Abb Ag: RTU560 / RTU211
Abb Ag: RTU560 / RTU211
Abb Ag: RTU560 / RTU211
Application, characteristics and technical data The DIP switch S2 (1-4) sets the starting ad-
have to be taken from the hardware data dress of the I/O modules. This address is nor-
sheet: mally 1 (S2 (1-4) = Off). Other starting ad-
dresses are necessary, if the whole address
23AD64 1KGT 150 670 space of the I/O modules is needed (see Table
The Adaptor 23AD64 is an adaptor to connect
RTU211 extension racks. It is also used to ex- Start- S2-1 S2-2 S2-3 S2-4
tend the serial peripheral bus over distances of Address
more than app. 30 cm. The interface adaptor 1 Off Off Off Off
is always used together with the power supply
unit 23PU63. 2 On Off Off Off
Power Technologies Division
Power Technology Systems
Subject to alteration