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Introduction To Computing

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STORAGE- a process through which digital data is saved within OPTICAL DISK- any computer disk that uses optical storage
a data storage device by means of computing technology.A techniques and technology to read and write
mechanism that enables a computer to retain data, either Data.
temporarily or permanently. ENTERPRISE STORAGE- refers to a centralized data
VOLATILE STORAGE MEMORY- the major type of the storage depository that is designed for the needs of a large
that saves data temporarily? Ex: cache memory and (RAM). organization.
storage mechanism that retains digital data even if it’s powered the user to complete electronic transactions or access a locked
off or isn’t supplied with electrical power. Ex: a hard disk, USB physical space.
storage and optical media. SMART CARD- used for a variety of applications but are most
MEMORY- Memory refers to short-term location of temporary commonly used as credit cards and other payment cards.
data and memory is cleared every time a computer is turned off. RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION TAG (RFID TAG) -an
STORAGE DEVICES- Storage devices of computers refer to electronic tag that exchanges data with a radio frequency
the hardware used to store digital data pre-input or generated identification (RFID) reader by using radio waves.
later within a computer. MICROFILM- uses a roll of photographic film to
STORAGE MEDIUM- a physical device that receives and store images of your documents.
retains electronic data for applications and users and makes the MICROFICHE-a flat sheet of microfilm, rather than a role.
data available for retrieval. COMPUTER COMMUNICATION-describes a process in
STORAGE CAPACITY- refers to the specific amount of data which two or more computers or devices transfer data,
storage that a device or system can accommodate. instructions, and information.
STORAGE ACCESS TIME- Memory access time is how long it SENDING & RECEIVING DEVICES- Used for
takes for a character in RAM to be transferred to or from the sending(originate) and receiving(accept) messages
CPU. CONNECTION DEVICE- the bridge between the sending and
DISK ACCESS TIME- how long it takes to obtain the first data receiving devices are the communication channel
character after initiating a request. It includes the time to move DATA TRANSMISSION SPECIFICATION- the rules and
the read/write head to the track (seek time) and time to rotate procedures that coordinate the devices
the platter to the sector (latency). COMMUNICATION CHANNEL- the actual connecting or
transmission medium that carries the message
PHYSICAL NETWORK- represents the computer network
topology that includes the computer devices, location and cable
TWISTED PAIR CABLE- are twisted around each other
to reduce crosstalk and outside Interference. This type of
cabling is common in current LANs.
→UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair)
→STP (Shielded Twisted-Pair)
COAXIAL- an inner conductor that runs down the middle of the
cable.This type of cabling comes in two types thinnet & thicknet.
Both types have a maximum transmission speed of 10 Mbps.
FIBER OPTIC- uses optical fibers to transmit data in the form of
HARD DISK DRIVE- a non-volatile computer storage device light signals.
containing magnetic disks or platters rotating at high speeds. Single-mode fiber (SMF) – uses only a single ray of light to
STORAGE CARDS- a type of storage device that is used for carry data. Used for larger distances.
storing media and data files. Multi-mode fiber (MMF) – uses multiple rays of light to carry
FLASH MEMORY- a non-volatile memory chip used for storage data. Less expensive than SMF.
and for transferring data between a personal computer (PC) NETWORK INTERFACE- a special electronic circuit or external
and digital devices. jack which a network cable can plug in.
CLOUD STORAGE- a cloud computing model in which data is HUB- connect multiple computer networking devices together.
stored on remote servers and accessed over the internet

SWITCH- A switch is a multiport device that improves network

TERMINAL/TERMINATOR-indicate the flow chart
starting and ending points.
BRIDGES- used to connect two or more hosts or network
FLOW LINES-the next step to be performed.
segments together.
ROUTER- a common type of gateway. It is positioned where
two or more networks meet INPUT/OUTPUT- The parallelograms designate input
MODEMS- used to transmit digital signals over analog or output operations
telephone lines. PROCESS-a mathematical computation, or a
BANDWIDTH- The maximum amount of data transmitted over variable assignment.
an internet connection in a given amount of time. DECISION-the true/false statement being tested in a
Categories of Bandwidth decision symbol.
VOICE BAND-specified for voice communications in the
public switched telephone network (PSTN). PREPARATION- this use to declare the variables
MEDIUM BAND- is used to transmit data over a long distance. needed in a system.
BROADBAND-is the transmission of wide bandwidth data over
a high speed internet connection. DATA STORAGE
BASEBAND- used to connects computers that are close to
one another but can only carry a single signal at a time. DATA BASE
NETWORK- two or more computers connected by a cable or by
a wireless so that they can exchange information PREDEFINED PROCESS -represents a group of
TYPES OF NETWORKS statements performing one processing task.
LAN - Local Area Network (consists of a computer network at a
single site, typically an individual office building.) ON PAGE CONNECTOR- Connects two parts of a
WAN - Wide Area Network (occupies a very large area, such flowchart on the same page.
as an entire country or the entire world.Contain multiple
smaller networks, such as LANs or MANs.) OFF PAGE CONNECTOR- Connects two parts of a
WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network (using wireless flowchart in different pages.
communication within a limited area like home, school, or office
MAN - Metropolitan Area Network (consists of a computer
network across an entire city, college campus or small region.)
PAN - Personal Area Network.(a computer network organized
around an individual person within a single building.)
physical and logical design of the software, hardware, protocols
PEER-TO-PEER NETWORK- a network in which all the
computers are linked together with equal privilege and
responsibilities for processing the data.
NETWORK TOPOLOGY- refers to the physical or logical layout
of a network.

FLOWCHART- a tool that allows you to break any process

down into individual activities and shows the logical
relationships between them.

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