the students are having difficulty in lessons. 20% said

understand the lesson better, 12% of the students said read and study in advance and

Unavailable LM’s leads to difficulty in performing classroom activities, 9% of the students

said enhance their reading. 6% said cannot understand the lessons and 2% of students said

advance study, low grades and lack of knowledge.

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Table 2. The effects of the study habits of the students in HUMSS strand.


 Makes work easier 13 16%

 Helps in taking down notes 1 1%

 Enhance knowledge 14 18%

 Understand clear topics 3 4%

 Do advance reading 3 4%

 Hard to catch-up the lessons 39 49%

 Internet surfing 4 5%

 Financial/Money 1 1%

 Less grade 2 3%

TOTAL 80 38%

Table 2 presents the effects of the study habits of the students in HUMSS strand. It

shows that 49% of the students said that they are hard to catch-up their lessons while 18%

said that it enhanced their knowledge, 16% said it make work easier, 5% of the students

stated internet surfing. 4% of students stated understand clear topics and do advance

reading, 3% of the students said that got less grade and 1% of the students said helps taking

down notes and financial money.

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Table 3. The adjustment or intervention that can be proposed to address the problem.


 Internet surfing 9 15%

 Consult other people 3 5%

 Provide books 48 79%

 Take good care of LM 1 2%

TOTAL 61 29%

TABLE 3 presents the adjustment or intervention that can be proposed to address

the problem. 79% of the students said to provide book, 15% of the students’ states internet

surfing while 5% of the students said to consult other people and 2% of the students said

take good care of Learner’s Material.

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I. The available learner's materials in your strand Science strand

Based on the data that the researcher gathered on their survey they definitely got the

available Learner’s Material of the grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences and

this are the following Learner’s Material; Oral communication, General

Mathematics, Earth and life Sciences, Personal Development, Komunikasyon at

Pananaliksik, 21st Century Literature, PE and health, Empowerment and

Technologies and Introduction to World Religion.

II. The adjustments of the students regarding the absence of the

Learner's Material.

On the data that the researcher gathered the different answers of the

respondents regarding the adjustment of the students on the absence of Learner’s

Material are to provide books, surfing on the internet. The majority answers of the

respondents are to provide books for the students because it really helps the

students to improve their academic performance in school. The Government should

provide a Learner’s Material for the students for their studies and to be more

productive in school.

III. The Learner’s Material affects the academic performance of the students.
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Based on the data that the researcher gathered, table 1 shows the different

percentage of the students that stated the different effects of Learner’s Material to

the grades. One of the effects of this is that the students get tired easily during the

teacher’s discussion, because of their lack of knowledge on the subjects that are

being discussed.


Therefore, the researcher conclude that the Learner’s Material are very important to

the students for their studies, without Learner’s Material there is a big possibility that the

students will get low grades and failing grades. The students will do an adjustment

regarding the absence of learner’s material like; surfing on the internet to get some

information. But the important thing that they should have is Learner’s Materials so that

they can study in advance to improve their academic performance.


 The next researcher who will conduct the same study, they can improve this

research all about the Effect of Learner’s Material if they would.

 The Department of Education should provide a budget for text books in every

schools in Senior High School, so that the students will not be able to experience

lack of learning due to lack of learner’s material.

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