Lect2 - 2009 1 API MFC

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Windows Programming with MFC

MFC Programming
? MFC:

The Microsoft Foundation Class Library ? Additional Notes:

http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~reckert/360/class14.htm http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~reckert/360/class15.htm http://www.cs.binghamton.edu/~reckert/360/10.html

? The

Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) Library- A Hierarchy of C++ classes designed to facilitate Windows programming An alternative to using Win32 API functions A Visual C++ Windows app can use either Win32 API, MFC, or both

Some Characteristics of MFC


Offers convenience of REUSABLE CODE

Many tasks in Windows apps are provided by MFC Programs can inherit and modify this functionality as needed MFC handles many clerical details in Windows pgms Functionality encapsulated in MFC Classes

Produce smaller executables ? Can lead to faster program development ? MFC Programs must be written in C++ and require the use of classes

Programmer must have good grasp of OO concepts

Help on MFC Classes


See Online Help (Index) on:

MFC Hierarchy Hierarchy Chart MFC Reference

On the Web:

Base MFC Class

CObject: At top of hierarchy ("Mother of almost all MFC classes) ? Provides features like:

Serialization Runtime class information Diagnostic & Debugging support Some important macros

All its functionality is inherited by any classes derived from it

Some Important Derived Classes

? CFile ? CDC ? CGdiObject ? CMenu

? CCmdTarget:

Encapsulates message passing process and is parent of:

Base class from which all windows are derived Encapsulates many important windows functions and data members Examples:
m_hWnd stores the windows handle Create() creates a window

Most common subclasses:

CFrameWindow CView CDialog

? CCmdTarget

also parent of:

CWinThread: Defines a thread of execution and is the parent of:

CWinApp Encapsulates an MFC application Controls following aspects of Windows programs: Startup, initialization, execution, the message loop, shutdown An application should have one CWinApp object When instantiated, application begins to run


Primary task in writing an MFC program

? To

create/modify classes ? Most will be derived from MFC library classes

MFC Class Member Functions

? Most

functions called by an application will be members of an MFC class ? Examples:

ShowWindow()--a member of CWnd class TextOut()--a member of CDC LoadBitmap()--a member of CBitmap
? Applications

can also call API functions


Use global scope resolution operator
Example ::UpdateWindow(hWnd);

MFC Global Functions

? Not

members of any MFC class ? Independent of or span MFC class hierarchy ? Example:

Message Processing under MFC

? ? ? ?

API mechanism: switch/case statement in apps WndProc Under MFC, WndProc is buried in MFC framework Message handling mechanism: Message Maps "
lookup tables the MFC WndProc searches

A Message Map contains:

A Message number A Pointer to a message-processing function These are members of CWnd You override the ones you want your app to respond to Like virtual functions Message-mapping macros set these up

MFC Windows Programming (App/Window Approach)


Simplest MFC programs must contain two classes derived from the hierarchy: 1. An application class derived from CWinApp
Defines the application provides the message loop

2. A window class usually derived from CWnd or CFrameWnd

Defines the application's main window

To use these & other MFC classes you must have: #include <Afxwin.h> in the .cpp file

MFC Windows Programming (Document/View Approach)

? Frequently

need to have different views of same data ? Doc/View approach achieves this separation:
Encapsulates data in a CDocument class object Encapsulates data display mechanism & user interaction in a CView class object

Relationship between Documents, Views, and Windows

Document/View Programs
Almost always have at least four classes derived from: CFrameWnd CDocument CView CWinApp ? Usually put into separate declaration (.h) and implementation (.cpp) files

? Lots

of initialization code

Could be done by hand, but nobody does it that way

Microsoft Developer Studio AppWizard and ClassWizard Tools

Tool that generates a Doc/View MFC program framework automatically ? Can be built on and customized by programmer ? Fast, efficient way of producing Windows Apps ? Creates functional CFrameWnd, CView, CDocument, CWinApp classes ? After AppWizard does it's thing:

Application can be built and run Full-fledged window with all common menu items, tools, etc.

Other Visual Studio Wizards


Dialog boxes that assist in generating code

Generate skeleton message handler functions
Set up the message map

Connect resources & user-generated events to program response code Insert code into appropriate places in program
Code then can then be customized by hand

Create new classes or derive classes from MFC base classes Add new member variables/functions to classes

In .NET many wizards available through Properties window

SKETCH Application
? Example

of Using AppWizard and ClassWizard ? User can use mouse as a drawing pencil Left mouse button down:
lines in window follow mouse motion
? Left

mouse button up: clicks "Clear" menu item

sketching stops
? User

window client area is erased

Sketch data (points) won't be saved So leave document (CSketchDoc) class created by AppWizard alone ? Base functionality of application (CSketchApp) and frame window (CMainFrame) classes are adequate Leave them alone ? Use ClassWizard to add sketching to CSketchView class

Sketching Requirements
? Each

time mouse moves:

If left mouse button is down:

Get a DC Create a pen of drawing color Select pen into DC Move to old point Draw a line to the new point Make current point the old point Select pen out of DC


m_butdn ? CPoint m_pt, m_ptold ? COLORREF m_color ? CDC* pDC

Steps in Preparing SKETCH

1. File / New / Project
Project Type: Visual C++ Projects Template: MFC Application Enter name: Sketch

2. In Welcome to MFC Application Wizard

Application type: Single Document Application Take defaults for all other screens

3. Build Application --> Full-fledged SDI App with empty window and no functionality

4. Add member variables to CSketchView

Can do manually in .h file Easier to:
Select Class View pane Click on SketchView class
Note member functions & variables

Right click on CSketchView class

Choose Add / Variable Launches Add Member Variable Wizard Variable Type: enter CPoint Name: m_pt Access: Public (default) Note after Finish that its been added to the .h file

Repeat for other variables (or add directly in .h file):

CPoint m_ptold bool m_butdn COLORREF m_color CDC* pDC

5. Add message handler functions:

Select CSketchView in Class View Select Messages icon in Properties window
Results in a list of WM_ messages

Scroll to WM_LBUTTONDOWN & select it Add the handler by clicking on down arrow and <Add> OnLButtonDown
Note that the function is added in the edit window and the cursor is positioned over it: After TODO enter following code: m_butdn = TRUE; m_ptold = point;

? Repeat

process for WM_LBUTTONUP handler:

Scroll to WM_LBUTTONUP Click: <Add> OnLButtonUp, Edit Code by adding:
m_butdn = FALSE;


Scroll to WM_MOUSEMOVE Click: <Add> OnMouseMove Edit by adding code:
if (m_butdn) { pDC = GetDC(); m_pt = point; CPen newPen (PS_SOLID, 1, m_color); CPen* pPenOld = pDC->SelectObject (&newPen); pDC->MoveTo (m_ptold); pDC->LineTo (m_pt); m_ptold = m_pt; pDC->SelectObject (pPenOld); }

6. Initialize variables in CSketchView constructor

Double click on CSketchView constructor
CSketchView(void) in Class View

After TODO, Add code:

m_butdn = FALSE; m_pt = m_ptold = CPoint(0,0); m_color = RGB(0,0,0);

7. Changing Windows Properties

Use windows SetWindowXxxxx() functions
In CWinApp-derived class before window is shown and updated

Example: Changing the default window title

m_pMainWnd->SetWindowTextW( TEXT(Sketching Application));

There are many other SetWindowXxxxx() functions that can be used to change other properties of the window

8. Build and run the application

Menus and Command Messages

User clicks on menu item ? WM_COMMAND message is sent ? ID_XXX identifies which menu item (its ID) ? No predefined handlers

We write the OnXxx() handler function Must be declared in .h file and defined in .cpp file

Event handler wizard facilitates this

Adding Color and Clear Menu Items to SKETCH App


Resource View (sketch.rc folder)

Double click Menu folder Double click IDR_MAINFRAME menu Add: Drawing Color popup menu item with items: Red, ID_DRAWING_COLOR_RED (default ID) Blue, ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_BLUE Green, ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_GREEN Black, ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_BLACK Add another main menu item: Clear Screen, ID_CLEARSCREEN
Set Popup property to False

Add Menu Item Command Handler Function

One way: Use Event Handler Wizard In Resource View bring up menu editor Right click on Red menu item Select Add Event Handler ? Event Handler Wizard dialog box Class list: CSketchView Message type: COMMAND Function handler name: accept default

Click on Add and edit After TODO in editor enter following code: m_color = RGB(255,0,0);

Another Method of Adding a Menu Item Command Handler

In Class View Select CSketchView In Properties window select Events (lightning bolt icon) Scroll down to: ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_RED Select COMMAND Click <Add> OnDrawingcolorRed handler Edit code by adding: m_color = RGB(255,0,0);

Repeat for ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_BLUE Code: m_color = RGB(0,0,255); Repeat for ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_GREEN Code: m_color = RGB(0,255,0); Repeat for ID_DRAWINGCOLOR_BLACK Code: m_color = RGB(0,0,0); Repeat for ID_CLEAR Code: Invalidate();

Destroying the Window

? Just

need to call DestroyWindow()

Do this in the CMainFrame class usually in response to a Quit menu item

Build and Run the Application

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